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PoniCube: /mlp/ Minecraft Classic Server

By Tracy_Cage
Created: 2021-11-13 04:10:22
Updated: 2021-11-13 04:11:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >What is this?
  2. This is a minecraft classic server based on ClassiCube, which is an open source re-implementation of minecraft version 0.30, that I put together because I was bored and tired of waiting for the next /mlp/ minecraft experience. This version is far more simplistic, with a smaller selection of blocks with the only gamemode being creative. The server supports custom pony models and in game youtube players which can be summoned with "/client cef". The map is 160 x 160 x 256 so there should be plenty of room for your builds, with enough vertical space for large pixel art. Griefing is discouraged, though I really can't stop you from trying it. I'll do my best to rollback the more egregious griefing attempts when I can, but if you see some holes in builds feel free to repair them yourself.
  3. Have any blocks you want added to the game? Post the texture in this thread and I'll add it when I have time.
  4. Nobody online? Just build something and post a screenshot of it in this thread.
  5. Wanna see what commands you have access to? Type "/commands builder all" to list the ones available to the default rank.
  7. >Register for an account
  9. >Customized client with preinstalled pony model and cef (youtube player) plugins. Type "/client <command>" to use them
  11. >Server address: Copy into browser address bar or the multiplayer menu in the client (Browser version has no sound)
  13. >Password
  14. check filename
  16. >Notes
  17. -Be careful saying gamer words on the server. I'm using a hosting service run by an individual, and there's a possibility that the server could get reported to him and get shut down. There's a word filter to replace some of them, but just be mindful. Or don't.
  19. -On the other hand, we've been given the go ahead to make whatevery lewd shit we want, so go nuts
  21. -Classicube's available on steam for $3 if you want to support the developers
  23. -If you're interested in other gamemodes, there are a few available like Lava Survival, Zombie Survival, CTF, and TNT Wars
  25. -The pony model requires a specially formatted skin, you can find the template and a diagram here:
  27. -Full disclosure, I'm a full time student so please have patience when it comes to administrative tasks getting done. Just post in the thread and I'll get to it when possible
  29. >OP Paste

PoniCube: /mlp/ Minecraft Classic Server

by Tracy_Cage