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Anti-Brony FiM analysis

By BronyGaijin
Created: 2020-11-22 04:00:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Study of the object of worship of the ponyfags, part 1
  3. As you know, fans of any movie, book or game often adore the main characters and try to be like them. Today we will look at one of the largest offshoots of furfags - ponyfags.
  4. You will find out what are the ideals that the ponyfags deify.
  6. 0. State system and economy, general information.
  8. In a democratic state of ponies, the princess rules alone and for a rather significant period (over 1000 years). There is no opposition or dissatisfied with the government in the state as such.
  10. The only character unhappy with Princess Celestia's sole rule is her sister, unhappy that power has not been shared with her.
  12. The country is dominated by capitalism (the American TV series, do not forget), the social system is estate. Slavery is legalized in the country.
  14. 1. Twilight Sparkle
  16. Loyal servant of the ruling elite, bookworm, nerd. Has no free will, is controlled by the ruling elite. Obsessed with idiotic rituals, has property in the form of a slave.
  18. For loyalty (the official version, in fact - the manipulation of the ruling clique) he gets ownership of a considerable provincial library, which was previously in the public domain.
  20. Property rights issues are of course ignored by the ruling clique.
  22. 2. Rarity
  24. Pampered dumb cunt. She considers herself a successful fashion designer, in fact - a spoiled, arrogant whore. As a reference dumb cunt, she has an ugly indoor cat with a disgusting personality.
  26. Despite the absence of orders and any work, she can afford to have a big house, daily trips to various women’s services (very expensive), and expensive food.
  28. Also, she can afford to invite an aristocrat (!) - a fashion designer (!!) with a whole retinue of servants (!!!) two (!!!!) times to show her ugly creations.
  30. How much did it cost? Obviously, very, very much. Where does the money come from? There is only one answer, given her personal acquaintance with many aristocrats, although she herself is not an aristocrat.
  32. You get it, right?
  34. 3. Pinkamena Diane Pie
  36. Completely off-rails schizophrenic fool with a pronounced manic-depressive syndrome. Dangerous for others, but the world of tolerance tells us "this is the norm!"
  38. Dullness is equally likely to be due to both a genetic defect and education in a Mormon sect.
  40. 4. Applejack
  42. Foolish redneck. Stupid in the simplest matters, incredibly self-confident in any matter, regardless of rights or not. As a redneck, she sees nothing wrong with fucking with siblings and cousins.
  44. Keeps slaves (cows, sheep and pigs are intelligent). All this is shown to us as quite normal. The vast estates were bestowed upon her ancestors for it is not clear what.
  46. 5. Fluttershy
  48. At first glance, as simple as a felt boot, but this is not at all the case. We need to look in more detail. So she is introduced to us as an emo loser with no social skills, raising animals.
  50. But let's take a closer look... First, the house. Quite big two-story cottage with a bridge over the river, farm buildings. Fluttershy is physically extremely weak, so she clearly couldn't have built it all herself.
  52. Obviously, someone built it for her. With capitalism reigning in Equestria, they were certainly paid to do so. Judging by the amount of work, it is a lot. Social benefits (not even clear if they exist) are not enough for that.
  54. Where did the money come from if she fell out of the sky without a penny in her pocket? But let's look more. The whole house of beasts eats a lot of food every day, in addition to the sickly requests of the impudent rabbit.
  56. All this is bought on the market, since the garden obviously does not provide all this all year round. Speaking of the market. Fluttershy uncomplainingly pays the trader-cattle at least ten times the price of pitiful apples without any hesitation.
  58. That is, she can afford to throw money right and left like that. And again the question - where are the pennies? The hefty bed is also noteworthy, which clearly does not match the image of a quiet shy woman.
  60. And a cottage on the outskirts is the very thing for receiving clients. Well, this is everyone's private thing, how to make money, but that's not all. Noteworthy is the strange change in behavior in two cases. Let's analyze them specifically.
  62. 5.1. Spike
  64. Upon meeting the Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy slave child... she is instantly sexually aroused! The protruding, non-folding wings clearly speak of this.
  66. She also subsequently pursues this slave, showing zoopedophilic tendencies.
  68. 5.2. Scootaloo
  70. Fluttershy's reaction at the first meeting with this disabled girl is extremely surprising - why would she behave like that? Let's start digging. Outwardly, Scootaloo strongly resembles Fluttershy and ... Rainbow Dash.
  72. Suddenly. The character of Scootaloo is also very similar to Rainbow Dash, and problems with flying of any kind (apparently, physical) are inherited from Fluttershy.
  74. Since in adolescence (also, apparently, earlier) it was a cowardly weakling (which in itself is fraught in a society where position directly depends on the degree of dominance over others), the following version of events is most likely:
  76. occupying an extremely low position in the pegasus hierarchy due to character and physical deviations, Fluttershy was unable to refuse anyone or physically resist. It is likely that she was happy with her place in the hierarchy and enjoyed it.
  78. With so many (since a trouble-free hole) acts, pregnancy even at this age will be 100% the outcome. Who is daddy? It is easy to guess that Rainbow Dash is most likely, just to prove his place in the hierarchy before the older ones, or just for fun.
  80. It is not known whether there was a voluntary refusal or a forced one, but apparently - voluntary. Once on the surface, Fluttershy went back to business.
  82. 6. Rainbow Dash
  84. An arrogant, lazy, narcissistic flying gay banner with a huge ego. It is presented to us as a frivolous and stupid tomboy, however... however, as we found out in paragraph 5.2, everything is far from simple.
  86. Apparently, Rainbow Dash is genetically male, which can be seen both from the accidental birth of Scootaloo, and from abnormal physical data for the female.
  88. The case seems to be explained by the fact that Rainbow Dash, who was born with excellent physical characteristics, immediately decided to climb the hierarchical ladder, which was expressed both in illegal races and other competitions, and violence against Fluttershy.
  90. At some point after the conception of Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash was once again injured under unknown circumstances (nicknames such as Rainbow Crash are not just given), which, however, this time, apparently, led to a forced amputation of the genitals.
  92. The hormonal correction carried out after that gave Rainbow Dash the appearance of a female, which indicates its early onset, but atypical physical development still betrays itself.
  94. To all other disadvantages - a snitch. Frustrated by not getting the leader's place, she waited for an opportune moment and reported her more capable co-worker to the commander, embellishing the extent of the incident and “forgetting” her participation in it.
  96. Bottom line: the more capable one was kicked out, the snitch took the place of the leader. Happy end, lol.
  98. I hope after reading you will understand that no sane person will be proud of belonging to the community of those who call themselves "bronies".
  100. Study of the object of worship of the ponyfags, part 2
  102. It is clear that you will not be full only with the main characters - the community is also interested in background characters, and sometimes even more than the main ones. What are they like for ponyfags? We'll cover some of them here.
  104. 0. Racial quantitative distribution, legal and labor differentiation.
  106. Earth pony - the most numerous, the most powerful physically, the least mentally developed. They are employed in the most physically difficult and least paid jobs, and they also comprise the bulk of the servants and support staff. Overall, their work is the least prestigious.
  108. Pegasus - quantitatively inferior to Earth pony. Somewhat weaker physically, somewhat more mentally developed. They are engaged in adjusting the weather and an easy heap that requires speed - mail, delivery, and so on. Most of them are not busy with anything and live for their own pleasure.
  110. Unicorns are the smallest tribe. The most physically weak, some representatives demonstrate strong mental development, but the bulk of the mind does not shine for many reasons, the main ones are degenerates due to incest and the absence of the need for mental effort. Most are hereditary aristocrats and it leads to a corresponding life.
  112. Rights in the estate state, as you might guess, depend on the estate.
  114. 1. Apple Bloom
  116. She appears to be the sister of Applejack, but in fact is her daughter from a cousin. Redneck with all the ensuing consequences, aggravated by origin. Stupid even by the standards of the earth pony.
  118. 2. Scootaloo
  120. Disabled person, for more details about the reasons - clause 5.2. the last part. Irreparably stupid. The case is confidently heading towards her adoption by the trans-gay couple Rainbow Dash-Soarin at the request of those dissatisfied with the absence of gay couples of ponyfags. Happy end, lol.
  122. 3. Sweetie Belle
  124. Sister of whore Rarity is extremely dumb. Doesn't know about her sister's sources of income.
  126. 4. Derpy
  128. A mentally retarded cross-eyed pegasus, works at the post office, where she was attached, apparently out of pity. Always dull, slows down and mows. She has a daughter, who appears to have been born under circumstances similar to Fluttershy.
  130. 5. Lightning Dust
  132. The only sympathetic character in this madhouse. Really talented, superbly developed physically, and without cheating like male genes, like some kind of rainbow brat. However, she is too trusting - having become a leader, she trusted Rainbow Dash... who, at the first opportunity, simply threw her out of the ranks, taking her place. This sad story serves as a reminder that you should never, under any circumstances, believe a single word of a trans or gay, much less trust them.
  134. 6. Lyra
  136. A unicorn, not an aristocrat. A freak with conspiracy theories, in other words, a typical conspiracy channel viewer. Cohabiting with a friend, everything is confidently going to the wedding - tolerance and stuff.
  138. 7. Blueblood
  140. A depraved narcissistic aristocrat with an incredibly swollen ego; judging by his voice, has pederastic inclinations. Suffers hard fail even in a relationship with a whore.
  142. 8. Princess Celestia
  144. The head of the local state, combines the best features of all 3 races. She is worshiped as a god by those believing that she controls the movement of celestial bodies. She has an army of her personally loyal clones, severely punishing any dissent - judging by the TOTAL absence of such, the fear of punishment forces the opposition to keep closed, secretive cults. She personally supervises the upbringing of the most talented children of aristocrats, resulting in talented puppets devoted only to her. Loves large-scale, spectacular performances, and suddenly - competitions. Apparently, he selects talented puppets from their youth.
  146. I hope after reading this you will understand that no sane person will be proud of belonging to the community of those who call themselves "bronies".
  148. Anonymous.

Anti-Brony FiM analysis

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