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Ulterior Motives

By CasualAnon
Created: 2021-12-03 11:53:43
Updated: 2022-04-03 02:55:26
Expiry: Never

  1. "This is stupid."
  2. >"Duh, that's why we're doing it."
  3. >with a sigh, you look across the library at a girl reading a massive book.
  4. >think her name was Twilight or something, you met her once during honor roll junk.
  5. "I doubt I got the charm to just ask a girl out, Gilda."
  6. >your pal pinches your cheek with a laugh.
  7. >"Yeah, with a face like yours, you're lucky your mom even loves you! But that doesn't matter, I just need you to distract her!"
  8. >you look back at Twilight while rubbing your cheek.
  9. "Right. So why her specifically?"
  10. >Gilda angrily snorts.
  11. >"Because she ratted on me for that paintball thing we did! Now I gotta hang out with that lame-o Harshwhinny after school for a whole week doing homework. Don't know how that dweeb found out, but I sure know how I'm gonna repay her."
  12. >Gilda takes your half empty soda, which you lazily try to defend but a slap to the hand stops you.
  13. >with a quick chug, he slams the can back on the table.
  14. >some nearby students think of shushing him, but think again after seeing who it is.
  15. >"Only reason I don't just thrash her for it is because she's friends with Dash. So, you in or what?"
  16. "Fine, but if she starts telling everyone I'm a creep or something, you owe me two."
  17. >Gilda grins.
  18. >"Deal. Alright, lemme get in position. When I give a thumbs up, crash and burn."
  19. "Wait! Any pro-tips on what I should say?"
  20. >Gilda rolls his eyes.
  21. >"I dunno, be yourself or some junk. I'm not into that lovey-dovey stuff."
  22. "I don't care what you're into, I care what girls are into!"
  23. >Gilda chuckles while sneaking away.
  24. >you sigh again and watch him make his way to the other side of the library. After getting to the table next to Twilight, he gives a thumbs up.
  25. "A distraction..."
  26. >you get up and make your way to Twilight.
  27. >do you have to ask her out? Maybe you could just take her book or something. What's she reading anyway?
  28. >Star Swirl's Guide to the Cosmos? Hey, you think you read that one once.
  29. >maybe you could get her to go on some long rant about it instead.
  31. >alright, ready or not, it's showtime.
  32. >with a nod to Gilda, you sit down in front of your soon to be prankee.
  33. >just bee yourself :)
  34. >Gilda's useless advice resonates within you.
  35. >"Hey, you're Twilight, right?"
  36. >"Um... Yes?"
  37. >two dark purple eyes look up at you.
  38. >"Who are...?"
  39. >she seems to remember something, and her expression becomes more relaxed.
  40. >"Oh, hello Anon."
  41. "You remembered me?"
  42. >she giggles.
  43. >"It's not that hard to remember you. We're both in the Canterlot High honor society, after all."
  44. >she adjusts her glasses before bookmarking her spot.
  45. >"And your name is pretty unique, if you don't mind me saying."
  46. >you smile, and start to feel a little bad about this whole plan.
  47. "Don't mind at all. I just saw you reading a Star Swirl book and all sorts of memories came rushing back, so I came over to chat for a bit. You studying for something?"
  48. >you spot Gilda pulling out a small black box, probably one of those Boom Gift Box things.
  49. >you have an idea of what she did with the rest of that paint now.
  50. >"No, just reading it for fun. I've always enjoyed Star Swirl's work. He was always so fascinating to me."
  51. >Gilda is just about to reach the zipper on Twilight's backpack before a group of students start walking his way.
  52. >he quickly hides the box and tries to play it cool.
  53. "Tell me about it, the guy was a genius. It's like he singlehandedly pulled every science forward a few years."
  54. >her eyes light up.
  55. >"Right?! Over 200 scientific theories created by just him alone is nothing short of spectacular!"
  56. "And his sense of fashion was pretty cool too, especially the bells."
  57. >Gilda goes for round two before another interruption makes him slink back, this time much angrier.
  58. >the interruption came from behind you.
  59. >"Twilight, could you come with me for a second? I need some help with... something."
  60. >well, well, turns out Twilight is friends with the ex she-demon.
  61. >just what did Gilda get you into?
  62. >"Oh, hey Sunset! Sure, just let me put my things away..."
  63. >almost in slow motion, Twilight starts to reach for her bag.
  64. >with Gilda, the dumbass he is, in the middle of round 3.
  66. "Twilight, wait!"
  67. >you shoot up from your seat, now standing between Twilight and Sunset.
  69. >"Anon? What's wrong?"
  70. >alright Gilda, here goes nothing.
  71. "I was just wondering, if... you'd like to go to the Planetarium with me this weekend?"
  72. >the two girls look surprised while Gilda just snickers.
  73. >he finally grabs the zipper, and...
  74. >"Um, sure!"
  75. >twirling her hair, Twilight looks away with a blush.
  76. >Gilda drops the rigged box while his mouth hangs open.
  77. >"It's rare for me to find someone else who's as interested in Star Swirl as I am, I'd love to go to the Planetarium with you!"
  78. >you switch to auto pilot, too shocked to really do anything else.
  79. "Uh, Great. I'll pick you up on Saturday?"
  80. >"Sure! Well, Sunset needs me right now so we'll talk after school. Bye, Anon!"
  81. >somehow not seeing Gilda, who still hasn't gone back to his seat, Twilight grabs her bag and walks off with Sunset.
  82. >before exiting the library, Twilight turns back to you and waves with a smile.
  83. >Sunset looks back at Gilda with a raised eyebrow, but simply shrugs her shoulders as she walks out.
  84. >...
  85. >what is happening?
  86. "Uh, Gilda? This wasn't part of the plan."
  87. >he simply stares at the exit for a few seconds before shaking his head.
  88. >regaining his composure, your pal elbows you in the arm.
  89. >"Wow, look at you, Romeo! First girl you ever asked out said yes!"
  90. >you slap Gilda's arm away.
  91. "She wasn't supposed to say yes! What do we do now?!"
  92. >Gilda blows the front of his hair up.
  93. >"Beats me, was so shocked she didn't reject you that I didn't even pull the plan off."
  94. >he looks down at the box.
  95. >"Feels kinda stale now, I'll just let some rando pick it up."
  96. >you grab his shoulders
  97. "Gilda!"
  98. >he breaks free of your grab with his hands up.
  99. >"Ok, ok! Gimme a second!"
  100. >he walks over to a shelf while muttering to himself.
  101. >"Maybe I could get Anon to take her on the worst date ever as revenge? Nah, Dash would kill him..."
  102. >you put your hands on your waist and start tapping a foot.
  103. >"Maybe..."
  104. >Gilda looks back at you. He looks... sad?
  105. >before you can ask what's up, he's back to normal and walking up to you.
  106. >"I got it."
  107. "Yeah?"
  108. "You're gonna do some research tonight, lover boy. Make sure you read up on space junk and that famous nerd you two talked about. That way, you don't look like a total dweeb in front of her on the big day."
  109. >you furrow your brow.
  110. "Wait, so I'm just dating her now? What's this have to do with paying her back?"
  111. >Gilda rolls his eyes.
  112. >"You're getting intel, Anon. Just play along for now."
  113. >you sit down with a groan.
  114. "C'mon, man. I've got enough homework to deal with already."
  115. >Gilda sits down next to you.
  116. >"Whatever, dork. Shouldn't be a problem with your grades. Oh, and another thing. She seems like a total nerd, so I bet some lame puns would make her laugh."
  117. >you nod, thinking it best to avoid telling Gilda that you enjoy a good pun.
  118. >seeing you lost in thought, Gilda shakes your shoulder.
  119. >"Hey, don't let all this drag you down. I'll be helping out too."
  120. "How?"
  121. >"Same way I deal with my school junk: look up the answers online."
  122. "I can tutor you, Gilda"
  123. >he rolls his eyes.
  124. >"As if, last thing I need is another teacher lecturing me on boring stuff. See you later, Anon."
  125. "Yeah, see you."
  126. >with that, Gilda pushes up from the table and heads out the doors.
  128. >Saturday has arrived.
  129. >you studied all those stars and even brushed up on some Star Swirl stuff. You're ready for this friendly meet up.
  130. >Gilda was right, this definitely isn't a date, because that wouldn't make sense.
  131. >you barely even know Twilight, there's no way she would start dating you just because your tastes in books are the same.
  132. >so why did Gilda force you to wear your dressy clothes?
  133. >you stop at a red light and take the opportunity to look at the directions Twilight gave you the other day.
  134. >right behind that pawn shop you helped Gilda sell some... less than legally acquired things to.
  135. >you look back at the red light and wonder what all of this is leading to.
  136. >learning some embarrassing secret? Stealing her diary?
  137. >green, time to go. You're in for a long drive, after all.
  138. >when you pull up to Twilight's house, you're surprised by just how fancy it is.
  139. >so many thoughts go through your head: it's huge! What's with the roof spikes? Is that a thunder rod? Why's it colored like her?
  140. >marveling at all the columns and other little fancy things starts to make you feel a little self-conscious about your ride.
  141. >hope she doesn't think you're just trying to date for money or something.
  142. >hang out, you hope she doesn't think you're trying to hang out with her for money.
  143. >before you can start having second thoughts about this whole thing, the front door opens, revealing Twilight and some blue haired guy.
  144. >they seem to be talking about something.
  145. >he's the first to see you, and lets Twilight know it's time to go.
  146. >she gives him one final hug and-
  147. >he glares at you while making a "I'm watching you" gesture behind her back.
  148. >oh god, is this a date?!
  149. >Twilight waves goodbye to him while running to your car.
  150. >"Hi Anon!"
  151. "Hey."
  152. >you give a little wave and watch her get in.
  153. >with an uncomfortable nod to Blue, you roll up your window and look over to your temporary and totally platonic friend.
  154. >she's wearing her usual school clothes.
  155. >damn it Gilda, you know this wasn't a date! Now you look like an overdressed weirdo.
  156. >"I'm so excited for this, uh... hang out. I even took the liberty of organizing all of our activities to ensure we get as much out of this visit as possible! It's going to be so-"
  157. >she sighs with a pleased look on her face.
  158. >"organized."
  159. >ok, she really likes being punctual.
  160. >better get there on time then.
  161. >you shift to drive and head for the mountains.
  162. >...
  163. >the trip was, thankfully, free of any traffic, but with how far this place is it's already evening.
  164. >which is perfect, apparently, since this is going all according to Gilda's plan.
  165. >before you met with Twilight after school, he gave you a list of things that she might like.
  166. >said he got Dash to help him make it.
  167. >anyway, looking at constellations was on there, which would be perfect this high up.
  168. >Gilda even texted you a spot to look for some rare ones.
  169. >Equuleus, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia. He made you memorize them.
  170. >guess he really wants the dirt on Twilight.
  171. >as the two of you head for the entrance, you notice Twilight brought her backpack with her.
  172. "What's with the pack? I would've brought mine if I knew we were taking notes."
  173. >she giggles.
  174. >"Oh no, it's for something else. But studying the exhibits together does sound like a fun second da- uh, hang out."
  175. >Twilight adjusts her glasses before clearing her throat.
  177. >she was not going to say date, shut up.
  178. "Well, I'm looking forward to whatever it is. So, what's first on the agenda?"
  179. >"Right! First, we're going to peruse the exhibit on gravitational fields for thirteen minutes. It's this way!"
  180. >Twilight runs off ahead so you chase after her.
  181. >after a few minutes of walking, you finally reach a large room with a ceiling resembling the night sky.
  182. >Twilight extends an arm out to present what she must see as the coolest thing ever.
  183. >"Here it is, the Gravitational Fields exhibit!"
  184. >the first thing you see is a massive statue of Star Swirl in the back.
  185. >taking your eyes off that, you then notice the entire room is decorated with various posters and small models of the planets, arranged in a way to mimic the solar system, and on the ground are little lines that must represent each planet's orbit.
  186. >"So, what do you think? Pretty neat, huh?"
  187. "It sure it, I can see why you made this our first stop."
  188. >"Right? When I was reading about it online, I just knew it'd be the best place to start. I guess you could say it really pulled me in!"
  189. >she looks away with a nervous chuckle.
  190. >pun? Oh, pun!
  191. >without missing a beat, you laugh.
  192. "Hold on a moon-ute, was that a joke?"
  193. >Twilight laughs at your equally awful pun, this time more relaxed than earlier.
  194. >"Yes. Oh, The planetarium show's about to start! Let's go!"
  195. >this time she grabs your hand instead of running off alone.
  196. >you both head to the next room where others have already gathered.
  197. >while the previous room was cool, this is way better.
  198. >the models in this room are bigger, and all rest on an orrery.
  199. >you and Twilight take a seat near the front.
  200. >a guy in the back presses a button, causing the lights to dim and the orrery to slowly move.
  201. >then, a voice starts playing from the speakers up above while generic space music plays.
  202. >"For as long as history has been recorded, humans have had an insatiable hunger for knowledge regarding the universe. To understand why we are so interested in this unknown expanse of space around our little world, we must take a journey."
  203. >oh boy.
  204. >...
  205. >after what felt like hours, the show is finally over.
  206. >you hide your boredom pretty well, meanwhile Twilight is absolutely starry eyed.
  207. >"That was amazing! I wasn't expecting them to incorporate readings of Star Swirls theories on Space and Time, that was completely new from last year's display! They even added the recent comet to the projector's footage! I wonder if they'd be interested in using my recent studies on-"
  208. >you simply smile as Twilight goes on about space stuff that you barely understand.
  209. >she seems to know where we're going next, so you just follow next to her.
  210. >then, you feel your phone vibrate. Taking a peak while Twilight isn't looking, you see it's from Glida.
  212. >["How's the date going?"]
  213. >you furrow your brow while quickly typing back.
  214. ["I thought you said it wasn't a date?"
  215. >you turn back to Twilight before she notices your side conversation.
  216. >after giving some nods and your own input, she goes back to watching the path.
  217. >["Whatever. So?"]
  218. ["It's certainly been very informative. She's not talking about anything you could use though."]
  219. >back to Twilight, who caught you this time.
  220. >"Oh, are you bored? I'm sorry, sometimes I get too excited about these things..."
  221. >shoot, gotta recover!
  222. "No, no, of course not! I was just looking something up. Do the names Equuleus, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia ring any bells?"
  223. >her downcast look immediately lights up.
  224. >"You know where those are?"
  225. "Yep! Was just double checking. Seems about time to start looking for them, don't you think?"
  226. >she looks at the nearby observatory.
  227. "I'd say it's the perfect time. Let's go, we can look for them in the observatory! And you'll get to finally see what I have in my backpack."
  228. >once again, she snatches your hand and off you go.
  229. >...
  230. >you spent the rest of the evening looking at constellations with Twilight, and the surprise she had was hot cocoa.
  231. >the star marshmallows were pretty cool.
  232. >you're currently walking her to her front door.
  233. >"I had a great time Anon, thanks for inviting me."
  234. "No problem, but you're the one who organized everything. I should be thanking you for making sure we didn't miss anything."
  235. >she laughs into her hand as you both finally reach the porch.
  236. "I guess this is goodbye."
  237. >"Yes, it is pretty late. But maybe we could do this again sometime?"
  238. >she looks at you with a smile.
  239. "Uh, sure. If you want."
  240. >after thinking about something and whispering to herself a little, Twilight gives you a peck on the cheek.
  241. >she quickly opens the door and runs inside.
  242. >"Ok, bye!"
  243. >SLAM
  244. >...uh oh.
  245. >you slowly pull up your phone and check the text you missed from Gilda.
  246. >["Don't worry about it, just text me when you're done."]
  247. >you bump into your car and miss the handle a few time as you look for Gilda in your contacts.
  248. >as you take a seat and close the door, you call him.
  249. >...
  250. >"Sup?"
  251. "Uh, Gilda? We got a problem."
  253. >"On the cheek?"
  254. "Yeah..."
  255. >you're currently hanging out with Gilda at Crystal Prep Academy.
  256. >it's pretty late, so it's just him, you, and that security guard that's really bad at his job.
  257. >Gilda said he had something to do here anyway, so he made you pick him up and tell him all about your evening with Twilight while he works.
  258. >strangely, he was quiet throughout the whole recap, and towards the end of it he seemed bothered.
  259. >but after you told him where Twilight kissed you, he got over it.
  260. >"Jeez, Anon, you got me all worried over nothing. Thought she gave you a real kiss."
  261. >he shakes his spray and gets back to working on his 'masterpiece'.
  262. >maybe he secretly likes Twilight? Nah, there's no way.
  263. >for as long as you've known him, he's never tried to hook up with any of the girls at CHS.
  264. >if anything, you figured he'd get with Dash by now or something.
  265. "A real kiss?"
  266. >he puckers his lips at you and makes kissy sounds before returning to his art.
  267. >"Yeah, a real one. You know, on the lips? Getting kissed on the cheek doesn't mean anything, dude."
  268. >you sigh while looking up at the moon.
  269. "I dunno man, it sure felt like it meant a lot, especially to her..."
  270. >you realize something.
  271. "Wait, why would her kissing me make you worried? You like her or something?"
  272. >he pauses for a second before chuckling and shaking his head.
  273. >"Oh yeah, I dig chicks that get me a week of detention and talk about boring nerd junk."
  274. >guess that's a no. Hmm...
  275. "Heh, do you like me then?"
  276. >your question makes his spraying hand go off course. Luckily he uses a bunch of cardboard for the layering so nothing got ruined.
  277. >"The heck are you saying, Anon? I'm a guy, remember?!"
  278. >you were just joking around, why's he acting so crazy?
  279. >you put your hands up to defuse the situation.
  280. "Shh! Calm down Gilda, the guard's dumb not deaf! I'm sorry, ok?"
  281. >Gilda mumbles under his breath while returning to his work.
  282. >jeez, what's his problem? It's almost like he...
  283. >no, there's no way he's into you.
  284. >is there? You are the only one he hangs out with besides Dash, and he's never made a move on her.
  285. >he's probably just not into dating, but just in case...
  286. >you got his back.
  287. "You know, if you did swing that way, I'd be cool with it."
  288. >Gilda sighs while shaking his head.
  289. >"Drop it man, you're gonna mess me up again. And if I hit anything but cardboard, you're dead meat."
  290. >you hear him whisper something under his breath.
  291. >"You're such an idiot, Anon..."
  292. >...
  293. >sun is coming up, which means it's time to go.
  294. >the rest of the job was done in awkward silence, much to your discomfort.
  295. >you're way too tired for all this.
  296. >for these kinds of jobs, you always have to walk pretty far so nobody spots your car at the scene.
  297. >but that'd only be a problem if they saw the two of you, and they never do.
  298. >as you help him load his stuff in the trunk, you think back on what he said a little more.
  299. >doesn't mean anything if it's on the cheek, huh? You hope he's right.
  301. >{"Hey, quit your crying already!"}
  302. >{"Boys ain't supposed to cry, you gotta fight back!}
  303. >{"Stick with me pal, I'll show you the ropes. I used to be just like you before I met Dash. Well, maybe a little cooler."}
  304. >{"Eh, don't worry about it. Studying just isn't my scene. Hey, wanna switch the numbers on the classrooms?"}
  305. >{"What? Of course I'm a guy! Just look at me!"}
  306. >{"You're such an idiot, Anon..."}
  307. >you wake up from your trip down memory lane.
  308. >not sure why all that came forward, but you do know one thing.
  309. >you're still exhausted.
  310. >with a groan you check your alarm clock; 5:00pm. Looks like you slept all day, but you're still tired.
  311. >not surprising since Gilda made you stay up till dawn after your little outing with Twilight.
  312. >what was up with him, anyway? You joke around a little and suddenly he's pissed.
  313. >only time you remember him getting that mad was when you kept asking why he never takes his shirt off to swim.
  314. >or why he got all weird when you tripped into his chest a month back.
  315. >and there was the shower incident a few years ago.
  316. >he seems to get angry at very specific things...
  317. >whatever, he should be cool today.
  318. >you grab your phone and lazily text him with your eyes half open.
  319. ["Hey, you up?"]
  320. >...
  321. >probably still asleep, he was working pretty hard on that little project of his.
  322. >you stand up from your bed and start stretching.
  323. >man, Monday is gonna suck if you can't get back to bed.
  324. >before you can think about what to eat, you hear your phone chime.
  325. >must be Gilda, you knew he'd bounce back.
  326. >you check your phone, and...
  327. >["Hey, it's Sunset. I got your number from Dash, sorry. I just wanted to talk with you about Twilight. Can we meet up in the music room tomorrow during lunch?"]
  328. >Sunset? What's the ex devil want with you?
  329. >a few scenarios, all involving fire and claws, go through your head before your phone vibrates again.
  330. >it's from Gilda this time.
  331. >"[I am now. What's up?]
  332. >you breath a sigh of relief. He's not angry anymore. That's great, because you definitely need his help with this one.
  333. ["Sunset just texted me, said she wants to meet with me in the music room tomorrow."]
  334. >you hit send and wait for his response.
  335. >instead of another text, your cellphone starts ringing; it's him.
  336. "Gilda?"
  337. >"You're joshing me, Anon."
  338. "No, she texted me a few minutes ago! You think she knows what we're up to?"
  339. >"No way, the only people that know about our plan is us. This is probably just some test to make sure you're not a jerk. You're dating her buddy, after all."
  340. >that... does make sense.
  341. >"I bet she's just not used to a nerd like Twilight getting a date with someone like you, so she's gotta meet you herself to make sure nothing's up."
  342. "Maybe you're right..."
  343. >"Yeah, I am. Look, go ahead and meet with her, but don't show up acting like a spazz, because then she'll start digging. It'll be just like that time you covered for me after the cereal thing. You didn't break then, right?"
  344. "No..."
  345. >"Nope, not even when you had to lie right to Celestia's face. If you can handle her, you can handle bacon hair no problem."
  346. >you're starting to feel more confident about this.
  347. "Thanks Gilda, guess I just needed a little pep talk."
  348. >you can almost hear him roll his eyes as he chuckles.
  349. >"Yeah, whatever. Don't expect me to show up with pom-poms or something. See you tomorrow, dude."
  350. "Yeah, see you."
  351. >click
  352. >alright, you're ready to deal with the devil tomorrow.
  353. >you'll come up with a game plan, but first things first: you're hungry.
  354. >...wait, someone like you?
  355. >whatever, he'd probably just get mad again if you asked.
  356. >you head for the kitchen, thinking of the ways Sunset might try to question you on the way.
  357. >everyone says she's not how she used to be, but you'll believe it when you see it.
  358. >speaking of, you really should respond to her now.
  359. >you pull out your phone while gathering ingredients from the fridge.
  360. ["Sure, I'll be there.]
  361. >you set the phone down and start putting everything together.
  362. >once you're done, you hear that familiar buzzing.
  363. >["Great, then I'll see you tomorrow."]
  364. >a test, huh? You're good at those.
  365. >you take a bite of your sandwich, determined to face tomorrow.
  366. > forgot the mustard.
  368. >Monday has arrived, and you're ready for anything.
  369. >while walking through the hall, you spot Gilda so start to raise your hand for a wave.
  370. >he's about to return the gesture, when someone grabs your other arm from behind.
  371. >"Hi Anon! It's great to see you again. I was so excited after the hang out that I forgot to give you something important!"
  372. >ok, maybe you weren't ready for everything.
  373. >Twilight lets go of your arm and starts digging through her bag.
  374. "Oh, hey Twilight. What is it?"
  375. >she giggles before handing you a piece of paper.
  376. >"My number! I wanted to text you on Sunday, but it wasn't until I looked through my phone that I realized I never even exchanged contacts with you!"
  377. >so it was a date.
  378. >you take the paper with a chuckle and pull out your phone.
  379. "Yeah, we were both pretty beat by the end of it all. Here's mine."
  380. >you exchange contact information with Twilight.
  381. >after getting your number, she immediately texts you.
  382. >with a smile, you check your messages.
  383. >["Hello!"]
  384. ["Hi"]
  385. >Twilight looks at her phone and smiles.
  386. >"Well, that's taken care of. See you later, Anon. Have a great day!"
  387. >Twilight waves goodbye as she heads for class early, and you return the gesture until she's gone.
  388. >turning back to Gilda, you're greeted with a smug look.
  389. >"Glad to see things are going well with your girlfriend."
  390. >you sigh as you walk up to him.
  391. >when you're close enough, you both huddle up to discuss sensitive information.
  392. "It's your fault I'm in this mess. What the heck do I do now? She gave me her number! This is getting way too personal, Gilda."
  393. >he furrows his brow.
  394. >"You had fun hanging out with her, didn't you?"
  395. "Well, yeah, but that's besides the point! We were just supposed to get your revenge and be done with it, but now I have a girlfriend! One that's going to require a bunch of extra work to keep impressed!"
  396. >Gilda rolls his eyes.
  397. >"Hey, it's not my fault you're some kind of dating master. By the way, isn't it a little weird she fell this hard for you? All you did was complement her dumb book."
  398. >you raise an eyebrow.
  399. "What are you saying?"
  400. >"What I'm saying, is that it seems a little weird. I'm gonna go grill Dash for some info later. You sure you don't know that nerd from anywhere?"
  401. >you try to remember, but nothing really comes up.
  402. "Just that honor roll thing. It's not like she's been here that long."
  403. >Gilda rubs his chin.
  404. >"Whatever, we better get to class. I don't wanna get double detention or something."
  405. >you both break up the huddle and head your separate ways.
  406. >you're halfway to your classroom when Rainbow Dash shows up.
  407. >"Hey, Anon."
  408. "Uh, hey Dash."
  409. >...
  410. >you haven't really talked to Dash in awhile, and even then she was mostly Gilda's friend.
  411. >she starts to look you over, thinking about something.
  412. >a few 'hmms' later and she seems satisfied.
  413. >"Heard you're dating Twilight now. You were pretty cool when we hanged out, so I guess it's alright."
  414. >she pats your shoulder.
  415. >"I don't get that egghead stuff, but if she ever wants to quiz you on sports then I'm your girl. See you Anon!"
  416. >and with that, she runs off.
  418. >well that was weird.
  419. >hope it goes that easy with Sunset.
  420. >not wanting to waste anymore time, you run to class.
  421. >...
  422. >first on the agenda is good old math. You've always liked math, it's easy since all you have to do is follow some rules.
  423. >which is probably why Gilda hates it so much.
  424. >you're focusing on the lecture when something lands on your desk.
  425. >it's a folded note with a small balloon drawn on it.
  426. >looking back, you see a girl with crazy pink hair giggling.
  427. >her name is Pinkie Pie.
  428. >when you first met her, she asked you all kinds of questions about yourself.
  429. >likes, dislikes, when your birthday is, your favorite color...
  430. >she seems alright.
  431. >focusing back on the lecture, you try to read the note while keeping it hidden from the instructor.
  432. >it says "Hi, My name's Pinkie Pie! I think we met a few times, but we never really talked much after that. Sunset told me you're dating Twilight now and that gave me a great idea for how we can celebrate: a party! So, I was thinking we could-"
  433. >you look up.
  434. >about a second later, the instructor turns around to explain something in more detail.
  435. >not getting caught today.
  436. >once he finishes the example, he goes back to writing on the board, and you go back to reading.
  437. >"-set up a party in the gym and invite everyone in our class but then I realized Twilight would probably be super embarrassed by that so I thought we could have a smaller party at-"
  438. >it goes on and on, but you manage to read the whole thing without getting caught.
  439. >got a little off topic towards the end when she started asking about you opinions on alligators, but it seems she wanted to know if you'd like to go to a party this weekend.
  440. >when class is finally over, you turn to Pinkie and give a thumbs up.
  441. >she barely contains her excitement as she reaches into her hair and pulls out a notebook w/pencil.
  442. >as you leave for your next lecture, you realize something.
  443. >was that a test too?
  445. >the next three periods were, thankfully, completely normal.
  446. >no more surprise inspections, no notes being passed to you, nothing.
  447. >honestly you were expecting another one of Twilight's friends to come and judge your sense of fashion or something.
  448. >but now, the true test is upon you.
  449. >Sunset Shimmer, ex-demon and ex-ruler of the school.
  450. >hopefully those ex's are legit, otherwise your day is going to get a whole lot warmer.
  451. >she didn't really mess with you that much thanks to Gilda, but she was still a huge bi-
  452. >you bump into someone while lost in thought.
  453. >a girl, and she was, of course, carrying a bunch of flyers that are now scattered on the ground.
  454. >with a mental sigh, you start to help her pick them all up.
  455. "Sorry about that, I've got a lot on my mind."
  456. >"Oh no, I should be the one apologizing. I have a lot on my mind too."
  457. >you recognize that voice, and taking a clear look at one of the flyers confirms it.
  458. >they're asking for volunteers at the nearby animal shelter.
  459. "Fluttershy?"
  460. >she looks up from her collecting with an uncertain expression, but smiles once she sees you.
  461. >"Oh, hello Anon."
  462. >you help her pick up the rest before handing them over.
  463. "Need help at the shelter again, huh? I could probably come over this weekend."
  464. >she shakes her head.
  465. >"That's ok, I already have a few people that said they'd help. I wouldn't want you to cancel your plans with Twilight."
  466. "Plans?"
  467. >Fluttershy hides her mouth behind the flyers.
  468. >"Oh gosh, I really wasn't supposed to tell you that. Twilight was going to surprise you with it after Pinkie's..."
  469. >Fluttershy's eyes go wide, so you wave a hand.
  470. "Don't worry, Pinkie already invited me to the party. I gave her the ok for it, after all."
  471. >Fluttershy sighs with relief while lowering the flyers from her face.
  472. >"Thank goodness, I don't know what I'd do if I ruined two surprises."
  473. "Dealing with people is way harder than animals..."
  474. >she nods.
  475. >"Oh yes, much harder."
  476. >Fluttershy seems to realize something.
  477. >"Do you have trouble with people too?"
  478. >you shake your head.
  479. "No, but I'm on my way to see Sunset. I'm kinda nervous."
  480. >Fluttershy looks away.
  481. >"Because of what she was like before, right?"
  482. "Yeah, that and the whole monster thing."
  483. >Fluttershy nods before looking at you with a smile.
  484. >"I understand, but she really has changed. Ever since the Fall Formal, she's been trying to make amends with all the people she was mean to. Maybe that's why she wanted to meet with you?"
  485. >sure has been a while if that's the case. Guess you weren't at the top of her list then.
  486. "Maybe. Well, if you say she's different then the least I could do is give her a chance. Thanks Fluttershy, I'm little more confident about this meet up now."
  487. >Fluttershy smiles.
  488. >"I'm happy to hear that. Good luck, Anon."
  489. >with a wave goodbye, you both go your separate ways.
  490. >make amends, huh? Somehow, you don't think it'll be quite that easy.
  491. >reaching the music room, you grab the handle and open the door.
  493. >you look around the room and spot Sunset sitting down on one of the steps leading up to the small stage.
  494. >she seems to be thinking about something, and you're pretty sure it just walked through the door.
  495. >seeing you snaps her out of her thoughts. With a sigh, she stands up and walks to the center of the room.
  496. >"I'm sure you know why I called you here."
  497. >you nod while closing the door behind you.
  498. "Is it about Twilight?"
  499. >you walk over to the stage and take a seat on its steps. After a few seconds of silence, Sunset finally speaks.
  500. >"It is. I'll get straight to the point, Anon. As her friend, I thought it'd be best if you and I had a talk about all this."
  501. >she looks right into your eyes, no doubt searching for the tiniest ebb in confidence.
  502. >but she'll be disappointed, because not even Principal Celestia could crack you.
  503. >"Why did you ask her out?"
  504. >you lean back against the steps.
  505. "When I met her at that Honor Roll event, something about her just drew me in, and I wanted to know more."
  506. >Sunset's expression doesn't change.
  507. "I'll be honest, I only wanted to hang out with her. Wasn't expecting our first hangout to actually be a first date, but it just turned out that way."
  508. >she uncrosses her arms and starts to circle around you.
  509. >"Is that so? You just decided to go for it? Nobody asked you or anything?"
  510. >you don't like how specific she's getting.
  511. "Nope."
  512. >she stops next to one of the windows and looks outside.
  513. >"I saw you talking with Gilda before first period. You're friends with him, right?"
  514. >she's been watching you? For how long? Could she have heard- no, stay focused.
  515. "Yeah, why?"
  516. >"I just find it a little concerning that you're suddenly dating my friend after she got yours in trouble."
  517. >Sunset turns back to you with narrowed eyes.
  518. >"Did Gilda put you up to this?"
  519. >you return her look.
  520. "What are you saying?"
  521. >"I'm asking if Gilda wanted you to break Twilight's heart as payback for getting him in trouble."
  522. >with a frown, you look away from her.
  523. "He's not like that. Gilda told me about what happened, and how he'd get her back, but I talked him out if it. Besides, he would never do something so cruel."
  524. >you look back at her.
  525. "And I'd never do something like that for him."
  526. >at least, not intentionally. How were either of you supposed to know Twilight would say yes? It just wasn't part of the plan...
  527. "All of this was just bad timing."
  528. >"Really? Because from what I remember about Gilda, something like this would definitely have his name on it."
  529. >you snort.
  530. "Yeah, maybe the old Gilda, but he's changed. People tend to do that over time. Figured you of all people would understand something that, if what I heard is true."
  531. >Sunset looks a little hurt at that jab, but quickly regains her composure.
  532. >"You're right, I'm sorry... and what you heard is true, I'm not like I used to be! It's just, Twilight is a really nice person and... I really don't want her to get hurt."
  533. >you sigh, feeling bad for that personal attack now that you know fire really isn't on the menu.
  534. "I should be the one apologizing, that was uncalled for. It's just, Gilda means a lot to me. He helped me with a lot of stuff when I first started out here."
  535. >Sunset nods and takes a seat at the other end of the stage's steps.
  536. >after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, she throws another curveball at you.
  537. >"I know this might sound weird, but... is it alright if I touch your hand?"
  538. >for once, you're caught off guard and show it.
  539. "What?"
  541. >Sunset stands up and crosses her arms.
  542. >"I'll trust you when it comes to Gilda, since he's your friend, but that's why I want to be absolutely sure on how you feel about Twilight, because she's my friend."
  543. >you suppose it's only fair. With a sigh, you rise from the steps and walk over to Sunset.
  544. "Fine, but how will touching my hand help you with that?"
  545. >she holds hers out with an uncomfortable smile.
  546. >"It's... like one of those personality tests?"
  547. >her pearly whites aren't convincing at all, so you look down at her hand with a frown.
  548. >if she didn't go Demon Queen on you earlier, then she probably won't try anything funny under the guise of a handshake, right?
  549. >no doubt fully aware of your distrust, she takes a few steps forward.
  550. >"Do it for Twilight?"
  551. >she doesn't look nervous, but to be fair you're pretty good at hiding that too.
  552. >will she work her magic the moment you touch her hand?
  553. >even if that is her plan, it's not like you can back out now. If you did that, then it'd pretty much confirm you're hiding something.
  554. >but what if she actually can tell you're lying with just a handshake? Would it be your luck that this is the first pseudoscience that's legit?
  555. >"Anon?"
  556. "...fine, but no fire, ok?"
  557. >she groans.
  558. >"I'm not-!"
  559. >she stops before that temper you were oh so familiar with leaks out.
  560. >after taking a deep breath, she's composed again.
  561. >"I'm not like that anymore. Couldn't roast you even if I wanted to, which I don't!"
  562. >she emphasizes that last part with a raised finger.
  563. >out of options, you simply shrug.
  564. "Alright then, I'll trust you."
  565. >"Thank you."
  566. >you start to reach for her hand.
  567. >you're just about to shake it when a Rainbow bursts through the door.
  568. >next thing you know, Dash is standing right between the two of you with her hands on Sunset's shoulders.
  569. >"Sunset! We got a problem!"
  570. >Dash looks down at Sunset's hand and follows it to you.
  571. >"Oh, uh hey Anon. I gotta borrow Sunset real quick, be back soon!"
  572. >Dash grabs Sunset's hand and starts running off, with the latter struggling to stay while reaching for you.
  573. >"Dash, wait! I just have to-"
  574. >Dash shakes her head while running out of the room with her friend.
  575. >"No time, Sunset. This is pretty urgent! Bye Anon!"
  576. >and with that, they're both gone.
  577. >hopefully Sunset doesn't want to reschedule this... whatever this was.
  578. >you look at the clock. There's still some time left, might as well go see Gilda.
  579. >you leave the room and head for the bleachers.
  580. >as you make your way there, you start to think about all this.
  581. >what are you actually doing? If you keep on course like Gilda wants, the only way this is going to end is with a broken heart.
  582. >you're all for helping your friend prank someone, especially if it's for payback, but this seems a little...
  583. {"This is stupid."}
  584. >you remember the first thing you said before all of this started, and boy were you right.
  585. >you're now in a situation where no matter what you do to get out of it, a sweet girl like Twilight is going to suffer.
  587. >then you'll have her friends and brother to deal with, but waiting any longer will just make it worse.
  588. >you've only been on one date, so she can't be that attached to you.
  589. >as you try to justify all this to yourself, the way that first date ended plays in your head.
  590. >a simple kiss on the cheek.
  591. >{"Thought she gave you a real kiss."}
  592. >{"Getting kissed on the cheek doesn't mean anything, dude."}
  593. >maybe it doesn't mean much to Gilda, but to you? To Twilight?
  594. >it's not comparable to a handshake, that's for sure.
  595. >you finally reach a door leading outside, and your daydreaming is interrupted by the sunlight.
  596. >a beautiful day, horrible for dumping someone that doesn't deserve it.
  597. >not like there's a good day for that, now that you think about it.
  598. >you see the soccer field up ahead, so start walking.
  599. >{"I was so excited after the hang out that I forgot to give you something!"}
  600. >you look at your phone.
  601. >her number, and she waited to get yours in person instead of just asking Dash like Sunset did.
  602. >which means it must've meant a lot to her.
  603. >you bet she would've given you another peck on the cheek if the halls weren't so full.
  604. >{"You had fun hanging out with her, didn't you?"}
  605. >'s not like you had a bad time pretending to date Twilight.
  606. >that trip to the observatory was a little boring, but you still had fun watching her get excited about things you only studied for a good grade.
  607. >and you'd definitely be down for hanging out with her at less academic spots like the movies or the mall.
  608. >but you doubt that's happening after...
  609. >{"It's just, Twilight is a really nice person and... I don't want her to get hurt."}
  610. >...after today.
  611. >finally reaching the bleachers, you look up.
  612. >there sitting by himself at the top, is Gilda.
  613. >you whistle, and he glances over his shoulder.
  614. >"Sup."
  616. >...
  617. "Hey, can we talk?"
  618. >Gilda goes back to looking at the field.
  619. >there are a few students playing soccer, but not nearly as good as him.
  620. >though to be fair, the only one who can keep up with Gilda is Dash.
  621. >"You crazy? Of course we're gonna talk! Get up and tell me all about your dance with the devil."
  622. >he chuckles.
  623. >"Speaking of Sunshine, I just saw her running off with Dash somewhere. That because of you?"
  624. >you look around the field again.
  625. >not too many people, but still too public for what you're sure is coming.
  626. "I was thinking we could talk down here? Under the bleachers?"
  627. >Gilda sighs before making his way to the edge.
  628. >"Fine, I guess. They're playing lousy anyway."
  629. >he goes down a few steps before hoping off.
  630. >after adjusting his jacket, he makes his way over to you.
  631. >"So what's with all the privacy? You wanna kiss me or something?"
  632. >you both head under the bleachers.
  633. >after playing it around in your head a bit, you finally decide to tell him.
  634. "Look Gilda, I... I can't do this Twilight thing anymore. We should just forget about getting her back."
  635. >Gilda grabs your shoulder, but not in an angry way like you expected.
  636. >"Whoa, hang on. What happened? Did Sunset do something to you?! I swear, when I find her I'm gonna-"
  637. >you grab both his shoulders to calm him down.
  638. "No, no, it's not that! It's just, this isn't us man. We don't mess with people like this!"
  639. >Gilda furrows his brow.
  640. >"What the heck are you talking about? What'd Sunset say to you?"
  641. >you look away.
  642. "She just told me what I already knew, that Twilight doesn't deserve to get hurt like this. I can't keep dating her just for a prank!"
  643. >Gilda knocks your hands off of him with a huff.
  644. >"You only went on one date! It's not like you're married or something, just calm down."
  645. "She kissed me!"
  646. >he throws his hands up frustration.
  647. >when he looks back at you, it's with annoyance instead of concern.
  648. >"You're still on that? It was on the cheek! Not your lips, the cheek! It doesn't mean anything, you dweeb!"
  649. >you groan while throwing your head back for a second.
  650. "It doesn't mean anything to you, Gilda, because you're not the one dating her! This is a pretty big deal for me! And judging by how my day has been going, it was serious for her too!"
  651. >he's back to confused.
  652. >"What? All you had to do today was chat with Sunset, what else happened?"
  653. >you pull out Pinkie's note.
  654. >"Her friends are already planning some kind of party to celebrate and Fluttershy said Twilight wanted to surprise me with something there! Even Dash did a little evaluation on me!"
  655. >Gilda takes the note and reads it for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.
  656. >after skipping a few lines, he hands it back to you.
  657. >"'s not that serious."
  658. >before you can say anything he puts his hand over your mouth.
  659. >"Yeah, yeah, I get it now! You're a big baby when it comes to girls. Look, just listen for a second."
  661. >Gilda moves his hand from your mouth to your shoulder.
  662. >"Okay, so maybe this is all going too fast for you. I get that now, but we can't just back out!"
  663. >why?
  664. >"So here's the plan, you just go to that party and have a good time with your 'girlfriend'."
  665. >he emphasizes girlfriend with air quotes and a mocking voice before putting his hand back on you.
  666. >"And while you do that, I'll-"
  667. "Why?"
  668. >he's surprised by your interruption.
  669. >"Huh?"
  670. "Why do I need to keep this up? Is this really all some messed up prank to get at Twilight?"
  671. >Gilda lets go of your shoulder and backs up a little.
  672. >"C'mon, Anon, I'm just gonna-"
  673. "Because the Gilda I know wouldn't go that far!"
  674. >Gilda huffs while crossing his arms.
  675. >"Who went and made you the 'Gilda Expert'? You don't know anything about me."
  676. >you get closer so he looks away.
  677. "Sure I do. I know people call you a mean just because you're not soft like them, and that you're a jerk just because you like to pull pranks sometimes, but I know the real you!"
  678. >you put a hand on his shoulder.
  679. "I know you wouldn't do this, so tell me the truth. If this isnt to get at Twilight, then what is it?"
  680. >he doesn't answer, but shakes your hand off.
  681. >"Just drop it."
  682. >not this time, buddy.
  683. "Was this all a prank meant for me?"
  684. >Gilda looks back at you with a glare, arms at his side and fists clenched.
  685. >"I wouldn't do something like that to you."
  686. >you know, but you gotta bait him out.
  687. "How would I know? I'm not the 'Gilda Expert', right?"
  688. >you hold your arms out.
  689. "This was all just some big joke on me then, huh? Great job, you really got me!"
  690. >he takes a step forward.
  691. >"That's not-!"
  692. >you get in his face.
  693. "Then what is it then?!"
  694. >he gets in yours, making you take a step back.
  695. >"You deserve better than me, ok?!"
  696. >...?
  697. "What?"
  698. >he sighs.
  699. >"I said you deserve better! Getting you with a goody two shoes like Twilight is probably the best thing I could do for you, because if you keep staying with someone like me, then I'll... I'll just drag you down."
  700. >that's... not the answer you were expecting.
  701. "The heck are you talking about? It's not like you want to date me."
  702. >he doesn't answer.
  703. "...right?"
  704. >he turns away.
  705. >"I don't know, maybe I do, ok?! I wasn't expecting that dork to say yes when you asked her out, so when she did, I... I got worried."
  706. >you're still trying to wrap your head around what you just heard, so don't say anything.
  707. >Gilda shakes his head and starts walking away.
  708. >"Forget it, if I knew you were gonna be this lame today I wouldn't have-"
  709. >you grab his arm and, to your surprise, he stops.
  710. >he could break free whenever he wants, but doesn't.
  711. >it takes you a bit, but you finally find your words.
  712. "What are you worried about?"
  713. >you can feel him... trembling?
  714. >Gilda turns to you with something you've never seen from him before.
  715. >tears.
  716. >"I was worried she'd take you from me, ok?! And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that'd probably be for the best!"
  717. >You're completely stunned.
  718. >"So... you do swing that way?"
  719. >Gilda shakes your hand away.
  720. >"You're such an idiot!"
  722. >before you can do anything, Gilda lifts his shirt with one hand while lowering his pants with the other.
  723. >you're greeted with a sports bra and panties.
  724. >is your friend a weirdo that wears women's under-
  725. >before you can finish that thought, his curves become very apparent.
  726. "You're a girl?!"
  727. >he... she, pulls her shirt back down.
  728. >"Yeah, I'm a girl, and you're the dumbest egghead I've ever met! You didn't think it was weird how I never dropped my top when we went swimming? Or how I didn't let you anywhere near my chest? You didn't even figure it out when the shower thing happened! How the heck is a doofus like you in honor roll?!"
  729. >you're still too stunned to let him... her, know you definitely thought that was all weird.
  730. >after thinking about all this some more, you finally respond.
  731. "Why'd you keep me thinking you were a dude all this time?"
  732. >Gilda crosses her arms and looks away.
  733. >"I didn't do this for you, dweeb."
  734. >you hear someone shouting, so turn to look.
  735. >one of the guys struck a goal.
  736. >wait...
  737. "You did all this so you could play sports with the guys?"
  738. >Gilda huffs.
  739. >"Looks like you're smart when you wanna be, loser."
  740. >Gilda wipes her eyes.
  741. >"...and picking fights is easier when everyone thinks you're a dude."
  742. >you take a few steps forward.
  743. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
  744. >"Figure it out, 'smart' guy."
  745. >{"I don't know, maybe I do, ok?!"}
  746. "Because you... liked me? For how long?"
  747. >Gilda sighs.
  748. >"That doesn't matter anymore, you got Twilight now. Just forget about all this and leave me alone."
  749. >she starts to walk away, so you run to grab her hand again.
  750. >she makes it a few feet from under the bleachers before you stop her.
  751. >this time she turns around, ready to punch you.
  752. >"I said-!"
  753. >you pull her into a hug, and she gasps.
  754. >she struggles for a few seconds, but eventually stops. Slowly, she returns the hug.
  755. >"I... I'm..."
  756. "An idiot."
  757. >she hugs you a little tighter.
  758. >"...yeah."
  759. "You should've just told me back then. I bet I wouldn't be in this Twilight situation if you did."
  760. >you ease up on the hug and look Gilda in the eyes.
  761. >"What are you talking abou-"
  762. >you kiss her, and not on the cheek either.
  763. >wouldn't count if it was there, right?
  764. >her eyes go wide for a second, but then they become dreamy.
  765. >nice, you were a little worried she was going to punch you for that.
  766. >after a few seconds, you pull away.
  767. "I like you too, Gilda."
  768. >she starts to tear up again, so she pulls you into another hug, which you happily return.
  769. >"But... But I...!"
  770. "Deserve love too. I don't care what you think is better for me, now that I know you're not a dude... Well, I can be a little more honest now."
  771. >neither of you say anything, and just soak it all in.
  772. >...
  773. >you chuckle.
  774. "You made me think I was gay for awhile, you jerk."
  775. >that gets a small laugh out of her.
  777. >"Sorry."
  778. >after some final squeezes, you both let go of each other.
  779. >"So... What happens now?"
  780. >you sigh.
  781. "Well, you were right about one thing. I can't just back out. If I walk up to Twilight and tell her this whole thing wasn't real, I'm dead meat."
  782. >Gilda nods.
  783. >"Yeah, if she's got Sunset and Dash watching out for her, you're definitely dead. Good luck."
  784. "Gee, thanks."
  785. >after a short pause, you both laugh.
  786. >" what are you gonna do?"
  787. >you look back to the field and see everyone packing up.
  788. "Well, for now I'll just head to my next class. We can figure all this out after school."
  789. >you turn back to Gilda with a smile.
  790. "Together."
  791. >she smiles back while putting her hands in her pockets.
  792. >"That sounds cool, I guess."
  793. >you start to walk off, but this time she grabs your arm.
  794. >"Hey, uh, think we could... hug again?"
  795. >you grin.
  796. "Again? I thought you weren't into lovey-dovey stuff?"
  797. >she looks away while crossing her arms.
  798. >"Yeah, well, maybe it's not as lame as I thought, ok?"
  799. >she glances back at you.
  800. >"So?"
  801. >you open your arms to her.
  802. "Sure."
  803. >she runs in with a smile and gives a hard squeeze.
  804. >you stay like this for a bit before she lifts you up with a twirl.
  805. >after setting you back down, she lets go.
  806. >"Thanks, see you later, Anon."
  807. >you try to hide the pain in your ribs with a smile.
  808. "Yeah, see you later Gilda."
  809. >and with that, she runs off.
  810. >you're not sure how this Twilight thing is going to play out, but maybe it won't be so bad?
  811. >...
  812. >[a few moments earlier]
  813. >"Phew, that was close. Thanks Sunset, couldn't have done it without you!"
  814. >Sunset pulls some twigs out of her hair.
  815. >"Ugh, glad we didn't get any of that sap on us. Where did that thing even come from?"
  816. >Rainbow rolls a sparkling green gem between her fingers.
  817. >"I dunno, but if we didn't deal with it when we did, then it would have totally ruined the soccer field!"
  818. >she almost drops the gem and frantically keeps it from touching the dirt.
  819. >"Whoa!"
  820. >after catching it, she looks back at Sunset with sheepish smile.
  821. >"Heh heh! Uh, maybe you should hang on to this."
  822. >she hands the gem over, and Sunset takes it while looking very unamused.
  823. >"Good idea. Well, I guess I'll ask Twilight about it. Maybe there's a book in Equestria that'll tell us what it is?"
  824. >"Whatever you say, I'll leave all that magic stuff to you guys."
  825. >Rainbow turns to the soccer field.
  826. >"Looks like they're done playing, we'd better head back to class. See ya, Sunset!"
  827. >before she can run off, Dash spots two familiar faces in the distance.
  828. >"Oh hey, it's Anon and Gilda. Hey G!"
  829. >Rainbow trys calling out to them but stops when Gilda grabs Anon's arm.
  830. >they start talking for a bit before Anon seems to get ready for a hug.
  831. >"Anon and Gilda? What are they-"
  832. >Sunset looks just in time to see the impossible with Rainbow.
  833. >Gilda hugs Anon.
  834. >he hugs him!
  835. >their bewilderment only grows when Gilda lifts him up with a twirl.
  836. >after that, the two say their goodbyes before Gilda runs off.
  837. >Sunset talks to Rainbow while watching Gilda leave.
  838. >"Was Gilda always so... touchy?"
  839. >the two girls face each other.
  840. >"No way, he hates that kind of stuff! Man, I wonder what Anon did to make him that happy."
  841. >Sunset looks back at Anon with a furrowed brow.
  842. >"Yeah, me too."
  843. >"I'll ask G about it later. Oh man, I can't wait to see the look on his face! See ya, Sunset."
  844. >Rainbow runs off while waving goodbye.
  845. >Sunset returns the gesture before looking back at the bleachers.
  846. >"What are you two planning?"
  847. >she looks down at her hand and remembers Anon's words.
  848. {"Yeah, maybe the old Gilda, but he's changed.}
  849. >she clenches it shut.
  850. >"I want to believe you, Anon, but I have to be sure."
  851. >she looks up at the school.
  852. >"For Twilight's sake."
  854. >well, this has been quite the Monday.
  855. >but you're finally done with your last class, so it's time to go see Gilda.
  856. >as you finish putting your notes away, that familiar buzzing goes off in your pocket.
  857. >you check your phone and see a new text from Twilight.
  858. >["Hello! Could you please meet me in the library?]
  859. ["Sure, be there soon."]
  860. >["<3"]
  861. >you feel bad about lying, but...
  862. ["<3"]
  863. >gotta keep the act up, but hopefully not for long.
  864. >you make your way for the library while texting Gilda.
  865. ["Twilight wants me to meet her in the library, I shouldn't be long, so hang out by my car."]
  866. >you're in front of the library doors when she responds.
  867. >["Just don't forget who your real girl is."]
  868. >you smile.
  869. ["Of course, don't need two beatings at the end of this."]
  870. >after a deep breath for courage, you put your phone away and open the doors.
  871. >a few people are hanging around, but it's mostly empty.
  872. >there, at the same table where this whole thing started, you see Twilight.
  873. >reading a book, of course.
  874. >this familiar situation gives you a funny idea.
  875. >with some sneaking you picked up after some less than legal shenanigans with Gilda, you make your way to the front of her table.
  876. >after taking a seat, you lean in close and speak in a deeper voice.
  877. >"Hey, you're Twilight, right?"
  878. >with a raised brow, two dark purple eyes look up at you.
  879. >and immediately light up.
  880. >"Anon!"
  881. "Hey, Twilight. What'd you want to talk about?"
  882. >she closes her book and starts reaching into her bag.
  883. >"Right, Pinkie wanted me to give you something, so..."
  884. >she pulls out a fancy pink card with small balloons tied to it.
  885. >invitations already?
  886. >"Here you go!"
  887. >you take the card and look it over.
  888. >a few doodles here and there with lots of blue and yellow.
  889. >opening it shoots some confetti into your face, causing a few people to come in and shush you while Twilight giggles.
  890. >when you can see again, you read the card.
  891. >["Hi, it's Pinkie Pie! Remember when we talked about having a party? Well, I got the cards ready! There's one in your hand, right now! We're having the party at Twilight's house this Saturday at 6:00pm. We'll have lots of yummy treats like cupcakes, a normal cake, candy, and punch! I'll even bring gummy! He's my plush alligator. I've always wanted a real alligator named Gummy, but that's not allowed for some reason. See you at the party!"]
  892. >you put the invitation away.
  893. "Sounds like fun, I'll be there."
  894. >Twilight smiles while putting her book away.
  895. >"Great! There's still something I have to work on, so..."
  896. >she gets up and walks to your side of the table.
  897. >after looking around to make sure the coast is clear, she gives you another kiss on the cheek.
  898. >after pulling away, she adjusts her glasses with a blush.
  899. >"See you tomorrow!"
  900. >off she goes.
  901. >man, one date and suddenly you're getting goodbye kisses.
  902. >Gilda was right, this happened way too easy.
  903. >...hey, that gives you an idea.
  905. >after exiting the building, you head straight for the parking lot.
  906. >when your car is finally in view, you see Gilda leaning against it.
  907. >looks like she's thinking about something.
  908. >you pick up the pace while calling out to her.
  909. "Hey, Gilda!"
  910. >she snaps out of her thoughts and looks your way with a smile.
  911. >she waits for you to get a little closer before talking.
  912. >"You sure took your sweet time. What did Queen Nerd wanna talk about?"
  913. >you pull out the fancy invitation.
  914. "Looks like I'm going to a party this Saturday."
  915. >Gilda takes the card and looks it over a little.
  916. >"Cool, I guess. I never really liked parties."
  917. >she peaks past you, probably at Dash running by or something.
  918. "So anyway, I've got an idea on how to get out of this. Remember how you said this all happened too easily? Well what if we-"
  919. >Gilda's eyes narrow, so you stop.
  920. >before you can turn around to look at what's bugging her, she grabs your shoulder.
  921. >"Yeah, I'm down for the mall. I gotta get some more junk, anyway."
  922. >you're confused by her abrupt plan.
  923. "Mall?"
  924. >"That's right, now let's go already. You're driving, remember?"
  925. >she taps your arm before heading for the passenger seat.
  926. >you think about turning around to figure out what she was looking at, but decide asking her in the car would be better.
  927. "Uh, sure."
  928. >you unlock the doors and get in with her.
  929. >after starting it up, you try to figure out what's going on.
  930. "So why are we going to the mall?"
  931. >"Just need to see if I'm right about something, you can tell me about this plan of yours on the way."
  932. >you shrug before backing out.
  933. "Ok, I guess."
  934. >when you're out of the school parking lot, Gilda's eyes stay glued to her wing mirror.
  935. "So, while I was talking to Twilight about the party, I remembered what you said about her falling for me too easily."
  936. >Gilda grins.
  937. >"She kiss you again?"
  938. >you clear your throat.
  939. "Uh, yeah. On the cheek."
  940. >she chuckles.
  941. >"Don't worry, I'm not gonna get mad if she gives you some pecks. I got you into this mess, right?
  942. >she turns to you with narrowed eyes.
  943. >"Just as long as you're not the one going for them."
  944. >you smile, relieved that she's being so understanding.
  945. >then you frown, because that's pretty weird for her.
  946. "Wouldn't even dream of it. Anyway, if she started dating me just because I said her book was cool, what if we just find someone that's way better than me?"
  947. >Gilda raises an eyebrow.
  948. >"You really think that'll work? She doesn't seem like the type to just dump a guy for something like that."
  949. >you sigh.
  950. "It's all I got for now, plan B is I just get my ass beat by telling her the truth. I really should do that before the party, huh?"
  951. >Gilda goes back to looking at her mirror.
  952. >"Duh, even agreeing to that party was a big mistake. If getting her to drop you for someone else is your big plan, then you're better off skipping to B."
  953. >Gilda leans back in her seat.
  954. >"But don't worry, we'll get you out of this. Maybe even in one piece."
  956. >you finally see Canterlot Mall in the distance.
  957. "I sure hope so, Twilight's brother looks pretty tough. And I don't want my bits to be on the receiving end of Dash's feet."
  958. >Gilda chuckles.
  959. >"Don't worry, she ain't the kinda girl to go for cheap shots. But I bet she'll do a number on everything else."
  960. >after a short search, you manage to find a spot close to the front.
  961. "Right, well just try to keep her away from my face at least. I like having one, you know?"
  962. >after getting out to move a few carts, you're back in the car and pulling in.
  963. >you both exit, but a few steps later and you notice you're walking alone.
  964. >you turn back to Gilda, who is currently looking around the lot.
  965. "What's up?"
  966. >she closes the door and makes her way over.
  967. >"Don't worry about it, just keeping an eye out for someone."
  968. "Really? Who?"
  969. >she finally catches up and puts a hand on your shoulder.
  970. >"Less you know, the better. Come on, we got some shopping to do."
  971. >Gilda starts to lead you into the mall, so you click the button to lock your doors.
  972. >after one last look back at the lot, you simply shrug and go with her.
  973. >when you enter the building, you're hit with a gust of that familiar air conditioned chill.
  974. >Canterlot mall, home to all kinds of stores and distractions.
  975. >movies, pet stores, clothes, you name it.
  976. >but you mostly use it to buy spray cans and other junk with Gilda.
  977. "So, why'd you want to come here anyway? You out of cans already?"
  978. >she puts her hands in her pockets.
  979. >"Yeah, and I gotta take care of something else while we're here, so let's just take it easy and hang out."
  980. >she walks ahead of you while looking at all the different stores.
  981. >you run up next to her and start doing the same.
  982. "Well, alright."
  983. >after doing some window shopping and chatting about random stuff, you finally head for the paint shop.
  984. >she buys a few cans and you're back to walking around aimlessly.
  985. "Well, that's the paint. Now what?"
  986. >Gilda smiles after glancing behind herself
  987. >"Well, there were a few other things I wanted to look at."
  988. >the next few stops were... interesting, to say the least.
  989. >she took you to a hardware store to look at rope while asking you all kinds of creepy questions out loud.
  990. >things like if you know how to tie someone up, or how many people you think your trunk could fit.
  991. >and then there was the costume shop, where she started wondering if Twilight was into hardcore BDSM like you.
  992. >you kept desperately telling her you're not into that stuff, because of course she was saying all this out loud.
  993. >she didn't buy anything from either store, thankfully. Just a drink and hot dog from some stand.
  994. "Well, if you're done publicly humiliating me, do you want to go take care of that other thing you had to do? It's getting late."
  995. >she laughs to herself while drinking her soda.
  996. >"Yeah, I guess it's about time."
  997. "Does that other thing you came here for have anything to do with the mysterious parking lot person?"
  998. >she smiles.
  1000. >"Sure does. Come on, let's head for the bathrooms. We'll meet them there."
  1001. >she picks up the pace and heads straight for them, so you keep close.
  1002. >along the way she finishes her soda and tosses it in a trashcan.
  1003. >once you reach the hall leading to the bathrooms, Gilda goes against the wall and makes you do the same.
  1004. >after a few seconds of awkward silence, you whisper.
  1005. "What are we doing?"
  1006. >she brings a finger to her mouth to shush you.
  1007. >a few seconds later, and Sunset turns the corner.
  1008. >she's surprised to see both of you against the wall.
  1009. >"Whoa! Uh, hey Anon. Gilda. Just heading for the bathroom!"
  1010. >Gilda steps away from the wall and into Sunset's way.
  1011. >"Oh yeah? Let me guess, you just happened to follow us all the way to the mall too, huh?"
  1012. "Follow us? What are you talking about?"
  1013. >Gilda smirks while crossing her arms.
  1014. >"Sunshine here started stalking me out of nowhere, so I wanted to come to the mall to see if I was just imagining it."
  1015. >she shakes her head while Sunset sighs.
  1016. >"But it looks like I was right, she was following me. Wanna tell us what you want, hothead?"
  1017. >Sunset crosses her arms too before leaning against the wall.
  1018. >"Ok, I was following you. But I was only doing it for Twilight!"
  1019. >Gilda turns to you with a raised eyebrow, so you shrug.
  1020. "Hey, don't look at me, I didn't even know we were being followed."
  1021. >Sunset continues.
  1022. >"I saw how... 'touchy' you two got by the bleachers, so I figured you must've been celebrating some kind of achievement. I wanted to see if I could overhear something."
  1023. >Gilda starts to blush.
  1024. >"You saw that?"
  1025. >Sunset stops leaning against the wall and starts reaching into her backpack.
  1026. >she pulls out a notebook and starts looking through it.
  1027. >"But it turns out you were on to me all along. Is any of this...?"
  1028. >you now realize why Gilda was asking all that weird stuff out loud.
  1029. "No!"
  1030. >Sunset sighs with relief.
  1031. >"Phew, glad to hear that. Was worried I had something worse on my hands."
  1032. >she marks off a few lines before looking at Gilda, who shakes away her blush to give Sunset a glare.
  1033. >"Gilda, I wanted to ask you something about Anon and Twilight. Please, be honest with me."
  1034. >Gilda huffs.
  1035. >"The heck would I know about any or that? I'm not the one dating her, dweeb."
  1036. >Sunset narrows her eyes.
  1037. >"I know, Anon is. Or so he says."
  1038. >she looks at you with worry before going back to Gilda with her serious face.
  1039. >"Which is why I wanted to find out the truth from you. So I'll just ask: are you making Anon date Twilight as some kind of joke?"
  1040. >Gilda uncrosses her arms and puts her hands on her waist.
  1041. >"Doesn't sound like a very funny one, so why would I?"
  1042. >Sunset nods.
  1043. >"You're right, it wouldn't be funny. It'd be cruel and going too far. But it would also be a great way to get revenge on someone who got you a week of detention."
  1044. >Gilda is unwavering, returning Sunset's serious accusation with zero tells.
  1045. >you learned from the best, after all.
  1047. >"You're right, that does sound like a good way to get back at someone. Especially an egghead that doesn't mind her own business."
  1048. >Sunset's eyes widen while you desperately try to keep yours from doing the same.
  1049. >what the heck is she-
  1050. >Gilda points a thumb at herself.
  1051. >"But that's not my style. I was just going to sneak a paint bomb into her backpack."
  1052. >Sunset looks confused now, less confident in her suspicions.
  1053. >"But you..."
  1054. >Gilda laughs.
  1055. >"You should see the look on your face. What's the matter? Surprised you were wrong? I bet you had it all figured out in that little book of yours."
  1056. >Gilda stares her down, eventually making Sunset turn away.
  1057. >"I was just-"
  1058. >"You were just trying to mess with Anon again, like you always have. Well I'm still here to make you back off!"
  1059. >Sunset stops averting her eyes and returns Gilda's glare with her own.
  1060. >"I'm not like that anymore!"
  1061. >Gilda huffs.
  1062. >"Oh yeah? Because from what I'm seeing, the only thing different about you now are your clothes. You're still the same sneaky punk trying to ruin other people's lives."
  1063. >"I'm just trying to keep my friend from making a mistake!"
  1064. >Gilda rolls up her sleeve.
  1065. >"The only mistake Twilight made was being pals with a little devil like you!"
  1066. >Sunset grits her teeth and starts walking towards Gilda, so you take that as your cue to try and defuse the situation.
  1067. "Hey, wait a second!"
  1068. >you get in front of Gilda while holding your arms out to Sunset.
  1069. "Let's just calm down, ok?"
  1070. >Sunset tosses her book back to her bag.
  1071. >"You're right Gilda, maybe I don't have all the answers."
  1072. >Sunset turns her glare on you.
  1073. >"But I'm about to!"
  1074. >before you can say anything, she grabs your hand, and her eyes immediately start to do some weird glowing thing.
  1075. >oh man, is she gonna try that zombie stuff from the formal again?!
  1076. >just as panic starts to set in, Gilda grabs your collar and pulls you away while pushing Sunset to the floor.
  1077. >"I knew it, you're still the same demon as before! What were you trying to do to Anon?!"
  1078. >Sunset rubs her head before looking up to Gilda in shock.
  1079. >"You're a girl?"
  1080. >Gilda stops clutching your collar.
  1081. >"What? How did-"
  1082. >Sunset gets back on her feet.
  1083. >"I... I'm sorry, I was just... I promise I won't tell anyone, Gilda."
  1084. >Gilda grabs her by the lapels.
  1085. >"Yeah, because if you do I'll thrash you! What the heck did you do?!"
  1086. >Sunset raises her hands up.
  1087. >"I looked into Anon's memories! I just wanted to see if you were telling the truth, I didn't mean to-"
  1088. >Gilda gets right in her face.
  1089. >"You're gonna be sorry if I catch you creeping on us again! Now beat it!"
  1090. >she lets go of Sunset with a shove before angrily walking back to you.
  1091. >before you can say anything, she grabs your hand and pulls you along.
  1092. >"C'mon, Anon, we're out of here!"
  1093. >as you let Gilda drag you away, you look back in time to see Sunset reaching out to you.
  1094. >she looks like she's about to say something, but before she can, she retracts her hand and looks down.
  1095. >and then you turn the corner.
  1097. >...
  1098. >Sunset sighs before leaning against the wall.
  1099. >she slides down it until she's sitting next to her backpack.
  1100. >"I'm not the same as I was before, right? I'm doing this for Twilight! I'm not..."
  1101. >she looks down at her hand.
  1102. >{"You're still the same sneaky punk trying to ruin other people's lives."}
  1103. >"I'm not like that anymore."
  1104. >she clenches her hand shut while closing her eyes.
  1105. >after taking a deep breath, she opens them again and goes back to staring at her hand.
  1106. >"Anon..."
  1107. >she recalls everything she saw in that brief peak of Anon's memories.
  1108. >after picking up her journal, she starts going through it all while taking notes.
  1109. {"I doubt I got the charm to just ask a girl out, Gilda."}
  1110. >{"Yeah, with a face like yours, you're lucky your mom even loves you!}
  1111. {"Wait! Any pro-tips on what I should say?"}
  1112. >{"I dunno, be yourself or some junk.}
  1113. >Gilda encouraged Anon to ask Twilight out, but why?
  1114. >she just got her week of detention, wouldn't she be planning some way to get back at Twilight for getting her in trouble?
  1115. >was it really just bad timing like Anon said?
  1116. >{"Yes, it is pretty late. But maybe we could do this again sometime?"}
  1117. {"Uh, sure. If you want."}
  1118. >{"Ok, bye!"}
  1119. >their first date ended with a kiss on the cheek.
  1120. >Sunset sadly chuckles to herself.
  1121. >"With how Twilight made it sound, I thought she kissed him on the lips, but it was just a little peck on the cheek... does that really count?"
  1122. >she thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head.
  1123. >"It doesn't matter what I think, if it was important to Twilight then that's all that matters."
  1124. {"A real kiss?"}
  1125. >{"Yeah, a real one. You know, on the lips?"}
  1126. >they talked about the date while tagging crystal prep.
  1127. >so immediately after his date with Twilight, Anon goes with Gilda to tag up a school?
  1128. >"I can't believe Anon gets into these kind of things with Gilda, he just doesn't seem the type! Maybe I don't know people as well as I thought..."
  1129. {"Thanks Gilda, guess I just needed a little pep talk."}
  1130. >{"Yeah, whatever. Don't expect me to show up with pom-poms or something.}
  1131. >Anon was having doubts about something, but what?
  1132. >"I just needed a little more time! I'm missing too much information..."
  1133. {"Oh, hey Twilight. What is it?"}
  1134. >{"My number!}
  1135. >"The only thing I do know is that Twilight absolutely loves the guy! Wish I could have seen their date, it must have been pretty special."
  1136. >{"Heard you're dating Twilight now. You were pretty cool when we hanged out, so I guess it's alright.}
  1137. >{"Sunset told me you're dating Twilight now and that gave me a great idea for how we can celebrate: a party!}
  1138. >"Why am I the only one digging this deep? Why can't I just trust him like the others? Why can't I just..."
  1139. >she sighs.
  1140. >"Why can't I just be happy for Twilight?"
  1141. >{"Ever since the Fall Formal, she's been trying to make amends with all the people she was mean to. Maybe that's why she wanted to meet with you?"}
  1142. >"And why didn't I ever apologize to Anon and Gilda?!"
  1143. >she groans while looking up at the ceiling.
  1144. >"The first thing I did to Anon after reforming was try to interrogate him, what kind of impression is that?"
  1145. >another sigh and she's back to her journal.
  1147. {"Fine, but how will touching my hand help you with that?"}
  1148. >{"It's... like one of those personality tests?"}
  1149. >Sunset shakes her head.
  1150. >"I didn't even get anything out of it. Just a few more seconds and I would've know everything, he was even willing to let me dive right in! If only Dash hadn't-"
  1151. >her eyes widen as she realizes something.
  1152. >she slaps her palm against her forehead.
  1153. >"I could have just asked him again tomorrow! Ugh, why did I have to follow them?!"
  1154. >after looking down at her notes, she sighs.
  1155. >"Well, it's too late for that now. I just hope I can figure something out with what I have..."
  1156. >{"Dude, you only went on one date! It's not like you're married or something, just calm down."}
  1157. {"She kissed me!"}
  1158. >Sunset taps her chin with the pencil.
  1159. >"What were they arguing about? So much stress from a kiss on the cheek just doesn't make any sense..."
  1160. >{"You deserve better than me, ok?!"}
  1161. {"What?"}
  1162. >"And suddenly Gilda's worried about losing Anon? This was the conversation I had to see, but all I have are pieces of it!"
  1163. {"You're a girl?!"}
  1164. >{"Yeah, I'm a girl, and you're the dumbest egghead I've ever met!}
  1165. >Sunset blushes, Gilda's dramatic and very revealing display fresh in her mind.
  1166. >"To think Gilda was a girl this whole time... just what did Anon say to make her reveal it?"
  1167. >and with that, Sunset's peak into Anon's mind ends.
  1168. >now left with nothing but fragments of conversations and her own thoughts on them, she reflects.
  1169. >"None of this helps me figure out what they've been up to, but..."
  1170. >she flips back a page.
  1171. >"I do know what they're doing next: Crystal Prep Academy. They just bought some spray cans, which means they should be tagging it again soon."
  1172. >after putting her journal away, Sunset stands up and slings her backpack over her shoulder.
  1173. >"If I could just follow them one last time, then..."
  1174. >Gilda's words pop into her head again.
  1175. >"...just one last time, even if I don't learn anything."
  1176. >she looks to the corner where she last saw Anon.
  1177. >"Maybe I really am just being paranoid. I mean, Anon doesn't seem like a bad guy, and Gilda always did her best to keep him safe from..."
  1178. >remembering her old self, Sunset sighs.
  1179. >"...trouble. There's no way she'd put him into situation like this, not even for another one of her pranks."
  1180. >she begins to walk down the hall, and frowns as new doubts enter her mind, despite her effort to think positively.
  1181. >"At least, not on purpose. What if asking Twilight out was supposed to be a distraction for that paint bomb Gilda talked about?"
  1182. >she exits the hall and makes her way for the mall entrance.
  1183. >"Gilda was right behind Twilight when Anon asked her out, it'd make sense. But she wasn't holding anything from what I remember..."
  1184. >finally reaching the entrance, she exits the mall and heads into the cold night.
  1185. >after a short walk through the parking lot, Sunset reaches her car.
  1186. >"I hope I'm wrong, but..."
  1187. >she looks back at the mall.
  1188. >"What do I do if I'm not?"
  1190. >click
  1191. >you unlock your front door and walk inside.
  1192. >as you flip the light switch, Gilda invites herself in by moving past you and falling onto your couch.
  1193. >she lets the bags she was carrying drop next to it with a deep sigh.
  1194. >she told you to take her back to your place, since she didn't have to head home for a few more hours.
  1195. >after that, the ride to your house was nothing but silence.
  1196. >she must have a lot on her mind, which isn't surprising after the whole Sunset thing.
  1197. >after closing the door and locking it, you look over to her.
  1198. "So-"
  1199. >"How's your head?"
  1200. "Huh?"
  1201. >she looks at you while tapping her temple.
  1202. >"Your head, feeling any dumber than usual? Some witch just took a look inside of it, remember?"
  1203. >you chuckle while putting your bag down.
  1204. "Nah, I'm fine. I don't think she messed with anything."
  1205. >well now you know why she wanted to touch your hand so badly in the music room...
  1206. >good thing Dash showed up, otherwise Sunset would've had plenty of time to see everything.
  1207. >you make your way to the kitchen to wash your hands.
  1208. >"She's got guts, I'll give her that. Pulling her weird voodoo on you with me so close... she's lucky I didn't just lay her out."
  1209. >you grab a rag to dry your hands.
  1210. "Why didn't you, anyway? You always wanted to, especially after she tried to blackmail you."
  1211. >Gilda sighs while leaning back into the cushions.
  1212. >"No way I'm getting banned from the mall because of her, she ain't worth it."
  1213. >you head for the fridge with a smile.
  1214. >"And I completely forgot about that, thanks for reminding me. Looks like I've got something else to pay her back for."
  1215. >you frown while opening the door.
  1216. >whoops, sorry Sunset.
  1217. "Right... Well, she wasn't wrong about looking into us, was she?"
  1218. >you pull out two bottles of water and close the fridge with your foot.
  1219. >as you make your way for the couch, you toss a bottle to Gilda.
  1220. "I am lying to her and Twilight, after all."
  1221. >after catching the drink without looking, Gilda opens it as you sit down next to her.
  1222. >"So what? Doesn't mean she gets to use her magic on you, that's just not fair."
  1223. >she takes a drink.
  1224. >"And not something she'd do if she's 'not like that anymore'."
  1225. >Gilda says that last part in a mocking tone while screwing her cap back on.
  1226. >"But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, some people just never change. Especially if they're not as awesome as me."
  1227. >you smile while sipping your water.
  1228. >and immediately start to choke on it when Gilda lays down on your lap.
  1229. >"You get any of that on my face, and I'm punching you, man."
  1230. >you painfully swallow it down and start coughing.
  1231. "Ugh, sorry."
  1232. >she chuckles.
  1233. >"I was just joshing, Anon."
  1234. >she puts a hand on your cheek.
  1235. >"I don't mind if you get stuff on my face, now that we're dating."
  1236. >your face warms up as you try to avoid thinking about what she just said.
  1237. >you try to mutter some kind of response, but can't seem to find the words.
  1238. >after a few snickers, Gilda bursts out laughing.
  1239. >"Man, you're way too easy. Dating you is gonna be fun!"
  1241. >you huff while recapping your water.
  1242. >never thought you'd start hearing those kinds of risqué comments from Gilda, but here we are.
  1243. "Well, I'm definitely looking forward to it. Maybe even as much as you are."
  1244. >seeing as any further drinking would just encourage Gilda to continue her teasing, you decide to toss your water bottle onto the other side of the couch.
  1245. "But until we take care of this Twilight thing, you'll just have to wait on the dating stuff."
  1246. >"Says who? Only thing that matters is if anybody sees us."
  1247. >she motions to the room with her hands.
  1248. >"And would you look at that, nobody's here! Which means..."
  1249. >she gives you a sly smile.
  1250. >"We can do whatever we want, right?"
  1251. >you clear your throat, suddenly becoming more conscious of where her head is.
  1252. "Uh, I guess you're right."
  1253. >she rolls over onto her side, her face now toward your stomach.
  1254. >and her mouth even closer to your... don't think about it.
  1255. >she pokes you with her finger, and starts to trace a circle.
  1256. >"So, do you feel like doing anything?"
  1257. >making the moves yourself was one thing, but seeing Gilda do it...
  1258. >you laugh nervously.
  1259. "Haha, uh, we could... go for a walk?"
  1260. >she chuckles.
  1261. >"And do what? Take a look at the same old boring houses you got around here? Lame."
  1262. >she sits up and turns to face you, one of her hands now resting on your thigh while the other is draped around your neck.
  1263. >"I was thinking we could do something else, now that we're dating."
  1264. >man oh man, does she move fast.
  1265. >you start to flex your thighs, desperate to prevent what may be inevitable.
  1266. "What... What'd you have in mind?"
  1267. >she grins.
  1268. >"Nothing really, just figured we could start with some kissing and see where that takes us. You game?"
  1269. >you stare at her for a bit, and she raises an eyebrow after a few seconds pass.
  1270. "Sur-"
  1271. >she starts before you finish answering, pushing you onto your back.
  1272. >slowly, she crawls on top of you until you're both face to face.
  1273. >she then takes a seat right on your junk, looking down at you with a smirk.
  1274. >"You know, I was pretty shy when we started doing this kinda stuff, but now?"
  1275. >she leans in close, her golden eyes shimmering with something you've never seen before.
  1276. >"I'm pretty cool with it. How about you?"
  1277. >you already know she's going to interrupt you again, but you try to answer anyway.
  1278. "Sure, I'm down."
  1279. >oh hey, she didn't cut you off that ti-
  1280. >and before you can finish that thought, you're dealing with a mouthful of G.
  1281. >straight to the tongue action, huh? That's Gilda alright.
  1282. >better start playing catch up before she leaves you behind.
  1283. >mustering that courage you had under the bleachers, you decide to stop being so wimpy and put a hand on her waist.
  1284. >but that bravado immediately fades away when she grabs your other hand and puts it on her tit.
  1286. >...
  1287. >it's pretty cool that you're touching a boob, but the experience is also... lacking.
  1288. >there's no way you're gonna tell her that, however, as you enjoy having a face.
  1289. >you give a few sad squeezes as Gilda continues her assault, hopefully to mask your slight disappointment.
  1290. >but your efforts are in vain, as she notices your lack of enthusiasm and breaks the kiss.
  1291. >while panting heavily, she speaks.
  1292. >"What's... What's up? You gay after all?"
  1293. >you take a second to catch your breath before speaking.
  1294. "No... phew... no, it's going great! I think? How am I, uh, doing?"
  1295. >she chuckles while shaking her head.
  1296. >"You're doing... heh... pretty good. But I thought you'd be more excited about touching boobs for the first time."
  1297. >she looks away while crossing her arms.
  1298. >"They... too small or something?"
  1299. "It's just, I can't really feel anything..."
  1300. >she looks back at you with piercing eyes.
  1301. "Through your bra!"
  1302. >after a few seconds of trying to read you, she sighs with relief.
  1303. >"Oh, yeah this thing is a real pain. Forgot I don't have to wear it around you anymore."
  1304. >after sharing an awkward laugh, you both stare at each other for a few seconds, before she blushes and looks away.
  1305. >"You... want me to take it off?"
  1306. >you gulp.
  1307. "Sure."
  1308. >after a short pause, she reaches for the hem of her shirt.
  1309. >"Ok... I'm gonna do it..."
  1310. >you eye her chest intensely, wondering just how big they really are.
  1311. >...
  1312. >...?
  1313. >you look up at her with a raised eyebrow.
  1314. >she's just staring at you while biting her lip.
  1315. "So..."
  1316. >"Take yours off first..."
  1317. "What?"
  1318. >"Just do it!"
  1319. "Ok, ok!"
  1320. >you pull your shirt off and toss it to the floor.
  1321. >while you're no adonis, you're still in pretty good shape thanks to Gilda.
  1322. >you gotta be to keep up with her.
  1323. >she looks over your chest a few times before putting her hand on it.
  1324. >"Hey, not bad. Looks like hanging with me did you some good!"
  1325. >you laugh nervously.
  1326. "Uh, thanks."
  1327. >she laughs too, before rubbing her hand over you.
  1328. >"Not bad at all..."
  1329. >she seems to be lost in some sort of daze.
  1330. >is that drool?
  1331. "Uh..."
  1332. >"Huh?"
  1333. >after clearing your throat, she snaps out of it and gives you a quick slap to the chest.
  1334. >"Right!"
  1335. >she reaches for the hem again and lifts her shirt about halfway before stopping.
  1336. >after a deep breath, she pulls it off and tosses it to the side.
  1337. >she poses dramatically with her hands at her sides.
  1338. >"So? What do you think? Sweet, right?"
  1339. "You still gotta take the bra off, G."
  1340. >her lip quivers as she looks away.
  1341. >"Yeah, I know! Just... gimme a sec."
  1342. >looks like Gilda is still pretty weak to this stuff.
  1343. >not like you're any different.
  1344. >you put a hand on her thigh, causing her to tense up.
  1345. "Hey, I'm cool with stopping here. We can do this another time if it's going to fast."
  1346. >she looks down at you, once again biting her lip.
  1347. >after shaking her head, she starts to remove the bra.
  1348. >"No way! We're doing this!"
  1350. >just as she grabs the shoulder straps, you both hear a car pull into the driveway.
  1351. >Gilda looks to the window with eyes full of rage.
  1352. >yours are more on the panicky side.
  1353. >"Are you kidding me?! They're never back this early!"
  1354. >you tap her leg.
  1355. "Quick, hide in my room and get dressed!"
  1356. >she grabs her shirt, jacket, and all of the bags before rushing off for your room, muttering all kinds of things under her breath the whole way.
  1357. >while she's doing that, you jump for your shirt and start frantically putting it on.
  1358. >just as the door clicks, you're back on the couch with your legs crossed.
  1359. >you hear your door slam shut as the front one opens.
  1360. >in walks your dad, looking pretty tired as usual.
  1361. >he smiles when he sees you, and gives a small wave.
  1362. >"Hey kiddo."
  1363. >you wave back with an awkward smile, trying your best to hide how worked up you were just a few seconds ago.
  1364. >you're currently doing your best to divert blood flow from THAT.
  1365. >clench those legs!
  1366. "Hey Dad, you guys are back early. What happened?"
  1367. >you breath through your nose to avoid panting.
  1368. >your mom walks in after him while grumbling under her breath.
  1369. >"We had to deal with a bunch of idiots, that's what happened. Won't be able to get anything done until tomorrow, thanks to them!"
  1370. >she looks to you with a smile.
  1371. >"How was school, sweetie?"
  1372. >you rub the back of your head.
  1373. "Oh, you know. Easy as usual."
  1374. >she nods before heading for the kitchen.
  1375. >your dad locks the door behind him and walks over to take a seat on the other side of the couch.
  1376. >"Man, today sure was a day. I'm glad it's finally over."
  1377. >he looks over to you and seems to notice something.
  1378. >"What's with your shirt?"
  1379. >you keep smiling, and feel some sweat go down the side of your head.
  1380. "What do you mean?"
  1381. >he points a finger at you and traces a small circle in the air.
  1382. >"It's inside out, kiddo."
  1383. >and... you're clear!
  1384. >walking is now possible again!
  1385. >you look down at your shirt and slap your forehead.
  1386. >"Oh wow, I didn't even notice! I'll go fix it."
  1387. >you stand up and immediately rush for your room.
  1388. >but just as you're past the couch, your dad stops you.
  1389. >"Hang on a sec."
  1390. >you slowly turn around, wondering if you left behind some kind of clue that would reveal what you and Gilda were doing, but relax when you see him simply holding out your water bottle.
  1391. >"Forgot your water! Don't want to leave these things lying around."
  1392. >you grab it and nod, slowly backing away to reach sanctuary.
  1393. >"Right, thanks dad."
  1394. >he gives a quick nod back before leaning into the couch.
  1395. >you both stop when the sound of plastic crunching rings out.
  1396. >with a raised eyebrow, he reaches into the couch and pulls out Gilda's bottle.
  1397. >"Two?"
  1398. >you run over and grab it with an awkward laugh.
  1399. "I was feeling pretty thirsty, be back in a sec!"
  1400. >you zoom off for your room.
  1401. >after shutting the door, you lean back into it with a sigh.
  1402. >when you look up, you see Gilda fuming with her arms crossed
  1404. >you bring a finger to your lips, hoping she'll get the message, but all that seems to do is make her angrier.
  1405. >with narrowed eyes, she gets up and makes her way over to you.
  1406. >hope she isn't thinking about continuing with your parents in the other room.
  1407. >you're about to whisper at her when she grabs you by the collar and pulls you in for a deep kiss.
  1408. >after breaking it, she whispers into your ear.
  1409. >"This ain't over. Next time, we're going all the way, got it?"
  1410. >you nod your head.
  1411. >"Ye... Yeah."
  1412. >with a smile, she let's you go and makes a phone gesture next to her ear.
  1413. >"Gimme a call when you're done with the party crashers. We're making plans for this Saturday."
  1414. >she picks up all of the bags and walks over to the window.
  1415. >after opening it, she tosses two of the bags outside before climbing out.
  1416. >as she's getting ready to leave, you run up to the window.
  1417. "Hey, I can still give you a ride back home. Just keep walking and I'll pick you up along the way."
  1418. >you point a thumb behind yourself while saying this, to indicate which direction you're talking about.
  1419. >she shrugs her shoulders.
  1420. >"Sure, if you want."
  1421. >and off she goes into the night.
  1422. >with a sigh, you start to take your shirt off.
  1423. >before you can readjust it, the sound of a camera shutter draws you back to the window, and you see Gilda grinning.
  1424. >she waves her phone in the air.
  1425. >"Just a little something to keep me busy till tomorrow. Don't keep me waiting, Anon!"
  1426. >you shake your head with a smile as she leaves for real this time.
  1427. >a few quick flips and your shirt is back to normal.
  1428. >after putting it on, you take a deep breath and head into the other room.
  1429. >your dad's watching TV while your mom is heating up some tea.
  1430. >the usual routine after a long day.
  1431. "Gilda just texted me, says he needs a ride. Is it alright if I head out?"
  1432. >your dad turns to you.
  1433. >"Sure, you still have plenty of time. Just be careful, son."
  1434. >your mom waves to you.
  1435. >"Drive safe!"
  1436. >you nod before heading for the door.
  1437. >grabbing your keys, you wave goodbye to everyone and exit the house.
  1438. >...
  1439. >as you pull out of the driveway, you spot Gilda walking up ahead.
  1440. >after rolling the window down, you drive up to her.
  1441. "Hey."
  1442. >she turns to you with a frown.
  1443. >"About time you got here, I'm freezing!"
  1444. >she goes around the front and gets in, tossing her bags onto the backseat.
  1445. >after rolling the window back up, you flip on the heater while she reaches for the radio to turn on something loud.
  1446. "So, what'd you want to do on Saturday? Painting, right?"
  1447. >she relaxes into the seat as the heater does it's thing.
  1448. >"Yep. After your little party with Twilight, I was thinking we could have some fun at Crystal Prep again. I've got a lot of stress to work off, thanks to our magic stalker."
  1449. >she looks over to you with a grin while putting a hand on your inner thigh.
  1450. >"Well, right now, anyway. Might not be so bad after tomorrow."
  1451. >you clear your throat.
  1452. >better make a quick stop to the drugstore on your way back...
  1454. >the drive to Gilda's was oddly quiet, aside from the music of course.
  1455. >she usually has something to talk about, and after that thigh thing you were expecting her to mess with you the whole way, but all she did was just stare out the window.
  1456. >even the few attempts you made at some kind of conversation were shot down by simple responses or shrugs.
  1457. >she's not the type to respect your concentration on the road, so you doubt she was just being polite.
  1458. >maybe she's tired? It has been a long day, after all.
  1459. >as you pull up next to her house, you shift the car to park and relax into your seat.
  1460. "Well, here we are. Bet you're glad you didn't have to walk all the way back in this cold, huh?"
  1461. >Gilda nods her head.
  1462. >"Yeah, thanks."
  1463. >hmm...
  1464. >you take a look into your rearview, wondering if you'll see Sunset or something.
  1465. >!
  1466. >...nope, just the same old cars and houses.
  1467. >with a sigh, you turn back to Gilda, ready to ask her what's up, but you're surprised to see her finally looking at you.
  1468. "Oh, hey. Done checking out the road?"
  1469. >she glances to the side.
  1470. >"I'm... sorry about earlier."
  1471. >earlier?
  1472. "Sorry? What do you mean?"
  1473. >she looks back to you.
  1474. >"C'mon, Anon, you know what I mean. I chickened out! All I had to do was take my dumb bra off, but... I just froze up."
  1475. >she sighs before looking out the window again.
  1476. >"Bet you must think I'm pretty lame now, huh?"
  1477. >that's what this was about?
  1478. >you put a hand on her shoulder.
  1479. "You kidding? That's the one thing you should have second thoughts about. It's a pretty big deal!"
  1480. >she turns to you with a sad smile.
  1481. >"Since when do I back down from doing something just because it's important? You know that isn't my style."
  1482. >you shrug.
  1483. "Well, to be fair, you were about to do it before my parents showed up."
  1484. >she chuckles before looking down.
  1485. >"Yeah, I guess so..."
  1486. >well, that explains why she was being so forward.
  1487. >she was just as nervous as you were!
  1488. >but if this really was such a big deal for her, why'd she even start it?
  1489. >"Hey, Anon."
  1490. >you stop your thinking to hear what she has to say.
  1491. "Yeah?"
  1492. >"Thanks for thinking about me instead of Twilight."
  1493. >huh?
  1494. "What are you talking about?"
  1495. >"Really? You don't remember your brain getting invaded? Sunset took a look inside your head and all she saw was me being a girl. I figured you'd be thinking about Twilight or something."
  1496. >you furrow your brow.
  1497. >"You think that's how her magic works?"
  1498. >Gilda shrugs.
  1499. >"I dunno, guess we'll find out for sure tomorrow. If Twilight's friends are ready to pound you into paste, then Sunset saw everything and if they aren't, then she didn't."
  1500. >you scratch your chin.
  1501. "Well, if you being a girl was what surprised her, then I doubt she knows I don't actually like Twilight."
  1502. >Gilda leans back into the seat with her hands behind her head.
  1503. >"Right? I'd say we're still in the clear."
  1504. >you smile.
  1505. >glad that's over, you're not used to Gilda being so quiet.
  1506. >and you never want to be.
  1508. >you turn to look at Gilda's house, thinking of how you should handle tomorrow.
  1509. >would Twilight really dump you if she met someone better?
  1510. >do you even have time to find someone like that AND get them to hang out with her before Saturday?
  1511. >the more you think about this "plan" of yours, the more problems you find with it.
  1512. >if only there was more time...
  1513. >a gentle punch to the arm snaps you out of your thoughts.
  1514. >"What's up?"
  1515. >after sighing, you turn to Gilda.
  1516. "Well, I was just thinking about this whole Twilight thing. You're probably right, getting her to dump me isn't happening. Not in a week, anyway."
  1517. >Gilda sits up.
  1518. >"Duh. So what are you gonna do?"
  1519. "Well, I might as well break up with Twilight tomorrow, before her friend buys anything for the party. No way I'm costing her money on top of being a fake boyfriend."
  1520. >"Ugh, just do what you think will work, because heck if I know what's best. All I'm good at is pranking and laying low. And sports, and fighting, and..."
  1521. >you nod as she goes on.
  1522. "Right..."
  1523. >well, hopefully you can at least think of a good way to break it off.
  1524. >if there even is one.
  1525. >Gilda finally stops listing all the awesome things about herself and puts a hand on your shoulder.
  1526. >"But hey, if you don't got the nerve to dump her, then I guess I'm cool with a three way."
  1527. >you continue nodding.
  1528. "I guess... Wait, what?"
  1529. >you look to her with absolute confusion.
  1530. >after a few seconds of staring, she bursts into laughter.
  1531. >you fail to share her enthusiasm.
  1532. "C'mon Gilda, this is getting old!"
  1533. >she wipes a tear from her eye.
  1534. >"Yeah, yeah, I'll lay off for a bit. Anyway, I gotta go, see you tomorrow, Anon."
  1535. >you lean into the steering wheel as she starts gathering her bags.
  1536. "Yeah, see you."
  1537. >with everything in hand, she exits the car and closes the door with a hip bump.
  1538. >after reaching her front door, she turns back and waves goodbye, so you do the same.
  1539. >well, no matter what happens, at least you'll always have Gilda.
  1540. >...
  1541. >the ride home was quiet, but in a normal way this time.
  1542. >as you exit the car, thoughts of tomorrow's new plan return.
  1543. >how do you make this breakup completely painless?
  1544. >you could tell her you're just not ready for this kind of thing.
  1545. >but after one date? And a successful one at that?
  1546. >no way she'd believe that.
  1547. >should you just tell her there's someone else?
  1548. >nah, too lame, and if it got her curious about this 'someone else' then there's a chance she'll figure out Gilda's secret.
  1549. >her secret... shoot, you still have to worry about Sunset too!
  1550. >why do all of Twilight's friends have to be so important?
  1551. >you sigh as you reach the front door.
  1552. >whatever, maybe you'll think of something after getting some sleep.
  1553. >while unlocking the door, you feel your phone vibrate.
  1554. >pulling it up, you see a new message from Twilight.
  1555. >["Hello! Are you still awake?"]
  1557. >well, speak of the... can you still use that saying with someone like Sunset running around?
  1558. >hmm...
  1559. ["Yeah, what's up?"]
  1560. >she texts back a heart before continuing.
  1561. >["Sorry for not texting you that often, I've been really busy. But now I have some free time! I was wondering if you'd be interested in going with me somewhere tomorrow?]
  1562. >really busy, huh? She was probably working on that surprise Fluttershy was talking about.
  1563. >or maybe it's just school stuff?
  1564. >you sigh.
  1565. >well, if it was the surprise, at least she won't have to waste anymore time on it after tomorrow.
  1566. >you take a look at your phone's clock.
  1567. >you could call her out right now... nah, too tired.
  1568. >and you don't really have a good cover story for going out again.
  1569. ["Sure, where are we going?"]
  1570. >you could tell her at this spot she's taking you too, or should you end it here? No, breaking up over the phone is just way too lame.
  1571. >bet even Gilda would punch you for that one.
  1572. >["It's a surprise! I'll tell you about it after school, see you then!"]
  1573. >another heart.
  1574. ["Ok, I'm looking forward to it."]
  1575. >you really shouldn't, but...
  1576. >heart.
  1577. >you put your phone away and walk inside.
  1578. >after quietly closing the door, you look to the couch.
  1579. >your parents are continuing some series about a hacker guy.
  1580. >well, one of them is, anyway.
  1581. >as you suspected, your mom is out like a light.
  1582. >she always falls asleep halfway into an episode.
  1583. >you look up to the TV to see what's going on.
  1584. >looks like the hacker guy is getting involved with a gang now.
  1585. >the show seems alright, but you don't really watch much TV.
  1586. >your dad turns to you.
  1587. >"Welcome back, son. So, what was Gilda doing out so late?"
  1588. >you shrug.
  1589. "He told me he was selling stuff to those guys at the pawn shop, again. I asked him what, and he just said 'stuff', so I didn't dig any further."
  1590. >you dad shakes his head.
  1591. >"Flim & Flam? I'm surprised he wastes his time with those two. He'd be better off holding a yard sale."
  1592. >he waves you off before returning to the show.
  1593. >"Oh well, Goodnight, son."
  1594. "Goodnight, dad."
  1595. >you walk off to your room.
  1596. >when you get inside, you quietly close the door before falling onto your bed.
  1597. >well, tomorrow is the big day.
  1598. >if you don't handle it right, you'll be making a lot of very important people angry, on top of hurting Twilight's feelings.
  1599. >you stretch with a yawn.
  1600. >it's not like you've been dating that long, so she shouldn't be too torn up about it, right?
  1601. >you get under the covers and roll over onto your side.
  1602. >well, whatever happens, there's at least one good thing about all of this.
  1603. >you grin.
  1604. >Gilda owes you one, and you're not going to let her say dating you makes up for it.
  1605. >after closing your eyes, you ease into the warmth of your blankets and slowly drift away.
  1607. >spooky organ music plays in the background as you find yourself in a scene straight out of a science fiction horror show.
  1608. >you're currently looking around some old dusty basement filled with all kinds of mad scientist junk.
  1609. >an operating table with a motionless giant strapped to it, a jacob's ladder sparking maliciously, tesla coils with giant cables scattered around them, a huge death ray sitting in the back, the works.
  1610. >you're rubbing your chin at some beakers filled with colorful liquids when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
  1611. >"So, what do you think? Pretty exciting, huh?"
  1612. >you now notice the various shackles hanging on the walls.
  1613. >and that statue of Star Swirl from the observatory?
  1614. "Uh, it's great Twilight! I'm glad you wanted to show this to me..."
  1615. >she giggles before walking over to some table covered in notes.
  1616. >...and blood stains.
  1617. >"Aren't you glad I didn't spoil the surprise? There are some things you just can't text someone, you have to tell them in person!"
  1618. >she turns to you with an awkward smile.
  1619. >"Well, show in this case."
  1620. >she starts to organize a few papers while you nervously look around.
  1621. "Yeah..."
  1622. >well, it's now or never.
  1623. >probably too late since she showed you her secret lab already, but whatever.
  1624. "Hey, Twilight, there's something I wanted to talk about."
  1625. >she gathers up a bunch of papers before walking back to you.
  1626. >"Is it about the party? Because you don't have to worry about a thing. Pinkie Pie has it covered. Here, tell me what you think of this."
  1627. >she hands you a few stained notes before putting her hands behind her back.
  1628. >you look them over a little and realize you have no clue what they say.
  1629. >they're all filled with various numbers and symbols, all very scientific looking.
  1630. >"I was thinking of calibrating the Photon Beam to vaporize, but then I realized there wouldn't be any rubble for us to laugh over after we took over Canterlot. Should I set it to devastate instead?"
  1631. >Photon beam?
  1632. >you gulp.
  1633. "Uh, devastate sounds good."
  1634. >she takes the notes from you and starts rubbing her chin.
  1635. >"Well, that might set the plan back a little, but I think it'll be worth it!"
  1636. >she looks back to you with a smile.
  1637. >"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"
  1638. >should you break up with the mad scientist?
  1639. >there's no way Gilda punches that hard compared to all this, right?
  1640. >after considering the pros and cons of dating an evil genius, you finally decide that you should probably break this off now.
  1641. >here goes nothing.
  1642. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize, but... I don't think this is going to work out."
  1643. >she raises an eyebrow.
  1644. >"Huh? Of course it'll work out, we're practically finished! I'll just have to synchronize a few cores and-"
  1645. >you put your hands on her shoulders.
  1646. "No, not the Death Ray. I was talking about us."
  1647. >her eyes narrow as she tries to process what you mean.
  1648. >"You don't want to take over Canterlot?"
  1649. >you sigh.
  1650. "I don't think we're good for each other, Twilight."
  1652. >a dramatic organ chord plays from nowhere.
  1653. >after a few seconds of very uncomfortable silence, she clutches her papers.
  1654. >"Good?! We're so perfect for each other, it's almost crazy!"
  1655. >she rips the papers into pieces before making her way to those colorful beakers you were checking out.
  1656. >she grabs a few while mumbling to herself before calling out to the darkest part of the room.
  1657. >"Sunset!"
  1658. >from the shadows emerges your favorite former tyrant.
  1659. >not looking so formal right now, if the red skin and wings are anything to go by.
  1660. >"It seems Anon has forgotten his place, throw him into the portal!"
  1661. >portal?!
  1662. >you try to make a break for the exit.
  1663. >before you can get very far, Sunset holds her hand toward you, causing a red glow to engulf your body.
  1664. >they both laugh maniacally as she slowly lifts you toward the ceiling with her evil magic.
  1665. >somehow, the entire roof crumbles away into the night sky, revealing a bright pink portal swirling around.
  1666. "Isn't this a little dramatic?! We've only been dating for a few days! And what's with the beakers?!"
  1667. >Twilight takes a sip of the green one.
  1668. >"A few days was all it took, Anon! Now I'll never love again! As for the beakers, these were just some fruit juices I was working on, and you won't get to try any of them now!"
  1669. >they both continue to laugh as you slowly sink into the portal.
  1670. >your vision is overtaken by a bright light, and...
  1671. >you wake up in your room with a gasp.
  1672. >raising from your now sweaty sheets, you quickly look around the room.
  1673. >after failing to find any demons or mad scientists, you ease back into your bed.
  1674. "Man, what a nightmare. There's no way it'd go that bad!"
  1675. >you close your eyes with a smile, before immediately frowning.
  1676. "Right?"
  1677. >with a sigh, you get up into a sitting position and check your clock.
  1678. >4:00am.
  1679. >great, doubt you'll be able to go back to sleep now.
  1680. >you stand up and make your way over to the light switch.
  1681. >even if she probably won't send you to another world, you're pretty sure there will be crying if you don't do this right.
  1682. >but what's the best way to break up?
  1683. >you'll need an excuse for starters.
  1684. >interfering with school? Nope, honor roll.
  1685. >too stressful?
  1686. >you remember all the hearts you sent her and silent curse yourself.
  1687. >nope, too happy.
  1688. >should you just tell her that you were trying to help Gilda sneak a paint bomb into her bag?
  1689. >no way, that's the worst one!
  1690. >even if it's the truth.
  1691. >you flip the light switch and slowly make your way back to the bed.
  1692. >with a groan, you fall into it.
  1693. >you're not seeing any clean ways out of this.
  1694. >there's... someone else?
  1695. >it's still the truth, but what would that do to Twilight's self esteem?
  1696. >you don't really like it, but maybe it's the only way?
  1698. >Tuesday
  1699. >you're missing an hour of sleep and about to break up with a nice girl you only dated by accident, which means you're in for quite the day.
  1700. >hopefully it's not a long one.
  1701. >after the usual morning routine, you're all packed up and ready to go.
  1702. >well, almost ready.
  1703. >one quick double check later and you're now absolutely sure nothing is being forgotten, so you say goodbye to your parents and head for the car.
  1704. >right when you grab the door handle, your phone buzzes.
  1705. >if you had to guess...
  1706. >["Good morning!"]
  1707. >yep, Twilight. Starting off early, I see.
  1708. >you sigh before texting back.
  1709. ["Morning, Twilight."]
  1710. >["Don't forget to meet me after school, I'm sure you'll just love the surprise."]
  1711. ["Yeah, I'm looking forward to-
  1712. >hmm...
  1713. >you think about your next words carefully.
  1714. >should you really keep up the act?
  1715. >doesn't seem right to keep pretending you're not about to break up with her.
  1716. ["Before that, could we talk about something? I was just-
  1717. >just... ugh, you can't do it!
  1718. >you can't just break up with her on the day she wanted to show you a surprise, can you?!
  1719. >with a groan, you finish typing out your original message, with an excuse for the late response.
  1720. ["Sorry, had to find my keys. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, see you then."]
  1721. >your weakness is exhausting.
  1722. >["Perfect! See you soon, Anon!"]
  1723. >heart
  1724. >you type out your own heart, but stop before sending it.
  1725. >no, you gotta do it now!
  1726. >if you wait for after the surprise, she'll think it was somehow her fault!
  1727. ["Actually, before that, do you think we could talk about something at lunch?"]
  1728. >after a few seconds, she responds.
  1729. >["Oh, of course. Is something wrong?"]
  1730. >you sigh.
  1731. >smart girl.
  1732. >she's got it right, but you don't want to say yes and make her worry until then.
  1733. >not like the rest of the day will be any better when you're done, but at least let her have a good morning.
  1734. ["It's just important, that's all.]
  1735. >a few seconds and you feel that buzz again.
  1736. >["Well, ok then. I'll look for you at lunch."]
  1737. ["Thanks, see you soon."]
  1738. >once again, she sends a heart.
  1739. >and despite your little turn around, you give in and send one back.
  1740. >way to undo what little progress you made.
  1741. >...
  1742. >after parking and locking your car, you make your way for the back entrance, but stop when you see Twilight waiting by the door.
  1743. >she seems worried, but perks up when she sees you.
  1744. >with a wave, she runs your way.
  1745. >"Anon!"
  1746. >you wave back.
  1747. "Uh, hey Twilight. What are you doing back here?"
  1748. >she stops in front of you and puts her hands behind her back while looking away.
  1749. >"Well, you said you wanted to talk about something important so... I couldn't just wait till lunch. I'd be worrying all day!"
  1750. >she finally looks back to you.
  1751. >"So...?"
  1753. "Twilight, I don't think-"
  1754. >an explosion of confetti behind you and a party horn in the ear puts a pause on that sentence.
  1755. "Whoa!"
  1756. >you turn around to see Pinkie Pie with a big smile on her face.
  1757. >"Surprise! Oh, I can't wait for Saturday! We're going to have so much fun!"
  1758. >she walks over to Twilight.
  1759. >"I already dropped off all the goodies at your house. We have streamers, balloons, confetti, party blowers, like the one I just blew."
  1760. >she blows it again in your face, much more preferable than in your ear.
  1761. >"And lots of yummy treats like apples, cupcakes, a normal cake, candy, and punch! Oh, I think I already told you about all that in the invitation."
  1762. >she jumps in place.
  1763. >"It's going to be the best party ever!"
  1764. >she turns back to Twilight.
  1765. >"Thanks for letting me keep it all in in your la-"
  1766. >who covers Pinkie's mouth while nervously laughing.
  1767. >"Lawn!"
  1768. >Pinkie moves Twilight's hands away.
  1769. >"Lawn? Why would I leave all that cool stuff on your-"
  1770. >she covers her mouth again while laughing loudly.
  1771. >"So Shining could put it away later! Remember Pinkie?"
  1772. >she gets real close to her and starts frantically whispering.
  1773. >you think you heard the word surprise in there, especially since Pinkie seemed to realize something when you did, but don't really care.
  1774. >just like you were trying to avoid, money was spent on this fake party.
  1775. >well shoot.
  1776. "That's just perfect..."
  1777. >Pinkie nods to Twilight before skipping over to you.
  1778. >"Right? And I even got your favorite type of cupcake!"
  1779. >she leans in close and whispers for some reason.
  1780. >"Unicorn Swirl. You know your cupcakes, Anon. Those are my favorite too!"
  1781. >how'd she...?
  1782. >oh yeah, her party journal.
  1783. "Thanks... Pinkie."
  1784. >she quickly nods with a smile.
  1785. >"No problem. See you guys at lunch! Oh, hey, the others are here!"
  1786. >you look where she's pointing and spot the whole gang.
  1787. >Rainbow runs up to Pinkie while waving.
  1788. >"Hey Pinkie! Everything ready?"
  1789. >Pinkie high fives her once she gets close enough.
  1790. >"You know it! This party's going to be awesome!"
  1791. >the others catch up, while Sunset keeps her distance from you.
  1792. >guess she still feels bad about digging around in your head, which she probably should.
  1793. >while you do think magic is cheating, you can't help but feel sympathy for the devil, since she was right to doubt you.
  1794. >you feel someone nudge you, and turn to see a blonde girl with a cool cowboy hat.
  1795. >"Well Howdy-doo, already heard a lot about you from Dash. You're one lucky feller to get a girl like Twilight, Anon. Name's Applejack. I'm a real good friend of hers."
  1796. >she gets in close, with a glare that could rival Gilda's.
  1797. >"So don't you go breaking her heart now, y'hear?"
  1799. >well, you'll certainly try your best.
  1800. >but you doubt it'll be enough, with the way things are going.
  1801. "Loud and clear, ma'am."
  1802. >and just like that, she goes from giving you ice cold Gilda eyes to the warmest smile you've ever seen.
  1803. >"Happy to hear it, partner. I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Anywho, I sure hope you're looking forward to the party Pinkie's setting up for ya, because that girl sure knows how to throw 'em!"
  1804. >yeah, you're ecstatic.
  1805. >ugh, why'd she have to work so fast?!
  1806. "I'm sure she does, if all this confetti is anything to go by."
  1807. >you move some of it around with your foot.
  1808. >wonder if she can get a refund on all the other stuff?
  1809. >Applejack chuckles before looking away.
  1810. >while adjusting her hat, she speaks, with that smile of hers looking a little less bright.
  1811. >"I'm ashamed to admit it, but I had some... ideas about what kinda person you'd be, Anon. Dash told me you're best buds with Gilda, so I assumed you'd be a little more like him, y'know? And when I heard you were dating Twilight..."
  1812. >you sigh.
  1813. "Like him, huh?"
  1814. >she turns back to you while waving a hand.
  1815. >"I know, I know, he's a lot more reasonable than he used to be. Dash told me that too, but ya gotta understand, last time a saw Gilda he was callin' my friends and I some very colorful things before storming off, and I haven't exactly had the chance to see the new him since then."
  1816. >you nod.
  1817. >yeah, that sounds like the old Gilda alright.
  1818. >sometimes the new one too, but she tries to watch her language at least.
  1819. >Applejack puts her hand on your shoulder, so you look back to her.
  1820. >"But I promise, I'll give your friend a fair chance next time I do see him."
  1821. >maybe she'll give you a second chance too after all this is over?
  1822. >nah, probably not.
  1823. "Thanks, I appreciate it."
  1824. >she nods her head with a smile and gives you a little pat before walking over to Twilight, who is currently talking with Pinkie and Rainbow.
  1825. >well, at least she'll have plenty of friends to cheer her up after the break up.
  1826. >you frown.
  1827. >and to gang up on you if it goes too horribly.
  1828. >"Excuse me good sir, but I don't believe we've met yet."
  1829. >you turn around to see a girl with some very fancy hair.
  1830. >"I am Rarity, I work as a fashion designer at the Carousel Boutique. I'm sure you've heard of it?"
  1831. >you have, actually.
  1832. "Oh yeah, it's where I got my suit for the Formal. Best one I've ever worn."
  1833. >she waves a hand at you while giggling.
  1834. >"Oh stop it, you flatter me! So if you have done business with me, then I believe it was your father who picked the suit up? I do remember seeing a man who looked like he could have been related to you."
  1835. >you nod.
  1836. "Yeah, it was him. He's the one that suggested I get it from there in the first place."
  1837. >she nods.
  1838. >"Yes, he does have quite the sense for professional attire. I remember designing quite the suit for him not too long ago, it was very dashing. My apologies, we've gotton off track. So you are?"
  1839. "Right, sorry. My name is Anon."
  1841. >she smiles.
  1842. >"Well, it's certainly a pleasure to meet you, Anon. You should stop by my shop sometime, I'd just love to design another suit for you. Now that you're dating my good friend Twilight, I expect you to start looking your best as often as possible!"
  1843. >Twilight sure does have some interesting friends.
  1844. >might as well get to know them before they stop talking to you forever.
  1845. "I'll try my best. So, how'd you end up working at a place as fancy as that? I've seen it a few times on my way to school, and it looked pretty high end. I'm surprised it's not downtown."
  1846. >she flicks her hair, really showing off just how elegant it is.
  1847. >must spend most of her paychecks on beauty stuff.
  1848. >"Oh, you're too kind Anon. As for how, it's rather simple. I'm going to own it soon! Once I graduate, of course. But it's better to become familiar with it all before then, yes? Not that I need the experience, I was born to design!"
  1849. >expensive or not, it looks like she can afford it.
  1850. >you're pretty jealous, good grades don't feel like they're worth much compared to all that.
  1851. "Wow, so you're already the owner of a business? Makes me feel a little self conscious."
  1852. >she laughs.
  1853. >"Oh nonsense, dear, I was fortunate enough to have it given to me by my parents! But I certainly do put in the work to make it as prestigious as it is."
  1854. >you nod.
  1855. "Well, I'd say you're doing a great job. I'm sure everyone will know the name Rarity in no time at all."
  1856. >she giggles before looking past you for a moment.
  1857. >"You truly are a charmer, aren't you? It's no wonder Twilight fell for you. Oh! Speaking of Twilight, I just remembered something. it was a pleasure meeting you, darling, but if you'll excuse me, I have a few things to discuss with her before the bell rings. I'll see you again at the party!"
  1858. >you nod, holding back a tired sigh.
  1859. >right, that lovely party that you won't be attending.
  1860. "Sure, see you then."
  1861. >and with that, she runs off with a wave.
  1862. >well, looks like you're done meeting with your soon to be executioners.
  1863. >you look over to Twilight.
  1864. >whatever they're talking about, it sure is making her happy.
  1865. >breaking up with her right now ain't happening.
  1866. >lunch it is...
  1867. >might as well tell her you'll meet up later.
  1868. >as you make your way toward the giggling girls, the entrance doors swing open, revealing your actual girlfriend.
  1869. >Gilda notices you immediately and walks over with a wave.
  1870. >"Hey, Anon! You finally talk with Twilight yet? Better get it over with before the party."
  1871. >laughter stops.
  1872. >everyone looks over to Gilda, who finally notices Twilight and her friends.
  1873. >she looks back to you with a raised eyebrow.
  1874. >you scream internally, wondering how to recover from this.
  1875. >"You didn't tell her yet, did you?"
  1876. >now they're all looking at you.
  1877. "...Nope."
  1879. >Gilda rubs the back of her head.
  1880. >"Oh. Uh, whoops?"
  1881. >gee, thanks.
  1882. >Twilight walks a few steps away from her friends, who are now whispering with each other.
  1883. >"That's right, you said you wanted to talk about something important. What was it, Anon?"
  1884. >you were ready before all her friends showed up, but now you're dealing with a whole audience!
  1885. >can't you this do this at lunch like you wanted?
  1886. >you start thinking of all the different things you could say.
  1887. "Uh, well..."
  1888. >you look over to Gilda, who shrugs.
  1889. >you raise your hands in a pleading motion, begging her to help get the ball rolling.
  1890. >she starts thinking about something.
  1891. >Twilight looks back at her before turning to you with a raised eyebrow.
  1892. >"Anon?"
  1893. >finally, Gilda starts walking over to you.
  1894. >perfect, wonder what she thought up.
  1895. >hopefully it makes things go a little smoother.
  1896. >when she finally reaches the two of you, she puts an arm around your neck and smiles at Twilight.
  1897. >"Anon just wanted to know if I could come to your party."
  1898. >what?!
  1899. >before you can protest, she pulls you into a headlock.
  1900. >soft.
  1901. >"He kept acting like it was such a big deal. You embarrassed about me or something, dweeb?"
  1902. >she whispers into your ear.
  1903. >"Just go with it, ok?"
  1904. >Twilight looks surprised.
  1905. >"You're friends with Anon?"
  1906. >Applejack turns to Dash with a furrowed brow.
  1907. >"You told me, but not Twilight?"
  1908. >Dash shrugs while laughing awkwardly.
  1909. >Gilda lets you go and punches you in the arm.
  1910. >ow, ok she's mad.
  1911. >"Yeah, best friends. Ever since we were kids. So, can I come or not?"
  1912. >Twilight looks back to the others.
  1913. >Applejack and Pinkie nod, Rainbow gives a thumbs up, Rarity waves a hand to show she doesn't mind, and Fluttershy hides behind Rainbow.
  1914. >hey, when did she get here?
  1915. >Twilight turns back to the two of you.
  1916. >"Uh, sure! If you're Anon's friend, then of course you can come. It'll be on Saturday, at 6:00pm."
  1917. >Gilda nods before letting you go.
  1918. >"Cool."
  1919. >Twilight rubs her arm while looking away.
  1920. >"Um, about the whole prank thing... I'm sorry for telling on you, but that really was an inappropriate use of paintballs!"
  1921. >Gilda rolls her eyes.
  1922. >"Whatever, Dash used to do worse when we hanged out."
  1923. >Rainbow starts laughing loudly.
  1924. >"Haha, ok! We'd better get to Class, huh? Bye everyone!"
  1925. >she runs off with Fluttershy, while Applejack follows after her with a smug smile.
  1926. >"Worse, huh?"
  1927. >what the heck is Gilda planning?
  1928. >you look over to her while rubbing your neck.
  1929. >"Dash is right, bell's about to ring. I'll see you two love birds after school. Later, Anon."
  1930. >Gilda walks off, leaving the two of you alone again.
  1931. >not like that matters anymore.
  1932. >"I had no idea you were friends with Gilda. How did that happen?"
  1933. >you sigh.
  1934. "Eh, it's a long story. He'd probably tell it better than me, anyway."
  1936. >Twilight adjusts her glasses.
  1937. >"I don't mind long stories. I am a fan of Starswirl, after all. Besides, I'd rather listen to you tell it!"
  1938. >you hear a small vibration from her bag.
  1939. >Twilight pulls out her phone and looks at the screen for a moment.
  1940. >"Oh, but if it's a long one, then maybe we should wait till lunch. I got so caught up in chatting with the others that I didn't notice the time! The bell is going to ring soon, we should get going."
  1941. >after putting her phone away, she jogs a few steps toward the entrance before turning back to you again with a worried look.
  1942. >"Anon, was that really what you wanted to talk to me about? You made it sound a lot more important in your text..."
  1943. >that's because you thought you were going to be done with all this!
  1944. >you'll need to have a little chat with Gilda before heading to the cafeteria.
  1945. "Yeah, sorry for acting all weird. I was just worried you wouldn't approve of him. See you at lunch, Twilight, I'll tell you all about Gilda then."
  1946. >except for one very important detail, of course.
  1947. >she thinks about something for a moment before nodding.
  1948. >"Great, I'm looking forward to it. Bye, Anon!"
  1949. >she waves goodbye, so you do the same.
  1950. >when she's gone, you shake your head with a sigh.
  1951. "Bye."
  1952. >nothing good about any of this.
  1953. >you look up at the school before heading inside.
  1954. >...
  1955. >another uneventful morning at Canterlot High.
  1956. >it's lunch time, and you have a lot on your plate.
  1957. >first things first, you'd better go talk with Gilda.
  1958. >you exit the classroom and start heading for the bleachers when you spot Twilight down the hall.
  1959. >she's chatting with all her friends, and coming your way.
  1960. >you consider ducking into a nearby room, but before you can Pinkie starts waving at you.
  1961. >"Hi Anon!"
  1962. >that's twice now that she's complicated things, and all in the same day too.
  1963. >you wave back with a forced smile as the others look your way.
  1964. >once she sees you, Twilight runs over.
  1965. >"Looks like everyone's here. We were just heading for the cafeteria, you should join us! I hope you don't mind, but the others wanted to hear about Gilda too."
  1966. >sure, why not?
  1967. >maybe we could even get Principal Celestia in on this too!
  1968. "Yeah, that's fine. But I actually have to chat with him real quick. I'll meet you there in a few, shouldn't take more than 10 minutes."
  1969. >Twilight makes a pouty face.
  1970. >"You said you'd tell me at lunch, y'know..."
  1971. >you really should talk with Gilda first, but...
  1972. >that face is way too cute.
  1973. >hope Gilda doesn't head in early.
  1974. "Sorry, you're right... I'll chat with him later. Well, let's head for the lunch room, then. Looks like I've got a little story to tell."
  1975. >Twilight immediately brightens up and grabs your hand.
  1976. >"Perfect! Let's go, I don't want any interruptions getting in the way of this."
  1977. >she starts to walk, so you follow.
  1978. >"Rainbow already told me a little bit about Gilda while we were heading this way, and from what she said it sounds like he's... well, not exactly the kind of guy who'd hang out with someone like you. Is that rude to say?"
  1979. >you shake your head.
  1980. "Nah, I get what you mean."
  1982. >you open the doors to the cafeteria, revealing a bustling room full of various cliques.
  1983. >athletes, fashionistas, drama kids, eco-kids, techies, rockers...
  1984. >this school really does have all sorts of interesting people.
  1985. >always reminded you of those high school shows you used to watch as a kid.
  1986. >following the girls to the lunch line, you look around the area to see it hasn't really changed much since your last visit, which is surprising since you haven't been here for quite some time.
  1987. >people sitting at the same tables, eating the same food, even being served by the same lunch lady.
  1988. >all older now of course, with a few new faces to replace the ones that graduated, but aside from that?
  1989. >same old Canterlot High.
  1990. >ever since you first started hanging out with Gilda and Dash, all of your lunches were either spent by the bleachers or anywhere else they would pick to plan out their next prank or just to talk about random stuff.
  1991. >it's nice to use the lunch room for it's intended purpose again.
  1992. >you take a look at the food selection, and it's just as impressive as you remember.
  1993. >everything you could want from healthy to unhealthy food choices.
  1994. >you decide to get a sandwich, a tiny milk carton, and an apple, which Applejack and the lunch lady nod to approvingly when you put it on your tray.
  1995. >ok?
  1996. >after everyone gets their food, they lead you to a table in the center, and all the girls take their seats.
  1997. >you notice the only empty spot is by Twilight, across from Sunset.
  1998. >well, this is going to be awkward.
  1999. >out of curiosity, you peak at what everyone else got while taking your seat.
  2000. >looks like they got the same thing as you, with Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie being the only ones to mix it up.
  2001. >instead of the usual combo, Fluttershy only has a large salad and some water, Rarity got a salad instead of a sandwich, and Pinkie's tray...
  2002. >well, it looks like a tiny bakery with all the sweets she got.
  2003. >the only real food item she has is a burger, which is nowhere near healthy enough to justify all that sugar.
  2004. >there's no way she eats like this all the time, right?
  2005. >and if she does, then how the heck is she still so thin?
  2006. >you're lost in thought until you notice Pinkie returning your staring while chewing her food.
  2007. >she picks up a cupcake before speaking with a mouth full of burger.
  2008. >"Want one? They're good!"
  2009. >you take one look at all the frosting and sprinkles before politely declining, for the sake of your teeth.
  2010. "No thanks, I'm fine with just this."
  2011. >she shrugs before swallowing her food and immediately taking a bite out of the tiny cake.
  2012. >after everyone else takes a few bites of their food, Twilight scoots next to you and hugs your arm.
  2013. >soft...
  2014. >she adjust her glasses, looking just as nervous as you feel about the contact she's currently making with your arm.
  2015. >out of the corner of your eye, you see Rarity give her a thumbs up, which answers your question on why she's suddenly acting so bold.
  2016. >Twilight speaks with a slightly shaky voice, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.
  2017. >"Ok, we're ready when you are!"
  2018. >you clear your throat to regain your composure, and start the story.
  2019. "Uh, Right. Well, I didn't originally live in Canterlot. I moved here from Fillydelphia because my parents had to relocate for work."
  2021. "I was just a kid back then but I wasn't leaving any friends behind, so the move didn't bother me at all. I was actually happy to leave that noisy city."
  2022. >Dash leans forward and raises an eyebrow.
  2023. >"You didn't have any friends before meeting me and Gilda? Why not?"
  2024. >you take a drink of your milk.
  2025. "When I was young, I was always too busy to make any friends. Figured such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends."
  2026. >you smile.
  2027. "It's actually thanks to Principal Celestia that I even met you and Gilda, funnily enough."
  2028. >Dash smiles back.
  2029. >"What? No way! Why would Celestia set you up with kids like us? We were pretty bad back then, figured she'd tell someone like you to avoid us!"
  2030. >everyone looks at Dash curiously, causing her to nervously chuckle.
  2031. >maybe you'll leave out some of the crazier stuff she got you and Gilda to do, if they ever ask.
  2032. >Dash tries to get everyone's attention back on you.
  2033. >"So that's why you just showed up out of nowhere asking to be our friend?"
  2034. >you nod.
  2035. "Yep, Celestia called me to her office one day to have a little chat. Think it was a month after I moved here, and that one visit was all it took to make me reconsider the whole friendship thing. There's just something about her that you can't say no to..."
  2036. >you describe to them a younger Anon sitting in Celestia's office, nervous that he someone got into trouble despite doing everything right.
  2037. >well, almost everything.
  2038. >{"Hello, Anon. I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here today. I assure you, it's not because you're in trouble. I'm actually very proud of you!"}
  2039. >you stop twiddling your thumbs to look up to her.
  2040. {"Really?"}
  2041. >she nods.
  2042. >{"Of course! Taking your school work so seriously at such a young age is very impressive. However, it's also important to remember that there's more to a young boy's life than studying. Can you tell me what that is?"}
  2043. >you try thinking about it, but come up with nothing.
  2044. >she stands up and leans forward with a smile.
  2045. >{"Making some friends!"}
  2046. >she sits back down and crosses her legs.
  2047. >why would making friends be more important than studying?
  2048. >as you try to find the answer, Celestia rests her cheek into her fist.
  2049. >after a few moments of silence, she softly laughs at what must be an unconvinced face before standing up.
  2050. >she speaks while walking around her desk, over to you.
  2051. >{"I'm sure you'll understand soon. For now, I want you to do something for me, Anon. Consider it extra credit."}
  2052. >she puts a hand on your shoulder, and somehow it causes you to be completely relaxed.
  2053. >{"When you leave this room, I want you to talk to the first person you see. Introduce yourself, and no matter what they say, try to be their friend. After that, I'd like you to see me tomorrow and tell me how it went. Can you do that for me, Anon?"}
  2055. >you think about it for a moment.
  2056. {"What... should I say when I talk to them?"}
  2057. >she walks over to the door.
  2058. >{"Just say whatever you think sounds good, I'm sure it'll all come naturally once you start. And remember..."}
  2059. >you nod as you get up from your chair before repeating her words.
  2060. {"No matter what they say, try to be their friend."}
  2061. >she smiles.
  2062. >{"That's right, and don't worry if the first one doesn't work out, I have plenty of lovely students here."}
  2063. >you're still not sure about this, but if someone like her is saying it's important, then it must be.
  2064. {"Ok, I'll do my best."}
  2065. >she nods.
  2066. >{"That's all I ask. I'll leave it to you then, Anon. Good luck!"}
  2067. >she opens the door, and just as you walk out her phone starts to ring.
  2068. >she goes off to answer it while closing the door behind her.
  2069. >just like she said, you look around for someone to talk to.
  2070. >unfortunately, the hallway is completely empty.
  2071. >at least that'll give you some time to think about what you should say.
  2072. >as you try to put together the perfect greeting, you hear two people talking from around the corner.
  2073. >{"Did you see the look on his face? Priceless!"}
  2074. >a girl with a really raspy voice.
  2075. >{"Yeah, looks like ol' Cranky's gonna need some new pants after that one, haha."}
  2076. >and a guy with a really weird voice.
  2077. >wonder which one you'll see first.
  2078. >you hang around to meet your potentially new friends, but get a little discouraged when two scary looking kids turn the corner and start walking towards you.
  2079. >thankfully, the first one you see is the boy.
  2080. >you're not very good at talking with girls, at least not when they're your age.
  2081. >the boy has a really cool jacket and spiky white hair with purple tips.
  2082. >the girl has a wild hairstyle with every color in the rainbow, and a blue track jacket.
  2083. >the boy sighs while putting his hands in his pockets.
  2084. >{"Sucks that he caught us though, I ain't looking forward to a week of detention. I told you not to laugh so hard, Dash."}
  2085. >the rainbow haired one, who you now know as Dash, puts her hands behind her head.
  2086. >{"C'mon Gilda, you were laughing pretty hard too."}
  2087. >Gilda? You've never heard a name like that before.
  2088. >sounds a little girly, but there's no way you'd ever tell him that.
  2089. >halfway down the hall, and Gilda finally notices you staring at him.
  2090. >he nods his head up at you with a glare.
  2091. >{"What're you looking at, Dweeb?"}
  2092. >you take a deep breath and start walking towards him.
  2093. >Dash crosses her arms as you approach while Gilda simply stands up straight.
  2094. >when you stop just a bit away from him, he raises an eyebrow and takes his hands out of his pockets.
  2095. >{"You wanna fight or something?"}
  2096. >you look him right in the eyes before holding out your hand.
  2097. {"Hi, my name's Anon. I think your jacket's pretty cool, want to be friends?"}
  2098. >he stares at your hand for a moment before looking back at you with a puzzled look.
  2099. >{"Huh?"}
  2101. >you smile.
  2102. >are you doing this right?
  2103. >you've heard that a firm handshake and eye contact are the most important things when meeting someone.
  2104. >but it doesn't seem like he's going to return the shake...
  2105. >you recall Celestia's words of advice.
  2106. >whatever you think is right, huh? Well, here goes nothing.
  2107. {"Uh, I'm pretty new to this whole friend making thing. You're actually the first person I've ever asked! I usually just spend my time studying."}
  2108. >Dash snickers while Gilda rolls his eyes.
  2109. >{"Yeah? Well it looks like things are gonna stay that way, loser. No way I'm ever hanging out with a dork like you. C'mon Dash, let's get this over with."}
  2110. >Gilda puts his hands back in his pockets and starts walking towards Celestia's office.
  2111. >even though you weren't really in his way, he bumps you with his arm.
  2112. >as you regain your balance, Dash sticks her tongue out at you while passing by.
  2113. >{"Later, egghead."}
  2114. >well that didn't go well, so what else can you do?
  2115. >you look back at Celestia's office while thinking about the best way to earn Gilda's friendship.
  2116. >before they reach it, Celestia opens the door, looking very disappointed.
  2117. >{"Again? Just what am I going to do with you two? And Rainbow Dash, I seem to recall you promising me you'd stop encouraging Gilda's behavior if I didn't talk with Miss Spitfire during your last visit to my office."}
  2118. >Dash looks down while Gilda simply shrugs his shoulders.
  2119. >{"Hey, it's not our fault Cranky's so boring. And lay off Dash, it was all my idea."}
  2120. >Celestia shakes her head while the two troublemakers take their seats.
  2121. >before closing the door, she sees you, so you wave.
  2122. >she looks back at the two before quickly looking around the hall.
  2123. >when she's back to you again, she seems worried about something.
  2124. >{"Oh dear..."}
  2125. >she returns your wave with an uncomfortable smile before closing the door.
  2126. >that does not inspire confidence.
  2127. >with a sigh, you lean against the wall and go back to your thinking.
  2128. >so, what do you know about Gilda so far?
  2129. >he's not into studying, he thinks you're lame, he's a bit of a troublemaker...
  2130. >you look back at Celestia's office.
  2131. >ok, maybe more than a bit, but he was willing to take the blame for his friend Dash, so he can't be all bad.
  2132. >at least you won't have to worry about gaining both of their approval, since she seems to follow his lead.
  2133. >which means you might get two friends out of this!
  2134. >so if words don't work, then maybe you can try something a bit more substantial.
  2135. >what would show Gilda that you'd make a good friend?
  2136. >offering to do his homework?
  2137. >maybe some other time, but you're not really interested in making that the cornerstone of your friendship.
  2138. >doing something to impress him?
  2139. >sure, but what could someone like you do to earn his respect?
  2140. >probably something bad, and you really don't want to end up in that office for reasons other than friendship advice, but...
  2141. >it might be the only way.
  2142. >you're sure Celestia will understand, if she finds out.
  2144. >Dash rubs the back of her head while chuckling.
  2145. >"Heh, heh, heh... Hey, sorry for being so rude back then. I was just trying to impress Gilda."
  2146. >you take a look at your phone.
  2147. >15 minutes left until lunch is over.
  2148. "Don't worry about it, I am pretty lame. Hey girls, sorry to cut this short, but it's almost time for class. I wanted to talk with Gilda before heading back."
  2149. >Rainbow leans over the table.
  2150. >"What?! But you were just getting to the good part! C'mon, tell them what you did real quick!"
  2151. >you put your phone away before shrugging.
  2152. "Maybe next time, but I'll leave you all with this at least:"
  2153. >you whisper the next part.
  2154. "It involved Celestia's office."
  2155. >the others whisper to each other while Dash sits back down and crosses her arms.
  2156. >"Yeah, and it was pretty daring. I'm surprised she never found out!"
  2157. >you smile.
  2158. "That's because I didn't leave any evidence behind, but that's enough for today. I gotta run, see you all later."
  2159. >Twilight lets your arm go as you start to get out of your seat.
  2160. >after picking up your tray, you turn to her with a slight frown.
  2161. "Sorry, I'll have to finish the story another time."
  2162. >she shakes her head with a smile.
  2163. >"That's ok, I think I have a good idea on how you two became friends now. Of course, I'd love to hear the rest later."
  2164. >well, hopefully you tell it within the next few days.
  2165. >she adjusts her glasses.
  2166. >"Even if I might not approve of what I'm sure you did."
  2167. >no, you really don't think she would.
  2168. >but hey, at least you returned it after Gilda moved on to something else.
  2169. >you wave everyone goodbye and go to turn your tray in.
  2170. >time to go ask Gilda why she didn't help you end this already.
  2171. >...
  2172. >as usual, you find her hanging out on the bleachers.
  2173. "Hey, Gilda."
  2174. >she waves at you without turning around.
  2175. >"Have fun with your girlfriend?"
  2176. "Yeah, her and her friends wanted to know everything about you, so I told them."
  2177. >Gilda looks back at you with a raised brow.
  2178. >realizing the implication of what you said, you wave your hand dismissively.
  2179. "Well, obviously I wouldn't tell them everything. I only told then about the time we first met."
  2180. >Gilda chuckles.
  2181. >"You tell them about the push?"
  2182. >you grin.
  2183. "Yeah."
  2184. >she goes back to looking at the field.
  2185. "So what's your plan, anyway? Don't know why we even need one if I'm just breaking up with her."
  2186. >Gilda shrugs.
  2187. >"Eh, I don't have one. After you chickened out, I just figured making you break up with her at the party would be a good way to toughen you up."
  2188. >it takes you a moment to process what you just heard.
  2189. "What?! Gilda! I was already like 2 steps away from doing it! All you had to do was give me some encouragement or something, not invite yourself to the party I don't even want to go to!"
  2190. >you start running back to the building.
  2191. "I gotta end this now!"
  2192. >"Wait!"
  2193. >you turn back to Gilda with both arms outstretched while taking a few steps toward her.
  2194. >she's thinking about something, but you're short on time.
  2195. "Well, what is it?!"
  2197. >she's looking down at you from the top bleacher.
  2198. >"Think they'll stop talking to you when you're done breaking up with Twilight?"
  2199. >you narrow your eyes.
  2200. >hopefully not talking to you is the most they do.
  2201. >you nod while lowering your arms.
  2202. "Yeah? I guess, maybe more if I don't do it right. Why?"
  2203. >Gilda climbs down from the bleacher and turns to you after landing.
  2204. >she puts her hands in her pockets while looking away.
  2205. >"Well, after you choked and asked me for help, I thought about all this and... I kinda wanted to hang out with Dash a little more, before we have to stop talking them."
  2206. >you squint while tilting your head back in confusion.
  2207. "I thought you were mad about me not ending this earlier? You punched me pretty hard."
  2208. >she rolls her eyes.
  2209. >"C'mon, it wasn't that bad. And yeah, it was pretty lame you couldn't get it over with just because her friends showed up!"
  2210. >she takes her hands out and crosses her arms.
  2211. >"But I didn't really think about what would happen after this was over, and seeing Dash with all her friends again reminded me of something."
  2212. >"{last time a saw Gilda, she was callin' my friends and I some colorful things before storming off."}
  2213. "...something you did?"
  2214. >she sighs.
  2215. >"They told you about that?"
  2216. >you walk over to her and lean on the side of the bleacher.
  2217. "Applejack only mentioned it because she thought I'd be like the old you."
  2218. >she huffs.
  2219. >"Tch, figured. Looks like I'm still dragging you down."
  2220. >you glance her way.
  2221. "I thought you promised to stop thinking like that?"
  2222. >silence.
  2223. "...she also said she'd give you a fair chance the next time she sees you."
  2224. >Gilda returns your glance.
  2225. >"Really?"
  2226. >you smile.
  2227. "Yeah, so I guess we're going to a party. Unless you want to meet her during the week?"
  2228. >Gilda shakes her head.
  2229. >"Nah, Dash says she's all about work and honesty, not really my style. I'm just surprised she isn't holding a grudge or something."
  2230. >you look forward.
  2231. >"Doubt any of them would do something like that, they all seem too happy for it."
  2232. >wait a second...
  2233. >you turn back to her.
  2234. "Hey, I'm the one going down in flames after all this. Why are you worried about Dash not talking to you?"
  2235. >Gilda looks at you with a furrowed brow.
  2236. >"I'm your best friend dude, If they hate you, they'll hate me by association."
  2237. >you didn't think about that.
  2238. "Heh, so this time I'm the one causing you problems."
  2239. >her stern look becomes one of concern.
  2240. >"Hey, I didn't mean-"
  2241. >you smile.
  2242. "Don't worry about it, I'm actually kinda happy. Makes me feel like I'm some kinda delinquent."
  2243. >you flex your arms.
  2244. "It's been awhile, think I'm as tough as you now?"
  2245. >she tries to hold in a laugh, but fails.
  2246. >good.
  2247. >when she's done laughing, you get closer to her.
  2248. "By the way, you're wrong about something."
  2249. >she looks at you with a raised brow.
  2250. >"Yeah? And what would that be?"
  2251. >after making sure nobody's around to see, you give her a kiss.
  2252. >not expecting the sudden intimacy, her eyes go wide as she starts blushing.
  2253. >satisfied with its effect, you break the kiss off with an amused grin.
  2254. "We're a lot more than friends now, Gilda. Remember?"
  2256. >she looks away with a smile.
  2257. >"Yeah."
  2258. >you're having fun, which means...
  2259. >you take a look at your phone.
  2260. >yep.
  2261. "Well, time to head back. If we're keeping this up, then I guess I'm heading out with Twilight after school. She wanted to show me something."
  2262. >Gilda looks back and just stares at you for a second before getting her composure back.
  2263. >"Huh? Oh. Uh, sure. Whatever."
  2264. >she adjusts her jacket with a quick movement of her shoulders.
  2265. >"Guess I'll go see if I can finally hang with Dash again. She said we were cool awhile back, but it doesn't really feel like it."
  2266. >she blows at the front of her hair.
  2267. >"It's been all this time and she never even tried hanging out with us, she just spends all her time with those los... new friends of hers."
  2268. >she palms her fist.
  2269. >"So I'm gonna show her just how much awesome she's been missing! Maybe she'll finally stop being so lame."
  2270. >seeing Dash and Gilda together again could be neat, but hopefully this doesn't bring back her taste for the old ways.
  2271. >Dash's ideas of a good time were a little extreme back then.
  2272. "Well, at least one of us might have some fun."
  2273. >Gilda walks up to you with a grin before resting an arm on your neck.
  2274. >"Oh yeah, while I'm hanging with Dash, you'll be all alone with your fake girlfriend, huh? C'mon, she can't be that boring. I know you love that dorky stuff."
  2275. >Gilda pinches your cheek with a chuckle before going on ahead.
  2276. >"Just don't do anything I wouldn't do, lover boy."
  2277. >as she walks off, you remember Monday night while rubbing the side of your face.
  2278. >you catch up with her and nudge her arm.
  2279. "Maybe I'll just stick with what I wouldn't do."
  2280. >...
  2281. >and with that, another school day is out of the way, bringing you one step closer to the end.
  2282. >but it's all good... maybe?
  2283. >at least Gilda will have some fun before it's over.
  2284. >if things don't work out, then you'll at least have to make sure they only hate you after this.
  2285. >Gilda doesn't deserve to take the fall with you, even if it's partially her fault you're in this mess.
  2286. >after exiting the classroom, you start looking for Twilight.
  2287. >she told you to meet her... nowhere, actually.
  2288. >honestly, you were kinda expecting her to just be waiting for you after class for some reason.
  2289. >you pull up your phone, ready to text her, when you notice two blue eyes right in your face.
  2290. >rather than jump back in surprise, you simply clench your phone while taking in a deep breath through your nose.
  2291. "Hey Pinkie."
  2292. >"Hi Anon!"
  2293. >she backs off to a more reasonable distance while you put your phone away.
  2294. "Did Twilight send you to get me?"
  2295. >she gets back in your face.
  2296. >"Ooo, can you read minds too?"
  2297. "Uh..."
  2298. >"Just kidding! C'mon, let's go!"
  2299. >she grabs your hand and starts running with you.
  2300. >"She's waiting by the statue out front, we always meet there after school. So where are you two going?"
  2301. >you shake your head.
  2302. "No clue, she said it was a surprise."
  2304. >once again, your personal space vanishes and is replaced with a wall of pink.
  2305. >honestly, you're surprised neither of you have bumped into anyone yet.
  2306. >"I love surprises! Is it a surprise party? Because it'd be pretty weird if it was since I'm throwing one this Saturday... Well, it's not really a surprise party since you and the girls know about it already, but- Hi Twilight!"
  2307. "Huh?"
  2308. >you look away from Pinkie after she frees you from her face and see the others standing by that horse statue.
  2309. >Twilight is waving at the two of you, and the others do the same after hearing her very loud friend.
  2310. >wow, she got you here fast.
  2311. >you return the wave with an awkward smile, and start to walk towards the group while Twilight makes her way over to you.
  2312. >after a few steps, a sudden tugging catches your attention.
  2313. >before you know it, you're spinning around with Pinkie, who is now holding both your hands.
  2314. >"Whee!"
  2315. "Whoa!"
  2316. >after getting a little closer to the others, she lets go, sending you stumbling towards Twilight.
  2317. >"Ah!"
  2318. >Twilight manages to stop your staggering by getting in the way, but this results in the two of you sharing a pretty deep embrace, with your faces being just a few inches apart.
  2319. >you both break it off immediately, sharing an awkward laugh.
  2320. >out the corner of your eye, you see Pinkie high five Rarity while the others giggle.
  2321. >are they all working against you now?!
  2322. >"So! I'm ready when you are, Anon! Shining usually picks me up after school, but I told him you'd bring me home today."
  2323. >Shining? He might be that guy you saw in the doorway when you went on your first date with Twilight.
  2324. >he looked to young to be her dad, which means...
  2325. "Is Shining your brother?"
  2326. >she nods with a smile.
  2327. >"Yep! He's my B.B.B.F.F."
  2328. >apparently saying something she shouldn't have, Twilight winces while slapping her forehead.
  2329. >you tilt your head with a raised eyebrow.
  2330. "BBBFF?"
  2331. >she avoids your look with a blush while twirling her hair and nervously chuckling.
  2332. >"It was just something we made up when we were kids. It means 'Big Brother Best Friend Forever'. He was my only friend before I met the girls. Sorry, it's pretty embarrassing."
  2333. >you shake your head.
  2334. "Nah, he sounds like a real good guy. You already know how lonely my childhood was before I met Gilda and Dash, so it might've been cool to have a brother like that."
  2335. >she stops twirling her hair and looks back at you with a smile.
  2336. >"Thanks, he is pretty great."
  2337. >you pull out your keys and twirl them around your pointer finger.
  2338. "So, ready to head out?"
  2340. >"Mm-hm! Let's go."
  2341. >as you walk off with Twilight, the others start to head out as well.
  2342. >Rainbow & Fluttershy are chatting while going one way, Applejack & Pinkie their own, and Rarity...
  2343. >"Oh!"
  2344. >seems to remember something and waves for Twilight to come over.
  2345. >"Ah, before you go, Twilight, aren't you forgetting something?
  2346. >she smiles while fluttering her eyelashes, but Twilight just seems confused.
  2347. >"Huh? No, I don't think so..."
  2348. >Rarity groans and waves a little harder.
  2349. >"Just get over here!"
  2350. >you raise an eyebrow, which causes Rarity to nervously laugh through a sheepish smile.
  2351. >"Um, please dear. It's very important!"
  2352. >after looking at you with a raised eyebrow of her own, Twilight runs over to Rarity, who pulls up her purse and starts reaching around in it.
  2353. >"Yes, you told me to hold onto something for you, remember? Wouldn't want to leave without it!"
  2354. >she obviously said that out loud so you could hear it, which is just weird.
  2355. >"I did...?"
  2356. >Rarity glares at her, which causes Twilight to look back at you with a smile.
  2357. >"Oh wait, now I remember! Thanks for reminding me, Rarity!"
  2358. >they both look over to you while laughing awkwardly.
  2359. >when they go back to looking through Rarity's purse, for something you're sure doesn't even exist, you can hear whispers between the two, but that's about it.
  2360. >what are they up to?
  2361. >they start giggling.
  2362. >well whatever it is, you're sure it's going to make things even more complicated.
  2363. >the two give determined nods to each other before Twilight runs back to your side.
  2364. >"Ok, ready for real this time!"
  2365. >you look past her over to Rarity with narrowed eyes.
  2366. >she looks this way and that trying to avoid your gaze, but after that fails to deal with your suspicion she flicks her hair at you with a smile, as if what they were doing earlier would be forgotten when you stare into those shiny blue eyes.
  2367. >A for effort, her eyes are pretty.
  2368. >"Did you need something from me, Anon?"
  2369. >she flutters her eyelashes while bringing a hand to her chest, trying to look as innocent as possible.

Ulterior Motives

by CasualAnon