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Sins of the Sun

By NothingImpossible
Created: 2021-12-10 02:31:01
Updated: 2021-12-10 02:31:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Celestia
  2. >For centuries you had ruled over your ponies with a firm yet maternal hoof
  3. >You had watched countless ponies be born, grow old, and die
  4. >The last time you had dared let your heart thaw and taken a stallion as your own was nigh half a millennia ago
  5. >Of all the things you had grown used to pain was the most constant
  6. >Your elation at Cadance ascending had been indescribable
  7. >Centuries of loneliness forgotten in the first few years of her ascension
  8. >She was the daughter you thought you could never have
  9. >The foundation you hadn’t known you needed
  10. >Her earnest and happy presence had made you once more rooted in the day to day
  11. >For the first time in centuries the years didn't pass by in a blur, the days didn't flicker past like flashes of light
  12. >As wonderful as your adopted niece was, she couldn't dull the ache in your chest when you saw mares with their husbands
  13. >You had long ago resigned yourself to never knowing what it was like to truly share a life with a mate
  14. >Perhaps that was why you so quickly abandoned all your morals when Anonymous appeared
  15. >The poor man had been taken from his home, twisted into a creature not of his own species and left adrift in a strange new world
  16. >You knew it was possible to undo what had been done to him
  17. >A way to send him back to his home safely
  18. >So you had lied through your teeth to the frightened man turned stallion
  19. >He would be returned to his true form
  20. >He would be returned to his home
  21. >All the while research was undertaken to find a way back you had comforted him
  22. >Befriended him, made him laugh and smile inspite of his pain and fear, even as you sabotaged every step of the efforts to return him
  23. >Ponies believed you had lost control of the elements after you banished your sister
  24. >A belief you never discouraged
  25. >The truth was you became selfish
  26. >Self serving
  27. >Bitter
  28. >You took whatever you could to dull the ache of being the sole immortal in Equestria with little regret
  29. >But now...
  30. >Now you were committing the worst act you had ever done in your life
  31. >As you held the sobbing stallion you whispered your false remorse into his ears
  32. >As you rubbed his heaving back you gave empty apologies
  33. >As he wrapped his wings around you you told him it would okay
  34. >As your horns brushed each you rocked him side to side
  35. >As he broke down you rejoiced that you would no longer be alone
  36. >You couldn't even pretend to feel guilt over your lies and obstruction
  37. >A life you once thought denied to you for eternity was in your reach
  38. >Even as Anonymous slipped into slumber in your embrace you planned the announcement of Equestria’s first true Prince
  39. >He would be yours for eternity
  40. >No matter the cost
  41. >...Faust forgive you

Sins of the Sun

by NothingImpossible