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New Life with Frosty Flakes

By HornyDerp
Created: 2021-12-14 02:05:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Sleighride
  2. >You are a Snowpony stallion
  3. >Your kind live in the isolated far north
  4. >Well, not entirely isolated. There are multiple tribes of Snowponies. Some are settled, some are migratory
  5. >Tribes in proximity have some trade and contact, and all tribes in the taiga and the tundra come together at least once a year for major festivals in the village of Snowpitt
  6. >Coincidentally, this is where you and your tribe live year round. a village near the boundary of piney forests and arctic plains
  7. >You rarely get visitors not of your kind. Every once in a blue moon, different tribes will get visitors from the south.
  8. >Your kind are varying earth tones. Brown, tan, white, black, red-orange. These ponies are various bright colors. Some even have horns or wings. But even the ones that are otherwise like you don't have your big, fluffy coat
  9. >According to the legends, a great crisis split apart the ancient ponies. Most fled to the south, but your ancestors stayed put. They weren't interested in the fighting that consumed the others, and through their love for each other and the help of the spirits they were able to survive and adapt to the harsh environment.
  10. >The legends also spoke of a disappearing city of ponies that were made of ice or crystal. Word has spread that the city has reappeared, but you have yet to meet any of these strange ponies or come across any of their goods
  11. >Your kind mostly get by on mushrooms, roots, grasses, and other plants you can gather and save. Although some of the southernmost tribes can grow some food in the warm times
  12. >Most unusual, according to your occasional visitors, is your race's love of eating fish
  13. >Smoked, roasted, plain or with herbs. A few ponies will even eat it raw. It's yet another adaptation that has allowed your kind to flourish
  14. >You are a trader and take periodic trips to barter with the other nearby tribes for whatever your tribe needs
  15. >Which is easier this time of year. Things are slightly less harsh when the cold retreats and the sun is in the sky all day. A winged pony who had visited to study your tribe's culture was fascinated. She said it appeared so because of how far north you are
  16. >You find it equally fascinating that the sun and moon trade places every day and night somewhere
  17. >You are currently heading back to Snowpitt after securing more medicinal herbs in exchange for smoked fish from a wandering tribe. Some of these herbs are standard medicine
  18. >About half, however is a special herb
  19. >It helps the mares deal with their fertility cycles
  20. >During the warm times, your mares also "warm up"
  21. >Your kind have two times that they believe they are most closely in tune with the spirit world
  22. >In the depths of the cold times, when the shamares of every tribe help everypony commune with the spirits of the ancestors, and attract any lost spirits out of the wild for one final reunion with any loved ones before they pass on or stay as guardians
  23. >And the other is right about now
  24. >As the warm time progresses, new spirits are entering your world
  25. >Some will become animals, plants, maybe even nature spirits
  26. >Others, however will become foals
  27. >Of course, they can't come into the world on their own. They need a mare and a stallion to provide the way
  28. >The mares become ready not long into the moons-long day. For half a moon, they act as normal. But for about a week it's another story
  29. >They become more emotional, relieve themselves more, wink their mare bits, and of course put off their musk to ensure no stallion misses that they're ready to make a foal
  30. >In practice, most mares and stallions who are not ready or do not have a mate will give each other space during these times. The mares will also take certain herbs to dull the more annoying parts of their heat
  31. >You're finally entering Snowpitt and making a direct path to your igloo
  32. >Ponies say hello, foals are running up to greet you and/or throw snowballs at you
  33. >Your mind, however is on one pony
  34. >Frosty Flakes
  35. >You've been friends with her and her sisters, Winter Wonder and Cold Shoulder, since you were very young. But you were always closest to Frosty
  36. >You spent your foalhoods running through the forest, having snowball fights, listening to stories from Baba Hooves
  37. >and of course, catching fish
  38. >As you both got older, you recall the first year you had to be separated from the mares. And when you first noticed something. You already loved Frosty for her goofy, bubbly personality. Her skill fishing and ability to survive the wild on her own (but preferably with just you), how all the younger foals saw her as a big sister
  39. >You would be lying if you said you didn't love her fertile scent over any other you've picked up.
  40. >All the mares have a basic, musky smell they put off along with a earthier smell, not unlike the defrosted forest soil in the warm time
  41. >Frosty also has a curious smell of her own. A mix between the herbs usually put on fish and the scent of pine
  42. >You find it at once relaxing and energizing. Mainly in that it energizes your penis straight out of your sheath
  43. >This year, however, you will not be apart for this special time
  44. >She's your mate now. The ceremony was held with a few other couples being united before the tribe along with the two of you.
  45. >It still feels like yesterday. You had shared breath and kissed as a family for the first time. You and Frosty were all that had existed in the world for what felt like days
  46. >Of course, one thing was missing from your family
  47. >A foal
  48. >This year, Frosty wouldn't be taking any herbs or relying on the other mares for "help"
  49. >You and her had agreed on that day that you and her would bring a foal into the world
  50. >You're finally at your igloo
  51. >You were sure to come into town where all the stallions were
  52. >Now, you raise your lip and inhale deeply
  53. >Yep, she's home right now. Your nose and your dick are both absolutely sure
  54. >Twin waves of calm and hazy lust are washing over you as you put your bags inside, then head around back
  55. >Frosty is making a foal carrier out of woven sticks
  56. >She turns her head and sees you. Her eyes light up and a wide grin spreads over her face
  57. >She drops her work and charges into you at full speed
  59. >You cut her off by kissing her. You make out slowly and passionately. Then you open your eyes and press your face into the dark stripe on her snout. You snort lightly as you turn your makeout into sharing breath.
  60. >You then raise your lip again, then take another deep breath of your lover's scent
  61. >You take a nip at her flank and she whinnies
  62. >You're honestly surprised she was just speaking. You knew you would be back near the peak of one of her fertile periods and you would open the way for your foal when you got back. You've heard the mares across the village when they were in heat start spouting primal noises when things were really intense for them
  63. >When you were younger, Frosty explained in one of her normal periods that when she was in heat, she would find it harder and harder to think
  64. >It was like she was almost an animal, focused entirely on her mare parts. The older mares explained it as a sign of their connection to the spirit realm and of course, the potential to allow a spirit into the world by nurturing it inside them
  65. >They just needed a stallion. And to grow more
  66. >Here you are now, her tail is raised into the air and her joy spot is flashing in and out of her vagina. Your head is fuzzy from inhaling her pheromones
  67. >You giggle to yourself. You had caught glimpses of mares winking in your younger days and it reminded you of a fish opening and closing it's mouth
  68. >You're ready to dig into Frosty's fish
  69. >You stick your tounge into her folds, dipping down to hit her button, which prompts moaning and neighing. Yeah, that was probably the last bit of normal speech until you're both through. You are eager to join her in her primal state
  70. >You bring your tounge up and push through into her tunnel. You whuff loudly as you bathe her horsepussy with your tounge, taking in more and more of her taste and scent
  71. >Your boner is repeatedly swinging up and hitting your chest. Waves of pleasure are accompanied by spurts of your fluid
  72. >She whickers and snorts as she repeatedly clenches at your intrusion. Her taste and smell is making your eyes roll back into your head as you join in on the snorting
  73. >You are finding it harder to think clearly, but just enough to pull your tongue out and suckle her clit. She neighs loudly and her vaginal fluids splash onto the melting snow
  74. >You raise your lip for the last time as you inhale the most incredible scent in the world. You resist rearing up for a bit to try and consciously enjoy the unique scent of the mother of your foals
  75. >Instinct takes over as you rest your weight on Frosty's back and your forelegs sink into her warm floof
  76. >You jab your horsecock against her rear and miss a few times
  77. >Then you catch inside her vulva and pause at the intense heat and wetness. You're not even inside her yet!
  78. >That changes as in one thrust, you have bottomed out inside your lover
  79. >A tiny spark of thought resurfaces as you slow down. Frosty's muscles are tightly grabbing and releasing your cock, trying in vain to pull it further. You feel a barrier of some sort against your flat tip.
  80. >Your slow sliding back and forth, aside from nearly overwhelming the both of you with sensation lets you feel that there's some give
  81. >Your instincts are screaming at you to speed things up. You feel your tip start to flare, then shrink back repeatedly as you throb and lightly squirt precum inside her
  82. >Your instincts finally win out as you pull almost all the way out, before jabbing your penis in hard.
  83. >Frosty is pounding her front hoof into the snow and whinnying at your hard thrusts
  84. >She's desperately suckling and twisting around your cock. A tight pressure has built in your sheathe and scrotum
  85. >You are a stallion. She is a mare. There is a spirit among you, seeking a family
  86. >Your mare is already ready to provide it a body to inhabit and her body to nurture it.
  87. >All that she needs is your seed
  88. >You bite onto her neck, getting a mouthful of fur. You pass the barrier inside her
  89. >Your tip fully flares to twice it's normal diameter and your cock throbs intensely
  90. >Then your seed streams into your Frosty's womb as you give a deep breeding whinny
  91. >Frosty lowers her front and pushes back into your jerking, forward thrusts as you continue pulsing inside her for what feels like forever
  92. >You feel the warm pressure from your seed filling up her fertile womb
  93. >And then suddenly, it's over
  94. >Your penis retreats from inside Frosty and starts to retreat back into your sheath as you dismount
  95. >You both are breathing heavily. You walk up to her so you are face to face and push your snout into hers, breathing almost as one
  96. >She bows her neck under yours, and you nudge her head into your side
  97. >You just barely make out a "thank you" as she looks at you with teary, joyful eyes
  98. >You both unsteadily make your way into your igloo, before laying on the blankets and furs on the floor
  99. >Neither of you say anything, but as you look into her eyes, it's apparent she shares your tired, nervous excitement
  100. >You weakly stick your tongue into her mouth as you slowly make out and grind into each other. But you both need some rest
  101. >This, of course won't be your last mating with Frosty Flakes. You promised each other a foal
  102. >As sleep overtakes you, you wrap your forehooves around your loving mare and thank the spirits for allowing you to have this mare in your life and welcome a new life with her

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