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Acting Up for the Babysitter by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:41:03
Updated: 2022-03-12 16:40:47
Expiry: Never

  1. Acting Up for the Babysitter by Anon
  3. (21/06/2020 - 23/01/2021)
  6. ---
  8. Sweetie Belle's Week of Hell
  11. >Sweetie Belle does not think she needs a babysitter
  12. >Mom & Dad disagree
  13. "You're too young to stay alone a whole weekend."
  14. >They're accompanying Rarity to some big Junior Fashion event
  15. >Can't find a friend for her to stay with on short notice
  16. >Luckily, Mr. Anon is available
  18. >Suddenly Sweetie's attitude changes
  19. >Mr. Anon is kinda cute
  20. >For an old person
  21. >Maybe having a babysitter isn't all bad
  23. >She tries to provoke a spanking
  24. >That might be fun and sexy to do with Anon
  25. >Bratty behavior
  26. >Backtalk
  27. >Refusal to do homework or chores
  28. >Leaving messes
  29. >Anon admonishes her
  30. >She taunts him;
  31. "What are you gonna do...spank me?"
  32. >Shakes her skinny loli rear
  33. >Yellow skirt swinging back and forth
  34. >But Anon doesn't take the bait
  35. >He gives her time-outs, takes away the TV remote
  36. >Never spanks her
  38. >Monday morning, Mom & Dad return home
  39. >Sweetie is nervous
  40. "You aren't gonna tell on me, are you?"
  41. >Oh yes he is
  42. >Anon unrolls the list of Sweetie's misbehavior like a scroll
  43. >Before he's even halfway through she's being dragged up to her bedroom by the ear
  45. >Sweetie Belle thought a spanking from Anon would be fun
  46. >But there's nothing fun about the long hard paddling her bare bottom gets from Mom's hairbrush
  48. >And after Mom is done with Sweetie's butt, it's Dad's turn.
  49. >Dad is still listening to the "naughty list" Anon is giving him while his wife paddles Sweetie upstairs
  50. >and he thinks that his thick leather belt and Sweetie's little behind propped up on some pillows is the perfect way to finish the job.
  52. >Sweetie also has a week of bare bottom bedtime spankings to look forward to with Mom's hairbrush.
  54. >Sweetie will be looking at her butt in the mirror each day when she gets home from school, pouting and teary eyed when she sees the crimson red color her cheeks have been tanned the night before >feeling her tummy ache from nervousness and fear
  55. >knowing full well that she is due for another good hairbrush spanking later that night
  56. >and there's nothing she can do about it.
  58. >Sweetie Belle whines, her skirt raised and her panties lowered down to her knees
  59. >rubbing a hand over her still warm red cheeks while she looks in the mirror
  61. >"Damn it Anon... ohttp://www..."
  63. -----------
  65. >Day 3 of her personal week from hell
  66. >Sweetie Belle's butt is so sore and red, that it is getting hard to sit down at school
  67. >those stupid seats!
  68. >School just had those wooden desks with the hard, wooden chairs
  69. >After sitting for 7 straight hours, her burning bum feels like it can't take it anymore!
  71. >But nonetheless, her bedtime spanking with Mom's hairbrush is still delivered that night
  72. >Mom doesn't stop until Sweetie's little bare bum is once again burning hot, glowing red, and her daughter is crying like the naughty little girl she is
  73. >Which given how sore her butt already is, doesn't take more than a minute
  74. >and then, it's time for bed...
  76. >At bedtime, Sweetie Belle sleeps with her pajama pants pulled down below her thighs and her bare bum sticking up in the air
  77. >uncovered by the blankets, trying to cool off
  79. >The next morning, Sweetie has an idea!
  80. >she carefully slips on THREE pairs of panties underneath her skirt
  81. >This will surely give her extra padding!
  83. >Sure enough, today at school isn't so bad!
  84. >The extra pairs of panties do a good job giving her just a little more cushion on her hard desk chair
  85. >But by lunchtime, Sweetie runs into a new problem...
  87. >the three pairs of panties are actually trapping the heat radiating from her red bottom cheeks
  88. >one pair gives the heat enough breathing room to escape, but three pairs actually traps it against her sore skin
  89. >Sweetie makes a trip to the bathroom just so she can get into a stall and take her panties down for a minute to let her butt cool down
  90. >it does the trick, luckily, and Sweetie Belle manages to last the rest of the day!
  92. >During the car ride home, Sweetie is actually feeling proud of herself
  93. >What a clever idea she's come up with!
  94. >Sure, she still had 4 more nights of bedtime spankings this week...
  95. >but now, at least she would be able to sit comfortably at school!
  97. >But something happens when she gets home that Sweetie did not expect.
  98. >Her Mom, when they walk through the door, notices something...
  99. >Sweetie's little yellow skirt, on the back, there's a little... bump
  100. >a raised panty line just a little bit visible through the fabric in the right light
  101. >Mom notices this, and a thought occurs to her...
  103. >Without warning, Mom reaches down, grabs Sweetie Belle's skirt and lifts it up
  104. >and manages to get a good look at her daughter's panty... or rather, pantIES covered red rump
  105. >Sweetie Belle yelps with shock, and reflexively slams her hand down onto her skirt and whirls around
  106. >trying to hide her little secret
  107. >"M-Mom! W-What are you doing?"
  109. >But too late, Sweetie Belle.
  110. >Mom already saw what she had suspected
  111. >she knew as soon as she'd noticed her daughter's discreet panty line through her clothes
  112. >She crossed her arms over her chest, pursed her lips angrily, and points down at her daughter's waistline with an accusatory jab of her finger
  114. >"No use, young lady. I already saw."
  116. >Sweetie Belle's throat constricts, and her eyes widen
  117. >Oh NO.
  119. >"W-Wait, I-I can explain, Mom..."
  121. --------
  123. >Well, in an effort to be fair, Mom made sure to listen to Sweetie Belle's explanation...
  125. >But unfortunately for Sweetie Belle, Mom didn't really like her explanation at all.
  126. >Mom and Dad had already made it very clear that sitting at school with a sore butt wasn't just a result of her punishment, but a PART of it
  127. >And Sweetie knew it, too...
  129. >So, fifteen minutes later, Sweetie Belle's skirt and all three pairs of panties are laying folded on the floor next to the sofa
  130. >And in the corner next to the sofa, sobbing, sniffling, and squirming Sweetie Belle stands with her nose in the corner
  131. >hands clasped together in front of her
  132. >and her freshly spanked, squirming, and absolutely crimson bare butt on full display
  134. >Mom looks at her crying, well punished daughter in the corner with an exasperated sigh.
  135. >She shakes her head and mutters under her breath
  137. >"Damn it, Sweetie Belle..."
  139. >Sweetie Belle stays there in the corner until Dad gets home over an hour later.
  140. >She waits fearfully and anxiously as Mom tells Dad everything
  141. >She fidgets and squirms in place, and her heart beats like crazy
  143. >Sweetie hears her Dad's calm but menacingly low voice directed toward her in the corner
  144. >Her heart leaps in her chest
  146. >"Sweetie. Petunia. Belle. Come here."
  148. >Sweetie Belle gulps, but she obeys fearfully
  149. >and when she turns to face her father, she feels her sobs coming on again
  151. >Dad has the belt in his hand.
  152. >He stares down at her with a look only a father upset at his daughter could give.
  154. >"Sweetie Belle, I am very, very disappointed in you. Trying to cheat your way out of your punishment... it's unnacceptable. Do you understand?"
  156. >Sweetie Belle bites back a sob, and nods her head tearfully
  157. >"Yes, Daddy... I'm sorry..."
  158. >she knows her poor butt is in for the thrashing of a lifetime today
  159. >But at the same time... she knew what she did today was very bad.
  160. >and as her Dad always said, in this family:
  161. >"Bad girls get good spankings, and very bad girls get VERY good spankings!"
  163. >Despite how much her butt burned and throbbed already, Sweetie Belle was once again guided by her Dad into spanking position
  164. >bent over the sofa arm, her little feet dangled in the air and her upper body lay slumped against the seat cushions
  165. >and her butt bent over the padded sofa arm, her red cheeks jutting up in the air as a perfect spanking target
  166. >the hot, sore skin stretched painfully from the position, but Sweetie obediently lay there and with a shudder, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate
  168. >But mere minutes later, Sweetie wasn't so calm anymore
  169. >Her feet kicking and scissoring frantically in the air, and her howling filling the room
  170. >Her bottom shaking and squirming uselessly over the sofa arm as Dad delivered repeated slow and methodical lashes to his errant daughter's bare rump, three or four times per minute
  171. >Sweetie Belle crying and muttering gibberish as her bottom is punished
  172. >little deep red welts and dark stripes stretching across her already scarlet spanked cheeks
  173. >her crying gets more breathless with each passing stroke, and she writhes over the sofa desperately
  174. >"OOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!"
  176. >Dad finishes with a last five spanks to her sit spots, just where her bottom meets her thighs
  177. >one after the other
  178. >Leaving at least ten seconds in between each one to let the burning sting soak into her buns
  180. >Sweetie Belle weeps and wails, but she obediently holds her position
  181. >despite her now constant writhing and kicking of her feet
  182. >her glutes flex and jiggle a little bit over the sofa arm as a result of all her desperate kicking
  183. >her legs moving every which direction, sometimes crossing over on another
  184. >and sometimes spreading far apart, splaying out
  185. >Of course, Dad doesn't really care, he's seen it many times before over the years
  186. >but if a boy Sweetie's age were here right now, they'd be getting quite the unintentional show...
  188. >Dad gives Sweetie several minutes to recover while he puts the warmed leather belt back on his waist.
  189. >She takes a while to stop kicking her feet, writhing her hips and waving her butt around, but eventually she becomes still
  190. >and her crying dies down into sobs and sniffles again
  192. >Before Sweetie knows it, she's back in the corner.
  193. >And now, her butt is sporting a good number of just the deepest scarlet red stripes of searing burning and pain
  194. >Sweetie Belle's toes curl and wiggle, and she shifts her hips side to side, taking turns putting weight on one foot or the other
  195. >mindless fidgeting to try and distract her from the absolute ROASTING her poor bottom had just suffered
  196. >If she thought she couldn'f sit down for a week before, it had to have been more like a month now!
  198. -------------
  200. >Well, it's now Day 5 of Sweetie Belle's horrible week
  201. >Sweetie got less sleep than usual last night due to her burning bum
  202. >but a cold shower applied directly on her naked behind had helped a lot!
  203. >and after a lot of rubbing and fanning cool air onto her cheeks with a paper fan, Sweetie Belle had fallen asleep in her now too familiar position:
  204. >Red rump, sticking up in the air, uncovered by blankets
  206. >When she got dressed, this time she didn't put on three pairs of panties
  207. >in fact, one pair already stung her poor blazing behind enough!
  208. >School was predictably miserable, and Sweetie Belle had to squirm a whole lot in her chair to try and soothe her sore fanny
  209. >And when she looked around, she noticed to her own mortification that a couple of the other girls were watching her
  210. >their facial expressions were trying to be neutral, but Sweetie could tell that they had figured it out
  211. >She blushed with embarrassment and tried to hide her face, but it was no use...
  213. >Truthfully, it wasn't that uncommon for a student to be caught squirming due to having a well spanked bottom in this more rural school district
  214. >Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sometimes sported spanked rear ends at school too, you knew
  215. >and even in the locker rooms during gym class, it wasn't that uncommon to see another girl with a red behind under her panties when you were getting dressed
  216. >at worst, this sight typically met with light snickers and teasing from the girl's friends before it was forgotten again
  217. >no big deal...
  219. >But even so, Sweetie still felt embarrassed.
  220. >And even if she wasn't embarrassed... goodness, her bottom simply HURT!
  222. >When Sweetie gets back home,she makes a beeline for the bathroom
  223. >she immediately lifts her skirt up high and pulls down her panties so she can see what her sharply stinging behind looks like a day later
  225. >Wow, it's still SO RED
  226. >Sweetie Belle thought it looked red all the other days, but now, her buttocks looked like two red delicious apples!
  227. >She whined, rubbing her hand softly over the very warm flesh and hissing from the sting
  228. >Her hand left a little white imprint on her left cheek, and when she pulled it away, it faded back to scarlet like a bad sunburn
  229. >Sweetie Belle pouted and wiped her shiny eyes, her tummy aching with dread
  230. >Tonight's bedtime hairbrush paddling was still to come...
  232. >soon, before Sweetie knew it, it was 9 pm
  233. >and Sweetie Belle was waiting anxiously in her bedroom again
  234. >Her pajama pants and panties pulled down and bunched around her ankles, nose in the corner
  235. >waiting for Mom to come in and whack her tush yet again...
  237. >But she hears from behind her two sets of footsteps instead of one that enter her room
  238. >Sweetie Belle doesn't have time to process it very long when she hears another, deeper voice say her name
  240. >"Sweetie Belle. Turn around, dear."
  242. >Oh no! I was her Dad.
  243. >Sweetie Belle's bottom clenched at hearing his booming voice
  244. >She felt her heart leap in her chest, and for a second her feet were frozen to the spot
  245. >but she took a deep breath and, obediently, she turned around with her hands clasped together in front of her, below her waist
  247. >Oh no, it was EVEN WORSE
  248. >Not just Dad, but Mom was standing there, too!
  249. >They both regarded their sniffling daughter with somber expressions
  250. >Sweetie Belle waited with fearful eyes, gulping as her mind began to imagine all of the possibilities of what it meant to see both her parents standing there
  251. >But she didn't have to imagine long, because Dad spoke
  253. >"Sweetie, your Mom and I have been talking. About your punishment."
  255. >Sweetie Belle's stomach sank, and she wilted under Dad's stern gaze
  256. >About her punishment? Oh no! What could he mean?
  257. >Dad continues
  259. >"And Sweetie, after yesterday's spankings you took, and how red your little bottom is today... well, we've decided to postpone your last 3 bedtime spankings until the end of the week."
  261. >Sweetie Belle's eyes nearly popped out of the sockets from shock, and she held back a gasp
  262. >At first, the news made her heart flutter, and she felt a warm glow from somewhere other than her rear end!
  263. >No bedtime spankings tonight? Not until the end of the week? She couldn't believe i---
  265. >Wait. Wait a minute...
  266. >Even if there wouldn't be any bedtime spankings the next three nights... he had just said "postponed"
  267. >not "cancelled" just "postponed"
  268. >which could only mean...
  270. >Sweetie Belle's fluttering heart suddenly sank like a lead weight
  271. >The little smile that had threatened to show up disappeared
  272. >And she couldn't help it, but she let out a pitiful little whimper
  274. >Dad waited for her response, watching her facial expression change from relief to brand new anxiety
  275. >Sweetie Belle twiddled her fingers, looked down at the floor at her bunched up pajamas, and spoke meekly
  277. >"S-so that means... that means I'm gonna get th-three spankings on S-Saturday?"
  279. >Dad sighed, and nodded his head in confirmation
  280. >Sweetie Belle's shoulders sagged, and she sniffled with tears forming in her eyes
  282. >Oh, damn it...
  283. >This was truly going to be the worst week EVER!
  285. ----------
  287. >8 am was the time Sweetie had been told.
  288. >8 am on any other morning was a late start
  289. >but on a Saturday, 8 am was very early!
  290. >for a teenager in school, sleeping in until 11 was a regular occurence
  291. >but not today.
  292. >today, there was a schedule to keep…
  294. >Sweetie Belle's alarm woke her up like a death knell
  295. >her eyes snapped open, and in an instant, she remembered
  297. >the time was 7:45
  298. >15 minutes before she was supposed to be… ready
  299. >Sweetie Belle moaned with self pity and dread
  301. >The last two days had gone by so quickly!
  302. >And while it was true that the delay of her bedtime spankings had made it easier to sit down at her desk at school…
  303. >now, it was time.
  304. >The time of reckoning…
  306. >Sweetie Belle took off her covers, and rolled out of bed with a pout on her lips
  307. >it wasn't fair…
  309. >She was very thirsty, so Sweetie Belle first headed in the kitchen
  310. >She got herself a nice, tall glass of water and drank it all down
  311. >she was going to need hydration, considering all of the tears she was sure to shed in a bit…
  313. >Once she was done, Sweetie Belle slowly walked back to her room
  314. >She knew what surely awaited her once she arrived…
  316. >When she arrived, Sweetie Belle pulled down her pajama pants and her panties and stepped out of them
  317. >leaving them in a clump on the floor next to her bed
  318. >She certainly wasn't going to need them today, anyway...
  319. >then, Sweetie walked over to the corner and tearfully planted her nose in it
  321. >In what seemed like years to poor Sweetie, 9 am finally rolled around
  322. >She could hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, and her feet fidgeted anxiously
  323. >Then, she heard the footsteps enter her room.
  325. >She didn't look back, but she knew who it was.
  326. >Mom's voice penetrated the silence
  328. >"Sweetie Belle, it's time. Come on, let's get your first spanking over with."
  330. >Sweetie's butt clenched with anticipation
  331. >She hesitated at first, especially hearing the dreaded "s" word come out of her Mom's mouth
  332. >But after taking a moment to gather her nerves, Sweetie Belle did obey, and turned around with a sniffle and teary eyes
  334. >There she was, her mother.
  335. >And in her hand, there it was: that dreaded, solid oak wood hairbrush.
  336. >A little, hopeful part of Sweetie Belle had thought maybe Mom wouldn't use the awful spanking implement today, or at least, not for her first of THREE spankings in one day
  337. >but alas, her hopes were dashed…
  339. >but Sweetie Belle obeyed her Mom's command, and with a sniffle she walked over the end of her bed
  340. >Arms crossed behind her, toes gripping the carpet nervously with her steps
  341. >Her Mom sat down at the foot of the bed and laid the hairbrush down at her side
  343. >With a practiced motion, Sweetie's Mom pulled her daughter over her knees
  344. >Sweetie soon found herself laying over her mother's lap with her front firmly on the bed
  345. >while her backside and legs resting on the blanket and her hips lay bent over Mom's right thigh
  346. >the position left her bare butt arched up and exposed, higher than the rest of her body
  348. >to Sweetie Belle, being in this position was the worst thing ever
  349. >But to her Mother, this position seemed to tell a different story
  350. >While Sweetie Belle's feet may be flexing and kicking nervously and her legs may be fidgeting with fearful and nervous energy
  351. >Her bottom was perfectly framed and jutted out like the perfect target
  352. >and in a sense, it was practically BEGGING to be spanked
  354. >Mom picked up the hairbrush, and with a sigh of pity she eyed her daughter's doomed behind
  355. >the color that had been so dark red earlier this week had gotten a couple of days to fade
  356. >now, it was a more faded shade of bright pink
  357. >but not for long…
  359. >She tapped Sweetie's lightly squirming butt with the brush, and raised it up high
  360. >Sweetie Belle held back a little whine, and braced herself...
  362. >The SMACK sound registered a full second before the horrible, but unfortunately familiar burn
  363. >Sweetie Belle gasped, and a high pitched "OW!" leaves her
  364. >Oh gosh, it HURTS so bad!
  365. >It was amazing how no matter how many times Sweetie had been paddled this week, it was like her mind always forgot how much the hairbrush just stuuung!
  367. >And Mom didn't hesitate with delivering the next spank, and the next one right after that
  368. >starting her daughter's paddling at a rate of one spank per second right out the gate
  370. >At the beginning of every spanking, Sweetie always went through a first stage of her mind
  371. >the "Oh my goodness I can't STAND it!" stage
  372. >but no matter what, every single time, she did.
  373. >her bottom had no escape, and there was no choice but to stand it
  374. >so stand it she did
  376. >The next five minutes felt like an hour as the hairbrush kept thwacking away
  377. >Sweetie's cries of ouchie and owww soon turned into a steady stream of tears and sobbing
  378. >Her feet kicked and drummed the bed constantly, and Mom's grip over her daughter tightened to keep her in place over her lap
  379. >And still positioned prominently over her Mom's knee, Sweetie's bare tush absorbed spank after spank with lots of fruitless wiggling in protest
  380. >Pink turned back into the deserved, burning hot red of a punishment properly administered to a naughty girl
  382. >Sweetie's Mom placed two more hard spanks right to her daughter's sit spots before she halted the spanking.
  383. >even though the spanks had stopped, Sweetie Belle didn't stop crying right away
  384. >she kept her face buried into her arms with tears trickling down her face
  385. >her butt was on fire and it throbbed like the dickens!
  386. >her feet and legs still shuffled and kicked, making the springs on her mattress creak
  387. >but the pain still pulsed on her bottom cheeks just as hard and intensely no matter how much she tried to squirm
  389. >Mom held her daughter over her lap for the next few minutes.
  390. >She needed to give Sweetie some time to calm down before sending her back to the corner
  391. >and after a little while, Sweetie did finally start to relax
  392. >her feet came to rest, her sobbing quieted down, and her now red butt stopped shaking back and forth over mother's knee
  393. >Seeing her daughter finally calming down, Mom sighed, and took her arm off of Sweetie's back to unpin her from her lap
  395. >"Ok Sweetie. You can get up now, ok?"
  397. >Sweetie Belle took a second to register
  398. >but once she did, with a little moan of relief she pushed herself up from Mom's lap
  399. >immediately, her hands went back to her behind, and she wasted no time in doing the classic dance all naughty girls did after a good hard spanking
  400. >the "dance of the well spanked girl"
  401. >bent over, hands on her butt, hips swaying and her feet doing little hop steps all around in a circle while she hissed and owwed
  403. >Mom smiled inwardly, thinking back to all the times she had seen Sweetie do this over the years.
  404. >Sweetie often considered herself a "big girl" now that she was in middle school
  405. >but the truth was there was still no difference between now and then when it came to the "spanking dance"
  406. >still the same as always!
  408. >Mom let Sweetie get it out of her system for a bit, but after a little while, she decided it was enough.
  409. >"Ok, Sweetie. I want you go back to the corner now, ok missy?"
  411. >Sweetie Belle sniffled, and whispered another "ouch" while her hands continued to knead her well spanked buns
  412. >but she listened to Mom, and with a contrite nod she obeyed, moving back to the corner
  413. >"Y-Yes Mom…."
  415. >"Good girl," praised Mom.
  416. >Sweetie was always extra obedient after a spanking, and today was no exception.
  417. >Sweetie put her nose all the way in the corner, and once she was there, her comforting hands went back in front of her begrudgingly
  418. >after all, there was no rubbing allowed in the corner!
  420. >Mom, satisfied with her daughter's compliance with her punishment, nodded her head in approval and quietly left the room.
  421. >Sweetie Belle had about an hour left in the corner, and she'd be back randomly to check and make sure Sweetie was still obeying…
  423. >The next hour was an hour of torture for poor Sweetie Belle.
  424. >When your nose is in the corner, your butt is burning and throbbing in pain, and you aren't allowed to rub, the whole world shrinks around you
  425. >Sweetie Belle could only think about the pain in her butt and the fact that despite how punished she already was… there were still TWO MORE spankings left to go!
  427. >but eventually, the hour passed by, and Mom walked back into the room
  428. >Sweetie Belle’s butt clenched again out of reflex when her mom’s voice called from the doorway
  429. >”Ok Sweetie, corner time is up. You can rub now.”
  431. >no sooner did she give her daughter permission to reach back then Sweetie’s hand immediately went back to her bum
  432. >Sweetie Belle sighed and moaned with relief as her hands began their much needed massage on her spanked rear
  433. >Mom watched her with mild amusement as she hop stepped around, her fingers kneading her red cheeks like raw dough
  434. >She shook her head lightly and watched Sweetie flop down on her bed, laying on her side while her hands continued rubbing
  436. >But as they both knew, the day wasn’t over yet.
  437. >Mom let Sweetie do her thing for a moment, but with a heavy sigh she gave her next instructions
  439. >”Ok Sweetie. You still have your next two punishments left today, don’t forget! Right now it is 9:15 in the morning, and so I want you back in the corner no later than 2 o’clock, got it? We’ll get your second spanking done then.”
  441. >Sweetie Belle groaned at the news
  442. >But Mom’s word was final, and despite the new feeling of dread bubbling up in her chest she knew she had no choice
  443. >Obediently, Sweetie nodded and sniffled tearfully
  444. >”Yes, M-Mom…”
  446. >Mom smiled.
  447. >”Good girl. 2 o’clock, nose in the corner.”
  449. ----------
  451. >”Why did the time always seem to go by so quickly when you wanted it to go by slow?”
  452. >Sweetie wondered with her nose in the corner, standing bottomless
  453. >Her panties and pajama pants were lying in the same spot on the floor in a heap
  454. >she had not bothered to put them back on, after all
  455. >what was the point when she was going to be getting her bare bottom spanked yet again in only a few hours?
  457. >There they came again: Mom’s footsteps.
  458. >Sweetie Belle sniffled, her feet shuffling nervously on the floor
  459. >Mom’s voice called to her again from the doorway…
  461. >”Good, you’re ready in the corner.”
  462. >The little words of praise made Sweetie Belle blush just a little bit
  463. >For a second, Sweetie thought that maybe, her obedience and readiness to accept her discipline would perhaps persuade her parents to go easier on her today…
  464. >But when she turned around at Mom’s command, she saw that dreaded hairbrush in her hand once again
  465. >and just like that, all of her hopes vanished.
  466. >Sweetie’s eyes teared up, and she stared anxiously at her toes
  468. >Mom sighed sorrowfully, but took her same seat on the side of the bed just like she had this morning
  469. >She patted her thigh
  470. >”Come on Sweetie. Over you go…”
  472. >In just a few short moments, Sweetie Belle once again found herself in her least favorite position
  473. >upper body laying on top of the covers, her lower half extending diagonally over Mom’s knees
  474. >Mom’s right leg laying over top of her own legs, framing her bare thighs and bottom and pinning her firmly in place
  475. >Her already red cheeks arched up over Mom’s left thigh as a most inviting spanking target…..
  477. >Mom rested the wooden hairbrush on the middle of Sweetie’s pert rear, tapping it ominously to aim
  478. >Sweetie whined and lightly kicked her feet
  479. >Even just the light taps on her pre-warmed rump reignited the sting of the previous spanking, tingling the skin
  481. >Mom took a deep breath, raised the brush, and swung it down with a nice, medium strength swat right to the center of Sweetie Belle’s butt
  482. >SMACK!
  484. >”OoooOOWW!”
  486. >And so it began again, the rhythmic smack, crack, thwack of wood on exposed skin
  487. >and the equally rhythmic sobs, squeals, and howls of a naughty girl to accompany the slow but steady stream of thwacks and cracks
  488. >While the clock ticked and ticked on by, minute after minute…
  490. >By the time Mom delivered the last good spanks to a brokenly crying Sweetie’s sit spots, her poor buns weren’t the only thing that had been turned bright red
  491. >The backs of Sweetie Belle’s upper thighs, framed between Mom’s legs and pinned in place, now carried a large number of red and burning ovals, as well
  492. >Sweetie’s yelps had gotten a good bit louder when the hairbrush had drifted below her round rump
  493. >It was an experience she never had before, but it was so far the WORST part of all her punishments!
  494. >It stung and burned so badly, so much more sharply than when the brush merely rippled her buns instead
  496. >Mom’s brush hand finally came to rest at her side, and she set the horrible spanking implement down at last
  497. >Just like this morning, she held Sweetie down over her lap for a good several minutes to let her cry it out
  498. >in the meantime her sobbing daughter’s hips shook and wagged from side to side as much as her position would allow
  499. >waving her apple red butt around in circles, trying subconsciously to deal with the heat and the sting
  500. >Her feet switched between kicking uselessly in the air, to her ankles crossing and her toes curling and flexing
  501. >But none of it did any good to give her any real relief for the burning bonfire on her behind…
  503. >But eventually, once she calmed down and her hopeless fidgeting slowed, Mom let her daughter up from her lap
  504. >freeing her from her restrained position
  505. >Sweetie Belle wasted no time: she immediately commenced her signature “spanky dance” all around the room
  506. >Ouching and owwing nonstop all the while with her hands planted on her flaming hot butt
  507. >not caring whether her mother was watching her, in too much pain to care about how embarrassing her gyrations looked
  508. >”Owwww, ohhh owwww…!”
  510. >Mom let this go on for a little bit, showing a little sympathy with a sad smile and a shake of her head
  511. >But pretty soon, time was up, and she got up from the bed to take a calm but firm hold of her daughter’s arm
  512. >She guided her back to the dreaded corner, speaking softly but with firm resolve
  513. >”All right Sweetie. Nose back in the corner, got it missy?”
  515. >Sweetie Belle groaned and whined some more at the prospect of MORE corner time...
  516. >but realizing she had no choice in the matter, she did not dare disobey Mom
  517. >”Yes, m*hic*m-ma’am…”
  519. >Her hands went in front of her begrudgingly, taking them away from comforting her still blazing behind
  520. >And doing as she was told, she stuck her nose into the terrible corner
  521. >Mom nodded her head in a businesslike fashion, satisfied with her daughter’s compliance
  523. >”Good girl. And you know what? Since you’ve been so good so far today, we’re just going to do 15 minutes this time.”
  525. >Finally, some GOOD news!
  526. >Sweetie Belle’s bottom might have been in pure agony still, but the announcement of a shortened corner time was still most welcome!
  527. >The poor girl nodded her head and sniffled loudly, feeling grateful for any respite from this terrible, horrible day
  528. >”Y-Yes m’aam!”
  530. >Oh boy, did she sound pitiful, thought Mom.
  531. >She frowned with a heaviness of her heart, but still steeled herself
  532. >”Good. And after that… your last spanking is tonight, 9 pm. Daddy will be back then, and… he’ll be the one to give you your last punishment. I expect you to be back in the corner before then. Ok Sweetie?”
  534. >Aaaand just like that, the good news was once again ruined by yet another announcement of doom.
  535. >Sweetie Belle’s heart leapt as soon as the word “Daddy” left her mother’s mouth, and she couldn’t stifle a fearful whimper
  536. >It was true that Mom was a more than capable spanker, and she was always thorough with either hand or hairbrush
  537. >It was true that both herself and her older sister respected and feared their mother’s abilities to tan their butts red
  538. >But to tell the truth… Even Mom’s hairbrush was still not as hard or stung as much as her Dad’s own, huge and calloused hand
  539. >And even worse still, whenever her Dad decided to use an implement...
  541. >And worst of all, Dad wasn’t just a harder spanker: he was just as, if not MORE, thorough than Mom.
  543. >Sweetie’s feet lightly stamped on the carpet, shifting weight back and forth onto her right and left foot as new fear coursed through her
  544. >A barely audible whisper left her
  545. >“Ohhh nooo…”
  547. >------------
  549. >The next few hours were mental torture for Sweetie.
  550. >She couldn’t think of anything to do with her day except for wait…
  551. >Wait in her room while still nude from the waist down, laying on one side or the other and sniffling pathetically
  552. >She sure wasn’t able to sit down, and if she wanted to do anything outside of her room like play a video game, or even watch TV, she at least had to have a pair of panties on
  553. >It’s the house rules…
  554. >And even pulling up a piece of thin fabric like panties over her sore, throbbing bottom is out of the question!
  556. >8 pm came quickly… only one hour left
  557. >She kicked her legs and moaned fearfully, reaching back to gently rub her raspberry red butt
  558. >What was Daddy going to do to her bottom?
  559. >Would he take pity on her, show her some mercy and only use his hand?
  560. >Would he use the hairbrush just like Mommy, painting her squirming, struggling red bottom with even MORE strength?
  561. >Or... would he finish her bottom off with a horrible dose of his heavy leather belt, bringing her to screams and cries of agony and begs for mercy?
  563. >Sweetie Belle whimpered and whined at the thought while she kneaded her blazing hot tushy
  564. >She didn’t think she could take a belting from Daddy tonight… or even a good hard paddling over his knee!
  565. >Her butt was sooooo SORE…
  567. >But suddenly, she had an idea!
  568. >It was close to her bedtime, right?
  569. >She could maybe get a shower!
  570. >Yeah, that was it! She could stick her bum under some cold water, and hopefully get some relief for her poor, stinging cheeks before her last spanking of the day…
  572. >Sweetie Belle looked up at the clock, and saw that it was a quarter past time
  573. >she gasped!
  574. >Only 45 minutes, and she was going to have to be back in the corner!
  575. >She had to go take the shower RIGHT NOW…
  577. >So, Sweetie scampered to the bathroom and shut the door, taking off her little t-shirt and standing in front of the bathtub fully nude
  578. >With her heart beating with anticipation, Sweetie Belle set the water to the cold setting, triggered the shower, and carefully stepped into the tub
  580. >She grabbed the towel rack, arched her back and stuck her little red bottom out all the way behind her
  581. >And the column of cold water coursed over her blazing fanny cheeks, making Sweetie gasp and stamp her foot in the cold water pooling underneath her
  583. >Oh my goodness, this was what she needed!
  584. >She sighed and moaned with relief as the wonderful water washed some of the heat away and down the drain
  585. >she stayed there for what must have been at least 20 minutes, the water barely even hitting anything else other than her butt
  586. >it felt so, so very good...
  588. >But after her shower had ended, Sweetie got back to her room, she looked up at the clock, and her pale face turned even whiter
  589. >8:59
  590. >She whined and kicked her feet, sniffing and shivering
  591. >It was almost time! She had spent WAY more time than she thought in the shower!
  593. >And making matters so, so much worse… Sweetie Belle heard footsteps.
  594. >Footsteps coming up the stairs…
  596. >It was Dad! He was already coming up!
  597. >Sweetie Belle’s heart felt like it was going to explode, and she frantically scampered over to the corner...
  598. >But wait! She suddenly realized that she had no shirt on!
  599. >And even worse, she realized… she had left her shirt on the bathroom floor!
  601. >But it was too late. Daddy’s footsteps were already almost here…
  602. >And here Sweetie Belle was standing in the corner, with nothing but her birthday suit!
  604. >But there was nothing she could do now. He was almost here…
  605. >And so Sweetie Belle, with her cheeks blushing fierce, had to force herself to press her snotty nose into the corner, and keep her hands away from her throbbing bum
  606. >her little feet danced and squirmed painfully on the carpet with nervous anticipation
  607. >Sweetie clenched her bottom
  609. >The footsteps, Daddy’s heavy footsteps, entered her room.
  610. >Sweetie Belle couldn’t barely breathe
  611. >But after a moment, his voice boomed from the doorway
  613. >”Sweetie. Petunia. Belle.”
  615. >His voice was so no nonsense… it made Sweetie Belle shiver fearfully
  616. >And he used her full name… ohhh noooo...
  617. >She squeaked, and tears started to flow already
  618. >He sounded so serious…
  620. >She heard him sit down on the bed, the springs creaking
  621. >and then, a couple of pats…
  623. >”Turn around, Sweetie. Turn around, and get over my knee.”
  625. >Sweetie Belle sniffled
  626. >a little whine escaped her
  627. >But she didn’t dare disobey her strict Daddy…
  628. >she turned around
  629. >keeping her hands crossed in front of her to shield her privates from his view
  631. >But her desire to obey… it suddenly left her
  632. >Because when she saw what was lying next to her father’s lap, she couldn’t believe her eyes
  633. >they fixed onto the object of her bottom’s execution, and couldn’t stop looking
  635. >A paddle was lying there.
  636. >She had never seen it before
  637. >But it was a rectangular, wooden paddle about a foot long and a half inch thick, with rounded edges
  638. >But worst of all… two rows of little holes down the middle!
  640. >It was the scariest looking spanking implement Sweetie had ever seen.
  641. >She shrank back and whimpered with tears springing to her eyes, trickling down her cheeks
  642. >And in so much fear that she could barely think anymore, even her hands went back to shield her bottom out of instinct
  643. >revealing her whole front to her Dad, but not even caring anymore if he saw
  645. >“Daddy… Daddyyy noo… not with th-that, p-please…”
  647. >Daddy frowned, and narrowing his eyes he beckoned to Sweetie with a “come here” finger and a cold stare
  648. >”No, Sweetie. Come here. Right now.”
  650. >Sweetie shook her head though, and tearfully began to beg even harder
  651. >backing herself into the wall
  652. >“N-No, pleaaaase Daddy! My b-bottom already hurts, M-Mommy already spanked me so hard today…”
  654. >”And you’re about to get spanked a whole lot harder, missy. In fact? I think tonight is going to be the hardest spanking of your whole life.”
  656. >Oh no no no no NO!
  657. >Sweetie Belle couldn’t even believe her ears!
  658. >She whimpered and started to sob, partly with fear, but partly with confusion
  659. >Why? Why was he going to spank her so hard? She couldn’t even sit down now!
  660. >Sweetie Belle groaned, and sniveled against the bedroom wall
  662. >This was the worst thing she could have possibly imagined. The worst possible outcome to the worst possible week…
  663. >She crossed her feet and her toes wiggled on the carpet, and her bottom tingled…
  665. >“N-Noooo! No Daddy, p-please! Wh-whyyyy, why, uuhhuuhhuhhh…”
  667. >Her crying sounded so desperate and so pitiful.
  668. >But her father was unmoved, as his fingers ran over the wood of the terrible paddle by his side
  669. >He raised his brow and said a revelation to her that made her look like she had seen a ghost…
  671. >”I got home only ten minutes ago… and your mother and I heard you taking a shower. Before your last spanking of the week, you STILL tried to sneak one past us again… just like when you wore all those panties to school. That’s the SECOND time you’re tried to escape discipline by deceiving us, Sweetie Belle. I know you stuck your little bare butt in the cold water, didn’t you, missy? And even worse, your hair isn’t even damp!”

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