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Anon-dad and Equestria Girls by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:45:00
Updated: 2022-03-12 16:47:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon-dad and Equestria Girls by Anon
  2. (Anon / Equestria Girls)
  3. unf
  5. (11/03/2017)
  8. ---
  10. This is unprecedented, thought Twilight. We’ve all been in trouble before, and we’ve all gotten spanked by dad, but never all at once.
  11. Twilight sat in her bed in her pj’s, next to Pinkie. They had both shared a room together for the past couple of months. The girls switched who they roomed with every half year or so, just to keep things interesting. She and Pinkie got along pretty well as roommates, Twilight thought. As energetic as Pinkie was, she was always polite enough to give Twilight space when she wanted to study. Twilight looked over at her, lying on her back, looking at the ceiling. She was in her underwear and wearing a big baggy shirt that she probably stole from dad, as she normally wore to bed. Twilight observed her. Pinkie seemed very calm.
  12. “Aren’t you nervous?” Twilight asked.
  13. “Mmm….a little bit I guess” said Pinkie. She looked at Twilight, who clearly was. Pinkie sat up. She smiled. “Don’t worry Twi, it’s just a spanking. It’ll be over before you know it.”
  14. “Yeah. I know. I just hate the waiting is all.” That wasn’t necessarily true. The punishment itself was obviously the part she was dreading, but the waiting wasn’t fun either. “We’ve been waiting up here for 45 minutes. And who know how long it’ll actually take for him to get to us.”
  15. Pinkie leaned over and hugged Twilight. “It’ll be fine. It’s not the end of the world. And who knows, maybe he’ll do us first. Get it out of the way.”
  16. Twilight snorted. “Yeah, great. Very optimistic, Pinkie, thank you.” she said sarcastically.
  17. “You’re welcome!” Pinkie said smiling, without a hint of irony.
  18. Twilight looked at the door. She listened. The large house was pretty dead silent, except for the occasional nervous chatter from the girls in the other rooms. Pinkie and Twilight’s room was at the far end of the hallway, away from the stairs. In the middle of the hallway, a couple doors down from theirs, was Rarity and Applejack's room. A few doors away from theirs was Fluttershy and Dash’s room, right at the top of the stairway. She could her the other pairs talking to each other in hushed tones every once in awhile, but couldn’t make about what they were saying. Applejack and Rarity sounded a little cross with each other, like they were arguing over something, but Twilight could still make out the anxiousness in their voices. More distantly, she heard what was probably Rainbowdash trying to calm Fluttershy down, but Dash didn’t sound all too confident herself.
  19. Suddenly, they heard steps coming up the stairs. Everyone went silent. It was unmistakeable that it was dad coming up those stairs. The butterflies in Twilight’s stomach when nuts again. She was so nervous that she began to shake a little bit.
  20. You think you’d get used to this, but you never do, she thought. Dad did spank the girls, but it wasn’t a super common occurrence. Most of the girls only got spanked once every two months or so on average (except for Pinkie, who somehow seemed to be over dad’s knee once every two weeks). Dad normally just lectured, or even sent the girls to time outs (even though they were teens), since most of them were pretty well behaved most of the time. Most of their offenses were pretty minor. Dad used spanking only for the serious ones. Which, Twilight thought, only helped to make them scarier when they did happen.
  21. They heard the footsteps reach the top of the stairs, then go quiet. They all knew that dad was at the end of the hallway. In her head she could see dad standing there, trying to decide what room he should go in first. Twilight held her breath. She heard him take a couple of steps. Then she heard a door open. It wasn’t hers. She let out a sigh of relief, then felt a pang of guilt for being glad at another rooms misfortune. She looked over at Pinkie, who looked back, now with a little more of a hint of nervousness in her eye.
  22. Through the walls, they heard dad talking, probably giving a brief pre-spanking lecture. It sounded like he was in Fluttershy and Dash’s room, Twilight thought, which was good. Normally, whenever Fluttershy was getting punished along with another girl (which wasn’t very often, since she was usually the most well behaved), she’d almost always get it first. Dad was aware that she’d probably have a heart attack from the waiting and witnessing otherwise.
  23. Twilight heard the bed shift as dad sat down. She heard dad say something, and then some preliminary sniffling. She could hear the sounds of one of the girls hesitantly crawling over dad’s knees, and laying down.
  24. Then all was silent, for a few seconds.
  25. SMACK!
  26. SMACK!
  27. Fluttershy started crying almost immediately. Yup, I was right, thought Twilight. The smacks continued, brisk and hard, one landing every second or so.
  28. SMACK!
  29. SMACK!
  30. The sounds reverberated down the hall, clear and audible for everyone. Fluttershy cried. Twilight’s nervousness almost went away in place of sympathy for Flutters. She thought about how big and muscular dad was compared to how small Fluttershy was. She could only hear the spanking, but she could envision it clearly in her head. Fluttershy sobbing, eyes shut as dad kept on, firm and steady. Dash was probably sitting at the other end of the bed, transfixed but terrified, knowing that she was going to be up next.
  31. SMACK!
  32. SMACK!
  33. SMACK!
  34. SMACK!
  35. This went on for a couple more minutes. Twilight could hear Fluttershy’s crying getting more and more intrepid, changing gradually from her meek, squeaky little sobs, to louder weeping. The spanks were loud as ever, the sound of each smack shooting right to Twilight’s core. She looked over at the pink alarm clock on her and Pinkie’s bedstand. It had been 4 minutes already. 4 minutes, Twilight thought, a new wave of concern washing over her. 4 minutes wasn’t that long for a spanking normally, she thought, but dad almost always went pretty easy on Flutters. Her spankings typically lasted half, or even a third of the time as they’d take for the other girls (Nobody ever complained about this, since they knew that she was a little more...delicate than the rest of them. Honestly, dad could probably just give her one slap on each cheek and that would be more than enough of a deterrence.) At least that’s what she thought. Thinking about it, Twilight had never really had the chance to look at a clock to measure how longs spankings lasted, but normally she was pretty good at estimating time, and this definitely seemed longer than usual. And if Fluttershy was getting spanked harder than usual, Twilight thought, then one could hypothesize that the same would be true for the rest of them as well, especially since she had really only been an accomplice. Twilight fidgeted. She looked over at her sister Pinkie, who, again, looked to be very sympathetic towards Flutters, but didn’t exactly seem to be too worried about herself somehow. Twilight wished that she could have Pinkies nerves right now.
  36. SMACK!
  37. Finally, abruptly, the sound of spanks stopped. Fluttershy was bawling loudly, as loud as Twilight had ever heard her cry before (and Fluttershy cried a lot). She heard her gasping out what sounded like the start of an apology, and then break down into more sobs halfway through. She heard dad say something back, in his usual, calm and together way. The crying continued, just as loud, for a couple of minutes. Fluttershy often just layed on dad’s lap and cried for a few minutes after getting spanked, and he always let her. After a while, when the crying didn’t really taper off, dad said something to Fluttershy in his collected voice, probably carefully urging her off of him. He did have five other butts to deal with, after all.
  38. She heard Fluttershy stand up, still sobbing, and walk over to the other end of the bed. Twilight heard Fluttershy throw herself into bed, and her sobbing suddenly muffle as it was absorbed into whatever pillow she was probably hugging right now.
  39. She heard dad say something again. Probably him telling Dash that it was her turn. She heard Dash say something in a nervous, explanatory voice. Probably her trying to give dad some great reason why he should skip her turn. That’s not gonna happen, Twilight thought. It’s just fighting the inevitable. Dad said something back that sounded like he was unimpressed. Twilight was right again.
  40. Twilight heard the floor shift as Dash’s feet were lifted off the floor as she went over dad’s lap. Dash said something else that sounded like it was probably another crazy excuse. Dad again responded with something that sounded like he didn’t care.
  41. SMACK!
  42. “OW!”
  43. SMACK!
  44. “OW!”
  45. SMACK!
  46. “OW! Dad!”
  47. SMACK!
  48. “OW-ow!”
  49. Twilight looked at her clock. She was going to time it correctly this time. No, what am I doing, Twilight thought, I’m just going to drive myself crazy. She looked away from the clock. Then she looked back. She had to know.
  50. In the other room, dad said something in an irritated voice, probably him telling Dash to stop kicking or fighting. Dash said something that sounded just a little too snappy. Dad responded with something that sounded like it was probably a grave threat. Dash piped down.
  51. SMACK!
  52. “ow.”
  53. SMACK!
  54. “ow.”
  55. It was 8:46. Dash had only been getting spanked for about a minute now. Twilight looked over at Pinkie, who was fidgeting with her shirt. She still looked a little concerned, but seemed to have less sympathy for Dash, which made sense honestly, considering she was the one who practically blew the operation in the first place. Twilight felt guilty, but she admitted she had a little less sympathy for Rainbowdash too. But Dash was feisty, so Twilight wasn’t very worried about her. She had sort of had it coming for a while too, Twilight thought subconsciously.
  56. The spanking continued, sounds of slaps resounding off Rainbowdash’s butt bouncing off of every wall in the house. Eventually her little vocal outbursts stopped, as she went silent for a while, and nothing but the spanks could be heard. Twilight couldn’t help but think about how soon it would be smacks coming off of her rear that would be ringing throughout the hall. She shuddered and tried not to think about it, which was obviously impossible.
  57. Gradually, Dash’s silence was replaced with loud sniffling and quiet whimpers. Dash wasn’t like Fluttershy, who had no problem crying within earshot of her sisters. She tried to seem tough and avoided shedding tears for as long as she could. This seemed as pointless to Twilight as trying to talk your way out of getting spanked.
  59. SMACK!
  60. Sure enough, after a few more minutes, Rainbowdash’s whimpering rapidly changed into full on wailing, her voice cracking as it did every couple of sobs. The minutes dragged on and on for Twilight. She didn’t want to think about how long it must have felt for Dash.
  61. Pinkie laid back on their bed, stretching out, almost like she was about to take a nap. How on earth is she so relaxed, Twilight wondered. She laid back herself, next to Pinkie, trying to replicate her serenity. She looked at the ceiling and tried to think of something else, but all she could think about was the sounds of misery that was coming from Dash and Flutter’s room. If you listened closely enough, you could hear Fluttershy still crying into her pillow. This was not going to be pleasant.
  62. Twilight looked over at her alarm clock. She froze. It was 9:01. She bolted upright.
  63. “Pinkie.” she hissed.
  64. “What?” Pinkie whispered, sitting up. “What’re we whispering about?”
  65. “It’s been 15 minutes!” Twilight whispered back.
  66. “Huh?” Pinkie questioned, confused.
  67. “Dash’s spanking has been going on for 15 minutes!” Twilight said under her breath.
  68. “Oh….is that bad?”
  69. “Yes! Yes, Pinkie, yes it is bad! That’s more than twice as long as we normally get! And if Dash is getting spanked for that long, then that means we’re probably gonna get it for that long too!”
  70. “Ooooohhhhh….” Pinkie said, thinking. “....yeah, that doesn’t sound very good”.
  71. “Very good? Very good?? It’s awful! We-” Twilight stopped. The sound of spanks from Dash’s room had suddenly ended. She heard Dash jump off of dad’s lap immediately, whimpering through choking gasps, her voice squeaking. She ran right to the other side of the bed and flopped down next to Fluttershy, her crying soaked into a pillow too. She heard dad say something, then the bed shift as he stood up.
  72. “We what?” Whispered Pinkie.
  73. “Shhhh!” Twilight put a finger to her lips. “Quiet.”
  74. They heard dad open the door from Fluttershy and Dash’s room and step out into the hall. They were silent. Dad quietly shut the door behind him, and stood for a few moments. He was probably trying to decide what room to go in next, Twilight thought. After a couple seconds, dad started coming down the hall, his actually quiet footfalls sounding like the shaking of the earth to Twilight, the approach of armageddon. The footsteps continued. She was trying to gauge where they were headed. She listened. Was he past Applejack and Rarity’s room yet? Was he headed for their room? Her blood raced.
  75. Suddenly there was a knock on Twilight and Pinkie’s door. Twilight's heart sank.
  76. “Girls?” dad asked through the door.
  77. “....yeah?” Pinkie said. Twilight looked at her like she was crazy, but it’s not like dad wouldn’t have come in if she hadn’t said anything.
  78. The nob of the door turned, and dad came in their room. He quietly shut the door behind him.
  79. Twilight and Pinkie looked up at him. Twilight would never say she was afraid of her dad; he was genuinely a really kind guy. But right now dad seemed terrifying to Twilight, towering over them like a big monster. He wasn’t the most muscular person ever, but he was pretty well toned. He was wearing a well fitting white tee shirt and his tan work pants. He gave a sad little smile.
  80. “Alright girls, you’ve heard the spiel before. You know I love ya, but you’re going to get spanked. Pinkie, you’re up first.”
  81. Dad sat down on the side of the bed, making Twilight shift upward with his huge body. Pinkie stood up from her side, the embodiment of tranquility, and walked over to dad’s side. Without a word she slid out of her underwear and put herself over dad’s knee.
  82. Twilight was shocked by this. None of the other girls would ever, ever take off their panties without being prompted first, or without dad just taking them down himself. You’d hope that he’d leave them up, (which, she supposed, he rarely ever did) at least for the first bit of the spanking. Pinkie just assuming she was getting it on her bare butt right away seemed like madness to Twilight.
  83. As if reading her mind, dad spoke to Twilight as he rested his firm hand on Pinkie’s buttcheek: “Twi, you might as well get ready while you’re waiting, OK?”
  84. “oh-o..kay” she tried to say, but the sound barely seemed to leave her lips.
  85. SLAP!
  86. SLAP!
  87. Dad started spanking Pinkie right away. If the sound of slaps had sounded loud from Dash and Fluttershy's room, they sounded like thunder to Twilight inside of their small bedroom. Pinkie’s cheeks bounced with each alternating slap of dad’s huge hand. The bed shook ever so slightly with each impact, sending vibrations through Twilight’s still untouched bottom. She knew she should stand up and get herself ready like dad had told her to, but she was hypnotized by the terrible rhythm of the spanking happening only a few feet away from her. Pinkie’s butt bouncing, being smacked over and over and over again.
  88. SMACK!
  89. SMACK!
  90. SMACK!
  91. After a few minutes, Pinkie’s rear started to become slightly She started snivelling softly. She wiggled a little bit every couple of spanks, like she was trying pathetically to move out of the way, to clearly no avail. Dad had his strong left hand holding her in place anyways, so there was no getting away, even if she really tried.
  92. Twilight had never remembered being so scared in her entire life. The anxiety was bubbling up, making her feel tingly all over, her stomach weak. Yet she continued to stare at the fate of her sister, which would soon be her own, petrified and entranced by her crying and squirming.
  93. She was broken out of it, by dad giving her a mildly annoyed glance out of the side of his eyes that seemed to say: “What did I tell you?”. Oh...right, Twilight remembered, I’m supposed to get ready. With all the willpower she didn’t know she had (or maybe just her present fear of her father) she hopped off the bed and headed to the corner of the room to take her pajama pants off.
  94. SMACK!
  95. SMACK!
  96. “WHAaaa-a-a!”
  97. SMACK!
  98. Just calm down Twilight, she told herself. Just remember to breathe. Think about it logically, you’re not it any real danger. You’re just getting punished by dad. This isn’t the first time and it...hopefully will be the last time, but probably won’t be. By this time...two or three days from now the sting will be gone and everything will be fine. Right.
  99. Twilight hooked her thumbs around her pj’s waist to pull them down, and had a terrible realization.
  100. She had forgotten to put on underwear under her pj’s.
  101. Twilight mentally facepalmed. Ugh! How could she have been so stupid. Normally it was a 50/50 as to whether or not she wore anything under her pajama bottoms, and the one night it mattered she hadn’t thought to put them on. She had been so nervous when dad had all ordered them up to bed that she hadn’t even thought about it. Well there goes all hope of starting off easy.
  102. She turned around and looked back at her sister Pinkie and her dad. Pinkie’s entire backside was no longer pink, but a bright red. Twilight couldn’t see her face, but could see her head and shoulders bobbing up and down with her loud sobs. Pinkie was like Fluttershy, she felt no shame in crying loudly when she needed to. She was clearly trying as hard as she could to be good and stay still, but was having a rough time of it. It was all she could do to not try to block dad’s hands or kick out, but somehow she was managing. Twilight could barely perceive the trembling of Pinkie’s butt in between spanks.
  103. SMACK!
  104. SLAP!
  105. SMACK!
  106. And then there was dad. The man who normally made Twilight feel so safe, the guy who she’d often go to with all her troubles for comfort. Though he didn’t really look any different now from how he normally did, he suddenly seemed so incredibly menacing to Twi. And it wasn’t because he looked enraged, or mad...or even upset at all for that matter. No, it was just because of how incredibly neutral he looked. He clearly wasn’t enjoying spanking Pinkie or anything, but he didn’t seem all to fazed by it either. Right now, just he looked how he would look if he was mowing the lawn, or shoveling the walk. He was just going about it calm and levelheaded, like it was a job that had to be done, while Pinkie bawled on his lap, rear in the air.
  107. Twilight was broken out of her thoughts when dad shot her another quick glance, which again, wasn’t angry, but seemed to say: “You better do what I asked.”
  108. Her face turned red. She used all of her inner strength to bite the bullet, turning away from her dad and Pinkie and sliding out of her pants. Not knowing what to do with them, she just sort of set them down next to her. She felt so embarrassed. She knew her dad (and sisters) had seen her like this many times before, it wasn’t anything new, but that didn’t make it any easier. You never got used to taking off your clothes in front of your family. As many times as it happened, being half naked in front of her dad always made her feel so small.
  109. This was one of her least favorite parts. What exactly was she supposed to do now? There wasn’t exactly a protocol or anything. It felt strange to just keep facing the wall, leaving her butt exposed to her dad and Pinkie. She could cover herself with her hands, but that would seem pretty redundant, since her bottom was gonna be up in the air on dad’s lap pretty soon anyways. It felt strange to go back and sit on the bed too. And sitting down on the floor might seem disrespectful. Instead, she decided to face them, standing there obediently, her hands held together in front of her girl area.
  110. SLAP!
  111. SMACK!
  112. SMACK!
  113. There was nothing for Twilight to do but stand and watch as her dad spanked her roommate. She couldn’t help but envision herself in the place of her sister, butt bouncing, crying her eyes out, a vision that would become true sooner rather than later.
  114. Wow, she’s getting really really, really red, Twilight thought....I wonder if my butt gets red? Or if it just gets a darker shade of purple? I’ve never really looked at myself afterwards….NO! Stop it Twilight! You’re driving yourself nuts, stop thinking about spanking. Think about anything else. About school. About science. About math. About history, about advanced chemistry. About classic literature. About-
  115. Twilight froze. The sound of spanking had stopped.

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