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Anon the Filly Whisperer by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:45:56
Updated: 2022-03-12 16:45:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon the Filly Whisperer by Anon
  2. (Anon / Tootsie ) and (Anon / Applebloom / Babs / Candy Mane)
  4. (07/04/2016 - 25/07/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >One sunny spring morning a dark mint filly knocked to your door
  10. >you opened them and looked down at the small pony
  11. >she didn't look like the happiest person on the world
  12. "Hello there, Tootsie, how can I help you?"
  13. >she didn't answer, just walked in with a sad expression on her face, avoiding looking in your eyes
  14. >"Hi Anon... you know why I'm here..."
  15. >well, that's not a fun way to start such a beautiful day for such a sweet filly like Tootsie Flute
  16. >you kneeled in front of her and said with a smile
  17. "Not really, Tootsie. Tell me what happened first."
  18. >she didn't say anything for a minute, trying to find the best words to determine what is going to happen soon to her
  19. >she would never lie to anyone, but still it wasn't that easy...
  20. >"I... I made my mom angry. I acted like a bad filly past three days."
  21. >you looked at her face curiously
  22. "And how bad was that? What did you exactly do?"
  23. >she sat on the floor, like she tried to look smaller than she is
  24. >"I... I was angry and I didn't want to be, every question from my mom was just so... irritating, but I know it really wasn't.
  25. >she took a deep breath and looked at you
  26. >"I yelled at my mom when she asked for the third time in a day if I cleaned my room. I said some nasty things and now I regret that, but then I felt so angry and I couldn't stop mys-"
  27. >you listened her with understanding, but then you heard a strange, wet sound from the filly
  28. >she heard it too and instantly stood up, blushing madly and looking away from you
  29. >there was a wet spot where her butt was seconds ago, a single trail of clear liquid hanging from Tootsie's backside
  30. >she looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her up
  31. >you sighed and gently run your hand through her pink mane
  32. "Okay, come with me, sweetheart."
  34. >embarassed filly followed you to the bathroom
  35. >it's a strange place to be spanked, but she didn't care
  36. >she wanted to get over this
  37. >you leaned down and picked up the poor filly in heat
  38. >you placed her gently on her back in the tub, the confused face looking at you
  39. >"A-Anon, I don't think I need a bat-"
  40. >she didn't finish as your palm moved to her tummy and started to run in circles
  41. >dumbfounded Tootsie looked down as your digits dug gently in her velvet soft coat
  42. >it can't be a punishment, right?
  43. >how the tummy rubbing can be worse than spanking?
  44. >why is she feeling so hot right now? And why is she breathin-
  45. >"Ah!"
  46. >poor girl didn't notice your fingers going slowly lower and lower
  47. >your index finger met with her small nipple hidden in the soft fur
  48. >it elicted a short squeak from the horny filly
  49. >time for testing
  50. >your hand moved to the lower belly area of your cute guest
  51. >your fingers travelled through the small curves of the young body, feeling the developing hips, crotchteats and her pubic mound
  52. >Tootsie didn't want or even could protest, she just laid her head on the bottom of the tub and closed her eyes
  53. >if you want to get rid of the filly's problem, you need to take small steps
  54. >your hand moved south, touching the edges of Tootsie's privates, but never making a contact with them
  55. >the filly started to moan quietly, the feeling of surprise of the "bad" touch turned into a desire to make as much contact as possible
  56. >involuntary her forelegs wrapped around your arm and her backside pressed against your wet palm
  57. >it was singal that you can go full sail
  58. >all of your digits made a contact with her small slit and cute, puckered ponut
  59. >you heard a loud moan as her body jerked, pressing hard against your palm to penetrate the small holes
  60. >firmly, but cautiously you run your fingers, parting slightly the wet, virgin petals of her vagina and pinching the now clenching butthole
  62. >your teasing caused the little filly to hug you tightly and start humping your palm
  63. >with the other hand you helped her to sit down
  64. >instantly she pushed her small butt down on your fingers, trying so hard to scratch the itch inside of her love hole
  65. >enough of the teasing, your middle finger slowly sank inside her pussy
  66. >she squirmed and yelped and your digit scrapped the incredibly tight, hot passage
  67. >she nuzzled madly your arm, moving up and down and rubbing her soft private parts against your skin
  68. >soon you practically didn't make any movement and let her pleasure herself on you
  69. >you felt her winking clit and niplpes run against your arm, covering it with sweet natural lubricant
  70. >after a few minutes poor Tootsie was too tired and overstimulated to go, you had to help her again
  71. >you quickly picked her up and held with one hand on her tummy, head down butt up
  72. >you sped up the movement of your pleasuring hand, pushing the single finger inside her slit
  73. >the squirming filly tried to move her body with rhythm of your fingering, but it was hard since the wrecking orgasm approached quickly
  74. >to finish the tired Tootsie, your wet thumb pushed against her butthole
  75. >you penetraded it, sinking the whole finger inside her flaming hot bowels
  76. >a mix of yelp and moan hit your ears, her hindlegs twisted from the feeling of the new intrusion
  77. >time for your final move
  78. >you pinched your fingers and pulled, squishing her soft walls together and scrapping them
  79. >it was too much for the young body, Tootsie held her breath and jerked madly in your grasp
  80. >a sudden gush of natural lubricant and a thin stream of urine hit your palm, running down in the tub to the drain
  81. >she slumped in your hand , slowly emptying her bladder and breathing heavily
  82. >you turned your pleasuring from fast and firm to slow and gently, to let her calm down and relax
  83. >after a few minutes your fingers left the flushed, satisfied holes, dripping with thick, sweet smelling syrup
  85. >the tired filly looked with sleepy, half-lidded eyes on you, panting and blushing
  86. >you smiled and ruffled her already disheveled mane
  87. "Now I think you need a bath"
  88. >she only nodded, a weak smile appeared on the cute face
  89. >after a quick shower you wrapped Tootsie in soft, fresh towels and carried her to your living room
  90. >you sat down on the couch and carefully dried the still wet filly, taking note that she is still very sensitive after the orgasm
  91. >quietly she let you run your hands over her body, but now she felt much better, the mind was clear and the annoying burning was gone
  92. >soon the fresh and happy filly looked at you with a blush on her face
  93. "It's between you and me, okay?"
  94. >she hugged you and whispered "okay"
  95. "But still, you weren't the nicest filly to your mom, were you?"
  96. >Tootsie knew it's coming, but now with clear mind she was not afraid of it
  97. ">Yes, Anon. And no, I didn't tell my mom about the heat..."
  98. "So, you know what you did wrong?"
  99. >she nuzzled you said
  100. >"Yes"
  101. "And after we finish the deed here, you are going to...?"
  102. >"I'm going to tell my mom I'm sorry..."
  103. "And?"
  104. >she looked away from you
  105. >"And tell her about the heat"
  106. >you huged her back and whispered to her ear
  107. "Every little filly reaches the age with the heat cycle . You should be proud of it, you are turning into a beautiful mare"
  108. >she looked at you unsure
  109. "Do you think your mom is going to laugh or be embarassed? She asked her mom how to get rid of her heat too, I'm one hundred percent sure she will tell you everything you need to know. Don't be shy about that, it's a part of your life"
  110. >she laid her head on your chest
  111. >"O-Okay, I'll do it"
  112. >you gently run your hand through her mane and scratched behind the small ears
  113. >both of you wanted to enjoy the moment as long as possible, but you knew you must finish your job
  114. "Are you ready?"
  115. >she looked at you from your chest and smiled happily
  116. >"Yup!"
  118. >you gently picked her up and moved to your lap
  119. >with a soft pillow under her tummy she was laying patiently in the perfect position for the punishment
  120. >looking at your with a weak smile, she stick her butt up and slightly spread the hindlegs
  121. >your hand run in circles on the soft backside of the mint filly, making her tail raise and move to the side
  122. >she mentally prepared herself for the first slap, looking ahead and taking slow, deep breaths
  123. >you raised your hand and swiftly moved it down, giving her the first spank
  124. >you expected her to jerk and squeak, but she stayed perfectly quiet
  125. >she just laid there with a calm, almost relaxed expression, waiting for the next spank, as it was a mane brushing
  126. >you continued then the spanking, trying to hit both buttcheeks every time
  127. >Tootsie accepted every strike like a medicine she had to take to be strong and healthy again
  128. >even if she was still sensitive, the stinging in her butt was not that intense
  129. >the fact that she did something wrong and you gave her so much love and care, made her feel the unbalance of the whole situation
  130. >she wanted to pay for her ignorance that caused her mom to be sad and angry
  131. >that's why the last three spanks, a bit stronger than the previous ones, felt like a refreshing sea breeze and she didn't feel the pain at all
  132. >even if the stinging was there, she felt like if she didn't receive it, it would feel much worse
  133. >your hand rubbed her buttcheeks to subdue the pain, but Tootsie stood up and kissed your cheek, giggling and nuzzling you
  134. "Such a big and brave filly"
  135. >you both cuddled to each other for a few minutes, then you asked her to turn around
  136. >she complied, giving you a nice view of her flushed tushie
  138. >it should be enough for her and her mom
  139. >then Tootsie spread her legs slightly to revealed privates to your face
  140. >you flicked her butthole with a finger, making her jump and squeak in surprise
  141. >she turned back to you and stuck playfully her tongue out
  142. >you were faster than her and you grabbed it with your fingers
  143. "Gotcha. Are we good?"
  144. >She nodded, looking at you with laughing eyes
  145. "Are you going to remember this lesson?"
  146. >she pushed her chest proudly and nodded, still having her tongue trapped in your fingers
  147. "I hope that the next time I will see you, you won't need another spanking, am I right?"
  148. >she looked up and tilted her head to the side, like she was thinking hard on the answer
  149. "Oh you little naughty filly!"
  150. >you released her tongue and hoisted the filly above your head, holding her with both hands
  151. >she squealed in joy and laughed, but finally said:
  152. "Yes, Anon."
  153. >you gently put her down on the floor with a smile
  154. "Okay, then..."
  155. >you put a hand on her back
  156. "To your mom, run!"
  157. >you grabbed her tail with one hand and gave her a quick and short series of soft spanks
  158. >Tootsie squeaked this time and she run to the door as you released her
  159. >she turned her head to you and winked as she left your house
  160. >that's why you love your job
  162. ...
  164. >you are Anon, the magical magnificent gardener
  165. >well, not really, you're Anon the simple Anon, who is actually tending to veggies in the garden near your house
  166. >it's really relaxing, the perfect way to spend your free time and take a small break from your real job
  167. >the job you really love
  168. >being the first official discipliner in Ponyville
  169. >someone would tihnk you're some kind of executioner, who lashes crimminals in the center of the town, leaving them half alive in a pool of blood and tears
  170. >you're far, far away from that, your role is to help Ponyville parents out in the deed of punishing their kids
  171. >you noticed that sometimes fillies and colts received much more or not enough discipline according to what they did
  172. >you decided to start a one-man disciplining company/voluntary service
  173. >parents don't need to pay, but you won't refuse a small gift in exchange, like a dozen of fresh pears for making the filly nice and happy again
  174. >the strange thing is the foals in Ponyville actually like you very much
  175. >you never got carried away, you always ask them what happened and if they understand what they did wrong
  176. >usually the talk ends with a filly or colt bending over your knee or your pillow, receiving a series of spanks to seal the deal between you and them
  177. >you never beat them, you simpy give a proper spanking only with your open hand, making necessary pauses and keeping your eye on their face
  178. >after the deed is done you cuddle with a kid and make sure he/she learned a lesson
  179. >one thing makes you really proud: you were doing your job for months, but you never made a single foal cry
  180. >sometimes they yelped from the stinging smacks, but usually they stay quiet during the punishment
  181. >the last filly had also some... different problems, so you helped her with both cases and received a kiss on a cheek for that!
  182. >from that day Tootsie didn't have any problems, it looks like a quick talk with her mom about her body did the job
  183. >you smiled to yourself
  185. >you hummed your favourite tune when you watered your vegs, and then you heard something strange
  186. >you stopped and turned head to the gate of your backyard
  187. >a small, yellow filly walked slowly in your direction, sniffling quietly and looking down at the ground
  188. >she approached you with a curled red tail tightly clamped down on her butt and without a word she hugged your leg
  189. >you looked at this speechless introduction with surprise, but shuddering filly quickly cleared your head and you crouched down
  190. "Applebloom? Hey, what happened, why are you crying?"
  191. >you gently scratched behing her folded ears but received no response
  192. >she was crying softly, soaking the material of your jeans
  193. >knowing how tough and brave she can be, you knew something really bad happened
  194. >gently you moved your hands under filly's forelegs and picked her up to your chest
  195. >when you placed one of your hands on her butt for support, she shrieked
  196. >it almost made you drop the small filly, but you managed to move back your hand uder the foreleg
  197. >you were already a bit scared, it looked like she is hurt somewhere down there
  198. >you felt your blood running cold as you looked down at her back and butt
  199. >the small parts of her buttcheeks not covered with the tail were dark red, almost violet
  200. >you rushed with the sobbing filly to your house and placed her gently, belly down, on your couch
  201. >carefully you moved away the red tail
  202. "What the fuck"
  203. >two small buttcheeks were violet, big awful bruises covered the tender skin
  204. >you recognized marks from a hoof and some kind of a tool
  205. >probably a hairbrush or a spoon
  206. "Who did it?"
  207. >your voice was cold and stong and it was probably the reason why Applebloom only sniffled and shook her head, still not looking at you
  208. "I'll be right back, don't move"
  210. >you rushed to your bathroom to get the soothing gel
  211. >you quickly came back and treated the poor butt of Apple filly
  212. >trying to be as careful as possible, your finger gently covered the bruised skin with gel
  213. >it worked, Applebloom stopped sniffling and burried her head in your chest
  214. >you gave her almost one hour to completely calm down, so you could get some answers for your questions
  215. "Applebloom?"
  216. >the little pony shuddered in your arms
  217. "Please tell me who did it."
  218. >she didn't answer immediately, but you were always a patient person
  219. >you gently stroked her mane and slim back, waiting for her to speak
  220. >"I... I don't want... I did something bad... I..."
  221. >with a more soft tone you interrupted her
  222. "Applebloom, it's very important. You were barely walking and your butt looks like a piece of beaten meat. Tell me who did it to you."
  223. >she looked at you scared
  224. >"I deserved that, I stole money... it's... I don't want any more trouble for me or h-her."
  225. >her
  226. "It was Applejack? Did Applejack hit you?"
  227. >now she was really scared
  228. >"No! No no no, it was not her! Please, Anon, I just... I still have something to do and-"
  229. "And you came to me on the first place. I want to help you and I don't want to see you being hurt."
  230. >Applebloom looked at you pleadingly
  231. >she was afraid you'll flip the half of Ponyville if he knows the Pony
  232. >you snuggled her small, soft body, taking care to not to touch her aching buttcheeks
  233. "I want to talk with "her", Applebloom, I promise that nothing bad will happen to anyone. Just a calm talk, okay?"
  234. >she stayed silent for a while, and then answered
  235. >"I stole money, Anon, I... I deserved that spanking..."
  236. "We will talk about your mistake later. Please tell me what happened after you did it"
  237. >"I... I came to Candy to tell her what I did... and she spanked me for that..."
  238. >you looked at her surprised
  239. "Candy? Candy Mane hit you? But she is Babs' mother!
  240. >Applebloom looked at you confused
  242. >"Yeah, but she is like, an aunt for me, the second pony I can go and talk about everything, after Applejack."
  243. >you looked at her mortified
  244. "But you know that she is not allowed to hit... spank... touch you in any way you don't want? She's not your parent or a guardian"
  245. >Applebloom didn't look surprised
  246. >"But she is a part of Orange family, so it doesn't really matter, I think?"
  247. >you took a deep breath
  248. >"It's really, really important, Applebloom. The Equestria law allows spanking foals in some very specific circumstances. Only the lawful guardian or qualified discipliner can do it and it can't leave marks that won't disappear after one day."
  249. >Applebloom stood on her hindlegs and looked in your eyes fearfully
  250. >"But Candy can't go to the jail! She... maybe she spanked me a little too hard-"
  251. "Sweetie, she's beaten you. It's not a spanking, you were beaten. What did she use?"
  252. >"Uh... her hoof... then the hairbrush... Don't tell anyone, Anon, I don't want her in the jail!"
  253. >jesus fuck
  254. >you tried to stay calm to not to scare the poor filly even more, but your blood was boiling
  255. "I... I just go and talk with Candy, okay? Maybe she doesn't know she can't spank you. I promise it will stay only between the three of us, no jail for anyone."
  256. >Applebloom was still unsure
  257. >"But I don't want any trouble..."
  258. "And there won't be any trouble, I promise."
  259. >with a loving hug and kiss on the cheek you let her rest on your couch
  260. >you gave her some books, comics and a jar with your strongest soothing gel to make her stop thinking about the stinging pain
  261. >you had to prepare yourself for the serious talk with Candy
  262. >after taking some necessary items from your special, usually locked drawer you started looking for the last, very important thing in your bedroom
  263. "Here you are..."
  264. >after putting on the wide, leather belt in your jeans, you headed outside, to Candy's house
  266. >you walked slowly down the Ponyville street heading to Candy's house
  267. >your mind was clear, the anger was gone, but it didn't mean the main event of this meeting won't happen
  268. >it's just better to stay calm and talk, like with every filly and every colt
  269. >what is going to happen later depends on how Candy will approach the problem
  270. >when you got closer to her home, you heard familiar voices
  271. >"How many times I told you to not to play hoofball in the house?!"
  272. >"I'm-I'm sorry! I'm sorry mom, I won't-aah!"
  273. >smack, smack, smack!
  274. >"It's the third time you broke something with your ball!"
  275. >"OooooOOOOW, mooom ooow!"
  276. >what a coincidence...
  277. >you heard loud smacks and loud yelps as you approached the front door
  278. >three knocks stopped the sounds from inside
  279. >"Stay right, missy, we are far from being done!"
  280. >you heard hoofsteps getting close and the door opened
  281. >Candy mane looked at you with surprise
  282. >"Oh... Hey, Anon, how can I help you?"
  283. >you smiled to a colorfull pony
  284. >"Hi, Candy, I wanted to take some of your time and talk with you, it's important"
  285. >she furrowed her eyebrows
  286. >"I'm sorry, Anon, but I'm in the middle of the very serious talk with my daughter right now, so maybe after a hour we can talk."
  287. >talk
  288. >one hour
  289. >holy kek this girl is serious
  290. >you answered patiently with a smile
  291. "Well, I wanted to talk with you about Babs"
  292. >to you surprise, this made her upset
  293. >"I knew it, Babs was so silent past last few days, what did she do?"
  294. >you were pretty taken aback with how fast this pony conected "talk about Babs" with "Babs did something wrong"
  295. >but you must stay polite
  296. "Babs didn't do anything wrong as far as I know, but I want to talk about her with you, inside if we can"
  297. >she hestinated for a few seconds but then she moved to the side
  298. >"Okay, but please make it quick, I don't want to hold the talk with my daughter."
  299. >you entered the small comfy house
  300. >you walked with Candy through the short hallway to the living room
  302. >and there, on the couch, Babs was lying on her belly
  303. >you were greeted by the perfect sight of her petite, small posterior and her private parts between her buttcheeks, exposed for the whole room
  304. >even if the short tail was not raised, it wouldn't cover the reddish hoofmarks on the small butt
  305. >Candy had a heavy hoof
  306. >"Babs, turn around RIGHT NOW, you naughty girl! Where is your modesty?!"
  307. >the sniffling filly moved quickly, looking down at the couch
  308. >"Y-You said to not to move..."
  309. >"Enough! Not a single word, Babs, you're already in trouble!"
  310. >Candy turned hear head to you
  311. >"So what is that thing you wanted to talk with me?"
  312. >you looked at the sad, wet face of the dark orange filly
  313. "Hi Babs."
  314. >the filly didn't respond, she was quietly crying, too ashamed and scared to say anything
  315. "I want you Babs to go to my house, okay?"
  316. >both ponies looked at you with surprise in the eyes
  317. >Candy remained speechless when her daughter looked up at her with fear
  318. >"I'm sorry, Anon, but as you can see, I was punishing my kid for acting like a immature brat for the 50th time this month. She can't go anywhere right now"
  319. >you ignored her and asked Babs again
  320. "I insist, sweetie, me and your mommy need to talk about punishing you. It's too many times you have been spanked, and, as your mom says, it doesn't help at all. Please go to my house."
  321. >the silence filled the living room, even Babs stopped sniffling
  322. >Candy didn't seem to be pleased
  323. >"I won't tolerate anyone giving orders in my house besides me, Anon! My daughter will stay here to get the spanking she needs, if you don't want to tell me what you want from me or her, the I INSIST that you leave my house."
  324. >wow, cold and rude
  325. "I don't give orders, I want to talk with you, Candy Mane, about the way you are punishing foals. Applebloom visited me two hours ago. I don't want Babs to hear our talk. I can punish her myself after we finish here, you know my job"
  327. >Candy's expression turned from annoyed to the mix of worried and curious
  328. >"Applebloom visited you?"
  329. "Yes. Don't worry, Candy, I'll take care of Babs after we talk, you probably heard other ponies' opinions about the effects of my spankings"
  330. >you said this in a tone that would not offense Candy and her methods
  331. >Babs' eyes jumped from you to her mom, not knowing what to do
  332. >Candy remained silent, thinking about what to say
  333. >"Okay, Babs, go to Anon's house and wait there."
  334. >the spanked filly jumped down from the couch and rushed to the front door
  335. >you noticed from the corner of your eye a hairbrush that was lying behind the filly
  336. >it looks like a hoof spanking was not intended to be the last punishment of the day for the poor kid
  337. >now, you were completely alone with Candy Mane in her house
  339. >she glanced at you with an impatient look
  340. >"Right, take a seat on the couch"
  341. >you picked up the hairbrush and put down on the small table
  342. >you sat down next to the annoyed mare
  343. >"So, why did Applebloom run to you? I told her to go and apologize to Applejack as fast as she can"
  344. "Let's say she came to me to complain about the methods you used on her"
  345. >you said that with the calm voice, but you felt your heart already beating faster
  346. >you forced yourself to remain relaxed and nice, you need one hundred percent clear head without the hint of anger to make it work
  347. >however, Candy had serious problems to remain calm...
  348. >"WHAT? She complied?! She came to me, told me about the... awful thing she did and received the spanking she DESERVED! I was so proud of her when she left my house, I though she is more matur-"
  349. "She was bruised and crying, Candy. Her whole butt was almost violet. Tell me, please, what did you do to her?"
  350. >Candy realized it's not a polite, warm voice anymore, just a plain, quiet question with a pint of offensive coldness
  351. >"It doesn't matter, I've spanked her like my mother and father would spank me for stealing! She is my doughter's cousin and I feel responsible-"
  352. "You have no right to touch her if she doesn't want to. Celestia's lawmakers made it clear years ago"
  353. >she looked at you dumbfounded, but she didn't give up
  354. >"She is a part of my family, this is the first thing, she came to me and wanted a spanking, this is the second thing. I'm experienced in these cases, Anon, I thought that some darker marks on Applebloom's butt will make her think twice if she'll ever think to do such a stupid thing again. Now I see she needs much more than that!"
  355. >slowly, you turned on the couch to Candy, keeping the eye contact
  357. "No, Candy Mane, you're not allowed to touch anyone if you are not a guardian of them. You are not allowed to beat your kids to leave long lasting marks. The beating you gave Applebloom could end with months in jail and there are different methods to teach kids, you know that?"
  358. >Candy shuddered with anger and fear
  359. >"Are you treatening me?"
  360. >you sighed
  361. "No, Candy. I ask you to stop your methods because they're destructive"
  362. >"I won't agree on that. I'll spank Applebloom if she needs a spanking."
  363. >ding ding ding, the "let's do this shit!" module is ready, my master!
  364. "I'm sorry, Candy, but I thought we could find other, better ways to deal with that problem."
  365. >she still glared at you with anger
  366. "But you give me no choice. I'm here to do my job, Candy Mane, you were a very bad pony and you will be punished for what you did to Applebloom"
  367. >it took her good long 20 seconds of dead silence to fully understand what you implied
  368. >"Don't you dare."
  369. "I'm sorry, Candy, but now I see it's the only way to make you think seriously about what you did. Over my knee and move your tail, girl. Now."
  370. >she didn't move for an inch, her eyes filled with dread and panic
  371. >"Y-You cant! I'm an adult mare, it's my house!"
  372. "The mistakes are bigger when you get older. You are an adult mare, Candy Mane, but you were acting like a brutal bully"
  373. >she only shook her head with fear, trying to sink in the couch
  375. >you moved on the couch towards the shocked Candy who was pushing herself away from you
  376. >you had no idea why she didn't just run, but probably the panic mode she experienced paralyzed her mind
  377. >you reached hands to her frame, but now she was almost lying on her back, blocking any way to pick her up by all of her hooves
  378. >she kicked, she wiggled, she pushed your hands not allowing the immitent punishment to happen
  379. "Candy, don't make it hard! You know it's going to happen and I know that you understand that!
  380. >it didn't stop her ministrations and poor attempts to escape the spanking
  381. >finally you grabbed both of her hindhooves with one hand and pulled them up
  382. >Candy Mane was only supported by her forevooves, the upper back and head, looking at you with speechless horror
  383. >you gently pulled her closer and aimed your free hand at the tensed, covered with tail butt
  384. >crack, crack, crack, crack!
  385. >a series of hard spanks landed on her buttcheeks and cutie marks, avoiding the area where the tail was blocking the view
  386. >"AAAAOOOWW! NnNNNoooOOO!"
  387. >the mare wailed and arched her back, trying to keep her fanny as far from your hand as she could
  388. >it was completely not effective
  389. >you pulled her butt on your lap, the hindlegs trapped in your grasp have been pushed towards her chest
  390. >now you had much better access to her delicate skin
  391. "Candy Mane, stop fighting or we will continue it this position!"
  392. >"Noooooo! Let- meee goo!!!
  393. >she jerked in every direction to escape the trap
  394. >you need to stop this or she will hurt herself
  395. >a long, loud series of smacks landed on the stretched skin
  396. >you focused on a single spot to make the mare change her mind
  397. >it took almost 30 seconds of hard tanning and incoherent cries of pain to make Candy cooperate
  400. >you immediately stopped the spanking, leaving the panting pony shacking from the stinging sensation
  401. >the stretched skin on her butt quickly turned pink, her body shivered
  402. "Stand up and move over my lap. Butt up, tail aside and no fighting. Take it like an adult mare and we will be done soon."
  403. >it was another moment when she could simply jump down from the couch and run away
  404. >but the sobbing mare slowly got on her fours and moved across your lap
  405. >you helped her settle, giving her a soft pillow under the belly and the chest
  406. >she put her nice butt high in the air and slowly moved her long, pink tail to the side
  407. >it was still covering the part of her buttcheek, so you gently grabbed it pand ulled over her back
  408. >you saw her wet face covering with pink blush as her privates has been exposed to you, just like Babs' not so long ago
  409. >you looked down to check the area you'll be working on
  410. >Candy had a nice, plump butt, but she was certainly not fat or chubbby
  411. >the years of hard work in home and with her daughter formed the really attractive, young body of a pony
  412. >your eyes ventured over the curves to meet the small, well kept genitals
  413. >after giving birth to Babs her slit was surpisingly small and narrow, the bottom of it slightly wider where the tiny clit was hidden
  414. >the biggest surprise was her small, puckered anus, much smaller than other mares had, almost filly-like
  415. >you sighed, feeling the warm, slightly shaking frame of Candy Mane waiting for more spanks
  416. >but you had to do it
  417. >without any warning, your hand got back to work
  418. >Candy shrieked as it collided multiple times with her rear, the burning sensation moving around as you changed the spots with each spank
  419. >the yelps echoed through the empty house, getting louder and stronger as the now red skin didn't have any chance to cool down
  420. >Candy was the first pony you spanked so hard that your arm was aching after just five minutes
  422. >soon, the shrieks and yelps were interrupted by teary begging
  424. >not stopping the spanking, you answered
  425. "I know you are sorry, Candy, but you need to pay for what you did. You'll know the same pain you gave to this poor kid"
  426. >"NoooOO!"
  427. >this panicked scream escaped the poor mare's throat as she realized how long it'll take the finish this punishment
  428. >she doubled her efforts to wiggle herself from your grasp, but you were much bigger and stronger than her
  429. >your hand started to sting as her butt turned darker shade of red
  430. >you needed a short break
  431. >the spanking stopped, leaving the wailing and loudly crying mare on your lap
  432. >you relaxed your arm on the top of her back, slowly rubbing her
  433. "There, there, Candy... everything will be fine, just take it like a big filly and we will move on..."
  434. >hiccuping, the wet face turned to you
  435. >"P-Please, no more! I'm sorry! I won't spank Applebloom or Babs, just stop s-spanking me!"
  436. >you brought your left hand to pet her mane
  437. "It's hard for me to tell you, but it's still not enough. Be strong, it won't take long."
  438. >she only shook her head weakly and turned her head away
  439. >you took a deep breath and looked at the table
  440. >the hairbrush was still waiting to be used
  441. >you picked it up and rolled the tool in your fingers
  442. >the flat, cold surface of wooden hairbrush caused so many tears and fear in this house
  443. >today was the last time she will be used against its real purpose
  444. >you pressed the head of the hairbrush against Candy's red behind
  445. >even if the cold wood provided some relief to the burning skin, she knew what is going to happen
  448. >you held her with your free hand, but she didn't give up on kicking
  449. >the forehooves tried to cover her buttcheeks and crotch
  450. >swiftly you picked the pony up and took her over your shoulder
  451. >now her butt was next to your face
  452. >with a loud whipping sound, the hairbrush flied through the air and hit the waiting tush
  453. >the bloodchilling scream filled your ears
  454. >another loud WHACK to the other side of her rear
  455. >"AAAAAAH!"
  456. >with much slower pace you continued to turn the pony butt even darker shade of red
  457. >you knew it was completely against your rules, but in this specific case you made an exception
  458. >you didn't whack her as stong as she was beating her daughter or Applebloom for years, but with the precission of your trained hand you knew where to strike, leaving the stinging sensation and not damaging the body
  459. >one minute later Candy went completely limp, the flaming hot burning turned into numbness
  460. >you stopped, it was enough for now
  461. >she didn't realize or even feel that the new strikes didn't come
  462. >she was lying over your shoulder, crying quietly and hiccuping
  463. >there was still the last phase of your plan, but you had to give her more time to recover
  464. >you put her gently down on the couch and picked yourself up
  465. >she lied there with the red butt still sticking up in the air
  466. "I'll use the bathroom, please stay there"
  468. >you left the living room to stretch out your legs and prepare yourself for the next step
  469. >you pulled a small box out of your pocket
  470. >inside there were two small jars and a small plug with a thick piece of cloth attached to it
  471. >you washed the plug in the sink and dried it with w paper towel
  472. >you opened a small jar with transparent, thick substance
  473. >you dipped the shiny metal tip in that gel, coating the cold surface from every side
  474. >after closing the jar you looked at the watch on your wrist
  475. >15 minutes should be enough to stop the biggest pain and talk again
  476. >before you left the bathroom you took off the wide belt from your jeans
  477. >with prepared items you headed back to the living room, where Candy Mane in the same position, gently checking her aching butt
  478. >she looked at you like a beaten dog, but your face remained calm
  479. >she saw the belt and the plug in your hand and her pupils shrinked to the size of little dots
  480. >"NO! Anon, PLEASE, I have enough, I won't sit on my ass for days! Please, don't do it!"
  481. >you crouched in front of her shaking frame and put down the items on the table
  482. "This is the last thing we will do today, Candy, I know you can do it. Six times and we are done, I'll left your house."
  483. >she was gasping for air and shaking her head
  484. >you knew she felt almost dizzy from the fear of the punishment that will come in a few minutes, she was completely helpless like a little filly
  485. >just like her daughter, her cousin and other foals she spanked so many times
  486. >you gently grabbed her cutie marks and pulled the mare closer
  487. "Now you know what horror you brought to this home every time you spanked those kids. How much pain and fear they had to deal with.
  488. >she didn't answer, still looking in your eyes with fright
  489. "I didn't spank you that hard, Candy, compared to what you usually do"
  490. >gently you massaged the two red buttcheeks, making Candy flinch
  492. "It's nothing compared to Applebloom today. Be a good girl and get your punishment like these kids were forced to do"
  493. >slowly, very slowly she stood up on the couch
  494. >her wet face expressed the inner conflict in her head
  495. >then, she turned around and exposed her butt for the second time today
  496. "Such a brave filly. Spread your legs and relax, I need to prepare you"
  497. >she did as you asked, exposing her small marehood to you
  498. >you put your hands under her chest and pulled her down, so the upper part of her body rested on the couch and hindlegs dangled above the wooden floor
  499. >you picked up the plug from the table
  500. "Deep breath and relax."
  501. >she thought you are already going to use the belt, but to her surprise something small and cold touched one of the most private parts of her body
  502. >"NNNaah! W-What are you doing, d-don't touch me t-there!"
  503. >you didn't stop pushing the plug against her small anus
  504. "I don't want to hit your privates, this will provide the necessary protection. If you don't want it, we can try without, but I think you know how painful it would be"
  505. >the terryfying vision of the heavy belt hitting her THERE made the poor mare panic
  506. >"No! No, I-I mean... isn't there any other way?... Noone ever... you know"
  507. >you smiled at the scared and flushed face
  508. "It will be your first time, then. Sorry, but I think this is the only way."
  509. >she gulped and tried to relax her muscles
  510. >you moved the small plug around the edge of the tiny ponut, warming it up and spreading lube
  511. >soon, the round metal tip slowly sunk in the tiny star and with a popping sound, it jumped on the place
  512. >Candy gasped loudly, feeling the object penetrating her virgin tailhole
  513. >you tugged the piece of cloth, making sure the buttplug won't fall out, and you pulled it down to cover her petite mound
  514. "Nice, now keep your head low, hug a pillow if you need. Let's make it quick."
  516. >one of the main functions, besides protecting the genitals, was to make the tail raise and uncover everything under it
  517. >and as you predicted, Candy's tail, in the natural response of her body, raised and moved to her back, so you didn't have to hold it anymore
  518. >you sat on the edge of the couch, close to the trembling pony
  519. >with your right hand you held the belt, already folded and preapared to be used
  520. >with your left hand you held both of Candy's forehooves together, not only to stop her from fidgeting, but also to help her fight with the fear
  521. >not wasting any more time, you brought the belt down with a whistling sound and cracked it on Candy's butt
  523. >the pain soaring through the nerves in her posterior made her scream loudly, tears already coming back to her eyes
  524. >you raised your hand for the second time
  525. >CRACK!
  526. >"NGGGHAAAH!"
  527. >Candy hiccuped and wailed, but she had to receive four more
  528. >CRACK
  530. >you tried to hit slightly lower and higher with every strike, but it was hard since the belt was so wide
  531. >CRACK
  533. >the poor pony started to squirm and twist her body to make the awful pain go away
  534. >you didn't give her the chance to relax when the fifth crack left a furious red strip on her glowing tush
  536. "That's the last one, don't squirm."
  537. >the last time was the strongest one, the belt landed with a loud bang and made the poor mare tense and gasp
  538. >you saw her face, the silent scream frozen in the tightly closed eyes, opened mouth and covered with tears cheeks
  539. >her body arched, her hindlegs stretched in line of the rest of her body, the forelegs pushed the poor pony up on the couch
  540. >then you saw the cloth covering her genitals changing color, the small dark spot expanded quickly covering the white rectangle
  541. >it also happened with the fur on her inner thighs and hindlegs, small streams of clear liquid rushed down her legs straight to the floor
  543. >you heard a pitter patter of free droplets hitting the cold surface under the back of punished pony, creating a large warm puddle
  544. >without a word you dropped the belt on the couch and walked to the bathroom to grab a mop and paper towels
  545. >you were not that surprised by what just happened, but you should've asked her to use the toilet first...
  546. >soon the puddle was gone and Candy's legs and marehood dry with your help
  547. >you gently pulled out the plug out of her anus and picked up the crying mare
  548. >you walked around the room with her in your arms, gently swaying her like a baby and whispering encouraing words to her ear
  549. >it was over, she received the punishment so we could start over
  550. >after a short session of necessary cuddling you treated her abused butt with the second jar- your best soothing gel yuou used on Applebloom
  551. >it worked great and soon Candy stopped crying
  552. >"Ow... It... it was horrible, Anon, I don't know how I'll sleep tonight...
  553. "Probably on your belly. Find a skirt and put it on, Babs doesn't need to know what happened. But if she notices, tell her the truth. It stays between you and me. I'll leave you the soothing gel."
  554. >she looked at you sadly
  555. >"You know, I'm sor-"
  556. >you interrupted her
  557. "I know. I'll visit you in three days to check if everything is okay. Don't make me do it again and everything will be great"
  558. >"I... I'll do it."
  559. >you scratched her back and picked up your stuff
  560. "I'll head back to my home, I guess. Babs is waiting for her turn."
  561. >you were almost at the front door when you heard Candy
  562. >"Anon, wait!"
  564. >you turned back to the mare who was slowly approaching you, due to the still painful rear
  565. >"Don't spank her. Just talk... okay?"
  566. >you smiled to her and opened the door
  567. "No promises, but don't worry, we will work together to get over the problem, but I promise- she won't be crying"
  568. >and then you headed back your home, leaving the embarassed mare in her house
  569. >when Candy Mane took the shower twenty minutes later, loud yelps and moans filled the big living room in a different house, as some filly was serviced by the best spanker in the town
  570. >the long , white skirt that Candy usually didn't wear provided a good cover of her shamefull marks
  571. >she didn't ask her daughter to present her butt later that day when she returned back home
  572. >the small filly's tushie was flushed, the same color as her face
  573. >avoiding asking any embarassing questions, the calm life returned to their home
  574. >to Candy's surprise, that life was much more calm than before that one remarkable day
  576. Fin
  578. Extra:
  580. What about Applebloom? Was she watching?
  582. Applebloom was asked to leave the room, Anon talked with Babs and took care about her WHOLE butt. Let's say that he didn't have to hold her from squirming, so both of his hands were busy with different tasks- one stinging, one pleasurable and wet. AB spied on them and she was caught. Due to her painful butt she agreed to be spanked for spying in the next week, but she received the other part of Anon's treatment. After that two satisfied fillies cuddled with him, took a bath together and headed to their homes.

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