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Applejack the Substitute by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:46:53
Updated: 2022-03-12 16:49:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Applejack the Substitute by Anon
  2. (Applejack / Foals)
  4. (10/05/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Cheerilee got the pony pox right on the day of the class trip to White Tail Woods
  10. >Frantically, she asks her grade-school classmate Rarity if she knows anypony who could fill on on such short notice
  11. >A big city like Canterlot has the infrastructure to have formal substitutes, but out in the boonies with a one-room schoolhouse there's not much you can do
  12. >"I'd substitute for you, but I would be no use out in those woods. Let me call in a few favors. You get some sleep. I'll take care of everything."
  13. >Fillies and colts file into the schoolhouse, greeted by Applejack, their substitute teacher / tour guide
  14. >As the trip gets underway, the students are rowdier than they would be for Miss Cheerilee
  15. >"Now youngin's, I know ah ain't your teacher, but if ya keep actin' like foals I'll have to tell Miss Cheerilee as soon as she's feeling better."
  16. >The foals- I mean fillies and colts only improve their behavior for a few minutes
  17. >Then they're back to acting like brats
  18. >AJ is pushed to her breaking point when some students sneak off from the rest of the group to play in a mudpit
  19. >Fine if it's shallow
  20. >But you can't tell how deep they are just by looking
  21. >"All-ah-y'all, git over here if you don't want things tah be much worse for yerselves."
  22. >AJ commandeers the first foal out of the muck and makes the colt find the main group and tell them to stay put
  23. >"And get back here on the double as soon as you do!"
  24. >She sends him on his way with a smack to the rump
  25. >The farmer can't let this simmer until Cheerilee recovers
  26. >Some of the foals could give fake names if she asked them
  27. >If they leave her sight they could join with the others and avoid punishment entirely
  28. >She couldn't put 'em in time-out, the group had to stay together!
  29. >Write lines? With what? A stick!?
  30. >She didn't want to be a hick stereotype, but she was left with no choice
  31. >"How many ahve ya know what a switch is?"
  32. >Reluctantly, some of the miscreants nod
  33. >"Uh, you two, go get one each, and don't go far!"
  34. >"The resta you, I hope you realize you're in for a spanking. You've been acting outta control!"
  35. >AJ's switch posse returns successfully, with two stripped-off branches
  36. >One of them was a bit long
  37. >Not wanting to take too much time, Applejack used this to her advantage
  38. >She ordered all the naughty colts and fillies to pair up and stand next to their partner
  39. >The especially unlucky ponies were in colt-filly pairs
  40. >Serious risk of cooties contamination!
  41. >And the embarrassment of being spanked next to a COLT or FILLY!
  42. >It's too much!
  43. >AJ took the switch in her mouth and walked group to group
  44. >At each group, she firmly asked both troublemakers to lean into each other
  45. >She wanted their bottoms as close as possible, to maximize use of each switch swat
  46. (FSSH!) (FSSH!)
  47. >Each naughty bottom got two of the best
  48. >Then she went to the other side of the pair and added two more stripes to the group
  49. (Yipe!) (Ow!)
  50. >Two of the best
  51. >Two more that still hurt like the blazes!
  52. >While one partner's bottom took the brunt of the force, the other pony felt each smack less keenly
  53. >Knowing they were next, or thinking that these weaker whacks were still all too forceful on pre-switched hindquarters!
  54. >AJ went from group to group, watching each foal fidget in place and wonder if they would be next
  55. >Finally, she finished the last set of swiftly-switched sulking students
  56. >Applejack ushered the splinter group back to the rest of the hikers
  57. >Who weren't far, as it turned out
  58. >They wandered towards AJ's faction because of the commotion and what they were expecting to hear
  59. >Every foal likes a good spanking
  60. >As long as it's not their backside being switched on
  61. >Applejack took this in stride, she was behind as it was
  62. >"Ah-hem. Troublemakers, and you know who yah are, walk in the front please."
  63. >She didn't want them wandering off again
  64. >And she figured
  65. >Some zebra cross-cultural exchange could be good as a reminder to the rest of the fillies and colts
  66. >"Your behavior--"
  67. >AJ clarified
  68. >"All ah ya'lls behavior for the rest of the day will determine what kinda report I leave Miss Cheerilee. Ah know some'a you are going to be sore at me for bringing some heat to yer seats, but frankly, you deserved it!"
  69. >"Need I remind ya, that the common saying is 'six of the best'"
  70. >"Ah ain't no math wizard, but ah only count one, two, three, four stripes on y'all's rear-ends"
  71. >Each victim of Applejack's teaching methods felt like the entire class was staring at their rump
  72. >"So be good, or ya got at least two more coming."
  73. >Applejack had a feeling these foals would remember their trip to Red Tail Woods for a long time

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