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Babysitter Extraordinaire by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:54:54
Updated: 2022-03-12 16:55:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Babysitter Extraordinaire by Anon
  2. (Anon / Pound, Pumpkin)
  3. M/f, M/m, otk, hand, consensual, sex
  5. (03/06/2016)
  8. ---
  10. >you are Anon, the babysitter extraordinaire in Ponyville
  11. >usually you work for Cakes who run the Sugarcube Corner
  12. >Mr. and Mrs. Cakes took a trip to Canterlot to participate in the bakery contest
  13. >today is the second day of babysitting Cake twins, Pumpkin and Pound
  14. >a few months ago they turned 12, they already have their cutie marks and go to Cheerlies school in Ponyville
  15. >to be honest they're two little angels, always helping and protecting each other, so your job is really enjoyable and easy
  16. >you started the day with preparing a breakfast for three
  17. >you ate with them at the table, happily chatting and enjoying their company
  18. >after several minutes you realised that Pumpkin has a slightly flushed face and she is sweating a bit
  19. >you checked her temperature on her forehead and decided it's the beginning of the cold
  20. >you told her to go back to the bed and you will prepare meds, honey and some herbs to beat the fever
  21. >she shyly agreed and rushed back to her bedroom
  22. >Pound quickly finished the breakfast and followed her to check if she is okay
  23. >your heart melts every time when you see acts of their sibiling love and caring
  24. >you washed the dishes and started to prepare the meds for Pumpkin
  25. >it took you more than 10 minutes to finish everything, with a loaded tray you headed to Pumpkin's bedroom
  26. >a few meters from the door you suddenly stopped, when you heard some strange sounds
  27. >muffled squeaking, quick breaths and wet sounds, it clearly came from the bedroom
  28. >mortified you decided to put the tray on the floor, afraid you'll drop everything at the sight you expect to see in a few seconds
  29. >you sneaked to the half-open door and looked through the crack
  30. >it was a good decision to leave the tray
  31. >you had a great view of Pumpkin's small rump sticking high in the air, her body splayed over the pillow and Pound mating with her, his penis burried deep under sister's wagging tail
  33. >your jaw almost dropped to the ground, you were a witness of the incest intercouse of two kids you knew for years
  34. >your brain stopped working, you just watched as Pound erratically humped his little sister as she moaned and grunted with every push
  35. >something clicked in your head and you realised with full force that something very wrong is happening and you are here the responsible person to stop it
  36. >quietly you opened the door and stepped behind the oblivious sibilings
  37. >you brought your hands under Pound's forelegs and with a quick move detached him from Pumpkin's slit
  38. >the surprised colt squeaked loudly in shock, flailing his hindlegs in the attempt to escape from your grasp
  39. >Pumpkin immediately clamped her fluffy tail on the wet private parts and rolled on the side, looking at you like a doe caught in the headlights
  40. "Could you both tell me what the hell are you doing?"
  41. >the dead silence filled the room, two huge eyes looked at you from the bed and one colt quietly covered his still hard colthood, too afraid even to breath
  42. >after it felt like an eternity, Pumpkin answered
  43. >"...It's... it's b-because of me... we were just... just... I mean..."
  44. >"I-I was helping Pumpkin, I s-swear!"
  45. >you were mostly shocked and a bit angered, but then you felt the growing curriosity
  46. >silently you put Pound down on his sister's bed, brought a nearby chair in front of them and sat down
  47. "I need... an explanation, a GOOD and LONG explanation, from both of you. Seriously, this is the last thing I expected to see there, especially with you two doing... it. Explain."
  48. >another long pause filled the air, Pumpkin slowly moved to the Pound's side and protectively hugged him
  49. >"A-Anon, I swear, w-we didn't want to do anything... bad. It's just... it hits hard, really hard and I can't get rid of it by m-myself..."
  50. >you raised the eyebrow wondering what thing can hit a kid so hard the only way to fix it is to have sex with your brother
  51. >...what the hell
  53. >the answer came from Pound
  54. >"It's... it's the heat, A-Anon... Pumpkin suffered every few w-weeks and sometimes I heard she c-cried here, so... one night I just... helped her and, and it worked! Any other way didn't work so... I mean...I'm so sorry, Anon, we, we know it's..."
  55. >"It's not o-okay, but it makes the b-burning go away... Please, please don't tell our parents, please!"
  56. >oh my god... pony's anatomy.
  57. >that strange thing that happened every spring, flushed mares walking on the streets struggling to keep their tails low
  58. >how smart of you to confuse the heat with the cold
  59. >two scared kids, still hugging themselves on the bed, looked at your cogitative face
  60. >they didn't know you mentally slammed your face against the wall for letting this go too far and not recognizing the Pumpkin's heat
  61. >you forgot how kids grow fast, she is at this age when the hormones start making a mess
  62. >still, the fact they had REAL sex in front of you screamed in your brain
  63. "Kids... when did it start?"
  64. >Pound answered with weak voice
  65. >"two and a half month ago... we did it a few times... are you going to tell our parents?..."
  66. >sigh
  67. "Kids... I hate to say that, but I must tell them. This... thing you were doing, do you even know how wrong it is? And why did you do it when you knew I'll bring meds?"
  68. >Pumpkin meekly answered
  69. >"Pound wanted to do it quickly so you won't worry about me...Anon, p-please don't tell our parents, we know it's bad, we had the sex-ed class and... we know we are too young and... and it's weird to do it with your sibiling... I think? W-We will do anything, please!"
  70. >"Yes, Anon, it was the last time!"
  71. >great, they don't know everything and now it's your role to teach them
  72. >Cheerlie has to explain herself to you too, but later
  74. "Okay, kids, let's... let's say that. Yes- you are too young to do it, no- you can't do it with sibilings and oh my lord- you don't know WHY you both can't do it, don't you?"
  75. >silence, then two pony heads slowly shaking in answer
  76. "Alright... to make it simple and straight- you, Pound, can easily make your sister pregnant. You both are far from being responsible and ready enough to have your own kids, physically and mentally. The other thing- when two relatives make a baby, it's very possible for it to be very sick and die as a young pony. It's the biggest tragedy for a parent to see their child die, so if you know that your potential child will be born as a sick pony and die shortly, you DON'T make a baby.
  77. >both of them silently avoided looking at you
  78. "You both decided to do something that only a loving pair of ponies can do when they're adults. You didn't use anything to protect yourself from the pregnacy. It's a very, very serious situation, kids."
  79. >"I... I always p-pulled out, Anon and..."
  80. "And it doesn't protect you at all, Pound, you can get your sister pregnant before the ejaculation"
  81. >"Oh... um... Ms Cheerlie didn't tell us about that..."
  82. >you swear to Celesta's crotchtits, Cheerlie will have a very serious conversation with you
  83. "Well, we know some things about sex... and we love each other! I'd never do anything wrong or hurt or force Pumpkin to do something bad... We're very sorry, Anon."
  84. >"Me too, I'd never hurt Pound, Anon... We are very, very sorry... could you not tell our parents about that? You can punish us, you can ground us, we will wash dishes and we will clean the whole Sugarcube Corner, but please, anything but telling our parents!"
  85. >and this is it, the conflict you were afraid of
  87. >two underage ponies having sex when you were responsible of their safety smells like a jail and big problems for them and their parents
  88. >on the other hand you knew these kids for years, you don't remember a single time they misbehaved nor were being punished in any way for anything
  89. >you looked at those four scared, teary eyes and their tight hug of the pure sibiling love
  90. >you moved from the chair and sat on the bed, bringing both of your hands around their small, soft bodies and pulled them in a warm hug
  91. "Kids... first of all, I know you love each other and you would never hurt anyone. You always act like little angels and I always say that to anyone who asks about you two. But today... you didn't cross the line, you stormed through it and stopped too far away to say you made a simple mistake. Even if you didn't know everything about sex, you were aware that it was dangerous for you, your parents and me.
  92. >both foals clinged to your chest, burrying their muzzles under your arms, quietly sobbing
  93. "But I still love you, kids, don't cry...I will... give you two options. The first one... I'll tell your parents that I caught you doing this-"
  94. >both of them looked at you with huge, terrified eyes
  95. >"The second option, we beg you!"
  96. >you lightly rubbed their backs
  97. "...or the second option: I'll punish you, as you asked for... both of you are grounded for today to sit in your bedrooms and think about what I've just told you"
  98. >"Please, the second option! Thank you, Anon, we love you and we are sorry!"
  99. >your heart melted for the second time today, but you didn't finish yet
  100. "I love both of you, my little sweetheart... but before you choose the second option, the grounding is not the only one punishment"
  102. >they looked at you cautiously, waiting for you to continue
  103. "Pumpkin, Pound... I want you to remember that what happened today was very bad. So, for the second part of the punishment... I'll take both of you over my lap and slap your butts a few times. I know it's-"
  104. >suddenly Pumpking pulled away from from a hug
  105. >"Y-You can't! It's... it's hurting somepony else! You can't hurt somepony, a foal!"
  106. >you could feel both foals gone almost limp in your arms and start shaking
  107. >you pulled them close again to your body and kissed their heads
  108. "I know, kids, I'd never hurt you or allow anyone to even think about hurting you. I know that any form of spanking is banned in Equestria for hundreds of years now, thanks Celestia and Luna, but I didn't say I'll spank you. The law and babysitter rules allow me to punish kids with symbolic, light butt slapping or lightly swatting hoof, or an ear flick. You don't deserve the long grounding or more chores, you already learned your lesson and I don't want your parents to know what you did if you can manage to fix the problem by yourself. But I want as a part of a second option, to just give you a few quick slaps and you are clean in my eyes.
  109. >the shaking of their bodies subdued a bit, but they looked at each other unsure what to do
  110. >then Pound asked
  111. " it g-going to h-hurt?"
  112. >your hand moved behind his ears and scratched to make him relax
  113. "No, little one, like I said, it's more a symbolic punishment than a real thing, but I know it'll make you remember. So, what do you choose?"
  115. >the scared sibilings looked at each other, then at you and answered simultanously
  116. >"The second option..."
  117. >you sighed and slowly got up
  118. "Okay then... let me explain how it's going to work... go to the bathroom if you need, clean yourself and use the toilet then we will meet in my bedroom. We will quickly do what I said and then we can move on. You'll go to your rooms and think about what you did and what you should do, we will eat a dinner together and expect to hear what you think and what you learned after we finish eating. Then we will see how to spend the rest of the day and how to fix the damage, okay?
  119. >they quiety nodded and went to the bathroom
  120. >you headed to your bedroom to make some preparations
  121. >you took the fresh towel from one of the drawers and put it on the bed
  122. >you sat down, your back supported with pillows and a wall behind the bed
  123. >you took your softest pillow and put it on the side of your legs, where one of the foals will have their head in a few minutes
  124. >on the other side you folded the towel to support their hindlegs and be there just in case of any accidents
  125. >and then, you waited
  127. >after five minutes, you heard slow clip clops of hooves
  128. >the door opened and two foals quietly made their way to your bed
  129. >both sad faces didn't want to look at you, Pumpkin was on verge of tears
  130. "Come one, kids, don't cry, jump on the bed and come to me"
  131. >They complied and laid their heads on your chest
  132. "Like I said, it won't hurt and it'll take maybe five minutes, don't be sad and take it like big ponies, okay?... Who will go first?"
  133. >you expected them to stay silent, but to your surprise both asked to go first
  134. >"N-No, Pumpkin, it's my fault, I should go first"
  135. >"But it was me who asked you to do it, let me go first, please..."
  136. >you silently rubbed their backs with your hands to silence them
  137. "Okay, kids... ladies first, come here, Pumpkin, over my lap"
  138. >the scared filly got up and sit down on your lap, not being sure in what position she should stay
  139. >you softly chuckled and laid your hand on her back
  140. "Okay, sweetie, just stand here and turn to your left, so I can see you from the side"
  141. >nervously she did as you asked
  142. "Now, lay down on you belly, you've a pillow to support your head here, and a towel for your hindlegs"
  143. >the poor filly laid down her soft belly on your lap and began to shiver
  144. "Shhhh, it's okay, sweetheart, everything is alright, I love you and this is just to not to make you forget, remember it..."
  145. >"I-I w-w-won't f-forget..."
  146. "I know, little angel, calm down and take a deep breath"
  147. >you saw as she took a deep breath to her lungs, then she exhaled
  148. >your hand ligthly ran through her mane and back, petting the small and soft body to help her relax
  149. >after a minute of silence your left hand moved to her fluffy orange tail and with two fingers grabbed it near her taildock
  150. >she tensed and clenched her butt, pinning down the tail
  151. "Relax, sweetie, I'll just move your tail, I won't touch you anywhere you don't want me to..."
  152. >"It's not... I-I mean... I-I'm sorry..."
  154. "Don't be, little one, just breath deeply and relax."
  155. >you brought your left hand again to her rump and gently moved her tail to the side
  156. >now you feel how strong she is shaking
  157. "Hey, everything is alright, why are you so scared?"
  158. >"I-I don't know, I-I know you w-will be gentle, I just don't... know..."
  159. >before you could response, Pound moved to his sister's head and without a word, hugged her tightly
  160. >with his head burried in the crook between Pumpkins neck and shoulder, you felt as she slowly relaxed
  161. >you smiled and patted Pound's head, then you brought your attention back to girl's rump
  162. "I want you sweetie to keep your tail off the way, so we can quickly go through this"
  163. >she didn't make any sound, just nodded her head
  164. >you took a deep breath, moved your left hand from Pumpkin's back to both of their nuzzling heads
  165. >a few scratches made them completely relax and you know you can start
  166. >...
  167. >...
  168. >your right hand moved to the towel that supported Pumpkin's hindlegs
  169. >you unrolled a half of it and a layer of soft cloth completely covered her buttcheeks up to her taildock
  170. >then, you raised your hand
  171. "Tell me Pumpkin, how old are you?"
  172. >"...Twelve..."
  173. "Then both of you will get six slaps. Let's start."
  174. >Pumpkin tensed a bit, but not as hard as when you touched her tail
  175. >you brought your hand down on Pumpkin's butt, giving her the first slap in her young life
  176. >"Ah!"
  177. >the sudden yelp was caused not by the pain, but the surprise of the clap on her right buttcheek
  178. >the towel absorbed the already soft strike, giving a feeling of being swatted with a heavy pillow
  179. >Pumpkin moved an inch forward, but as you expected, Pound held her close and filly's body was almost immediately back in the same place
  180. "And now, little Pumpkin, you know what is the part of your punishment, five to go. I want you to say how many slaps you received".
  181. >Pumpkin answered with a soft voice
  182. >"O-One..."
  183. "Good girl, let's continue, then"
  185. >you raised your hand again and delivered another swat, this time one the left buttcheek
  186. >her body jumped forward and back like before and you heard
  187. >"Two."
  188. >hand up, slap in the middle of the butt
  189. >"T-Three!"
  190. >hand a bit higher, slap in the same spot
  191. >"F-Five..."
  192. "It's four, sweetie, I'm sorry but I need to repeat this slap... aren't they too hard?"
  193. >", it's okay..."
  194. >slap!
  195. >silence
  196. >your left hand rubbed between her shoulder blades and kept doing it for a minute
  197. "Can we continue?"
  198. >...
  199. >"...four..."
  200. >the last two slaps will land on her buttcheeks again
  201. >slap! on the left one
  202. >"Five."
  203. >slap! on the last one
  204. >"Six."
  205. The first part of her punishment was done, she simply laid across your lap, Pound nuzzled and whispered encouraging words to her ear
  206. >soon you decided it's enough for her to calm down
  207. "Come on, Pumpkin, it's your brother's turn..."
  208. >after a while, she slowly got up to the sitting position, covering the flushed face behind the disheveled mane
  209. >you hugged her, brought the rest of the towel on her back and quietly whispered to the ear to throw it to the laundry basket
  210. >she silently nodded, carefully climbed down from your bed and headed to the laundry
  211. >you smiled to Pound as he loudly gulped and looked at your lap nervously
  212. >you reached to the drawer for another towel
  213. "Okay, Pound, come here, you know what to do"
  215. >Pound stepped on your lap and lowered his body to lie on his belly
  216. >his body jerked and with a grunt he stood up again, the blush clearly visible on his face
  217. >just a single glance gave an answer what's wrong
  218. >the thing he started with his sister he didn't finish
  219. >you awkwardly smiled and patted his head
  220. "I hoped you took care of it when I asked you to use the bathroom, but okay, it's not a big problem"
  221. >you scooped the young colt in your arms and held him like a baby, his head supported on your arm and belly up
  222. >quickly you covered his genitals with a towel and brought it between his legs to cover his butthole
  223. >but this time you left his buttcheeks uncovered
  224. >all the time he avoided your eyes, blushing and looking anywhere but on you
  225. >you simply rufled his mane and asked if you can proceed
  226. >his position was different than his sister's, but still you had a great access to his butt
  227. >he nodded and burried his face in your chest
  228. >silly Pound, he still thinks it hurts
  229. >"I-Is Pumpkin c-coming back?"
  230. >you stopped your hand and answered
  231. "She takes a shower now, but don't be afraid, you can take it. Stick you butt and we can start"
  232. >he brought his slightly spread hindlegs to his belly and looked at you
  233. >"Um... are you going to... cover my butt too?"
  234. >you smileed and gently rubbed his rump, making him nervously shiver
  235. "I think it will be better for you without the cover, trust me."
  236. >you gave him a few more second to relax and, with a smile, you landed a slap on his rump, a bit stronger than you applied to his sister
  237. >"Ahn! O-One!"
  238. "Good boy... remember, Pound..."
  239. >slap! Across the both of his cheeks
  240. >"Ah! Two!"
  242. "...even if sex feels good and you love your sister..."
  243. >slap! This time a little harder and closer to his tail
  244. >"AH! Three!"
  245. "...ponies will not accept such a relationship between you and her..."
  246. >your left hand that supported his back from below, moved to the towel and lightly pressed it down to his body
  247. >"Gnnhh.. Anon..."
  248. "Relax... you earned your cutie mark, but still you need to learn a lot about the world..."
  249. >slap! The skin of your palm made contact with the soft flesh between his covered small balls and the ponut
  250. >you felt as his body jerked, the hindlegs tightly clenched around the towel
  251. "Aah! F-Four!..."
  252. >coffee break
  253. >your spanking hand started to delicately massage Pound's slightly red butt
  254. "You okay, Pound? Do you want me to go easier on you?"
  255. >he looked at you with a tired expression, he breathed a bit faster and heavier than usual
  256. >"N-no, Anon, I... I can take it, don't go... lighter, please...
  257. >you smiled and scratched behind his ears
  258. "Good... lay your head on my arm, it'll be... easier for you"
  259. >"Okay..."
  260. >he wiggled in your arms to stick his rump higher in the air, his thighs squirming a bit and rubbing against the soft towel
  261. "So, Pound... when you don't have a knowledge, sometimes your instincts take a lead... it can be dangerous for you and others..."
  262. >slap! Your hand collided with his butt for the fifth time
  263. >"Mmmmh! F-five!"
  264. >his forehooves under the towel, but you stopped and held them on his chest
  265. "See? You need to control yourself... Today was the last time I caught you in this situation with your sis... I believe you both will listen to me and you won't do it again... Really, Pound, it's already dangerous in many ways to do it, but to get caught is even worse"
  266. >Slap! You gave the hardest slap so far, but still not enough to sting
  267. >Pound shivered violently, jerked and rolled himself on the belly
  268. >you felt as he pushed his hips hard against your lap
  269. >you pressed two fingers on the skin under his butthole
  270. "Pound, the number..."
  272. >"Hnnn! Ah! Nnnn... O-One!"
  273. >you pressed harder and felt his muscles clenching under your fingers
  274. "Pound, do you want me to continue?"
  275. >poor colt gasped for air, too overwhelmed by the intense feeling of his punishment to form a proper answer
  276. "Pound, yes or no?"
  277. >he managed to nod his head, but it's enough for you
  278. "Deep breath."
  279. >you heard as he inhaled quickly and held his breath
  280. >"Here we go"
  281. >you raised your hand and gave him a series of quick slaps all over his rump
  282. >almost immediately you felt him shake and push his butt down on the towel
  283. >after ten slaps your second hand started to massage him under the tail again, still leaving a safe distance between your fingers and his private parts
  284. >"Ah! Ahh, Anon! NNnn!"
  285. >the punishment continued as your smacks became harder and less frequent
  286. >with every strike he strongly pushed down his hips, accepting every slap as a big pony
  287. >with eyes tightly shut he was very close to the end of his punishment
  288. >finally, your hand collided hardly, leaving a stinging mark
  289. >but he didn't feel it, his body tensed and overwhelmed by the end of the shameful session
  290. >you held him tight and waited as his shaking subdue and his hips stop pressing against your lap
  291. >soon, he started to breath deeply, but still sweating and blushing madly
  292. >you leaned to the side to check your job
  293. >his little ponut and balls clenched every few seconds, both of his buttcheeks a bit flushed and a single darker hand mark in the middle of the butt
  294. "...Hey Pound, I'm sorry for the last one, does it hurt?"
  295. >it took a while for him to calm down and response with a tired voice
  296. >"N-No Anon, it felt g... I mean, I deserved it... and it doesn't hurt... I'm sorry again"
  298. >you gently moved him close to your chest, being careful to not to remove the towel yet
  299. >your hand rubbed the spot where the last slap landed
  300. "I hope you learned a lesson, Pound and you won't forget it."
  301. >he nuzzled you and smiled sleepily
  302. >"I won't forget it, sorry Anon"
  303. "You're forgiven. I'll.. check how is doing your sister, bring this towel to the laundry and put it near the laundry basket, I'll take care of it, okay?"
  304. >his face was a few shades darker than his slightly flushed butt
  305. >"Okay... uh.. sorry for... the thing..."
  306. >you simply smiled to him
  307. "Pound, it's okay, just a natural reaction of your body, you are growing up... but remember that you and your sister can't do it anymore."
  308. >he nodded and looked as you started to get up from the bed
  309. >"Uh, Anon, don't go... I wanted to ask you about that..."
  310. >you stopped and turned to him
  311. "Go on, Pound, but you know my opinion about this"
  312. >he flopped on his back, trying carefully to remove the wet towel from between of his legs
  313. >"I know Anon... but still... I mean, I love Pumpkin and she loves me, the things we did felt good, but I just wanted to help her... Anon, I... how bad it would be if we always used that protection you were talking about... and we would do it away from ponies so noone would ever know? What if we would be very careful and responsible? We are very close and... it makes us very happy..."
  314. >you sighed and helped him carefully remove the towel, turning your head away when he cleaned himself with the dry part of it
  316. "Listen, Pound... even if you ignore the taboo, one day you'll meet a beautiful and smart mare, you'll be able to have foals with her, not like with Pumpkin. If it continues with your sis, there will be one day you'll have to choose between the normal life, creating a family, or still secretely making love to your sister and hiding from ponies. It'll crush your and your sister's hearts and I don't want it, Pound."
  317. >you rolled the towel in a ball and put it on the floor
  318. "There is no sense to start, Pound, don't go too far when it's not too late."
  319. >the little colt sat down on the bed and looked at you with a sad face
  320. >"We know about that, Anon, we planned to do it only when we're together alone, we can move on when we meet other ponies to love... but I know what you mean, I'm sorry again, Anon."
  321. >you ruffled his mane and hugged him
  322. "Take a shower, kid and don't think too much about it, you both are still too young for anything like that"
  323. >he nodded and trotted to the bathroom
  325. >welp, that was an interesting morning
  326. >you stretched your arms and got your ass up from the bed
  327. >you picked up the towel and brought it to the laundry
  328. >after the cold water treatment you dumped it into a basket for a proper washing later
  329. >time to check if your discipline methods were good enough for Pumpkin
  330. >you stopped at the door to her bedroom and tried to catch any naughty sounds
  331. >this time you were met with silence, so you knocked to the door
  332. >you heard a gentle voice of the filly
  333. >"Come in?"
  334. >the first thing you noticed after entering was a strong and sweet scent in the air
  335. >Pumpkin laid on the belly on her bed, a thin blanket covering her small body
  336. >she looked at you with a small blush on the face
  337. "Hey sweets, how are you going?"
  338. >she softly smiled and shyly looked down at her forehooves
  339. >"Better... thanks to you."
  340. >slowly you made your way to the bed and sit down next to her petite body
  341. >your hand moved behind filly's ears and started pony's favourite activity- scratching
  342. >you loved how these kids melted under your caring touch
  343. >after a minute or two, she asked
  344. >"How did you know?"
  345. "Know what, Pumpkin?"
  346. >"That your... punishment will help me?"
  347. >you smiled and answered
  348. "Everyone sometimes needs a bit of discipline and luckily I was there to deliver when you needed it"
  349. >Pumpkin giggled and looked at you
  350. >"It's not what I mean... it's just... that towel and how you s-spanked, and now it's not burning that hard as before..."
  351. >your hand run through her mane down to her delicate back, feeling her warm body
  352. "First of all, Pumpkin, as a professional babysitter I know ways to help growing up foals like you and your brother. It's my job and duty to help you even with your intimate problems and remember, anything you tell me stays only between us."
  353. >Pumpkin laid her head on your leg and listened to your voice
  355. "I must say it surprised me when I caught both of you here an hour ago, so now I have a question to you, Pumpkin... Does your brother only "help" you with your heat problem, or is there something more... deep behind the thing I saw here?"
  356. >you felt as Pumpkin tensed a bit, but you didn't wait too long for the answer
  357. >"It's... don't be mad, Anon, but it was... more than just helping..."
  358. >you waited patiently as the blushing filly will continue
  359. >"The first night months ago was awful, it was... really stinging and I had to use the bathroom every few minutes..."
  360. >you interrupted her
  361. "Then why didn't you ask your parents for the help?"
  362. >she mumbled something about "embarassing ways"
  363. "You both should never be shy or embarrassed about your bodies, Pumpkin, you could ask your parents or Ms Cheerlie, they would never laugh or tell anyone about your problems... but if you were too embarrassed to ask them, you always had me. I saw your bodies many times, I helped you clean during your baths, I could help you in many ways. "
  364. >you felt as her body wanted to shrink, but you didn't stop rubbing her back"
  365. >"I'm sorry, Anon... we just thought that we can solve it by ourselves..."
  366. "I'm not mad, sweets... but please answer my first question."
  367. >Pumpkin had some problems to find good words, then she said
  368. >"O-Okay... We... We really love each other... we felt like sex was something that made our love better and we tried to be very careful."
  369. >you sighed and patted her lower back
  370. >these kids may be more mature than you thought
  371. >but still
  372. "But still you didn't have a protection and you got caught."
  373. >Pumpkin's ears dropped
  374. >"Yeah... sorry for that..."
  375. "I... I can understand your love, even if it's very uncommon... but now you know what could be the consequences, right?"
  376. >she nuzzled your leg and nodded
  377. >you got lost in thoughts as you iddly massaged her back
  378. >the filly completely relaxed and didn't move to not to stop the nice feeling of your hand
  380. >"Hey, Anon?"
  381. "Hey, Pumpkin?"
  382. >"So, um... you said I can ask you about my body..."
  383. "Yes, sweethear, ask about anything you have on your mind"
  384. >she paused for a long while, and quietly asked
  385. >"If me and Pound can't do it, then could you..."
  386. >you looked down at her flushed face
  387. >"Could you... spank me?"
  388. >oh boy...
  389. >"O-Or touch me, but the slaps you gave me felt kind of... good. Since you entered the room, my heat is getting stronger..."
  390. >now you know what was that smell and darker spots slowly appearing on the blanked
  391. >you moved down to the floor, so your heads are on the same levels
  392. "Pumpkin, there are other ways to fight the need, the fact I had you over my lap is still more about punishing you than
  394. giving you relief. I'll ask your parents to get you some things you could use and quickly relieve yourself-"
  395. >Pumpkin grabbed your hand with forehooves and nuzzled to her burning cheek
  396. >"B-But I want it now and here... I did everything to do it by myself, with a h-hoof and other s-stuff that fit... but it never works aa-and it made me even more f-frustrated. Please, Anon, if Pound can't help m-me anymore, then please, let it be you to help me again..."
  397. >now you have an emergency situation
  398. >but after all, you are a good and experienced babysitter
  399. >your both hands rubbed her cute face, moved to her delicate neck, then back
  400. >they slipped under the blanket and stopped at two small flanks
  401. >Pumpkin tensed a bit, her tail sticking high up
  402. >you moved your face closer to hers, nuzzling the soft cheek and kissing the fluffy ear
  403. >she giggled, her face was still flushed
  404. >as your hands kneaded filly's flanks, you whispered to her ear
  405. "Okay. I'll lock the door, then I'll take you over my knee. What is going to happen stays between us."
  406. >you heard her heart beating faster, as well as her increased breathing rate
  407. >"Y-Yes, Anon."
  409. >your hands squeezed her buttocks, eliciting a sharp inhale from Pumpkin
  410. "Bad girl."
  411. >She looked at you with a surprised and hurt expression, but it turned into a shy smile, as you winked and kissed her nose
  412. >you got up and locked the bedroom, when you turned back to the filly, she removed the blanked and nervously waited for you, sitting on the bed
  413. >you sat down next to her and patted your lap
  414. >Pumpkin knew it's going to help her, but still she felt strangely nervous and anxious as she moved quietly into the position
  415. >after some adjustment, moving her tail to the side and securing her frame under your left hand, she was ready for the second, this time serious round today
  416. >you leaned down to her ear and whispered
  417. "When we start I want you to try to stay quiet. I'll go harder than last time and without any cover. I promise it won't hurt, but after everything you can feel some stinging. If you want me to stop, just say "stop", to go softer say "too hard". If you will make too loud sounds, I'll need to stop immediately and leave you there, so remember to tell me what you want. Like I said before, it stays just between us. Are you sure you want me to continue?"
  418. >the scared and excited filly looked at you and whispered
  419. >"Yes, please"
  420. >you kissed her forehead and leaned to the other end of filly's body
  421. >you looked down at the shaking, small rump to check out your new task
  422. >the cute, young butt lost the color from the previous soft punishment, the spread hindlegs gave you a perfect view of her drenched, petite privates
  423. >the slim, beautiful filly slit parted every now and then, leaking a small portion of fresh, clear fluid
  424. >at the very bottom of her snatch a small pink button kept appearing, coated with the natural lubricant and begging for attention
  425. >the fluffy tail moved and shook like crazy in the rhythm to the strong jerking of her whole body, but never covering or blocking the waiting butt
  427. >the small puckered butthole was somehow covered with her natural lubricant, it clenched with every wink of the slit
  428. "Naughty girl, you touched yourself after I slapped you."
  429. >she grunted quietly in shame, and spread her hindlegs even wider
  430. >"I... I couldn't help it, sor-..."
  431. >you silenced her with a soft clap across her right buttcheek
  432. >"Quiet, you."
  433. >the sudden contact under her tail gave an immediate effect to Pumpkin's mind and body
  434. >she quietly squeaked and jerked, you can only imagine how much effort she put to not to start humping your leg just now and there
  435. >you raised your hand and continued with colder, official tone to get into a role
  436. "Pumpkin Cake, I know you and your bother for so long, but your today's behaviour can't be compared to anything I've met in my life."
  437. >she started shaking violently and quietly whimpered, but you held her tight with your left hand
  438. "Not even you hid the fact that you're in heat, but you had an intercourse with your OWN brother, without any protection, right here on the bed."
  439. >Pumpkin's clouded mind was torn between freezing in dread and waiting for unavoidable punishment, or moving her body back and forward, imagining Pound in the place of your hand, ready to sink his colthood inside her
  440. >with a sudden, strong shiver, a short and thin stream of urine shot from the young slit and landed on the bedsheets
  441. "After I punished you for such a depraved act, I see you there laying on the bed in drenched bedsheets?"
  442. >this time her body started to make small moves, her hindlegs stiff and quivering
  443. "And now you can't even control your own body when you're about to receive a punishment of your life. How indecent of you, young lady. Any last words before I spank you?
  444. >you saw as she tried to push her behind higher, the little slit and butthole protrueded from between of the buttcheeks
  445. >you need to be careful to not to hit her delicate parts
  446. >Pumpkin stuttered, gasping for air from the fright and strange excitement
  448. >"P-P-Please... am... sorry..."
  449. "Your sorry is not enough. Hopefully, my hand will teach you how to behave."
  450. >you rubbed her back with your left thumb, then you gently grabbed the scruff between her shoulder blades
  451. >it calmed down the shaking and loosened her muscles, now much more quiet and limp filly waited for the first real slap

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