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Break This Barn! by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:56:29
Updated: 2022-03-12 17:04:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Break This Barn! by Anon
  2. (Applejack / Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, hand, otk, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (08/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Ok. I'll post kinda slowly, maybe. Sorry if it'll took too long. Once again - my English is not well, I apologize for that. Any feedback, including criticism, will be very appreciated.
  11. -----------
  13. The rumble, crashing and jingle of broken glass muffled the quiet "ouch", that Apple Bloom let out as she dropped the jar with nails. At first the idea to try herself as interriour designer seemed so good! Isn't it boring - nails near screws, all in regular monotonous lines?.. So Apple Bloom decided to make the barn brighter and more interesting, add some gaudy spots... Hae with soaked apples in their golden juice looked perfectly near the shiny tin with screws, the pitchfork added some dynamism into composition, and if fix it with the barrel of cider... Apple Bloom couldn't figure out, what exectly went wrong - maybe the pitchfork was unstable, ot the shelf couldn't carry that weight, but now the girl had a pile of tools and damaged apples, floating in the pool of cider, in front og her...
  14. >"Oh my! Are you all right, cugarcube?" the worried voice sounded behind her back, and a moment later Apple Bloom found herself in the embrace of her elder sister, and in a few seconds she carefully eximined the girl, seeking for injuries, bruises or grazes.
  15. There were none, so Applejack sighed with relief... And then she looked around. Her little sister bit her lip and looked down. She destroyed most of the produce for tomorrow fair, not to mention the mess. And Applejack took the farm business very seriously.
  16. >"What's that? How you'll explain all this muddle?!" blondie frowned, and her sister huddled up nervously under the stern look of the green eyes.
  18. >"Well... I've tried... ahem, to put things in order here... And, well... everything fell down... I'm s-sorry, sis." the girl mumbled, blushing and turning pale both at the same time (so she looked like she had a feaver).
  19. Apple Bloom blushed, because felt really ashamed that she let her fanily down and spoiled the result of work of many days, and turned pale, because she knew what'll happen nw and it scared here, even though it was well deserved. And her presentiments were right.
  20. >"Now rhat's quite an "order", I say! Well, if you confessed by yourself, you should know what you're getting for it. Bare your butt and go right there." AJ commanded in a gloomy tone, taking a seat on the cuboid pack of hay and patting her firm lap.
  21. Oh yeah, Applebloom knew, so she dragged herself to her sister in the most sad manner. Feeling tingles down her spine ad the tears ready to appear in her eyes, she unbuttoned her worn shorts and let them slip down to her grazed knees. One more moment to collect all her bravery, a deep sight, and the girl lay over her elder sister's lap.
  22. AJ, still gloomy, lay her left hand on Apple Bloom's back to hold her, if (or, more accurate, then) she'll start to wiggle and kick, and her right hand got under the waistband of girl's cute panties with apple ornament, pulling them down, there her shorts already were. Apple Bloom gulped nervously - bare-bottom spanking is a serious thing, eek!
  23. The teenage girl threw her wheat-colored plait on her back, so it wouldn't hinder her, and withouth further talking (who needs those lectures? The kind know how she earned this) raised her hand and soundly slapped the bare buttocks. Apple Bloom managed not to cry, but her legs kicked the air - that smack was really sensible! And the blondie, not wasting time, lifted her arm again...
  25. After the first slap, which fell exectly in the middle of yet pale bottom, Applejack's palm aimed at right and left cheeks by turns. The girl had a heavy hand - there is no weaklings on on Apple farm, - and, though she would never really hurt her little sister, but thought that a real punishment should be truely sensible, that's the whole point, so the unlucky designer's bottom quickly turned pink. At first only the smacks themselfs were hurting (which was unpleasant, to say the least), but soon the wel-spanked skin was burning constantly (and the heavy impact of sister's palm became much more noticable!).With every smack Apple Bloom wiggled more and whimpered louder, her legs dangled in the air so furiously, that one of her sandals flew away and hit the wall with a knock. Finally, then her rear end was like set on fire, Apple Bloom gave way and burst into tears,.
  26. >"Aaaaa!!! Sorry!! Appleja-a-ack!! P'eeeaase!! Ou-ou-ouch!! Sto-op!!"
  27. Once she let them out, girl's tears start to flow down her cheeks, red from embarrassment, and her poor behind was as bright as ripe apples, but her elder sister's hand moved up and down, again and again for, like, forever - at least in Appple Bloom's eyes, though in fact she recieved a five more slaps or less. Finally, the firm hand that fixed her on sister's lap, moved away, and the little one jumped up, stil howling loudly, and performed a little "war dance", both afraid to touch her sore burning bum and wanting to rub it desperetly. Applejack waved her hand in the air to cool it off, not looking angry at all anymore...
  28. >"Well, I hope you'll remember it and next time ask elders before making any rearrangements." It might sound as a reproach, but was said in conciliative tone.
  29. AJ gave her poor sister, who, ouching, tried to put her panties and shorts on her sore bottom, a very sympathizing look. The teenager moved to her to help (and, maybe, hug her for a final reconcilation), but Apple Bloom steped back, pouting.
  31. And she head a perfect reasone - her bottom really, really hurt, and that big meanie slapped and slapped her, is that what a good sister would do?! Of course, Apple Bloom knew that she deserved it, but the sis she loved so much, who was the best sister in her eyes - couldn't she be softer?! Barely suppressing the tears (tears of offence, not a pain, this time) Apple Bloom hastily grabbed her sandal and rabn out of the barn before AJ could stop her.
  32. Half an hour later, while the girl was crying on the great unjustice of this world, sitting in the bushes near the kitchen windows, she heard the voices. Actually, those voices sounded for a while already, but Aple Bloom was too busy with her grief to notice them earlier - but now she couldn't ignore them, since they were discussing something, very much related to her.
  33. >"...and even cider?!" Granny Smith's rasping voice sounded horrified and indignantly."Untill now?! Son't you know that the fair will happen tomorrow?"
  34. >"Sorry, Granma" and in Applejack's voice her sister, to her surprise, heard guilt. "I thought I'd do it in time, but I completely forgot, so busy..."

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