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Burned Buns by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:57:03
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:44:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Burned Buns by RoyalBard
  3. (14/11/2019)
  6. ---
  8. When Pinkie walked into the cottage she and her beloved soulmate Dash called home the first thing her sensitive nose caught was the whiff of smoke. She galloped forward, her hooves beating against the hardwood floor and blurring past the coffee table, the comfortable couch and the stands littered with trophies. A very bashful blue Pegasus greeted her with a gaze at the floor and a forced smile. "H-Hi Sweetie."
  10. Rainbow Dash did not call her sweetie. Pinkie breathed a sigh of relief. Accidents in the kitchen were no laughing matter. She trotted over to the kitchen and opened it up, then coughed when she was engulfed by plumes of black smoke. The flutter of wings vanquished the foul clouds and Dash landed at her side. Her lips were trembling and her ears, hidden by her cascading rainbow locks, were wilted.
  11. "I, um, h-happy anniversary." She scuffed a hoof along the ground and forced her lower lip to stop trembling. Pinkie reached out and embraced her, Dash burrowing into her inviting embrace and sobbing, great, heaving cries. 'I-I'm s-s-so sorry! I j-just wanted to make you a great Anniversary dinner a-and I-I..."
  13. Pinkie kissed Dash's ear. "It was an accident."
  15. Dash shuddered in her forelegs. "I d-didn't read the instructions all the way through."
  17. Pinkie sighed. "Dashie..."
  19. "I'm sorry!" Dash broke into sobs again.
  21. Pinkie stroked her mane, trying to soothe her while Dash wiped at her eyes.
  23. She tried to regain her composure, but sniffled again. "I'm such a dummy."
  25. "No, you're not." Pinkie held her a little tighter. "You just made a mistake."
  27. "You think Twilight would of made a mistake like this?" She broke away from Pinkie's embrace. "Or Rarity? Or you? They'd have been careful."
  29. Pinkie sighed. "Dash, I'm a professional baker. Of course I wouldn't have silly." She booped Dash's muzzle and some music swelled in her heart. She jumped up on the table. "It's okay to make a mistake or two-" The song poured from her lips.
  31. Dash stomped her hoof. "Damn it Pinkie! Can you not take a damned thing seriously? I just nearly b-burned the house down and you want to SING about it!" Her chest was heaving again.
  33. Pinkie bounced of the table and lifted her chest. "Well excuse me for trying to make you feel better!"
  35. Dash looked away. "Pinkie...I did something really dumb. Like super dumb."
  37. "Okay, yeah, you did." Pinkie nodded. "But you were trying to do something nice for me. I...I can't get mad at you for that."
  39. Dash's wings drooped. "Yeah, I know. I just feel so...ugh!" Her tail lashed the air behind her.
  41. Pinkie sighed, touched Dash's face. "Hey Dash, you feel really bad about this don't you? You have a real bad feeling in your tummy?"
  43. Dash nodded her head. Pinkie thought back to her own foalhood. There had been one time, shortly after getting her cutie mark, that she'd thought it'd be a great idea to try to bake a cake all by herself. That had ended with a fire in the kitchen, herself in tears, then a trip over her mommy's knee for a session with the wooden spoon.
  45. She'd cried her eyes out and her rump had been sore from the spanking, but after? She'd felt cleansed of guilt (especially with how her mommy had held her after.)
  47. Dash was staring at the floor now. Pinkie glanced over at the thick, wooden spoon which had-at times of love play-been applied to Dash's bottom.
  49. She approached the guilt-stricken Pegasus, lifted her chin. "Dash? Do you want me to punish you?"
  51. Dash moved away. "Not in the mood for sex."
  53. "That's not what I meant. Sometimes, when you do something bad, you feel better after you're punished for it. Don't you remember from when you were a foal?'
  55. "Y-Yeah. Sometimes a good butt whacking did make me feel better after I did something dumb."
  57. "Alright." She caressed Dash's face, nuzzled her. Despite Dash's earlier assertions, her wing tips noticeably stiffened at the touch of her lover. She melted into the nuzzle. Pinkie tsked.
  59. "You've been very naughty, Dashie. You burned Mama's buns. Now Mama is gonna burn YOUR buns. Does that sound fair?"
  61. Dash gulped and scuffed her hoof along the ground. "Yes, Mama. I'm sorry."
  63. Pinkie wagged her hoof. "Sorry fillies get sorry bottoms. Now, into the corner while I clean up your mess."
  65. Dash nodded and turned, her wings drooping, her head held down low. She trudged over and pressed her muzzle into the corner.
  67. "On your hinds, Dashie!" Pinkie swatted her bottom, eliciting a yelp. Dash obeyed, standing on her hind legs, her muzzle pressed into the corner.She slightly trembled at the uncomfortable position. With her nose pressed into the corner of the wall, her sight was cut off. While she balanced herself with her wings, Pinkie trotted over to the stove and opened it, coughing as more black smoke belched from the dead device. Dash twitched, but Pinkie shook her head. "I got it Dashie. Thanks though."
  69. They were going to need a new stove. She wasn't sure WHAT Dash had been trying to cook, but it was certainly a bread product. She pulled out of the oven, stepped over to the purple trash bin and tossed it inside. Dash squirmed a bit.
  71. She walked over to the stove and closed the door. "We're gonna need a new one."
  73. Dash whimpered. "I'll buy it."
  75. "If you want to Dashie." She examined the stove. Oh, there was no way it'd ever work again. Though maybe Twilight or Starlight could take a look at it.
  77. Then, she wrapped a white apron around herself. It helped her to get into a certain...mindset.
  79. She watched Dash as she tried to maintain her position. With string hind legs, it wasn't hard for her until around ten minutes had passed. She could stand that way for over an hour, but it would not be comfortable.
  81. Even now, she was squirming a bit to try to adjust her position. Pinkie counted the minutes before she went to pick up the wooden spoon. "Alright, Dashie. It's time for your spanking."
  83. Dash moved away from the corner, came down onto her front legs, trotted over to where Pinkie was patiently waiting before laying across Pinkie's knees, her tummy laying on her lap.
  85. Pinkie lifted her tail, rested a foreleg across her back and gently caressed the place between her wings. "Dash you did a very dangerous thing today, not reading the instructions."
  87. Dash closed her eyes, prepared herself. "I know."
  89. "I know you know, Sweetie." She tapped the wooden spoon against Dash's bottom. "We're going to do some pre-heating first."
  91. Dash snorted despite herself before the spoon fell down with a crack against her behind. A yelp came from her lips. Dash kicked her legs and squirmed as two more stinging smacks came down on her rump. The sting was mild, but still made her cry out as an uncomfortable heat bloomed in her rump. Quickly, Pinkie pulled back the spoon and popped Dash's blue behind several more times, each spank increasing in force while Dash cried over her lap. Dash tried to hold her composure, but each spank from the spoon lit a fire in her bottom. Pinkie skillfully smacked the spoon across each part of her bottom, spanking from her lower thighs to around her sit spot-but not the sit spot itself, that would come for later.
  93. Dash sniffled and whimpered as a fire was stoked in her bottom, the stinging spanks of the spoon building up the heat. Pinkie smacked the spoon hard against her bottom which was now a bright shade of pink.Then, she pressed the cool wood against where she'd spanked. "Alright, you're doing great. I think we're done with the pre-heating. Now Mama's really gonna roast those buns."
  95. Dash tensed up, but relaxed at a gentle stroke from Pinkie. "I want you to think about why you're over my knee, Dashie."
  97. Dash sniffled and whimpered as the wooden spoon once more came down with a hard clap that sent her rear jiggling. She cried at the burn in her bottom and at the guilt clawing at her heart.
  99. Tears streamed down her face at the sting from the claps of the wooden spoon spanking her rump and at the thoughts of what could have happened, what they could have lost.
  101. The spanks from the spoon continued to clap her rump, each smart smack leaving a pink mark and stoking the flames burning bottom.
  103. Pinkie calmly fell into a rhythm, spanking the spoon onto Dash's rump in a sharp cadence of slaps of wood against her reddening rear.
  105. The sting made Dash wiggle and squirm, each hard whack making her cry out apologies. Pinkie kept the same cadence of spanks going, reddening her bottom, peppering her tushy.
  107. Every now and then, she'd stop, letting Dash get her breath back from between sobs, before picking back up the stinging spanks.
  109. Dash's rump felt like it was one fire now as the spanks began to slow. She cried over Pinkie's lap. Pinkie put away the spoon, gathered Dash up into a cuddle while she rested her head on Pinkie's shoulder, sobbed.
  111. Pinkie held her close, rubbed her back while Dash nestled deep inside of her chest fluff and cried. She caressed the place between her wing joints until Dash stopped crying, only resting against her. "Shh, shh, you're forgiven."
  113. Dash shook her head. "No. Not yet. I'm not forgiven yet."
  115. Pinkie patted her mane. "My foreleg's getting tired and your butt's as red an an apple."
  117. Dash nuzzled her. "I gotta earn forgiveness. I got punished, but I haven't earned it yet."
  119. She slid down into her knees. Pinkie's eyes widened and she spread her legs.
  121. Dash looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes. "I love you Pinkie. And I-I'm sorry for what I did." She breathed, realized how light she felt, how cleansed. A smile crossed her face. "Please allow me to kiss your flower and make you feel good. Please Mama?"
  123. Pinkie reached down and tousled Dash's rainbow mane. "Alright. Show Mama your sorry."
  125. Dash began by planting a kiss onto Pinkie's thigh, raining kisses up and down, nearly, but not yet getting to her flower.
  127. Dash rained kisses up Pinkie's thigh, shifting on her sensitive sit spots that reminded her of her mama's chastisement, before diving her head beneath Pinkie's apron.
  129. Pinkie squeaked out a moan of pleasure as Dash's lips drizzled the sweet kisses up her inner thigh. She moved down the thigh and then up Pinkie's left thigh. Pinkie took in a sharp breath as Dash's lips barely touched the outer part of her cunt. Dash's breath tickled the warm, wet, holy region.Pinkie laid her hoof on Dash's head, pressed her muzzle into her cunt.
  131. Dash ran a long, slow languishing kiss around Pinkie's cuny, eliciting a squeak from Pinkie. Pinkie rubbed her hoof into Dash's mane. "G-Good filly. You're making Mama very happy."
  133. Dash looked up at her, her face covered in pussy juices, broadly smiling. "Good! I wanna make you happy, Mama. I was so naughty..."
  135. "Y-you're making up for it." She pressed Dash's face into her warm, moist snatch again, moaned and jerked while Dash's tongue explored and caressed her inner folds.
  137. Ecstasy built up in Pinkie's core. Dash lapped and licked at her folds and her flower unfurled their petals at the loving kisses drizzling down on her most intimate places.
  139. She caressed and patted Dash's mane, encouraging the loving ministrations. A haze of pleasure settled over her mind.
  141. Dash's skillful tongue worked deep into her folds, found her clit and suckled. Pinkie gasped, cried out as she was plunged into sheer sensation.
  143. The orgasm began in her core and spread out to every part of her body, helped along by Dash licking at her special spot.
  145. She reached her peak, crying out as the orgasm flowed throughout her body in a surge of heavenly joy.
  147. Smiling down at her marefriend, she caressed her mane. "Hmm, now it's your turn. I forgive you Dashie. I'm going to make you very happy filly."
  149. Dash's wings spread out to their full extent. Pinkie stood up, though Dash remained on her knees until Pinkie came down on her front legs.
  151. She motioned towards the table. "Bend over. Mama's gonna take care of you."
  153. Dash pranced over to the table, laid her chest on it, her rump stuck out and her tail lifted up. Her cunt was moist with juices dripping down her leg. Her rump was red and sore. Pinkie trotted over, kissed the punished flesh, eliciting a gasp from Dash. Pinkie planted a kiss on the other cheek, kneaded her hooves on Dash's bottom. Dash drummed her back legs and whined. Pinkie bent down low, nibbled her ear. "Good things come to those who wait."
  155. Dash wasn't sure how much longer she could wait, whined at her sudden absence. But she stayed over the table, like the good filly she was, listening to Pinkie's clops as she trotted away.
  157. A few minutes passed and she felt soothing hooves rubbing her rump and a cooling sensation. "Menthol, love."
  159. Pinkie reached beneath Dash's tail, stroked her sacred region, felt the juices wetting her hoof. Happiness filled her to hear the squeaks of pleasure which came from her lover's lips.
  161. Dash's tail lifted higher as Pinkie stroked up and down, tickling her mounds, stroking her clit. She writhed and squirmed, her wings flapping as more squeaks came from her lips.
  163. Pinkie pulled back her hoof, lowered her head, her warm breath tickling Dash's cuny. Her cuny blinked, liquid dripping down it. She flicked her tongue over Dash's quivering cunt and the Pegasus cried out as white-hot pleasure surged through her nerves.
  165. She ran long, slow caresses with her tongue over Dash's clit, rolling pleasure through Dash's folds. Dash moaned and squeaked as joy built up in her deepest places.
  167. Pinkie lingered, pressed her tongue into Dash's clit, suckled. Dash jerked as the ecstasy flooded her core.
  169. She was fast in a lot of things, but Pinkie kept her on the edge of reaching her peak, drawing her tongue away just as she felt herself getting close, prolonging her joy.
  171. Pinkie probed and explored every fold, drinking her juices as Dash's thoughts vanished in a haze.
  173. The orgasm washed away her thoughts, all lost in a sea of ecstasy. Her body relaxed, her wings going limp.Pinkie nibbled on her feathers, preening them while Dash got her breath back.
  175. Dash turned and they embraced, both lying on the floor and cuddling. Dash frowned. "So, I'm still hungry."
  177. Pinkie snuggled her. "We can go out."
  179. Dash nuzzled into her chest. "Can we stay like this for a while?"
  181. Pinkie kissed her forehead. "For as long as you want."

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