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Butt in Translation by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 15:57:50
Updated: 2022-03-12 18:02:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Butt in Translation by Anon
  2. (Anon / Trixie)
  4. (19/04/2014)
  7. ---
  9. >Strolling around town eating icecream and pony watching when you notice a crowd has gathered in the market square. You decide to check it out because you have nothing better to do.
  10. >A blue unicorn in a cape and wizard hat has set up a stage and is performing a magic show. She's not doing very well and it looks like she's purposefully antagonizing the audience.
  11. >Stupid blue pony, you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
  12. >The pompous neighing and general arrogant horse noises continue for a few more minutes until she spots you in the audience.
  13. >Her eyes grow wide and she starts running around the stage bleating frantically. It's kind of funny and you chuckle to yourself. Several ponies are trying to explain your presence in town to her. She doesn't seem to be listening.
  14. >Then she picks up a fist sized rock with her telekinesis and launches it at you. It impacts the side of your face hard enough to whip your head around.
  15. >The blue unicorn is slammed to the ground by a purple aura as the purple unicorn advances menacingly on her. Looks like someone isn't happy about you getting a rock to the face. She whinnies at the clothes pony who then she runs off. She snorts at the apple pony who then runs off in another direction.
  16. >A concerned nicker gets your attention as that nice yellow pegasus tends to the growing bruise on your face. You're very glad she didn't peg you in the nose or in the eye.
  17. >Another whimper catches your attention as the pink pony looks forlornly at your dropped icecream cone. You scratch her behind the ears to let her know that everything is okay.
  18. >The crowd of ponies are waiting for something now. Clothes pony returns with a hairbrush? Apple pony comes back with a small stool that she places in the middle of the stage. Butterfly butt is now gently pushing you towards the stage. You go along with it. The eyes of the town follow you as you walk towards the tiny horse that assaulted you. Purple horse motions you to sit down, so you do. She then gives a speech that involves neighing, snorting, and the occasional whinny. The audience responds with thunderous applause. Well, thunderous hoof stomps anyway.
  19. >The blue pony is levitated onto your lap and the clothes pony gives you the hairbrush. She then winks at you and takes a few steps back.
  20. >You look at purple horse in confusion. She sighs and makes a little cartoon with her magic that shows you spanking the shit out of the blue pony with the hairbrush. Then she show you the number 20.
  21. >You look down at the blue unicorn. She gives you the stink eye back.
  22. >You smile, and lift up the blue pony's tail and smack that ass as hard as you can. All without breaking eye contact. She gives a pained bleat as you work her over. The crowd chants out the number(You guess) with each vengeful stroke of the brush. Finally your work is finished and you roughly push her off your lap and walk off the stage.
  23. >You're sure to give ear scratchies to all the ponies on the way down.
  24. >The pink pony gives you a new ice cream and you pat her on the head in thanks.
  26. >Later at your home there is a knock at the door. When you answer you find the blue unicorn from earlier. She has a bag with her and she seems very embarrassed.
  27. >She starts talking and then stops when she realizes you can't understand her. She then pulls some items out of her bag. A ball gag, fuzzy hoofcuffs, and a paddle.
  28. >You close the door in her face and immediately go for your emergency whiskey. Looks like you'll need it tonight.

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