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Spanking Dash by somewritefag

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:01:57
Updated: 2022-07-06 19:27:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Spanking Dash by somewritefag
  2. (Anon / Rainbow)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, bruises, blood, non-consensual
  6. ---
  8. >"You what?"
  9. "I'm going to be administering your punishment Dash..."
  10. >She doesn't get a choice in this.
  11. >Her eyebrows furrow in anger and she snorts at you.
  12. >"You're SUPPOSED to be my friend, Anon, what the hell?"
  13. >She throws her hooves up and hovers inches from your face as if she's about to sock you in the jaw, but the guards nearby keep a close eye on the situation, ready to intervene if she goes too far. She knows it'll only make the situation worse, and that's probably the only thing causing her to show some restraint.
  14. >You sigh and place a palm over your face.
  15. "I'm trying to do you a favor here Dash..."
  16. >She huffs in indignation. It’s pointless to try to explain to her. She knows the alternative, and you know how much worse it would be for such a prideful pony to be publicly humiliated.
  17. >”I never asked you to do me any favors! I can take my punishment, I don’t need YOU involved in this, so why don’t you just fucking get out? Just get the fuck out!”
  18. >She gives you a good shove and points at the door, her left eye twitching as she grinds her teeth in frustration. You think you see a tear starting in her eye, but you don’t wanna stick around, it’s not going to accomplish anything. She’s scheduled to be punished first thing in the morning. You just hope she can forgive you.
  19. >You don’t sleep well that night. You’re probably going to ruin your friendship with Dash, but you know in the long run part of her will be grateful.
  20. >The next morning you enter the room in the town hall building where the sentence is to be carried out. Dash is already in stocks. She doesn’t struggle against them, merely standing there stoically. Her hind legs are shackled to the floor, her tail wrapped and held out of the way by a rope tied to the rafters. The mayor acknowledges your entrance with a nod to one of the unicorn guards, who levitates a wooden paddle to you. You take it with a sigh.
  21. >The judge, also a unicorn, levitates a scroll and reads from it, detailing the charges and punishment, her tone seemingly with a slight edge of sadistic glee which turns your stomach.
  22. >She then turns her attention to you, and makes it clear that she will halt the punishment and have the guards take over if at any point she believes you’re not punishing her satisfactorily.
  23. >Dash is offered a small cloth-padded wooden dowel to bite down on, but refuses.
  24. >You can’t bring yourself to look at her face, standing behind her the entire time.
  25. >”You may begin,” the judge announces.
  26. >You whisper just barely loud enough for Dash to hear as you raise the paddle and prepare for the first swing.
  27. “I’m sorry…”
  28. >The first "WHACK!" startles everyone in the room with how loud it is. Dash is completely caught off guard, gasping loudly in shock as her body instinctively flinches away.
  29. >You take careful aim for another swing.
  30. >WHACK!
  31. >Dash bites her lip, determined to not show any pain.
  32. 'Come on Dash...' you think to yourself, 'if you don't cry I'm going to have to whip you harder... for once in your life don't be so damn stubborn...'
  33. >You put a little more force into the next swing. WHACK! When it connects Dash's hind legs start to buckle beneath her but she manages to remain standing, the slightest whimper escaping her lips.
  34. >By the fifth strike there are large visible welts beginning to rise on her rump, noticeable even through her fur.
  35. 'God fucking dammit Dash don't make me do this...'
  36. >Each successive swing carries more force than the one before it. Eventually the sound of the wooden implement making contact with her rump is nearly as loud as a gunshot.
  37. >The tenth strike finally breaks her. She lets out a single screaming sob before regaining her composure. Her entire body trembles briefly, her tail instinctively trying to clamp down to protect her rump but to no avail.
  38. >By the fifteenth she can't take it any more. She breaks down crying, her hind legs buckling beneath her, but her rump still suspended in the air by the rope tied to her tail. She doesn't say anything.
  39. >Twenty five. She's struggling against her restraints fiercely now, wings flapping furiously as she desperately tries to escape even though she knows she can't. Her screams and sobs of agony are like a red hot spike driven through your heart, causing you to weep. She's only halfway through.
  40. >Thirty. She doesn't have the strength to struggle anymore. Her entire body jerks with her low, moanful sobs interspersed with hyperventilation, her wings droop limply at her sides. You hesitate to continue, looking at the judge as you wipe tears from your eyes.
  41. "Come on... surely she's learned her lesson by now... please... I'm begging you, don't make me finish..."
  42. >Your pleading gaze darts back and forth between the mayor and the judge. After brief hesitation you are ordered to finish.
  43. >Thirty one.
  44. >Thirty two.
  45. >Thirty three.
  46. >Hang in there Dash...
  47. >Thirty seven. Thirty eight.
  48. >The noises coming from Dash's muzzle are indescribable now. You've never heard such suffering and desperation for relief from any creature. She starts to flinch and scream in anticipation of each swing before you even draw your arm back for it, the sight of which breaks your heart even further.
  49. >Forty. This one breaks the skin. A slight ooze of blood makes its way to the surface of the freshly placed welt. You wince at the sight.
  50. "Please... she's bleeding..." you beg.
  51. >The judge simply shakes her head. You fall to your knees and begin to plead for mercy as if you're being flogged yourself. The judge very sternly gives you a quick reminder that if you don't finish, it's only going to make things worse for Dash. You manage to at least convince them to have a doctor check on her before delivering the final blows.
  52. >After a quick check of her vital signs the doctor gives the signal that it's okay to continue before exiting the room. You stare him down and barely contain the urge to hit him as hard as you can for not making them stop this torture.
  53. >You begin to wonder how such a seemingly pacifist society can have such draconian practices as this in place.
  54. >You deliver the final ten strokes in rapid succession, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible.
  55. >Dash loses consciousness at forty-nine.
  56. >After it's over you quickly fling the paddle onto the floor and rush to release her from her restraints. A guard comes over to assist you but you take his key from him and push him away as hard as you can. Dash slumps to the floor as you untie the rope and unlock the shackles.
  57. >You rest Dash's head on your lap as you kneel next to her, gently brushing her mane from her face.
  58. "Oh Dash..." you mutter, your hands shaking as you try to comfort her.
  59. >The judge drops a sack with fifty bits in it on the ground next to you as the officials make their way out of the room. In anger, you turn and grab the sack flinging it at her as hard as you can.
  60. >The sack connects squarely with the judge's rump, the sound of coins scattering everywhere punctuating your loathing. The guards begin to move to restrain you, but she motions for them to stop. As the door closes behind them, you are left alone with Dash.
  61. >She soon regains consciousness. You try to help her up, but she weakly shrugs you off, standing on her own, not saying a word as she wobbles toward the door.
  62. >You haven't seen Dash in almost three weeks. Can't really blame her for that though. Sleep has been evasive for you, spending most nights wrestling with the actions you took and the way things turned out in your mind, trying to convince yourself you really HAD done Dash a favor, even if it didn't feel like it in the slightest.
  63. >If she'd just cried sooner you wouldn't have had to hit her so hard...
  64. >Stupid stubborn mare...
  65. >You've avoided most ponies these last few weeks too. Everyone in town knew what you did. They probably knew how cruel you'd been to Dash too. How could you have hit your best friend so hard she bled like that?
  66. >You stare at the suitcases in the corner of the room. After some convincing, Twilight had agreed to help you get back to Earth. She should be here any minute now. You wipe a tear from your eye. The last five years had been amazing, true, but this wasn't the utopian society you were expecting it to be when you first arrived here. There'd been indications of that the whole time, but it took something of this magnitude for you to fully realize it.
  67. >You finally hear a knock at the door. You cross the room and turn the handle to open it.
  68. "Jesus it's about time Twili-"
  69. >Dash is sitting there on her rump. She doesn't look you in the eye.
  70. >"Hey..."
  71. "...Hey..." you reply, somewhat taken aback to find her there.
  72. >There's an awkward silence
  73. "Uh... wanna come in?"
  74. >"Yeah."
  75. >You step aside and Dash walks past you, still not making eye contact. She hops up on your sofa, sitting in her usual spot in the middle. You close the door and take a seat in an adjacent armchair, not daring to sit next to her like you usually do. You don't deserve to.
  76. "Dash... I"
  77. >"Shut up, Anon," she snaps at you angrily, flicking her tail.
  78. >You instantly shut your mouth.
  79. >A few more moments of awkard silence pass.
  80. "I just wanted to sa-"
  81. >"Shut. UP."
  82. >You grunt and sigh in frustration.
  83. >"What's this I hear about you *leaving*?" She asks out of nowhere.
  84. "I'm going back to Earth... I don't dese-"
  85. >Dash lifts off the couch and gets in your face, poking a hoof into your chest.
  86. >"You think you can just *run away* from this? That you can just abandon the ponies that care about you because you feel guilty? Look pal, I don't know how you handle things where YOU'RE from, but *here* we don't just abandon our friends when things get rough," she snorts a hot steamy breath onto your face through her nostrils.
  87. >You calmly place a hand on her hoof and remove it from her chest, staring into her eyes.
  88. "Please Dash, just don't..."
  89. >She gets more aggressive, pressing her forehead against yours with a scowl on her face and poking you in the chest again.
  90. >"You're not going *anywhere*" she states matter-of-factly. She picks up your suitcases and dumps their contents onto your lap.
  91. >"Put your stuff away."
  92. >That wasn't a request.
  93. "HEY! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get all that stuff to fit?" You protest as you gather up your belongings and start to put them back into one of the suitcases.
  94. >Dash sits on the suitcase, forcing it shut and smashing your fingers with the lid.
  95. "OW! Dammit Dash..."
  96. >"What did I just tell you, Anon?" she growls sternly.
  97. >You roll your eyes and throw your hands up in the air.
  98. "I don't deserve your friendship anymore Dash, not after what-"
  99. >She shoves a hoof in your mouth.
  100. >"Oh stop being so dramatic!" she barks. "What happened happened, and we can't change that. The only thing that matters is how we handle things now. I'm *not* letting you leave, and the sooner you get that through that thick human skull of yours," she raps on the top of your head with a hoof just hard enough for it to hurt a bit, "the better off you'll be."
  101. "I don't get wh-"
  102. >"Uh, hell-OH? Element of Loyalty ring a bell?" she says.
  103. You finally manage to crack a smile.
  104. >"Now all that's left is for me to give YOU 50 strokes with a paddle, and then we're ev-"
  105. "Wait what?"
  106. >"You want me to forgive you, right?"
  107. "Yeah but..."
  108. >"If you want to patch things up with me you'll let me have my payback," she says with an evil grin.
  109. >You sigh.
  110. "Alright Dash... fine... if it'll make you feel bett-"
  111. >"Oh man, you are SO gullible!" she laughs heartily. "You should have seen the look on your face. Priceless!"
  112. "Cunt!"
  113. >"Jerk!"
  114. >She hoofs you in the shoulder.
  115. "Ow!"
  116. >"Come on," she says with a smile as she opens the door, "it's too nice of a day to stay inside. Let's go somewhere."
  117. >You smile and shake your head before following her out the door. Things are gonna be okay.
  119. fin
  121. ...
  123. Funny extra by Anon:
  126. >Rather embarrassed by the situation, you stare at your scattered luggage.
  127. >After realizing how stupid you must look, you decide to begin cleaning it up.
  128. >You reach down to grab a pillow as Dash walks up behind you.
  129. >"We'll see how your flank feels after this, Anon," she remarks with a look of both anger and amusement.
  130. >Before you realize what is happening, Rainbro Dash pins you to the ground.
  131. >You desperately try to apologize, to no avail.
  132. >"Shut up and take it, mule."
  133. >You cry out as your virgin pony ass is dryly penetrated by Dash's massive horse cock.
  134. >After a brief, futile struggle, and another vain attempt at an apology, you realize the situation can not possibly be helped in any way.
  135. >Wanting to at least spare yourself some of the shame, you decide to bite down on the pillow and wait for the encounter to end.
  136. >Rainbro Dash rams your pony ass for what seems like hours, the only lubricant being the blood seeping from your prolapsed anus.
  137. >Finally, it ends, and you feel Rainbro Dash's tranny mare cock sliding out of your stallion asshole.
  138. >You weakly glance back toward Dash, but see nothing but an endless spray of pony semen.
  139. >"Thanks for the fuck, mule. Now get out of Ponyville before you slut it up any more."

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