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EQG and Anondad: Nightmare Night by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:02:30
Updated: 2022-03-12 18:43:47
Expiry: Never

  1. EQG and Anondad: Nightmare Night by Anon
  2. (Anon / Applejack, Rainbow)
  4. (11/10/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >“You sure Twi?”
  10. >“Ummm….I don’t think so girls. I think I’m going stick with these houses around here.” She said, adjusting her giant wizard hat.
  11. >“Comeoooon…You’ll be missing out. Prep Street’s got all the super-rich houses. I’ve heard they got FULL SIZE candybars. And sometimes they don’t even hand them out, sometimes they just set them there.”
  12. Rainbowdash, Twilight, and Applejack stood on the corner of Canterlot Road (only a few blocks away from their school) and Manestreet. Rarity and Pinkie were already a few houses down, going on ahead. Fluttery had opted not to come. It was Nightmare Night, and the town was alive with people in costume. A breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees. A few fell. It was cool out, but not too cold. It smelled like autumn.
  13. >“No, I don’t think so.” Twi said, fidgeting with her cloak. “I should stay with the others. Besides, dad said we were supposed to be back by 9, do you really think you’ll be able to make it all the way there and back in time?”
  14. >“Nah, don’t worry, we’ll be there and back in no time, right Apple? As long as we run.” Rainbow nudged Applejack. Rainbow was wearing a hockey mask, dressed up as some bad guy or other from a scary movie that Twi hadn’t watched and probably never would.
  15. >“Yeah, we should be fine, long as we get movin’.” said Applejack. She was dressed as a witch this year, which was surprisingly edgy compared to most of her previous years, Twi thought. It was probably more Rarity’s idea than Applejacks (they were currently sharing a room). Rarity had designed the costume herself. Twi thought it looked very nice. “So it’s now or never Twi. You comin’ or not?”
  16. >“I’ll think I’ll pass.” said Twi. She started walking to catch up with Pinkie and Rarity. “Just keep an eye on the time ok? And be careful.”
  17. >“Alright, don’t you fret, sis.” said Applejack.
  18. They stood for a few moments.
  19. >“So…” Rainbow said, giving Applejack a mischievous look. “You ready to go?”
  20. Applejack grinned back. “Race you.”
  21. Even running, it had taken them longer than they expected, about 20 minutes, to get to where they were going. They had taken a few shortcuts down some dark roads they didn’t know too well, and had even got momentarily lost for about a minute, but when they got to Prep Street it was exactly how Rainbowdash had predicted it. The candy that houses were handing out there was way better than it had been in their own neighborhood. It not like their own neighborhood wasn’t nice, but these houses really took the cake. Every house was practically a mansion (it was the neighborhood most of the Shadowbolt Girls lived), and they were giving out candy like it was no tomorrow. Soon their bags were almost full. They stopped to take a quick breath.
  22. >“Whooo! You were right Rainbow, this place is amazin’.” Appljack said, wiping cold sweat from her forehead.
  23. >“Of course I was right.” said Rainbowdash, stretching her arms. “So, you ready to hit these last couple houses, make this historical?”
  24. Applejack pulled out her phone and looked at it, warry.
  25. >“Uhh, I dunno Rainbow. It’s almost 8:40. We should head back now, if we want to make it back in time. I’m not sure I can run back as fast as we got here.”
  26. >Rainbowdash rolled her eyes. “Pffft. Come on Applejack, dad won’t mind if we’re a few minutes late. Just a few more houses. We can’t let an opportunity like this pass us up. Comeon.” Rainbow urged.
  27. >Applejack looked uncertain. “I dunno…”
  28. >“Just ten more houses, ok?” pled Rainbow. “It won’t take long.”
  29. >Applejack thought that Rainbow and Pinkie may have been rubbing off on her a bit too much lately, as she found herself saying: “…alright, I guess. Just ten more though, ok?”
  30. >“WHHHOOO! YES!” yelled Rainbow. “Comeon, let’s go!” She grabbed Applejacks arm, and the two were off to top off the night.
  31. >“Alright was that number 10?” Asked Rainbow, throwing her full candy bag over her shoulder.
  32. >“I think so. Either that or 11.” Said Applejack. “I think we might have accidently gone over. We should get going back right now.”
  33. Applejack pulled out her phone to check the time. Her eyes went wide.
  34. >“Uhhhhhh….” Applejack droned, her voice clearly uneasy.
  35. >“What?” Asked Rainbowdash. “What is it.”
  36. >“I think we lost track of time Rainbow. We got to go, now.” Applejack held out her phone. It was 9:15.
  37. >“WHAT!?” Rainbowdash jumped up, her voice cracking. She tore off her mask. “It-It didn’t feel that long! How did it take us that long!?”
  38. >“I dunno Dash, I guess the houses are pretty far apart. Let’s get running, quick!”
  39. Before they could start their sprint, Applejacks phone vibrated. She looked down.
  40. >“Huh-boy. Not good, sugercube.” said Applejack.
  41. “What, what is it?”
  42. Applejack held up her phone again. It was a simple text from dad: where are you two?
  43. >“Oh, no.” said Dash, genuinely petrified. “What do we do?”
  44. >“Ummm….I’ll just say we’re coming. Let’s start running NOW!”
  45. The girls began running as fast as they could with their huge sacks of candy, Applejack had to slow down even more, so she could manage to type in “on our way” into her phone. They ran for about 30 seconds until Applejack’s phone started ringing. They stopped dead in their tracks.
  46. >“Oh, Gosh!” shouted Dash. “Is that him?! What do we do??”
  47. >“It’s him alright.” said Applejack, sunken. “I guess we need to answer.”
  48. >“Are you nuts!?? Don’t answer that, give me!” Dash tried to grab the phone.
  49. >“Hey, quit it! If we don’t answer, we’ll be in even more trouble.” Applejack put the phone up to her head. “Hello?.....Hello?.....Dagnabit.”
  50. >“What?”
  51. >“We didn’t get it in time. I guess I got to call him back.”
  52. >“Shouldn’t we just run? We can probably make it in 15 minutes if we really book it!”
  53. >“No, that’ll just make it worse. We got to call him.” Dash’s heart sank. She know Applejack was right.
  54. Applejack dialed dad’s number. Her stomach twirled. Before she could second guess herself, she bit the bullet and hit call.
  55. She waited. Dash stood their nervously. Dash heard a voice click in over the phone.
  56. >“Hello….Dad? This is Applejack. We-….yeah, no, we’re real sorry, we’re on our way back right now, we-….what?....What, no. No, yeah, we’re on our way right now so-….but, it really won’t....we’re gonna-……….oh. Oh, ok. Are you sure? It won’t-…….alright. Yes daddy. Yeah. Ok….We’re on….” Applejack took a deep breath “…the corner of Maybel and….Prep street. What? Yeah. Yeah, but it really wasn’t….not that….oh….ok. Sorry. Yes dad."
  57. >Applejack put down her phone. “Well ain’t that just the pits.”
  58. >“What?” said Rainbowdash, her voice wavering a bit with worry. “What did he say?”
  59. Applejack sighed. “He said we’re supposed to wait here. He’s gonna come pick us up in the van.”
  60. >“Huh boy that’s…that’s not good.” said Rainbow, grabbing her hair. “That is reaaaaaallly not good.”
  61. >“Nope.” agreed Applejack.
  62. >“Like, really not good.” said Rainbow, already beginning to pack.
  63. >“Nope.” agreed Applejack.
  64. >“What do we do??” ask Rainbow, the faint edge of panic beginning to creep into her voice.
  65. Applejack sat down on the curb. She tipped her hat down over her eyes.
  66. >“Well…” she said “…the only real thing we can do is wait.”
  67. Rainbow continued pacing back and forth, thinking frantically, trying formulate the perfect wording for her explanation/appeal/excuse. Applejack sat on the sidewalk, patiently waiting for dad to arrive. She had long since realized that appeals didn’t work too well with dad. What was gonna happen was gonna happen.
  68. >“What do you think is gonna happen? What do you think he’s gonna do? Do you think he’s gonna be mad?” asked Rainbow, biting her fist nervously.
  69. >“I don’t know Rainbow.” said Applejack.
  70. >“You don’t think he’s gonna take our candy away do you? Or…you know…you don’t think we’ll get…?”
  71. >“I don’t know Rainbow.”
  72. >“What should we tell him?” asked Rainbow, looking at her sister anxiously.
  73. >“I don’t think it really matters much what we tell him, Rainbow.” said Applejack.
  74. This wasn’t what Rainbowdash wanted to hear. She began to pace faster.
  75. >“I mean, we were only 15 minutes late.” said Rainbow, probably more to herself than Applejack. “That’s not really that bad.”
  76. >“Well, we would have been later than that. We still had to run back.” said Applejack, not helping. >“Also, he sort of told us to stay in the neighborhood.”
  77. >“Yeah but, Prep Street isn’t that far away. We’re still basically in the neighborhood.” said Rainbow, again, mainly to herself.
  78. >“I dunno if dad will agree with that.” said Applejack, again, not helping. Rainbow fussed with the velcro on her mask.
  79. In the distance, they saw the lights of a van approaching, and their hearts sank again. Rainbow let out a little involuntary whimper.
  80. >“Do you think that’s him?” asked Dash.
  81. >“Seems like it.” said Applejack, standing up off the curb.
  82. After a few seconds, it was obvious that, yes, it was their van, and yes, dad was driving it. The van pulled to a stop.
  83. Applejack and Rainbowdash scooted into their places in the back and buckled their seatbelts. They anxiously looked at dad. In the rear view mirror, they could see that his face wasn’t obviously upset, or in good humor. It was completely neutral, as if nothing was going on right now. Applejack had learned to fear that worse.
  84. >“I’m assuming you girls know what time it is, yeah?” said dad, completely collected, no hint of anger in his voice.
  85. >“Yes sir.” said Applejack, hands in her lap.
  86. >“Dad, we were just-…” Rainbowdash started.
  87. >“Ba-ba-bap.” Dad held up a finger to shush her. She stopped immediately. “You girls knew that I wanted you back by 9 yes? Yes or no?”
  88. >“Yes.” Applejack said immediately.
  89. Rainbowdash hesitated, wanting to give her explanation, but then meekly agreed.
  90. >“You also knew that I said to stay in the neighborhood right?” dad asked, unwavering.
  91. >“Yes.” Both of the girls agreed. Again, Rainbow clearly wanted to say more, but held back.
  92. >“Alright.” Said dad. He turned around to face them. Dad was typically a pretty friendly and approachable guy, but now it seemed like a massive hulking creature to the girls, towering over them. They looked up at him, like he was some sort of Nightmare night monster creature. >“So Rainbow, you wanted to say something?”
  93. >“We were on our way back dad, honest! We just lost track of time, we didn’t realize how late it was!”
  94. >“Applejack, is this right?” asked Anon.
  95. >“Yes, sir.”
  96. >“So you didn’t know you were out late?”
  97. Applejack and Rainbow spoke at the same time: >“Yeah.” “Sort of.”
  98. Rainbowdash shot Applejack a look. A look of: “What in the world are you doing??”
  99. Dad turned to Applejack. “What do you mean sort of?”
  100. >“Well…..we knew we were pushing it a bit. But not a whole lot. We really did lose track of time.”
  101. Rainbow gave Applejack a glare of annoyance and confusion. Couldn’t Applejacks excessive honestly take one day off.
  102. >“The point is we didn’t know how late we were gonna be. We’re sorry.” said Rainbow, looking at the floor.”
  103. >“Uh huh. But you also went to another neighborhood, which you knew I said not to do. So whose idea was that exactly?”
  104. Fear shot down Dash’s spine. She looked at the ground, choosing not to answer. She knew Applejack would.
  105. >“Well….it was Dash’s idea, but I went along with it, so it was equally mine.”
  106. >“Alright.” said dad. “That’s all I wanted to know. You girls do know you’re in big trouble right? You should have called me and asked permission to see if you could come all this way? The time thing, I can forgive, but coming this far without asking isn’t ok.” He started up the car.
  107. >“Are-Are you gonna take our candy away?” asked Dash.
  108. >Dad sighed. “No. I’m not going to steal from you. What’s yours is yours. But you two and I are gonna have a ‘talk’ when we get home.”
  109. Those were the words the girls didn’t want to hear. They were having a talk right now. The talk he was referring to was something completely different.
  110. >“Daaaaaaaddd, no, please…!” begged Rainbow.
  111. >“Shh!” dad began to pull out. “Don’t argue with me Dash. Not now.”
  112. Applejack gave her a glance to urge her to stop. Rainbow didn’t.
  113. >“Dad please, it’s not that bad, you don’t really need to spank us, do you!? Please!?”
  114. Dad stopped the car. The girls froze. Dad turned around.
  115. >“Rainbowdash, if you say one more word from now until we get home, I am going to stop the car, and we are going to do it then and there. Or would you rather have us do it right here? Because we can, if that’s what you want?”
  116. The girls eye’s shot to the floor. Neither of them made a sound. They definitely did not want to do it here, especially considering all the Shadowbolts lived around here. Though they were on alright terms with them, it definitely wasn’t something they wanted any of them to see.
  117. Dad looked back and forth between them. Then without saying a word, he started back up the car, and they headed home.
  119. The entire ride home was dead silent, except for the sound of gravel under the tires, the engine, and the wind blowing outside. The girls occasionally exchanged anxious looks. Applejack was handling it alright, but looking over at her sister, she could feel the nerves like an aura. Rainbowdash’s eyes were fearful, and she sat unnaturally still the whole way. Applejack was worried for her own sake, sure, but she almost felt more pity for Rainbow, even though this whole thing was sort of her inspiration. Dash always talked a big talk, and put on a brave front most of the time, but when it came to dad, she was a complete sissy. Applejack had seen Rainbow less terrified during what were literally life/universe threatening situations than when she was about to get punished by dad. Applejack had never really understood this. Dad could be scary sometimes sure, but he was also pretty reasonable, and Applejack had always felt that his discipline was fair. Still, she felt sorry for her sister, and herself as well.
  120. They turned a corner and began to pull into their long driveway. Their house was close enough to the school that it was only a few minute walk, but it was place pretty nicely on the edge of a forest and a field, so that most of the neighboring houses were pretty far away, or at least seemed to be. Dad pulled the van up towards the outside of the garage, then stopped the car.
  121. Everything was silent, other than the wind running through the trees. Dad sat silent for a few seconds, which felt like forever to the girls. Apple’s stomach felt floaty, restless. She was sure her sister was worse off.
  122. Dad took a deep breath and sighed.
  123. >“Look, I know that you girls didn’t mean any wrong. But you can’t go running around in the night like that, when nobody knows where you are. If you had gotten lost, or something had happened to you on the way there….” he trailed off. “You understand me? You have to tell me these things.”
  124. Both of the girls nodded, staring at the floor.
  125. >Dad sighed again. “So there’s no changing the rules, you didn’t do what I said, so you know what’s got to happen. But…if you’d prefer, we can just take care of this out here. There’s no make a big deal of it, or to rile up the whole house this late at night. Does that sound fair?”
  126. The girls both looked at each other. That was barely helpful, but still slightly better, they supposed. At least then they wouldn’t have to have their sisters hearing and/or seeing the whole thing. They nodded.
  127. >“Alright.” Dad said. “I’m coming back there then. Rainbow, you can come sit up front, Applejack, you’re up first.”
  128. Dad opened the door and got out of the car. Applejack and Rainbow gave each other one final “it was nice knowing you” look. Rainbow moved towards the front. Dad opened the side door and climbed in. Applejack awkwardly shuffled over to the edge of the seat to make room for him to sit in the middle. She intuitively knew which side to slide to so that he could use his dominant hand.
  129. Dad sat down right next to her, his weight making Apple shift slightly. Applejack looked up at him. From right here he seemed massive, towering over her, his head practically pressed against the ceiling. Applejack didn’t remember feeling so small. He straitened his shirt.
  130. >“Alright honey, you know I love you, but this is how it’s got to be. Get over my knee, please.”
  131. Applejack stood up.
  132. This was always the awkward part for her, knowing how to crawl over, especially in these close of quarters. She hesitantly shifted herself forward. Her foot immediately tripped over part of the carpet, and she fell forward, landing in position perfectly, her butt propped up in the air, her skirt flipped foreword. Under her witch costume, she had been wearing black, lacey panties that Rarity had picked out for her. They weren’t super revealing by any means, but they were definitely more ordinate that she was usually comfortable with (normally she just went with plain white). She hadn’t remembered them until now, but without even looking at him, she could probably envision her dad’s minor disappointment. Her face got red. She buried it into her arms.
  133. She heard dad take a deep breath. He adjusted his posture. Everything went quiet. Applejack closed her eyes.
  134. This was her other least favorite part. She knew what was coming, but she didn’t know exactly when. Time seemed to freeze. She just lay there, her bottom high in the air, feeling extra exposed by the cool of the evening, waiting. Yup, this was her least favorite part, at least until it started, when it would only get worse. She tried to ready herself.
  135. Before she could brace herself, the first smack came.
  136. SMACK!!
  137. “Aah!!”
  138. The impact lurched Applejack forward a bit. She opened her eyes. She had tried to prepare, but the force had surprised her, as it always did. Before she had time to fully register it, to get back on top, the next one came.
  139. SMACK!!
  140. “Mmm!!”
  141. Dad had readjusted after the first one. It wasn’t as strong, but it still caught her off guard. She didn’t know how bad it stung, she just knew it stung. And before she could wrap her head around how much it stung, the next one came.
  142. SMACK!!
  143. And the next one.
  144. SMACK!!
  145. And the next one.
  146. SMACK!!
  147. And again. And again.
  148. SMACK!! SMACK!!
  149. Within moments, Applejack was fighting a losing battle. She had already lost count of how many spanks she had gotten, she just knew it was more than she wanted. She had already forgotten how long she had been spanked for (it couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds) she just knew she was being spanked. Every impact covered her rear with stinging pain. The sound bounced off the walls, sounding like thunderclaps. This didn’t help. She buried her hands in her face and tried to think of something else. It didn’t work.
  150. Everything else began to fade away. Rainbowdash watching, her sisters inside, her bag of candy. Within a minute, the only thing that Applejack could think about, was her dad’s hand, her bottom, and the hard smacks that wouldn’t leave her bottom alone.
  152. SMACK!!
  153. >“Oww…” Applejack let out pathetically.
  154. SMACK!!
  155. >“Owwww…” She buried her face into the seat. She couldn’t get away. Dad’s huge palm came down on her cheeks, again and again, not overly aggressive, but agonizingly consistent. One after the other,over and over, pace never changing. All she wanted was a few seconds to recompose herself, but it didn’t come.
  156. >“…DAD…”
  157. SMACK!!
  158. She could feel hot tears beginning to well up. She couldn’t help it. Her vision become blurry. Soon they fell down her face, and onto the car seat.
  159. >“…daddy, ahm sorry…”
  160. SMACK!!
  161. Her butt was getting warmer and warmer with each passing moment. She tried to grab onto the seat or something. She had no idea how long this had been going on for. She had a fear it hadn’t been nearly as long as it felt. It could have not even been a whole minute for all she knew.
  162. Dad kept the same, constant force, but gradually began to pick up the pace. Applejacks rear got hotter. She grabbed at the seat, she covered her face, she began to squirm her legs.
  163. >“Daddy, please…”
  164. SMACK!!
  165. SMACK!!
  166. SMACK!!
  167. >“OWWW! DAD I’M SORRY!”
  168. SMACK!!
  169. SMACK!!
  170. He wasn’t slowing down, Applejack thought. She knew how it was, she could beg all she wanted, but he was going to go for as long as he planned. He was so big, and she was so small, even if she tried her hardest to get away (which she knew wouldn’t be good for her in the long run) it wasn’t going to happen. When she started to wiggle, completely unable to sit still anymore, his other massive hand held her down by the small of her back. She wasn’t going anywhere.
  171. So she started to cry. That was all she could do.
  173. As soon as she started to let it out, it all came out. She started bawling loudly, tears spilling down her face.
  174. >“WHAAAA-hAAAAA!!”
  175. She didn’t care that her sister was watching. She had practically forgotten all about Rainbowdash at this point. She didn’t care about looking strong in front of her dad. She didn’t care about how much of a huge cry-baby she must have seemed like. So she cried.
  176. And dad kept spanking, picking up the pace steadily as ever. And so, her bottom high in the air, she kept crying…
  177. SMACK!!
  178. SMACK!!
  179. SMACK!!
  180. And crying…
  181. SMACK!!
  182. SMACK!! SMACK!!
  183. And crying…
  184. After what felt like an eternity, but couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, dad’s slaps finally stopped. Applejack could hardly believe it. It had seemed like it would never end. She had almost convinced herself it wouldn’t.
  185. >“Alright Applejack.” Dad said. “We’re done. You can get up.”
  186. Her butt hurt so bad. Though the car was chilly, her cheeks were burning. They had never felt so warm in her entire life (they probably had, but even the memory of the worst spanking of your life was hard to compare to the one you just got).
  187. Applejack hopped out of his lap. She grimaced, and started rubbing her blazing rear immediately.
  188. She scrambled to the middle seat. Even though it was done no matter where she went, she just felt like she had to get out of there, like stepping back from a hot fire that just burned you. Kneeling on one of the middle seats, she lifted her skirt and looked down at her bottom. Even in the dimness of the van, she could tell that it was glowing red. It was never any other way. When dad spanked, he spanked like he meant it. Minor infractions would get a lecture, or a time out, or getting grounded for a few days, but a spanking was always a spanking.
  189. She suddenly remembered who else was in the car with her, and looked up at Rainbowdash. If Rainbow didn’t look terrified before (which she had) she looked petrified now.
  191. >“Alright Dash, now it’s you.” Dad said calmly. “Come back here.”
  192. Rainbows eyes were wide. They darted towards around the car, and then towards the door, like she was seriously considering making a break for it.
  193. >“Come on dad, please.” she said, pathetically.
  194. >“No Dash. Now.”
  195. >“Dad…” she looked around hopelessly, looking like she was about to start crying already. >“….please?? You can take my candy instead, I don’t want it. Or could I just be grounded please?? I’m sorry.”
  196. >“No Dash. Come back here now. Otherwise it’s just going to be worse.”
  197. >“Come on.” she pleaded.
  198. >“5…” dad said, beginning to count down in a grave tone.
  199. >Dash’s eyes filled with panic. “No, come one dad, please!??...”
  200. >“...4…”
  201. >Dash seemed on the edge of tears. “Why??”
  202. >“…3….” Dad said.
  203. With that, Rainbow dash started moving. Rushing to the back of the car past Applejack. No matter how scared she was, she was way more scared of what would happen at zero. She stood in front of dad, fidgeting.
  204. >“Thank you.” Dad said. He reached out to unbutton her jeans.
  205. >She relapsed. “Daaaaadd…” she begged.
  206. >“Rainbow.” Dad said, his voice laced with ice, enough to even startle Applejack. “If I hear any more whining out of you, you’re going to seriously regret it. Do you understand me?”
  207. Rainbow froze. After a few seconds she nodded silently.
  208. >“Good.” Dad said. He unbuttoned and unzipped he jeans. They fell to the floor with ease. Underneath she was wearing boy boxers, as she often did. She claimed they were more comfortable. She shifted her hips in a combination of anxiety and embarrassment.
  210. Dad didn’t even bother to ask her to get over his knee. He just picked her up, and effortlessly placed her where he wanted in one smooth motion. He habitually put one of his legs over her legs and his hand on her back so that she couldn’t flail or kick and end up hurting herself. If ever there was a kicker in the family, it was Rainbow. He knew it wasn’t her fault.
  211. SMACK!!
  212. Without wasting a single second, and without warning, Dad had already started on Rainbow. The sound of spanks filled the car immediately, Rainbows eyes wide in surprise, finding herself in the exact same position as Applejack had just been in, taken completely off guard.
  213. >“OW OW OW!!”
  214. Dad fell into his steady rhythm, same as before. Applejack could see that Rainbowdash was already trying to kick out, but from where she was positioned she was barely able to move. Instead, her bottom just seemed to tremble, both from the impacts of dad’s huge hands, and her fruitless attempts squirm out.
  215. >“OOWWWWW!!!”
  216. Rainbow began her weeping much quicker than Rainbow. As of right now, it was probably more out of the realization that there truly was no getting out of this than because of the actual sting, but that would probably change pretty soon.
  217. Applejack (too transfixed until now to think) realized that she should probably get out of their way more and move all the way to the front. She turned around and crawled to the front passenger seat, where Rainbow had been before. On her knees, she continued to watch over the seat. Applejack thought about it, and realized that she didn’t actually have to watch. It’s not like dad said she had to but….she just couldn’t look away, no matter how hard she tried. She wondered why.
  219. Applejack was now seeing what Rainbowdash had been seeing when she had been getting it. She could see why she had looked so frightened when dad called her name. It was a terrifying sight to behold.
  220. Dad continued to paddle her sisters rear at the same careful, methodical pace. None of her crying or pitiful attempts to kick out did anything to slow him down. He just kept on, unfazed, bringing his hand down on her cheeks in firm, sweeping arcs. Dash’s bottom was slowly starting to look very warm, and very uncomfortable. Her kicking attempts become more and more violent (as could be seen by her squirming thighs), but less and less effective. Dad didn’t look affected in the slightest, his hand and leg holding her completely immobile effortlessly. Dash looked so small. She seemed as small as Applejack had felt herself.
  221. By now, Dash’s crying was a hundred percent genuine. Tears poured down her face, her crying a frantic combination of sobs, “OWW!!”’s, deep breaths, and whimpers. She was slowly getting exhausted, and her kicking and wiggling got more and more pathetic until she stopped kicking altogether. Now she just lay there pitifully, her chest shaking out sobs, and her bottom reddening with spanks. Applejack pictured how she must have looked. She envisioned herself crying, completely defenseless to dad’s hand. She was so happy it was over. Applejack felt bad for her sister, obviously, but if she was honest with herself, she was just happy it wasn’t her on dad’s lap anymore.
  223. Suddenly, dad stopped. The sound of loud smacks ended, and the car went silent, except for Rainbow’s crying. Rainbow’s sobs sounded relieved, happy to be finally done. Applejack was glad too, but thought that it had seemed to go by much faster than her turn, but she supposed it could have just seemed that way from her point of view. Then, calmly, without a word he grabbed Dash’s underwear by the waist and pulled them the rest of the way down to her ankles. This got Dash’s full attention. She tried to jolt up, still unable to move fully, and quickly turned back to look at dad.
  224. >“Dad, what’re you?...Dad, NO COMEON PLEASE!!??”
  225. >Dad calmly readjusted himself. “Quiet Rainbow. I said no whining.”
  226. >Fresh tears started to fall from Dash’s face “Dad, you’re not gonna spank me more are you??”
  227. >“I am.” Dad said, coolly.
  228. >Dash started sobbing fully again, “DAAADDD??!! How-how come Applejack didn’t get spanked on her b-bare butt and I d-dooo??” Applejack’s heart dropped. Don’t give him any ideas Rainbow, Applejack thought, anxious all over again. She did not like the idea of going back over again.
  229. >“Because,” dad said, “you’ve been causing a fuss this whole time. Instead of coming when I tell you too, you make me count. Applejack came when I told her to. You’ve been whining and complaining and dragging your feet about everything I tell you. So, that, and your sister was honest when I asked if you knew you were out late.”
  230. >“D-dad pleeeaaasssee!!?? I’m SORRY!!” Rainbow cried.
  231. >“Rainbow, quiet.” Dad said, still calm, but with a hint of annoyance growing in his voice. “What did I say about whining?”
  232. >“DDAAAAADDDDYY!! P-Please.!!??” Rainbow cried even louder.
  233. >Dad turned to Applejack. “Applejack, could you please run inside and grab the spoon for me, please?”
  234. With that, the car went dead silent.
  235. >“H-huh?” Applejack asked?
  236. >Dad repeated himself, same level tone as before. “Run inside and grab the spoon.”
  237. >Rainbow, the crying shocked out of her, quietly whimpered: “……”
  238. >“No, Rainbowdash. No. Not another word. Anything else out of you, and you’re will regret it, I promise.” dad said gravely. Rainbowdash, petrified, said nothing. She buried her head in her arms.
  239. >“D-dad are you sure you...have to?? I think she’s learned.” Applejack said softly. Applejack knew exactly what spoon he was talking about. It was the bane of every girl in the house. She had felt it herself more than one.
  240. >“Applejack, if I have to get it myself I’m going to use it on both of you. Just do what I ask, please.” Dad said.
  241. That was more than enough to spur Applejack to open the door and jump out of the car. She felt bad for her sister, but she definitely didn’t want to join her. She headed quickly towards the house. The cool night wind gusted up her skirt. It was chilly, but it felt good. Her butt still felt ablaze, and the stinging had barely died down. She wondered what her sister was going to feel like afterwards. She got to the front door and went inside.
  242. Applejack knew the spoon dad was talking about was in the kitchen. It was a big metal spoon that sat unassumingly next to the rest of the kitchen utensils, but none of the girls ever used it for cooking because they knew exactly what it was for. Almost every time Applejack went to grab a whisk or something next to it, she got a momentary flashback to what it had felt like on her hind end. She remembered clearly how she had gotten it one time for an abysmal report card. She remembered even clearer the time she had gotten it with Rarity for both of them accidentally leaving a bunch of candles on in their bedroom and almost starting the house on fire.
  243. She walked down the hallway towards the kitchen anxiously. She hoped that she didn’t bump into anyone on the way there. She didn’t want to have to explain what she was doing. But as she got further down the hall, there was no denying that there were at least a couple voices coming from the kitchen. So much for that hope, she thought. There was really no getting around it now. She turned the corner into the kitchen.
  244. Both Twilight and Rarity were sitting on stools at the kitchen island thing, talking. Twilight was still in her wizard costume. Rarity was still in her vampire costume. She had also chosen to go more traditional this year, but it was intricately designed with the typical Rarity flourishes. She was wearing a black wig along with it. Applejack thought it looked nice on her. Rarity was eating some of her candy. Twilight was holding a clipboard and taking inventory. When both of them saw Applejack, they sat up.
  245. >“What took you girls so long?” Twilight asked. “Did dad come and get you? Is he mad??”
  246. >Rarity noticed how red Applejack’s face must have been. “Darling are you alright?? Have you been crying? Is everything ok?”
  247. Applejack sighed. There was no getting around it, they were going to figure it out. She walked over to the drawer.
  248. >“Yeah, ahm alright.” She said. “I just need to….uh….grab something for dad.” She opened the drawer and grabbed the spoon. Both of the other girls eyes went wide.
  249. >“Is dad spanking you??” asked Twilight. “I told you girls to be back on time!!”
  250. >“I know, I know, don’t need to tell me.” Applejack said. “No, I got mine already. This here is for Rainbowdash.”
  251. >“He did you already??” Rarity asked. “Let me see.” She said, jumping off her seat.
  252. >“Ah ain’t showin’ you nothin’.” Applejack said, turning around and heading back down the hall. “Dad’s waiting on me.”
  253. >“I told you not to be late!!” Twilight shouted down the hallway after Applejack.
  254. >I know! I know! Applejack yelled back. She had already gotten a lecture from dad, she didnt need another from Twilight. She knew shed probably hear more from Twilight later anyways.
  255. She opened the door and headed outside, spoon in hand.
  257. Applejack swung open the middle door of the van. Letting in a cold gust of wind. Rainbow was still in the same position, propped up over dads knee, pants on the floor, boxers at her ankles. Applejack caught the tail end of Dad giving another small lecture. Rainbow just listened silently.
  258. >alright? You know I love you, but I need you to just take responsibility instead of always arguing and trying to get out of everything. I dont do this just to be mean, you know.
  259. Rainbowdash nodded, her face hidden in her crossed arms. Applejack timidly handing dad the spoon.
  260. >H-here you go dad.
  261. >Thank you, Applejack. He said, taking it. Applejack could see Rainbow tense up. She had gotten a quick break, but it was about to be over.
  262. >Uhhdad? Applejack asked, nervously.
  263. >Hmm? Dad said.
  264. >Well.ummm. Applejack mumbled. She fidgeted with her hands and looked at the ground. She didnt know the etiquette for this situation. Do you want me tostay out here or should Igo inside?
  265. >Stay in here. Dad said, adjusting Rainbow one final time. I want to talk to you some more afterwards.
  266. >O-ok. Applejack said. She obediently hopped in and shut the door. She crawled back to her spot in the front. A sudden wave of worry washed over her. What does he mean by talk, she wondered? He had to mean literal talking this time didnt he? She was pretty sure he did, but she couldnt be sure. Turning around and seeing the awful spoon in his hand again, she sure hoped so.
  267. Again, with no nonsense, dad brought down the rounded side of the spoon down on one of her sisters already red cheeks.
  268. Thwack!!
  269. The sound it made was much quieter, but Applejack knew from experience that that didnt mean it wasnt worse. With a flash of the spoon reflecting in the darkness, it swung down on Rainbows bottom again. Rainbowdash bucked almost immediately. Dad held her down.
  270. Thwack!!
  271. >MhM!! Rainbow clenched her fists. She grabbed at the seat. Applejack could tell that Rainbow wasnt having a good time right now. She hadnt started crying yet, but that was probably because she was caught so off-guard.
  272. Thwack!!
  273. Thwack!!
  274. The spoon began coming down at a steady pace, just like before. Rainbows cheeks bounced with each sharp swat. The spoon was merciless. Rainbow scrunched her face in extreme discomfort. Apple could tell she was trying really hard not to start begging again.
  275. Thwack!!
  276. Thwack!!
  277. Thwack!!
  278. >MmM!! Mhhmmmm!! Rainbowdashs butt was starting to tremble. She couldnt help but try to kick out more, which was ineffective as always, as dad effortlessly held her still. Rainbowdash sucked in air through her teeth with each metallic Twack!! to her backside, her brow furrowed, eyes shut. She started breathing harder and harder.
  279. Thwack!!
  280. Immediately she started bawling again. Dry sobs rattling out of her chest. It seemed like she was all out of tears, but that couldnt stop her.
  281. Applejack just sat there, again, unable to look away. She couldnt do anything else, really. So she just sat silently, watching her sister getting her bottom get hailed by that terrifying spoon. She had definitely learned her lesson. She was never, ever going to try to risk her curfew ever again. She was sure Rainbow had more than learned too.
  282. Thwack!!
  283. Thwack!!
  284. Thwack!!
  285. Thwack!!
  286. Applejack didnt know how long Dash had been getting spanked for. She figured it felt longer than it had actually been, and that was from her perspective of sitting and watching. She could only imagine it must have felt like an eternity for Rainbowdash.
  287. Thwack!!
  288. Dad brought the spoon down hard one last time. He set it off to the side.
  289. >Alright, kiddo. Were done. Youre ok.
  290. Rainbows entire bottom, down to her upper thighs, was a deep red. She was still crying, but she had cried most of her energy out, and was now weeping softly instead of her loud, passionate sobs. She whimpered.
  291. Dad stood her up and hugged her. Rainbow hugged him back tightly. Her legs shook slightly.
  292. >Ims-sorryd-dad Rainbow sobbed.
  293. >Its ok. Dad said, rubbing her back reassuringly. Its alright buddy. Youre good.
  294. He let her go. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. She quickly pulled up her boxers.
  295. >Ok, you can head inside now. He said. Applejack, stay here for a second.
  296. >O-ok. Dash said, grabbing her jeans and pulling them on. She buttoned them quickly and zipped them up. She scrambled to the door, giving Applejack one last, uncertain glance as she swung open the door, and hopped out. She slammed the door shut and ran inside.
  297. Dad sighed and laid back his head. Applejack looked at him, anxious, but a little calmer. This was the first time tonight that he really looked human to Applejack. Her dad was tired. He looked a little more just like a guy trying to do his best and a little less like a huge scary monster. She felt a little bad for having been so scared of him. She knew he was really kindhearted, even if he seemed a bit gruff sometimes.
  298. >Are.are you gonna spank me more, Pa? Applejack asked, rubbing her hands again. Dad looked at the ceiling for a moment, almost pondering, like he was considering it.
  299. >No, honey. Youre all clear, dont worry. But I did want to say that you got off easy this time. I know that it was Dashs idea, and I really am glad that you told me the truth right away. So thank you for that. But you are her older sisterand barely, I know butyou know. Shes a little bit more of a loose cannon, and we all know that. So I just want you to keep a better eye on her, ok? Please?
  300. >Applejack nodded. She felt a pang of disappointment in herself. She looked down. Yes, sir.
  301. >Alright. Dad said, nodding back. He started to get up. You head back inside too alright? You dont have to go to bed now, just dont stay up too late, ok? I think Im going to go to sleep kind of early tonight.
  302. >Yes sir. Applejack said again. They both got out of the car and headed for the house.
  304. >Oh wow, he really did do a number on you, didnt he? Rarity asked.
  305. >Oh, shut yer mouth. Applejack said, pulling up her sweatpants that she wore as pajamas. Rarity was lying on their bed in her purple silk pjs. Applejack slipped on an extra loose old shirt.
  306. >He really did that just for you being late? Rarity asked, flipping through a magazine.
  307. >It was fair. Applejack said. She threw her costume over a chair in the corner. We did go all the way to Prep Street without his permission.
  308. >I suppose Rarity said. Was it bad?
  309. >What do you mean was it bad? Of...Can I turn off this light? Applejack pointed to the ceiling light. Rarity nodded. Applejack flipped it off. There was still a lamp turned on on their bed-stand. Of course it was bad, you saw it. Getting a spankin is never a walk in the park. She flopped down on her stomach next to Rarity.
  310. >Rarity put the magazine on their dresser and moved to get under the covers. Im just trying to have a conversation thats all.
  311. >Well converse about something else. Ahm trying to think about something else, Ill have a hard enough time getting to sleep as it is.
  312. >Whatever you sayRarity said. You should have stayed with us you know?
  313. >Gah. Applejack sighed. I know, I know. I dont need everyone is this house giving me a lecture.
  314. >Can I turn off the light? Rarity asked.
  315. >Sure. Applejack said.
  316. Rarity clicked the lamp off. The room was pitch dark.
  317. >Applejack? Rarity asked.
  318. >What, Rarity?
  319. >If it helps you to sleep, you can take off your pants you know? I dont mind.
  320. They were silent for a few moments.
  321. >Mmfffine. Applejack said.
  323. Rainbowdash had had a nightmare.
  324. She was standing in the hallway outside of dads room, unsure of what to do. Whenever she had a really bad dream, she would always go into dads room, and he would normally let her sleep with him. But now she wasnt sure. She had just gotten spanked a few hours ago and she didnt know if he was still mad at her. Her butt still hurt pretty bad, and he had been the one to do it, but she still wanted to be with him. She didnt think she could go back to sleep otherwise. She did share a room with Fluttershy, but Fluttershy was normally the one to wake Rainbow up when she had bad dreams, so somehow she wasnt too comforting.
  325. Dash peeked into his doorway. He was lying on the bed, sleeping in his plain white tee shirt and shorts, without any covers on, like he normally did. Rainbow wanted to wake him, but she was just too nervous. What if he got mad? What if he spanked her again? Rainbow stood there, silent for a few moments, weighing the pros and cons. She shifted her weight anxiously, making the floor creak. She froze. Dad shook his head a bit and propped himself up.
  326. >"Rainbow, is that you?
  327. >"Umm Yeah. She said quietly.
  328. >"Whats up? He said, sitting up. Are you alight?
  329. >"Yeah, I justI just had a bad dream. She said, shuffling her feet anxiously.
  330. >"Oh. Ok. Do you want to sleep in here? He said, motioning next to him.
  331. >"C-can I? She said, looking up at him.
  332. >"Yeah, of course. He said. He moved over to give her space.
  333. Relieved, Rainbow walked over and crawled in bed next to him. She got under the covers. She felt a million times safer.
  334. >"Do you want to talk about it? Dad asked.
  335. >"NoIm ok. Dash said. She shuffled next to him.
  336. >"Oh. Alright. Well just let me know if you need anything, Ok?
  337. >"Ok. Rainbow said. She paused for a few moments. Dad?
  338. >"What is it honey?
  339. >"Are you still mad at me?
  340. Dad turned over to look at her. He ruffled her hair.
  341. >"No sweetie. Of course not. Youre all good. Go to sleep now, alright?
  342. >"K. Dash said, relieved. Dad might be scary sometimes, but at least that was too his benefit. She wouldnt trust anyone else to fight off monsters.
  343. Within a few minutes, she managed asleep, even though her bottom was still red as ever.
  344. The end.

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