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Heir by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:09:46
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:09:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Heir by Anon
  2. (Anon / Twilight)
  3. M/F, whip, stocks, juridical, bruises, blood, non-consensual
  5. (23/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. >The room you find yourself standing in is quiet, except for the judge delivering the sentence once more.
  11. >It's common practice for the convicted to be read their sentence immediately before its execution.
  12. "...Miss Twilight Sparkle is to receive 50 lashes. Given the circumstances surrounding the convicted, she has been permitted a private execution with this sentence and has chosen Anonymous as her executioner."
  13. >The use of your name in that context drops a lead weight into your stomach.
  14. >You see the two royal guards, there as necessary, approaching you.
  15. "Miss Sparkle, if you would make this easy on us..."
  16. "As if there's anything I can do."
  17. >The magic dampener on your horn ensures you can't use magic to get yourself out of it this time.
  18. >Not to mention the guards are both significantly stronger than yourself. You couldn't physically resist them if you'd still had the will to.
  19. >Slowly, you allow them to lead you over to the restraining equipment.
  20. >It's a cruel device which forces your face into the dirt while your rear is thrust high in the air.
  21. >In little time the hold it has on you is tight enough to prevent motion.
  22. >The most you can do is open your mouth.
  23. "There has been a change of plans,"
  24. >That's the Mayor's voice, of course she's required to be present as well.
  25. >Out of the corner of your eye you can see she's presenting a large case to Anonymous.
  26. "Instead of a paddle, she will be receiving her beating with..."
  27. >The tapered length of leather is unmistakable, and you shudder as you realize what their intentions for you are.
  28. " can't do this to me! The laws-"
  29. >You are cut off by a quick look from Mayor Mare.
  30. "I know full well what the laws state, Miss Sparkle. I also know that orders from the Princess take precedence."
  31. >That shuts you up good.
  32. >It's almost incomprehensible that your long time teacher would do something like this.
  33. >I mean sure you got a bit carried away and accidentally summoned an eldritch horror but it only destroyed one wing of the royal library!
  34. >Considering what it was the damage could have been far worse.
  35. >The first crack of the whip as Anon finally works out how to use it appropriately shocks you out of your reverie.
  36. >Immediately your thoughts turn to escape, and you begin struggling against your bonds.
  37. >Not that those assembled care, except for Anon of course.
  38. >He pauses, hesitant to begin striking.
  39. "Anonymous, if you do not execute the punishment the guards will."
  40. "All right...all right..."
  41. >You hear him take a deep breath, and the sound of the whip being spun through the air above his head drives you into a frenzy in your attempts at escape.
  42. "Anon...please!"
  43. >The crack as the whip tears through the air echoes in the enclosed space, much like your scream as it makes contact.
  44. >You can feel the skin being cut open from the impact of the narrowest portion of it towards the tip.
  45. >The instinctive recoil of your body away from the source of the pain has your face shoved into the dirt.
  46. "One!"
  47. >The guard tasked with counting states in a loud voice.
  48. >Your own is cut in volume to your more normal speaking voice.
  49. " don't have to do-"
  50. >Another crack, another impact, another fresh cut in the skin.
  51. "Two!"
  52. >Your voice is now hardly above a whisper, still you keep struggling against the bonds.
  53. "Please...let me go."
  54. >The sound of the whip circling through the air above tells you that isn't going to happen.
  55. >You renew your struggle, hoping you can somehow break the bonds before-
  56. "Three!"
  57. >The most recent impact strikes home, tears built up in your eyes begin dropping to the ground.
  58. >Anon has good aim, he's yet to hit the same place twice.
  59. >You can feel the blood running across your flanks, matting up your otherwise pristine coat.
  60. >It's getting harder to struggle, the continued shock of the painful impacts splitting open your skin saps away at your strength.
  61. >By the fifth impact your pleading has turned to tearful begging.
  62. >By the eighth it's left only as semi-intelligible sobbing.
  63. >As the eleventh impact comes and goes, you descend into open weeping from the pain.
  64. >Not just the pain, it shocks you to the core that Celestia would ever do something like this to you.
  65. >Especially for just a simple mistake made in curiosity.
  66. >You don't think you'll be able to look at her the same way ever again.
  67. "25! Halt!"
  68. >The half-way point reached, you hear the sound of a door opening as Nurse Redheart enters the room.
  69. >Being the resident medical expert, it's her responsibility to make sure you're not going to be dealt permanent harm.
  70. >You can hear her gasp as she looks at your torn and battered rump, only able to imagine what it looks like.
  71. >After a few moments, she comes around front of you and administers the necessary checks.
  72. "She's still conscious...and she's not in shock."
  73. "Very good, Anonymous. Proceed."
  74. >You turn a plaintive look up to the white mare before you.
  75. " me."
  76. >She looks, pitifully, into your eyes. You know there's nothing she can do.
  77. >The next impact rips open your flank once more.
  78. "26!"
  79. >The ensuing impacts come and go with little acknowledgement of the passage of time.
  80. >It feels as if hours are passing.
  81. >Anon waits just long enough between strikes for you to recover from the shock of the former.
  82. >It's to make this as painful as possible for you.
  83. >Despite the fact that he is the one doing you harm directly, you don't feel any hatred towards him.
  84. >You're not even angry with him. He's made it fairly clear that he likes you.
  85. >Even if he thought he was hiding it. This must be hard for him.
  86. >Of course that doesn't make this hurt any less.
  87. >Or make the betrayal by your teacher any more excusable.
  88. >She knew you were the curious sort, she knew you couldn't resist knowledge of magic.
  89. >And still she left such an evil tome lying out for you to read from.
  90. "40! Halt!"
  91. >Another pause, you wonder why they're stopping.
  92. >Anon's reaction tells you all you need to know.
  93. "Are you insane?! You're going to cover it with SALT?!"
  94. >They've decided to make the end the very worst part of it.
  95. "The princess was very specific in her commands, Anonymous."
  96. >Your face has been rubbed in the dirt so much that your lips have cracked open.
  97. >Your face is a mess of soil, tears, snot, and a little blood.
  98. >A pool of the same mixture has gathered down below.
  99. >And you know its only getting worse.
  100. >At least they can only go to 50.
  101. >You can tell there's a brief argument on the subject
  102. >Whatever the case it doesn't seem to last long, the world is barely coherent to you now.
  103. >Of course the shock of the next impact rouses you into waking.
  104. >In this one the pain doesn't just end. You can feel it like fiery needles being dug into your flesh as the salt does its work.
  105. >The next strike comes closer on the heels of the one before than those previous.
  106. >Seems Anon is wanting to help, but the pain only compounds with each strike.
  107. >The next minute is pure agony, and you writhe about violently in your restraints.
  108. >Your eyes are practically swollen shut from the irritation of so much crying.
  109. >You aren't certain, but you guess you look like one hell of a mess.
  110. "50! Cease. Release the prisoner."
  111. >Over. It's finally over.
  112. >As they release you from your binds you fall quite unceremoniously onto your side.
  113. >The world steadily goes black as the pain finally wins out over your nervous system.
  114. >Your last memory before falling into unconsciousness is Anon scooping you up in his arms.
  116. -----
  118. >You awake with a start.
  119. >It's quite dark around you, but as your eyes are already adjusted to the dark you discern that you are in an overnight room at the local hospital.
  120. >Anon's fallen asleep sitting against the side of your bed.
  121. >You reach a hoof out to gently ruffle his ma- hair.
  122. >The sound of hoofsteps reaches your ears, and you turn your gaze to the entrance to your room to see...
  123. "P-princess Luna?"
  124. >Even as you say that, her form begins to change.
  125. "Not quite, my dear twilight."
  126. >The shock has you rise and try to prepare yourself to attack. Unfortunately doing so causes irritation to your wounds and the pain breaks your concentration.
  127. >The now fully revealed Changeling Queen trots, remarkably silently, towards you and takes hold of you by the shoulders.
  128. >Just as you think this is about to be the end, she gently eases you back down into the bed.
  129. "Now now, no need to be rash. I'm just here to talk."
  130. >Her chitinous hoof gently rubs the top of your head, and trying to move a hoof to push it away brings about more pain.
  131. "Talk about what?"
  132. >The Queen's facial expression shifts to a genuine, in appearance, look of concern.
  133. "I'd heard about what Celestia had done to you. It seems unfair doesn't it? Her delivering such a harsh punishment to you just for sating your curiosity? Makes you angry, doesn't it?"
  134. >You grit your teeth, as much in anger at the changeling as at your teacher.
  135. "What are you getting at?!"
  136. >Chrysalis clicks her tongue a few times chidingly.
  137. "Temper, Twilight, temper. I'm just here to extend an offer to you. I'll help you get your revenge on Celestia."
  138. >You go silent for a moment.
  139. >Despite the anger you'd been feeling up to this point revenge never seemed like an option.
  140. >After all, Celestia's...well Celestia.
  141. >But if anyone would know how to defeat her, it would be the only one who'd ever done it.
  142. "And what do you get out of the deal?"
  143. >This is where a wide smile, almost a motherly one, crosses Chrysalis' face.
  144. "I get you. As my heir."
  145. >You're so shocked by the offer that you have no real way to respond to it for several long moments.
  146. "Wha- why? I'm not even a changeling."
  147. >Chrysalis keeps that maternal smile on her face as she looks into your eyes.
  148. "You see, my dear, I am without a daughter of my own. Without a daughter, my hive will have no queen when I finally pass from this world. I cannot allow my people to go without a leader, and I fear I may be unable to produce a Queen through the more...conventional means. As to you not being a changeling, that much need not remain true."
  149. >She is soon gently stroking your mane, like your mother used to do when you were little.
  150. "But...but what about my friends?"
  151. >The prospect of getting revenge on Celestia for what she's done to you, but you couldn't turn your back on the others.
  152. >Dash, Flutters, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Spike, Anon.
  153. >If you join the changelings, you leave them behind.
  154. "My dear, when we dominate this land they can join you."
  155. >The smile on Chrysalis' face remains motherly, even as her green eyes begin to shine with a light from within.
  156. >You and the Queen turn your gazes towards Anon at the same time, and her meaning is clear.
  157. >Slowly, gradually, you find yourself liking the idea even more than before.
  158. >Your front right hoof, painful as it is to move right now, emerges from beneath the sheets.
  159. >Another moment and you've touched it to Chrysalis' own.
  160. "Deal."
  161. >Her eyes light up, and she pulls you into a hug as gently as she can manage.
  162. "Excellent my darling. We will begin your training as soon as you are well enough to move on your own."

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