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Independent Study by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:10:23
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:22:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Independent Study by Anon
  2. (SciTwi / Pinkie)
  4. (07/10/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Be SciTwi.
  10. SciTwi was going to have Pinkie come over and spend the weekend at her place. She was nervous. She had only been attending Canterlot for a few weeks now, and this was going to be the first time she would spend alone with any one of her new friends… first time ever really. They had done a lot of stuff together as a group, or even with three or four of them. And even though they always had a great time, and were getting to know each other really well, she had never spent any one on one time with any of them. She wondered if she was going to do alright. There was now a whole new set of variables…but she was sure it would be ok.
  11. Twi’s parents were going to be gone for the weekend, and they didn’t want to leave their daughter alone. When Pinkie heard this, she immediately suggested that she spent the weekend with Twi. Twi’s parents were perfectly fine with the idea, just happy that their daughter was interacting with girls her age finally…even though, in the small bursts they were exposed to Pinkie, they knew Twi would probably be watching Pinkie more than the other way around.
  12. Pinkie arrived with her 20 some giant bags of what probably contained to many toys and games, and/or baking supplies, looking excited out of her mind. Twi’s parents said their goodbyes, and were off for the weekend.
  13. At first Twi felt a little awkward. When she was with all the girls at once, it was easier to be quiet and sink into the background a bit. She just liked being with them, and didn’t want to be the main point of focus. When being alone with someone, it was a little harder to do that. But with Pinkie’s bubbling enthusiasm when discussing her 100’s of plans for the weekend, Twi’s anxiousness quickly melted away. Pinkie had more than enough to say to fill the silence when Twi couldn’t think of anything. Twi was just happy to be with her friend.
  14. They had only been together for 4 hours or so, but they had already done a day’s worth of stuff. They had baked, they played games, Pinkie worked with Twi’s hair, and all sorts of things. Twi didn’t know if this was what girls normally did at sleepovers, but she liked it a lot.
  15. Since Pinkie had come over after school though, it was starting to get dark. Pinkie suggested they get into their PJ’s.
  16. >“Are we going to bed already? It’s only 8.” asked Twi.
  17. >“No silly.” said Pinkie. “But what kind of Pajama party is it without pajamas? I just want us to get dressed”
  18. >“I suppose.” supposed Twi.
  19. >“We don’t have to go to bed for a long time. We can stay up as late as we want!”
  20. >“Oh. Alright, cool.”
  21. Twi’s bedtime has always been 9:30. Her parents had never let her stay up beyond that (she had, however, stayed awake well into the morning multiple times reading under the covers, or doing extra studying without her parents’ permission). They got in their PJ’s.
  22. >“So what do you want to do now Twi? It’s your house after all.”
  23. >“Ummm….I’m not sure. I don’t have a whole lot here honestly, other than my books.” she considered. “Oh! Do you want to see my chemistry set? I have it set up in my dad’s old office.”
  24. >“Coooooool!” Pinkie ooo’d. “Lead the way!”
  25. Twi brought Pinkie down to her mini lab. She had beakers and burners and tubes, and all sorts of things. “Wow.” Pinkie said. “Where’d you get all this?”
  26. >“Oh, I just sort of acquired it over the years.” Twi said. “Some of it I got from School sales when they got new equipment. Other stuff I just ordered online.”
  27. >“Wow.” Pinkie said. “Neato.” she looked closely at a line of beakers, fascinated.
  28. >“Just be very careful.” Twilight said. “Most of this stuff is extremely breakable.”
  29. >“So what can you do with this? Can you make love potions?”
  30. >“I don’t think those exist, so no.”
  31. >“Can you formulate the world’s best cake batter?” Pinkie said, closely examining another set of glass.
  32. >“Well, considering I use a lot of dangerous chemicals in them, probably not.” Twi said.
  33. >“Can you make an acid that can eat through walls?”
  34. >“Ummm…” Twilight though. “Probably, yeah.”
  35. >“Cool. This is so neat. What’s that big one for?” Pinkie asked, as she started reaching for an Erlenmeyer flask towards a top shelf, standing on her tiptoes.
  36. >“Pinkie, be careful.”
  37. Pinkie grabbed the flask and pulled it towards her. In an instant, she pulled her elbow back and knocked a set of test tubes and two beakers on the ground, shattering them immediately. The girls leapt in surprise. Glass flew all over the floor. There was silence, as both of the girls registered what had happened.
  38. >“Oh my God Twi I am so so sorry!” she leant down to start picking up glass.
  39. >“Pinkie don’t!” Twi yelled. Pinkie looked up in surprise. “Don’t try to pick it up with your hands. Don’t try to walk around it either, let me go get a broom real quick.” Twi said, stepping on the clear parts of the floor.
  40. >“Oh…ok.”
  41. Twi came back with a broom and started sweeping it all up. Pinkie stood, silent, looking guilty. After a few minutes all the glass was gathered up, and the room was like new.
  42. >“Are you ok?” Twi asked. “It didn’t land on your foot or anything did it?”
  43. >“No…I’m ok.” Pinkie said sullenly. “Twi I’m really sorry. I’ll pay you back for it all.”
  44. >“Nah, its ok, don’t worry about it.” Twi went in to give Pinkie and awkward hug. Pinkie hugged back. “Those test tubes I got for free and those beakers were only like, 7 dollars each. It’s no big deal.”
  45. >“I know, but….I just feel awful.” Pinkie said looking at the floor.
  46. >“It’s ok, really. Don’t feel bad.” Twi said. “Come on, let’s go upstairs. We can find something new to do.”
  47. Pinkie nodded. She followed Twi silently up to her room.
  48. Pinkie sat on Twi’s bed, balled up, holding her legs, looking like she was deep in thought.
  49. Twi could feel her unease.
  50. >“Pinkie, seriously, stop worrying about it. It was just an accident; we all have accident’s sometimes. And anyways, as I said, it was only like, 14 dollars of stuff.”
  51. >“I know Twi, but…it’s not that. It’s just that…you told me to be careful and I wasn’t. And that could’ve gotten one of us hurt. It could have gotten you hurt. You should probably call my mom and tell her what I did.”
  52. >Twi looked confused. “Why would I do that?”
  53. >Pinkie looked up at her, equally confused. “Be…because I was careless and almost got us hurt. I’d feel awful if I didn’t get in trouble for it.”
  54. >“Oh…um….ok, I guess. Are you sure?”
  55. >“Yes, I’m sure I’m sure.”
  56. >“Ok, if you say so.”
  57. Twi went to pick up her phone uncertainly. She looked at Pinkie. Pinkie nodded.
  58. >“Ummm…what’s your mom’s phone number?”
  59. Pinkie gave it to her. Twi started typing it in.
  60. >(she had, however, stayed awake well into the morning multiple times reading under the covers, or doing extra studying without her parents’ permission)
  61. Twi paused before she finished dialing.
  62. >“So…what do you think your mom will do? If I tell her?”
  63. >“She’ll probably give me a spanking.” Pinkie said.
  64. >Twi froze. She was taken aback. “Really??” Pinkie nodded. Twi set the phone down. “Pinkie, I don’t want that to happen! I said before, it really doesn’t matter. It’s not worth getting in trouble over alright? It’s no big deal. I’m not mad, and I don’t want you to get punished.”
  65. >“No, it’s alright Twi, honest.” Pinkie said. “I know it doesn’t bother you, but I still feel guilty, and I don’t think I’d be able to enjoy myself if I didn’t.”
  66. >Twi looked concerned. “Are you absolutely sure Pinkie? I really don’t think accidentally knocking over a few glasses really warrants a…” she found it hard to say. “…spanking.”
  67. >“I’m sure.” Pinkie nodded, bravely.
  68. >“Alright. If you’re sure.” Twi said uncertainly, picking up her phone again.
  69. She dialed in the number. She looked at the call button hesitantly. She moved to press it.
  70. >“Mmmm…” Pinkie made a hum of uncertainty. Twi turned around.
  71. >“What is it? Do you not want me to call?”
  72. >“It’s just that…” Pinkie started “…well…I know I deserve the spanking, but if I tell my mom, she’ll also probably make me come home for the weekend. And then we won’t get to do all the stuff we wanted. And then you’d be alone, and your parents probably wouldn’t want that.”
  73. Twi hadn’t thought of that.
  74. >“So…maybe just don’t tell her what happened until Sunday when you go home?”
  75. >“Mmmmmm….” Pinkie moaned uneasily. “I guess. But then I’ll still feel bad this whole weekend. And it’ll be hard to have fun knowing what’s coming.”
  76. >“Hmm…yeah.” said Twi.
  77. They sat their thinking for a few moments.
  78. >“I’ve got it!” Pinkie said excitedly.
  79. >“What, what is it?” asked Twi.
  80. Pinkie got off the bed and walked over to Twi. She took Twi’s hands into hers, and looked her in the eyes, with deadly seriousness. Twi looked up at her friend, confused.
  81. >“Twi…you need to spank me.”
  82. Twi looked into her friend’s eyes, baffled. There wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in them. Twi raised her eyebrows, more confused than ever.
  83. >“What??”
  84. >“You need to spank me.” Pinkie said again, with the same seriousness. “It’s the only thing that makes any sense.”
  85. >Twi was bewildered. She looked around the room to break Pinkies laser beam gaze. “Pinkie, I can’t. You’re my friend, I can’t…spank you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
  86. >Pinkie got on her knees. “Plleeeeeaaaassseee, Twi?? You won’t really actually hurt me, it’ll just sting for a while. I won’t feel better unless you do this…pleeeaaaassssee??”
  87. >Twi was still uncertain. “Do friends normally do this kind of thing?”
  88. >“Friends do whatever they need to do, Twi.” said Pinkie gravely. “And I need to pay for my crimes. You’re the only one who can do it.”
  89. >“Pinkie I…I don’t even know how to do it. I never really…got spanked much. I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
  90. Twi thought about it, and realized that she had never really gotten in trouble much with her parents. She was normally well behaved, and when she wasn’t she was very stealthy about it…. and somehow, she had gotten away completely scot-free with the whole universe tearing thing. She probably shouldn’t have, she now realized.
  91. >Pinkie laughed and rolled her eyes. “It’s not rocket science Twi. It’s just spanking. It’s easy, you just…y’know, slap my butt until I cry. There’s no formula or anything.”
  92. >“I don’t know…” Twi said, rubbing her arm awkwardly. Her face was a little red. She had never done anything close to this before.
  93. >“Please, please, please!??” Pinkie begged again.
  94. >Twi sighed. “…Ok, Pinkie. But you have to tell me what to do ok?”
  95. >“Okey dokey!” Pinkie said. She stood up in front of Twi.
  96. >“Umm, do you want to do this now?” Twi asked.
  97. “Of course! Where do you want me to go?” Pinkie asked.
  98. >“Umm.” Twi thought. “I mean, is here ok? Can we just do it in the chair I’m sitting in now?”
  99. >“Sure.” Pinkie said. “It’s whatever you choose.”
  100. >“Ok.” Twi said, still a little uneasy. Pinkie stood in front of her, hands behind her back, looking expectant. “So…what do we do first?” Twi asked.
  101. >“Hmm…Well normally you start out by giving a lecture and making sure I know why I’m getting a spanking.” Pinkie said, waiting.
  102. >“Ok…um….Pinkie…” Twi started out waveringly, “…you…you know you shouldn’t have done what you did. I told you to be careful, and you weren’t, and that could have been dangerous. So…next time you need to listen…And that’s why you’re getting this spanking…..How was that? Is that Ok?”
  103. >“Yeah, that’s good. A little on the short side, but that’s ok.”
  104. >“So now what?”
  105. >“Now you tell me to get over your lap. Or you pull me over. Whichever you want.”
  106. >“Oh, ok….Pinkie, uhh…get over my lap, umm…right now.”
  107. >“Yes Twi.” Pinkie said. She laid down over Twi’s lap obediently, her rear facing strait up, her legs in the air.
  108. Twi looked down at her friend’s butt, right there in front of her. She had never been this close to someone before…well she had, cause she had hugged people, like she hugged Pinkie just a while before, but this felt…different. She couldn’t explain it.
  109. >“So do I just start now?” Twi asked.
  110. >“Yup, just start whenever you feel like,”
  111. >“Ok…let me know if I should stop, Ok?”
  112. >“No!” Pinkie said, she turned and looked at Twi over her shoulder. “That’s not how it works Twi! You’re the one who decides when to decides how long to go for. You’re the one in control. Otherwise it’s pointless.”
  113. >“Alright, I just don’t want to hurt you too bad, that’s all.” Twi said.
  114. >“No! You need to go as hard as you can. Otherwise it’s not a punishment. Trust me Twi, you’re not gonna hurt me too bad, even if we were here all night. Butts heal. You need to make sure I really learn my lesson.” Pinkie said, matter-of-factly.
  115. >“All right.” said Twi. She looked down at Pinkie’s butt again. She slowly placed her hand on it. She felt a tingle go up her arm. She felt strange, she didn’t know what it was. A little bit anxious, but in a weird way.
  116. >“Ok, Pinkie, here I go.”
  117. Twi lifted up her hand in the air, hesitated a few moments, then brought it down hard on Pinkie’s right cheek.
  118. SMACK!
  119. Pinkie yelped quietly. She winced a little, and her butt bounced with the impact of Twi’s first hit.
  120. >“How was that?” Twi asked.
  121. >“Good.” Pinkie said meekly. “Now just keep going.”
  122. Twi paused a second. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. But she found herself lifting her hand again, and bringing it down hard a second time on Pinkie’s left cheek.
  123. SMACK!
  124. Pinkie yelped quietly again. Her butt bounced. Twi went up for a third time, then down again.
  125. SMACK!
  126. Twi spanked again. Then again.
  127. SMACK!
  128. SMACK!
  129. SMACK!
  130. At first she started out hesitating a little bit before each hit, but as she went on, she felt less and less hesitant. She gained confidence more and more. It really was pretty simple. She got into a grove of swapping cheeks for every hit, and making sure to move her aim around a little bit, so she wasn’t hitting the same spot over and over. She assumed that’s what she should probably do.
  131. SMACK!
  132. SMACK!
  133. SMACK!
  134. Twi kept on going. They had been going for a few minutes now. Pinkie’s yelps subsided into a quiet whimpering every few hits. Twi went on spanking, lost in the rhythm of Pinkie’s bounce.
  135. SMACK!
  136. >“Hey, uh, Twi? (SMACK) Mm!”
  137. >“Yes Pinkie?” Twi asked, still going. She assumed that’s what she should do.
  138. >“Well…(SMACK) Mm!’s just that (SMACK) Mm!...umm, when are you going to (SMACK) Mm! go into the next part?”
  139. SMACK!
  140. Twi paused.
  141. >“Next part? Should I be done now?”
  142. >“No, it’s not that, I was just wondering if you were going to take down my PJ’s anytime soon?”
  143. >“What?” Twi’s asked.
  144. >“I mean, you can keep going like this for a little bit more, it’s just that normally you get to the pants down part a little bit sooner. But you’re the boss, so you can do it whenever.”
  145. The gears in Twi’s head whirled. Her face started to redden.
  146. >“I’m supposed to…pull your pants down?”
  147. >Pinkie snort-giggled (meekly). “Well of course silly. I thought that part was self-explanatory. First you spank me on top of my pj’s for a bit, then you pull them down and spank me in my underwear for a bit, and then for the finale you take down my underwear and do it bare.”
  148. The inside of Twi’s head made the AOL connection noise. Her eyes widened. She could almost feel sweat appear on her forehead. Butterflies went nuts in her stomach.
  149. "Ba-...bare?" Twi managed.
  150. >“Well duh, sillyhead.” Pinkie laughed (meekly). “What kind of a spanking would it be otherwise?”
  151. Twi gulped. She could feel her heart beat slowly picking up. She had definitely never felt anything like this before.
  152. >“Umm…why do we have to do it…bare?” she stuttered.
  153. >“Cause it hurts more.” Pinkie said bluntly. “And it’s embarrassing.”
  154. >“Uh, uh-huh”. Twi agreed.
  155. >“Also, how else are you going to be able to tell how pink its getting?”
  156. >“Pinkie, you’re already pink.”
  157. >“Oh yeah.” Pinkie thought. “Well it’ll get even pinker, I guess. Or redder. Yeah, redder is probably a better way to describe it. So are you going to take my pants off yet or are we going to go like this for a little bit more?”
  158. >“Uhh…” Twi still couldn’t believe what she was doing. “Sure, I guess we can…do that…now.”
  159. >“Ok.” said Pinkie. “Do you want me to stand up?”
  160. >“Um, no, I think I can…manage with… how you are.”
  161. >“Ok.”
  162. Twi reached for the waist of Pinkie’s pj’s. Her hands shook ever so slightly. She couldn’t believe what she was doing.
  163. She grabbed the edges of Pinkies pajama pants and slowly pulled. They came down with ease, revealing simple white underwear, patterned with little party poppers and confetti, and Pinkie’s pink rear, which was a slightly redder pink than the rest of her body.
  164. Twi couldn’t believe what she was doing. She hesitated for a few moments. She had gotten this far though, it would be pointless to stop now. She could feel her heart in her chest. She put her hand on Pinkie’s butt. She had never touched someone like this before. She paused, took a deep, deep breath, and lifted her hand above her head.
  165. SMACK!
  166. Pinkie yelped again. Her butt bounced even more now. Twi could make out the bottom half of her faint pink handprint at the bottom of Pinkies cheek. She closed her eyes, took one more deep breath, and forged on.
  167. SMACK!
  168. SMACK!
  169. SMACK!
  170. As Twi went on, Pinkie’s first couple of surprise yelps again subsided to her quiet whimpering again. After what was probably a couple minutes, Pinkie’s whining gave way to her sniffling and softly crying. She had managed to control herself up to this point and keep remarkably still, but now she was beginning to wiggle a little. She tried her best to keep her composure, but couldn’t help herself from squirming a little on Twi’s lap, her butt reflexively (but ineffectually) making a pathetic attempt to get out of the way of the spanks. Twi kept on going, focusing on the target at hand, still feeling like this whole scenario was almost surreal. She knew she felt…well, a lot of things, but she didn’t really know how to quantify any of them.
  171. One of the strangest things to Twi was that she knew she should probably feel bad about what she was doing. She knew she should feel bad for Pinkie, her good friend was, after all, squirming and crying. And at Twi’s own hand no less. But somehow she didn’t feel…bad exactly. She wasn’t happy about it, she didn’t enjoy seeing her friend get hurt, but she definitely felt like she was almost…somehow…having….fun? No, that couldn’t be true, Twi thought. It must have been just an odd combination of emotions and adrenaline from doing something so new and different.
  172. SMACK!
  173. SMACK!
  174. Soon, Pinkie’s soft crying got a bit louder. The bottom of her cheeks were turning from more of a reddish pink to more of a pinkish red. Twi saw a tear or two fall from Pinkie’s face into the carpet. I should probably get on to the…last part, Twi thought. She paused.
  175. >“Ok Pinkie, I’m going to…take off your underwear now, ok?”
  176. >“O-k-kay.” Pinkie sniffled.
  177. This was it. Twi’s heart started to race again. She had gotten used to seeing Pinkie in her underwear now, so she had felt a little less awkward, but this felt like another level. She felt incredibly anxious. She knew what it felt like to be anxious before a test, but she wasn’t prepared for this. She had never felt this nervous in her life.
  178. What is this? Why am I feeling like this?
  179. Twi had never even seen another girl naked before. I mean, she knew what she looked like, and she had seen drawings of naked people in some of her books about medicine, so it wasn’t like it was completely alien to her… but this was different. This was her friend Pinkie. This was personal.
  180. So, terrified, but almost hypnotized, Twi slowly grabbed the sides of Pinkie’s panties and pulled them down. Twi could feel her heart skip a beat, as she saw her friend’s bright red bottom, completely exposed (and even a little extra showing). Even Pinkie, who had seemed completely unfazed by any of this, seemed to shift a little bit in embarrassment. Or maybe Twi was just imagining things.
  181. Twi used her traditional, pre-test calm down routine. She closed her eyes, slowed her breathing, and counted to ten. She opened her eyes again.
  182. We’ll we’ve come this far, Twi thought. No turning back now.
  183. >“Alright, are you ready Pinkie?”
  184. Pinkie looked back at her friend, her eyes welling up with tears. She let out a sad little smile and laughed. She sniffled.
  185. >“No.” Pinkie said.
  186. Twi, thinking she was finally starting to understand this whole thing, gave a sad little smile of her own.
  187. >“Good.”
  188. SMACK!
  189. SMACK!
  190. SMACK!
  191. This time, Pinkie started to cry much faster. In no time at all, her yelping and whimpering went to full out bawling. Twi was learning at that very moment, that when Pinkie cried, she really went for it. It was as Twi would have probably expected from Pinkie, completely open, unreserved, genuine, and loud. Twi was suddenly thankful that there was some space in between her house and the neighbors.
  192. SMACK!
  193. SMACK!
  194. SMACK!
  195. Twi was what she would consider a quick learner, and she definitely felt like she had mastered this whole spanking thing. She almost felt a bit proud. She still knew that she was supposed to feel bad about hurting her friend but…something about it just felt like it made sense.
  196. Twi brought down her hand, again and again on Pinkie’s bottom with deliberate intention. She made sure to work her way around Pinkie’s whole butt, leaving no part unscathed, in a rhythmic fashion. And even though Pinkie was now wiggling up a storm, nothing was safe from Twi’s impeccable aim.
  197. Pinkie’s cheeks were now incredibly warm, and very very red. Pinkie blubbered out sobs, and her eyes were filled with tears. Twi suddenly realized that she should probably end it soon.
  198. Alright, here it goes, Twi thought. I’ve got to end it right.
  199. Twi began one last flurry of spanks, picking up the pace. Pinkie cried and cried, her bottom bouncing constantly in a storm of slaps.
  201. And then she was done.
  202. Twi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
  203. >“There we go. We’re done.”
  204. Pinkie continued to cry, just as loud and hard as if Twi hadn’t stopped at all. Twi was suddenly worried that she may have gotten to into it, and may have gone a little long. Twi wasn’t sure what to do now. She decided it was probably just best to let her get it all out.
  205. Pinkie sobbed and sobbed, just lying there over Twi’s lap. Twi wasn’t sure how she was supposed to comfort her. She just decided it was probably best to rub her back.
  206. >“It’s Ok Pinkie. We’re done now.”
  207. Pinkie kept on crying. After a while though, she gradually ran out of tears, and it started to die out a bit.
  208. >“I-I’m s-sorry Twi.” Pinkie managed to choke out between quiet hiccup-like sobs.
  209. >“It’s ok Pinkie. I’m sorry too. I think I probably went a little too harsh.”
  210. >“N-no, it w-was perfect. That’s exactly how its s-supposed to be.” Pinkie said, giving a weak smile to her friend.
  211. >“Oh. Good” Twi said, feeling relieved, and a little surprised. “So…what do we do now? Are we done completely?”
  212. >“For the most part, yeah.” Pinkie said. “I mean, it’s up to you, but normally you give me and ending lecture and make me stand in the corner in time out for a bit.”
  213. >“Oh, ok, that sounds good. Umm…what am I supposed to do for the lecture? Just repeat the first one?”
  214. >“Kind of.” Pinkie said, wiping her nose on the arm of her pajama shirt. “Normally you just remind me what I got the spanking for, and tell me you forgive me and love me.” Pinkie suddenly started blushing really hard. “Umm, I mean, well, at least that’s what my mom does, but y’know I guess that doesn’t really-“
  215. >“No Pinkie, that sounds good.” Twi interrupted her. Pinkie looked into Twi’s eyes, surprised.
  216. “Pinkie, you know what you did was wrong. And you also know that I did this for you…because I want you to feel better…and I want you to be safe. And I don’t want you to ever do anything like this again. But I forgive you and…I love you.”
  217. >“I love you too Twi.” Pinkie sniffled.
  218. They sat there in silence for a few long moments.
  219. >“So uh…how was that?” Twi asked.
  220. >“Good” Pinkie said.
  221. >“So…now I’m supposed to put you in time out?”
  222. >“Yeah, if you want.”
  223. >“Ok.” Twi said. “Umm…you can stand up now, I guess.”
  224. >“Okey dokey.” Pinkie said. She stood up. Twi tried to avert her eyes a little, since Pinkie’s entire front was showing now. Pinkie really seemed pretty innocent about these things.
  225. > “So where do you want me to stand?” Pinkie asked.
  226. >“Umm…you can stand over there, probably.” Twi pointed to an empty corner. “Am I supposed to put your pants back on first?”
  227. >“Well, it’s up to you, but normally my mom just makes me stand like this.” Pinkie said.
  228. >“Oh, ok. So uhh…go stand over there.” Twi pointed.
  229. >“Yes ma’am Ms. Ma’am.” Pinkie said. She headed to the corner.
  230. >“So how long am I supposed to make you wait for?” Twi asked.
  231. >“Hmm…” Pinkie though. “Well it’s up to you really. My mom normally makes me stand for anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes. It’s up to you really.”
  232. >“Sure.” Twi said. “Well….I guess 15 minutes sounds good. I can set a timer.”
  233. >“Oh!” Pinkie said. “There’s something I forgot.”
  234. >“What?” Twi asked.
  235. >“Well,” Pinkie said, “Usually you’re supposed to tell me to face the wall and put my hands over my head, and tell me that if I try to rub my butt before the time outs over that I’ll get spanked more.”
  236. >“Pinkie, there’s no way I’m going to spank you again. That’d be wayyy to much.”
  237. >“Oh you don’t actually spank me again.” Pinkie smiled. “It’s just something you say to be scary. I did it once on accident and mom just gave me a few more swats.”
  238. >“Oh…ok. Umm….so….don’t move away from the wall and don’t touch your butt or…or I’m going to spank you again.”
  239. >“Ok!” Pinkie said.
  240. Twi set the timer on her alarm for 15 minutes.
  241. >“What am I supposed to do when you’re in time out? Just wait here?”
  242. >“You can do whatever you want.” Pinkie said, facing the wall. “Like read a book or anything. You should probably stay in the room though, just so you can make sure I don’t try to rub.”
  243. >“Sure.” Twi said.
  244. 15 minutes went by. The alarm went off, the girls hugged, Pinkie put her pants back on…and then they went back to what they were doing before. Pinkie was back to her normal self again, energetic and bubbly as ever. They watched a movie together (Pinkie chose to lay on her stomach while watching), made some bracelet things (Pinkie stood on her knees for most of that), and ate some snacks in the kitchen (both of them stood). Eventually they started yawning, and decided it was probably time to go to bed.
  245. >“So, where do we want to sleep?” Twi asked. “We’ve got some sleeping bags in the basement, we can probably set them up in the living room.”
  246. >“Why don’t we just sleep in your bed? Pinkie asked “It seems big enough for both of us.”
  247. >“…sure.” Twilight said. “Yeah, I…I guess that’ll work.”
  248. So, they both went upstairs, brushed their teeth, and went to bed next to each other. Gradually they drifted off to sleep.
  249. Twi woke up sometime in the middle of the night for a few minutes, like she usually did. She looked over at Pinkie, who had migrated to be on top of the covers and had pulled her pants and underwear halfway down, to let herself be soothed by the cool night air. She was sleeping like a rock. Twi smiled. It was a strange day, she thought, but she had enjoyed it a lot. To think that only months ago, she didn’t have a friend in the world. Now she was sleeping next to someone like Pinkie, who was so open with Twi and trusted her so much. Twi moved over to Pinkie and hugged her softly. Pinkie, still sleeping, smiled, and hugged back.
  251. The End.

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