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Intentional Trouble by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:11:05
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:23:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Intentional Trouble by Anon
  2. (Celestia / Twilight)
  4. (13/06/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Twilight Sparkle was sitting outside of the principal's office, waiting to be called in for her reward.
  10. >She had been getting good grades all week and had been called down by Principal Celestia herself.
  11. >She smiled to herself, waiting to be called in to receive her reward.
  12. >Soon she was called and walked into the office.
  13. >Twilight sat down in an empty chair as Principal Celestia reached for something behind her desk.
  14. >She grabbed a paddle and walked over to Twilight.
  15. "Close the door, we don't want anyone seeing or hearing what's going ok in here."
  16. >Twilight nodded and did so.
  17. >Afterward she walked back over to Principal Celestia. "I'm ready," she said, smiling.
  18. >"Ok," Celestia replied p, smiling as well.
  19. >"Bend over my desk and flip up your skirt."
  20. >Twilight nodded and bent over the desk, pushing her skirt up and exposing her purple panties.
  21. >She smiled as the paddle rested against her bottom.
  22. >She felt a sharp sting and giggled as her bottom bounced from the whack of the paddle.
  23. >She yelped playfully.
  24. >Celestia, feeling she wanted a little roleplay in the spanking, put on a stern face and said
  25. >"I can't believe you are getting paddled again, oh what am I going to do with you." She giggled a little of saying that.
  26. >Twilight giggled as well, feeling another whack with the paddle and then another.
  27. >"I'm sorry," she said, faking tears. "I'll try better next time."
  28. >Celestia nodded and continued to whack Twilight's bottom with paddle, turning it from purple to a slightly red color.
  29. >After 20 whacks with the paddle.
  30. >Celestia pulled down the girl's panties.
  31. >"Now, for all your "terrible" grades you're going to get twenty whacks with the paddle on your bare bum."
  32. >"Yes ma'am," Twilight giggled.
  33. >Her bottom jiggled, bounced, and bobbled as whacks were laid down on it.
  34. >She felt it heat up more and more as the spanking progressed.
  35. >After 20 painful whacks with the paddle, Celestia dropped it and hugged the girl.
  36. >She rubbed her bright red bottom and whispered into her ear, "we could do this again tomorrow if you want."
  37. >Twilight nodded, smiling as her stinging bottom was rubbed.
  38. >She pulled her up panties with a wince and fixed her skirt. "Thank you."
  39. >"You're welcome dear," Celestia replied, smiling as the girl left.

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