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Lazy by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:12:17
Updated: 2022-03-12 21:26:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Lazy by Anon
  2. (Anon / Rainbow)
  3. M/F, paddle, over bed, sex, non-consensual
  5. (13/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >after a good work out you come home and plop yourself on the couch.
  11. >the place is filthy,rainbow cunt has bin lazy since she quit her job.
  12. >you call her into the room and she wobbles in through the door.
  13. >she's wearing a tang top that's a little bit too small for her.
  14. >a small portion of her belly is protruding from the shirt.
  15. >before you can even lecture her she places a hoof over your mouth.
  16. >slowly she slides herself onto your lap.
  17. >you can feel her months of laziness weighing down on you.
  18. >her cooter is right in top of your cock and you can feel her chubby thighs envelope you.
  19. >instaboner
  20. "Not here, sweetie."
  21. >You strain your arms lifting your thick pudgy pony housewife up, she goes limp in your arms, allowing you to do all the work as usual.
  22. >You walk her to the bed, which is still a mess from this morning, and plop her down on it with a loud squeal from the springs underneath.
  23. >You lean down and give her a long kiss, while letting your hands roam all over her chunky body.
  24. >They go further and further down, before meeting a familiar wetness below. She's ready.
  25. "Come here, Dash."
  26. >You step back and motion with your finger for her to come to the edge of the bed.
  27. >She complies, though she regards you with a curious look. You grab her and plant both of her back hooves on the floor.
  28. >"...You want me to turn around?"
  29. "Yeah, I'd like that."
  30. >Regaining her confidence, Rainbow turns so she's bent over the bed. You lean over her and cup her slightly pudgy face with a hand.
  31. "You know I love you, right sweetie?"
  32. >"Uhuh."
  33. >You share a deep kiss before pulling back again.
  34. "Good girl, now stay very still."
  35. >You plant kisses all along her back as you move closer to her large ass, groping and running your hands along both soft cheeks.
  36. >As you reach them, you go down and sit on your knees, admiring it, but also reaching under the bed for something....
  37. >You feel it, the hard, cold handle of a wooden paddle, something you bought without her knowledge.
  38. >You pull it out and stand, putting one hand on Rainbow's back while you slowly run the wooden paddle up her right leg, and rub it in circles on her right cheek.
  39. >"Ooh..."
  40. "You like that?"
  41. >"Yeah, what is that, Anon?"
  42. >You smile to yourself and put more pressure on the hand on her back.
  43. "You tell me."
  45. *WHAP*
  49. *WHAP*
  51. >"AAH! STOP IT!"
  52. "Now, sweetie. Take a look at this bedroom, what do you see?"
  53. >"What? Get Off!"
  54. >She struggles against your hand, but she's become weak since she chose the life of a housewife.
  55. "Trash, Rainbow. The house is covered in trash, the dishes are piled up, there's crumbs in the bed. The whole place looks run down."
  56. >You can hear her growling, but it has to be done.
  57. "I work all week to keep this place, and afford all that food, and don't forget your wonderbolts stuff, and your books, and these little shirts you keep ripping, so I think the least you can do is hold up your part of the bargain."
  58. >"NO!"
  60. *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP*
  62. "Remember what we said when you moved in? You could stay home and hang out as much as you want, as long as dinner was cooked and the house was kept clean. And I don't think I've seen you cook or clean anything for months."
  63. >"WHAT? That-that's not true! W-we had PIZZA the other night!"
  64. "My money being spent on overpriced, unhealthy crap."
  65. >"That's not fair! It's not like YOU'RE any help around here! You just come home and lay around everyday!"
  66. "That's because I work, Rainbow. You told me that you'd take care of the home while I worked, we both agreed on that, remember?"
  67. >"Yeah? Well, I... I try!"
  69. *WHAP* *WHAP*
  71. >She's starting to sniffle now, but you won't quit until you believe she'll make a change.
  72. "You've got two choices, Rainbow Dash. Either you start cleaning up around here and cooking like you said you would, or you get your butt out there and find a job."
  73. >"NOO!"
  75. *WHAP*
  76. >"OOW! S-STOP!"
  77. "I'm barely paying the bills as it is, with how much food we consume. Rainbow, I need your help."
  80. *WHAP*
  82. >She cries into the blankets. You want to hold her, but it cannot end yet.
  83. "Just give me an answer, Rainbow."
  84. >She says nothing, just sobs into the blankets; you can't tell if she's fishing for affection or really in that much pain.
  86. *WHAP*
  88. >She lets out a muffled shriek and her sobs get quieter; you can hear her choking and panting... Now she sounds real.
  89. >Finally she pokes her head out and glances back at you.
  90. >"...please stop...."
  91. "Sweetie... What are you going to do?"
  92. >"...."
  93. "Come on, Rainbow. It's going to be a long night if you don't give me something."
  94. >"... I... I don't wanna work...."
  95. "Okay, good, so you're going to clean up now?"
  96. >She contemplates this for a bit, before whimpering and producing fresh tears.
  97. "Sweetie...."
  98. >"Why... Why don't you love me?"
  99. "You know I love you; you told me so. But I'm doing this because this behaviour needs to stop."
  100. >"I'M NOT A FILLY!"
  101. "I know! But you're acting like one! Rainbow, I buy all your stuff, I give you a roof over your head and all the food you could eat, and you've just coasted along for the past few months, living of me and giving nothing in return!"
  102. >She tries to pull away, but you hold her still.
  104. *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP*
  106. >"AAAH! STOOP!"
  107. "Rainbow, please. Tell me you're going to change."
  110. *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP*
  112. "This ISN'T you, Rainbow! You remember when we first started dating? All the things we did together, all the memories before we got married and you moved in with me?"
  113. >"What.. What do you mean?"
  114. "Christ, Rainbow. You wanted to be a Wonderbolt! And now you won't even do the damn dishes at the end of the day!"
  115. >"SHUT UP!"
  116. "It's true! You know it is! I'm sorry, Rainbow, but I'm struggling just to give you this life WITHOUT getting take-out every night! I agreed t let you stay home because I love you, and I wanted you to as happy as you can be - and I still do! But THIS has to stop! This laying around and getting nothing done, day in and day out!"
  117. >You feel your own eyes watering just a bit. The situation had been truly hard, and you've given most of your time to working to give her this, but now you aren't even sure if it keeps HER happy.
  118. >"...I'm sorry."
  119. "Are you?"
  120. >In reply, her back left leg lashes out and jabs you. You put your paddle against her bright red rump.
  121. >"Wait! Y-yes... Yes I am!"
  122. "...Thank you, sweetie... So, what are you going to do about it?"
  123. >She groans.
  124. >"Uuugh, we're still on THAT?"
  126. *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP*
  128. >"OOOW! AH- THAT WAS FOUR!"
  130. *WHAP*
  133. "I'm not counting!"
  136. *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP*
  138. >She screams with every strike, and digs her fronts hooves into the bed. And when you stop, she goes limp, though her broken sobbing continues on.
  139. "I told you, you have to promise me that you'll either get a job, or starting cleaning up. That's all, just choose one and stick to it. Until then...."
  140. >You rub the flat paddle from cheek to cheek.
  141. >Rainbow struggles for breath, and when she's gained control, you hear her mumble some things into the blankets.
  142. "Hmm?"
  143. >"Okay... Okay... I'll be good...."
  144. >You crawl up on the bed, letting go of her back with your left hand, but letting the paddle in your right trail over her rump, and past her tail, and up to her lower back as you bring yourself closer.
  145. >You reach your left underneath Rainbow's body and lightly shift her so you can see her face.
  146. "...Sweetie?"
  147. >Her face is as red as her backside, and stained with tears. She looks meekly up at you.
  148. >"...I'll... Cl-clean up."
  149. "Okay... Now sit up."
  150. >She slowly drags herself fully on the bed and shifts onto her rump, before immediately falling on her side, groaning.
  151. >"A-anoon... My...."
  152. "Sit up, Rainbow."
  153. >Without further resistance, she forces herself to sit up on her butt, quietly whimpering at the pain.
  154. "Now, I want you make me a Pinkie Promise that you'll clean up and make dinner every night."
  155. >"Bu-but I already..."
  156. >She stops herself when you put your left hand lightly on her shoulder, and she sees your right hand's grip go stiff on the paddle.
  157. >"C-c-cro-oss my heart... Hope t-to fly... Ss-stick a cupcake i-in m-my eye."
  158. >And with that, you have no doubt. You let the paddle go, and it falls off the bed.
  159. >The noise of the hard wood hitting the floor causes Rainbow to flinch, but you bring her in close and cradle her in both arms.
  160. >You push her head into your chest and kiss her damp forehead. She just sinks into your shirt and begins to weep, letting out all the pain and humiliation, and relief for it to be over.
  161. "Ssssh, Sweetie. It's okay."
  162. >You slowly lay her down on her back, still tight in your grasp. Her hooves come out and wrap tightly around you in return.
  163. "There we go... I love you soo much, Sweetie."
  164. >She looks up at you, defying the tears on her face and puffy eyes with a tiny smile.
  165. >"I l-love you too, Anon."
  166. >You grab a handful of her mane and gently guide her head back so you can push your mouth over hers.
  167. >Your tongues meet, and you dance around hers in the saliva and salty tears; her tongue relents to you like the rest of her, letting itself be guided, and pushed, and wrapped.
  168. >As you do this, she lets out soft shudders, and wraps even tighter around your body.
  169. >You pull back from her gaping mouth and plant wet kisses all over her face, just under her eyes, over her brow, on her nose and cheeks.
  170. >She manages a giggle from the affection and tries to return the favour with her own kisses, though your more dominant nuzzling and kissing forces her to mostly lay back and accept it.
  171. >You decide to get back up on your knees, towering over the plump little pony, and grab hold of her tank top once again.
  172. >But this time, you grab it in both hands and completely tear it in half.
  173. >Rainbow gasps, but your smile reassures her as you close back in on her face.
  174. "It's alright, Rainbow. I'll get you a new one."
  175. >You give her one last kiss and start working your way down, feeling and kissing and grasping and licking everything as you go further down to her nether region.
  176. >You kiss all around her pussy, licking her soft thighs and belly, and then you get to work with your tongue.
  177. >Rainbow's moans push you on, running the tip of your tongue around her lips, then entering, then coming back out and spreading them with your thumbs.
  178. >She's winking like mad, and her clit dances right in front of your face.
  179. >You put your mouth over it and writhe on it with your tongue, and Rainbow immediately jolts upward grabs your head in her hooves.
  180. >"WAIT WAIT STOP!"
  181. >You look up at her; she's panting and blushing hard.
  182. >"Anon... Could you just... Do me already?"
  183. "...?"
  184. >"... Please?"
  185. >You rise and remove your shirt; Rainbow works quickly below to remove your belt and the rest slides off easily.
  186. >She gives your tip a few testing licks, but you grab her and flip her onto her belly before she can do more.
  187. "Alright, my little housewife. You ready?"
  188. >You grab her by the hips and bring her big ass up against your cock. You can hear her hiss from the pain.
  189. >"...Gently?"
  190. "Huh?"
  191. >She gives a nervous chuckle.
  192. >"Just... Cause I'm a little tender back there."
  193. "Oooh no you don't."
  194. >"...What?"
  195. >You give her an evil smile and pat on of her cheeks; she yelps in response.
  196. "You aren't out of the woods yet, little pony. I'm going to make sure you remember this lesson."
  198. >You shove it in and ruthlessly pound her.
  199. >Every thrust earns a cry, and a moan, and soon her head's back in the blankets, shrieking from ecstasy and pain, tearing up and drooling all at the same time.
  200. >"UUUAAH! ANON! I'M CLOSE!"
  201. >You say nothing; you don't slow down, either.
  202. >Instead, you reach down and grip her mane once more, and tug her head out from the blankets.
  203. >You turn her head to face yours as you mercilessly slam her ass; every time you connect, you hear that satisfying slap, and Rainbow punctuates it with her own lusty squeals through clenched teeth.
  204. >But that won't do, so you lean back and cock your right hand.
  205. >You can see Rainbow watching you fearfully through the corner of her eye; you can even feel your own orgasm faintly lighting like a candle, but you aren't done with her just yet.
  206. >You bring your right palm crashing down on Rainbow's right ass cheek like lightning. The sound of your rough hand against her plump backside is so loud, it echoes through the entire house and very likely woke somebody somewhere.
  207. >Rainbow Dash's jaws fly open and she lets out an even louder scream of excitement and agony, and before she's done, you come back down and force your tongue on hers once again.
  208. >She screams into your mouth, still riding off the pain of her tortured ass being demolished, and fresh tears burst like a broken dam from her eyes, but her blush only deepens and the pleasure is still on.
  209. >You bring up your right hand, stinging from the blow, and wrap it around her neck, forcing her face to stay shoved hard against your own as you pummel her tongue.
  210. >Her screaming does not stop, but transforms into something far different.
  211. >She's groaning, crying and moaning all in one; feeling all sensations and all emotions everywhere at once - an ugly noise, to be sure, but it's what you wanted, because now you've got her.
  212. >Her eyes glaze over and drift up, up until her pupils are beyond sight. Her hips gain a mind of their own and ram themselves back an forth against your assaulting hips. The walls of Rainbow's pussy clamp down hard on your cock, and with that, she slips into an orgasm to split the heavens.
  213. >You've created a monster; she sounds like she's growling and moaning together into your mouth, and her legs are thrashing with what little room you've given her to move. But you want complete control.
  214. >You completely tighten around her body, holding her body and legs in place - save for the hooves, which curl and uncurl but cannot break your grasp.
  215. >You ceaselessly ram in and out of her still, fucking every last drop of juice out of your little pony as she totally soaks your lower half and much of the bed with her pleasure.
  216. >The candlelight that was your approaching orgasm has grown and threatens to scorch the Earth, but you just can't yet.
  217. >For a while, you stay inside of Rainbow Dash, sloppily drilling her punished cunt until finally, the mare ceases her groaning and resorts to cute, ragged little pants and moans.
  218. >Finally, only when you're sure she's got nothing left to drain, you pull out.
  219. >Now you want to cum.
  220. >You roll your dazed Rainbow Dash onto her back and settle on top of her with your crotch right in her face. She's so out of it, that she gazes on it with a look of curiosity.
  221. "Whew, you liked that, Dash?"
  222. >She only produces a grunt in response, but you'll take it.
  223. "Gooood girl, now you're gonna clean up!"
  224. >You grind your cock on her face, dampening her with pre-cum and her own mare fluids.
  225. >She moans and lets her tongue loll out, and you take advantage of it, sliding your dick along the side and up to her nose.
  226. >Then you shove it in her mouth, feeling your already raging carnal beast driven mad by the inferno building below.
  227. >You grab her mane one last time, to guide her head as she starts to suckle on your cock.
  228. >You've never felt so alive, so empowered and confident. You don't know what you're saying between breaths, but it only drives Rainbow to work harder.
  229. "You wanna be my little housewife? Huh? You wanna stay home?"
  230. >Rainbow murmurs in response.
  231. "Then I'm gonna fuck you every night, and you're gonna clean my cock just like that every night, like a good little bitch."
  232. >Rainbow moves faster and writhes her tongue all over your shaft.
  233. "And I'm gonna put that paddle to good use, pony. I'm gonna use it when you're bad, and when the house dirty, and... Oh... Oh FUCK...!"
  234. >Just like that, it all comes rushing out.
  235. >Rainbow grips her front legs around your waist and tries to hold on as you rock your hips and tense every muscle in your body.
  236. >It explodes like nuclear fireworks, burning red hot all over and forcing moans and shouts of unreserved pleasure out of you like it did to Rainbow Dash.
  237. >You grab the bedpost with both hands and hold on for dear life, while Rainbow keeps her mouth tightly wrapped around your shaft, sucking, bobbing, and milking every drop out of you.
  238. >The fire burns itself out with time, but it leaves the faintest tingling in every joint. You feel Rainbow swallow and return to simply licking it.
  239. "...Oh... My fuckin'... God."
  240. >You slump down, your cock slips out of Rainbow's mouth and you lay limply on the bed on top of Rainbow Dash.
  242. >The two of you lay in complete tired bliss. Every inch is too relaxed to move even an inch, though you eventually force yourself to shift to Rainbow's side so to spoon her.
  243. "Uh... Rainbow?"
  244. >"...Mm?"
  245. "I... I didn't mean that stuff about having to fuck every night and... Clean my cock and stuff."
  246. >"...Hmm?"
  247. "That was just... Heat of the moment, you know? I... I wouldn't make you do that every night."
  248. >"...Do you... D'you want me to?"
  249. "...Yeah kinda."
  250. >"...Kay."
  251. "...Love you."
  252. >"...Love you too."
  254. The next morning, Anon left for work and Rainbow got to work. By the time he was home, the house was spotless, though as he expected, the paddle was missing from under the bed....
  256. ...And was hidden in the closet... Just in case.

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