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Naughty Pie 1 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:14:54
Updated: 2022-03-20 17:59:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Naughty Pie 1 by Anon
  2. (Anon / Pinkie)
  3. M/F, hairbrush, otk, corner, consensual
  5. (08/02/2016)
  8. ---
  10. >you are Anon
  11. >You are on your way to Sugarcube corner
  12. >You have been Pinkie Pie's colt friend for almost one year now
  14. >tonight's the night
  15. >The Cakes are gone for the weekend, and Pinkie has got the whole place to herself
  16. >Even better, tomorrow is a holiday and Sugarcube Corner is closed
  17. >you feel nervous, but you can barely keep yourself under control
  18. >this is going to be a crazy night
  20. >She told you her fetish already
  21. >You can still picture her face turn bright red as she explains such an intimate detail about herself to you
  22. >She's embarrassed, but she trusts you
  23. >She tells you all about tonight, all about her ideas and plans for the two of you
  25. >They weirded you out at first
  26. >How could somepony actually LIKE this sort of thing, you wondered
  27. >But you love her, and even though you were nervous you agreed to try it out for her sake
  28. "Oh, thank you, Anon! Thank you, thank you! Mwah, mwah, mwah!" >She gave you kisses all over in appreciation.
  29. "I promise I'll have everything ready, Anon! Just come over after 10 o'clock and we can get started! Oooohhh, I'm so nervouscited! I mean, not too too nervous, just a little, you know? But A LOT excited!"
  31. >Now here you were, walking to Sugarcube Corner at night
  32. >And after you had a chance to think about it, you had to say, maybe there was something sexy about it
  33. >Having your marefriend so vulnerable, but her still loving every second of it
  35. >Maybe spanking isn't just for punishing naughty foals.
  37. >Right now the front door is staring back at you, waiting for you to knock
  38. >You take a deep breath, and knock on the door the special way that she told you to
  39. >Two knocks, pause, then two more knocks
  40. >You faintly hear hoofsteps from the other side of the door
  41. >Then you hear the doorknob jiggle, and the door cracks open
  43. >Pinkie Pie is standing there in the doorway
  44. >she looks, different
  45. >She's wearing a frilly pink bow in her hair, and there's a nervous little smile on her face
  46. >You also look down and see she's wearing a little dress
  47. > the lacy fabric comes down just a little past her dock and partway down her tail
  48. > you walk inside, and quick as a whip she closes the door
  50. "Hi, Anon..."
  52. >she sounds a little nervous
  53. >You can see the blush on her cheeks
  54. >But you also notice she's bouncing just a little on her hooves
  55. >barely containing her enthusiasm
  57. "I know I said to I'd be ready at 10, but..."
  59. >she stops, and like a filly caught with her hoof in the cookie jar, she lowers her head and flops her ears back
  61. "I didn't get all the baking sheets cleaned up, and the counter is still dirty..."
  63. >she glances up at you intermittently while she speaks
  65. "I'm really sorry, Anon. I was lazy..."
  67. >For a half second, you begin to feel sorry for your marefriend
  68. >she must be so nervous, you think to yourself
  69. >You almost try to reassure her and let her know it's ok
  71. >then it hits you like a ton of bricks
  72. >Pinkie might look sad, but when you take a closer look it becomes clear
  73. >She's trying very hard not to smile
  74. >and failing
  76. "Are you mad at me, Anon?"
  78. >She inflects her voice in such a way that it sounds like she's a little filly
  79. >and like she's expecting a specific answer
  81. >your crotch starts to grow hotter
  82. >Pinkie Pie knows how to push your buttons in all the right ways
  83. >you start to reply
  85. "Pinkie... Ahem"
  87. >you clear your throat
  88. >you know what you're going to say, but it still feels odd
  89. >but your growing boner takes charge
  91. "I am... Very disappointed in you. Young lady!"
  93. >You add in the last two words a little late
  94. >still need to get into your role
  96. >Pinkie Pie shrinks away from you, and she starts to stammer
  98. "Oh no, I'm sorry Anon! I didn't mean to!"
  100. >you surprise yourself with how fast you pick up her cues
  101. >You raise your voice
  103. "Yeah, well, sorry isn't good enough, missy!"
  105. >you point to the stairs
  107. "You go up to your room right now, young filly!"
  109. >god your boner is getting big fast
  110. >you're starting to really see the appeal of all of this
  112. "Oh no, please Anon! Please don't give me a spanking! I'll be a good girl, I promise!"
  114. >Her voice is hammy, overdramatic
  115. >And FUCK does it turn you on
  116. >you shout again
  118. "Then you be a good girl and go upstairs right now, young lady, and wait for me!"
  120. >your voice is surprisingly strict
  121. >then, you notice she is hesitating
  122. >she shakes her head like a truly scared little girl
  124. >but faintly, you see her smile again, and wink at you
  125. >it's still an act, you realize
  127. "Please don't make me, Anon! Please don't pull my ear and take me upstairs, please!"
  129. >okay, now she's giving you some obvious hints
  130. >guess thinks you need the help, you think with mild annoyance at yourself
  131. >but you roll with it
  133. "Oh, I think that's just what I'll do missy! Come here!"
  135. >you take a hold of her ear with your teeth
  136. >Pinkie squeaks
  137. >but she goes right with you as you begin to pull her ear, and carefully, walk to the stairs with her being pulled in tow
  139. "Owie! Ow, I'm sorry!"
  141. >She tilts her head and briskly walks over with you, her ear still in your mouth
  142. >you pull her along, but you also make sure you're not biting down too hard
  143. >this is getting hotter by the second
  145. >you walk backwards up the stairs, Pinkie "ow"ing all the way up
  147. >you've reached her room
  148. >now, it's time for step 2
  150. "So? Are you going to obey me now, Pinkie Pie?"
  152. >You wait for an answer
  153. >It takes her a couple of second, but with a hoof rubbing her ear she slowly nods her head
  155. "Uh huh. I'll obey you, Anon."
  157. >Her head is low and submissive to you
  158. >You have to admit, this is starting to click with you
  159. >You know damn well she can see your erection right now
  160. >You take a second to think to yourself about what to do next
  161. >When an idea strikes, your eyes open wide with a devious idea
  162. >You point to the corner
  164. "You're stand there, in the corner."
  166. >Pinkie's ears point up for a second
  167. >Her eyes seem to have a glow of approval in them for a second, but it goes away fast
  168. >Her ears go back down, and the act is still going on
  170. "But anon!"
  172. >She stamps her hoof like a filly about to throw a tantrum
  173. >Can't have none of that
  174. >Your dick twitches
  176. "Right now, missy! You said you would obey me, and right now, you're being... being a bad pony!"
  178. >Your scolding seems to work
  179. >Pinkie Pie frowns, but without talking back she walks over to the corner you pointed to
  181. >She pushed her nose in the corner obediently, looking at the wall
  182. >But that's not what you notice at all
  183. >Her tail is held high, and the bottom of the dress is short enough so you can see her ass
  184. >She's showing you her mare bits, obviously not even trying to hide them from you
  185. >With another dick twitch you realize her pussy is leaking all over her hind legs
  187. >Fuck, you could just start masturbating right now looking at her
  188. >But you need to save your energy
  189. >You force yourself to look around the room instead
  191. >It doesn't take long for you to notice something on her chair
  192. >right on the middle of the seat, there's a big wide plastic hairbrush
  193. >You know she put it there on purpose
  194. >Well ok then, Pinkie, you think with a grin. If that's what she wants, then that's what you're going to do
  196. "Anooon, how long do I have to stay in the cornerrr?"
  198. >She complains, stamping her back hoof again
  199. >More defiance
  200. >Gonna have to stop that
  202. "As long as I say, young lady! Now no talking!"
  204. "But Anooonn!"
  206. >Ohhhh, that filly's going to get it
  207. >You decide sit down in the chair now, where she obviously wants you to sit
  208. >Fuck it, if she doesn't want corner time, you'll just have to get started right now!
  210. "Well then, Pinkie Pie. If you don't want to do what I say, then I guess you can just come over here right now!"
  212. >You add in a thump of the hairbrush on the cushioned arm of her chair.
  213. >You're surprised how heavy the plastic thing actually feels
  214. >Seems like it could actually hurt a lot
  216. >Pinkie Pie turns around, and to your approval she starts over
  217. >She's dragging her hooves, though
  218. >You decide to let her
  219. >It makes her look so cute
  221. "Oh no, Anon! Please, please, please don't use my hairbrush! It'll really huuurt!"
  223. >More begging
  224. >Begging is disobedience
  225. >Still won't have none of that
  226. >You motion for her to come to you with your hoof
  228. "You deserve this, you bad filly! You keep disobeying me, and I'm losing my patience!"
  230. >Pinkie Pie wilts under your scolding
  231. >But reluctantly, she comes over to you
  232. >She gives you a puppy dog whine when you reach out to grab her front leg, to pull her onto your knee
  234. >But then you get another idea
  235. >You stop tugging Pinkie for a second as a devilish smile spreads across your mug
  236. >You get rid of it, though, adopting your role again
  238. "Take off your dress, missy."
  240. >Pinkie Pie gets a horrified facial expression
  241. >She pleads yet again
  243. "Oh no, please no, Anon! Not on my bare bottom!"
  245. >Can dicks explode?
  247. "Yes, Pinkie! Take off your dress right now! You said you would be a good girl, didn't you?"
  249. >The question puts her on the spot
  250. >Pinkie Pie stops, seemingly to think for a second
  251. >Then, she nods her head sadly.
  253. "Yes, Anon. I did say that..."
  255. "Then what are you waiting for? Take off your dress, young filly, and come over here!"
  257. >You sit and watch Pinkie Pie fumble around with the dress, apprehension on her face
  258. >But pretty soon, in record time you think, she strips off the frilly little dress and steps out
  259. >It's laying on the floor now
  261. >Pinkie Pie now stands in front of you, nude as the day she was born
  262. >Well, except for the bow in her hair
  263. >But you'll leave that there
  264. >Her hooves might leave marks in the floor the way she's dragging them over to the chair
  265. >You decide to speed things up
  267. >You reach out and grab her leg again, and forcefully jerk her over to you
  268. >Pinkie squeals, but she doesn't resist
  270. >You have to be honest
  271. >You have never tried to put a mare over your knee before, or anypony for that matter
  272. >You put down the hairbrush and try to place your marefriend over your lap
  273. >You also have to make sure you don't set her down on top of your raging boner
  274. >That might hurt a little bit
  276. >Surprisingly though, Pinkie Pie seem to try to assist you
  277. >She helps you get her up onto your knees, laying down without much fuss
  278. >Hell, she even makes herself more comfortable
  279. >Her head and flank are snug between the arms of her chair, and her warm belly is lying right over your lap
  280. >Right in front of your massive erection
  282. >And now that you're up close you can smell her dripping pussy now that her sizable plot is wagging under your nose
  284. >Some precum leaks out of your dick
  286. "Good girl, Pinkie. But now it's time to spank you now!"
  288. >You pick up the brush
  289. >Pinkie Pie's fat clit winks up at you
  291. >You don't know how hard to start
  292. >But you clap the hairbrush onto her butt with some good force behind it
  294. >Pinkie Pie gives you a yelp and a hiss once the brush leaves her bottom
  295. >Then you realize you forgot something
  296. >She waves her tail in front of her ass after you spank her the first time
  297. >It's like she's saying to you, "Hey, Anon! You forgot something, silly head!"
  299. >You know what to do
  300. >You grab hold of her tail and quickly pull it away
  301. >Pinkie gives you an "ouch!"
  302. >Oops
  303. >You didn't mean to tug on it so hard
  304. >But whatever
  306. >You have more important things to worry about
  308. >Now that her plot is unobstructed you begin to use the hairbrush to maximum effect
  309. >You spank your naughty marefriend right on the middle of her butt, over and over
  310. >The sound echoes around the walls like thunderclaps
  311. >Pinkie yelps some more
  312. >But she stays pretty still, not really struggling except for playfully kicking her hind legs a few times
  313. >She's hissing through her teeth
  314. >But it does seem like she actually enjoys what you are doing
  316. >You start switching sides when you spank
  317. >The rippling her butt makes every swat you give her is driving you crazy
  318. >And so are all the noises she's making
  320. "Owie! Ow! Owowouch!"
  322. >She wags her flank deliciously under your nose
  323. >Her pussy is positively soaked right now
  324. >It's winking a lot more now
  326. >You feel like an idiot for ever doubting Pinkie Pie before
  327. >This is the hottest thing you've ever done
  328. >And your sex life with her has always been very active
  330. >It's time to take it up a level, you decide
  332. >You swing faster and harder than before
  333. >The swats are so loud that you begin to wonder if ponies outside can hear
  334. >You understand why Pinkie Pie wanted to wait until her landlords were gone
  335. >She's loud enough during sex, but this is another thing entirely
  337. "OWIEEE!! Anon, that huuurts! Ahahoww!"
  339. >She's vocally complaining, but her body is saying otherwise
  340. >You feel her slick mare juices on your leg
  341. >She's making a mess everywhere
  342. >It's hard to see at first, but her pink butt is turning a warm sunset red
  343. >For some reason this turns you on even more
  345. >Her whines and complaints become gasps and squeaks
  346. >She even moans a few times
  347. >Her hind legs are doing little hoofy kicks, thudding against the arm of the chair
  348. >It's adorable
  350. "Are you learning something now, young lady?"
  352. >Your voice is shaky
  353. >You're trying to keep yourself under control, but it's hard
  354. >And so is your dick
  355. >Pinkie Pie answers through her cries
  357. "Yees! I'm learning! Owwwww!"
  359. >She flinches from a good spank near the bottom of her butt
  360. >You notice the reaction from smacking that spot is more intense
  361. >Must hurt more
  362. >So, you spank it again
  363. >And again
  364. >and again
  366. "Ow! Ouch, ohh, owww, OWIE OW OW!"
  368. >She's crying now, but her butt doesn't move from your lap
  369. >Except for some wriggling, at least
  370. >You follow up your last question with another one, feeling more precum dribble out of your erect cock
  372. "And what are you learning, huh? What are you learning, Pinkie?"
  374. >A sharp smack to the side of her butt
  375. >She lets out a long moan of pain, then stammers out her answer
  377. "To obeyy, and to OW! not be la-AZY and to OWW! do what you SAYY!"
  379. >You spank during the reply
  380. >She's going to pay the price for her rebellion from earlier
  381. >The power is getting to your head a little
  383. "I'll make sure you learn, Pinkie! We're gonna have a looong night!"
  385. >You keep it up
  386. >It seems like Pinkie is absorbing every spank you give her
  387. >She moves around your lap a bit, but like a good little filly she stays where she is
  389. >At this point you don't even know who is enjoying this more, you or Pinkie Pie
  390. >Her moans are getting longer and louder
  391. >And your dick can't take much more
  392. >Her buttcheeks are glowing like fire, too
  393. >You can sense the heat coming from them just by being near them
  395. "I'm sorry Anoon! I'm sorry for being naughtyyyy! OW! OWW, OH, OHH, OWIE!"
  397. >She's breathing harder
  398. >Getting harder to understand
  399. >Her tongue is hanging out, drooling
  400. >And her eyes are filled with tears
  402. >Your hoof is getting tired from spanking your marefriend so long
  403. >How long have you been here? Ten minutes? Fifteen? You lost track
  404. >Pinkie Pie doesn't look like she knows, either
  405. >It's been a while, though, surely
  407. >Then something happens
  408. >Pinkie's crimson red butt begins to quiver and shake on your lap
  410. "Anon! Oh, OH ANON! OW, OHMYGOSH, OWW, OWWWW!"
  412. >You know that sound
  413. >You know what's coming
  414. >And your response comes automatically
  415. >You start spanking the hairbrush down so fast you start to lose control
  417. >And once the onslaught of spanking begins, Pinkie's battered bottom loses control, too
  419. "AHAOOW! AH, AH, AHH, AHHH!"
  421. >Her pussy goes nuts
  422. >Clenching and squirting while her hips pound against your leg
  423. >She convulses like somepony shocked her with a cattle prod
  425. >And that's it
  426. >You've reached your limit of control
  427. >Seeing your marefriend totally lose it brings you over the edge, too
  428. >For the first time ever, you cum without anypony even touching you
  429. >You drop the hairbrush and lean back, letting your dick squirt over and over again
  430. >Your sperm lands on Pinkie's back and onto her tail held under your other hoof
  431. >It's adding to the mess all over the chair
  432. >And the rest leaks down onto your balls
  434. >cut to a minute later
  435. >The room smells smutty and feels like a humid jungle
  437. >Pinkie's plot is red as a cherry
  438. >And her back legs are sprawled out behind her
  439. >There's a dark, shiny wet spot below her crotch
  440. >And her fluffy tail is sticky from drops of your cum
  442. >Neither of you can speak right now
  444. "Oooh, ohhh, ohttp://www..."
  446. >Pinkie's lungs are heaving
  447. >Drool is leaving another wet spot on the armchair
  448. >She looks so tired
  450. >You open your eyes, recovering from your orgasm just like her
  451. >The semen on your balls is cooling down, making your dick feel soaking wet
  452. >You look down at the mare on your lap
  453. >The first thing you see is her ass
  454. >It's so red
  455. >It has to hurt a lot
  456. >But when you look over at Pinkie's face, all you see is satisfaction
  458. >Curiously you touch her flanks for the first time with your actual hoof
  459. >They're burning hot to the touch
  460. >Pinkie gasps when she feels your hoof on them
  461. >But she relaxes when you start to give them a massage
  463. >Oh wow
  464. >you can feel yourself getting hard all over again
  465. >Pinkie Pie seems to love this bit of aftercare
  466. >Your hoof digs into her cushy plot
  467. >Rubbing into the skin deep
  468. >Pinkie gives you a high pitched moan in appreciation
  470. "Ohh, Anon, ohhh..."
  472. >She squirms, and with some time she gets her back legs off the chair seat
  473. >She pushes her red rear up with her hind hooves, raising her butt up in your face
  474. >It reminds you of how a cat stretches
  475. >Smiling, you keep rubbing her flank
  477. "Ohhh, thank you Anon! Thank you so much..."
  479. >Pinkie sounds so grateful
  480. >She's so happy you spanked her
  481. >It's so awesomely weird
  482. >You chuckle
  484. "You're welcome, Pinkie. I had fun, too. Phew!"
  486. >You sound serious
  487. >Pinkie smiles
  489. >While your hoof is busy tending her rump she turns her head
  490. >Her eyes grow wide when she notices your stallion sausage
  491. >Then she smiles
  492. >It's one of those "I'm up to something" smiles
  494. "Heehee! Looks like I'm not the only one who got messy!"
  496. >She stares at your dick
  497. >You see a scheme atwinkle in her eyes
  499. >Her tongue hags out again
  500. >She gives you her best "bedroom eyes"
  501. >Then she asks you a question
  503. "Want me to clean you up?"
  505. >The question takes a second to make sense
  506. >When it does, your semi hard meat springs back out to attention
  507. >She sees it and giggles
  509. "I'll take that as a yes!"
  511. >She slides out of the chair, and before you know it, she's leaning into your crotch face first with her front hooves on the seat between your legs
  513. >Her face is right next to your cock
  514. >You feel your heart begin to race again
  515. >Pinkie licks her lips
  517. "Heehee, don't worry, Anon. I'll clean you right up."
  519. >She sticks out her tongue, and slowly, she licks the glob of semen off of the bottom of your cock
  520. >You let out a gasp
  521. >Pinkie hears it, and smiles
  523. "Mmm. Here you go, Anon! Round two for you!"
  525. >And just like that, Pinkie eagerly takes the whole thing in her mouth
  527. >It's not close to over yet
  528. >Your night is just getting started
  529. >And there's one thing that is now very clear to you
  531. >You have the best marefriend in the whole wide world.
  533. THE END

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