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Old Fashioned Wife 1 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:16:30
Updated: 2022-03-20 17:59:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Old Fashioned Wife 1 by Anon
  2. (Anon / Pinkie Pie)
  4. (29/07/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >you love your wife, Pinkie Pie
  10. >love her until the day you die
  11. >but there are times when she just does things
  12. >and the second she does them, they result in a big fat mess
  13. >it can be pretty annoying
  14. >but you love her anyway
  16. >but tonight, this wasn’t a mess
  17. >this was a big deal
  18. >bigger than a mess
  20. >forgetting to set the alarm on the oven
  21. >and leaving something inside of it
  22. >By the time you discovered it, it was almost too late
  23. >big clouds of black smoke, the cake was set completely on fire
  24. >it spread to the counter
  25. >if there wasn’t a big fire extinguisher in that kitchen and a deep sink to dump the burned cake in, you might be homeless
  27. >You’re sitting on the couch now
  28. >head in your hooves
  29. >bent down, just thinking
  30. >recovering from that very stressful ordeal
  31. >The oven is a black hollow, unusable
  32. >and across from you, Pinkie Pie sits in another chair
  34. >She’s crying, but quietly to herself
  35. >She hasn’t said a word since you quenched the fire with the sink
  36. >she’s afraid to look at you
  38. >You are mad, honestly
  39. >she’s been quite forgetful in the past
  40. >but until now, you’ve both been lucky
  41. >her brain just moves at a million miles an hour
  42. >moving from one thing to the next
  43. >and it’s getting her (and you) in a lot of trouble lately
  45. >Pinkie wipes her weepy eyes
  46. >”I’m so, soooo sorry, Anon.”
  48. >You say nothing back
  49. >you’re still trying to calm down
  50. >you don’t want to shout at her
  51. >she feels bad about this already
  52. >you don’t have to make her feel even worse
  54. >She whispers
  55. >”Are you mad at me?”
  57. >should you shake your head, say no?
  58. >You decide to tell the truth.
  59. >You nod
  60. >”Yes. I am.”
  62. >Pinkie sinks into the chair, looking guilty
  63. >the thought of making you mad at her is a big deal to the pink pony
  64. >all she wants to do is make you happy, after all
  65. >You don’t stop it at that, though.
  67. >”Pinkie… you could’ve burned the house down. All because you forgot about the oven, again. What were you even doing that made you forget?”
  68. >You sound like a father scolding his filly
  69. >She’s an adult, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself but talk like this to her
  70. >Sometimes, she does act a little like a filly
  71. >innocent
  73. >It’s hard to be mad at somepony so sweet and good natured
  74. >but she needs a wakeup call
  75. >no more “no, it’s ok sweetie” stuff
  76. >this was serious
  78. >Pinkie Pie is broken up over it
  79. >she stammers
  80. >”I-I have n-no idea how I forgot. I was just… I’m sorry.”
  81. >she bows her head to you
  83. >Pinkie is crying
  84. >you watch her from the couch just start to lose it
  85. >you know she’s not just doing it for sympathy
  86. >she feels awful
  87. >she’s the kind of mare who owns up to her mistakes
  88. >takes responsibility fully
  90. >You don’t need to be harsh with her
  91. >she’s hard enough on herself about all of this
  92. >feeling for her, you reach your hoof out to her
  93. >A good warm hug will help de escalate the situation, you think
  94. >you speak softly
  95. >”Hey, come here, Pinkie.”
  97. >The pink pony looks up through her big, shiny eyes at you
  98. >when she see your hoof, you think she’ll maybe cheer up a little
  99. >know you aren’t furious with her
  100. >but that’s not what happens
  102. >instead, you see her ears flop back
  103. >she stares for a couple of seconds
  104. >swallows
  105. >it looks like she’s hesitating to even get up
  106. >she’s low to the floor when she starts to walk over
  108. >your face is blank
  109. >confused
  110. >why is she acting like this?
  111. >maybe she’s feeling so bad that she doesn’t even feel like she deserves a hug?
  112. >Poor thing.
  114. >”Ok, ‘non…I’m coming...”
  115. >She sounds like she is trying not to sob
  116. >she takes a couple more steps
  117. >but she’s off to your side
  118. >walking to the space next to you, it seems like
  119. >confused, you beckon to her again
  120. >say almost with a whisper, “Come on, come here, sweetie”
  122. >then, though, something happens that you did not expect
  123. >She hurries forward with a gentle squeak, like your gentle beckoning to her to come to you was barked at her like a command
  124. >and then, before you can reach around her and pull her in
  125. >she avoids your hoof
  126. >slides under it
  127. >and bewilders you with what she does next
  129. >She leans over the couch cushions
  130. >and starts to crawl over you where you’re seated
  131. >right on top of your lap
  132. >and then, with your hooves up high beside your head with surprise, she drops down on top of your lap
  133. >laying down horizontally
  135. >You sit there for at least ten seconds in shock
  136. >not the kind of adrenaline pumping shock
  137. >just the “what the hell just happened” kind
  138. >You simply stare down at your wife, who is laying across your knees
  139. >sure, she’s sometimes a pretty weird pony >but this just doesn’t make ANY sense to you
  140. >She’s got her face hidden in her hooves and her eyes shut tight
  141. >like she’s bracing herself for impact
  143. >The only thing you can say when you see her is, "Uhh, what are you doing, Pinkie Pie?"
  145. >She gasps
  146. >then she looks up at you
  147. >over her shoulder
  148. >she cringes, you can feel on your legs
  149. >She starts stammering again
  151. >"Oh! I, uh, ummm, I just..."
  152. >She is blushing red as a rose
  153. >But she stays still on your legs
  154. >"I just assumed you were, that you were gonna... since you were m-mad and you wanted me to come over, you were gonna... punish me."
  156. >The party pony is looking at you with a dead serious expression
  157. >Your wife is bad at sarcasm
  158. >and even though you've barely been married 6 months, you know when she is joking around
  159. >now wasn't that time
  161. >For a while you don't breathe
  162. >too shocked to speak
  163. >Except...
  165. >"WHAT?"
  167. >You can't believe what you just heard
  168. >Now, all of a sudden you realize what she was doing
  169. >you can't believe it
  170. >a husband, to his wife? Doing THAT to her?
  171. >If you ever had foals, then maybe you'd do something like that to THEM when they acted up
  172. >but your wife?
  173. >what was this, the middle ages?
  175. >It's official, you married a crazy pony.
  176. >You have so many questions on your mind to ask right now
  177. >but you'll start simple
  179. >"Ok, ok... Pinkie. I just... let's take a step back for a second."
  180. >you gently push on her belly
  181. >telling her silently to get up
  182. >she does, and sits in front of you
  183. >she's still blushing, and breathing hard
  184. >Your gaze meets her eyes
  185. >"Why, in all of Equestria, do you think I was going to do something like... THAT, to you?"
  187. >Now, Pinkie Pie is also looking confused at you
  188. >Her answer is innocent sounding
  190. >"I t-told you, because you were really mad and I almost burned the house down, and th-then you told me to come to you, so I just thought you were going to... spank me."
  192. >Once again, there is no joking bone in Pinkie Pie's body right now
  193. >She's completely serious
  194. >All you can do is stare at her, right now
  196. >Where to even begin?
  198. >"Pinkie, why on earth do you think I would ever do something like that to you? Where ever did you get an idea like that from?"
  200. >Pinkie Pie seems so confused right now
  201. >Like the questions you're asking are in a different language or something
  202. >But she answers
  203. >speaking quietly and looking at you with tears still in her eyes
  205. >"I... b-but I don't get it. That's what my daddy did to MY mom... and my Aunt Shale's husband did to her when she was out of line..."
  207. >Hoooly crap
  208. >Now, this all makes sense
  209. >Not just this, tonight, oh no
  212. >You weren't a domineering kind of pony
  213. >When you ran into Pinkie Pie, you fell in love with her for who she was
  214. >And she trusted you, totally
  215. >But boy, was she submissive to you
  216. >you didn't demand that of her
  217. >She just was that way
  218. >and now, you understand why
  220. >You don’t even think Pinkie knows how weird that is
  221. >understands how other ponies who are together relate when they’re angry
  222. >poor pony thinks that you’ll smack her ass repeatedly if she does something wrong
  223. >just like her parents
  224. >your heart aches
  226. >”Oh. Ok then. But I’m not gonna do that, Pinkie. Even if that’s what you did back home…”
  228. >Pinkie cocks her head at you
  229. >She asks you a question delicately
  230. >”Wait, so… back home? So, are you saying that other ponies don’t do that? Then how do stallions punish their wives around here, then?”
  232. >Fuck, that’s a weird question for you
  233. >like it’s from a different dimension
  234. >she’s so innocent when she asks it
  235. >you can’t believe she really thought that wife spanking was considered normal
  236. >You laugh nervously
  237. >”Uhhh, they… don’t?”
  239. >Pinkie Pie’s eyes widen
  240. >she looks at you like you just sprouted a second head
  241. >”What!? But, b-but… how do they make sure their wives obey them, then?”
  243. >How far away from Ponyville was this rock farm, again?
  245. >”Uhh, they… don’t?”
  247. >Pinkie seems to ponder this for a while
  248. >Her lips purse together
  249. >she thinks, eyebrow raised
  250. >you always thought she looked adorable when she was contemplative
  251. >Finally she shakes her head gravely
  253. >“I don’t get it. That just seems so… so, wrong!”
  255. >You knew her family was old fashioned, but this was so foreign to you that you don’t even know what to say
  256. >culturally, Pinkie’s ideas of marriage are way, waaay different than you ever thought they were
  257. >You sigh, uncertainly
  259. >”Ok, Pinkie. So, lemme get this straight. You think that, because you’re my wife, you have to always do whatever I say?”
  261. >Pinkie’s eyes narrow
  262. >like you asked her a stupid question
  263. >she nods many times
  264. >”Well, yeah! Of course.”
  266. >This is so weird
  267. >you keep up your line of questioning
  268. >”Ok. And always doing whatever I say, always obeying me… you’re ok with that? Like, do you feel happy doing that?”
  270. >Again, Pinkie’s expression is like you are a crazy pony
  271. >She nods again
  272. >”Uhh, yeah! Why wouldn’t I? I love you!”
  275. >Something happens in your brain when you hear her say that
  276. >A realization
  277. >The fact she wanted to marry you, thinking what she thinks now
  278. >thinking that she had to always obey you
  279. >and yet, she married you anyway
  280. >The amount of trust she has in you, just…
  281. >blows your mind
  282. >you take a long breath in and out
  284. >You honestly have to admit that you are flattered right now
  285. >more than you ever have been in your life.
  287. >still you have your own thoughts on this matter
  288. >but you don’t want to tell Pinkie them word for word
  289. >tell her that her ideas are old fashioned, ridiculous
  290. >You know she’s still feeling bad about almost burning the house down
  291. >and rejecting her notions right now, could really, really hurt her
  292. >make her feel like you’re rejecting her love and devotion outright
  293. >you don’t want to do that to her
  295. >You also still have one question
  296. >the thing you are still weirded out by
  297. >”And if you disobey, or do something wrong… you expected me to spank you for it?”
  299. >This time, Pinkie Pie nods less eagerly
  300. >her ears flop back
  301. >but still, she’s totally sincere
  302. >”Uh huh. When I was a filly growing up, that’s what my daddy told me had to happen sometimes. He told me that sometimes, a husband had to love his wife enough to put her back in line when she needs it, even if she doesn’t like it. Just like whenever he had to spank me or Limestone or Marble or Maud.”
  303. >she says matter of factly
  305. >Oh, no.
  306. >you go over what she just said in your head
  307. >and you realize the implications of it
  308. >”a husband has to love his wife enough…”
  310. >This feels so twisted to you
  311. >so, if a husband DOESN’T punish his wife, “when she needs it” then according to what Pinkie believes
  312. >he doesn’t love her enough?
  314. >You ask the next question very, very carefully
  315. >”So, Pinkie, tonight… when you thought I was going to punish you, did you…... think you “needed it?”
  317. >The pink pony looks at you with her eyes beginning to tear up
  318. >She hesitates
  319. >but somehow, you know what her answer was going to be
  320. >you cringe when she says it
  321. >”Uh huh. A… a lot.”
  323. >Now you’re in deep water
  324. >up a creek without… or with a paddle
  325. >what do you even tell her?
  326. >that wife spanking isn’t on the table
  327. >tell her that you aren’t like that
  329. >and
  330. >basically reject her whole upbringing, her ideas of her married life
  331. >and risk offending her and insulting her whole family’s traditions
  332. >and in her mind, “not love her enough”
  333. >be culturally insensitive
  335. >oooorrr
  336. >do you just… do it?
  338. >You want to ignore option B completely
  339. >but the more you think about it, the more you see
  340. >she says she’s happy doing what she is doing now
  341. >content with obeying you
  342. >does it because she loves you
  344. >Pinkie Pie is stifling herself
  345. >but she’s crying
  346. >you see her teary eyes
  347. >she’s waiting for you to make a decision
  349. >You feel sick to your stomach
  350. >how in the world are you actually considering this right now?
  351. >how did you get to this point?
  352. >You sigh
  353. >your hooves are shaking
  354. >You ask her, seriously as you can
  356. >”Pinkie, please be 100% honest with me, ok? Is this what you really want? Are you really, truly happy with this? With us, just the way it has been?”
  357. >Pinkie Pie’s eyes light up
  358. >She licks a tear off her lip
  359. >and she nods her head
  360. >no hesitation
  362. >”Uh huh. I am, Anon. PINKIE Promise.”
  364. >Your heart beats hard
  365. >you gulp
  366. >she treats those promises so seriously it isn’t even funny
  367. >she means it
  369. >here it comes, the big question
  370. >the question you never thought you would ask her in a million years
  372. >”And if I punished you, for what happened tonight… would you feel better about all of this?”
  374. >Pinkie Pie shivers
  375. >She looks down at your lap
  376. >her head slowly begins to nod
  378. >”Uh huh. I-it would, Anon.”
  380. >there it is
  381. >the final answer
  382. >you can’t believe what it is you are about to do
  383. >but if this is what she truly wants
  384. >both tonight and in general
  385. >feels she deserves
  386. >you decided you’re going to do it.
  388. >Sigh
  389. >”Ok, Pinkie Pie. I’ll do it.”
  391. >there it is
  392. >the final answer
  393. >you can’t believe what it is you are about to do
  394. >but if this is what she truly wants
  395. >both tonight and in general
  396. >feels she deserves
  397. >you decided you’re going to do it.
  399. >Sigh
  400. >”Ok, Pinkie Pie. I’ll do it.”
  402. >Her mixed emotions when you say this show up on her big, expressive face
  403. >for a quick second you see her eyes and ears perk up
  404. >but then, she looks fearful
  405. >A tear drops down
  406. >She looks at you tensely
  407. >”Yes, Anon.”
  409. >You don’t even have to ask her
  410. >she starts walking over to you
  411. >eyeing your lap
  412. >you decide you’re just going to let her do her thing
  413. >she obviously knows how it’s done
  415. >Pinkie gets back into the same position she was in before
  416. >laying across your knees
  417. >whole body on the couch
  418. >rear hooves pointed away to the window
  419. >head next to your lap on the couch
  421. >Holy fuck this is awkward
  422. >your only experience with spankings was a couple of times as a colt
  423. >and they weren’t like this
  424. >not as formal, just a few spanks standing up
  425. >you honestly don’t even know what to do next
  426. >should you just… start smacking her butt now?
  428. >You’re hesitant to do anything to her as it is
  429. >you don’t want to do it in a way she won’t approve
  431. >”Uhh, so… hey, Pinkie? I want to do this right, so… where you’re from, how do husbands do it exactly?”
  433. >It’s so weird asking her this question when she’s laying down over your lap
  434. >you don’t know how hard to spank
  435. >you don’t know how long
  436. >you don’t know anything!
  438. >Pinkie Pie is super tense right now
  439. >understandably
  440. >but she starts calmly answering your question
  441. >trying not to cry already
  443. >”Well… my daddy had a big, old wooden hairbrush. He used that, but…”
  445. >Ok, this was already crazy enough
  446. >If you were going to do this, there was no way in hell some hairbrush was factoring into that
  447. >You switch the topic quickly
  449. >”Oh. Well… ahem. So, and how long did he do it for?”
  451. >if this is going to be a punishment, you don’t want it to just be a few slaps and done
  452. >at least, if you’re even gonna do it at all
  453. >that would probably just make things worse
  454. >make her think you’re just half assing it
  455. >You really don’t want to do this, still
  456. >You start second guessing yourself
  457. >But you decide to stick with your decision, for her sake
  459. >She replied, shyly
  460. >”I-I don’t know… he did it a long time. They hurt a lot, they were supposed to.”
  462. >She grabs the couch with her hoof
  463. >bracing herself
  464. >Pinkie knows that telling you this could mean worse things for her
  465. >but she’s still telling you
  466. >that says something
  468. >What did you get yourself into?
  470. >Well, whatever it is you’re going to do to her, it can be done with your hoof
  471. >you aren’t using some big hairbrush on her
  472. >never
  474. >You are just not going to think about it
  475. >Fuck it.
  477. >She's obedient to you
  478. >keeping her tail away from her posterior
  479. >now, she’s just waiting
  480. >you decide that she shouldn’t have to wait any longer
  481. >but still, you’ll give her a warning
  483. >”Ok, Pinkie. I’m just going to do it now, until… until you’ve learned your lesson.”
  485. >Fuck
  486. >that was the most awkward thing that’s ever come out of your mouth
  487. >that came all the way back from your foalhood days
  488. >your own parents
  489. >You feel like you’re talking to your own wife like a child
  491. >Pinkie Pie, though, doesn’t seem to think the same way
  492. >She nods her head and hides her face
  493. >”O-ok. Yes, Anon.”
  495. >Poor pony
  496. >you don’t know how you’ll live with yourself
  497. >Let’s just get this over with
  498. >You lift your hoof up
  499. >Pinkie senses it and squeaks
  500. >she shuts her eyes
  502. >No more delaying
  503. >You aim at her butt, which is perched on your knee
  504. >Sticking out
  505. >And then
  506. >you swing it down
  507. >onto her butt
  508. >and it makes a sharp, hard SMACK!
  510. >”Yow!”
  511. >Pinkie Pie’s yelp follows the spank right away
  512. >But to your shock she stays perfectly still
  514. >you don’t want to wait too long
  515. >might make you think too much
  516. >or think AT ALL
  517. >Another harsh SMACK!
  519. >”OUCH!”
  520. >Pinkie exclaims again
  521. >You hear her cries, but she’s still not moving
  523. >You guess you’re doing it right?
  524. >Well, you can’t stop after two spanks
  525. >so, you give her another one
  526. >SMACK!
  528. >”Ah!”
  529. >This time, her hoof back hoof moves a little bit
  530. >kicks, but just barely
  531. >You do it again, and again
  535. >”Ow, ow! OW!”
  537. >SMACK!
  539. >”Aow!”
  541. >SMACK!
  543. >”Oow! Uh, uhuuuhh”
  545. >Then you hear it
  546. >she’s starting to cry
  547. >little sobs
  549. >You honestly just want to stop now
  550. >But something inside you says not to do that
  551. >the words “he did it a long time” echo in your mind
  552. >This has barely been any time at all
  554. >smack goes your hand
  555. >over and over again
  556. >And Pinkie’s getting a lot louder
  557. >Even though, she hasn't moved an inch on you
  559. >You're just going to keep going.
  561. >The pink mare rubs one leg with the other
  562. >yips and yells every time your hoof gives her butt a stinging smack
  563. >shivers and sobs
  564. >but she refuses to struggle
  565. >apart from some twitching
  566. >she’s so sweet and kind and affectionate
  567. >you hate hearing her in pain, and crying
  568. >You’ve been trying to ignore it, but it’s not easy
  570. >”Yowch! Oww! OWW!”
  572. >You’re getting in a rhythm
  573. >left, right, middle
  574. >left, right, middle
  575. >it seems like it’s working
  576. >based on Pinkie Pie’s tears
  577. >you’re watching closely
  578. >paying attention to her butt
  579. >you don’t want to leave a bruise
  580. >so far, it’s hard to tell that you even did anything
  581. >her backside is pink, after all
  582. >You can only imagine what a big hairbrush would do to her
  583. >You try not to think about that
  585. >Pinkie Pie just submits to it all
  586. >she’s so tense
  587. >you can tell she wants to move
  588. >but she isn’t
  589. >you can only imagine what’s going through her mind right now
  590. >wanting to please you
  591. >wanting to take the punishment she feels like she deserves
  592. >such a heavy weight on her mind
  596. >”Uhhuhhoow! Oww! OWIEEE!”
  598. >That’s when she moves, for the first time
  599. >Shakes her butt away from you
  600. >kicks her hooves
  602. >All of a sudden, it’s like she’s about to have a panic attack
  603. >she gasps
  604. >Starts stammering
  606. >”I-Im-m sorry! Sorry, Anon! I won’t kick anymore, I’m sorry!”
  608. >Oh, jeez
  609. >you didn’t even say anything
  610. >since she’s submissive with everything else, it only makes sense
  611. >she feels like she has to totally submit to this spanking, too
  612. >to her, struggling is disobedience
  613. >your heart is breaking
  614. >you almost stop right there
  615. >call it a night, give your wife the biggest, warmest hug and kiss you’ve ever given
  617. >but before you do that, something occurs to you
  618. >a thought, that makes you groan inwardly
  619. >if you stop now
  620. >then she’ll think you’re stopping because you don’t think she can take it
  621. >because you feel sorry for her
  622. >not because you think, as you said before, that she “learned her lesson”
  623. >And it still hasn’t been much time
  625. >You never want to do this again
  627. >”It’s ok, Pinkie. A-are you, doing ok?”
  628. >god, that seems like a stupid question
  629. >she’s crying while being spanked!
  630. >”Doing ok?” are you retarded?
  632. >But she cries out a teary eyed response
  633. >She nods her head
  634. >Her poofy mane isn’t as poofy anymore
  635. >”Y-yes, Anoonnn…”
  637. >You’ll take that with a grain of salt
  638. >You’re starting to see a little bit of darker pink on her plump tush
  639. >It’s obvious she’s in pain
  640. >but you have to go on
  641. >at least a little while more
  643. >You’ve been spanking the same spots this whole time
  644. >Leaving small dark pink circles on her butt
  645. >You decide that you’ll start spanking lower
  646. >You aim, and SMACK! goes your hoof
  648. >Pinkie yelps, and her back hooves do a little wiggle
  649. >but she doesn’t kick
  650. >you spank the other cheek, same spot
  651. >she hiccups and sobs into her legs
  653. >Several more swats and Pinkie is really starting to cry
  654. >Before it was softer, held back
  655. >now it’s more open
  656. >Instead of kicking or moving her butt anywhere, Pinkie Pie shuffles her legs up and down each other
  657. >”Owwowowoww!”
  659. >But she hasn’t begged at all
  660. >pleaded for you to stop
  661. >even said your name
  662. >Your poor wife still must feel so guilty
  663. >and knowing how submissive she is, she’d probably lay right here all night long
  664. >take whatever punishment you give her
  665. >Because that’s what she thinks she has to do
  667. >You love her
  668. >and you’re so glad she married you
  669. >not some other stallion
  670. >because you will never abuse her trust of you
  671. >never go too far just because she’ll let you
  672. >which is why you have to stop, now
  674. >But first, you’re going to follow through with your promise to her from the beginning
  675. >your promise that you would spank her until she “learned her lesson” or whatever
  676. >So, you stop smacking her ass and ask a big question
  678. >So, Pinkie, have you learned your lesson yet?”
  680. >Pinkie Pie can’t answer you right away
  681. >But you’re just happy to be done with this whole thing
  682. >she’ll just say yes
  683. >and then as soon as she does you’ll let her up and give her a desperately needed hug
  685. >Finally she speaks, through sobs
  687. >”I-I, I h-haven’t… I don’t think I have yet, Anooonn, I’m sorryyy…”
  689. >Oh, fuck.
  691. >You weren’t planning on this happening.
  692. >How long did these things take for her family?
  693. >With a hairbrush?
  694. >WHAT?
  696. >Screw it, you’re going to try reasoning with her
  698. >”Pinkie, sweetie, why do you think that?”
  700. >ironic
  701. >she’s the one being spanked
  702. >but you’re the one basically begging for it to be over
  703. >She cries some more
  704. >wipes her face on the couch
  705. >thing is covered in tears
  706. >her butt is light red, too
  707. >she’s been spanked plenty, right?
  708. >Right?
  710. >”I alm-most burned the house down… a-again… uhhhuuhuhhh… we coulda been on the street c-cuz of me…”
  712. >so that’s it, then
  713. >You just haven’t done it hard enough
  714. >she thinks she just deserves more
  715. >this is crazy
  716. >horrible
  718. >You can’t believe it, but you have to keep going
  719. >You sigh, try to calm your fast beating heart
  720. >mentally brace yourself
  721. >after all of this, you are going to have a talk with her
  722. >a REAL talk
  723. >God, this poor pony
  725. >”Ok, Pinkie. I’m gonna keep going, ok?”
  727. >Pinkie Pie shivers on your lap
  728. >she nods obediently
  729. >”O-ok… yes, Anooon”
  731. >no time to sit and think
  732. >you have a job you promised her you would do
  733. >You raise your hoof, and spank her again
  735. >You get back to the rhythm, and pretty soon she’s sobbing all over again
  736. >her posterior is heating up
  737. >and even though she’s doing her best
  738. >she still sometimes just has to shuffle her hooves
  739. >but she never moves her flanks
  740. >makes sure that they’re always in the same place
  741. >ready for the next swat
  742. >her butt has to be on fire
  743. >It sure looks that way
  745. >Your hoof is starting to burn, too
  746. >You think a morbid thought
  747. >No wonder her dad used a hairbrush instead
  748. >but you can’t even imagine how much that thing would hurt the sweet pony on your lap
  750. >Pinkie lifts her head when you spank her on the bottom part of her butt
  751. >cries out loudly, freely
  752. >Her puffy hair is getting in her face
  753. >tears are getting it wet
  754. >you honestly don’t know if you should stop now or not
  756. >You don’t have a clock
  757. >But you guess it’s been a couple of minutes
  758. >does that count as a long time?
  759. >Her bottom is getting redder
  760. >you don’t know
  761. >you honestly wish Pinkie gave you a time amount
  762. >so you could do half of that
  763. >without that fucking hairbrush
  765. >your mind keeps going back to that brush
  766. >but it’s only now that you are starting to realize something
  767. >Pinkie, bless her heart, is probably used to a spanking from THAT thing
  768. >not from your measly little hoof
  769. >and even though she’s crying, she’s still in control of herself
  770. >And she’s a pretty loud and noisy pony to begin with
  772. >Oh crap.
  773. >It’s no wonder she doesn’t feel like it’s enough.
  774. >But what that means for you is…
  776. >No, you won’t do that
  777. >No hairbrush
  778. >But you have an idea
  779. >And it’s still not one you like.
  781. >You need to lay down the law, and go full at it
  782. >Or she’ll never feel ok with what you’re giving her
  784. >You take a deep breath and aim your hoof
  785. >Then, you begin spanking much faster
  788. >”Uhhuhh, OWW! Ouch, oowww, ow ow ow! OW!”
  790. >Pinkie’s cries suddenly get louder
  791. >Less sniffly, more bawly
  792. >Your hoof leaves some little red prints on her tush
  793. >They make you wince, and your stomach feels bad
  794. >But she doesn’t move
  795. >even though her hooves are twitching and the rest of her body is so tense
  796. >the now blubbering pony still stays there, across your lap
  797. >taking the punishment she (thinks) deserves
  799. >And the beat goes on and on
  801. >You force yourself to just stick with it
  802. >follow through with every spank
  803. >Your hoof stings and is turning red, too
  804. >but it’s nothing compared to how Pinkie’s backside looks
  805. >your spanks are now painting temporary white hoofprints that fade back into red
  806. >like pressing against a sunburn
  808. >then she kicks, again
  809. >just a single time
  810. >but she reacts in the same way as before
  811. >choking and crying
  812. >”Ssorry! Sorry, ahoww, I’m sorry…”
  814. >You ignore that
  815. >you can’t tell her right now, exactly
  816. >but you don’t care if she kicks
  817. >struggles
  818. >you won’t punish her worse for something like that
  820. >The clock keeps ticking on
  821. >and you don’t think you can take much more of this
  822. >not anymore than she can
  823. >You are spanking her seriously, no holds barred
  824. >disregarding the stinging in your own hoof
  825. >and now, Pinkie is howling
  826. >crying without trying to keep herself calm or quiet at all
  827. >her mouth is gaping open
  828. >tears are turning her face red, too
  832. >that’s when she starts to squirm anyway
  833. >under your spanks, she begins to move her butt
  834. >not much, but despite all of her best tries, she can’t help it anymore
  835. >you don’t think she even knows that she’s doing it
  836. >Because, well, she’s still doing it
  837. >and that makes your heart shatter
  838. >knowing she's in that much pain right now
  839. >it's just...
  841. >That’s it. Enough.
  842. >You spank her a few more times, and stop
  844. >Pinkie Pie is crying brokenly
  845. >Her butt is an angry, burning red
  846. >she’s sliding her hooves back and forth
  847. >over the couch cushion
  848. >but she suddenly stops
  849. >goes rigid
  850. >and she starts stuttering yet again
  852. >”I’m ss-sorry, I didn’t realize, I-I’ll stop! I won’t mo-ove!”
  854. >Oh god, that’s it
  855. >you aren’t giving her one more spank
  856. >you refuse
  857. >you know what you’re going to do
  859. >You pick her up, lifting around her underside
  860. >Pinkie’s still weeping
  861. >her spanked tail end fiery red
  862. >you lift the plump pony up
  863. >slide her over your lap
  864. >and hug her tight with both arms
  866. >The poor thing hiccups and sobs
  867. >but when she sees you are hugging her, she latches onto you like a filly
  868. >squeezes you hard
  869. >hugging you around your shoulders
  871. >You feel tears in your eyes
  872. >as well as the tears of your wife on your shoulder
  873. >her mane is wet
  874. >the poof in her pretty hair much less than usual
  875. >You rub her back lovingly
  876. >right between her shoulders
  878. >”I’m-m sorryy! Waahahaaa!”
  880. >You feel so sorry for her
  881. >she’s in pain in more ways than one
  882. >your mouth is right next to her ear
  883. >you talk into it
  885. >”Pinkie, sweetie, it’s ok, now! It’s over, shhh, it’s over, I’m done. I’m not mad at you, you’re ok, shhh”
  886. >You pat her back and nuzzle her mane
  887. >The pink pony melts into your hug
  888. >begging for forgiveness
  889. >her rear legs squirm
  890. >probably from the pain in her bottom
  891. >you can feel how hot it is now that it’s touching your lap
  893. >you cringe
  894. >hug Pinkie tighter
  895. >you really did it to her hard
  896. >you are starting to regret ever going through with this
  898. >you wait for Pinkie’s cries to quiet down
  899. >and eventually, they do
  901. >Pinkie Pie finally relaxes a little bit
  902. >You rock the poor mare back and forward
  903. >she doesn’t let go
  904. >you nuzzle her again, wiping tears on her mane as you do
  905. >then, you relax your hold
  906. >let the whimpering pony lean back
  907. >and you give her a wet, deep kiss
  909. >Air sniffs through Pinkie’s runny nose
  910. >she’s definitely surprised
  911. >but she “mmphs” with pleased shock when you plant your lips on hers
  912. >And with another tear spilling down her face
  913. >she closes her eyes and kisses you back
  915. >you keep the tender moment going
  916. >she sometimes has to gasp for air
  917. >her nose is too stuffy
  918. >but she goes right back to kissing you once she gets a breath
  920. >eventually, you force yourself to break the kiss
  921. >you have other business with her that you need to discuss
  922. >desperately
  923. >you never want to do this again
  925. >You start to gently move Pinkie off your lap
  926. >”Ok, Pinkie Pie. Can you just, I dunno, sit next to me? We have to talk.”
  928. >You didn’t want that to sound ominous
  929. >but it did
  930. >Pinkie’s face is still stuffed into your chest
  931. >but you feel her slowly nod her head against you
  933. >”Yes, Anon.”
  934. >She says shakily
  935. >Then, she reluctantly moves off your lap
  936. >Her puffy eyes and face held low
  937. >Nervously
  938. >You realize that Pinkie must somehow think you’re going to scold her more
  940. >She sits down on the couch
  941. >winces
  942. >You feel like slapping yourself, forgetting that sitting down is probably not very comfortable for her now
  943. >”A-Actually, Pinkie, if you would be more comfortable not sitting down, you could…”
  945. >you don’t finish the sentence
  946. >you just point to the floor around you
  947. >inviting her to stand if she wants
  948. >Pinkie Pie hesitates
  949. >looks at the floor and then at you
  950. >and then, she asks, “O-Ok… s-so do you want me to not sit down?”
  952. >this time, it’s hard not to groan with frustration
  953. >to her, the only thing that matters is your say so
  954. >what YOU want
  955. >it’s exasperating
  956. >but you control yourself
  957. >”Whatever you think is more comfortable, Pinkie. That’s what I want. Ok?”
  959. >You hope it sinks in
  960. >You don’t want to have to order her to sit down or stand
  961. >Let her make a decision for herself, the poor thing!
  962. >Pinkie nods her head
  963. >”Ok… yes, Anon.”
  965. >and slowly, she gets up
  966. >and stands facing you
  967. >ok, good
  968. >you’re glad you suggested it as an option
  969. >god, her butt must REALLY hurt
  970. >these cushions are pretty soft!
  972. >Then, Pinkie starts talking
  973. >breathing shallow, fast
  974. >she’s bowing her head
  975. >and her back hooves shuffling behind her
  977. >”I’m-m really sorry I kicked so much, Anon. I didn’t mean to do it, I Pinkie Promise! Next time you spank me, I-I’ll stay more still…”
  979. >no
  980. >no more
  981. >you can’t take it anymore
  982. >”No, Pinkie. Just… listen. Listen to me ok?”
  984. >Pinkie’s ears flop down
  985. >she instantly quiets down
  986. >true to herself
  987. >Then her big eyes looking at you attentively
  988. >dropping whatever she was going to say
  990. >You address her directly
  991. >Pinkie Pie, I love you. I love you dearly. And I know you love me, too.”
  993. >Pinkie Pie can’t quite stand still
  994. >her butt is throbbing too much
  995. >but she’s listening
  996. >you lean your head in
  997. >looking at her closely
  999. >”And I know you want to show me that you love me, too. But Pinkie… that doesn’t mean that you always have to do exactly what I say no matter what. It doesn’t mean I can just boss you around. Ok?”
  1001. >Pinkie Pie’s face is somewhat predictable
  1002. >slowly it turns into a confused expression
  1003. >she’s hesitant to speak up
  1004. >but she does
  1006. >”Oh… b-but I’m your wife, so… doesn’t that mean you’re the boss, though?”
  1008. >Fucking shit
  1009. >how are you going to get through to her?
  1011. >”Oh, well I uhh… ok, Pinkie. Let me put things this way. There’s a difference between a boss, and a boss who loves you. And even though I love you...”
  1012. >you are desperately hoping what you say makes sense
  1013. >”Sometimes, Pinkie, I may do things that don’t feel very, well, loving. Because nopony’s perfect, right?”
  1015. >Pinkie’s slowly nodding her head
  1016. >looks like she’s following
  1017. >meanwhile, her back legs are still dancing in place a little
  1018. >butt moving side to side
  1019. >”R-Right…”
  1021. >”Right. And Pinkie Pie, whenever that happens, I want you to be able to tell me when. If I’m ever doing something you don’t like, or treating you in a way that makes you feel bad, I want you to be able to tell me, sweetie! Ok? Because I love you, and if I’m just acting like your boss, then I’m not being a good husband.”
  1023. >Pinkie sniffs and snorts through her clogged nose
  1024. >she looks at you with those huge, expressive eyes
  1025. >and they’re lighting up a little with understanding of what you’re telling her
  1027. >”But, but, you are a good husband, Anon!”
  1029. >the fact that a pony could say that
  1030. >so sincerely
  1031. >just after they’d been spanked by said husband as punishment
  1032. >it’s kind of hilarious
  1033. >in a fucked up way
  1034. >you nod, and your eyes do a roll
  1036. >”Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have my bad days, ok?”
  1038. >Pinkie smiles just a little
  1039. >blushing
  1040. >she looks back at her flank
  1041. >makes a pained face
  1043. >”Yeah… I guess I understand. I have my bad days, too”
  1045. >You wince when you see what she’s looking at
  1046. >but it turns to a smile
  1047. >Finally, she gets it
  1048. >at least, it’s a start
  1050. >”That’s ok, sweetie. It’s all ok, in the past.”
  1051. >you assure her
  1053. >This makes Pinkie’s face brighten up
  1054. >she stares at the ground
  1055. >blushing harder
  1056. >”Ok…”
  1058. >”So Pinkie, do you promise to let me know? To speak up whenever I’m not acting the way I should, even...”
  1059. >you pause
  1060. >almost trail off
  1061. >but at the last second, you finish
  1062. >”even though I’m the boss?”
  1064. >long pause
  1065. >You hope to Celestia she says yes
  1066. >you pray to Celestia she says yes
  1068. >When Pinkie Pie slowly nods, you feel overjoyed
  1069. >”Uh huh… If that’s what you want, Anon.”
  1071. >Alright, now that takes care of one thing
  1072. >but there’s still one more thing you need to talk about
  1073. >and it’s not going to be pretty
  1075. >Sigh
  1076. >sigh again
  1077. >ok, it’s time to just go out with it
  1078. >”And Pinkie… we need to talk about spanking.”
  1080. >There it is
  1081. >that word again
  1082. >It makes Pinkie’s face instantly drop
  1083. >she gasps softly
  1084. >gulps
  1085. >”Oh. Ok...”
  1087. >somehow, you think she thinks you are going to scold her
  1088. >talk to her about her moving during the punishment
  1089. >you’re gonna set that straight
  1091. >”Ok, Pinkie. About what happened tonight… I don’t want to do it ever again.”
  1093. >Ok, it’s out
  1094. >let’s see how she reacts
  1095. >you hope she understands
  1097. >Pinkie Pie wipes her runny nose
  1098. >she looks just like she did before
  1099. >before you spanked her
  1101. >”I know, Anon. I, I-I’ll be good, I won’t forget the oven again…”
  1103. >Oh, wait
  1104. >you should probably rephrase
  1105. >poor Pinkie thinks you’re promising her another spanking if she forgets again
  1106. >although, you’ll definitely be pissed
  1107. >whatever
  1109. >”No Pinkie. I mean, I CAN’T do it ever again. Just seeing you cry, knowing you’re in pain. I can’t do it.”
  1111. >That should be clear, now
  1112. >you wait
  1114. >Pinkie Pie stares at you for a minute
  1115. >then, she pulls her thinking face
  1116. >that adorable expression with her eyes narrow
  1117. >eyebrows bent down in thought
  1119. >She talks slowly
  1120. >like she’s reasoning while she talks
  1121. >”But… it’s a punishment. Isn’t it supposed to hurt? I mean, I know I cry, but I’m ok, Anon! It’s just my butt.”
  1123. >Only Pinkie Pie could say something like that and sound so innocent
  1124. >You sigh with exasperation
  1126. >”I know, I know, Pinkie. I know it didn’t hurt you permanently or anything, but that isn’t the point. I don’t want to cause you pain, sweetie. Even if it’s temporary.”
  1128. >Pinkie surprises you when she responds
  1129. >she frowns
  1130. >looks at you confused
  1132. >”But… what about when we want to have foals someday?”
  1134. >you blink
  1135. >not sure about what she’s asking
  1136. >but then, suddenly, you get it
  1138. >”Now, Pinkie, that’s different. With our filly or colt, I might consider doing that, ok? But not with you. That’s just different.”
  1140. >Pinkie isn’t letting up, though
  1142. >”Ok… but why different? If you think you should spank our kids sometimes when they’re bad, why not me?”
  1144. >A wife
  1145. >in the modern day
  1146. >arguing for why you SHOULD spank her
  1147. >this is the strangest conversation you’ve ever had
  1148. >you’re getting frustrated
  1150. >”Because you’re my WIFE, Pinkie!”
  1152. >”But I sometimes do bad stuff, like tonight… almost burn the house down. Sometimes a wife might need it even if she doesn’t want it, need tough love…”
  1154. >“Pinkie Pie, I only did this tonight because I was afraid you would think that I didn’t love you enough. I thought you would think that I didn’t care about you unless I spanked you. But tough love doesn’t have to be me… me smacking your butt until you cry! Does it?”
  1156. >You meant it to be rhetorical
  1157. >Pinkie doesn’t get your meaning
  1158. >She gives it a little thought
  1159. >And then
  1160. >”I guess… sometimes?”
  1162. >This time you actually groan
  1163. >Damn it, you are so frustrated
  1164. >Poor thing is brainwashed, you think
  1165. >Fine. You aren’t getting anywhere with this
  1166. >not tonight
  1168. >”Uhhgghh… ok, Pinkie. Let’s just not talk about this anymore for now. Ok?”
  1170. >Pinkie hears you groan
  1171. >she knows you’re getting annoyed
  1172. >she looks at you worriedly
  1173. >”Ok. Sorry, Anon…”
  1175. >”No, don’t be. It’s ok. I’m glad you’re telling me what’s on your mind, sweetie. I really am.”
  1177. >Pinkie smiles
  1178. >She blushes
  1179. >looks at you with a twinkle in her eye
  1181. >”Well, that’s what you said you wanted me to do, Anon. So I’ll do it!”
  1183. >Ok, that’s it
  1184. >You have to smile at that
  1185. >her tone of voice was almost…
  1186. >playful
  1187. >lighter hearted than she’s been all night
  1188. >a glimpse into her fun side
  1190. >you reach out both hooves this time
  1191. >open them wide
  1192. >Then, you say, with a big smile, “Ok, Pinkie. Come here.”
  1194. >There’s no confusion this time about what you mean
  1195. >Pinkie’s tearstained face lights up the room
  1196. >And she walks into your chest and snuggles up against you
  1198. >You pick her up bodily
  1199. >lean back in your seat on the couch
  1200. >and let her lay on top of you
  1201. >her head resting right beneath your chin
  1203. >you realize her spanked rear end is on top of your legs again
  1204. >but Pinkie Pie doesn’t move
  1205. >she closes her eyes
  1206. >flutters her eyelashes
  1207. >and sighs with content happiness
  1208. >relaxes on you
  1210. >You stroke her mane and back
  1211. >kiss her face
  1212. >Pinkie smiles, and simply curls up tighter
  1213. >using you like a pillow
  1215. >eventually, after the long and stressful evening was over, you both drift asleep
  1216. >holding each other tight.
  1218. THE END

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