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Old Ways by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:17:29
Updated: 2022-03-13 01:04:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Old Ways by Anon
  2. (RainDad / Rainbow Dash)
  4. (24/02/2019)
  7. ---
  9. >RD still feels bad after the Wonderbolts episode blowup
  10. >she decides to go home on a weekend before her week off vacation
  11. >Parents are thrilled!
  12. >they have a great dinner that Friday night, homemade!
  13. >parents bombard Dashie with questions about how she's doing
  14. >they want to know all the details!
  15. >they even play some board games
  16. >it's a great time!
  18. >until it's time for bed.
  19. >and Rainbow hasn't said anything yet
  20. >but she isn't here just to visit.
  21. >she quietly asks her dad if they can talk in private, in her room
  22. >Dad says sure, and Dash takes him to her room
  24. >he gets there and there's a belt and a big wooden laquer hairbrush already laying on the bed
  25. >Rainbow Dash lowers her head and blushes
  26. >it's been a very long time, but lately she's felt so guilty about what she said and did to her parents
  27. >she asks if Daddy can punish her.
  29. >at first, Dash's father is adamant in saying no
  30. >but Rainbow explains
  31. >she has a whole week off
  32. >nopony is going to see her reddened rump
  33. >she has a few days for the marks to fade so there won't be any embarassment
  34. >and most importantly, she would feel so much better if she had a good, long cry
  35. >even if it hurts really, really bad
  37. >eventually, when Dad calls Mom into the room, after a long talk and some convincing, Dashie gets them to agree
  38. >she needs this.
  39. >it's okay.
  41. >Dad feels a knot in his gut when he sits down on the bed and picks up the brush
  42. >Dashie is already crying but she wordlessly gets over his lap and sticks up her athletic, petite flanks
  43. >hugs a pillow
  45. >bigger fillies need bigger spankings
  46. >this won't be over soon but when it is, Dashie will feel much better
  47. >as Rainbow's mom waits in the living room, she hears the old but familiar sound of thwap, thwap thwap begin
  48. >followed by the equally unmistakable, but now much older sounding, loud sobbing of her poor daughter
  50. >Rainbow asked for this, she knows it
  51. >she is trying her best to follow through and commit to her punishment
  52. >but it hurts so much!
  53. >her butt is already on fire and pretty soon Rainbow Dash can't keep still
  54. >be the "good filly" who takes her spankings like a champ
  55. >but Daddy already knows his Rainbow Dash has never been good at taking a rump warming
  56. >he doesn't judge when the "toughie" on his knee bawls and kicks
  57. >Dashie can't help it that her rear end is so sensitive!
  58. >other types of pain, Dashie toughed it out
  59. >clipped wing, bruised ribs, even concussions, she always took them well growing up with few if any tears
  60. >but being even a Wonderbolt, her flanks may have been toned and firm
  61. >"conditioned"
  62. >but when it came to turning that blue rump red as a strawberry it still hurt all the same to her
  64. >Dashie's crying made it all through the house
  65. >it didn't matter that the door was cracked open
  66. >if it was closed it would still be audible
  67. >Mom could still hear it all, and her drooping ears didn't keep the sound of her sobbing or the firm crisp whacks from making her flinch
  68. >with morbid curiosity Dashie's mother decides to creep down the hallway, and peeks into the room
  69. >Dash nor her Daddy see her, but Mom can see her daughter's kicking legs, through the opening in the door
  70. >the blur of the hairbrush descending and the harsh smacks of wood on her bare bum
  71. >she looks around the corner more and sees that her husband is having to hold Dashie's hoof
  72. >while also gripping the young mare's twitching tail, pulling it a bit tight to stop her upraised cheeks from squirming
  73. >only one more spank, this time visibly impacting one of Dashie's reddened buttocks, and she doesn't want to see anymore
  74. >she scurries down the hall with a tear in her eye and goes to brew herself a cup of tea
  75. >hoping that it will distract her from the ongoing spanking
  77. >but nothing can distract Rainbow from the fire in her behind
  79. >the teakettle is boiling by the time the sound of the brush paddling poor Dashie's butt finally ends
  80. >Windy stirs some honey in the tea on the counter, listening to Rainbow's crying
  81. >there's no denying that this was the hardest punishment Rainbow has ever gotten
  82. >but Rainbow was practically a mare, a young mare, but still an adult now
  83. >the bigger the filly, the bigger the spanking
  85. >and then she hears hoof steps in the hallway, and then hears Rainbow's sobs much more clearly
  86. >they're coming!
  87. >Windy peeks out around the corner, and sure enough they walk out
  88. >Daddy first, then Rainbow Dash
  89. >poor thing, her mane is a mess and her face stained with tears
  90. >eyes are bloodshot
  91. >and she can't even see her backside, but from where she is she can still see the redness
  92. >radiating off her bottom like a red hot stove's glow
  93. >clearly, she's been thoroughly paddled
  95. >but Dad has something in his mouth...
  96. >the belt
  97. >her eyes go wide, and she realizes what's happening
  99. >her husband drops the belt on the sofa
  100. >Rainbow Dash, still sobbing, looks shamefully at the floor
  101. >she hide back around the corner, and listens
  103. >"Dashie, a-are you sure? I know this is what we used to do, but we don't have... ok. Ok sweetheart."
  105. >she faintly hears a "yes" sobbed out by Dash
  106. >even though she isn't looking she can picture her daughter nodding her head confidently
  107. >she hears some creaking of the old sofa
  108. >while she isn't looking, she can still picture what's happening
  109. >but Windy decides to see for herself
  110. >looks around the corner again
  112. >Rainbow Dash is bending over the arm of the couch, her hips laying on the top
  113. >and now, Windy sees the poor mare's thoroughly smacked red rump from her vantage point
  114. >it juts straight out and elevated by the sofa arm
  115. >her hooves dangle precariously and kick anxiously
  117. >her bottom almost matches the color of the red streak in her beautiful tail
  118. >which is flipped up and obediently out of the way
  119. >leaves her firm bare bottom fully exposed for punishment
  120. Welp, she asked for this.
  121. >with an "I love you" from Daddy, Rainbow whimpers an "I love you too Daddy" back
  122. >and she watches, with a sick feeling, as the belt swishes and lashes her daughters exposed, flame red rear
  124. >the first spank of the belt lands hard
  125. >momentarily ripples the skin
  126. >then, a loud shriek, and a frantic few hoofy kicks of her dangling back legs
  127. >Rainbow's hips leave the sofa arm and her rump, which is growing a crimson, almost violet stripe across it, bounces on the arm of the couch
  128. >Dad whips her bum again, and Dashie howls like a wounded wolf
  129. >kicks her legs every direction, flicks her tail
  130. >but her petite flanks stay bent over
  131. >whip, thwack, whip, thwack!
  132. >Dash's butt dances in agony
  133. >but its upthrust position keeps it a good target
  134. >it's why any belt spankings in the past have always been right here
  136. >Windy can't look away this time
  137. >Dad waits a few seconds between the spanks
  138. >waiting when Rainbow's wildly gyrating bum goes back to the middle of the sofa to give her another spank
  139. >Dashie's got no choice with the way she's bent over
  140. >hooves shuffle, legs kick, hips pound the sofa, but Rainbow's butt always inevitably will stick up in the air
  141. >then, thwack!
  142. >howling, writhing, kicking restarts
  143. >tail threatens to swish over her bared cheeks
  144. >Rainbow's hips slide left, bounce, shuffle right, bounce some more...
  145. >whip, thwack!
  146. >frantic gyrations, hoofy kicks galore, trying to shimmy her bottom away
  147. >but her strawberry red cheeks still sticking up in the air
  148. >whip, thwack!
  149. >bawling, thumping her hooves on the sofa with her hardest kicks yet
  150. >hips slam the sofa again and again, hard enough to make even her taut buttocks jiggle
  151. >whimpering in agony
  152. >whip, thwack!
  154. >Rainbow does her spanked filly dance over the sofa for another good minute under the belt
  155. >then finally, Windy sees her husband drop the belt on the floor and go over to his little filly
  156. >he sits down next to her and pulls her into his chest
  158. >Dashie sobs in her daddy's hooves
  159. >Dad whispers something into her ear, and her hooves shoot back to her sore, blazing butt
  160. >obviously giving her permission
  161. >she snuggles in closer, he hugs her tightly, and she rubs her poor red cheeks with a little pout
  162. >"I love you, I'm so proud of you Dashie, my girl" he coos into her ear
  164. >poor Dash is still speechless
  165. >but she nuzzles her teary face against his chest, and her sobs slowly turn to sniffles
  167. >neither of them can see Windy watching
  168. >a knowing smile, but with a hint of sadness, widens on her face
  169. >Rainbow needs to stay home, here, for at least a couple days
  170. >no amount of rubbing will make that harsh spanked redness fade so quick
  171. >unless she wants to risk having her scarlet spanked tush visible for all to see, she's stuck at mom and dad's house for a little while
  173. >Windy wouldn't have it any other way!
  175. >so, it's time to brew some relaxing tea, get out some board games...
  176. >and an icepack for Rainbow to sit on!
  178. >The end

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