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Overture to a Spanked Rump by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:18:30
Updated: 2022-03-13 13:45:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Overture to a Spanked Rump by Anon
  2. (None / None)
  3. corner
  5. (30/07/2019)
  8. ---
  10. Okay, here's a thing...based on the pic.
  13. All day they'd been at it.
  14. Twilight Velvet was reaching the end of her patience.
  15. >"Ugh...why did I have foals?"
  16. Since morning Shining Armor had been getting his little sister wound up...and Twilight Sparkle had been a whiny tattle-tale about everything.
  18. She had hoped a quick trip out to the market would burn off some of their energy but even as they walked home the behavior continued...
  19. >"Mooooom! Shinky's using produce to make a scary monster again!"
  20. >"Whatever she's telling you, it's a lie!"
  21. >"Is not!
  22. >"Is too!"
  23. Finally at the front door of their Canterlot townhouse, Velvet reached her breaking point. She stopped the siblings' argument with a loud stamp of her hoof.
  24. >"Enough, both of you!
  25. >"Shining, stop getting your sister all worked up, it isn't funny, no pony is laughing. And take that celery out of your mane, we need it for dinner. Now get your nose in that corner, young stallion!"
  26. Shining Armor was shocked and embarrassed.
  27. He hadn't meant anything buy it...just some good-natured teasing.
  28. Flush with victory, Twiley stuck her tongue out at him as his head dipped low and he trudged off to his corner like a chastened little foal.
  29. >"And as for you, Miss!"
  30. Twilight was genuinely shocked when Mom's anger turned on her.
  31. >"You will stop over-reacting to every dumb thing your brother does. Neither he, nor vegetables are scary...why are you going crazy over a monster made of the combination?
  32. >"Now get in the opposite corner!"
  33. Sparkle meekly tip-toed into the corner, feeling very foolish for having gloated at Shiny's downfall. For his part he hid his smirk.
  35. Velvet left them standing there and went to her bedroom on the second floor. There on the vanity sat her big wooden hairbrush. She took a deep breath and lifted it with magic. Staring at her reflection in the vanity mirror she ran it through her mane a few times, a calming action.
  36. Satisfied with her state of mind she left the bedroom...
  38. ...and brought the hairbrush with her.
  39. Velvet walked down the stairs slowly, considering the rear-ends of her two offspring as their noses remained planted in their respective corners.
  40. With her magic she drew a wooden chair into the center of the room. When she set the hairbrush down on it both of her foals' ears perked up at the clunk it made.
  41. >"You may both turn around now."
  42. When they did their nervous faces turned to outright horror.
  43. >"Oh, no, Mommy, please, I'm sorry...I..."
  44. Velvet hushed her
  45. >"Silence, young filly."
  46. But Shining dared to speak up next.
  47. >"Mom, please...I'm sorry about starting so much trouble, it's not Twiley's fault, and she's too little for the hairbrush!"
  48. Velvet was pleased that he took responsibility, but stayed on course.
  49. >"Quiet! That means you too, Shining.
  50. >"I am the Parent here, not you. I alone will decide who gets a spanking and with what. And for the record; Twiley is plenty old enough to receive a spanking with the hairbrush."
  51. The filly whimpered and her legs shook.
  52. She'd never experienced the hairbrush yet but she'd heard it reduce her brave, strong (sometimes annoying) big brother to a blubbering, begging foal. She looked over at him; his legs were shaking too, confirming her worst fears.
  53. Mother continued;
  54. >"You both know your behavior this morning has been deplorable, I won't review that.
  55. >"This is your last warning.
  56. >"You know what you've done wrong.
  57. >"Here is my hairbrush, so you know the consequences if this behavior continues.
  58. >"No more threats, no more warnings.
  59. >"Next to start this bickering WILL be getting a spanking WITH my hairbrush.
  60. >"Maybe both of you.
  61. >"Am I understood?"
  62. They took her seriously. They knew this was a dangerously close escape."
  63. >"Yes Mommy."
  64. >"Sorry Mom."
  65. Velvet nodded.
  66. >" may go now. What happens next is entirely up to you."
  68. I'll leave it there in the hopes that somebody picks this up.
  69. Will they make it to the end of the day?
  70. Can young Shining and little Twi behave?

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