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Peeping Dizzy by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:20:25
Updated: 2022-03-13 13:48:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Peeping Dizzy by Anon
  2. (Anon / Dizzy)
  4. (09/11/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >be Anon, the human foalsitter
  10. >currently you're foalsitting Dizzy Cream, a cute little bat filly without bat wings
  11. >with her parents traveling to Los Pegasus, you've been left with their daughter in the big luxury house
  12. >they even have a PC with human Internet!
  13. >after a day filled with playing wth her in the garden, you feel like you need to take a shower
  14. >to avoid any awkward situations you decide to not to do it together
  15. >she quickly washed herself first and put on her favourite onesie
  16. >after you enter the steamy bathroom you enter the cabin and turn up the water
  17. >you hum when the warmth pours through your tired body, but suddenly you hear something strange very close
  18. >you look down, shriek like a little girl and fall on your ass when you see Dizzy stalking you, peeking under the curtain
  19. >she squeaks in panic and slips too, tearing the curtain and pulling a ceramic soap dispenser, crashing it on the floor
  20. >you cover yourself and pout on the scared and blushing filly sitting on the floor, the pieces of the ceramic bottle lying around her
  21. >her parents adviced you that every act of destruction coming from Dizzy should end with the naughty filly pulled over your knee and getting a spanking with a hand
  22. >you wrap yourself in a towel and stand up
  23. "What do you think you are doing, Dizzy? I told you it's very naughty to look at humans when they're naked! Just look what you did!"
  24. >Dizzy furrowed her eyebrows and looked at you with puppy eyes
  25. >"I was just l-looking if you need any help or... or a towel!"
  26. >now you raised your brow and watched as she is sweating after telling you this obvious lie
  27. >she broke a rule, she acted like a little pervert and now she's lying to you!
  28. "You're in trouble, Dizzy. To your bedroom and wait here for me, now!"
  29. >Dizzy picked herself up and run outside the bathroom
  30. >after putting up fresh clothes and cleaning up the mess, you head to Dizzy's room to deliver the punishment
  31. >the most efficient spanking is the one given just after the naughty thing happened
  32. >you open the door to see Dizzy leaning against her bed, looking at you with a pint of fear in eyes, holding a hairbrush in mouth
  33. >it takes you aback that she assumed the position and brought a tool to whoop her, even if you didn't ask her to do that
  34. >and seriously? A hairbrush? You doubt her parents would use anything besides their hooves to punish their girl
  35. >nevertheless, you slowly move to her and crouch down
  36. >now when you're close to the filly you see her body shaking, breaths quick and short
  37. >boy, she must hate spankings... but the rule is the rule, red butt for being naughty
  38. >you gently pull the hairbrush out of her mouth
  39. "Don't be silly. Stick your butt to me and don't move."
  40. >you unbutton the onesie butt flap to expose her small tushie
  41. >in the corner of your eye you see her looking at your hands working with the flap
  42. >she is madly blushing
  43. "Sorry, kid, it must be bare bottom"
  44. >a quiet whine answer you as she shakily stick her delicate buttcheeks up
  45. >you ponder a few seconds what position would be the most comfortable for you and her and finally you simply sit down on the bed, next to her
  46. >with one hand gently pressing her small back against the mattress you lean down to get the full view of her butt
  47. >time to start
  48. "You know why are you getting a spanking?"
  49. >quick nod answers you
  50. "Then tell me"
  51. >"F-f-for breaking a-a rule and looking at y-you when you w-were... you were n-n-naked"
  52. "And?"
  53. >"A-and not l-listening to you"
  54. >her breaths are getting quicker
  55. "And?"
  56. >"And being a-a naughty f-filly!"
  57. >you feel strong shivers as she says it loudly
  58. "30 spanks for being a naughty filly, let this be a lesson for you"
  60. >your raised hand lands loudly on her buttcheeks the first time
  61. >a loud, satisfying smack echoes through the bedroom
  62. >you give Dizzy no time to react to the first spank, because the next one, and the next one already pepper her rear
  63. >the butt flap is relatively small, only to provide the necessary hole when a filly needs to use the toilet, so your hand claps in the very centet of Dizzy's butt
  64. >silently you count the number and now you pay more attention to her reactions
  65. >to your surprise for the first ten spanks she was completely silent, like she was holding back any squeaks of pain
  66. >that's strange, usually fillies start squealing after 6 or 7
  67. >to change the routine of spanking the very center of her tush, you pull the onesie with the second hand, giving you access to her uncovered left cheek
  68. >13, 14, 15, clap, smack, smack!
  69. >you start to move around her butt, pulling the material in different directions to cover every inch of the soft, smooth body with the second hand
  70. >and then, with the 16th spank, you hear her first
  71. >"Mmm..."
  72. >here we go, you bet she won't make it to the 30th smack without crying
  73. >17, 18, 19, both buttcheek are already pink, she starts to move her small hips around
  74. >every time your hand collide with her fanny, you hear more "Mmm!"s
  75. >20, 21,22, clap, clap, whap!
  76. >her tail, held to the side for the whole punishment, slowly moved back to cover the most burning spots
  77. >not on your watch
  78. "Bad girl!"
  79. >you grab her fluffy tail with your free hand, pull it up and give a series of five hard smacks
  80. >"MMMNNnaahH! Nnn! MMm! MM! MMM! Ahhmmm!
  81. >a few seconds to cool down, back to work
  82. >23,24,25, now much harder than before
  83. >her "Mmm" now sound more like "Oooh" and "Ahh"
  84. >a thought appears in your head that it's not usual for a filly to make those sounds when being in pain
  85. >26!
  86. >"OhhhM! Owwwmmm!"
  87. >27!
  88. >"NNNNnnaah!"
  89. >she is stepping from hoof to hoof, rubbing her burning buttcheeks together
  90. >she is also shaking like a leaf
  91. >28!
  92. >"OOoooOh!"
  93. >29?
  95. >"Yaahnnnn!!"
  96. >no, wait
  97. >you stop to see what's wrong with this filly
  98. >Dizzy is panting, shivering and blushing madly like during a fever
  99. >...blushing? shaking?
  100. >wait, she is not shaking!
  101. >you pull her away from her bed and turn to the side
  102. >she doesn't react fast enough to pull her one forehoof from her abdomen
  103. >her tiny nipples protunding under the material are now stiff and clearly visible
  104. >she was touching herself from the very beginning of the punishment
  105. >her face slowly goes from half-drunk with pleasure to shocked and extremely embarrassed
  106. >you turn her roughly around again and, without really thinking about consequences, you do one more thing to confirm your presumptions
  107. >you slip your hand under her onesie and touch her crotch
  108. >"eeeEP!"
  109. >you pull it out with shock as she arches her body and squeaks loudly
  110. >thin trails of slimy, clear liquid connects your hand and her reddened butt
  111. >the material on her crotch and legs is completely damp, almost like she peed herself
  112. "What the hell"
  114. >this is just beyond your responsibilities
  115. >this filly is not just a naughty pony, she is a masochist!
  116. >this is wrong, this is completely against your-
  117. >...
  118. >what did her parents say?
  119. >always spank her for everything?
  120. >this little minx is not a masochist
  121. >she has a butt whooping fetish
  122. >not even mentioning the voyeurism in the bathroom
  123. >now she stands in front of you, shivering in fear and trying to cover her wet onesie
  124. >what should you do?
  125. >Yell? Call her parents? Get out of this house and quit the job? Call the police?
  126. >and then you see first tears rolling down Dizzy's cheeks
  127. >"P-p-please don't tell m-my parents... and don't hate m-me!"
  128. >if you were thinking about any offensive options, now they don't exist anymore
  129. >the broken, small voice of this filly tugged your heart
  130. >you actually really like her, you both spent long days on playing and reading books together
  131. >it would be a dick move to betray her and destroy the bonding you both developed
  132. >if she had enough confidence to make a lewd mess and show you the naughty part of her, then it's your duty to straighten her behavior and fix her problems
  133. >your face softens and you crouch down before Dizzy
  134. "Dizzy, I want you to answer this question honestly, without lies - do you like to be spanked?
  135. >if earlier her face was red from embarrassment and crying, now it's simply glowing
  136. >still standing on hindhooves she covers her face with front ones and nods
  137. >"Y-Yes..."
  138. >without a word you slowly pick her up
  139. >you move back to her bed and sit down with a scared filly hugging your neck
  140. >you gently position her on your lap, so she doesn't sit on her sore fanny
  141. >"I think we should take it off"
  142. >slowly you unzip her onesie, from the neck to her wet crotch
  143. >her scared and confused eyes follow your hand but she doesn't dare to run away or protest
  144. >when you reach the end of the zipper, the material parts, unrevealing her heaving, fluffy chest, small belly and tiny nipples
  146. >you help her pull out front hooves from the sleeves and slip the rest of her pajamas down
  147. >when the soft material run across her sore buttcheeks you hear a hiss of pain
  148. >now you have an undressed filly lying on your left arm like a baby, looking at you with big, confused eyes
  149. >with your hand supporting her hindhooves you provide some comfort for her butt, so it's not touching anything
  150. >your free hand runs across Dizzy's mane to calm her down
  151. >"Relax, I'm not going to tell your parents"
  152. >she sighs with relief and nuzzles your arm with closed eyes
  153. >"But it doesn't mean your punishment is over"
  154. >her eyes spring open with fright
  155. >your hand slowly travels lower, scratching her ear, running down the neck, chest fluff and belly button
  156. >you feel her shiver and gasp, as you start massaging her underbelly, gently flicking and pinching the small nipples
  157. >"I don't remember where we stopped... let's start over again."
  158. >before she can't react, your hand suddenly goes even lower and grabs her small crotch
  159. >Dizzy's back arches as she lets out a loud, chocked gasp of shock and pleasure
  160. >it hits you how hot and wet is her winking fillyhood
  161. >to not waste any second on simply holding her here, you start massaging the wet folds
  162. >copious amount of clear, thick liquid covers your hand as you spread it more and more wide across her privates
  163. >you calmly look down at Dizzy's blushing face, listen to her gasps and moans of pure pleasure
  164. >you move your hand south until the middle finger meets her tiny, puckered ponut and tail dock
  165. >she squeaks and twists her hindhooves together in the attempt to trap your hand in that position
  166. >you press your fingers down and drag across her whole crotch, pulling the tender, wet skin with them
  167. >you other hand, however, slowly moves lower, to Dizzy's hindhooves
  168. >you grab both of them together while your other hand gently masturbates the filly
  169. >inch by inch two hindlegs move back to her chest, completely exposing the small butt and privates to you
  171. >loud moans and hisses escape Dizzy's mouth as the tender skin on her butt stretches
  172. >wasting no more time you begin to vigorously rub her slit, sporadically going lower and playing with her butthole
  173. >tightly squeezed eyes and wiggling signal that she is getting close
  174. >you decide to spice it up
  175. >your hand, already coated with her natural lubricant, begins to spread the slimy, sweet fluids all over her red butt
  176. >she squeaks and arches her back, but the position and your tight grasp prevent her from escaping from the pain
  177. >you see her small slit part open and close much faster than before, she is clearly enjoying it even if she is now groaning and whining with pain
  178. >enough of teasing
  179. "Hold hindlegs with your forehooves, Dizzy"
  180. >after a few seconds the shaking filly complies and grasps her legs
  181. >now you have two free hands
  182. >the hand that earlier held the hindlegs close to her chest sneaks down to the tail dock
  183. >without any warning, two fingers find their way and slips quickly inside of Dizzy's small snatch
  184. >poor filly, already overstimulated squeals and shivers violently with pleasure
  185. >you begin to finger her with one hand as the second one raises above her butt
  186. >she didin't expect what happened next
  187. >a sharp, hard spank lands on her left buttcheek, making her cry with pain and arousal
  188. SMACK!
  189. >"MMMNGHHaaaaAAH!"
  190. >you feel her walls grip your fingers tightly as she shakes from the intense feeling
  191. >the stretched, wet skin is much more delicate and tender, so the next spank, now on the right buttcheek causes Dizzy to cry out
  192. SMACK!
  193. >"OOOOooOOwwwoooww!"
  194. >you know it's only a matter of three or four more times until this poor foal creams herself in your arms
  195. >SMACK!
  196. >"OOOWWww! Mnnnn!!!"
  197. >or maybe just one
  198. >her body goes completely stiff as she squirts both from her love and pee holes
  199. >a gush of warm liquid washes your fingering hand, the spanking one tries to catch as much of the warm juices to spread it again all over the abused butt
  201. >loud wailing and hisses fill your ears as the small rivulet turns into a dribble, then single drops
  202. >you hold Dizzy close nuzzling her neck and iddly rubbing her wet slit and ponut
  203. >soon, she settle down and breath slower, the feeling of shame and surprise replacing the shock and arousal
  204. >"I-I'm sorry... please don't t-tell my parents, she would freak out!"
  205. >you only shush her with a quick peck on the chin and muzzle, making her blush
  206. >you pick her up and carry back to the bathroom
  207. >after a quick shower you both eat a supper and prepare to go to sleep
  208. >you help Dizzy eat and put on a fresh onesie since her butt is still burning
  209. >you leave her butt flap open and gently rub in soothing gel into two small buttocks
  210. >good night kiss and the last rub across her snatch makes the end of a day
  211. >...
  212. >at least or you, you didn't know that Dizzy spent a few hours on furiously touching herself to what just happened
  213. >since that day your every visit was filled with playing, spanking and fingering a small bat filly

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