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Pinkie Paces by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:21:32
Updated: 2022-03-13 13:51:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Pinkie Paces by Anon
  2. (Cloudy Quartz / Pinkie Pie)
  5. (11/04/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Pinkie Pie was walking all over her closed room
  10. >She was terrified
  11. >Her mind was actually going faster than her feet
  13. >She had been given permission to organize a big party for her friends in one of the barns
  14. >No event or reason, just for the sake of it
  15. >This gave her a lot of thematic freedom
  16. >She got lost between all the ideas and preparations
  17. >By the time she realized, it was dark
  18. >Time had flied by
  19. >She forgot to do all her chores
  20. >That was the condition, organize the party but don't forget your chores
  21. >The realization made her freeze in place, and without doing anything else she silently walked towards the house, eyes wide open and mouth shut.
  22. >Inside the house her mother was waiting for her
  23. >Eyes closed, she simply pointed towards Pinkie's room
  24. >Pinkie obeyed without saying a word
  25. >It had been half an hour
  26. >Her parents probably thuoght she did it on purpose
  27. >That she cared more about her parties than helping
  28. >But her parties were a form of helping others, there are a lot of ways to help
  29. >In all this time, Pinkie hadn't stopping walking from one extreme to the other
  30. >Smarter than some may assume, she had mentally organised a sincere, formal apology for the incident
  31. >She was going to make it clear that she didn't intend to disregard the needs of the rock farm, and that she was willing to abandon the plans for her party and redouble her efforts for the time being
  32. >The door opened
  33. >Pinkie instantly stood in place, her heart racing
  34. >Mother walked in
  35. >Pinkie took a deep breath, ready to speak
  36. >Ignoring her, her mother closed the door, walked towards her daughter's bed and sat down
  37. >Pinkie watched, her heart skipped a beat
  38. "Pinkamena." said her mother in an all too familiar tone
  39. >Still standing in place, Pinkie took some heavy breaths, about to break and cry
  40. >Her mother simply opened her eyes and looked at her
  41. >Pinkie reacted instantly, walking towards her mother
  42. >She dutifully, on her own, laid across her mother's lap, it was almost instinctive
  43. >Without saying a word, without waiting a second, mother moved Pinkie's skirt and underwear out of her hand's way, and held her back with one hand
  44. >And so Pinkie received a firm spanking from her mother
  45. >The palm struck Pinkie's chubby buttocks with intimidating precission
  46. >Right in the sitting area
  47. >Alternating between each cheek without missing
  48. >Pinkie was kicking and crying in response
  49. >Being in this situation enough times had allowed her to perfect her kicking and crying
  50. >She wasn't getting in the way of her punishment at all, but still reacting to it in accordance to how she felt
  51. >Kicking very fast, crying her heart out
  52. >She could never get used to it
  53. >The spanking got briefly harsher before stopping
  54. >Pinkie's bawling and kicking continued for a while
  55. >Her mother did nothing, just sat there with her daughter over her lap, letting her catch her breath
  56. >It wasn't clear how long the spanking lasted, it felt like an eternity to Pinkie, but the waiting for Pinkie to calm down had to be several times longer in reality
  57. >Eventually no more noise was heard from Pinkie
  58. >Her mother helped her stand up
  59. >Cleaned her daughter's tears away with a tissue
  60. >Gave her forehead a big, long kiss
  61. >And gave her a tight hug
  62. "It's all forgiven." She whispered into Pinkie's ear. "Rest well, tomorrow is another day and you still have a party to organize."
  63. The End.

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