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Rookie Guard by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:23:58
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:02:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Rookie Guard by Anon
  2. ( / )
  4. (07/12/2019)
  7. ---
  9. Crystal guard walks in on Shining spanking Cadence.
  11. Does he realize it's sexual?
  13. Does he think it's a serious punishment?
  15. Or does he intervene to defend the empress?
  17. All of the above.
  18. Rookie guard rushes in to save her before his cohort can stop him.
  19. >I'll protect you, my princess!
  20. He separates the two lovers, convinced that Shining Armor must be a changeling or under a spell.
  21. >Your highness, your rump! Let me heal it...
  22. A blushing Cadance replies:
  23. >No! It's... I asked for it. It's for fun...
  24. She trails off.
  25. The eyes of the recent graduate of guard training go wide.
  26. >You... ask to be disciplined like a little filly? Oh. C-Carry on, your highnesses!
  27. His fellow guard takes a light hold on his ear and leads him out of the room. He takes one last look at the Princess Plot, spanked lightly pink just like he saw his sister get when he was younger.
  28. Outside:
  29. >Why didn't you tell me?
  30. >Need to know basis. Princess of love has a special way of feeling it. So what?
  31. The cracks against her backside have started again, and the princess is blubbering in kind.
  32. >Doesn't it hurt?
  33. >Well yeah. Pay attention to her tomorrow and you can tell she still has a sore ass.
  34. >This is confusing...
  35. >They aren't even at the payoff yet.
  36. >Payoff?
  37. The spanking sounds have stopped. Soon enough, Cadance's moaning returns, as does the sound of something hitting flesh. She sounds more satisfied now, for some reason.

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