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Runaway by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:24:44
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:03:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Runaway by Anon
  2. (Forest Spirit / Filly)
  3. unf
  5. (02/08/2017)
  8. ---
  10. this is a story about the worst week of a young filly's life. after the events of this story and long thorough spanking her mother finally gave her daughter a chance to explain herself.
  11. Disappointed of her daughter stupid choice she made. Her mother kept her daughter under a strict leash. Dizzy felt her life was a living hell. her mother spanked her over any trivial thing. While she was butting with her social life. which made the little filly fed up. and decided to do the stupidest mistake of her life. She ran away from home.
  12. Dizzy had a foolproof plan. she would travel north toward filly Delphia then go on the road toward Hollow Shades. where bat ponies lives. but when she left at night she got lost on a crossroads she headed south toward the dangerous Haysead Swamps. it's not a place for a filly to be traveling alone.
  13. it started raining and it was dark. our filly had to find some shelter. she went under a tree and waited for the rain clouds to settle. after some a while she reialised that the rain won't be stopping any time soon . so she would just have to sleep there under the tree. but the ground was wet and slippery . so she just climbed on the tree and slept on one of it's branches.
  14. the next morning she woke up. the sun was up in a clear sky. Dizzy just had the most uncomfortable sleep of her life. she stood there on the branch yawning. then stretched her hooves up in the air. when she opened her eyes. she was greeted by a sneak. she panicked and yelped trying to run away. she totally forgot that she was on top of the tree. she fell down of the branch. she tried to hang on to whatever she could. she managed to grab on some of the veins there. that only made the problem worse as she somehow managed to get her hooves get tangled and suspended herself. all her 4 legs are tied up together while she was swinging upside down.
  15. to make her problem worst she swung around slamming her butt on one of the tree branches. the first slam went fine but after the second one that's when she felt an extreme singing sensation from her butt. she was preoccupied with her predicament but the stinging got worse made her lose focus. this is when she rialised the what's causing that. it was a nettle tree. the leaves hives can cause extreme rash to the skin. she wrestled herself with the vines that bonded her. that's when she was hit by a strong wind blow. which ofc caused her to be exposed to more Itching leaves. but it didn't take her long , she freed herself and finally landed on the ground.
  17. her butt was itching her. she tried to scratch it but that made it even worse. she clenched her teeth and moved her hooves away. she was pissed and let it out of that tree. "stupid tree" she yelled she then grabbed a rock and threw it at that tree. Dizzy turned around while making "hymph " pout and start walking away.
  18. not knowing that the rock she just threw awaken something that shouldn't be tampered with. it did bump into a beehive. the agitated bees didn't like the vibration and start attacking. Dizzy did hear the buzzing sound coming from behind her and soon knew what she has just unleashed. she did what anypony in her place would do. she ran away as fast as she can.
  20. Our filly couldn't shake the agitated bees off her. they she triggered them and now she's gonna pay for her mistake. she panicked and ran and ran. until she hooves tripped and fell over a log. her face got wedged between overgrown tree roots. as she was trying to unwedged herself the bees took their chances and attacked her most exposed area. which was her butt that was laying on the log. the bees viciously stung her on her already itchy butt. tormenting her furthermore. the poor filly yelped and cried.
  21. she thought it was the end of her. but then something unexpected happened. the tree root moved and she got free. the bees stopped attacking.
  22. as she was about to run off. she found her legs dangling midair. something picked her up.
  23. "What do we have here ?"
  24. "huh let me see ?"
  25. "oh it's a pony."
  26. "a pony what does a little pony doing here all alone?"
  27. Our filly was feeling a bit dizzy. she calmed herself to see who was talking to her and more importantly who was holding her.
  28. she was stuck between tree branches. she looked around and no one was there .
  29. "oh look you frighten the poor thing"
  30. our filly just couldn't understand who or what was talking to her but she replied.
  31. "hello ?"
  33. "oh look the little filly can talk"
  34. Dizzy looked up then her jaw dropped. she just know knew who was talking to her. they were two trees. they Trees were talking to her
  35. "Don't hold her like that. ponies are fragile little creatures"
  36. "ops .. there you go"
  37. the tree moved his tree branch under her then flatten the leaves on it. he dropped in his leaf palm. The other tree got closer and took a look at the filly. it then picked up her tail and raised it up exposing her stung rump.
  38. "tsk tsk tsk. look at the her poor thing. those damn those nasty little buzzing pests. come here little one , Ingrian would take care of your little injury"
  39. Igraine the Ent Tree picked up dizzy and start heading toward the swamp. the other Ent said "hey I found her first ..give it back"
  40. "silence Egert you, stay here and guard the swamp from those good for nothing timber wolves or I'll call the big chef on you"
  41. "hey no Wood like those snitch"
  42. "yea yea.. oh sorry about that little one. now I don't believe that ponies like you have those fancy naming thing don't you ?"
  43. ~those tree creatures sure talk funny " umm yea I'm Dizzy"
  44. "ops! you mushy creature sure don't have the roots to face the winds. I'll try not to wave you around dazing you n all."
  45. "ah no no. don't worry about me I'm fine. Dizzy is my name"
  46. "Dizzy eh.. now tell me little dizzy what brings a f... hold that thought.. we are here"
  47. "err here ?
  48. Igraine was standing next to some thorny vines and strange flowers.
  49. "now then if you just bend over like that and."
  50. she forced her to bend over and handed her toward the mouth of a pitcher plant. Dizzy saw the plant and squirmed trying to run away but it was too late. her butt got sucked inside it. leaving all 4 of her legs suspended outside as her lower body inside. the plant's mouth closed in on her making her completely stuck.
  51. "What are you doing to me. please don't let the plant eat me. help mr.tree "
  52. "oh don't be afraid little dazzling Erny would take of you."
  53. "take care of me ?"

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