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Spank The Rainbow by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:27:45
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:45:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Spank The Rainbow by Anon
  2. (Anon / Rainbow)
  3. M/F, hand, otk, sex, semi-consensual
  5. (24/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >"Oh Celestia! I'm soooo sorry Anon!"
  12. >You are Anon, and before your feet lies your treasured, iphone 4.
  13. >The one thing you had to remember your now, fleeting day by day memories of Earth.
  14. >Rainbow Dash had came to visit your household today, when she spotted the thin machine laying by its lonesome on your endtable.
  15. >You've seen these equines pick up a variety of objects before.
  16. >Objects from their world that is.
  17. >She decided to attempt to place the technological wonder in her hooves, despite your demands that she leave it be.
  18. >She blew off your "silly complaints" as she called it, and tried to slide the delicate piece of machinery into her flat extensions.
  19. >Which brings you to this murder scene of science.
  20. >You fume and and rub your hands down your reddened face.
  21. >Rainbow merely hunker downs on your floor,ears drooped with a melancholy expression.
  22. "I asked- no BEGGED you not to pick it up Dash, and you basically said "Fuck me" and did it anyway!"
  23. >You pace the room in your wrathful tirade.
  24. >Rainbow seems to shrink lower, and lower with each berating word.
  25. >"Anon, I'm really, really sorry..!" She says avoiding your choleric eyes.
  26. "Well sorry isn't going to bring back my fucking iphone!"
  27. >Your hands shoot into the air, as you bellow out your complaints.
  28. >Dash, with teary eyes looks to you remorsefully.
  29. >"Then is there anything I can do to make it better? I'll do anything Anon..I don't want to lose my bro!"
  30. >You discharge a loud breath of frustration in her direction.
  31. >Still pacing, but at a much lethargic speed, you start to think of what she could offer to try and close the iphone shaped hole in your heart.
  32. >Then as if a lightbulb was suddenly lit up above your head, you get a wickedly outrageous idea.
  33. >You smirk at Rainbow Dash, who is now leering at you, having risen to all fours.
  34. "There is something you can do Dash."
  35. >The ardent look on her face will make this even sweeter.
  36. >She takes a step forward ready to prove herself.
  37. >"Anything Anon! I'll do it!"
  38. >You fold your arms together.
  39. "I want to spank you."
  40. >She goes slack-jawed at your request.
  41. >"What?! No bucking way! I'm no filly you can just bend over your knee!"
  42. >You faux offense at her response,and press a hand to your chest to accentuate your ham acting.
  43. "You broke something extremely special to me Dash, and now you refuse to honor your previous words? Where's the loyalty Dash? Where's the fucking Loyalty?"
  44. >She grits her teeth at you, A rosy tint creeping up her mug.
  45. >She stomps her right front leg a couple times.
  46. >"Buck..This is Horseapples! Fine!"
  47. >You sneer in victory and unfold your arms.
  48. >She averts her view from you, turning at an angle so she's horizontal.
  49. >"W-Well?! How are we doing this you?!"
  50. >You stroll past her to your Sofa and plop down onto its Cushions.
  51. >You pat your lap as if you were calling for a Dog.
  52. >Rainbow snarls and lopes around, joining you on the Couch.
  53. "Lay down on my legs."
  54. >She turns to your simpering face and gives you a black look.
  55. "You said you'd do it Dash. Lay down."
  56. >She edges towards you and sprawls out on top of your legs.
  57. >She lets out a sigh of defeat.
  58. >"Let's just get this over with okay?"
  59. >You acknowledge her request and traverse your prehensile digits over her smooth coat.
  60. >She wiggles a bit in response.
  61. >"Don't tease me Anon! Just DO IT!"
  62. >You raise you hand as high as you can reach and bring it down on her soft plot.
  63. >Your hand sinks into her fleshy cheeks as it wobbles hardly.
  64. >Rainbow releases a hushed gasp at the sudden sensation of pain.
  65. >She whimpers and gloms to you over her wither.
  66. >"A-are we done yet?"
  67. >You raise your hand once more, and shake your head.
  68. "Not even close Dashie. Not even close."
  69. >Your hand cuts through the wind and strikes her Cyan glutes once more.
  70. >"Nnngh!"
  71. >Rainbow shuts her eyes and bites her bottom lip, her forelegs clenching your prone limbs in pain.
  72. >Her wings shiver in their curled status.
  73. >"Anon...! How many more to go..?"
  74. >Her eyes curve upward.
  75. "You'll know when I'm done Dash."
  76. >"Bu-buck..."
  77. >You repeat your last motion, feeling the oxygen part as your outstretched,hand comes down on her toned plot once again.
  78. >Her wings shoot out, one hitting your face with a gentle "thwap".
  79. >An intimate scent courses through your nostrils.
  80. >You recognize it and what's happening to Rainbow in this situation, but choose to escalate it.
  81. >You audibly sniff.
  82. "You smell that Dash?"
  83. >You say smirking.
  84. >Rainbow is quiet, aside from her puffing.
  85. >You slide your striking hand down her Plot to her Tail.
  86. >You take it in your thumb and forefinger and slowly lift it up.
  87. >Rainbow remains taciturn as you inspect her nethers.
  88. >Her Genitals are coated in a clear trickling liquid, partnered with her winking Clitoris.
  89. >She's enjoying this, the proud cunt.
  90. >But you'd be lying,if you said you weren't as well, if your rising erection, poking her stomach is any indication.
  91. >she peeks at you from her slumped position, her cheeks a fine scarlet.
  92. >You wordlessly nod, and stroke her outer lips with your pointer finger.
  93. >Her vulva jitters at your touch.
  94. >You take your unused hand and raise it.
  95. >You part her lips with your index, and ring finger and send your middle into her depths.
  96. >"Mmmnnh...!"
  97. >Her hot insides swish, and grasp at the extended finger.
  98. >You bring your raised down onto her pink-hued cheek as she tries to adjust to the welcome intrusion.
  99. >Her Buttock jiggles with a tense thrash under your battering.
  100. >Rainbow's tongue flops out of her mouth in aroused shock, when her head cranes upwards to the ceiling in an arch.
  101. >Your superior smile fades and contorts into one of focused lust as you alternate your pistoning with your smacks.
  102. >Rainbows hind legs wriggle and flail about.
  103. >"An-anon! Oh celestia...! I'm gonna cum!"
  104. >You raise your hand one final time to meet with her swollen hindquarter.
  105. >You press your finger in past the knuckle, and curl it, dragging it out agonizingly slow, as you bring down your final dose of punishment medicine to Rainbow's behind.
  106. >Rainbow's end rises slightly as spurts of liquid erupt from her opening,forcing your hand out.
  107. >You wrap an arm around her waist and hold her down in you lap quickly, knowing what is coming next.
  108. >Dash spasms in her climax, her magenta eyes, rolling into the back of her head.
  109. >"Nnnnnaaagaaaahhhh!"
  110. >Droplets of her orgasmic juice flitter all over covering your floor and Sofa arm.
  111. >She twitches in sporadic bursts and crumples in your hold.
  112. >Your Dick angrily pokes her belly, begging to be released.
  113. >You lean back on your sofa feeling exhausted, even though you did nothing that required real effort.
  114. >Rainbow is drooling.
  115. "I assume you learned your lesson..?"
  116. >You stroke her sore plot gently.
  117. >It clenches and unclenches in your delicate brushes.
  118. >You hear a slurping sound from the Cyan pony, as she wipes her face with a hoof.
  119. >"I think I did anon.."
  120. >She eyes a nearby lamp sitting on the opposite end of the sofa.
  121. >She leans over with a foreleg and pushes it over with a hoof.
  122. >You watch as it shatters on the floor into a myriad of shards.
  123. >"I guess you better teach me again!"
  125. END

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