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A Day with Cadence by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:28:15
Updated: 2022-05-25 16:57:19
Expiry: Never

  1. A Day with Cadence by Bluejay
  3. (01/01/2017)
  6. ---
  9. "Ohhhno. I don't think so, lady— oi!"
  10. >Cadence gently floats you into the air.
  11. >"Oh, but I have all of these cute little dresses you can wear, and—"
  12. "NO. I'm not doing this shit again."
  13. >"Really, I insist."
  14. "Not happening."
  15. >"(giggle) Pouting about it just makes you look cuter, y'know."
  16. "Don't care."
  17. >She ponders for a moment.
  18. >"Tell you what. If you're that adamant about it, then I ~suppose~ we can keep this between us. No pictures or anything."
  19. "...But?"
  20. >"...But you're still gonna wear the cute dresses."
  21. "(grumble) Figures."
  22. >"...And you will refer to me as Mommy."
  23. >ohfucknotthisagain.png
  25. "...You're joking, right?"
  26. >She shakes her head.
  27. >"I'm serious, Anon. Now, say it."
  28. "Cadence, I—"
  29. >"Ah-ah-ah. Mommy."
  30. "But—"
  31. >"Say it, or I get the camera. Your choice."
  32. >Well, fuck.
  33. >"...Do you want me to get the camera, sweetie?"
  34. "(grumble) (No, m-Mommy...)"
  35. >"What was that? Speak up, Anon."
  36. "(sigh) No, Mommy."
  37. >"That's better."
  38. >She pulls you close and gives you a kiss on the cheek. Ugh, saccharine.
  40. >This... is going to be one of those days, isn't it.
  42. >Despite your protests, Cadence insisted on carrying you through the palace halls.
  43. >She hums to you, gently rocking you back and forth.
  44. >"You and I are gonna have so~ much fun today..."
  45. "(Somehow, I doubt that.)"
  46. >She brings you into a quiet den, and sets you down on a side table.
  47. >"Now, wait here like a good little filly. I'll pick out some stuff for you to wear."
  48. "...Do I have a choice?"
  49. >"...No. (giggle) ...Well, you could try and run off while my back was turned, but I doubt you'd get far."
  50. >(Damn. That would've been a decent backup plan.)
  52. >Cadence rummages through a large chest, and floats a row of dresses in front of you.
  53. >Each one is cute and soft and frilly and girly and—
  54. "Uggggh."
  55. >"Oh, hush.."
  56. >She opens a small cabinet underneath you, and pulls out... a large package of diapers and a bottle of powder.
  57. >You realize that you've been seated on a changing table this whole time, and that "Mommy" is probably about to powder your bottom and dress you up like a literal foal.
  58. >Goddammit.
  59. "(whine) You're not seriously gonna make me wear that, are you?"
  60. >"Hmm? Oh, (giggle) of course not, Anon."
  61. >She lifts you up again.
  62. >"That~ comes after. Right now, it's time for your bath..."
  64. "(sigh) Seriously? Caden— um, Mommy, I don't ne—"
  65. >"Ah-ah, baby. What Mommy says goes, and Mommy says It's Bathtime."
  66. >She lays out some towels and a small tub, just the right size for a little filly such as yourself.
  67. >As she waits for the bath to fill, her attention returns to you.
  68. >"Don't you worry, Anon. I'll make sure you look all nice and clean and pretty..."
  69. >She nuzzles you and tickles you a bit. You get the sense that she's already enjoying this a wee bit too much.
  71. >"Alright, baby, into the tub."
  72. "...Y'know what? Make me."
  73. >Cadence raises an eyebrow.
  74. >"Excuse me?"
  75. "I refuse to be an active participant in this. You wanna treat me like your fucking foal? Fine. But I'm not gonna roll over and do whatever you want."
  76. >She's silent for a few moments.
  77. >"...Well, if you insist."
  78. >She hoists you up by the tail (oof!) and gently lowers you into the warm water.
  79. >"If you don't want to bathe yourself, then I'll do it for you. Just... sit down, and don't splash so much."
  80. >With how she's been acting for the past hour, she was probably going to bathe you anyway, with or without your protest.
  81. >The bathwater is, you must admit, a little calming... or it would be, if not for the bar of soap floating in front of your face.
  82. >"...But before we do that, Mommy has to punish you for being a little potty-mouth."
  84. >...Shit, this escalated quickly.
  85. >Cadence tries to force the soap into your mouth, but you jerk your head away.
  86. "Wait- wait- (nnph) I thought you just wanted to- (splish) like- play house or some shit- not actually—mmph!"
  87. >She forces your head straight, shoves the bar in, and starts scrubbing.
  88. >"Oh, we are, sweetie. But you~ need to learn some rules, first."
  89. "Mmmblb! (splash) Mhmmmhhlb! Nnnnblhh..."
  90. >Unsurprisingly, it tastes awful.
  91. >Candyass ignores your pleas, and continues to rub the soap in your mouth, back and forth in a rhythm.
  92. >"Good little fillies don't use that sort of language, and neither, will, you."
  93. >You kick and splash and struggle, to no avail. She's in full discipline mode, and nothing you do will stop it.
  95. >For a moment, it seems like she's decided you've had enough.
  96. >...Then she gives you one last, particularly vigorous round, 'just to be sure'.
  97. "Mmnh!—bblb!—mmblb!—nnnbh!—mmhlm!—mblmhmmmm..."
  98. >She finally lets up, giving you a moment to catch your breath.
  100. >Shortly after, she permits you to spit the soap bar out.
  101. >The whole ordeal took two minutes at most, but you feel like you'll be coughing up soap bubbles for an hour.
  102. "(cough) Was that- really- necessary? (splish) I mean, (cough)"
  103. >Cadence picks the bar back up and waves it at you one more time.
  104. >"I hear any more cursing, and this~ goes back in your mouth and stays there for the rest of your bath. Capisce?"
  105. "(huff) Yes, Mommy."
  107. >"Mommy" starts to stroke your wet mane, humming another tune.
  108. >She doesn't really have to say much. You raise a hoof and offer it to her, she washes it for you. Lather, rinse, repeat, in the most literal sense.
  109. >Every so often, she'll order you to turn around and present your tail, or lay on your back so she can wash your belly.
  110. >She is gentle with those big pink hooves, but she takes her sweet time, and she makes sure to lather every part of you.
  111. >EVERY part.
  112. "Nnh! (splish)"
  113. >"I know it's embarrassing, but I do need you to hold still for a moment."
  114. >She holds your tail vertical. You kick a little more.
  115. "Come onnnnnn... I—nph!"
  116. >"Anon, dear, you will hold still and present your hindquarters right now."
  117. >Aaand there's the mommy voice again. Fuck.
  118. >Having somepony wash your nether regions is humiliating enough, and you don't want another punishment on top of that.
  119. >After that awkward scrubbing, Cadence rinses you off, takes you out of the tub, and wraps you in a fresh towel.
  120. >"There. All clean~."
  121. >You wish you could say that's the most humiliating thing to happen to you today, but you know what's waiting for you as soon as you've been dried off.
  123. "You seriously need to get laid or something. Or at least, like, a hobby."
  124. >"There's no need to be crude, Anon."
  125. You shrug.
  126. "It's what I do."
  127. >"Oh, really? We'll just have to see about that."
  129. >Cadence smirks. She pulls the towel off of you and sets you back down on the changing table, tail held skyward.
  130. "...And what's that (unh!) s'posed to mean?"
  131. >"It means, maybe beneath that bratty little exterior of yours, there's a sweet little filly who wants a bit of love and attention."
  132. >She gently massages your back.
  133. >"And maybe~ a day of pampering is just what that little filly needs..."
  134. >You feel your bottom being dusted with powder, followed by some firm hoof-pats. You squirm a bit.
  135. "But I'm not a foal... I c—nph!"
  136. >"Hush, Anon. Just relax..."
  137. >She turns you on your back and puts a thick diaper between your back legs. She gives you a few more pats to make sure it's in place, then lifts you up again and cradles you.
  138. >"All cozy, Anon?"
  139. "This is demeaning."
  140. >"That's not what I asked~. I asked if you were comfortable..."
  141. "(grumble) Yes, Mommy."
  142. >"Good. Now, (giggle) let's get you dressed..."
  144. >Even while you're levitated in mid-air, it still takes Cadence a couple minutes to wrangle you into that first dress.
  145. >"Ah-ah, hold still."
  146. >She presents you to the mirror. Your new attire is soft pink with a white trim; it's probably the frilliest, girliest, most adorable little outfit you've ever laid eyes on.
  147. >You hate it.
  149. >"Are you sure you don't want me to take any pictures? You look—"
  150. "Not even if you paid me."
  151. >"Suit yourself..."
  152. >She lets you saunter around and look cute for a little while. Inevitably, though, she presents your next dress to you. That thing about your current dress being the frilliest goddamn thing you've ever seen? Yeah, scratch that. This one's worse.
  153. "Seriously?"
  154. >"(giggle) Of course~."
  155. >In two quick motions, the pink dress is pulled over your head, then off entirely.
  157. >"Anon, sweetie, we've been over this already... this would be much easier for both of us if you'd quit fussing over it."
  158. "Like I said, 'Mommy'... I'm not gonna just roll over and let you do what you want."
  159. >"Really."
  160. >You shrug.
  161. "Gotta keep a bit of dignity somehow, I guess."
  163. >Cadence rolls her eyes, then smirks.
  164. >"Tell me, then."
  165. >You feel a bit of force, pinning you down for a moment while she pulls the second dress onto you.
  166. >"How would your ~dignity~ fare, (snicker) if I decided to spank your padded little bottom until you cried for mommy?"
  167. "...You wouldn't. (Nnph!)"
  168. >She fits the outfit into place, and tries to tie a bow into your mane.
  169. >"Anon, I've already had to discipline you once today; don't think I won't do it again."
  170. Thanks for the reminder, Cadence. You were just starting to forget about the taste, too.
  171. "I mean, if we're bringing THAT up, you didn't really HAVE to punish me. You just did anyway, 'cause you're set on this whole 'Mommy' thing."
  172. >"Well, the point stands, sweetie."
  173. >She sets you upright and makes sure your dress is straightened out.
  174. >...Then gives your rear end a single, firm swat. You recoil a bit.
  175. "Uhn!"
  176. >"And no more back-talk."
  177. "Fine, fine! Jeez."
  178. >Sigh. Every damn time.
  180. >There wasn't much else you could do at that point, so that's pretty much how the next hour goes.
  181. >(Well, maybe it's fifteen minutes. It FEELS like an hour, at least.)
  182. >It's purgatory, crossed with a dress-shopping montage from one of those dumb chick flicks.
  183. >Mommy dolls you up in some girly outfit, fawns over you for a while, then strips you back down and starts the whole process anew.
  184. >It's dumb, and you hate it.
  187. >"Throwing a tantrum, are we?"
  188. >Cadence sets down the (ungodly pink and puffy) dress she was folding, then floats you off the ground and towards her.
  189. >"What's wrong, little Anon? Do you need a change?"
  190. >She tugs at your diaper.
  191. "What? No! Put me down..."
  192. >"(snicker) Had enough fun for now?"
  193. "(huff) Acting like a baby and playing dress-up is not my idea of fun, in case it wasn't obvious."
  194. >"Okay, okay. I suppose we can lay off the dresses for now."
  195. "(sigh) Thank you."
  197. >"Hmm... we have been at this for a while... are you hungry, Anon? Can I get you anything?"
  198. "...If I say yes, will I get an actual meal? And not, like, baby food or something?"
  199. >"Now, would I do something like that?"
  200. >You glare at her.
  201. "Yes. Yes, you would."
  202. >She ponders for a moment, then chuckles to herself.
  203. >"Well, as long as we're on the same page..."
  204. >Typical.
  206. >She carries you towards the kitchen. You wriggle a bit.
  207. "Ummmmactually I've changed my mind. I'm not really that hungr—"
  208. >Cadence seats you firmly onto a cushioned high chair.
  209. "Oof!"
  210. >"Suit yourself. But you should at least have something..."
  211. >She presents a large milk bottle, and sets it down in front of you.
  212. "Really, it's fine, I—mph!"
  213. >You try to excuse yourself, but Cadence keeps you in your seat.
  214. >"Ah-ah-ah, baby. You're not leaving that chair until you drink the whole bottle."
  216. >Why are you not surprised.
  217. >As soon as Mommy sees you nudge the bottle away, she tips it forward and forces it into your mouth. So much for that.
  218. "This is still dumb, by the way." (suckle)
  219. >"Oh, hush."
  220. >...Well, it could be worse. At least she's leaving you alone; she could be holding the bottle in place, or spoonfeeding you some kind of mush, or,
  221. >Ugh. Just stay quiet and don't give her any more ideas.
  223. >From the corner of your eye, you see Cadence unfurl another set of clothing, about your size.
  224. "Hey, you said we were done w—"
  225. >"Oh, this isn't for dress-up."
  226. >She holds up the garment, revealing it to be a frilly little onesie.
  227. >"Someone~ is being a cranky little filly, and needs a nap."
  228. "(groan) Seriously?"
  229. >"Mmhmm. Now, be a dear and finish your milk."
  230. "(sigh) Yes, Mommy." (suck) (suck)
  232. >Once Cadence sees that you've downed every last drop, she picks you up and burps you. Because of course she does.
  233. >"Good girl..." (pat) (pat) "Mommy will make sure you're nice and cozy..."
  234. "Y'know, when you said I needed some pampering, this is not— (urp) —the first thing that comes to mind."
  235. >"(snicker) What, you'd prefer a nice massage or a day at the spa, instead? I can give you another bath, if you'd like..."
  236. >You blush a bit. Not going through THAT again, if you can help it.
  237. "No, no, that's not what I,"
  238. >She snickers again, checks your diaper one more time, then starts buttoning you into your onesie.
  239. >It's more comfortable than any of the dresses, but it's still annoyingly cute and frilly and girly.
  240. >Also, the poof of the onesie and the poof of your diaper complement each other a little too well. You can barely walk in this getup.
  241. >...Not that it matters, since Cadence has taken it upon herself to carry you away.
  243. >She was nice enough to prepare a bed for you.
  244. >It's certainly an improvement over most of your accommodations today. Almost luxurious, even.
  245. >"There. Comfy?"
  246. "Yes, Mommy..."
  247. >She kisses your forehead and tucks you in.
  248. >Might as well get settled, 'cause you're not exactly going anywhere.
  249. >Just rest and relax...
  251. >When you wake up, Cadence tells you that she's enjoyed playing with you, but she's finally letting you off the hook. You can go home and forget that any of this ever happened.
  253. >...Is what you hope will happen. But that's the best-case scenario.
  254. >More likely, she'll have thought up all sorts of new and creative ways to humiliate you.
  255. >Cause, y'know, Mommy knows best~.
  256. >All you can do for now is wait and see.
  257. >Being small and cute is bullshit sometimes.
  259. THE END...?

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