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Sunsent to the Principal by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:28:44
Updated: 2022-03-13 14:55:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunsent to the Principal by Anon
  2. (Luna, Celestia / Sunset)
  4. (28/01/2018 - 21/02/2018)
  7. ---
  9. >It all started a few weeks after that fateful Fall Formal.
  10. >Sunset Shimmer, though trying to make up for her misdeeds, still had a slight mean streak.
  11. >One day, she decided she'd try one of her old tricks. She tried to play innocent when Vice Principal Luna confronted her, but she saw right through her.
  12. >Fed up with the girl, she brought her straight into the principal's office. Luna locked the door, and immediately bent Sunset over the desk.
  13. >Had Celestia not been sick, she might not have gotten away with this.
  14. >She quickly removed Sunset's skirt and underwear, and began to beat her orange bottom.
  15. >The poor girl bawled her eyes out, powerless against the Vice Principal.
  16. >That night, she hugged her pillow tight, alone in her bed, hoping she would never have to endure that again.
  18. >About a week later, while setting up a video game console she had saved up for, due to the tight space it was in, the cord had unplugged and hit her straight in the buttcheeks. She yelped in surprise
  19. >Rubbing her behind, she felt something else. Something...odd.
  20. >She thought back to when Vice Principal Luna punished her. "Man, that really stung," she chuckled. "Kinda glad she did that, though."
  21. >However, she couldn't help feeling as if she wanted to revisit that pain.
  22. >She removed her skirt, and placed it on her bed. After pulling her black panties down, she bent over the bed, and let out a small sigh in anticipation.
  23. >Slowly, she raised her hand, and made the first strike.
  24. >"Ngh!" It hurt, but it was oddly arousing.
  25. >She slapped the other cheek and cried out again. Eventually, she got into the rhythm of it and turned her soft, light orange rear end to a light pink.
  26. >However, that was as far as she could go. It hurt too much to go any further.
  27. >It was satisfying...but not satisfying enough. She wanted more. She couldn't do it herself though.
  29. >"You wanted to see me, Principal Celestia?"
  30. >"Yes, Sunset. Please sit down," she motioned towards her. Sunset sat down gingerly, looking down.
  31. >"Now, I've been getting multiple write-ups from your teachers, and I have to say, Sunset, I'm very disappointed in you."
  32. >It took a lot for Sunset to not crack a smile. Everything was going as planned.
  33. >"I thought you were starting to do better, turning over a new leaf," she said with a glare.
  34. >"I-I know, ma'am," she said, fidgeting around nervously.
  35. >Celestia placed her hands on her desk. "I'm willing to give you another chance. I know you've had it rough this past month, I understand that you might not be willing to cooperate so easily." Sunset looked down, trying to look ashamed, and in some way, she was. "I'm afraid I will have to give you detention, though."
  36. >Sunset's head perked up. This was her chance.
  37. >"U-um, Principal Celestia?" she said, her heart pounding.
  38. >"Yes?"
  39. >"Instead of detention, maybe...maybe you could..." She exhaled. "Could you please spank me instead?"
  40. >Celestia's eyes widened. "Oh, Sunset, dear, I don't think you need to be paddled..."
  41. >"I don't mean a paddling, ma'am. I mean...a spanking, with your hand, on the bare bottom."
  42. >She was speechless for a moment. "Sunset...I...I mean, we're not supposed to-"
  43. >"Please, Principal Celestia..." she begged.
  44. >Celestia paused.
  45. >"...Are you sure about this, Sunset?"
  46. >Sunset was incredibly nervous. This was her last chance to back out.
  48. >"Yes, ma'am. I'm very sure."
  49. >"...Okay." She got up and cleared a spot on her desk, and sat on it.
  50. >"Over my lap, Miss Shimmer."
  51. >This was a bit different than what Vice Principal Luna did, but Sunset complied. Celestia lifted her skirt, and lowered her underwear.
  52. >"Ready?"
  53. >Sunset let out a nervous "Mm-hmm."
  54. >WHAP!
  55. >"Eep!" The first swat was always the most nerve wracking.
  56. >SMACK! WHAP! POP!
  57. >"Ow! Owow! Oof!" she howled.
  58. >The spanking went on for quite a while. At least, it seemed like it.
  59. >Sunset enjoyed every second of it. She was bent over like a naughty child being punished by their mother. Her bare bottom was exposed to the elements, raised in the air for anyone to see. The whole experience was exhilarating.
  60. >Each swat stung hard, but at the same time was strangely satisfying. Tears flowed down her face, even though she was enjoying it.
  61. >Sunset couldn't help but play up her position near the end. "Ow! Owww! Waahh! I'm so-orry! Bawwhaaww!"
  62. >It seemed almost too soon for Sunset that Celestia finally let up.
  63. >Sunset pulled up her panties and faced the Principal. "Thank you, Principal Celestia," she sniffled.
  64. >Saying nothing, Celestia embraced her.
  65. >"I hope you've learned your lesson, Sunset. I don't want to have to do this again."
  66. >"O-oh, yes ma'am! I'm not gonna be forgetting this for a while," she said, tapping her butt. "Yipe!" she jumped.
  67. >Celestia chuckled. "Have a good day, Sunset."
  69. >Sure enough, however, Sunset would occasionally misbehave on purpose, and each time Celestia would tan her behind once more.
  70. >Neither of the principals spoke a word of this. The school was only allowed to give a paddling on clothing.
  72. >At her apartment, Sunset pulled up her chair and turned on her computer. She sat down, and leapt right back up, grabbing her sore rump. "Ow, ow!"
  73. >"I should probably get some lotion," she thought.
  75. THE END

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