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the Peryton Curse - pt 1 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:30:49
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:02:11
Expiry: Never

  1. the Peryton Curse - pt 1 by Anon
  2. (Monster / Mare)
  3. unf
  5. (07/03/2018)
  8. ---
  10. it all started long time ago
  11. Where there was an old hermit Peryton.
  12. He excludes himself from the socity to experment on black magic.
  13. That old Peryton did travel through other dimensions.
  14. Hording Dangerous artifacts and treasures from his visits.
  15. Even though he was shut in.
  16. Whispers of his treasures and magical abilities have been spread around.
  17. Some theives tried to steal or sneak inside his tower.
  18. they all failed.
  19. a Young ambitious unicorn was studying the Peryton race.
  20. she knew how powerful they were.
  21. Perytons kingdom are too far away.
  22. when she heard that there was one living nearby she decided to go visit him.
  23. she packed her bags and went to his tower.
  24. It took her 2 days to reach the entrance to his tower.
  25. She knocked on the large door and waited.
  26. but no response.
  27. SHe knocked harder.
  28. after few min a window opened from the tower.
  29. and there he was looking down on her.
  30. "What in blazes name do you want"
  31. "umm.."
  32. it wasn't expecting this type of reaction.
  33. "Well ?"
  34. "umm. I am a Tawi and I come to..."
  35. "Speak up I cannot hear you"
  36. "I came here to visit ..."
  37. he intrupeted her "No visitors Go away"
  38. then he close shut the window.
  39. The young unicorn felt disappointed.
  40. But she didn't stop trying.
  41. She knocked on the door again.
  42. The Peryton opened the window and glared at her.
  43. "What ?"
  44. "I traveled 2 days to come here. and i just wanted to ask you ..."
  45. "I said no visitor Do not disturb me"
  46. "But I.."
  47. he spread his wings and flow out of the tower.
  48. His stag horn started glowing and shoot a beam right in front of her.
  49. "hey watch it"
  50. "Shoo go Away"
  51. "what ?"
  52. he started charging his magic again.
  53. the Tawi felt threatened and ran away.
  54. He shoot a beam the hit her right on her rump.
  55. "ouch!"
  56. "And don't come back"
  57. he head back to his tower and shut himself in.
  58. as she was further away from him. in the woods
  59. she still haven't lost her determination.
  60. she said "well if he isn't gonna let me study him willingly then I'll just observe him without him knowing."
  62. the next day. she head back to the tower.
  63. This time she cast a cloaking spell on herself rendering herself invisible.
  64. once she was near the door she just teleported herself inside.
  65. she wondered around his labyrinth tower.
  66. walking around his vaults, labs , study room and library.
  67. going up.
  68. she found him sitting on a table writing something on a scroll.
  69. the wood under her feet creaked. she paused from the noise she made.
  70. she froze there nervously under her invisibility spell.
  71. but the Peryton didn't even flinch.
  72. he was caught up with his thoughts.
  73. she took the opportunity to study how Peryton looked.
  74. as she was approaching him.
  75. unknowingly she stepped on a circle made from red sand on the floor.
  76. as soon as she stepped in. she felt something holding her horn and pulling her.
  77. she shrieked. and her invisibility spell worn off.
  78. The Peryton looked back at the commotion.
  79. he suddenly flipped out.
  80. "You idiot little pony . Do you even realised what have you done ?"
  81. Then what was holding her started to take shape.
  82. "I'm sorry let me go."
  83. "You Broken the circle seal and Freed the eternal spirit of wrath. this spirit won't rest till it's purpose is fulfilled "
  85. "aah"
  86. the spirit was slowly going inside her.
  87. The Peryton was thinking fast "I cannot seal it again. i need to change it's previous purpose."
  88. "whats happening to me. ahh what it's doing"
  89. "it won't stop till it consume all living things in Equestria."
  90. "What.. help"
  91. He cast a spell and forcfully leviated it from the ground.
  92. Tawi fell down coughing.
  93. "ugh I cannot contain him much longer"
  94. "what are u gonna do now ?"
  95. "Stop inturpting me . you are making me lose focus."
  96. "Sorry"
  97. "Sorry ? it's all cause of you little ponies. you always bother me. trying to steal my loots."
  98. "but I wasn't trying to steal anything "
  99. "Slience you ponies need to be taught a lesson."
  100. he looked at the bond spirit and said "Hear me old spirit of wrath I got a new purpose for you. from this day forawrd you shall go and Teach those naughty ones a lesson."
  101. he looked at the pony and pointed at her.
  102. "starting with this naught little one over there"
  103. He then unbond it and fell down panting in exhostion.
  104. The smoky spirit took solid shape and wrapped itself around Tawi.
  105. it picked her up and with it's tentacle like limbs. it grabbed held of her tail.
  106. "Ahh let me go. Peryton help..."
  107. but he was still recovering his stamina after casting that spell.
  109. The spirit then started smacking her with one of it's tentacles that has a flat end like a paddle.
  110. Smack smack smack.
  111. "Owe hey let me go owe what are you doing to me owe."
  112. she was completely bond from her waist. her legs are dangling in the air. she couldn't escape.
  113. Smack smack smack!
  114. She squrimed in her place. and tried to wiggle herself out but it all failed. the smacking kept coming and coming one after the other.
  115. she blushed in embaresment as it felt like a filly being spanked.
  116. she looked back to where the Peryton was. but he wasn't there. she was stuck with spirit that is spanking her.
  117. the smacking continued relentlessly and become more and more painful as they came along.
  118. Smack smack smack
  119. Owe owch aaaw hey stop this .. why are you doing this. this is not happening owe stahp.
  120. Smack smack.
  121. Some eariler years spanking trama kicked in. she without giving much thought felt that she was being naughty and she deserved it. for sneaking in like that .
  122. "I am sorry. owee please sttahp . I deserved it . owe i learn my lesson owe"
  123. Suddenly a glaring beam of magical light hit her and the spirit.
  124. "quickly teleport yourself away"
  125. and she did.
  126. Peryton was casting a spell. binding the spirit again.
  127. he pulled it over him and shoved the spirit inside a cookie jar.
  128. he quickly closed it off and placed a sealing tape on it.
  129. phew.
  130. the sniffling pony said " is it over ?"
  131. He glared at her." No it's not over. this is only a temporary solution"
  132. "temporarily ?"
  134. "if it wasn't for your meddling into my business none of this would happen. here catch"
  135. he casually throw the jar at her.
  136. she caught it after almost dropping it.
  137. "it's your problem now. if by anychance this jar is opened again.. the spirit would be free to unleash its vengance upon the naughties."
  138. Tawi was confused " why are u giving me this "
  139. Peryton "cause I fed up. I'm leaving equestria . i found a nicer and more quieter place in different realm"
  140. he opened a portal and jumped through it. leaving her behind.
  141. Young Tawi fled the tower and went stright to the most powerful unicorn she knew. Starswirl the bearded she told him what happen and gave him the jar.
  142. he was skiptical of what Tawi said. but he kept the jar sealed in his old castle.
  143. and till this day the spirit is still seal of inside the jar. and no pony knows where it is...
  144. "Booo"
  145. "this story sucks."
  146. Twilight : "excuse me "
  147. Student : "there are many plot holes in this story. where are the Perytons ? where's his aclaimed tower at ? "
  148. Twilight : well this happened long time ago and it was written by ...
  149. Student : Spirit of endless wrath. that punishes the naughties.. pfffgg you have to try harder than that. you just want to scare us to be goodie two shoes.
  150. ..
  151. while this was happening
  152. some unmarked barrel was being purchased by Sunburst.
  153. He just opened it and found the sealed jar.
  154. Sunburst " a sealed cookie jar ... eww but the jar looks authintic antique. I'll just clean it up "
  155. he removed the seal . and as soon as he did the jar lid flew open. with some black smock rushes out of it.
  156. Then there was nothing.
  157. Sunburst : " well that was weird . but hmm.. it's empty.. I wonder why it was sealed in the first place"

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