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The Straight A student by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:31:10
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:03:41
Expiry: Never

  1. The Straight A student by Anon
  2. (Mrs. Chloe / Snips)
  4. (22/12/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Twilight sparkle just got home.
  10. >She ran upstairs excited to her room.
  11. >She closed and locked the door behind her.
  12. >her heart was pumping.
  13. >"oh I don't know how did I got the guts to do it. but I'm glad i did"
  14. >she opened her bag and drag out the 'Entire Shadow lane Volume series"
  15. >it's a book fulled with juicy lewd stories. that's what that girl said.
  16. >Twilight spend the entire night reading them.
  17. >It was quite shocking to her.
  18. >She never knew spanking can be this lewd.
  19. >She couldn't get that though away from her head.
  20. >she started thinking about it.
  21. >how the male character pulled that woman on his knees and spank her till she organism...
  22. >Twilight felt a tingling sensation while thinking about it.
  23. >She was always a straight A student who never got into trouble.
  24. >She never been spanked before... except for few occasions when she was a little girl but she hardly remembers them.
  25. >she lied down on her bed.
  26. >thinking about it.
  27. >she did witness few spanking in her school.
  28. >she remembered that student ... Trixie she got called into the office.
  29. >Twilight was sitting in the hallway. while the headmistress was spanking her.
  30. >She recall the smacking sound followed by wailing and sobbing.
  31. >just imagining it turned heron.
  32. >she was finding this really interesting.
  33. >She started touching herself.
  34. >rubbing her panties.
  35. >her other hand went on her back.
  36. >she stroke her butt.
  37. >she pulled down her panties exposing her butt.
  38. >the sudden exposure gave her a jolt of excitement.
  39. >it did turn her on hard.
  40. >her mind and rationality was fading away.
  41. >living the moment.
  42. >she raised her arm up.
  44. >And slapped her own bare ass.
  45. >SMACK!
  46. >it made a loud noise.
  47. >she raised her arm again.
  48. >Smack!
  49. >she slapped her other butt cheeks.
  50. >she start rubbing herself harder.
  51. >as was so sexually exited.
  52. >she spread her legs a bit and raised her butt up.
  53. >while still stroking herself.
  54. >she raised her hand again.
  55. >Knock Knock knock!
  56. >Twilight are you there ?
  57. >her father was knocking on her door.
  58. >twilight was startled in panic.
  59. >Her father tried to open the door but it was locked.
  60. >Twilight covered herself tried to hid the book under the bed.
  61. >Knock Knock knock
  62. >Twilight why is the door locked ? Twilight ?
  63. >she hid all the evidence of what she was doing and unlocked the door.
  64. >Her father opened the door and looked at his daughter.
  65. >she was wearing her pajamas and her bed was a bit messy.
  66. >"Were you sleeping ?"
  67. >"um... yes ?
  68. >did you hear the noise ?
  69. >"what noise ?"
  70. >"I heard some. smacking noise coming from here "
  71. >"no I didn't hear anything."
  72. >"that is weird I could have swear it was coming from here"
  73. >"um.. did you check on my brother. maybe he ..."
  74. >"oh yes of course... well sleep tight twilight"
  75. >"good night dad"
  76. >he left twilight alone.
  77. >Phew that was a close one. good thing i locked my door.
  78. >twilight then heard her father opening his son's room.
  79. >in a distance "Shining armor what the hell do you think you are doing"
  80. >"oh shit dad... no pls it's not what it's look like."
  81. >"smoking p in my house. the nerve on you."
  82. >;it was my first time I swear"
  83. >"First time huh you take me as a fool . I think I've been too soft on you boy"
  84. >"no what you are doing let me go. wait I'm too old for this stuff."
  85. >"this is a long over due."
  86. >Smack Smack
  87. >Twilight heart start racing like crazy,
  88. >she couldn't believe this was happening.
  89. >She was frightened
  90. >yet exited at the same time.
  92. >she could hear faint echos of the smacks followed by little grunt.
  93. >her father was scolding her brother.
  94. >But her mind sunk in.
  95. >she was feeling naughty.
  96. >as if she was the one being spanked.
  97. >fantasying herself being in her dad's lap.
  98. >as he raise his hand up in the air.
  99. >then swiftly smack her bottom.
  100. >she clenched her butt while fantasying it.
  101. >she bit her lips.
  102. >blushing.
  103. >panting.
  104. >her hand moved down on their own.
  105. >she started rubbing herself.
  106. >at the sound of the faint smacking.
  107. >she pauses for a bit.
  108. >waiting.
  109. >she hear a smack sound.
  110. >She rubs herself like crazy then stop waiting for another one.
  111. >and another...
  112. >then it stopped.
  113. >she was waiting in anticipation.
  114. >she heard a door close. her father was done with him.
  115. >he was walking toward her room.
  116. >she ran off and jumped in bed.
  117. >her walked across her room and headed back to his room.
  118. >this was to much of an excitement for one day.
  119. >she knew it was getting late and she better just sleep.
  120. >and not do anything lewd or stupid.
  122. >the next day on her way to school she kept thinking.
  123. >the idea of her getting spanked circled her head.
  124. >she knew the school teachers are allowed to spank the students.
  125. >"~maybe I should do something that would make one of the teacher spank me."
  126. >"~oh twilight don't be stupid. how would you convince them to do it. and you getting spanked.. that's totally embarrassing. "
  127. >"~ but yet. It's the experience. me leaning forward as the ruler aimed at my exposed bottom. it would come swiftly and"
  128. Smack!
  129. >Twilight was startled by the sound of a butt smacking noise she just heard.
  130. >it was her friend rainbow dash just smacked Pinkie pie's butt.
  131. >oh~ morning rainbow. you startled me
  132. >morning pinkie. that's what you get for not paying attention.
  133. >you got me this time next time it would be your flat butt.
  134. >hey my butt is not flat.
  135. >well it is.. isn't that right Twilight.
  136. >I think it's rather on the flat side . ~ops did I just say that out loud.
  137. >Tehee even our nerdy friend think so.
  138. >Hmp! - Rainbow dash said that in irritation
  140. >"oh shoot we gonna get late. I don't want to get into trouble again."
  141. >and Rainbow dash ran of ahead of them.
  142. >"wait for me Rainbow. I don't want to get my bum roasted again." and pinke followed her .
  143. >leaving twilight walking at her own pace.
  144. >Twilight got back into her thoughts.
  145. >~"get into trouble again... she said... bum roasted.. "
  146. >an idea started to spin inside her brain
  147. >~"hmm I never was late before."
  148. >she start blushing a bit.
  149. >~"maybe if I get late. I'll be the one in trouble. would that lead to spanking i wonder... wait what am I even suggesting. I mean I'm a good student I don't want to just shatter my good reputation. but yet... my bum really aching for a spank. I don't know I'm so confused."
  150. >she continued heading walking in near absent minded state.
  151. >"~well maybe I should just do something harmless. Something that might get me spanked while not harming my grades. like ... getting late to school for instant."
  152. >she arrived at the school gate. now she made it inside the school ground in time. only 1 min left .
  153. >She stopped there for a moment then decided not to enter the school main building.
  154. >she went to the sides.
  155. >trying to slack off a bit . taking a walk rather than standing awkwardly at the main entrance.
  156. >few min passed. now she is already late. she is already in trouble.
  157. >she doesn't know what to do now.
  158. >as she was walking she saw 2 boys. kneeling near a window.
  159. >it;s Snips and snails.
  160. >~"oh it's just those two idiots . they always get themselves into trouble... wait a min. trouble... that's what I'm getting myself into. maybe I should just hang out with them for a while surly they might do something stupid yet harmless."
  161. >"Hey snips and snails what a..."
  162. >"Aaah It's Twilight we got busted" Shouted snips
  163. >"Shhh not so loud or you gonna blow our cover." -snails
  164. >"Omgosh is that snips . oh they are peeking at us . eeep ! ya perverts" the girls were yelling from inside the building.
  166. >"who's there . ah I see you . snips and snails. you two wait right there. "
  167. >"oh noes it's mrs. Chole ... run " snails
  168. >the two boys start running.
  169. >twilight was caught up in the moment and she instinctively started running behind them.
  170. >"Oh noes she's following us. run faster snail"
  171. >the hit a fence and start climbing it.
  172. >twilight didn't know what she was doing and start climbing the fence with them.
  173. >she wasn't good with that and she fell down.
  174. >She clanged to snails leg. pulling him down with her.
  175. >he also clanged to snips legs and they all fell on the ground.
  176. >when they look up. they saw mrs. Chole was standing right next to them.
  177. >The Three of you To my office now.
  178. >moment later at mrs. Chole office.
  179. >the three of them sitting on a bench next to each other.
  180. >mrs. Chole was angry,
  181. >She walked in front of them.
  182. >So what are you gonna say to yourselves.
  183. >skipping classes
  184. >peeping on girls.
  185. >such behavior is not tolerated in this school.
  186. >the three of them lowered their head in shame.
  187. >If it wasn't for miss Twilight over here how have known what else you two would have done.
  188. >Mrs.Chole known Twilight for quite some time she know she is a Straight A student and she dismissed the fact that she was also ditching classes.
  189. >She pulled down a chair and place it in front of them.
  190. >well snips you know the drill.
  191. >he gulped then stood up.
  192. >he leaned forward on the chair.
  193. >bending over.
  194. >um oh no . this time I'm gonna do it bare.
  195. >with little hesitation he lowered his pants down. along with his briefs .
  196. >exposing her butt to them.
  197. >he then resumed his position on the chair.
  198. >twilight heart was racing. she was about to witness a spanking happening right in front of her eyes.
  199. >surely she wasn't the one getting it
  200. >but it was making her sexually exited.
  201. >She crossed her legs. and her face turned red.
  202. >this odd behaviors from twilight caught mrs.Chole attention.
  203. >oh missTwilight you are should head back to your class now.
  205. >But mrs...
  206. >yes ?
  207. >twilight paused for a sec. she didn't know what to say.
  208. >oh yes I forgot. thank you miss Twilight for you diligence. I will make sure these two would never do that again so rest assure.
  209. >twilight nodded. and started heading out.
  210. >"oh miss. Twilight. wait. here. "
  211. >she took a paper on wrote something on it then signed it.
  212. >"give this to your class teacher"
  213. >twilight left the room with the paper.
  214. >and as she was walking she heard the cracking of the Stick smacking across snips fat butt.
  215. >"~Grrr, what a waste of a good opportunity . mrs.Chole would never spank me. or even believe me if I said i was ditching the classes on purpose. it's not something they expect me to do..."
  216. >she read the paper mrs. Chole gave her.
  217. >"dear miss Cinabelle please let twilight in the class as she was helping me with student arrangement...."
  218. >"~guh I better just get back to class now."

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