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Trial by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:34:03
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:40:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Trial by Anon
  2. (Anon / Trixie)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, non-consensual
  5. (24/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. >The judge slammed the podium with a levitated hammer.
  11. >"The trial of Trixie Lulamoon will now begin."
  12. "The defense is ready, your honor."
  13. >You, Anon Chan, have studied in Law School before going to Equestria, so you know what you're doing.
  14. >"The prosecution is ready, your honor."
  15. >Your opponent today would be Razor Edge.
  16. >"Mr. Edge. Please give the court your opening statement."
  17. >"Thank you, Your Honor. The defendant, Trixie Lulamoon, was the cause of the crime, as seen by several witnesses. The prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case, Your Honor."
  18. >"I see."
  19. >The Judge nods, which is never a good sign.
  20. >"Thank you, Mr. Edge. Let us begin, then. You may call your first witness."
  21. >"The prosecution calls the one who saved Ponyville from the disaster, Twilight Sparkle!"
  22. >You can't help cringing. Fucking Razor. How could he pull out the big guns THIS early? There's a reason you can't play Professional at the beginning of Resident Evil 4!
  23. >Twilight Sparkle soon arrives at the podium.
  24. >"Witness, state your name and profession to the court."
  25. >"My name is Twilight Sparkle! I'm the town librarian!"
  26. >"Miss Sparkle, please describe for us the details of the crime."
  27. >"Gladly!"
  28. >What a cunt. She'll GLADLY punish this mare who did nothing wrong?
  29. >"You see, last week, at 2000 hours, an Ursa Minor attacked the town. After attempting to calm the Ursa, it was up to me to save the town!"
  30. >Typical exaggeration of a cunt with a hero complex.
  31. >"All of Ponyville was up, so they can testify!"
  32. >The judge nods in thought.
  33. >"Then let us begin. Please testify to the court about the scene in detail.
  34. >"It was late at night when I heard quakes."
  35. >"I went outside, and I saw an Ursa Minor attacking the town!"
  36. >"Trixie attempted to stop it, but it was no use."
  37. >"Ergo, my friends had to encourage me to stop it, and I lulled it to sleep, returning it to its cave."
  38. >[The judge thinks for a moment.]
  39. >"Very well. Mr. Chan, you may begin your cross-examination."
  40. >"Yes, your honor."
  41. >Shit, you've got no evidence to prove her wrong! Why did you have to sleep in?!
  42. >However, as a spiky-haired lawyer would say, "Bluff it and keep pressing!"
  43. >Don't have to tell you twice.
  44. >"It was late at night when I heard quakes."
  45. "HOLD IT!"
  46. "What quakes?"
  47. >"The sound of the Ursa's footsteps. Come on, Anon, you were there..."
  48. >...Oh, right.
  49. >"It was late at night when I heard quakes."
  50. >"I went outside, and I saw an Ursa Minor attacking the town!"
  51. "HOLD IT!"
  52. "How did you know it wasn't just exploring?!"
  53. >"OBJECTION!"
  54. >"As previously stated, you were there!"
  55. "Your point?"
  56. >"You are asking questions you know the answer to!"
  57. >He's got you there.
  58. "Er...Carry on, Miss Sparkle."
  59. >"I went outside, and I saw an Ursa Minor attacking the town!"
  60. >"Trixie attempted to stop it, but it was no use."
  61. ["HOLD IT!"]
  62. "How could she have stopped it if she were leading the Ursa Minor here?"
  63. >"That's...well, good question."
  64. >Bingo! Time for the killshot.
  65. "Ergo, we cannot punish Miss Lulamoon for we have no proof she led it to Ponyville!"
  66. >"OBJECTION!"
  67. >Oh shit.
  68. >"Mr. Chan, I have to inform you that there is, indeed, evidence."
  69. >He pulls out...a photo?
  70. >"See, there are hoofprints that belong to a mare here. I can tell by the size."
  71. "OBJECTION!"
  72. "Why are there two sets of hoofprints?"
  73. >"Simple. She came back the same way."
  74. "Then where are the Ursa Minor's prints?"
  75. >"Eh?!"
  76. >Yes! You're getting somewhere!
  77. "If she brought the Ursa Minor to Ponyville, she would've brought it along the same path!"
  78. >"OBJECTION!"
  79. >"I shot my mouth off, excuse me. Those aren't Trixie's hoofprints."
  80. >Then why do you have a bad feeling?
  81. >"They belonged to Snips and Snails, whom led it to Ponyville.
  82. "Yes, which means that it was not Trixie's fault."
  83. >"But if she had not arrived, they never would've led it here."
  84. "...That's a load of-"
  85. >"You make a good point, Mr. Edge."
  86. >WHAT?!
  87. "OBJECTION!"
  88. "She never forced them to bring the Ursa Minor to Ponyville!"
  89. >"Tsk, tsk...Mr. Chan, again, if she never arrived, the Ursa Minor would never have bothered Ponyville."
  90. >...Goddamnit, it's fucked up, but true.
  91. >Why couldn't you have asked for the ability to prove someone's innocence instead of wishing for Ebony and Ivory from Devil May Cry when you were between Earth and Equestria?
  92. >"I believe that we are at the bottom of this case. I judge Trixie Lulamoon guilty."
  93. "No..."
  94. >"The punishment, fifty paddles administrated by Royal Guard in public, or the Defense in private, whichever she chooses."
  95. "Why me?!"
  96. >"For wasting our time."
  97. >Ouch.
  98. >A day after court, six days before punishment...
  99. >"Right this way, Mr. Chan."
  100. "Thanks."
  101. >You enter the holding cell of Trixie.
  102. >"YOU!"
  103. >Trixie lunges at you, as you duck.
  104. >She crashes into the quickly closed door.
  105. >"Oof..."
  106. >She stands back up, nursing a head injury.
  107. "Are you well?"
  108. >You ask this while sitting down against a wall.
  109. >"What do you think, you pathetic excuse for a lawyer?"
  110. >Man, you're just getting verbally assaulted by everyone these days.
  111. "It's not my fault Equestrian law is so fucked up!"
  112. >"You could have tried!"
  113. "Who's to say I didn't?!"
  114. >"I am!"
  115. "Maybe you aren't!"
  116. >"I am, you lowly whelp!"
  117. "Says the one getting her ass paddled!"
  118. >"Take that back!"
  119. "Make me."
  120. >She leans to pounce again, but the door slams open.
  121. >"Do I need to break out the body cuffs?"
  122. >Suddenly, Trixie freezes, before shrinking.
  123. >"N-no..."
  124. >"I thought so."
  125. >The guard closes the door, frowning. Can't blame him.
  126. >Trixie regains her composure after a moment.
  127. "Merinthophobia?"
  128. >"You could say that."
  129. >She actually knew what the scientific term for fear of physical restraint was. Surprising.
  130. "Anyway, I just wanted to say, sorry."
  131. >"You're not forgiven."
  132. "Whatever."
  133. >You stand up to leave, sick of her shit.
  134. "Bye."
  135. >Walking out, you are escorted out.
  136. >Fucking Trixie.
  137. >The next day, five days remain...
  138. >"Are you sure?"
  139. "Let's see, easy money and paddling some obnoxious bitch's ass? Hell yes I'm sure!"
  140. >"Very well. Do you wish to do it in public, or private with the judge, Luna, the Royal Guard captain, and I?"
  141. "Not really private, y'know."
  142. >"We cannot take chances."
  143. "Fair enough."
  144. >On one hand, she could be taken down a peg.
  145. >On the other, there's a line to be crossed.
  146. "Private."
  147. >"We shall make the necessary arrangements."
  148. "Mind if I deliver the news to her?"
  149. >"You may."
  150. >Tomorrow you'll get to see her hopefully cry.
  151. >The day after that, four days remain...
  152. >"Here you are, Mr. Chan."
  153. "Thank you."
  154. >You are returning to Trixie's cell.
  155. "Oh Trixie~!"
  156. >"No! Not n-"
  157. >She actually sounds terrified.
  158. >"Oh, it's YOU."
  159. >Her eyes are bloodshot as all hell.
  160. "Guess what?"
  161. >"I'm not in the mood for bad news."
  162. "TOO BAD! I'm the one paddling your ass!"
  163. >She falls silent.
  164. >"Then...can I make a request?"
  165. "What?"
  166. >Strange. She's approaching you without trying to assault you.
  167. >"Will you only do the minimum?"
  168. >You lean down, and scream:
  169. "NOPE!"
  170. >She jumps back, holding her ear.
  171. "Alright, that's all! See you later!"
  172. >You walk out, pleased with the situation.
  173. >Oh? Is that sobbing you hear?
  174. >FUCKS GIVEN: 0
  175. >So why the hell do you feel disgusted?
  176. >The following day, three days remained.
  177. >Nothing special happened, you stayed home, chilling out, keeping it real.
  178. >The day afterwards, two remained.
  179. "Mail, eh?"
  180. >"Yes sir! For you!"
  181. >Derpy handed you the letter, which you exchanged for a few bits.
  182. "Go buy a muffin or two, eh?"
  183. >"Thanks!"
  184. >She beamed at you before flying off. Someone was hungry.
  185. >You open the letter, and take a look at the contents. Soon enough, you yell in shock.
  186. "She wants to see me?!"
  188. >"Right this way, Mr. Chan."
  189. >You are escorted to her cell, still unaware of why you were called here.
  190. >"Here we are."
  191. "Thanks."
  192. >You enter the cell, and Trixie is a corner, shivering.
  193. "What."
  194. >"EEP!"
  195. >She jumps, before turning to you.
  196. >"Hello."
  197. "This is civil."
  198. >Surprisingly, she doesn't snap at you.
  199. >"Er, I just wanted to say that..."
  200. "Yes?"
  201. >"I'm fine with you administrating the punishment."
  202. >WHOZAWHAT?
  203. "...On what grounds?"
  204. >""
  205. "Tell me."
  206. >"I can't, otherwise..."
  207. >You feel a glare piercing into your skull from the door.
  208. >You know what they say about three strikes.
  209. "Fine, alright. Anything else?"
  210. >She shakes her head.
  211. "Mmkay. G'bye."
  212. >You walk out, not being escorted by the guards this time.
  213. >You hear the door of her cell close behind you.
  214. >There's that feeling of dread again.
  215. >One day remained.
  216. >You were watching the clock tick, trying to sort out your feelings.
  217. >Why do you feel weird about paddling her? It's like...goddamnit.
  218. >Of course you're having second thoughts, but why?
  219. >You sit up, before walking into the kitchen to pour yourself more coffee.
  220. >You stare into the mug, seeing your reflection, suddenly not wanting to stunt your growth further.
  221. >You can't figure out a single answer to any of your questions.
  222. >And so, the day passed...
  225. >You entered the chambers, noticing that there's more guests than what was originally intended.
  226. "Princess Celestia, if I may ask, why are there more members of the Royal Guard here?"
  227. >"I can explain."
  228. >Shining Armor speaks up.
  229. >"They requested to observe, so I let them."
  230. "Hold on, what happened to not letting anyone else in?"
  231. >"I was tired of having them badger me."
  232. >"Then, I was tired of the Captain badgering me."
  233. >That's fucked up.
  234. "Well, guess I might as well begin."
  235. >"Guards, bring her out."
  236. >The Guards follow Shining Armor's command, and soon enough, Trixie is brought into the room.
  237. >"Here you are, Mr. Chan."
  238. >One of the Guards hands you a paddle.
  239. "Thanks."
  240. >Just saying that made you feel disgusted again, and you still didn't know why.
  241. >You approach Trixie, who is shivering in fear.
  242. >"Whenever you're ready, Anon."
  243. >You toss the paddle into the air, having it flip before you caught it.
  244. "Ready any time."
  245. >"Begin."
  246. >You reel the paddle back, preparing to swing like a baseball bat.
  247. "Think fast!"
  248. >You spank her with the force of a Major Leaguer, swinging with the speed of a pro Pathfinder.
  249. >She screams in pain, eyes instantly watering up.
  250. "One!"
  251. >You don't let her rest, as you swing again, the impact having her cry out once more.
  252. "Two!"
  253. >The process repeats, forty-five more times.
  254. >Soon enough, her ass is so red, that if you painted the word STOP on it, ponies would do as it said, and her tears could create a new river in Equestria.
  255. "Forty-eight!"
  256. >While you're not showing it, something about this is crushing your soul.
  257. >The paddle makes impact, causing her derriere to jiggle more.
  258. >Just focus on that, self, just focus on that, you've got two more to go...
  259. >You swing again, trying to ignore the feeling.
  260. "Forty-nine!"
  261. >You then throw the paddle in the air, before spinning 360 degrees, catching it, and reeling back.
  262. "Home run!"
  263. >You smack with all the strength you can muster.
  264. "FIFTY!"
  265. >She screams as loudly as she can, enough to wake the population of Canterlot.
  266. "Fillies and gentlecolts, the Anonymous Paddling Experience!"
  267. >You take a bow, handing the paddle to a guard.
  268. >"I'd say you did a fine job, Anon."
  269. "What'd you expect from moi?"
  270. >"Guards, take her back to the prison. Anon, you are free to leave."
  271. "Mind if I come with them?"
  272. >"No you may-"
  273. >"By all means."
  274. >Celestia interrupts the guards, as she walks out.
  275. >"Have a good day, Anon."
  276. >As soon as they're out the door, you're tackled to the ground.
  277. "Get off me, you Royal sack of shit!"
  278. >"No, we can't risk having a witness."
  279. >...What?
  280. "To what?"
  281. >"Well, let's put it in ape terms; we relieve ourselves with this slut."
  282. >...Suddenly, everything makes sense.
  283. "You motherfuckers were molesting her!"
  284. >Between her fear of restraints, her sudden fear of everything, and the guards not escorting you? You were smart enough to get to the bottom of it.
  285. >"Eh, we prefer 'relieving ourselves with her whether she liked it or not.'"
  286. "Same shit, different asshole.
  287. >"Now, we're granting you one last thing. You get to watch the show as we have our way. Now get up, chump!"
  288. >As he props you up, you cease your chance.
  289. >You pull out Ebony, and shoot him in the foreleg.
  290. >"Gah!"
  291. >Pulling out Ivory, you gun him down, before turning to the guards about to penetrate Trixie.
  293. >They're down, too.
  294. "We gotta tell Celestia!"
  295. >"That won't be necessary."
  296. >Luna enters. She left, I just forgot to say it. As did Shining Armor.
  297. >"Please, tell me everything that you know."
  298. "Well, to begin..."
  299. >A week after the incident, the Royal Guards were punished.
  300. >1000 paddles, you heard. Your ass hurt just from thinking about it.
  301. >Trixie had returned to traveling as a magician, and you returned to being the world's worst lawyer.
  302. >Although, you still can't figure out why you felt remorse. Was it...?
  303. >Fuck no. Just no.
  305. THE END

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