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Twilight's Magical Mistake by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:34:35
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:43:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight's Magical Mistake by Anon
  2. (Anon / Twilight)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, bruises, non-consensual
  5. (24/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. >You are an Equestria Public Servant.
  11. >Decent job, good benefits.
  12. >Full pension when you retire.
  13. >You are Regional Library Co-ordinator for your area.
  14. >From Trottingham to Bridleburg, you oversee library operations.
  15. >Technically that makes you Twilight Sparkle's direct supervisor.
  16. >But everybody knows that's just on paper.
  17. >Miss Sparkle is the personal student of Princess Celestia.
  18. >That's the only pony she answers to directly.
  19. >That doesn't mean you & Twilight don't get along.
  20. >She's a good little librarian.
  21. >A bit young, easily distracted sometimes, worries too much.
  22. >Sometimes kinda foalish.
  23. >When you approved funding for her pre-Kindergarden reading program she jumped around you in a circle shouting "YesYesYesYesYes!"
  24. >For embarrassing amount of time.
  25. >But she does a good job & usually comes in under budget.
  26. >Definitely easier to deal with than some of the other town librarians.
  27. >That Royal Archivist, Summer Mane, is a total bitch.
  29. >You look forward to visiting Ponyville.
  30. >Pretty nice town.
  31. >You go straight to the library.
  32. >Ugh...Spike answers the door.
  33. >You never like that weird little fuck.
  34. >Don't know why Twilight Sparkle would keep a pet like that.
  35. >With his cloaca & his creepy claws instead of hooves.
  36. >Then you notice; looks like he's been crying.
  37. >That actually pleases you because ya know...fuck Spike.
  38. >Hopefully Twilight finally started beating him.
  39. "Scroll Stride! Thank Celestia you're here! You've got a message from the Princess, right?"
  40. >That puzzles you.
  41. ", I'm just here on my monthly rounds. Where's your owner, lizard?"
  42. >He tosses his scaly arms around your neck. It's fucking gross.
  43. >Spike moans;
  44. "It's terrible! She's in JAIL!"
  45. "Don't be stupid, lizard, Ponyville doesn't have a jail."
  46. "Okay, she's locked up in a room at Town Hall...but it's like jail!"
  47. >Shove him away.
  48. >Trot over to Town Hall.
  49. >You'll get to the bottom of this.
  50. >There's a number of Ponies already at Town Hall.
  51. >A few fillies about Twilight's age.
  52. >A young recognize him.
  53. >It's her brother Shining Armor; former Captain of the Royal Guard.
  54. >You've never met, you know him by reputation.
  55. >He recently resigned from the military to support his wife.
  56. >New figurehead Princess of the Crystal Empire up north.
  57. >Rumor is he was asked to resign.
  58. >Kind of a "Resign now with dignity before we fire you" situation.
  59. >Although he did well personally, the Royal Guard Company he was in charge of failed miserably during the changeling invasion.
  60. >Princess Celestia & General HammerHoof decided to put a more experienced Officer in command.
  62. >You walk up and introduce yourself.
  63. "That freaky lizard at the library told me Twilight Sparkle could be found here."
  64. "He told me she was in jail."
  65. >A pink filly with wild unkempt mane bursts into tears.
  66. >She throws her arms around you and wails;
  68. >You are in no mood for this.
  69. >You push her off.
  70. "I'm Regional Library Co-ordinator, I'm a government official & Twilight's direct supervisor...sort of."
  71. "Is there a single pony here who can explain to me what's going on?"
  73. >An orange Earth filly steps forward.
  74. "We're Twilight's friends. She' charged with a crime."
  75. >A blue Pegasus with rainbow colored mane interrupts;
  76. "More than charged. She plead guilty & has been sentenced already."
  77. >The orange pony continues;
  78. "You're from the government? We really had our hopes pinned on a pardon from Princess Celestia."
  79. >You shake your head.
  80. "Sorry, I've just come from Hoofington, not Canterlot. I know nothing about this."
  81. "Can I speak to her?"
  83. >A Royal Guard pony leads you to her cell.
  84. >It's actually a storage room with a cot in it.
  85. >Twilight Sparkle is glad to see you.
  86. "Mr. Scroll Stride, I'm so glad you're here!"
  87. >She hugs you too.
  88. >Damn, they sure are huggy in this town.
  89. " don't happen to be carrying a letter from the Princess?"
  91. >Twilight explains what happened.
  92. "I was doing some late-night studying. I found a book I'd never read before."
  93. "It had some interesting spells in it."
  94. >She looks really embarrassed.
  95. "I kinda knew they were maybe illegal."
  96. "Alright, it was forbidden dark magic, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it out."
  97. >She sighs.
  98. "Well that was super-dumb. Shoulda known the Dark Magic Bureau can detect stuff like that."
  99. " arrested. There was no point in fighting it so I plead guilty as charged."
  100. >You're sympathetic, this sounds bad.
  101. "So what's going to happen?"
  102. >Twilight's eyes tear up. She gulps nervously.
  103. "Public punishment. I'm gonna get a paddling in the Town Square."
  104. >Hmm...sounds embarrassing, but not too terrible.
  105. >A public spanking? She'll live.
  106. "I was really hoping for a letter from Princess Celestia."
  107. "But I'm scared too. What if she's angry about this? She might drop me as her personal student!"
  108. >She's really upset, tears flowing freely.
  109. "What am I gonna do!?"
  110. >This time you put your arm around her. This hugging crap must be contagious.
  111. >You hear commotion outside.
  112. "Sugarcube! Spike just got a letter! It's from Celestia!"
  113. >This must be the first time you've ever been happy to see that lizard.
  114. >The guards let Twilight's friends & brother in.
  115. >Spike gives her the sealed scroll.
  116. "Ohhhhhh...I'm too nervous! Read it for me, please?"
  117. >Her brother accepts the scroll.
  118. >He scans it with his eyes but does not read aloud.
  119. "Well?" demands the blue Pegasus.
  120. >She's kinda pushy.
  121. >Shining Armor has a sad look on his face.
  122. "Twily, I'm's not a pardon."
  123. >All the ponies hang their heads low.
  124. >Twilight looks crushed.
  125. >Shining Armor explains;
  126. "It's a slight reduction. Because of your service to Equestria your sentence may be commuted to private paddling...provided it is administered by a friend of your choosing."
  128. >Twilight looks at the bright side.
  129. "Well, it's better than being beaten in public."
  130. "Shiny...obviously you're the best choice."
  131. >He looks shocked.
  132. >He clenches his teeth and inhales sharply.
  133. "Eh, Twily...I don't know if I can do that."
  134. "WHAT!?!"
  135. >Shining Armor looks really embarrassed and guilty.
  136. "Twily, I've had to witness thrashings like this in the Guard, they're brutal."
  137. "I just don't think I can do that to my own sister."
  138. >Twilight can't believe this shit.
  139. "Shiny I can't believe this shit! You'd rather some random pony beat my butt!?"
  140. "I'd rather nobody do it!"
  141. "Shining Armor, please! I don't want this to happen in the Town Square!"
  142. >Shining sighs & shakes his head.
  143. "Twily...I'm sorry kiddo. I just can't do that to you."
  144. >Twilight bursts into tears, a yellow pegasus who has so far said nothing comforts her.
  145. "Well thanks a LOT, Shiny" the purple unicorn sobs.
  146. >He leaves the room sadly.
  148. "Will one of you girls do it?"
  149. >The ranking Guard pony stops her.
  150. "I'm sorry Miss. There is no rule against a mare administering punishment, but there ARE size & weight requirements that make it pretty impossible not to select a male."
  151. >Twilight nervously dances on all 4 hooves.
  152. "Ohhh, I don't know many stallions. Rarity, do you think you could ask your Dad?"
  153. >A white unicorn shakes her head.
  154. "I'm sorry Twilight. Father & mother are away in Las Pegasus."
  155. >Twilight turns to the emotional pink Earth pony.
  156. "Pinkie? How about you?"
  157. "Oohh, Twilight, you DON'T want a paddlin' from my daddy."
  158. "YES I DO, PINKIE!"
  159. "Well, he lives miles away and this has to happen tomorrow morning. He can't drop everything and be here in time."
  160. >The blue pegasus adds;
  161. "Same with my Dad."
  162. >She turns to the orange pony.
  163. "AJ, could you please get Big Macintosh to do it?"
  164. >The Earth pony rolls her eyes.
  165. "Sugarcube, seriously...if I even asked Big Mac he'd go hide in the North Orchard and not come home for a week."
  166. "Arrrgh! Why is it so hard to find a pony to spank me!?"
  167. >Then they all look at you.
  169. >Twilight & her friends look to you hopefully.
  170. "Scroll Stride...we're friends...right?"
  171. >More like colleagues.
  172. >You really don't want to do this.
  173. >But she looks so scared and forlorn.
  174. >Tears flow down her cheeks freely.
  175. "Sir...please, you're my only hope."
  176. >Okay.
  177. >No words; you just nod.
  178. >More uncomfortable hugs.
  179. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!"
  180. >The Guard ponies sign off on're acceptable.
  181. "We'll need to give you instruction tonight."
  182. >Okay.
  183. >Visiting hours are over.
  184. >Twilight says good bye to her friends.
  185. >Shining Armor apologizes to her.
  186. >All seems to be forgiven.
  187. >Many more hugs are given.
  188. >You slip out silently.
  189. >Next time you see the young librarian you'll be expected to beat her butt.
  191. >That night you meet the head Guard pony for dinner.
  192. >You bring some take-out to the other Guard who stayed behind to watch the prisoner.
  193. >The two set up a punishment had been in the basement.
  194. >They lay a straw stuffed pony dummy across it & practice tightening the straps.
  195. "Your turn."
  196. >They hand you a flat wooden paddle.
  197. >30 inches long, 6 inches wide, about 1/3 inch thick.
  198. "Take a few practice swats."
  199. >You take a deep breath and swing the paddle.
  200. >It contacts the dummy's rump with a dull slap.
  201. "Harder."
  202. >Okay. You've never given a paddling before.
  203. >You smack the dummy again.
  204. >He shakes his head.
  205. "Harder."
  206. >This time you hit really hard, almost as a joke.
  207. "Good. Now try 10 just like that."
  208. >Your jaw drops.
  209. "You gotta be kidding!"
  210. >The Guard is not kidding.
  211. "Sir, this is not a mild correction for a naughty foal. This is a serious judicial punishment for a crime against Equestria. Now...10 swats please."
  212. >What have you gotten yourself into?
  214. >You don't sleep well that night.
  215. >Seems as soon as you finally doze off the rooster crows.
  216. >Yeah...a rooster.
  217. >That's how they do things in Ponyville.
  218. >Manehattan it ain't.
  219. >So you get up, brush your teeth & mane.
  220. >You have a light breakfast at the hotel.
  221. >You have butterflies in your stomach.
  222. >Wonder how Twlight Sparkle feels right now.
  223. >Well, she's gonna feel a lot worse soon.
  225. >You arrive at Town Hall, there's a small crowd outside.
  226. >The same ponies you met yesterday, plus Spike & a few others.
  227. >They greet you courteously, but it's obvious they don't feel like conversing.
  228. >Just as well. You go inside.
  229. >There you are introduced to the Mayor, a mare with grey hair (& strange pink roots).
  230. >The Judge who pronounced sentence is there too.
  231. >You overhear their conversation;
  232. "I certainly feel sorry for the poor filly...she's usually such a good citizen."
  233. "But at the same time I can't help but feel a little satisfaction."
  234. "Twilight can be such a pretentious little shit."
  235. "Sometimes thinks she runs the whole town just because she's the Princess' student."
  236. "About time she got a little comeuppance. That sounds awful, doesn't it?"
  237. >The Judge mare just chuckles.
  238. "Your secret is safe with me."
  240. >Then the prisoner is led in.
  241. >Twilight looks miserable, she obviously didn't sleep a wink.
  242. >Already weeping when she sees the punishment rack.
  243. >No straw stuffed dummy on it this morning, that's her spot now.
  244. >The Guard ponies give her a few quiet instructions, then the ceremony begins.
  245. "Twilight Sparkle, you stand convicted of..."
  246. >Yeah, you know the rest.
  247. >The charges are read, the sentence is read. No surprises.
  248. >The Guard ponies guide her to the rack.
  249. >Poor Twilight loses her nerve over the last few steps, they have to push her.
  250. "Oh, no no no no no, please no."
  251. >She is bent over and strapped down tightly.
  252. >Her tail is carefully tucked out of the way.
  253. >She is offered a blindfold. She declines.
  254. >All the witnesses turn to you.
  255. >
  257. >This will be easier if you treat it like a role in a ceremony.
  258. >You try to stay emotionless.
  259. >But it's hard not to feel sympathy for the sobbing, terrified filly before you.
  260. >Check your distance and aim.
  261. >Draw the paddle back. 3, 2, 1...swing!
  263. >Outside, Twilight's friends hear the first crack & the cry that follows.
  264. >Pinkie Pie is dancing around on two legs.
  265. " you think that's her?"
  266. >Everyone looks at her like she's an idiot.
  267. >Rainbow Dash zooms up to the top windows and tries to get a look.
  268. "I can't see a thing. I still say we rush in there and save her! We can hide her in the EverFree forest until the heat dies down! Who's with me?"
  269. >Applejack grabs her rainbow colored tail in her teeth.
  270. "Whoa do somethin' that dumb & you'll make it worse for poor Twilight. Plus you'll be the next one gets bent over for a lickin'!"
  271. >Dash hovers for a moment before lightly setting down next to Fluttershy.
  272. >Shining Armor seems to be taking it the worst.
  273. >Listening to the paddle smack his little sister's rump...hearing her sobbing screams.
  274. "I feel so helpless. I couldn't even be the one to do it when she asked."
  275. >Rarity comforts him.
  276. "Darling, who could imagine doing such a thing. I don't think I could bring myself to give such a beating to my little sister, and believe me I've thought about it...a lot."
  277. >Applejack nods in agreement.
  278. "I had to give lil Apple Bloom a switchin' once. Durn near broke my heart. Not one of us thinks the less of you, Shining, and neither does Twilight."
  279. >They all cringe at a particularly loud cry.
  280. >No pone feels like talking, but listening in silence is worse.
  281. "Is anybody counting?" asks Spike "How many more does she have?"
  283. >Inside, Twilight is suffering the worst thrashing of her life.
  284. >The nurse has to stop proceedings a few times when she begins to cough & choke on her own drool.
  285. >Each time she gets a break Twilight begs for mercy;
  286. "Oh's too more, please!"
  287. >But leniency is not what she gets.
  289. >The Judge nods silently, urging you to continue.
  290. >The poor filly's rump is red already & splotched with ugly bruises.
  291. >She's only on number 30, the ordeal is barely half over.
  292. >Her hind legs are kicking against the restraints...she howls in pain.
  293. >You have to remind yourself; it's supposed to hurt.
  294. >The Guards explained it all last night:
  295. "This paddle is designed to do one thing, put the fear of our Goddess into ponies. This Twilight Sparkle seems like a good kid, but she fucked up badly & she's gonna suffer for it. Make no mistake...this is torture. I've had ponies offer me gold, jewels, their homes...just to stop and spare them any more swats. A day later those same ponies have actually thanked me for doing my duty. Said they'll never even think about breaking the law after an ordeal like that. I believe 'em too...never had to paddle a pony twice."
  296. >You hope that's the case with Twilight.
  297. >A smart, kinda nerdy young librarian...last pony you'd expect to be suffering a punishment normally reserved for thieves & hooligans.
  298. >But her curious streak has landed her in a heap of trouble.
  299. >And she won't be reading any books sitting down for a while.
  301. >The Guard signals you at the count of 40.
  302. >You'd actually counted 46 so far, but it's his count that's official.
  303. >If he thinks you didn't hit hard enough he can ignore a swat.
  304. >These last 10 have to be given extra-hard.
  305. >You pause, and Twilight notices.
  306. "Oh please...not harder, I can't take it! Please no!"
  307. >But you have a job to finish.
  308. >You really put your hips into it, swinging that paddle like a broadsword.
  309. >Yeah, you spent 4 years in the Equestrian Army.
  310. >Got you the bits for University.
  311. >Not every pone can be the Princess' personal student.
  313. >Twilight's embattled rump is shaking violently.
  314. >Her head thrashes back & forth.
  315. >The nurse has to hold it for her, to prevent injury.
  316. >Thank Celestia it's almost over.
  317. >5 more to go...4...3...2...last swat.
  318. >The Guard pony confirms 50. You're done.
  320. >Twilight is unbuckled, but she can not stand.
  321. >The nurse and Guards carry her to a cot to recover.
  322. >You don't attempt to talk to her.
  323. "Your payment, sir."
  324. >The Judge mare offers you a satchel.
  325. "50 bits."
  326. >Ummm...okay.
  327. >You realize if you hadn't done this the two Guards would have gotten the pay.
  328. >Doesn't seem fair.
  329. "Eh, let the Royal Guards split it. That's okay, right?"
  330. >Judge mare is okay with it.
  331. >You don't feel like facing Twilight's friends.
  332. >Ask the Mayor if there's a back door; she shows you.
  334. >Outside the air just feels too clean, the sun too warm.
  335. >Ponies go about their business.
  336. >Foals run around laughing, playing.
  337. >It just doesn't feel right after what you had to do.
  338. >You want to put this all behind you, get back to work as soon as possible.
  339. >You fetch your bag (already packed) from the hotel.
  340. >Then to the station.
  341. >But before your train arrives the blue pegasus finds you.
  342. "Hey, I've been looking all over for you! Why'd you bail?"
  343. >She wouldn't understand.
  344. "Twi's been asking for weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye, were you?"
  345. >Well, if she wants to curse you a bit she's entitled.
  346. >You follow the rainbow mane tomboy back to Town Hall.
  347. >She's kinda pushy...hurrying you along.
  348. >Could use a few swats herself.
  350. >Twilight is still laying on the cot.
  351. >On her belly of course.
  352. >You don't get to see how bad her rump is; the nurse has laid a cold cloth over it.
  353. >All her friends are there.
  354. >Twilight's head rests in her big brother's lap.
  355. "Scroll Stride! I was afraid you'd left before I could thank you."
  356. >Well that was unexpected.
  357. "That was the most awful experience of my life, but I'm so grateful I didn't have to suffer it in front of the whole town. And I'm so glad my brother or friends didn't have to do it. Thank you so couldn't have been easy."
  358. >Well, she's right about that.
  359. "Are you going back home now?"
  360. >You tell her yes.
  361. "Ahttp://www...sorry your visit had to be ruined by this. But I'll see you next month, right?"
  362. >Yes...yes you will.
  364. >The next day Twilight is back at work.
  365. >Her butt still hurts like hell.
  366. >Last night was murder...couldn't sleep without pain.
  368. >The Library Co-ordinator left without having a chance to discuss her expansion plans.
  369. >Well...that wasn't his fault.
  371. >Spike burps out flames.
  372. >Almost roasts Twilight's butt.
  373. "Careful! I've got enough problems back there!"
  374. "Twi, it's a letter from the Princess!"
  375. >Twilight cringes, her ears droop.
  376. "Ohhh, no...I was afraid of this."
  377. >She magically unrolls the scroll.
  378. "What's up?" asks Spike.
  379. >The purple pony frowns.
  380. "I've been summoned. Private meeting tomorrow. There's a ticket here for the morning express train."
  382. >The next day Twilight arrives 30 minutes early for her meeting.
  383. >An hour later she still waits...nervously pacing the corridor.
  384. "Oh my gosh, is she going to drop me as her student? Please, please don't let her be that angry."
  386. "Miss Twilight Sparkle, you may enter!"
  387. >The booming voice of Celestia's herald makes her jump.
  388. >Meekly she enters the Royal chamber.
  389. >Head low in contrite submission.
  390. "Leave us" Celestia orders her advisers.
  391. >With a courteous bow they depart.
  392. >Now Twilight is all alone under the hot glare of a disappointed teacher.
  393. "Well, care to explain yourself?"
  395. >Twilight Sparkle bows as low as she can & launches into a confused, rambling mixture of explanation, apology & whimpering.
  396. >Celestia is not impressed, but not overly angry either.
  397. "Twilight, you certainly know enough about dark magic to recognize it when you see it, don't you?"
  398. >The fearful filly can only nod in acknowledgment.
  399. "Yet you broke the law & disobeyed my teaching. Can you tell me why?"
  400. >She squeaks out a feeble reply;
  401. "I was curious, your Majesty...I'm so sorry."
  402. "Hmm, yes, by the look of your backside you are quite sorry."
  403. "Yes Princess...I mean no Princess...I'd be sorry even if I hadn't been paddled."
  404. >Celestia grins.
  405. "Good answer. But I hope you don't think I'm done with you just yet."
  406. >Twilight gulps nervously.
  408. >The Ruler of Equestria takes her time.
  409. >Drawing out the terror in her poor student.
  410. >Just another lesson.
  411. "Twilight Sparkle, would you agree that Dark Magic spells are bad words?"
  412. >That question surprises the young mare.
  413. "Umm...yes your Majesty."
  414. >Celestia grins slighly & continues;
  415. "And when you were a filly what did your mother do when you said bad words?"
  416. >Twilight began to tremble in fear...she didn't want another spanking.
  417. >Even two days later she doubted her poor rump could take it.
  418. >But the Princess had other plans.
  419. >She motioned toward a basin of water on a table.
  420. >Twilight hadn't noticed that before.
  421. >Had it always been there, or did Celestia conjure it just now.
  422. "Little ponies who speak bad words get their mouths washed out."
  424. >Twilight gasped as she felt herself lifted up with magic.
  425. >Celestia's grip was gentle but firm...there was no fighting it.
  426. >She levitated a bar of soap, dunking it in the water.
  427. >Twilight knew what was to happen next.
  428. >With a frown and a whimper she opened her mouth.
  429. >The bar of soap flew inside and scrubbed vigorously.
  430. >It was more bitter & caustic than any soap poor Twilight had ever tasted.
  431. >She had tasted a few as a filly. Her mother's bath soaps that smelled nice but tasted awful.
  432. >But she'd have gladly eaten a whole cake of those just to get this horrible thing out of her mouth.
  433. >She coughed and cried, suds went up her nose and burned Twilight's nasal passages.
  434. >It wasn't as bad as the paddling, but it certainly wasn't enjoyable.
  436. >Celestia spent at least 5 minutes making sure her protege's mouth was good & clean.
  437. >When she at least let Twilight down the filly dunked her whole muzzle & face into the basin, desperate to wash out the horrible taste.
  438. "Think that's solved the problem, my faithful student?"
  439. >Twilight coughed and gagged. Everything she would taste for the next week would be spoiled by that soap.
  440. "Yes...yes your Majesty! I promise I'll never utter another dark spell!"
  441. >Celestia's eyebrows rose.
  442. "Well someday you will. If you are to be a leader you will need to be familiar with all kinds of magic, including dark magic. I intend to teach you...I will decide when you are ready, not your curiosity."
  443. >She put her wing around Twilight.
  444. "The study of magic is wonderful & fascinating, but it can be riddled with dangers, my dear Twilight. That's why you have a teacher to guide you. I have seen too many promising young ponies led astray...too many fall to evil powers because they got curious or greedy for the power that magic brings. You might not feel lucky right now, with a sore backside and soapy mouth, but trust me, you got very lucky. King Sombra himself was much like you before be became curious about magic he was not ready for. It corrupted him terribly...never let that happen to you."
  445. >Twilight took her beloved mentor's words very seriously.
  446. "I won't, your Majesty, I promise I've learned my *cough* lesson from this."
  447. >She chuckled and hugged her student close.
  448. "I believe you have. Seems we have a few extra about I teach you a new spell?"
  450. THE END

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