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Wants and Needs by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:35:19
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:48:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Wants and Needs by Anon
  2. (Mom / Filly)
  4. (09/09/2018)
  7. ---
  9. >Filly does not want to spend the morning shopping with Mom
  10. >It's a nice day...there's just a few days of summer vacation left
  11. >She'd rather be playing with her friends
  12. >Not picking out school supplies
  13. >An unwelcome reminder that summer freedom will soon be over
  14. >9 months of work, boredom, then homework are coming
  15. >Punctuated by the stress and terror of Report Card Day every few weeks
  17. >She's let Mom know she isn't happy
  18. "I understand, dear, but you need new supplies.
  19. "Pencils, notebooks, and your saddlebags from last year are falling apart."
  20. >Finally she can take no more
  21. >Filly throws a mini-temper tantrum
  22. >It's not very effective
  23. >Mom grabs her by the ear and pulls her to the mares' fitting room
  24. "No! No! Mommy, please! This isn't what I wanted!"
  25. > filly wants a spanking
  26. >Mom is fed up with her attitude and misbehavior
  27. "Too bad, it's what you're getting, young filly!"
  28. >Filly gets dragged over Mom's lap
  29. >Mom digs into her purse
  30. "Now where is that thing...?"
  31. >Finally she locates the terrible tool of tushie torture
  32. "Noooo! Not the hairbrush, please please please!"
  33. >But filly has been asking for this all day
  34. >She shrieks at the first awful whack
  35. >Any pony passing the dressing room knows what is happening inside
  36. >High pitched filly wooden smacking sounds...LOTS of crying
  37. >Adults chuckle sympathetically as they pass
  38. >Foals cringe and resolve to be on their own best behavior
  39. "If it happened to that poor filly it can happen to me!"
  40. >Plenty of foals learn their lesson from one unfortunate that day
  42. >In just a few minutes Mom & filly come out
  43. >Filly's face has been wiped clean
  44. >Mane fixed...with the SAME BRUSH she just got spanked with
  45. >Not the worst spanking she's ever gotten
  46. >It still hurt though
  47. >Mom is an artist...she used that brush to paint filly's rear end bright pink
  48. "Well, at least now we can go home and end this dumb shopping."
  49. >But no...
  50. "Okay, now where do we find filly-size saddlebags?"
  51. >The HORROR!
  52. >Mom is going to make her keep shopping!
  53. "Aww, Mom! Can't we go home and do this another time?
  54. "It still hurts and it's SO EMBARRASSING."
  55. >Zero maternal-fucks given
  56. "Well if you don't want other ponies to see your freshly spanked rear you'll remember to behave in the future."
  58. >The rest of the morning is agony
  59. >She tries to cover her rear up with her tail
  60. >But just her luck, she begged Mom to let her get a short tail-cut
  61. >Short tails are in fashion this season
  62. >Filly wishes she had her long, flowing tail back
  63. >She just knows every pony is looking
  64. >Snickering at her misfortune...pitying her
  65. >Everybody knows what a bad filly she's been
  67. >At last the awful shopping trip is over
  68. >New saddlebags stuffed with school supplies
  69. >Finally they go home
  70. "Now you can spend the rest of the afternoon in your room, thinking about your behavior.
  71. "And thinking about what you're going to tell your Daddy when he gets home."
  72. >*gulp*
  73. >Filly begs Mom not to tell Daddy
  74. "Upstairs. Your room. NOW. Go."
  75. >Miserable filly obeys
  76. >5-6 miserable hours of worry await her
  77. >Tummy turning twists as she wonders how angry Daddy will be.
  78. >Not a good way to spend one of the last days of summer vacation.
  80. So does filly need another warm-up from Dad, or just a stern lecture?

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