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Warm for the Winter by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:35:43
Updated: 2022-03-13 15:54:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Warm for the Winter by Anon
  2. (Rainbow Dash / Scootaloo)
  3. unf
  5. (31/12/2017 - 14/04/2019)
  8. ---
  10. >She wasn’t back in time… again
  12. >Rainbow Dash sat in her living room chair, staring at the door
  13. >her eyes closed, she bared her teeth in frustration
  14. >That little orange filly should have walked in through that front door by now
  15. >she was more than an hour late
  16. >And the dinner she had spent so long trying to cook for her, some hot soup to warm her up after such a cold winter day, was still sitting in the pot on the stove
  18. >The sun was almost totally down when Rainbow Dash heard the doorknob turn
  19. >She glowered at the door as it swung open
  20. >some snowflakes were blown in by a heavy gust of wind, and in she walked
  21. >A little, orange filly, wrapped up with a scarf, boots, hat, and wearing a red snow jacket
  22. >snowflakes stuck to the scarf, and her mane and tail
  24. >Rainbow didn’t say a word as Scootaloo trotted in casually, stomping some packed on snow off her boots and closing the front door
  25. >She took a deep breath in and out, and swished her tail rapidly back and forth, causing the flakes of snow to fall to the cloud floor
  27. >The older mare narrowed her eyes down at the young filly
  28. >But Scootaloo seemed totally oblivious to Rainbow’s anger
  29. >She smiled, and sighed out with relief
  31. >“Shew! It’s extra cold outside there, today!” She exclaimed.
  32. >Rainbow Dash’s lips curled downward like she’d eaten something sour
  34. “You’re late, Scoot. Reaaally late.”
  35. >Rainbow pointed up at the clock on the wall
  36. >her eyes glared down at Scootaloo
  37. >But the other filly, when she looked up at the wall clock, didn’t think much of it
  38. >She shrugged, and took off her fluffy hat, tossing it onto the floor
  39. >“Oh. My bad. I guess the snowball fight went on longer than I thought…”
  41. “So that’s where you were this whole time? Snowball fighting? You failed your math test two days ago, remember? You were grounded, Scoot.”
  42. >Rainbow Dash was trying hard not to raise her voice
  43. >the way Scootaloo was so nonchalant about disobeying her was…
  44. >Scootaloo looked down at the floor as Rainbow put her down on the spot
  45. >but she shrugged her shoulders again, and a faint groan left her
  46. >She began to whine
  47. >“But Rainbowww… it just kinda, sort of… happened. On the way back, when I was walking, Snips threw a snowball and it hit Sweetie, so me and Apple Bloom threw one back, and then Lemon Grass and Tulip Twinkle ambushed us from the other side and…”
  49. >But Rainbow shook her head
  50. >she interrupted Scootaloo’s story with disappointment in her voice
  51. “But Scoots, a whole hour and a half? That’s… no excuses, Scoot. No excuses.”
  53. >Now normally, Rainbow’s disappointed tone of voice and harsh stare would have been enough to shut Scootaloo up
  54. >but not tonight
  55. >Scootaloo took a minute to hear what Rainbow Dash said, but rather than apologize, she did something very different
  57. >she rolled her eyes
  58. >her hoof unwrapped her scarf from around her neck and she tossed it next to her hat on the floor
  59. >then, she grunted with a pout on her face
  60. >”Yeah, yeah… whatever. Guess having fun is illegal now, huh?”
  62. >Rainbow’s eyebrows rose
  63. >she had been leaning back in her chair before, but now, she was sitting on the edge of her seat
  64. “Hey, watch your tone!”
  66. >But Scootaloo was not impressed.
  67. >she smirked, and began kicking off her wet boots
  68. >they flew off her hooves and hit the wall, falling to the floor
  69. >“Whatever. It was just a stupid math test, I don’t see what you’re making a big deal out of.”
  70. >Rainbow was growing more and more upset by the moment
  71. >Scootaloo wasn’t listening to her at all
  72. >The orange filly kicked off her last two boots, leaving a pile of wet, snow covered clothing in a heap by the door
  73. >Rainbow Dash got up from her chair, and approached Scootaloo with a flame in her eyes
  74. “It’s a big deal, Scoot, because this is the third time you’ve just… blown me off! You’ve got your big final exam four days from now and you haven’t studied one bit!”
  76. >“Oh, yeah, because YOU were such a great student in school when you were a filly!”
  77. >That one hit hard
  78. >Rainbow Dash winced
  79. >but her wounded heart fought back, and she didn’t miss a beat
  80. >she pointed at Scootaloo with her hoof, and her voice lowered dangerously
  82. “Scoot, I’m warning you…”
  84. “Uuuugh! And I thought you were COOL, but I guess not since you’re making such a big deal about throwing some stupid snow around! It was just one test, I’m fine!”
  86. >Rainbow Dash’s blood was beginning to boil
  87. >Scoots was firing everything right back at her
  88. >not listening at all
  89. >even throwing her snow gear on the floor, like she expected Rainbow Dash to pick up after her
  91. >Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth
  92. >she pointed at the discarded boots, hat, and scarf on the floor
  93. “Pick those up. NOW.”
  95. >Scootaloo looked down at the heap of wet clothes
  96. >then back at Rainbow Dash
  97. >and then, she narrowed her eyes and with a harsh smirk, she replied, “Don’t want to.”
  99. >Rainbow kept her hoof pointed at the clothes, silently
  100. >But Scootaloo didn’t budge
  101. >Dash tried to keep her composure, but Scootaloo’s defiant glare was beginning to bring other things to mind…
  103. >She tried again
  104. “Scootaloo, put them away. Now.”
  106. >Rainbow Dash’s thoughts began to race
  107. >one last, desperate option surfaced in her mind
  108. >She grimaced on the inside at the thought
  109. >but she didn’t push it out of her mind
  110. >one last thing she could do to get Scootaloo’s attention…
  111. >If Scootaloo had obeyed, right then and there, she would not have done it
  112. >but her hoof was forced
  113. >Scootaloo curled her lip into a sneer
  114. >and then, leaving her wet winter clothes behind, she walked away, toward the stairs
  115. >“Whatever. I’ll be up in my room.”
  117. >That was it.
  118. >Rainbow Dash growled, and as Scootaloo turned tail, she lurched forward with a flap of her wings
  119. >Scootaloo saw Rainbow out of the corner of her eye, flying toward her, but before she could react two cyan hooves had wrapped around her midsection and lifted her up
  120. >before she knew what was going on, her hooves had left the ground and Rainbow was flying her up the stairs in a whoosh of air
  122. >Rainbow said in a raised voice:
  123. “No, we’re going to MY ROOM. NOW!”
  124. >“Whaa? Wait, what’re…”
  126. >She cruised up with Scootaloo in tow, past the orange filly’s bedroom, and straight into her own
  127. >She kicked the door shut with her back hoof, and before Scootaloo could even process what was going on, she set her down on the floor
  129. >Scootaloo whirled around, hopping back in surprise as Rainbow stood before her, a cloud wall and Rainbow’s big bed behind her
  130. >The cyan pegasus glared down at her, breathing heavily
  132. >All of a sudden, Scootaloo’s defiance seemed to be blown right out of her like a candle in the wind
  133. >The suddenness of what just happened filled her heart with fear
  134. >Stammering she began to speak…
  135. >“W-wait, Rainbow Dash, I… I’m sorry, I’ll go put my stuff away…”
  137. >Rainbow shook her head, anger flushing her face pink
  138. >she stared menacingly
  139. “No, Scoot. Too late for that. Besides, in a bit you won’t probably need those winter clothes anymore.”
  141. >Scootaloo gulped
  142. >What was Rainbow talking about?
  144. >“Uhh… w-why not? I don’t get it…”
  146. >Rainbow walked over to her hairdresser
  147. >and sitting on top was a good sized wooden, oval manebrush
  148. >She picked it up
  149. “Because when I’m done, Scoot, your little rump is gonna keep you niiice and warm.”
  151. >Scootaloo looked at the manebrush in Rainbow Dash's hoof
  152. >the silence in the room was deafening
  153. >for a second, the gears in her brain turned
  154. >putting the pieces together
  155. >manebrush, nice and warm rump...
  157. >The meaning of Rainbow's declaration finally sank in.
  158. >When it did, Scootaloo gasped, and scurried back away until her rear end hit the wall
  159. >Her tail flipped down to shield her rump and she started to stammer again
  160. >"Rainbow, y-you don't mean... a s-s-span... a s-span..."
  162. "A spanking. Yes."
  163. >Scootaloo gasped again, and tears welled up.
  164. >The "whatever" attitude from before was gone, replaced with intense fear.
  165. >She shook her head worriedly
  166. >"No, no no no Rainbow Dash! I've never gotten one before, pleaaase no! I didn't think you would ever..."
  168. >Rainbow Dash fluffed up her wings to look more intimidating
  169. >She tapped the spot on the floor in front of her with her hoof, the one not holding the manebrush
  170. >glaring at Scootaloo
  171. "Oh, would I ever. I didn't think so, either, but missy, you're leaving me no choice tonight! You won't listen, you totally disobeyed me, you blew off your work, you... ugh!"
  173. >Rainbow took a deep breath to calm down as she nearly went into rant mode.
  174. >Scootaloo watched silently while she shivered
  175. >She'd never seen Rainbow this upset with her before
  176. >This was serious business.
  177. >Once Rainbow took a second to calm down, she reasserted herself.
  178. "Now, Scoot... Scoot. Your. Little. Boot. Over. Here."
  180. >She stamped her hoof down on the spot in front of her to punctuate each word.
  181. >In her other hoof, the hairbrush loomed menacingly.
  182. >The command did not leave room for argument.
  183. >Scootaloo gulped, the hairs on her neck standing up
  184. >Without a word, Scoot slowly started moving
  185. >the gig was up, and all of the bravado from downstairs was now a thing of the past
  187. >But sadly, Scootaloo's bravery disappeared at the last moment
  188. >She began to cry, and retreated
  189. >Her rump hitting the wall again, she made herself small and pleaded with Rainbow Dash
  190. >"Sis, wait, p-please no, I messed up! I'm sorry, I promise I'll do my studying from now on and..."
  192. "No, Scoot! I'll say it one more time. SCOOT. Your. BOOT."
  194. >Scootaloo was terrified.
  195. >Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think this could happen to her!
  196. >For some reason, she always considered herself immune
  197. >especially ever since Dash adopted her...
  199. >But she had seen plenty of other fillies her age get it before
  200. >heck, her two best friends, too!
  201. >Apple Bloom, that one time when Scootaloo came over to play
  202. >but instead, ran into the sight of her friend bawling, being whipped across her butt with a thin tree switch
  203. >Or even the one time where she came over to Sweetie Belle's house, and hear Sweetie crying while getting her butt whacked with her mother's manebrush while she stood outside, listening...
  205. >Oh no.
  206. >Oh no oh no.
  207. >Oh no no no, they were crying so hard!
  208. >Scootaloo knew it must have hurt, but now it was her turn!
  210. >The panicked thoughts drove Scootaloo's brain wild
  211. >She quaked at the knees
  212. >And she didn't move forward like Rainbow Dash demanded that she do.
  213. >Oh, no.
  215. >Instead, she did the worst possible thing she could do.
  216. >She made a run for the door!
  218. >Unfortunately for Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash already expected her to flee
  219. >With a low growl, Rainbow Dash zoomed over to the open doorway
  220. >She landed right in front of Scootaloo, blocking the filly’s would be exit
  221. >Scootaloo nearly ran right into her, skidding to a halt
  222. >And when the little filly looked up, Rainbow was glaring daggers down at her
  223. >The sight made Scootaloo’s heart practically leap out of her chest!
  225. >It was in this moment, that Scootaloo knew, she messed up.
  227. >Rainbow Dash lowered herself menacingly to the floor
  228. >Scootaloo, losing all the nerve she had to flee, froze to the spot
  229. >Tears welled up in her eyes
  230. >“Rainbow, p-please I’m sorry…”
  232. “That’s it, Scoot. You still want to play games? You just earned yourself another spanking, tonight before you go to bed.”
  234. >Scootaloo gasped at the harsh declaration, and she shrank back from fear
  235. >Regret was apparent on the filly’s face as she stammered back
  236. >“A-Another s-spanking? No, please Rainbow Dash! I’m sorry, I take it all back, I-I’ll…”
  238. “Too late for takebacks, Scoot. Obviously the only thing that is gonna get through to you is another warmed backside, so that’s what I’m gonna do. Now…”
  240. >Another regretful moan from Scootaloo
  241. >Rainbow Dash cooly walked past her, back to the bed
  242. >And once again, she sat down on the side, and patted her lap expectantly
  243. >Burning gaze fixed on Scootaloo
  244. “Unless you want to earn ANOTHER spanking tomorrow morning, then I suggest you get over here right. NOW.”
  245. >Scootaloo initially remained frozen to the spot
  246. >It took some time to process everything being said to her
  247. >but when it finally sank in, Scootaloo finally gathered up the courage
  248. >and she found herself slowly dragging her hooves forward
  249. >almost on autopilot
  250. >“O-okay… I’m coming, I’m c-coming…”
  252. >Rainbow Dash watched Scootaloo practically creeping toward her
  253. >fighting back sobs as she did, not meeting Rainbow’s fiery gaze
  254. >But now, finally, Scootaloo was obeying
  255. >Rainbow nodded her head in grim approval
  257. “Good, Scoot. Almost there, come on.”
  258. >She patted her lap again, and Scootaloo pinned her ears back with fear
  259. >but she still, to Rainbow’s gladness, obeyed her command at last
  260. >Dash slid her hoof aside to make room as Scootaloo finally made it to the bed
  261. >and then, Scootaloo hoisted herself up, and at last, obediently laid down with a little hiccup across Rainbow’s lap.
  263. >The little filly’s newfound position was one she would have given anything to get out of
  264. >Her front legs gripped Rainbow’s thigh, with her head resting on top of her hooves
  265. >behind her, her back hooves dangled in the air, free to kick
  266. >and most importantly of all, bent over and perched on top of Rainbow’s right leg, Scootaloo’s little orange butt now lay totally exposed
  267. >Panicked thoughts raced through the little filly’s mind
  268. >How badly did spankings hurt?
  269. >How long would Rainbow spank her for?
  270. >Would she cry like Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had?
  273. >But Rainbow couldn’t hear the filly’s inner turmoil
  274. >Wordlessly, Rainbow laid her left foreleg down over Scootaloo’s back and tail
  275. >And once she felt Rainbow Dash’s grip on her, pinning her down and rendering her unable to escape, Scootaloo felt the panic coming back
  276. >She began to stammer again
  277. >“I’m so s-sorry, Rainbow Dash… please don’t spank me, I’m sorry…”
  279. “No, Scoot. It’s too late for that now.”
  280. >Her last pleas rejected, Scootaloo fell silent as Rainbow Dash adjusted her position over her knees, better centering Scoot’s bare orange rump over her thigh
  281. >She gave Scootaloo’s tail a short tug before pinning it onto her back with her hoof, which forced her bottom to stick up higher in the air
  282. >And then, Rainbow picked up the hairbrush, laying the cool wood down on Scootaloo’s trembling bare cheeks
  283. >The feeling of the cold hard surface on her rump made Scootaloo clench her bum and squeeze her eyes shut
  284. >Rainbow closed her eyes and took a deep breath
  285. “Alright, Scoot. Get comfortable, because you’re not gonna leave this spot for a good long while.”
  287. >Scootaloo sniffled
  288. >Well, she supposed that there was the answer to the question of how long this would take...
  289. >“O-okay, Rainbow Dash. I’m s-ssorry…”
  291. >Rainbow picked up the brush, and raised it high above her head
  292. >Scootaloo hid her face in her front hooves, closing her eyes with a little whimper
  293. >her bum did an anxious little wiggle
  294. >Rainbow waited a brief moment for Scoots’ rump to stop moving, took one more deep breath, and swung the brush down
  296. >It swished through the air, and then... THWACK!
  298. >"YeeOOOWWW!"
  299. >Scootaloo howled as the brush clapped down, spanking across both cheeks
  300. >It was only the first spank, but already Scootaloo couldn't stop herself from crying out
  301. >Immediately, Scootaloo felt the burning pain like a hot iron on her butt right where the brush had landed
  302. >The pain almost took her breath away!
  304. >Oh gosh, it hurt so BAD, thought Scootaloo
  305. >Oh gosh, spankings HURT!
  307. >Rainbow Dash held the hairbrush on the filly's quivering bum, letting the pain soak in before raising it back up again
  308. >then, she swung it back down again, this time aiming for Scootaloo's right cheek
  310. >whum, THWACK!
  312. >"OOWWWOWOWWW!"
  313. >the brush flattened her right bumcheek with a harsh spank, and Scootaloo howled once more
  314. >and just like that, with only the second spank delivered out of what was sure to be much, much more, Scootaloo's eyes filled up with tears and she began to cry
  316. >After two test spanks, Rainbow Dash had put Scootaloo's butt to the test
  317. >And after hearing Scootaloo's vocal cries and seeing the two red ovals beginning to form on the filly's butt, Rainbow knew her spanks were just the right strength
  319. >And so, with her eyes fixed on the wriggling bum sticking up in the air over her lap, Rainbow began spanking her bratty, naughty filly in earnest!
  322. >One after another, the spanks rained down on Scoot's behind
  323. >alternating left and right, back and forth, and up and down the girl's naughty cheeks
  324. >Scootaloo's cries after eack spank soon blended together into one long, pitiful wail
  326. >Over Rainbow's knees, Scootaloo's bottom began to shake helplessly, trying so hard to wriggle away from the hairbrush's onslaught
  327. >When the brush peppered her left cheek, Scootaloo squirmed her poor butt to the right
  328. >and when spanks landed on her right cheek, Scootaloo tried desperately to shake her rump to the left
  329. >and when the brush spanked down on her sit spots, right on the crease where her reddening buns met her upper thighs, Scootaloo's butt tried to pull forward, away from the punishment
  330. >but unfortunately, all her efforts served to do were inadvertently stick her bum higher up in the air, making it a more inviting target
  332. >With Rainbow holding onto Scoot tightly, pinning her down onto her lap, she used these wiggling patterns to spank Scootaloo's quickly reddening bottom up, down, and all around the center of her lap
  333. >keeping her bum right where it needed to stay, arched up and ready for more punishment
  334. >Rainbow Dash fell into a rhythm, smacking Scootaloo's rapidly gyrating tush with the same speed and strength no matter where it wiggled off to
  335. >Scoot's hoofies kicked uselessly in the air, and her butt continued its dance on her caretaker's lap
  336. >dark orange cheeks turning quickly to red, and redder, and even redder...
  339. >The burning, searing heat cooked Scootaloo's behind, turning it crimson
  340. >the pain was beyond what she could have imagined!
  341. >Her bottom was just so HOT, but it kept getting even hotter!
  342. >She wanted to pull her poor bum away, but all of her wriggling and shaking did no good at all
  343. >Scootaloo's dock twitched as she tried to cover her burning bottom with her tail, to try and get just one second of relief, but it was pinned to her back
  344. >She moaned and howled with agony, tears soaking the floor beneath her face
  346. >Scootaloo had tried to keep track of the number of spanks, but lost track after 30
  347. >that had felt like an age ago
  348. >There was no end in sight, and the pain and heat was only continuing to grow
  349. >she wept and sobbed with desperation, but the sound of the brush whapping her burning hot rump continued to echo around the room
  351. >Rainbow gradually shifted over from harder, slower spanks to faster, more peppering flurries of whacks to both buttocks
  352. >Scootaloo noticed the change in pace, and with a howl of pain she began to push herself up on Rainbow's lap and kick her hooves more frantically
  353. >like she was trying to swim away, to propel herself off of Rainbow's lap
  354. >Dash gave Scoot's tail another hard tug, pulling her rump back into position, and pulled up on it to lift her wriggling bottom a few inches into the air
  355. >then, with a harsh flurrry of spanks, Rainbow walloped her young charge's bumcheeks with rapid fire
  356. >Scootaloo wailed at the top of her lungs, feeling the searing heat spread like wildfire all over her crimson red behind
  357. >Rainbow kept up the bottom blazing pace for several more seconds, intending for this finale to really soak in, before finally letting go of Scootaloo's tail
  359. >Scoot's bum fell with a dull thump onto Rainbow's lap, and Scootaloo gasped out with a long, tired whine of pain
  360. >and Rainbow, for a brief moment, surveyed the damage she had done to the girl's poor, blazing butt
  362. >No longer orange, Scoot's little boot had been turned a proper shade of flaming malbec red
  363. >The glowing heat radiating from her bare buns could have been felt be felt from the other side of the room!
  365. >Rainbow dropped the brush onto the bed, and with a grim nod of satisfaction she decided to end the spanking here.
  366. >In just a few minutes, the little orange filly had gone from a smirking little brat to a very sore, very sorry little filly
  367. >Rainbow Dash unpinned Scootaloo's tail, and spoke over the sound of Scootaloo's sobbing
  369. "Okay, Scoot."
  370. >Rainbow reached under the crying filly and lifted her up off her lap
  371. >setting her down on the floor, she pointed to the corner, and spoke calmly to the crying, sorry little filly at her hooves
  372. "You go get your snotty little nose into that corner over there, missy. And I don't want to see any rubbing, got it?"
  374. >Rainbow made her voice firm and direct, and Scootaloo, through bloodshot eyes, met her gaze
  375. >She was still crying, but through her sniffles, she mumbled a "Yes, maam"
  376. >and obediently, to Rainbow's surprise, she turned around and walked over to the corner
  377. >Scootaloo stuck her runny nose into the corner, her spanked red bum sticking out
  378. >Rainbow did observe, though, Scootaloo's tail begin to swish back and forth over her blazing cheeks, fanning cool air over the skin
  379. >She frowned
  381. "Scoot, tail up. Keep it still!"
  382. >Scootaloo yelped at her command,
  383. >but, with some reluctance, she stopped swishing her tail and lifted it up, once again fully exposing her butt to the air and putting it on full view
  384. >her hind legs bended and lightly shuffled behind her, and even with her nose in the corner Raimbow could still see Scootaloo's face scrunching up
  385. >her butt still throbbed and burned even though the hairbrush wasn't spanking her anymore
  386. >standing in the corner, Scootaloo squirmed and wiggled her cute behind back and forth and around in circles
  387. >trying and failing to provide her blazing cheeks with some relief
  389. >Rainbow was satisfied with Scootaloo's compliance with cornertime
  390. >This was something that her own parents had done to her as a filly whenever she had been spanked
  391. >it helped her to calm down, get her crying under control, but also continue to feel the burn of the hairbrush spanking on her bottom
  392. >Rainbow looked up at the clock, and set a mental timer for ten minutes
  394. "Okay, Scoot. Ten minutes in the corner, alright? I'm going to go to the kitchen and get some water boiling for dinner tonight. When I come back, I had better not see you reaching back, got it?"
  396. >Scootaloo groaned and squeaked out a barely audible reply, but it sounded like another "yes maam" to her ears
  397. >Rainbow nodded her head
  398. "Good girl. I'll be right back."
  400. >Rainbow walked down the stairs instead of her usual flying
  401. >For once, she thought she would take her time
  402. >After all, watching Scootaloo squirm in the corner almost felt like she was TRYING to catch her doing something
  403. >Scootaloo was obeying her now, and she could trust her surely
  405. >Now that her first time spanking Scootaloo was over, Dash's adrenaline was coming down
  406. >And as she filled up the pot with water and got the box of pasta out from the cabinet, Rainbow was starting to think harder
  407. >about what she had promised Scootaloo before
  408. >about the SECOND spanking still to come
  410. >Rainbow turned the dial knob up and closed the lid to the pot
  411. >Her tail swished back and forth as she contemplated what to do next
  413. >She had sure spanked Scootaloo hard, Rainbow thought as she lightly flapped her wings up the stairs
  414. >But did she really need to follow up on her threat?
  415. >Did she really have...
  417. >When Rainbow flew into the bedroom, what she saw next made her stomach sink
  418. >Scootaloo gasped, and while she was quick to pull away her hoof
  419. >sure enough, she had been rubbing away.
  421. >Rainbow stared at the now cringing filly in the corner
  422. >Scootaloo was holding her breath
  423. >staring straight ahead at the wall, trying to pretend like she hadn't been disobeying
  424. >hoping that maybe, just maybe, Dash didn't notice...
  426. "Scoot. I told you. No. Rubbing."
  427. >Well, Rainbow took away the veil of mystery from the whole situation right there.
  428. >Right away, Scootaloo began to stammer, nose still pressed in the corner
  430. >"N-no, Dash I'm sorry, I thought..."
  432. "You thought I was still gone? Well, you thought wrong. Scoot..."
  433. >Rainbow spoke as she went back to pick up the brush.
  434. >Looks like she was gonna go through with all this after all.
  436. >Scootaloo couldn't see her, but somehow, her spanking senses began tingling
  437. >She started to squeak out some kind of plea for mercy, but Rainbow cut it off
  438. "Scoot, hold still. You've earned some extras."
  439. >Scootaloo may have tried to say something, but it died with a whimper.
  441. >Well, no use hesitating.
  442. >Rainbow pushed Scootaloo's tail aside, re exposing her naughty rump for the extra punishment it had earned, and tapped the brush against her buns to aim
  443. "Stand still, Scoot, and keep your tail away from your butt or we'll start over."
  445. >A faint, moaned out "yes maam" from the corner
  446. >Rainbow sighed, and without further ado, she raised the brush
  448. >WHAP, WHAP, WHAP!
  450. >"OOOWWW!"
  452. >Rainbow raised the brush again, but grunted with frustration when Scoot's tail swished back down
  453. >She shook her head with a loud tsk tsk
  454. "Scootaloo! Tail!"
  456. >Scootaloo sobbed, but when Rainbow barked the command she flicked her tail quickly back off to the side
  457. >"SssOOoow! S-Sorry, D-Dash..."
  459. "Starting over. Stay still..."
  463. >Rainbow delivered the spanks methodically to Scoot's now faintly squirming seat, reigniting all of the fire that the little filly had put out with her rubbing
  464. >Scootaloo crossed her hooves, trying so hard to stay still and keep her bottom in place
  465. >it was clearly hard, but she bravely kept her tail lifted up and her butt bared for the brush, dock twitching
  467. >"OWW, OWW, YEEOW!"
  470. >Rainbow at last delivered the final spanks to Scootaloo's very sore tush
  471. >Twenty in all
  472. >Rainbow tossed the brush away, and spoke firmly over Scootaloo's sobbing
  473. "Alright, Scoot. We have ten more minutes back on the clock. Aaand..."
  475. >Rainbow flew over to the desk, and picked up the hard wooden stool she had tucked away underneath
  476. >It was a seat she seldom used at all unless she had paperwork to do, but it was one that was about to see some use this evening...
  477. >Five minutes ticked by, and this time, Rainbow wasn't leaving this spot until Scootaloo had served her full sentence.
  478. >but this time, Scootaloo's beet red behind was planted firmly on the hard wooden stool
  479. >while her nose remained jammed in the corner
  480. >The little filly's butt wiggled and squirmed with pain and discomfort on the seat, the sore spanked skin stretched uncomfortably
  481. >but this was the price she had to pay for disobeying
  483. >Rainbow watched Scootaloo intently, eyeing the clock until finally, ten bottom squirming minutes had at last ticked by
  484. >She clapped her hooves, and declared, triumphantly
  485. "Okay, Scootaloo. Time's up, you can rub now."
  487. >Rainbow watched as almost right away, Scootaloo jumped up from the hard stool
  488. >and within seconds, Scootaloo was doing the dance of the well spanked filly all around the room
  489. >"oww"ing and "ouch"ing all around, reaching back with both hooves and rubbing her red hot buns furiously
  490. >Eventually, Scoot settled on laying with her face down into the carpet and her bottom sticking straight up in the air
  491. >drumming her hind legs and bouncing her cute rump up and down while her hooves kneaded her cheeks and more little yelps and owws escaped her
  493. >Rainbow Dash got a front row seat to the show, and couldn't help but smirk with accomplishment.
  494. >one thing was for sure...
  495. >Scootaloo had learned what a hard spanking felt like today!
  497. >Rainbow Dash got up, taking one more look at her hoofwork before walking to the door
  498. >She spoke to Scootaloo, who was basically now sticking her bum right in her face
  499. "Alright, Scoot. I'm gonna be downstairs, now. I'll ring the bell when dinner is ready, and then I expect you to come down, okay? Shouldn't be more than 15 minutes."
  503. >15 minutes flew by, and soon, the spaghetti and tomato sauce was all finished.
  504. >Rainbow wasn't a huge cook like some of her friends, but luckily, Scootaloo's favorite dish was pretty easy to make
  506. >Dinner was quiet, much more so than usual
  507. >Scootaloo sat down on her wooden chair with a face scrunched up in pain
  508. >but when she saw the big old plate of spaghetti in front of her, her face had a little smile on it since her butt warming began
  510. >Scootaloo took two full helpings of it, which made Rainbow smile
  511. >she barely said a word at the table, but the spaghetti cheered her up enough to be noticeable on her face
  512. >Poor Scootaloo needed a little reprieve from her punishment tonight!
  514. >Soon though, dinner was over and it was already 7 o'clock
  515. >Rainbow was shocked by how much time had passed already
  516. >The spanking had taken up a lot of extra time, and now the evening was almost over
  517. >Rainbow washed their plates in the sink, and when she had finished, she looked over to Scootaloo who was now nursing her very sore rear end with her hooves
  519. "Alright, Scoot. I want you to go up to your room, sit your butt down on that stool, and study your math. I will be up a little later, and then... we'll give you your second spanking."
  521. >Scootaloo's expression may have been gladder before, with the big plate of spaghetti in front of hed
  522. >But when Rainbow Dash brought up the dreaded spanking still to come, her face turned pale
  523. >Scootaloo began to stammer, and her eyes filled up with water
  524. >"R-Rainbow Dash... d-do we HAVE to, p-please, I'll be good. I'm sorry I was s-such a brat..."
  526. >Rainbow couldn't say she was unmoved by Scoot's pleading
  527. >She looked pretty pitiful as it was, and at this point she did not doubt that Scootaloo was a sorry little filly
  528. >but she promised her what would happen.
  529. >Rainbow Dash knew there was no second guessing herself.
  531. "Scoot, no. Now, go on upstairs and do what I told you to, okay? I mean it, missy."
  532. >While dinner went by quickly, the next hour and a half dragged by
  533. >Rainbow read a Daring Do book while Scootaloo studied upstairs with her red butt planted on the wooden stool
  535. >When the clock struck 9, Rainbow Dash felt her heart flutter with nervousness
  536. >It was time.
  537. >Rainbow closed the book, set it down on the table in front of her couch, and flapped her wings up the stairs
  539. >When Rainbow Dash walked into the room, unlike the last time this time Scootaloo was doing exactly what she was told!
  540. >Math book opened up, and a piece of paper had lots of writing on it with the pencil Scoot held firmly in her mouth
  541. >She looked to be hard at work!
  543. >however, curiously enough, Rainbow immediately noticed something else
  544. >Scootaloo also had her pajamas on.
  546. >soft and silky red shirt and pants, qhich she had pulled up and over her spanked bottom
  548. >Rainbow eyed this development with an increasingly critical stare
  549. >Those pajamas, definitely, felt good on Scoot's rump
  550. >undoubtedly made sitting down much easier
  551. >Rainbow did not have that in mind when she told Scootaloo to sit her butt down on the stool
  552. >She had Scoot's bare bottom in mind
  554. >But when Scootaloo noticed she was in the room, and her fearful eyes turned to face her, Rainbow softened
  555. >She supposed that it was still what she had asked Scootaloo to do
  556. >And besides, maybe a cushioned tush made studying easier!
  558. >Scootaloo stopped writing, and dropped the pencil down on the desk
  559. >She stared fearfully over at Rainbow
  560. >"H-Hey, Rainbow Dash... I've b-been studying, look!"
  561. >She picked up the paper, and showed it to Rainbow with a sharp point of her hoof
  562. >"See? I've b-been practicing!"
  563. >Well, it sure looked like it!
  564. >Rainbow smiled sadly, and nodded her head in approval.
  565. "Very good, Scoot. It looks like you've been working hard..."
  567. >Scootaloo nodded her head furiously
  568. >She set the paper down, and gazed down at the floor
  569. >Her tail, though, went to curl around her pajama covered flanks
  570. >She sniffled, and closed her eyes
  571. >"I h-have, Rainbow. I sh-should've been studying before..."
  573. "I know, Scoot. I'll bet just a little studying tonight made the math feel easier already, huh?"
  574. >Scootaloo nodded her head furiously again.
  575. >She quickly darted her eyes up and down at Rainbow
  576. >Dash smiled again, and nodded her head sagely
  578. "Scoot, you're a smart filly. Smarter than I was at your age. I knew you failed your test because you didn't try hard enough, not because you aren't smart enough. Cheerliee knows that... and I know that."
  580. >This got Scootaloo's ears to stand up
  581. >She looked up with surprise at Rainbow Dash, with her jaw open wide
  582. >Rainbow met Scootaloo's eyes with a more gentle gaze
  583. >And Scootaloo, for the second time that night, had to smile
  585. >Rainbow knew this happy moment was going to be short lived, however.
  586. >She sighed, and then, slowly walked over to the bed
  587. >where the manebrush was still laying down right where she gad tossed it
  589. >Right away, Scootaloo's smile faded
  590. >When she saw what Rainbow Dash was doing, she looked away
  591. >Rainbow picked it up, and then, with an air of dread hanging heavy over both of them like a cloud, Rainbow said
  592. "But Scootaloo, I made you a promise that I have to keep. So now... I need you to come over here and get over my knee."
  593. >Scootaloo whimpered pitifully
  594. >but Rainbow was not deterred
  595. >The cyan mare patted her thigh, and looked over at Scootaloo expectingly
  596. "Come on, Scootaloo. Let's get this over with."
  598. >Rainbow waited patiently for Scootaloo to gather up her nerve
  599. >For a moment Scoot stayed seated, fighting back new tears
  600. >but with an obedient nod the little orange filly with the red behind slid off the stool, and slowly padded over to her
  601. >"Yes, m-maam..."
  603. >When she reached the bed, Rainbow Dash reached under, lifted Scoot up, and set her back down in the now familiar place over her lap
  604. >Scootaloo once more gripped Rainbow's left thigh tightly, while behind her, her pajama covered bottom did a nervous little shake back and forth
  605. >Here she was again, only a few hours later, ready to get her bottom tanned an even darker shade of red
  606. >Scootaloo sniffled and closed her eyes
  608. >But when she felt Rainbow Dash reaching into the waistband of her pajamas, Scootaloo's eyes shot back open
  609. >then, as Rainbow wordlessly pulled her pajama pants down to her thighs, Scootaloo whined and kicked her little hind legs
  610. >but the silky fabric now bunched around her legs and hooves kept her legs from kicking very much at all
  611. >the red stretchy fabric framed her now bare and exposed butt while serving as an unintentional restraint to her kicking
  612. >Somehow, Scootaloo had hoped that Rainbow would have left her pajamas on, but with one short tug those hopes were gone
  614. >When Rainbow tucked Scootaloo's twitching tail onto her back, pinning it down, Scootaloo realized just how helpless and exposed her bare little bum now was
  615. >she whined once again as Rainbow pulled her tail, arching her butt a little bit into the air to make it a better spanking target
  616. >then, she felt the cool wood resting against the hot, well spanked skin of her bottom
  617. >Rainbow tapped both of Scootaloo's buns softly with the brush, making her eep
  618. >Rainbow inhaled slowly, then spoke
  619. "Okay, Scoot. Remember, you earned every swat tonight. But no matter what... I still love you."
  621. >Rainbow Dash raised the brush, and brought it down with a good, hard, THWACK!
  623. >"YEEOWW!"
  624. >Scootaloo hollered with the harsh spank to the middle of her rump, flattening both cheeks
  625. >Rainbow Dash did not waste any more time and gave another quick pair of spanks, one to each cheek
  628. >"OWWWW!"
  629. >Scootaloo, already so sore from her first spanking, suddenly felt all the fire return
  630. >The little filly shrieked and squealed as Rainbow started her second spanking properly, quickly getting into the rhythm
  631. >left, right, left, right, and on it went
  633. >Rainbow held Scootaloo pinned tight over her lap
  634. >With the pain and heat of her first spanking reignited, Scootaloo was already struggling so much
  635. >but with her pajamas pulled down and bunched around her back legs, Scootaloo couldn't kick very much
  636. >just like the last time, Rainbow used the pattern of Scootaloo's wiggling to spank her bottom around in one big circle over her lap
  637. >no matter how much the filly tried to dance her butt away from the whacks, Rainbow always found it with another hard spank
  638. >some good smacks to her sit spots made Scootaloo buck her hips, popping her behind up in the air and making Rainbow have to pull her back down before she could deliver the next whack
  639. >but deliver it she did, and Scootaloo mournfully wailed and cried
  641. >Pretty soon, Scootaloo's kicking became so frantic that her pajama pants slid down her hind legs, tangling up around her hooves
  642. >Each spank felt like a hot iron searing her butt when it landed
  643. >Tears made a puddle below her
  644. >It hurt so much, but Rainbow kept on spanking!
  645. >She bucked her hips again, and tried to pull her body forward to get away from the punishment, but another quick tug on her tail put her butt back into place
  646. >Where it then encountered another hard flurry of spanks right on the sit spots
  647. >Scootaloo hollered and sobbed with pain, kicking her little legs some more
  648. >until her pajama bottoms were dangling from one leg
  649. >Soon, Scoot's red rump was glowing like a lightbulb again
  650. >and another hard peppering of brush spanks all over her butt sent her legs a kicking, sending her pajamas across the room
  651. >no more "oww"s and "ouch"es came from Scootaloo, only one long wail
  653. >It felt like forever to Scootaloo
  654. >but really, only about half the time had passed compared to her first spanking
  655. >Rainbow Dash still showed no mercy with the strength and speed of her swatting, but now it was almost time to wrap it up
  656. >It was time for the finale.
  658. >Rainbow raised the brush, and with precise aim, she began to spank Scootaloo's bare cheeks with eye blurring speed
  659. >In the span of only a few seconds, five hard THWACKS had landed on the curve of both buns
  660. >And Scootaloo's crying, so melancholy and weepy at first, turned to howling
  661. >Her butt starting to gyrate over Rainbow Dash's knees, wriggling and squirming desperately
  662. >Up and down, side to side, hips thrusting and jerking in every direction
  663. >But Rainbow simply bit her lip, laser focused her vision, and bounced the brush off of Scootaloo's burning hot rump over and over, showing no slowing down
  665. >This is what she grew up with
  666. >The finale. The big ending to the spanking that she always got from her parents as a filly always served to spank the remaining brattiness out of her
  667. >Now being delivered to her own adoptove daughter
  668. >Rainbow counted in her head the seconds, and she was on 15...
  672. >"WAAAAAAHHHH!"
  674. >23, 24, 25...
  678. -----Appendix:-----
  680. Okay, cliffhanger time. This is all I can spare for today!

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