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Cucumber Quest short stories by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:39:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Cucumber Quest short stories by Bluejay
  2. (Rosemaster / )
  3. non-pony
  5. ---
  7. [Color coded with embedded pictures at the link.]
  11. "Honestly... I ask them to keep you out of trouble, and here they go dropping you off right in front of it."
  12. "You're–!"
  14. -
  16. "What have you done with my friends? I demand answers! They must be so worried...."
  17. "Oh, no, I think they'll be just fine."
  18. "And what is it you want from me? In case you're somehow unaware, my signature is already on the Dream Sword!"
  19. "Is that how foolish you think I am? No, my dear. I find you to be a nuisance... for a very different reason."
  21. The vines surrounding Nautilus closed in around her.
  22. "Liquus! You have to– Aaah!"
  23. Her loyal familiar charged at Rosemaster, electricity coursing through his liquid veins. It wasn't very effective.
  24. "Oh, my. You didn't mean for this to hurt, did you?"
  25. In one swift motion, Rosemaster grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground.
  26. "No!!"
  27. "Now, then..."
  29. She held Nautilus tightly in her vines. This terrified young girl, who could ruin all of Rosemaster's plans in an instant, if given the opportunity. For a moment, she considered eliminating her outright. Just... squeeze a little harder, and be done with it.
  31. It was a brief moment. She relaxed her grip, lowering Nautilus to the floor, giving her a second to catch her breath. Rosemaster sighed. "So be it."
  32. "Wait... what are you..."
  33. "Girls."
  34. Her loyal Roselings stood at attention, awaiting her command.
  35. "Hmm?"
  36. "Please escort our guest somewhere quiet. The old den at the end of the hall should suffice."
  37. "Huh?"
  38. "O–of course!"
  39. "Right away, Miss Rosie."
  40. One of the Roselings picked up Nautlius' glasses from the ground, dusted them off, and returned them to her.
  41. "Oh, um, thank you."
  42. "Well, you heard her! You're coming with us..." Another Roseling reached up and daintily took her by the hand. Nautilus complied, and followed them down the dark, dusty hall, with her captor looming close behind.
  44. Rosemaster parted the vines blocking the doorway, and the Roselings led Nautilus through. The room was small and dimly lit, but Nautilus could make out a fireplace, a small couch and a bookshelf. The Roselings directed her to take a seat.
  45. "Keep an eye on her, girls. She is not to leave this room."
  46. "Yes, ma'am."
  47. Nautilus felt Rosemaster's plants slowly wrap around her ankles, ready to bind her if she tried to stand up or make a break for the exit.
  48. "I... don't understand. Why are you..."
  49. Rosemaster smiled.
  50. "All I really need from you, little princess, is to keep you out of the way for a while. Please, make yourself comfortable... It will be easier for both of us."
  51. Before Nautilus had a chance to question her further, she left the room, sealing the door behind her.
  53. Nautilus sat in silence, clutching her Royal Instrument of Summoning. Liquus had retreated back inside, and showed no signs of re-emerging.
  54. "So, umm... do you need anything, miss? Some water, or tea, or, y'know?"
  55. "I'm fine, thank you."
  56. She sat patiently. This couch was, admittedly, rather cozy. She leaned her head into the cushion. Maybe she could lie down for a while... Cucumber and the others would find her... eventually... well, probably...
  58. Wait, no! She couldn't just wait around like this. She sat back up.
  59. "Well, now that you mention it..."
  61. -
  63. Rosemaster relaxed in her bathchamber. The warm water and the gentle rush of the fountains calmed her. Her plan was already set in motion, and all she could do for now was wait; surely, she could afford a moment of peace.
  65. Behind the sounds of the water, she could sense a commotion on the floor above. Panicked footsteps– faint, but growing closer. Whoever this was had no idea where they were going. Rosemaster heard them run down the stairs, coming right towards her.
  67. Princess Nautilus hurriedly entered the room, stopping to catch her breath. A few Roselings followed behind her.
  68. "You won't get away so–!"
  70. Yet another interruption. Rosemaster stood up from the water to address them. "Oh. Look who's back already."
  71. Nautilus froze. She turned red at the sight of Rosemaster in her bathrobe; half of her wanted to apologize for violating her privacy, the other half wanted to run away as quickly as possible. She settled on the latter.
  73. She didn't get far. Within a few steps, she was tripped by roots and sent to the floor.
  74. "And where do you think you're going, my dear?"
  76. "Please, wait, I–" Nautilus begged as Rosemaster's vines closed in around her.
  77. "It's our fault!" A Roseling spoke up. "W– We let her out!"
  79. Rosemaster glared at them with her intimidating red eyes.
  80. "We know you said she wasn't supposed to leave, b–but, she said she needed to use the bathroom,"
  81. "actually that part was true"
  82. "so we took her there, but she asked us to wait outside, and when we checked again she was gone, and–"
  83. "We're so–!!"
  84. Rosemaster hushed them. "Don't look so pathetic, dear. It's alright."
  85. "You... you're not mad?"
  86. "These things happen. Besides, she wouldn't have gotten far. The exits are sealed, after all."
  88. The Roselings stood there, awaiting further orders. "So, um, should we take her back, or...?"
  89. Rosemaster took some time to dry herself. "Not yet." She raised her hand, lifting Nautilus from the ground. "Give us ladies some privacy, please. This shouldn't take long."
  90. "Hmm? O–oh. Yes, ma'am."
  91. "And in the meantime?"
  92. "Go and check in with the others. I want you to make sure no one else like her slips in."
  94. -
  96. As her underlings left to prepare for their task, Rosemaster seated herself and turned her attention towards her captive.
  97. "I must say, I am rather disappointed, Nautilus. I thought I told you to stay put."
  98. Nautilus took a deep breath. She couldn't fight back, but she wouldn't give in so quickly.
  99. "I... I don't take orders from you. I'm not one of your minions."
  100. Rosemaster smirked. "Obviously." She pulled Nautilus closer, holding her at eye level.
  101. "So tell me, then. What are you?"
  103. "...What's that supposed to mean?"
  104. Rosemaster laughed softly. "You heroes are all the same... So confident. So sure that you'll always find a way out, no matter what sort of peril you put yourselves in. It's almost cute, really."
  105. She lightly stroked Nautilus' cheek. The girl couldn't tell if the gesture was affectionate, mocking, or both.
  107. Before she could settle on an answer, she found herself laid flat across Rosemaster's lap, pinned down by a leafy hand.
  108. "But you are in my domain now, and no one is coming to save you."
  109. Rosemaster gently lifted the girl's sea-blue dress. Nautilus struggled and whined in embarrassment. "Stop that! I–"
  110. "Down here, you're not a hero. You're not even a princess. You are merely a child... and disobedient children ought to be punished."
  111. "Unhand me, you–" Nautilus felt a sharp pain, and yelped.
  113. Rosemaster gave her a moment's pause, then smacked her bottom a second time.
  114. "Oww!"
  115. Tap, tap, tap. Three more slaps, in quick succession. Nautilus squirmed in Rosemaster's lap, but any time she was close to escaping the woman's grasp, another smack to her half-exposed rear put her back in her place.
  117. "I suppose the King and Queen never had to discipline you like this, did they?"
  118. Nautilus gave no response, save for whimpers and whines.
  119. "No, of course not. Because you're a good girl." With each remark, a firm swat. "You stay out of trouble." And another. "You do as you're told." And another. "I had hoped you would offer me the same courtesy... How silly of me."
  120. Nautilus' eyes welled as she felt Rosemaster's hand strike harder and harder. She tried to keep her cool. Stay positive, she would tell herself at times like this. In that moment, positivity was the last thing on her mind. "Please, no..."
  121. "What was that, dear? You'll have to speak up."
  122. The woman's hand felt like a whip upon Nautilus' tender behind. "No, no, no-no-no..." With each slap, she could feel her composure slipping further out of reach, until–
  123. Crack! "W–wwaaaaaa!"
  125. The pain and the humiliation– the indignity of it all had become too much to bear. The floodgates opened, and Nautilus began to wail.
  126. "Aa, aaaa!"
  127. Her captor was undeterred, and spanked her a few more times, ignoring her cries.
  128. Nautilus finally managed to stammer out a plea in between sobs. "M–miss Rosemaster! I..."
  129. "Come now, child. Surely, you haven't given in already? What a shame."
  130. "Please, stop... I'll, I'll be good..."
  132. A sufficient answer. Rosemaster placed her hand on Nautilus' bottom, and gave it a couple of gentle pats. The girl whimpered in embarrassment.
  134. Rosemaster chuckled softly. "Once again you disappoint me, little princess. I expected more of a fight out of you. If your will is so easily broken, you wouldn't stand a chance against the others."
  136. She removed Nautilus from her lap and set her back on her feet. The girl instinctively reached back and rubbed her tender bottom, still teary-eyed. She was no longer bound or pinned, but the idea of trying to run never entered her mind. Rosemaster reached down and helped her straighten out her dress.
  138. She summoned her Roselings.
  139. "Um, miss?"
  140. "I take it there have been no more interruptions?"
  141. "No, ma'am. Everything's on the up and up."
  142. "I mean, the little witch girl might be– um, we're keeping an eye on her."
  143. "That will do. As for her..."
  144. She nudged Nautilus forward.
  145. "Take her back to her room, and keep her there this time."
  146. "Yes, miss Rosie."
  147. "And, uh, what if she tries to escape again?"
  148. Rosemaster smiled softly. "She won't."
  149. As before, one of the Roselings took the princess by the hand, and guided her out the door. Nautilus followed obediently.
  151. -
  153. Alone at last, Rosemaster finally had a moment to sit down and collect her thoughts. There was still so much she had to prepare for, and the stress of it all was almost unbearable. Nautilus had been a temporary distraction at best.
  155. Then again, the girl had proven to be more of an issue than anticipated. As long as she was present, she could still unravel Rosemaster's plan. It wasn't too late to remove her from the equation entirely.
  157. In another lifetime, Rosemaster might have gone through with it, but now... She had one of the heroes at her mercy, and spared her. Not only spared her, she was almost hospitable to her until the girl forced her hand. What would the other Masters think, if they found out? What would He think?
  159. ...No matter. One complication had been dealt with, and that was enough for the time being. The girl's companions were still running about in Old Botanica, none the wiser.
  161. There was still time.
  163. -
  166. "Let – me – GOOOOOO!! You do know we're on the same side, right?!"
  167. Rosemaster knelt down to Peridot's eye level, and pressed her mouth shut. "Loudmouthed little girls... who compromise my plans... are not on my "side". You've no idea what you could have done."
  169. "You're gonna be sorry for messing up Miss Rosie's plan!" "Yeah!"
  170. Rosemaster decided to tease her minions a bit. "Oh, the thought is so dreadful, I could cry..."
  171. "You're gonna be sorry for making Miss Rosie cry!" "Yeah!"
  172. "All right, settle down."
  174. "It's thanks to me you're here in the first place! You can't put me in jail! It's not allowed!"
  175. Peridot's thorny restraints closed in tighter.
  176. "Well, we can't have that. Perhaps I'll get rid of you instead."
  178. Rosemaster smirked. "...On the other hand, maybe she does deserve some nicer accommodations. What do you think, girls?"
  180. Her underlings looked up at her with puzzled expressions. "Um..." "Well, if you say so, but..."
  181. "Okay, okay, I get the picture.. Now, if you could just untie me a bit, and I'll–urk"
  182. Rosemaster raised the girl up to face her again, and glared at her. "You misunderstand me, child. You are going to be punished... but not here. I have something else in mind."
  183. She motioned with her fingers, and the plants surrounding Peridot wrapped around her hands and feet. The main vine retracted, releasing the girl from its grasp, her hands and feet still bound.
  184. "Oof!" Peridot stumbled to the ground, immobile. She felt some eight, maybe ten little plant arms reach underneath her and hoist her up. "Hey! Cut that out!" A group of Roselings positioned themselves beneath her, carrying her like a prize trophy.
  185. "Come with me. This shouldn't take long..."
  187. Rosemaster's minions dutifully followed her through the dimly lit halls, carting their latest "guest" on their backs. "Put – me – down!" The girl squirmed and fussed, but could'n't break her binds. "You'll be sorry! When I–"
  188. Rosemaster silenced her. "I have more important matters I need to attend to, Peridot. Do not test my patience any further than you already have."
  189. Peridot grumbled.
  191. They reached a quiet room at the end of a well-decorated, if slightly dusty hallway. Rosemaster entered first, flicking a light switch on her way in. The room was illuminated, revealing an ornate bedchamber colored in pinks and whites and golds. Close to the center of the room was a large, luxurious canopy bed, surrounded on all sides by fancy-looking desks and dressers and mirrors.
  193. The Roselings brought Peridot in, and set her down on the bed. She sat on the edge, trying to keep herself from sinking into the sheets– a trickier prospect than anticipated, since she had no free hand with which to brace herself.
  194. "I'm sure Azalea won't mind if you borrow her room for a little while. She'll be busy with the contest, anyway."
  195. "Azalea?"
  196. "You met her on your way in, yes? Pink hair, mark around her eye–"
  197. "I know who she is... she's the princess you re– ...I mean, yeah."
  198. "There, see? You almost didn't blurt out our little secret this time. Was that so hard?"
  199. Peridot huffed at her. "This is dumb."
  200. Rosemaster sighed. "I go to the trouble of bringing you somewhere more comfortable, and all I get is more disrespect. Really... someone in your position ought to know better."
  201. "So, what, you're just gonna ground me or something? Send me to my room without supper until I apologize? Please."
  202. "No."
  203. "...?" Peridot raised an eyebrow.
  204. "...Perhaps I did not make myself clear."
  206. In a swift motion, Rosemaster leaned in and locked eyes with the girl. "You are only here because I have allowed it", she snarled. "I tolerated your presence. I let you run around and pick fights." She ran her fingers through the frills of Peridot's dress. "I even let you dress up in this silly little outfit and play 'princess' for a while... And this is how you repay me? By being a stubborn – little – brat who can't keep her mouth shut? I can't allow that."
  208. Peridot pushed Rosemaster's hand away. The woman turned around, leaving Peridot seated on the bed while she turned her attention elsewhere.
  209. She opened up a drawer in Azalea's nightstand. "Let's see, where did she keep it?" She rummaged through Azalea's belongings. A mask, a rope, a bandana... "I don't know what this girl was up to in her spare time, but– Ah, yes, here it is."
  210. "What are you–"
  211. "It'll take more than a time-out to deal with someone like you... Whether I lock you up in a dusty old cell or a princess' suite, it would make no difference."
  212. Rosemaster turned back to face her captive. In her hand, she held a wooden hairbrush– smooth, sturdy, ornately crafted. "No, you need a more direct punishment."
  214. Peridot took one look at the brush in Rosemaster's hand, and recoiled. "Y, you wouldn't dare. You–nnph!"
  215. Her binds sprung to life again, quickly turning her around. Peridot felt a twinge of panic as her hands were pulled forward, leaving her flat on her stomach, legs still dangling off the edge of the bed. She kicked and squirmed, hoping to break her restraints. "Lemme go!"
  216. Rosemaster reached a hand into Peridot's dress, ignoring her yells. She took hold of the girl's leggings and pulled them downward, revealing a bare, unblemished bottom. "Someone needs to teach you some respect, little girl." She raised her arm, brush held steady.
  217. The rush of cold air on her exposed rear sent Peridot into a panic. "W–wait!" She doubled her efforts to free herself, to no avail. Her frustrated outbursts were snuffed out, giving way to desperate whines. "Wait! You can't do this! I, I won't–"
  218. Smack!
  220. -
  222. Startled, Nautilus opened her eyes. She reached for where she thought her glasses would be, and turned towards one of the Roselings keeping watch on her. "Um, what was that sound?"
  223. The Roseling sitting on the back of the couch shrugged. "Probably none of our business." She climbed down onto their half-awake captive, and adjusted her blanket. "Just go back to sleep, little princess..."
  224. Nautilus heard the same sound again, echoing down the hall. She rested her head on the pillow and tried to tune out the noise. She instinctively reached backwards to rub her behind, though she wasn't sure why.
  226. -
  228. The brush left a faint pink mark on Peridot's pale bottom. The girl struggled and squirmed, quietly whimpering to herself. Rosemaster gave her another smack.
  229. "Uwaa!"
  230. "Consider this your first lesson." Tap, tap.
  231. "Owwww!"
  232. Rosemaster's underlings observed in silence as their mistress doled out her punishment. Two or three of them were a bit uncomfortable watching the scene unfold, but they knew not to interfere with miss Rosie's work.
  234. After a few more quick slaps, Rosemaster flipped the brush around in her hand. She lightly rubbed Peridot's rear with its soft bristles, causing the girl to squirm in discomfort. She spanked her a couple more times with the bristled side, then followed with an ever-so-slightly more vigorous brushing.
  235. "Tell me... Do you think you're the first little brat I've had to put in their place?"
  236. "N–no, ma'am..." Another spank. "Uhn..."
  237. "I doubt you'll be the last, either."
  238. Rosemaster repeated the pattern– a few swats, then a brushing, intensifying with each repetition.
  240. Peridot bawled. Her makeup started to run, staining her cheek with faint dark streaks. Being spanked with the soft end of the brush provided her no relief– particularly when that soft end proceeded to scrub her bottom raw.
  241. "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow–stop iiit..." She kicked and flailed, but could do nothing but lay there, at her captor's mercy. "No..."
  242. She felt Rosemaster ease up for a moment, lightly stroking her rear with the brush. Quivering, she took an opportunity to catch her breath.
  244. It was a short-lived respite. Peridot tensed up as she felt the flat end of the brush press firmly against her bottom. She could only whimper and whine and moan as Rosemaster pulled the brush back, winding up another–
  245. Spank!
  247. -
  249. The ruins were eerily silent. Every brush of grass, every footstep echoed into the darkness. Cucumber, Almond, and Carrot ventured deeper into–
  250. "Hey, did you guys hear that?"
  251. "...Hear what?"
  252. "It sounded like someone screaming all of a sudden. It was way off in the distance, but..."
  253. "I think I may have heard it, too. I'm not sure."
  254. Almond cut them off. "Come onnn, Cuco, we don't have time to go chasing every weird noise."
  255. Cucumber sighed. "I guess not..."
  256. "Whatever. Now follow me– we're getting close..."
  258. -
  260. Peridot was sobbing uncontrollably as Rosemaster set down the brush. The binds around her limbs withered and broke apart, but all she could manage with her freedom of movement was to meekly kick and flail her legs. She reached for her lowered leggings, but before she could pull them up, Rosemaster reached over and pulled them back down.
  261. "Sit up."
  262. Peridot whined, but did as she was told. She turned around and placed her reddened rear on the end of the bed. It offered her some comfort, but not as much as she hoped. She sat there with her head down, quietly choking up, avoiding eye contact.
  264. Rosemaster looked at the teary-eyed girl, and sighed. "Such a pity. Remind me, what is your master's name... Cordelia, was it?"
  265. Peridot nodded sheepishly.
  266. "Well, I'm sure that Cordelia would be very disappointed to know what you've been up to today... Maybe she'll even punish you herself when you get home."
  267. Peridot whimpered at the suggestion. The mere thought of her surrogate mother learning about what she'd done filled her with shame. The thought of an additional punishment on top of that, intolerable.
  269. Rosemaster folded her arms. "I'm feeling generous, so I'll give you a choice... You can run along home, tail between your legs, and tell her all about this little incident. Tell her that you were a bad girl, and that you had to be punished for your insolence."
  270. Peridot whimpered in shame.
  271. "Or... You can stay here, stay in your room like a good girl, and this can stay between us."
  272. The girl sat there in silence. "I, um..." She shuffled in place a bit, trying to find a more comfortable position. After a short while, based on her lack of movement, it was clear that she had chosen the second option.
  273. "I figured as much." Rosemaster turned her hand upwards.
  275. Peridot shimmied away from the edge of Azalea's bed as a tangle of vines grew around its base. They surrounded the frame and canopy, enclosing it in vertical bars. "Hey! W–what's the big idea?" In an instant, Peridot found herself trapped in a cage... or a crib. She wasn't sure which.
  277. Rosemaster smirked, then addressed her servants. "Keep her entertained, girls. I'll check up on her another time."
  278. The gathering of Roselings giggled among themselves as Rosemaster excused herself from the room, leaving Peridot contained.
  280. Peridot's mood didn't improve much over those next few minutes. She laid on the bed, softly crying into a pillow, her bottom pointed skyward. On top of her was a small Roseling, gently rubbing her back in an effort to calm her. "Shh... there, there."
  281. "Oh, it's not so bad, sweetie."
  282. "Mhmm. It still looks a little red, but..."
  283. Peridot blushed, and reached backwards to conceal herself. The Roseling sitting on her back swatted her hand away. "Eek!"
  284. "Ah-ah... Not yet, little missy."
  285. Peridot groaned. After a while they relented, and allowed her to pull her leggings back up. Soon, Peridot was finally able to settle herself; her breathing became calmer, her tears more subtle.
  287. She sat upright, wiping off what remained of her makeup onto a cloth. Her distress and discomfort subsided, yielding to mere frustration and resentment.
  288. "I hate her. I hate her! And I extra hate this–"
  289. Peridot glared at the thorny vines caging her. She dropped backwards onto her pillow and whined loudly.
  290. "Oh, dear. Still a bit fussy, isn't she?"
  291. "Annoying, more like. Why did we get stuck with babysitting duty?"
  292. "Shush." The Roseling slipped through the vines and tugged at Peridot's dress.
  293. "Moping around won't do you any good, sweetie." She tried to pull a blanket over the girl, but found it a little too unwieldy for someone her size. One of her companions climbed up to the bed to assist. "You must be tired... Just lay down for a while, okay?"
  294. Peridot huffed. She didn't need a nap. All the same, in her current predicament, what else was there to do? She laid there passively as the blanket was pulled over her, curled up a bit (trying not to disturb her still-tender bottom), and closed her eyes.
  296. -
  298. Silently, Rosemaster made her way through the halls and stairways, coming to rest in an open space deep within the dark castle. Once again, she had time to catch her breath and gather her thoughts.
  300. Another complication. Another distraction. This cycle was shaping up to be a particularly arduous one. All of her plotting and planning could be undone on a whim, and for what? Rosemaster dropped to her knees. She was overwhelmed. She was tired.
  302. And she wasn't expecting company.
  305. -
  307. "Peridot..." Cordelia towered over her, cold and imposing. "Disobedient worm..."
  308. "Wait! I–I can explain– She–" Peridot stammered as Cordelia reached down and grabbed her by the ear. "Eep!"
  309. "You think you can just interfere in my plan whenever you want? Just for fun?" She pulled the girl toward her. "Pathetic. All you ever wanted was to rebel, and now look at you... You can't even do that right."
  310. Peridot struggled helplessly. Her hair was a mess, her dress in tatters. She pleaded for Cordelia to listen to her, to no avail. She watched her raise an open palm, preparing to give Peridot's bottom a hard slap.
  311. "You hopeless brat!" Cordelia brought her hand down, jolting Peridot awake with a yelp. Her heart was racing, her breaths erratic. She reached down to cover her behind, almost reflexively.
  312. A half-asleep Roseling jumped up and sat at attention when she heard the noise. "Oh, um, is something wrong, sweetie?"
  313. Peridot took a deep breath. "It... it's nothing." The image of Cordelia lingered in her thoughts– scolding her, berating her, reminding her what a disappointment she was.
  314. Of course, she'd never really talk to her like that, Peridot reminded herself.
  315. And yet, the image remained. "Just... nevermind, forget I said anything."
  316. "All right, if you say so..."
  317. Peridot rested her head and closed her eyes once more. This time, she did not sleep.

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