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Different Ways of Feeding by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:40:21
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:11:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Different Ways of Feeding by Bluejay
  2. (Gold Dust / Olivine)
  3. F/f, otk, hoof, pajamas, non-consensual
  5. (08/04/2016 - 21/06/2016)
  8. ---
  10. >It's been some time since I was separated from the collective. Kind of a long story. I've been a bit out of sorts ever since then.
  11. >The world can be unkind to a little lost bug. My kind doesn't need much to live on, but emotions are scarce out in the wilderness.
  12. >I was so cold, and hungry, and,
  13. >Well, what other options did I have?
  15. Gold Dust was a mare of simple pleasures. The sound of rain on the rooftops, the glow of the street lamps, the brisk air of late autumn. That was all she needed. She was in high spirits that evening as she strolled down the road, umbrella in tow. She passed by the cafés and shops, all closing up for the night, and offered a passing hello to anyone she came across.
  16. "Evenin', miss."
  17. "Good evening, ma'am!"
  18. "Hello, miss Dust."
  19. "..."
  20. For a moment, she almost didn't notice the child. They barely made a sound, and seemed to be taking shelter under a storefront. Goldie turned around and looked closer. It was a young filly, who looked... scared.
  22. >The ponies would never accept me as I am.
  23. >I had to blend in. An innocent little unicorn filly (or colt; never could tell the difference).
  24. >Not conspicuous at all, right?
  26. "What are you doing out here?"
  27. Gold Dust approached the quivering filly.
  28. "Imsorry, pleasedonthurtme!"
  29. "What? Oh, no-no-no, I'm not gonna hurt you..."
  30. The child looked ready to burst into tears at any moment. The mare knelt down, to try and comfort her.
  31. "What's wrong, sweetie? Are you lost?"
  32. "Um, I-I..."
  33. "What's your name?"
  35. >I didn't have a name, back home. None of the drones did. We never needed them; everyone already knew everyone else.
  36. >I couldn't think of one on the spot, so I just kinda sat there, avoiding eye contact.
  38. "U-um..."
  39. The filly stammered, but never gave an answer. The mare giggled softly.
  40. "That's alright. Where do you live? I'll take you home..."
  41. Again, the filly remained silent. Gold Dust's warm smile began to fade.
  42. "Then... oh, dear. No, no, this won't do at ALL."
  43. She pulled the filly towards her.
  44. "Hey! What're y--"
  45. "This is no place for a little girl like you. You're coming with me."
  46. "Uh, th-that's okay, I--"
  47. "It is NOT okay. You're absolutely soaked; you need somewhere to warm up and dry off."
  48. "But--"
  49. "No 'but's. I'm taking you home, and that's. Final. Understand?"
  50. "Y-yes, ma'am, whatever you say, ma'am."
  51. Goldie floated her umbrella over the girl and tried to calm her down.
  52. "Shh... there, now..."
  54. >This was a bit of a predicament.
  55. >I still wasn't quite used to pony form, and I was definitely NOT ready to have someone looking over my shoulder all the time.
  56. >And if I gave myself away, then...
  57. >I tried not to dwell on it too much.
  59. >The mare seemed nice enough, if a bit... persuasive.
  60. >Her house was only a few blocks away. The place was small, but well-kept.
  61. >The thing that drew my attention the most was, oddly, myself. I hadn't taken a good look at my pony self until I saw my reflection in her mirror.
  62. >Grey coat, greyer mane. Bright green, almost gemlike eyes.
  63. >Before I could admire myself further, the mare escorted me to a chair and wrapped me in a warm blanket.
  64. >I felt... safe.
  66. Once she was sure that the child was comfortable, Gold Dust hung up her overcoat and set about cooking a warm meal. She poured a bowl of soup for her guest, then another for herself.
  67. "There. Eat up, hon. You look starving..."
  68. The two of them ate in silence. After a few minutes, the girl quietly spoke up:
  69. "Ol... Olivine."
  70. "Hmm?"
  71. "M-my name. It's, um, Olivine."
  72. "Hmm... that's a lovely name, dear. I'm Gold Dust."
  73. The mare walked over to young Olivine and stroked her mane. The filly had barely touched her soup. Gold Dust was about to scold her, but decided against it; the poor girl seemed exhausted enough already.
  74. "Just a minute, little Olive. I'll be right back."
  75. "Y-yes, miss Dust."
  77. Olivine sat patiently, until the mare returned and escorted her into another room.
  78. "...Now, I can have my guest room set up by tomorrow, but you'll have to sleep on the couch tonight. Is that okay?"
  79. "Um, yes, ma'am. T-thank you..."
  80. "(giggle) Don't thank me yet, hon. We have some business to take care of, first."
  81. The filly let out a squeak as Gold Dust hoisted her into the air.
  82. "H-hey!"
  83. "You, my dear, are a mess. So! Before I let you anywhere near my clean sheets, you~ are going to take a nice, long bath..."
  85. >For the record, it doesn't matter how warm the water is; getting a forced bath is EMBARASSING.
  86. >Thank the Queen that I didn't blow my cover on the spot. Half the time, I was worried that she would somehow scrub my coat clean off and find chitin underneath.
  87. >I tried to tell her that I was perfectly capable of bathing myself, thank-you-very-much, but she was... insistent.
  88. >So I put up with it. It was... calming, in a way. And, humiliating as it was, I could taste that she meant well.
  89. >Love and affection are hard to describe, in pony terms. All those different types, and so many ways to express them, all with their own subtle flavors.
  90. >Maternal instinct (with a hint of pity, not that I blame her) was unfamiliar to me, but I'd have to get accustomed if I wanted to make this work.
  91. >That, and it was my first decent "meal" in weeks. I couldn't refuse her even if I wanted to...
  93. Olivine sat nervously as the mare finished drying her off.
  94. "There. All clean. Doesn't that feel better?"
  95. She blushed, then gave a meek nod.
  96. "(snicker) There's a good girl. Now, off to bed..."
  97. Gold Dust ushered the filly back into the den and onto her couch. She gave her as many pillows and blankets as she needed, then tucked her in for the night. Within minutes, Olivine was fast asleep.
  99. >The next couple of days were similar.
  100. >She had me spend most of my time resting in bed. I was happy enough to oblige at first, though it did get sorta dull after a while.
  101. >She said I looked "scrawny", so she brought me plenty of food. Her little acts of compassion were nourishment enough, but I couldn't tell her that.
  102. >My hesitance to eat didn't seem to raise her suspicions. She, um, did threaten to force-feed me once or twice, though, so there's that.
  104. >All the while, she'd try to press me for information. If I had any friends, any family, that sort of thing.
  105. >Questions I couldn't answer, mostly. Couldn't even conjure up a convincing lie.
  106. >Eventually, she stopped asking.
  108. Gold Dust awoke just before sunrise. Her guest was out of bed soon after.
  109. "Good morning, Olive~."
  110. "(yawn) Oh... uh, good morning."
  111. "(giggle) I'm glad to see you're feeling better today..."
  112. From her chair, Goldie dipped her horn. She pulled a jug of milk from her fridge, poured a glass, and offered it to the half-awake filly.
  113. "Um... thank you. (sip)"
  114. "Please, sit. I wanna talk to you about something."
  115. Olivine complied and took a seat on the other side of the table.
  116. "O... okay?"
  117. "...So, what are you gonna do now?"
  119. She looked at the mare quizzically.
  120. "...?"
  121. "...Well, when I first found you, you were cold, wet, and miserable. Now that you're back on your hooves again..."
  122. The girl couldn't answer. She sat in silence.
  123. "I, um, d-don't know. I-I'll figure something out."
  124. "You don't exactly have anywhere to go, Olive. You told me as much yourself; no home, no family..."
  125. "I can--"
  126. Gold Dust cut her off, taking on a sterner tone.
  127. "I don't like it, hon. You're much too little to be living on your own. I mean, look at you- you're practically still a baby!"
  128. Olivine blushed and pouted.
  129. "Am not..."
  130. "Well, somepony ought to be taking care of you. So, what if you stay here with me?"
  132. "W-what?"
  133. "I mean it! I have more than enough space, and I can provide for you easily. And... I must confess, I really have enjoyed your company these past few days..."
  134. The child pondered Goldie's offer.
  135. "Um, b-but..."
  136. "Please, don't worry. I'll take good care of you. I promise."
  138. >If I accepted, there was no turning back.
  139. >I'd have to commit to this role permanently. No one could ever find out that I was really...
  140. >...
  141. >...What was I doing? I didn't think I could keep this up forever, could I?
  142. >But in a way, wasn't this my plan to begin with?
  143. >Well, actually, I didn't have ANY plan to begin with. It just kinda worked out like this.
  144. >How could I say no?
  146. The moment she heard the girl answer 'yes', Gold Dust lifted her from her seat and gave her a warm hug.
  147. "Oof!"
  148. "Shh... there now, little Olive..."
  149. After a minute or so, Goldie set down the slightly dazed filly.
  150. "Now, if I'm gonna be taking care of you, then you're gonna have to do as I say from now on, alright?"
  151. "Um, yes, ma'a--"
  152. "First, no more of this 'ma'am' business. Starting right now, I am your mother, and you will address me as such."
  153. "Oh, uh... yes, m-Momma."
  154. "(giggle) That's more like it."
  156. >Just when you think you know what you're getting yourself into.
  157. >"Momma" kept talking. Something about naptime and bedtime, I dunno.
  158. >She noticed that I had stopped paying attention, so she quite firmly planted me back in my seat and made sure I was listening.
  160. "Now, if we're gonna make this work, then you're gonna need a bit of an... attitude adjustment."
  161. Olive raised an eyebrow.
  162. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  163. "For a start, it means that I'd like to feed you and dress you and give you your baths WITHOUT you making a fuss about it all the time."
  164. The filly gave an embarassed whine, and squirmed a bit in her chair. Gold Dust shushed her, then spoke a bit more softly.
  165. "(sigh) Olive, I know. You think you're a big girl and can look out for herself and all. But, that hasn't really worked out for you, has it?"
  166. "(grumble) No..."
  167. "That's right. So, now we do things my way."
  169. >Back home, you never really questioned the Queen's orders, because she never asked all that much of you in the first place. You just kinda minded your own business most of the time.
  170. >This wasn't the hive, and Momma wasn't any kind of queen as far as I could tell, but I figured it'd more or less work the same.
  171. >That was probably my first mistake.
  173. >We'd barely started, and she was already insistent on treating me like I was some helpless foal. (True, I hadn't done much to convince her otherwise, but still. Ugh.)
  174. >Later that morning, to further her point, she 'escorted' me halfway across town to run some errands.
  175. >I kept my head down most of the time. Never did get accustomed to bright sunlight.
  176. >It was actually a pleasant outing, at first. Momma said that she wanted to make me feel more "at home". She bought me a couple stuffed toys to keep me company; holding on to them was, I admit, rather comforting.
  178. >...Then she thought it'd help if I had "something nice to wear". She brought me to a fancy little shop in the middle of town; a unicorn mare was there to greet us.
  179. >The two of them chatted for a while, catching up on various gossip. Of course, I couldn't escape their attention for long...
  181. "Alright, little Olivine. Please, come here..."
  182. "Um, I..."
  183. Gold Dust could see that Olive was a little hesitant, so she gently nudged her towards the white mare, eager to begin her work.
  184. "Go ahead, hon."
  185. "(Oof!)"
  186. "I'll take care of things from here, Goldie. You know, (giggle) just between you and me, I've always had an affinity for gemstones..."
  187. The filly blushed.
  188. "Glad to hear it. I'll be back in an hour or so; you stay here and do as miss Rarity asks, okay?"
  189. "...Do I have to?"
  190. "Don't be rude, Olive."
  191. "Oh, that's alright, darling. It's okay if you're a little shy, but please, hold still for a moment..."
  193. >Getting treated like a dress-up doll is, I must say, not something they prepare you for back home.
  194. >The mare put me in dozens of outfits, all of them light and soft and frilly, or as she described it, "just perfect~ for a young lady like yourself".
  195. >It wasn't fun... but if it made Momma happy, that meant more for me down the line. Until then, though, I was just nervous, embarassed, and a little hungry...
  197. Gold Dust returned to the boutique, groceries in tow.
  198. "You're right on time, Goldie... we're just about done."
  199. "(Uhn!)"
  200. "(Don't fuss so much, dearie.)"
  201. The grey filly sat in place, half-naked, fidgeting as Rarity tried to brush her mane.
  202. "She wasn't too much trouble, was she?"
  203. "Hmm... well, she did need a bit of coaxing at times. Nothing I couldn't handle."
  204. Rarity offered Gold Dust a selection of outfits. She skimmed through, picked out a soft autumn-toned dress, and pulled it over Olive's head.
  205. "(Mmph!)"
  206. The two mares straightened her clothes, then brought her over to the mirror.
  207. "There, see? Perfect."
  208. "(groan) I look like a baby..."
  209. "Oh, nonsense, darling. You look lovely."
  210. Rarity paused, contemplating for a moment.
  211. "...Of course, if you'd like me to dress you as a baby, (snicker) that can be arranged..."
  212. "Y'know, she would look adorable~, wouldn't she?"
  213. The girl whined, her cheeks turning a bright red.
  214. "Mommaaa!"
  215. "Alright, alright. Just a suggestion..."
  216. Goldie hoisted her up by the frills of her dress, just for a moment.
  217. "Hey!"
  218. "But, just so we're clear, if you act like a foal, then I won't hesitate to treat you like one. Got it?"
  219. "(sigh) Yes, Momma."
  220. The brown mare gave Olive's rear end a few soft pats before setting her back down. She stumbled a bit, trying to accustom herself to her new outfit.
  222. >Momma and miss Rarity fawned over me for a little while longer. They wouldn't be the last.
  223. >Had I been in a better mood, I might've actually enjoyed the attention. A little.
  224. >We finally left for our next destination, but not before Momma insisted on a looong lecture about politeness.
  225. >I mean, sheesh.
  227. >The rest of the day was similarly... educational.
  228. >Drones have simple rules for doing stuff. Ponies, as it turns out, have a bunch of vague rules for NOT doing stuff.
  229. >Don't interrupt.
  230. >Don't be rude. (Again.)
  231. >Don't make a scene.
  232. >Don't spit your drink. (Even if it tastes like poison. "Soothing" tea, my--)
  233. >Don't use bad language.
  234. >Don't do this, don't say that. Aaaaand so on.
  235. >Momma was quick to teach me the basics... which is to say, she was quick to chastise me whenever I did something wrong.
  237. "You really need to mind your manners, Olive, especially around ponies you've just met. I doubt miss Roseluck appreciated that little comment about her--"
  238. "Yeah, yeah, I know..."
  239. "You said that last time, too. Yet, here we are."
  240. The filly kept quiet, trying to avoid another lecture.
  241. "(...She started it. She said I--)"
  242. "What was that, dear?"
  243. "...Nothing."
  245. >Impromptu etiquette lessons aside, there were other complications.
  246. >All of our food tasted odd, and provided little sustenance, so I was hungry pretty much all day.
  247. >I still wasn't used to all the light and noise, so I felt disoriented often.
  248. >But the worst of it... maybe it was nerves, maybe it was something I ate (seriously, what was in that tea?), but once or twice I felt an awkward knot in my gut.
  249. >The type someone of my kind gets when they're about to... "come undone".
  251. "Um, c-can I be excused? I need to, um..."
  252. Olive fidgeted a bit in her seat.
  253. "(snicker) Go ahead."
  254. Without another word, the filly rushed off towards the restroom.
  256. >First instincts: find somewhere private, clear your head.
  257. >I looked in the mirror. For just a moment, I saw a pair of hollow, bug-like eyes staring back at me.
  258. >I examined myself, to make sure I was still... pony.
  259. >Coat still grey. No holes. No chitin, at least as far as I could see.
  260. >She doesn't know.
  261. >You're still safe.
  262. >It's just in your head.
  264. >False alarm or no, I was still on edge for the rest of the afternoon. Momma probably thought I was getting upset over nothing.
  265. >After all of that, returning home was a relief.
  267. Olivine flopped onto the couch, clutched one of her stuffed dolls tightly, and let out a long groan.
  268. "Oh, come now, Olive. There's no need for that."
  269. "Hmmph!"
  270. "Well, perhaps somepony~ needs a bath and an early bedtime to calm her down."
  271. "(whine) But, Momma! It's barely even--"
  272. Gold Dust shushed her again. After giving her some time to vent, she took Olivine to her room. The two of them set her dolls at her bedside, and hung her new clothes in the closet. Goldie set aside some pajamas, then helped the filly undress as she prepared her bath.
  274. "Now, about your behavior today..."
  275. "(groan) Mommaaa..."
  276. "I'm serious, hon. I wanted to see how you'd act around other ponies, and, well... it looks like we have some work to do."
  277. Olive whined as the mare helped her into the tub.
  278. "It's not fair! Why do I--" (splish) "mmblb!"
  279. "I know, I know. It's okay if you're having trouble adjusting, but acting like a brat won't make it any easier, for either of us."
  281. >Easy for her to say. She wasn't the one getting dragged around all day.
  282. >Momma said that she'd back off a bit (and, um, let me off the hook for the stuff I did earlier) if I promised to behave a little better.
  283. >Buuut at the same time, she was clear that if I gave her any more trouble, I'd regret it. How reassuring.
  285. >She dried me off, zipped me into my pajamas, and tucked me into bed. At least that part of the routine was easy to get used to.
  286. >The little morsels of love were enough to keep me going; I was still a bit hungry, but I could manage.
  287. >...For about an hour. Then the gut thing happened again.
  289. The filly launched out of bed in a panic. This one was too potent-- it had to be the real deal. After a minute of fumbling around in the dark, she managed to undress herself and get a better look at her bare coat. Sure enough, she was already losing color, and her forelegs were already showing holes. She let out a voiceless yelp.
  290. «no»
  291. Instincts told it to find somewhere safe, somewhere it wouldn't be seen.
  293. >The den was quiet. Momma was already in bed.
  294. >Maybe I could just go back to my room, wait for it to go away, and pretend it never happened.
  295. >But what if it didn't go away? 'Maybe' wasn't good enough.
  296. >I couldn't take any chances.
  298. The juvenile changeling slipped out of the house and into the autumn moonlight. It coughed, trying to speak.
  299. «please- not now»
  300. It fled until it reached a quiet clearing, with a small pond. Even in the dim light, it could see its reflection. It took some deep breaths, and splashed water into its face a few times. After a few minutes, Olivine regained her composure and reassumed her previous form. She checked her image in the water, to make sure she got all of the details correct.
  302. >The knot had passed. I was in control again.
  303. >For a moment, I was safe.
  305. "OLIVINE."
  307. >Only for a moment.
  309. Olive froze up as Gold Dust rushed over to her.
  310. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright! I heard a noise and- the door was open and- your room is a mess and-"
  311. The mare took a deep breath to calm herself.
  312. "Just what, in the world, are you doing?"
  313. "I, um, I can explai... um, I mean,"
  314. Gold Dust waited for a response, but Olive kept stammering out non-answers. She gave the filly's ear a gentle tug, leading her back towards the house.
  315. "Uhn!"
  316. "Come with me, Olivine. NOW."
  318. >As soon as she raised her voice, I knew I was stuck.
  319. >Telling her what really happened could only land me in more trouble than I was already in. I kept quiet.
  320. >Momma brought me back inside. She switched on the lights, so she wouldn't trip over any overturned furniture. Oh, boy, I really DID make a mess of things on my way out...
  321. >She dusted me off, then ordered me to put my pajamas back on. She didn't say much, but kept a close eye on me throughout.
  322. >She led me into the den. After taking a seat and settling herself, she motioned for me to come to her. I didn't have much of a choice.
  323. >As soon as I came close, she lifted me up and seated me on her lap.
  325. Gold Dust held the filly close, stroking her mane a few times.
  326. "(sigh) I thought we had an understanding, dear."
  327. "R-right..."
  328. "Well, apparently not, since you thought it'd be okay to sneak out, past your bedtime, for Celestia-knows-what? You could've gotten lost, or, or hurt, or..."
  329. "I-it won't happen again, I..."
  330. "That's right, Olive, it won't. I'll make sure of that."
  332. Olivine looked at her nervously.
  333. "Wait, what're you--"
  334. Goldie turned her over and raised her tail.
  335. "I've been patient with you so far, sweetie, but obviously that's not enough..."
  336. Her horn lit up. Olive squirmed as her dropseat began to unbutton itself.
  337. "!"
  338. "I'm sorry, Olive, but I'm gonna have to punish you."
  340. >Every now and again, you'd hear stories of the Queen disciplining one of her 'children'. Usually some mischievous little drone acting up and getting a telepathic smack for their troubles.
  341. >I'd never been around to see it myself... and I was in no hurry to be on the receiving end, queen or otherwise.
  343. "(whine) But, Momm-- uhn!"
  344. The mare pinned Olive down with one hoof, resting the other on her half-exposed rump.
  345. "No 'but's." (pat) (pat) (pat) "If I'm gonna be your mama, then it's my responsibility to keep you out of trouble."
  346. She gave the filly a few more pats, then raised her hoof.
  347. "And if that means I have to give you a spanking when you misbehave, then so be it."
  348. Gold Dust brought her hoof down. Olive let out a loud yelp.
  350. >...Well, that's when I found out what "tough love" tastes like.
  351. >It had a strong, distinct flavor... not that I had any time to appreciate it.
  353. Goldie gave the filly's rear end another swat.
  354. "Uhn!" (SPANK) "Momma, pl--" (SPANK) "Eeee!"
  355. "I'm sorry, baby," (SPANK) "but I'm nipping this in the bud right now." (SPANK) "If we're gonna make this work," (SPANK) "then you need to learn what is-" (SPANK) "and is not-" (SPANK) "okay."
  356. Olivine whimpered with each smack. She kicked and fidgeted, but Gold Dust could easily hold a small child like her in place.
  357. "Throwing a tantrum and running off in the middle of the night is-" (SPANK) "not-" (SPANK) "okay." (SPANK) "Ever." (SPANK) "Got it?"
  358. "Yesmommawhateveryousaymomma!" (SPANK) "Ahn!"
  360. >Every swat sent another jolt of emotions through me.
  361. >It was impossible to focus... and ironically, that helped me settle into my role more than anything.
  362. >For brief moments, I started to forget that I was anything other than a filly.
  363. >A naughty little filly, helpless over her mother's lap, getting a very thorough spanking.
  365. "If I can't even trust you with simple stuff," (SPANK) "like bedtime..."
  366. "Nonono--" (SPANK) (SPANK) "Aah!"
  367. The mare dished out a few more quick smacks, then slowed down for a minute, limiting herself to gentle pats.
  368. "Shh..." (pat) (pat) "There, now." (pat) (pat) (pat) "Deep breaths..."
  369. The grey filly tried to calm herself in between sobs. Easier said than done.
  371. (pat) (pat) "You understand why you're being punished, baby?"
  372. Olive nodded. Gold Dust gave her a few more pats, expecting a proper answer.
  373. "Um, b-because I ran away..."
  374. "That's right. And a little for misbehaving this afternoon, but mostly that."
  375. "(sniff) Y-yes, Momma." (pat) "Uhn..."
  376. "And you understand that if you misbehave again, then you're gonna get spanked again?"
  377. "(whine) Yes..."
  379. >More of this to look forward to. How encouraging.
  380. >Before I really lost myself, Momma was considerate enough to pull me back to reality... by pulling my bloomers down without warning.
  382. "Wait- hey!"
  383. "Just a little more, Olive, but it's gonna have to be on your bare bottom, okay?"
  384. "B-but," (pat) (pat) (SPANK) "Ahn!"
  385. Olivine shrieked. The spanking was humiliating enough as is; having her red rump exposed was not helping one bit.
  386. "Uhn!" (SPANK) "(sniff) Please, I--" (SPANK) "Mommaaa! (sob)"
  387. She kicked and fussed and whined with all her might, but Goldie was undeterred; she was going to see this through, no matter how much her little filly protested. She raised her hoof one last time.
  389. Olive wailed.
  391. >And with that, she was finished.
  392. >She gave me as much time as I needed to calm myself, gently stroking my mane all the while.
  394. "Alright, baby. I think that's enough. Besides, it's well past your bedtime..."
  395. She gave the filly's tender bottom one last soft rub, then rebuttoned her dropseat.
  396. "(snicker) Up you go."
  397. "Oof!"
  398. Goldie lifted Olive up. The filly expected to be escorted back to her bedroom, but found herself in Gold Dust's room instead.
  399. "...?"
  400. "Until I can trust you not to run off again, you're gonna stay right here with me. Okay?"
  401. "Um, o-okay."
  402. "(soft exhale) Good girl..."
  404. >I finally had time to slow down and process what had happened.
  405. >For starters, I wasn't hungry any more, so there's that. In fact, that "session" was enough to satisfy for some time after.
  406. >Unfortunately, that did little to distract from a sore bottom and a bruised ego.
  407. >It did, however, make me realize that I had, in some strange and humiliating way, solved my biggest problem.
  408. >If I ever got really hungry, like before, all I had to do was swallow my pride and earn myself a paddling from Momma.
  409. >A comforting thought. Y'know, sort of.
  410. >On the one hoof, this could actually work... on the other, what in the Queen's name was I getting myself into?
  411. >Nevermind. For the time being, I was just happy to get some sleep in a warm bed.
  412. >I could work out the fine details later... hopefully.
  416. Olivine was a filly of simple pleasures. The warmth of her dolls and her blankets, the quiet calm of early winter. That was enough for now. She laid content in bed, musing to herself.
  417. >Things have been pretty good, all things considered.
  418. >I've gotten somewhat more comfortable with my pony form, even if I still prefer to keep private. Much fewer "incidents".
  419. >Momma still treats me like a foal, but she does take good care of me.
  420. >She's even decided to start tutoring me in her spare time. (Magic lessons are optional, for now. Etiquette lessons are not.)
  421. >I still get into trouble at times... the less said about that, the better. I suppose it can't be helped, though.
  422. >None of the ponies around town seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. It feels like I get some shifty looks sometimes, but it's probably my imagination.
  423. >Momma still doesn't know. I never told her. I'm not sure I can.
  424. >As far as she's aware, I'm just a sweet little filly... who needs to be spanked every so often to remind her to behave herself.
  425. She heard a knock on her bedroom door.
  426. "Oh, Olivine~"
  427. >...Speaking of which.
  428. "(whine) Now?"
  429. "Yes, dear."
  430. "(sigh) Coming, Momma."
  431. >Seriously, the things we do for love...
  433. END

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