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Don't call me baby! by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:40:48
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:18:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Don't call me baby! by Bluejay
  2. (Anon / Sunset)
  3. F/f, hand, otk, mouth soaping, non-consensual
  5. (15/05/2015)
  8. ---
  10. Now with full story, forgot one post. Sorry, Bluejay.
  13. "Now listen here, hon."
  14. >You stand in front of her, blocking the doorway.
  15. "We've been over this before: you wanna live in my house, and not pay rent, then fine. But it's going to be on my terms, understand? That means from now on, I am your mother and you-"
  16. >You give her a gentle prod; she groans in annoyance.
  17. "-are my loving little daughter."
  18. >"But that doesn't mean you get t--"
  19. "On the contrary, Sunset. Since I'm your mama, I get to call you whatever I choose. I can call you 'baby' if I want... and if you keep making such a fuss about it, I might have to treat you like one as well."
  20. >"Hmmph."
  21. "Don't huff at me, young lady. You're on thin ice as is. You're going to do as you're told, or--"
  22. >"Or what? You're gonna kick me out?"
  23. >You sigh. It's too late in the evening to be having this argument again.
  24. "I'm not going to kick you out, baby. I said you wouldn't have to sleep on the streets anymore, and I meant it. But, your behavior as of late has been... unacceptable."
  25. >"Oh? And what're you gonna do ab-- hey!"
  26. >Before she can finish, you take her pajama bottoms by the waist.
  27. "That's enough attitude out of you, little missy. You're coming with me."
  28. >"Leggo of me, you bitch!"
  29. >In response, you turn her around and smack her bottom. She yelps.
  30. "You will not use that sort of language in this household, young lady."
  31. >You drag her into the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
  32. >"What are you doi-- hey!"
  33. "Teaching you a lesson."
  34. >You pull her pants down to her ankles, leaving her cotton-white bloomers exposed. When she tries to reach down to them, you take hold of her top and pull it above her head.
  35. >"Mmph!"
  36. >You gather her pajamas and fold them.
  37. "You've been very naughty today, Sunset. Now, you'll take your punishment like a good little girl, and Mama might let you have these back before bedtime."
  38. >"No! You can't do this! I'm not a--" (SPANK) "Ow! Lemme go!"
  39. >You sit down and pull your half-naked ward across your lap.
  40. "Ah-ah-ah, baby. You're not going anywhere..."
  41. >Sunset shrieks as you give her rear another swat.
  42. >"Stop it!" (SPANK) "Ee! I--" (SPANK) "Ah!"
  43. "After your spanking," (SPANK) "you're going straight to bed."
  44. >"What! But it's not eve--" (SPANK) "Uhn!"
  45. "No 'buts', young lady." (SPANK) "You obviously need some-" (SPANK) "-discipline in your life. So from now on, I decide your bathtime and your bedtime."
  46. >"B-bathtime!?" (SPANK) "Ow!"
  47. "That's right. And I'll be choosing your wardrobe, too. I've already picked out some adorable little dresses for you to wear this week..."
  48. >"Fuck off!" (SPANK) "Uhn! I won't agree to th--" (SPANK) "Ah!"
  49. "Again with the language! I'll teach you to talk to your mother like that..."
  50. >You stand up, and force her to do the same. She dances in place for a moment, before she notices you reaching for a bar of soap on the bathroom counter.
  51. >"You wouldn't dare!"
  52. >She can't accomplish much before you manage to pull back her bright red hair.
  53. "That dirty little mouth of yours needs a good scrubbing!"
  54. >"Stop! Lemme g--mmmmblh!"
  55. >She sputters as you force the bar into her mouth, then whines as you give her a few more smacks. Her face is a bright red, and she looks like she's about to bawl.
  56. "I'm sorry I have to punish you like this, baby... but you live in my house now, and you follow my rules."
  57. >"Mmblh!"
  58. >You pull her ear and, with a few swats, lead her out of the bathroom. She's sobbing by the time you two reach the den. You finally remove the soap bar from her mouth and set it aside; she spits and sputters, still tasting bubbles. You take your seat, look at Sunset, and pat your lap.
  59. "Sit."
  60. >"(sob) W-wha?"
  61. "You heard me. On my lap."
  62. >The teenager reluctantly obeys. She's a bit heavier than you were expecting, but it doesn't bother you much. You stroke her hair.
  63. "There, there, baby..."
  64. >She starts to cry. You pat her softly on her bare back.
  65. "Before I'm going to let you off, you're going to apologize for acting like a little brat."
  66. >"Uhn... (sob) I-I'm sorry..."
  67. "And you're going to do what Mama says, right?"
  68. >She nods, with tears in her eyes.
  69. "Good girl."
  70. >You bounce her on your knee a bit, let her cry herself out, then set her down. While she's still sobbing, you fetch a lavender nightgown from her closet and hand it to her. She gives a resigned sigh, but puts it on. It's small, only just passing her waist. She looks at herself in the mirror and huffs.
  71. "Well, I think you look cute! Hmm... one more thing, though."
  72. >You turn her around again, lift up the back of her nightie, pull down her bloomers, and take a good look at her reddened bottom. Sunset whines in protest, but you take another minute or two before allowing her to conceal herself again.
  73. "Just remember, baby. From now on, Mama is going to wash you, dress you, put you to bed, and spank you when you misbehave. Got it?"
  74. >"(sigh) Yes..."
  75. >You give her bottom a few gentle pats, as one last reminder.
  76. >"(whine) Y-yes, Mommy!"
  77. "That's right. Now, come with me. It's past your bedtime..."
  79. THE END

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