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Routine by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:41:12
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:19:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Routine by Bluejay
  2. (Applejack / Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, hand, otk, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (07/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >"So, wait, you really...?"
  11. >"Eeyup. Every afternoon, right when she gets home from school."
  12. >"Oh, dear... not too hard, of course?"
  13. >"Only when she deserves it. Speakin' of which, she should be here soon."
  14. Fluttershy sat back down on the Apple family couch, placing a kettle of tea she had brewed for herself and Rarity. Applejack sat in her own chair, reclined and waiting for her younger sister's arrival.
  15. >"So, it's always from you? (sip) Not your brother, or your grandmother?"
  16. >"Ehh. Granny's got enough to deal with as is, and Mac's always busy with farmwork or bookkeepin' or whatever."
  17. Applejack gave a soft sigh.
  18. >"B'sides... someone has t' look after her, y'know? A bit of authority t' make sure she stays outta trouble an' such, 'specially since..."
  19. She trailed off; her two guests each gave a somber, understanding nod. The den was quiet for a minute or two, the silence finally broken when the young girl stepped through the door.
  21. >"Oh, good afternoon, Applebloom."
  22. >"Oh, hello, miss Fluttershy. And you too, miss Rarity."
  23. >"(sip) There's no need to be so formal, darling."
  24. Applebloom hung up her backpack and her coat, then popped off her shoes and socks in turn. She was about to head upstairs to her bedroom when her sister finally spoke up.
  25. >"Ah-ah-ah-- where do ya think you're goin'?"
  26. >"(sigh) Applejack..."
  27. >"Ah don' wanna hear it, young lady. C'mere."
  28. The child grumbled and returned to the den. Applejack patted her lap, inviting her little sister onto it.
  29. >"D-does it have to be in front of...?"
  30. >"Um... we can leave, Applejack. You know, if you want us to..."
  31. >"There's no need t' be so rude, Applebloom. They don't have t' go anywhere."
  32. >"But--"
  33. >"An' more importantly, ah'm your big sister, so it's my decision. If ah say Rarity and Fluttershy can watch ya get your lil' hiney spanked, then ya jus' hafta put up with it. Else, they'll get t' watch a lot more than that, understand?"
  34. >"(huff) Yes, ma'am."
  36. Applebloom obediently climbed onto her sister's lap. Applejack pulled her into position; before the girl could react, she was staring down at the floor. She whined as Applejack lifted her skirt, exposing her pure-white underwear; their two guests couldn't help but giggle at the sight.
  37. >"Bloomers? Seems... appropriate."
  38. >"You know, I think Sweetie Belle has a pair just like that."
  39. >"B-but, Applejaaack..."
  40. Applebloom blushed; her sister tugged at her bloomers in response.
  41. >"No 'but's, little missy, or else your butt goes on display. Got it?"
  42. >"Nn... yes, Applejack."
  44. Rarity and Fluttershy observed the flustered expression on the girl's face, along with the anticipation and dread of what was to come. Sure enough, Applejack brought her hand down on Applebloom's posterior.
  45. >"How was your day at school?" (SPANK)
  46. >"Mm! Fine..." (SPANK) "Aah!"
  47. >"Good, good." (pat) (pat) (pat) "Anythin' I should know about? Any trouble in class?"
  48. >"N-no, m--" (SPANK) "--A'am!"
  49. >"(chuckle) See, girls? Jus' needs a firm hand," (SPANK) "from time to time."
  50. Rarity sat there, quietly amused, finding it notable how Applejack remained so... causal, while swatting her sister's behind. She pondered how her own sis would respond to the idea of a daily spanking.
  51. >"Please..." (SPANK) "Eee! This is embarrassing..." (SPANK)
  52. Fluttershy winced as she listened to Applebloom whimper. She wasn't as certain about Applejack's methods of child-rearing, but she declined to comment, not wanting to interrupt her host. Besides... big sister knows best, right? She returned to her tea.
  53. >"Ya realize, if ya keep whinin' about it," (SPANK) "then ah'll just keep goin'."
  54. >"(grumble) Yes, Applejack." (SPANK) (SPANK) (SPANK)
  56. Applejack sighed.
  57. >"Ah keep tellin' ya, Applebloom. This isn't a punishment." (SPANK) "Just a reminder, to behave yourself." (SPANK) "And a warnin', that if ah find out about any trouble," (SPANK) "then ah'll tan your hide for real."
  58. >"(sigh) Ah'll be good..."
  59. She paused for a moment, and stroked her little sister's hair.
  60. >"That's right. Ah won't have to bare your bottom today."
  61. >"Th-thank you..."
  62. >"...But ah do think you've earned yourself some good whacks, for bein' a brat about it."
  63. The two houseguests watched the elder Apple sister raise her hand again.
  64. >"W-wait, wha--" (SPANK) "Ow!"
  65. The girl tensed up after that smack. She began to squirm over Applejack's knee.
  66. >(SPANK) "Hey!" (SPANK) "Lemme go!" (SPANK) "Aah!" (SPANK) "It hurts, it huuurts!"
  67. >"That's the idea, hon. Next time ya get spanked in front of guests," (SPANK) "ah don't wanna hear any complainin'." (SPANK) "Got it?"
  68. >"Y-yes, Applejack!"
  69. >"Hmm... maybe ah should invite your friends over, let them watch next time."
  70. >"P-please, not--" (SPANK) "Aah! W-whatever you say, ma'am!"
  71. >"Atta girl." (SPANK) "Nine, and..." (SPANK) "ten. All done."
  73. Applejack set the girl back down and lowered her skirt. The trio watched Applebloom dance in place, rubbing her bottom.
  74. >"C-can I go to my room now...?"
  75. >"Go ahead, Applebloom."
  76. She took her backpack upstairs and shut the door behind her. Fluttershy resumed their conversation.
  77. >"That, once per day?"
  78. >"Eeyup. Hasn't gone wrong yet. Ah don't think she much cared for havin' an audience, though."
  79. >"Well, she does look kinda cute over your knee. ...Don't tell her I said that."
  80. >"Anyway, after that, ah'm feelin' mighty thirsty. Could ah try some o' that tea o' yours?"
  81. >"Of course, Applejack. Do you think Applebloom would mind if I brought her a cup, too?"
  82. >"Go ahead. Though, ah doubt it'll do much for a sore bottom..."
  84. THE END

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