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The Princess' Bath 1 by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:41:37
Updated: 2022-03-20 18:01:42
Expiry: Never

  1. The Princess' Bath 1 by Bluejay
  2. (Celestia / Luna)
  3. F/f, hairbrush, otk, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (27/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. It had taken Princess Luna some time to come out of her shell. The first few days of her new life were spent in a sterile chamber, physically and psychologically poked and prodded to make sure she was healthy enough to meet the modern world. Even after she was cleared medically, she never left the confines of the palace, occupying her time with books and such. Those who saw her took note of her odd youthful appearance, particularly in contrast to the mature Celestia.
  12. As the nocturnal Luna became more active, her antics ran afoul of the graveyard shift, which culminated in her elder sister confronting her early one morning in a quiet hallway.
  13. >"What's this I hear about you running around the palace all night? I've received an awful lot of complaints."
  14. Luna stood silently.
  15. >"(sigh) We had an agreement, Luna. I would give you the rest of the summer to yourself, but after that you have to start taking your responsibilities more seriously."
  16. >"But, Tia... you said you would give me extra time..."
  17. >"I did. The equinox was over a week ago."
  18. >"..."
  19. >"I'm not asking much from you, dear. There will still be plenty of time for leisure-- well, as long as you don't wake up anyone in the process."
  20. Luna groaned.
  22. >"...But from what I've been told, you've been using your juvenile appearance to get away with some... troublesome behavior."
  23. >"So? 'Tis not my problem what our servants say."
  24. The younger princess tried to pass by her sister, but was blocked.
  25. >"You're not a child, Luna. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, trying to manipulate people like this."
  26. >"(huff) You're no fun."
  28. Celestia looked down at her sister. She didn't wish to use their difference in stature to order Luna around, but if this is how she was going to act...
  29. >"(sigh) I suppose I can waive your royal duties until you are ready for them. But--"
  30. Luna gave a quick nod of agreement; Celestia continued.
  31. >"But I need you to do something first."
  32. >"And that is...?"
  33. Celestia pointed down the hall, in the direction of the royal bedchambers.
  34. >"Go to your room."
  35. >"W-what?"
  36. >"You heard me. If you are to remain a child for the forseeable future, then I have to start treating you accordingly. You've been naughty tonight, so I'm sending you to your room."
  37. >"But, Tiaaa--"
  38. >"No more 'but's, Luna. I'm not going to ask you again. Or would you prefer I spank you instead?"
  39. The girl recoiled.
  40. >"Y-you wouldn't!"
  41. Celestia stood there, looking her sister right in the eye. After a moment, Luna backed up, turned around, and started walking. The elder princess followed behind, giving Luna's bottom a soft pat if she ever slowed down.
  43. The two sisters shared one bedchamber; the bed was large enough for both of them, but they slept at different times of day. This morning, the room was occupied by Luna and Luna alone.
  44. >"You are to stay here until you're called upon."
  45. >"Hmmph. Yes, 'Ma'am'."
  46. Luna parked herself on the bed and kicked off her shoes. She laid there, indignant; who did Celestia think she was, ordering her around like that?
  48. The princess sulked in her room for a while, until she heard a knock on the door.
  49. >"Miss Luna?"
  50. >"Go away."
  51. The door opened and a large maid stepped into the room.
  52. >"Your sister sent me, dearie. Said to get you ready for bed."
  53. >"Well, I'm already in bed; what else does she want? Does she think I need someone to dress m-- hey!"
  54. Luna found herself hoisted up and placed over the maid's shoulder. She kicked out in surprise, but the maid held her firmly.
  55. >"Of course not, Luna. You need your bath first."
  57. A few palace residents caught an amusing sight that morning, as young Luna put up quite a struggle while being carried towards the royal bathchamber.
  58. >"Put me down!"
  59. Her efforts came to naught; she spent most of their short trip staring backwards at the floor. Luna's new governess giggled as the pair entered the room; she set Luna down and greeted the elder princess, already being attended to by her own servants.
  60. >"Thank you; she wasn't too much trouble, I assume?"
  61. >"Oh, not at all, milady."
  62. The girl blushed as all eyes in the room turned to her.
  63. >"Tiaaa... I don't ne--"
  64. >"I don't want to hear it, Luna; whether you take your bath willingly or not is no concern of mine. Now, be a dear and lift up your dress for the nice lady."
  65. The young princess could hardly believe it-- her own sister, ordering her to strip down in front of servants! She whined at the indignity of it all, when the two maids washing Celestia's hair chimed in.
  66. >"There's nothing to be ashamed of, madamoiselle."
  67. >"Mmhmm. (giggle) Nothing we haven't seen before..."
  68. Luna's face turned a deeper red as she acquiesced and slowly raised her dress; she felt a chill as the larger maid helped it over her head. She stood in place, clad in only her underwear and stockings.
  70. After a minute, the maid grew impatient; she knelt down and tugged at Luna's undergarments. Instinctively, the princess cast a quick spell and gave the maid's hand a shock.
  71. >"Ow! Naughty girl." (SPANK)
  72. >"Ah! Tiaaa, see what she--"
  73. Celestia silenced her sister, still recoiling from the slap.
  74. >"Hush, Luna. You'd better watch yourself, or there's more where that came from."
  75. Luna groaned in annoyance as her underwear was pulled down to her ankles, her stockings descending in turn. The maid piled up the clothing and put them aside, leaving Luna fully exposed. She shivered from the cold (and a bit of embarrassment), then sighed and stepped towards the large pool of bathwater. Before she could get her feet wet, her sister halted her.
  77. >"Ah-ah-ah, sis. You don't get to use the big girls' tub today..."
  78. Celestia gestured in the direction of a small washtub, off to the side of the room. To Luna's eyes it appeared only large enough to sit in, and little else-- more suitable for washing a princess's laundry than a princess herself! She whined and sat down on the cold tile floor.
  79. >"(sigh) Luna..."
  80. >"No! How dare you belittle me in such a manner!"
  81. >"Oh, don't worry. The water's nice and warm, see?"
  82. The girl huffed at the maid, who rolled up her sleeve and walked towards her.
  83. >"If that's how you want it, love..."
  84. >"Hey!"
  85. Celestia and her attendants watched as the younger princess was dragged by the arm towards the tub, naked, kicking and fussing the whole way.
  86. >"Honestly! You look like a mess, Luna; what sort of dust have you been getting into all night long?"
  87. >"U-unhand me, you wicked woman!"
  88. >"Oy! Watch your tongue. Or does that need cleaning as well?"
  89. >"Hmmph! You can't tell me wh-- sister, tell her she can't tell me what to..."
  90. The elder princess rose out of the water as one of her servants brought her a bathrobe. She didn't respond to Luna, leaving her to whatever fate she had backed herself into.
  92. >"Nn! Let - go - of - me - you--" (splash)
  93. Luna was unceremoniously dunked into the warm bath. She kicked and splashed, but ultimately settled herself into the water, feet in the air. She muttered a few curses under her breath, when she saw the large maid holding a small bar in her hand.
  94. >"Ohhh, no! You wouldn't dare! You w-- mbmlbh!" (splish)
  95. Celestia had stepped out for a moment, but returned to assist with her sister's bath; she couldn't help but smirk at the sight of Luna being thoroughly soaped.
  96. >"Oh, dear..."
  97. >"Plbhmbh! Sthmphhlb!" (splish) (splash) "Bmlbhllh!"
  98. The hapless princess spat and sputtered; she was on the verge of tears when the maid finally relented. She left the bar of soap in Luna's mouth for a minute before giving her permission to spit it out.
  100. >"I don't want to hear any more lip, okay?"
  101. >"(whine) Y-yes, ma'am."
  102. Luna was careful not to insult the woman again, nor did she complain about Celestia's maids sticking around to spectate her plight. Her elder sister sat at her side, gently stroking her hair with a brush.
  103. >"There, there, Luna."
  104. >"Hmmph." (splish) "This is demeaning..."
  105. The two ladies who had been assisting Celestia were now following the elder maid's orders, gathering soaps and shampoos and a shower nozzle. She rinsed Luna down with warm water; raising her arm to wash her side, turning her over to rinse her back, a jet of water sprayed right between her--
  106. >"Eek!" (splash)
  107. >"Apologies, young mistress-- just being thorough."
  108. Luna quietly reasserted her original opinion that she was being treated like laundry-- tossed and turned and scrubbed down, and she didn't know how much longer she could put up with it.
  110. >"Alright, I think we're done here. Stand up, Luna."
  111. Obediently, she stood up and stepped out of the small tub. Celestia draped her in a soft robe, a match for her own, but smaller to fit the young princess's figure. She gave her sister's bottom a quick slap with her hand.
  112. >"Ow! What was that f--"
  113. >"Off to her room then, milady?"
  114. >"Not quite yet. Come here, sister."
  115. Celestia took a seat and invited Luna onto her lap. The girl settled, and felt a brush straighten out her hair. The elder princess gestured towards the maid.
  116. >"Remember to thank her for bathing you, and apologize for acting like a brat."
  117. What! After all that Luna had been through, she was now expected to express gratitude for it? She whined in response.
  118. >"I don't want to hear any of that, sister. Now, on with it."
  119. >"(groan) I am perfectly capable of bathing myself, Tia. This was not necessary."
  120. >"That's not what I'm taking about, Luna. It's just a matter of courtesy-- something you will have to learn, sooner or later."
  121. >"(huff)"
  122. >"(sigh) So be it..."
  124. Within moments, Luna found herself turned around and staring at the floor. She squirmed, but Celestia held her in place.
  125. >"You wouldn't dare!"
  126. >"I've had enough of your attitude this morning, little sister. If you are unwilling to learn a bit of respect, then it must be taught to you-- whether you like it or not!" (SPANK)
  127. >"Ahh!" (SPANK) "No, no, not the br--" (SPANK) "Ow!"
  128. Celestia brought the solid side of the hairbrush down on Luna's clothed rear, causing the girl to wince. She was going to ensure that her little sister felt every smack, even through her robe.
  129. >"I told you before, Luna." (SPANK) "As long as you act like a child, then you shall be treated as one. From now on, if I send someone to bathe you or dress you," (SPANK) "you will follow their orders, just as you would my own." (SPANK) "Understand?"
  130. >"I, um, I--" (SPANK) "Ee! Yes, Tia..." (SPANK) "(whimper)"
  131. >"No more rudeness?" (SPANK)
  132. >"No more! No more!" (SPANK) "Aah!"
  134. The younger princess was bawling when her sister let up. Celestia gave one last hard whack, then turned Luna upright and let her cry into her chest. She gave the girl's hair a few more strokes, then set her down off her lap. Luna turned towards the maid, who had remained silent during her spanking.
  135. >"Th-thank you, ma'am. I'm sorry..."
  136. >"There, there, little princess. I forgive you."
  137. >"Come with me, sister. It's past your bedtime."
  138. Celestia took Luna by the hand and led her back to their room. She dolled her up in a sleeping gown, tucked her into bed, then set about dressing herself for the day. When Luna was finally asleep, sore bottom and all, her sister quietly sighed to herself.
  139. >"This could take longer than I thought..."
  141. THE END

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