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The Princess' Bath 2 by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:42:04
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:22:08
Expiry: Never

  1. The Princess' Bath 2 by Bluejay
  2. (Celestia / Luna)
  3. F/f, bathbrush, hand, otk, humanized, diapers, non-consensual
  5. (25/10/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >"Owww! Tiaaa..."
  11. Two sisters walked down the palace hallway. The elder of the two led the way, draped in a long robe; the younger followed behind, entirely bare.
  12. >"You cannot - I cannot be seen like - 'tis indecent..."
  13. >"Well, you should've thought of that beforehand, Luna. Now, if you don't want to draw any more attention to yourself, then don't make such a fuss."
  14. The girl had little choice in the matter, considering that her sister was at least twice her size and could easily overpower her. Celestia led her away by the ear to who-knows-where.
  16. A young maid was cleaning up in the bathchamber when the two princesses entered; she greeted them.
  17. >"Oh, miss Celestia! You're here for-- oh. (giggle) Hello, little miss Luna."
  18. Luna whined in embarassment. Celestia released her, then turned to address her servant.
  19. >"Please, leave us. We need some... alone time."
  20. >"Of course, milady."
  21. On her way out, the maid knelt down and addressed the younger princess.
  22. >"Well, well; looks like someone's been very naughty, hasn't she?"
  23. The girl remained silent, but stuck her tongue out once the maid's back was turned. She yelped as her sister delivered two quick slaps to her behind.
  24. >"Sit down, Luna."
  25. She huffed as she sat her bare bottom upon a small stool. Celestia began to draw a warm bath; as she waited for the tub to fill, she took a seat for herself across from Luna.
  27. >"I know you're frustrated, dear..."
  28. >"Hmmph. 'Tis not fair! You said I could--"
  29. >"I did say you could wash and dress yourself and the like, but only as long as you stay out of trouble."
  30. >"But I've been good..."
  31. >"Your tutors have informed me otherwise, as have several maids and at least one groundskeeper."
  32. The naked princess let out an annoyed sigh as her sister stood up and continued her lecture.
  33. >"(sigh) Luna, you know that you can always come to me if you're having issues. But as it stands, you've sought no help, taken no efforts to improve your behavior, and you continue to act like... well, a baby."
  34. Incensed at that particular comment, Luna stood up and tried to protest; however, she was quickly shushed and escorted to the now-filled washtub.
  36. The girl, though still quite flustered, was about to obediently step into the warm tub. Before she got the chance, her sister lifted her up and placed her in, after giving her bottom a few more warning swats.
  37. >"...So now I have to deal with you myself. As such, until further notice, all of your 'big girl' privileges have been... shall we say, revoked."
  38. >"W-what?"
  39. Celestia turned her sister around and began to wash her back.
  40. >"You heard me, Luna. As of now, you are to be dressed, undressed, bathed, and put to bed on my orders."
  41. >"(whine) But, Tiaaa... you promised..."
  42. >"I'm sorry, hon, but if you're not going to uphold your end of our arrangement, then I see no reason to maintain mine."
  44. The girl watched Celestia pull a bath brush from the shelf. She winced, expecting the worst, but soft strokes down her back and through her hair were enough to assuage her worries for the moment.
  45. >"There now, little sister. Just relax..."
  46. For a couple of minutes, the young princess resigned herself to her situation. She did take issue once Celestia turned her over and tried to scrub her down in less comfortable spots; she started to kick and splash in response.
  47. >"Ah-ah-ah, Luna. Hold still."
  48. >"Hmmph." (splish) "Or what?"
  49. >"Or this."
  50. As she felt herself being lifted from the water, her wet backside exposed, Luna realized too late that she probably shouldn't have pressed her luck.
  51. >"W-wait, Tia, I--" (SPANK) "Eep! I'm sorry!" (SPANK) "I'm sorryyy!"
  52. The elder princess didn't say a word, and gave her sister a few more smacks with the brush before returning her to the warm water.
  53. >"Now, where were we?"
  55. Luna was notably more cooperative for the remainder of her bath. Once she was thoroughly washed, Celestia took her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. To the girl's suprise, a large pacifier was forced between her lips before she could sit down to dry.
  56. >"Mmph!"
  57. The girl sat confused for a minute, unsure what to make of this particular scenario. She didn't dare pull the pacifier from her mouth, under the assumption that doing so would earn another smacked bottom.
  59. >"Over here, Luna."
  60. The girl looked over and saw Celestia laying down a cloth, and motioning for Luna to lie down upon it. After a moment, the young princess' face turned a bright shade of red as she realized what her sister intended.
  61. >"...!"
  62. On instinct, Luna spat out the pacifier and made for the door, only to find it shut. Celestia cornered her and pulled away her towel, leaving the girl exposed once more.
  63. >"You're not going anywhere, hon..."
  64. The elder princess took her sister's arm.
  65. >"Uhhn! Tiaaa... You can't..."
  66. >"Oh, but I must, Luna. I wasn't kidding when I said that you've been acting like a baby... so I decided, maybe you ought to dress like one as well."
  68. >"B-but, a-- nngh!"
  69. Her complaint was silenced as the pacifier was set back into place.
  70. >"No 'but's, young lady. This is for your own good."
  71. Luna whined as she was set down on her belly; her protests only increased in volume as Celestia began her work. The elder princess slipped a thick diaper between her sister's legs, then slowly and gently dusted the girl's rear end with powder. Luna's face reddened with each soft pat to her bottom. She sucked on her pacifier to prevent herself from crying out loud from embarassment.
  72. >"There, there, little sister. Or should I start referring to you as 'baby sister' from now on?"
  73. >"(whine)"
  74. >"Hmm. 'Baby sister' it is."
  76. The now-diapered princess sat upright. She was relieved that the most humiliating part was over... or it would have been, if she didn't find herself over Celestia's knee a minute later.
  77. >"Now, about that little tantrum of yours..."
  78. Luna groaned. She had hoped that her sister would skip this part; no such luck.
  79. >"I warned you about this sort of thing, hon. Unfortunately, it seems that you need some further..." (SPANK) "encouragement."
  80. >"Nnn..." (SPANK)
  81. The half-naked girl squirmed in her sister's lap, a struggle which proved unsuccessful. Now she was certain that she'd hit rock bottom; stripped down, bathed, diapered, and now getting spanked! She could feel what little control she had left slipping away with each smack to her padded rear.
  83. >"(sigh) I'm sorry, dear, but you've earned this." (SPANK) (SPANK) (SPANK)
  84. >"Mmph!"
  85. Once again, Luna tried to force herself not to cry, but she couldn't prevent the occasional whine or whimper. After a while, she could hold it in no longer-- the pacifier fell from her lips and she let out a loud wail.
  86. >"Wwwwaaaaaaaaa!" (SPANK) "I... (sob)" (SPANK) "Waaaaaah! I don't wanna be a babyyy..."
  87. >"Shhh... I'm sorry, Luna." (SPANK) "I know this must be embarassing for you... If you show me that you can behave yourself, then I may consider relaxing your punishment somewhat."
  88. >"(sniff) R-really?"
  89. >"Yes, dear. But for the time being..." (SPANK)
  90. >"Aah!"
  91. The young princess sobbed as her sister continued to spank her; she was outright bawling by the time they were finished.
  92. >"Uhnn... (sob)"
  93. >"There, there. You can cry as much as you need to."
  94. >"Wwwwaaaaah..."
  96. The elder princess sat Luna upright.
  97. >"Do you know why you've been punished?"
  98. >"(sniff) B-because I'm a bad girl..."
  99. Celestia pulled Luna closer; one princess' head became momentarily acquainted with the other's bosom.
  100. >"Oh, no no no, dear... You're still a very good girl in my eyes."
  101. Celestia held her sister close to her chest, and did what she could to reassure her.
  102. >"But, you have been very naughty as of late, haven't you?"
  103. >"Y-yes, Tia..."
  104. >"And what happens when you act like a baby?"
  105. >"(sigh) Then I h-have to be treated like one..."
  106. >"Mmhmm. I see a lot of naptime, bathtime, and early bedtime in your future, young lady."
  107. Luna groaned. Celestia continued:
  108. >"...And I'll have to feed you, change you, and spank you when you misbehave. Understood?"
  109. >"(whine) But, Tiaaa..."
  110. >"Ah-ah-ah-- like I said, Luna. Big girl privileges: gone. You're just going to have to put up with it."
  111. >"Hmmph."
  112. Celestia set the little princess down and stood up.
  113. >"Come with me, dear."
  115. Luna submissively followed behind her sister; she was too pre-occupied by a sore bottom to consider any sort of disobedience. The young princess tried to stay out of sight of passers-by; she wasn't about to let her sister openly parade her around the palace halls wearing only a diaper. At least she was allowed that much.
  117. Once the two princesses entered their bedchamber, Luna was immediately lifted up.
  118. >"Hey! What are you--"
  119. >"(soft laugh) It's time for your nap, hon."
  120. >"(groan)"
  121. Celestia wrapped the girl in a blanket and tucked her into bed.
  122. >"I'll pick out something nice for you to wear, for when you wake up. There's a cute little onesie that..."
  123. Luna tuned her sister out. She'd suffered enough indignity for one day; she didn't need to hear about all the adorable outfits she'd soon be forced into.
  125. Celestia saw her sister drift off to sleep, and sighed. She hoped that Luna would take this particular "lesson" to heart, but she knew that either way, there was much work to be done.
  127. THE END

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