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The Royal Daughter by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:42:34
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:23:08
Expiry: Never

  1. The Royal Daughter by Bluejay
  2. (Celestia / Twilight)
  3. F/f, hand, otk, diapers, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (13/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. The girl wasn't entirely sure what compelled her that quiet morning, against her better judgement, to spy on Ms. Celestia bathing. She found herself fascinated by her mentor's day-to-day life, and was intrigued by the idea of seeing Celestia in a more natural state. Or maybe it was just a combination of boredom (no classes scheduled that day, no study assignments) and simple curiosity. Whatever the reason, young Twilight found herself hiding in the Princess's bath chamber.
  12. The chamber was wide and illuminated by the morning sun, with plenty of corners and pillars for little Twilight to hide behind. Celestia herself laid bare in a shallow pool of water, her long hair floating on the surface. The hair was what captured Twilight's attention the most; it radiated even when dripping wet. She was accompanied by two maids, one of whom held a segment of hair in her hand, brushing it with the other. The second maid was pouring water from a jug onto Celestia's back. None of the three seemed to notice Twilight's presence as she observed the bath. Her eyes scanned Celestia's figure up and down, though they were repeatedly drawn to the royal breasts for reasons uncertain. Twilight failed to notice the shelf next to her; bottles of various shapes, sizes, and contents fell to the floor in a loud clatter. The two maids rose abruptly.
  13. >"Intruder!"
  14. >"Who's there? Show yourself!"
  16. Busted! Twilight tried to rush out of the room, but was stopped by an unseen force pulling on her ear.
  17. >"Ow! Hey!"
  18. >"You're not going anywhere, young lady."
  19. Even as the maid released her magical grip on Twilight's ear, her legs locked in place, in fear of whatever punishment she was about to receive. The Princess rose out of the water, opened her eyes, and looked directly at the quivering girl.
  20. >"Good morning, Twilight."
  21. Celestia smiled and spoke in a warm tone. She didn't seem to mind being seen naked in her bath, perhaps because it was only by a child.
  22. >"Please, come here for a moment."
  23. The Princess motioned a few commands to her servants; one went to fetch a bathrobe, the other to fetch Twilight. The girl stood still, trying to look away from Celestia as she stepped out of the water and donned her robe.
  24. >"You heard her, Twilight." (SPANK) "March!"
  25. Twilight gave a surprised squeak. The swat to her bottom prompted her to rush over to Celestia, and she looked up nervously into the eyes of her mentor. Celestia, in turn, looked down at her apprentice to reassure her, but remained silent as her maid continued to scold the girl.
  27. >"So, what do you have to say for yourself?"
  28. >"Well, I, um, I mean, I'm--" (SPANK) "--eep!"
  29. Before she could start over, Celestia spoke up on her behalf.
  30. >"Clearly, she snuck in here because she needs a bath."
  31. >"Yes, milady."
  32. >"W-what? But I don't-- hey! Put me down!"
  33. Twilight felt herself hoisted into the air by magic, and a second force tugging on her pajamas. She blushed; Celestia was watching her be stripped down!
  34. >"Please, no, not in front of-- mmph!"
  35. A shirt being pulled over her head cut off the girl's protest. Twilight squirmed and struggled, but to no avail. Her top was removed, her pants and underwear pulled off in turn, all tossed aside into a laundry chute.
  36. >"Stooop..."
  37. Twilight was left naked, floating a few feet off the ground, curled up and trying not to cry in front of the Princess. Celestia giggled, and gave her apprentice's bare bottom a few soft pats.
  38. >"I think I can take care of matters from here, ladies. Go and pick out some clothing for little Twilight; deliver them to my chambers. After that, you're dismissed."
  39. >"Yes, ma'am!"
  40. One servant gently lowered Twilight into Celestia's arms, then followed her companion out of the chamber, leaving Celestia alone with her ward.
  42. She cradled the girl in her lap for a minute. Twilight had calmed somewhat, though she remained nervous and huddled against Celestia's soft bathrobe.
  43. >"You do realize, Twilight, that you're in a lot of trouble for sneaking in here without permission."
  44. >"(apologetic whimper) Y-yes, Ms. Celestia."
  45. She stroked Twilight's hair, then straigtened her own and rolled up her sleeves.
  46. >"We'll discuss this later. For now, bathtime."
  47. >"Whoa--" (SPLASH)
  48. The bathwater was warm and bubbly, which gave only a small comfort to young Twilight as she was dunked into it.
  49. Celestia waved her hand, and a myriad of items rose from the shelves and presented themselves within arm's reach-- soap, shampoo, a couple of jugs to carry water, multiple sponges and brushes; everything she would need to wash an uncooperative little girl.
  50. >"Do try to hold still, dear. It'll make this easier for both of us."
  51. >"Hmmph." (splish)
  52. The Princess ran a brush down her apprentice's hair; while obviously not as long as her own, Twilight's hair was still a decent length, smooth and well-kept. Celestia sought to give it a little more shine, all the while humming a pleasant tune that Twilight didn't recognize.
  53. >"Ah!" (splash) "Don't pull so hard..."
  54. >"Sorry, sorry. Again, please, hold still."
  55. >"(sigh) Yes, ma'am..."
  56. Occasionally, Celestia would leave her implements on autopilot. They subjected hapless Twilight to their elaborate dance-- soapy sponges scrubbing every corner of her body, jugs dumping warm water on her in cycles, back and forth like clockwork until Celestia halted them.
  57. >"Stand up, dear. Let's have a look."
  58. The child did as she was told, rising out of the water. Celestia scanned her from top to bottom, noting a flustered expression.
  59. >"Hmm... not quite done. Back in you go!"
  60. With that, the bathing machine started up again. Twilight let out a shriek before she was dragged back down.
  61. >"What! N-no!" (splash) "Mmblbh!" (splish) "Ms. Celestiaaaaa--phbh!" (splash) "I'm clean!" (splash) "I'm cleeean!"
  62. >"That's for me to decide, hon. Don't worry; it's only a little more."
  63. Celestia gave the last few scrubs by hand. After pulling the plug, she sat there stroking Twilight's back as the bathwater drained. She draped the girl in a towel and lifted her up.
  65. >"There. Now was that so bad?"
  66. >"(humiliated whine) C-can I go now... please?"
  67. She pulled the girl over her shoulder, patted her back, and held her in a firm grasp. She left the bath chamber, young Twilight in tow.
  68. >"Oh no, dear. We're not done yet. Not at all."
  69. Twilight had been up and down the stairway into the Princess's quarters plenty of times. None of the Academy professors wished to teach her magic, citing "a risk to other students"; Celestia therefore arranged for her to report here every evening for private tutoring. Twilight had grown more stable in the following weeks, though she didn't dare try to use magic against her mentor.
  71. Celestia carried the still-dripping girl up those stairs into her bedroom, then set her down on the floor. She shut the door behind her.
  72. >"Stay there and dry off. I'll see to you in a moment."
  73. >"Yes, ma'am."
  74. The towel-clad girl stood in place, quietly observing as the Princess stepped out of her bathrobe. She only caught glimpses of Celestia dressing herself; bra, panties, stockings flew out of the closet one by one. She completed her ensemble with a white gown, simple by regal standards, but still fancier than anything in Twilight's wardrobe.
  75. >"All dry?"
  76. >"Y-yes."
  77. >"Good girl. Now, up you go!"
  78. The towel was pulled away suddenly, leaving Twilight exposed. Once again, she was lifted into the air; Celestia set her down on a table, her belly resting on a cloth which had unfolded itself underneath her.
  79. >"You really need to learn to respect other people's privacy."
  80. >"Yes, Ms. Celestia."
  81. >"'Yes, Ms. Celestia' isn't going to cut it, dear. Is this the first time this has happened?"
  82. >"N-no, Ms. Celestia."
  83. >"That's right. You've been caught snooping around multiple times these past weeks."
  84. Twilight sighed and took stock of her situation. Here she was, stark naked, freshly washed and dried, on a table, being scolded by Princess Celestia.
  85. >"Curiosity can be a good thing, dear, but you have to learn your limits. Just because you can stay up late at night studying, does not mean you may break curfew to do so. Just because you're my apprentice, does not mean you may go wherever you wish unsupervised. Do you understand?"
  86. >"Y-yes."
  87. The girl felt a dusting of powder sprinkled onto her bottom and between her legs, followed by a few firm pats. Her eyes went wide as she realized what was happening: she was laying on a changing table, and Celestia was about to dress her up in a diaper! Twilight whined and reached her hand back, only to have it brushed aside.
  88. >"And just because you're living here without your mother and father, does not mean you are exempt from authority."
  89. Celestia turned the child over and pinned her on her back, raising her legs with her other hand.
  90. >"At your age, someone has to look after you. As your parents are not here, I shall have to fulfill their role myself. Starting right now."
  91. >"But, m-Ms. Celestiaaaaa..."
  92. She lifted Twilight's legs even higher, then slipped a thick diaper underneath. She gave her bottom a few more pats, finishing with a light swat.
  93. >"No 'but's, young lady. As long as you are a resident here, then I will be your mother. I will feed you, bathe you, and dress you as I see fit, whether you like it or not. Are we clear?"
  94. Twilight tried to squeeze out of her caretaker's grasp, with little success. Soon enough, she was subdued and padded.
  95. >"Are. We. Clear."
  96. >"(whimper) Y-yes, Ms. Cele-- I mean... yes, Mama."
  97. Twilight sat up straight on the changing table. She was handed a pair of stockings to wear; her diaper crinkled as she raised her legs to put each one on. Celestia held a small, cream-white dress in her hand.
  98. >"Do I really have to wear that? (annoyed huff) It'll make me look like a baby."
  99. >"(giggle) It's a bit late for that, don't you think? Now, raise your arms."
  100. The girl huffed again, but did as she was told. The Princess gently pulled the cotton dress over Twilight's head and straightened it out across her torso. She lifted the girl off the table, carried her to a rocking chair, and placed her cushy bottom firmly in her lap.
  102. >"There we go. What do you think?"
  103. The woman hovered a mirror in front of them. Twilight scanned herself; the dress was soft, but a bit too frilly for her liking, and too short to really conceal her diaper. She sunk into her new mother's lap and pouted.
  104. >"Well, I think you look adorable."
  105. >"(sigh) But I don't wanna be a baby..."
  106. >"It'll be fine, dear. I can assure you, you'll be very well cared for-- by myself, or by my servants if I'm not around."
  107. >"...Including the one who pulled on my ear?"
  108. >"I'll take care of that. They should be... somewhat less strict from here on."
  109. The girl sighed in relief-- one less humiliation to worry about.
  111. Celestia's smile waned.
  112. >"...That being said, there is one small caveat."
  113. >"...?"
  114. >"I can keep you out of trouble with the maids, but it means that I have to punish you myself if you misbehave like you did today."
  115. Twilight tugged at her diaper.
  116. >"And this is my punishment?"
  117. >"No, dear. This is."
  118. Before the girl could respond, she was abruptly turned over Celestia's lap and pinned down. She struggled and whined as the woman lifted up her new dress, re-exposing her cushioned rump.
  119. >"H-hey! What are you doi--" (SPANK) "--ee!" (SPANK) "Aah!" (SPANK) "Ow!" (SPANK) "Mmmh!"
  120. >"This is for your own good, hon." (SPANK) "Consider yourself fortunate that you're not," (SPANK) "getting spanked on your bare bottom." (SPANK)
  121. Twilight winced with each swat. This was really happening; she was really on Celestia's knee, getting spanked! Her mentor had threatened to paddle her on occasion for various reasons, but this was the first time such a threat had been carried out!
  122. >(SPANK) "Aah!" (SPANK) "Stooop!" (SPANK) "No!" (SPANK) "No-no-no-no-nooo!" (SPANK) "Mamaaaaaaaa!"
  124. Celestia maintained a firm hand. She was going to make sure that her new daughter felt every smack, even through her padding.
  125. >"You can plead all you want, Twilight." (SPANK) "You've been due for a spanking for quite some time," (SPANK) "and you know it." (SPANK)
  126. Twilight's eyes began to well up. Because of her diaper, each spank was less painful, but much more humiliating!
  127. >"Nooo!" (SPANK) "I dont--" (SPANK) "--need to be--" (SPANK) "--spa-ha-ha-haaanked!"
  128. The Princess was undeterred. A few minutes into her punishment, Twilight began to bawl.
  129. >"Waaaaaa! (sob)" (SPANK) "Aaaaah!" (SPANK) "Waaaa-ha-haaaaah-- mmph!"
  130. Celestia eased up for a moment, allowing Twilight a brief reprieve to suck on a pacifier.
  131. >"I know this is humiliating, Twilight. I don't want to have to spank you like this again, but I need you to promise me that you'll be on your best behavior from now on."
  132. >"Mmmph... (suck, suck) yes, Mama... (sob) I'll be good..."
  133. >"That's right." (SPANK) "No more sneaking around." (SPANK) "No more breaking curfew."
  134. The woman gave one finishing smack, and Twilight let out one last muffled wail.
  136. Celestia dropped the girl's diaper for a moment to have a look at her reddened bottom; Twilight whined at being examined in such an undignified manner.
  137. >"Hush, dear."
  138. She pulled the diaper back up and the dress down over it, then turned the sobbing girl upright in her lap and hugged her.
  139. >"There, there. I'm sorry that your first spanking was such an ordeal. Just relax..."
  140. First spanking? Twilight didn't like the implications of that. Before she could speak up about it, Celestia pressed her head deeper into her chest.
  141. >"Mmph!"
  142. The girl heard her caretaker hum slowly. She was teary-eyed and thoroughly humiliated, but finally began to calm down. While her rear end was still sore and her dignity was still shattered, she did find it comforting to be held so closely. (She also quietly took pleasure from being pressed up against the royal bosom, but she wasn't about to admit that.)
  144. Some time after Twilight had stopped crying, Celestia rose out of the rocking chair with the girl cradled in her arms.
  145. >"Does your bottom still hurt, sweetie?"
  146. The child spit out her pacifier and nodded. Celestia summoned a parasol and a handbag from her closet, which hovered behind her as she carried Twilight out of the room. She patted the girl's back.
  147. >"Well, let's see if we can take your mind off of that for a little while."
  148. Celestia stopped on multiple occasions while walking down the palace halls, usually to let some person or another fawn over little Twilight.
  149. >"Well, aren't you just darling?"
  150. >"Taking the young apprentice out for a morning lesson, milady?"
  151. >"Aww, she's so cute!"
  152. This was typically accompanied by ruffling Twilight's hair or tickling her belly, which annoyed the girl to no end. She whined and kicked a few times, which usually earned her a rebuke from the Princess.
  154. Most of Twilight's spectators were castle staff-- maids and servants she didn't recognize. Sometimes, she would see a familiar face, such as one of the matrons in charge of the student dormitory she resided in.
  155. >"What've you been up to this morning, child? I thought you didn't have class today."
  156. Before the girl could respond, Celestia interjected.
  157. >"Twilight and I will be spending some quality time together. She's been rather naughty, so I have to keep a close eye on her."
  158. >"Is that so? She's a sweet girl, but she can be a bit of a brat from time to time."
  159. The girl blushed as Celestia handed her over to the matron. The woman rocked her for a moment, and gave her diapered bottom a squeeze.
  160. >"(chuckle) Oh, dear-- has someone been wetting her bed again?"
  161. >"N-no, ma'am."
  162. Twilight turned even redder; why did she have to bring that up in front of the Princess? The diaper was demeaning enough. The two women resumed their conversation.
  163. >"So, I see you're giving her the royal treatment-- new dress and all."
  164. >"Well, if I'm going to act as her mother from now on, why not make sure she looks the part?"
  165. >"Of course, milady. I have enough students to look after already, so I'm glad to see she'll be getting a little extra attention."
  166. The matron faced Twilight again.
  167. >"And you-- you're going to be a very good little princess for your mommy, right?"
  168. She nodded, nervously. As a warning, the woman gave her padded rear a quick swat. Twilight was handed back over to Celestia's waiting arms.
  169. Mother and child entered a small rock garden-- Celestia's personal meditation room, off-limits to anyone lacking the Princess's permission. Celestia lowered Twilight onto the sandy ground and patted her head.
  170. >"Go and play for a while, hon. Try not to get too much sand in your stockings."
  171. The Princess laid down in her chair, opened her parasol, and rummaged through her handbag for a book. Twilight, finally allowed to walk around on her own again (even if her movement was impeded ever so slightly by her padded bottom), knelt down and ran her fingers through the sand.
  172. >"Mama, look at this!"
  173. The girl closed her eyes and focused. She breathed in and out heavily. A few stones lifted themselves out of the sand and hovered around Twilight for a brief moment. She let out a groan and then relaxed; the stones fell back to the ground. Celestia applauded.
  174. >"Very good, Twilight! I see you've been practicing. Be sure not to exert yourself too much, though; magic does funny things to a person's body if they can't control it."
  175. >"Yes, Mama."
  176. >"...Although, at your age, I think the worst that could happen is you wetting yourself. Given the circumstances... (giggle)"
  177. >"Hmmph."
  179. Twilight spent the rest of the morning in the sand, levitating rocks and sculpting castles. She was interrupted by a knock on the door; Celestia looked up from her book and waved them in.
  180. >"Your meal, milady."
  181. >"Ah, yes, set it up right there."
  182. Celestia called over to her child.
  183. >"Come over here, Twilight! It's time for lunch."
  184. The girl cleaned up after herself, knocking down her castle and leveling the sand. When she turned around, there was a table and a high chair waiting for her.
  185. >"(sigh) Mamaaa... do I have to?"
  186. Celestia unreclined in her chair, looked at the girl, and nodded. Twilight tried to climb into place, but a force pulled her feet back down.
  187. >"Ah-ah-ah, not yet. Come here and lift up your dress."
  188. Twilight obeyed, walking over and revealing her diaper. She felt Celestia use magic to sweep her legs and bottom, an invisible feather duster brushing away particles.
  189. >"Tsk, tsk. I warned you about the sand, sweetie." (SPANK) "Now, go take your seat."
  190. The girl let go of her dress, recoiling from the swat. She climbed up into the high chair and examined her plate-- a small glass of water and a large pastry of some sort. Celestia ate from a larger plate-- two of the same pastries and a salad, along with a glass of wine at her side. The Princess ate in silence, speaking up only to criticize Twilight's dining habits.
  191. >"Don't talk with your mouth full."
  192. >"Chew with your mouth closed."
  193. >"Don't sip your drink so loudly."
  195. Once the two of them finished their lunch, Twilight felt herself lifted out of the high chair and back onto Celestia's lap. The woman brushed aside a few crumbs.
  196. >"(giggle) What am I going to do with you, young lady? I'll have to teach you some proper etiquette one of these days." (SPANK)
  197. >"Mama..." (SPANK) "Not another spankiiing..."
  198. >"Just a few warning swats, hon." (SPANK) "Now, where were we?"
  199. Celestia turned the girl over on her back. She reached into her handbag and pulled out a bottle; she tried to force it in between Twilight's lips, but the girl pushed it away.
  200. >"Mmph! Mamaaaa!"
  201. >"Hush, dear. You're not going anywhere until we're finished, so you will drink your milk and you will like it!"
  202. >"(whine) No..."
  203. Twilight continued to kick and squirm in her caretaker's lap. Celestia calmly proposed an alternative:
  204. >"Well, if you're not going to drink from the bottle..."
  205. She placed a hand under her breast and raised it slightly. Twilight immediately knew what she was implying; her face turned a bright red.
  206. >"Y-you're bluffing."
  207. >"Am I? I know you want it; you practically buried yourself in them this morning. There's no shame in it, hon, but you will have to take your milk one way or another."
  208. >"No-no-no, no-no-no-no..."
  209. The girl reluctantly placed the bottle in her mouth and began to suckle, her face still red.
  210. >"Good girl. There, there..."
  212. Celestia stashed the empty bottle in her bag and carried little Twilight away.
  213. >"...Where are we going now?"
  214. >"I have an appointment with a few diplomats this afternoon, and some general work that I have to oversee. You, on the other hand, need a nap."
  215. Twilight found herself back in her own room, being tucked into bed.
  216. >"What, no crib?"
  217. >"(giggle) That can be arranged, hon."
  218. The girl kept quiet after that remark, not wishing to give Celestia any more ideas. The Princess exited the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts, a few stuffed animals, and a couple of books to read.
  219. >"Great. Just great."
  220. She curled up in her bed and pondered. Her day so far had been nothing but humiliation-- bathed, diapered, bottle-fed, and given plenty of spankings. No longer was she merely the royal apprentice; she was now Celestia's baby, to be dressed and disciplined according to the Princess's whim. Twilight didn't mind being dressed up that much; the diaper felt more comfortable than she'd care to admit. It was everything that came with it which bothered her. She sighed, and resigned herself to a quiet nap.
  222. When Twilight woke, she realized something was wrong. She wasn't immediately sure what it was, but she felt... off. She looked around, seeing nothing out of place; none of her toys or blankets had fallen out of bed, neither dress nor stockings were caught on anything... but her crotch felt damp.
  223. >"Oh, no..."
  224. She had wet herself in her sleep. No getting around that. She reached her hand down and felt the outside of her diaper; it seemed dry, maybe the Princess wouldn't notice as long as she kept quiet about it. Twilight tucked herself back into bed and waited for Celestia to come and collect her.
  226. >"Oh, you're awake! Did you enjoy your nap?"
  227. Twilight nodded and pulled herself out of bed; Celestia knelt down.
  228. >"You seem nervous, dear. What's the matter? Did you have an accident?"
  229. >"N-no, Mama."
  230. Celestia took the girl's hand and led her out into the hall. Twilight avoided eye contact with passersby.
  231. >"So, what happens now?"
  232. >"Now? Oh, nothing important. I have nothing else scheduled today, so you and I are returning to my bedroom. I suppose I could read to you for a while, if you'd like."
  233. >"O-okay, that sounds nice."
  234. When the two reached the last stairway, Twilight was unexpectedly hoisted into the air. Celestia pulled her over her shoulder, held her in place and gave her bottom a squeeze.
  235. >"...?"
  236. Another squeeze, to confirm her suspicions.
  237. >"Twilight..."
  238. The girl tried to stammer out an apology, but was quickly shushed. As soon as they passed through the door, she was floated over to the changing table and laid flat on her back.
  239. >"I'm a little disappointed in you, young lady. You know better than to lie."
  240. Twilight whimpered in humiliation-- at being scolded, at having her diaper removed, at having her crotch exposed and wiped down.
  241. >"(sigh) I know this is embarassing for you, dear. But if something's wrong, then you have to tell me so-- and that includes a wet diaper. Understand?"
  242. The girl nodded, and was subsequently rolled over onto her belly. A powder bottle sprinkled its contents onto her rear, and a fresh diaper slipped itself underneath. Celestia raised her hand.
  243. >"I'm sorry, Twilight. This," (SPANK) "is for lying to me."
  244. >"Eep!" (SPANK) "I'm sorry, Mama!" (SPANK) "Please, not on the bare bottooom!" (SPANK)
  245. Celestia doled out relatively soft swats, since the girl had no cushion to protect her this time. Twilight eventually submitted to her punishment.
  246. >"...Aaaand a few extra for your little tantrum at lunchtime." (SPANK) (SPANK) (SPANK) "There."
  247. The Princess finished diapering the girl, then pulled her onto her lap-- now a familiar scene for teary-eyed Twilight.
  248. The remainder of the afternoon was uneventful, and soon gave way to evening.
  249. >"Now, you would bathe right around this time, correct? After supper, before your lesson?"
  250. >"Yes, Mama."
  251. >"Alright. That's how it shall be from here on. We'd start now, but I think we can leave it until tomorrow. Unless, of course, you want me to bathe you a second time today?"
  252. >"N-no, Mama! That's alright!"
  253. >"(giggle) Okay, okay. That being said, I do think a change of clothes is in order."
  254. Twilight was levitated into the air. Her dress was pulled off and swapped out for a pink onesie; softer, but just as puffy. While it did cover her diaper once buttoned up, that didn't help much; if anything, it seemed to call more attention to it. The girl tried to speak up, but was muffled-- evidently, Celestia decided it was time for another bottle-feeding. Twilight, in turn, decided it wasn't worth fussing over.
  256. She pulled the milk bottle from her lips for a moment.
  257. >"Mama..."
  258. >"Yes, Twilight."
  259. She poked at the diaper underneath her onesie.
  260. >"...How long do I have to wear this?"
  261. >"You're not getting out of it that easily, hon. That will be your standard attire from now on."
  262. >"(whine) Even when I go to school?"
  263. >"Hmm... I suppose I can make an exception, as long as you behave yourself. Perhaps I can send you to class in a nice pair of bloomers instead. (giggle) Should go well with your cute little school dress."
  264. Did Celestia really think she looked cute in that uniform? Twilight blushed.
  265. >"But, as soon as you return to me, they're coming right off and you're going right up onto that changing table. Understood?"
  266. >"(sigh) Yes, Mama."
  267. Given what she'd already been through, the idea of being powdered and padded by her mentor on a daily basis didn't seem quite so unappealing any more. Extremely embarassing, yes, but Twilight could live with that.
  268. >"But what about-- mmph!"
  269. The girl felt the bottle shoved back into her mouth.
  270. >"Shh. No more talking."
  271. Twilight relented, sunk back into Celestia's lap, and resumed suckling.
  273. In lieu of a magic lesson, Twilight spent the night curled up with a book, reading aloud under the Princess's watchful eyes. Soon came bedtime; Celestia escorted the girl back to her room, checked her diaper one last time, then tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead.
  274. >"Good night, dear."
  275. >"Good night, Mama."
  276. As she drifted off to sleep, Twilight still wasn't entirely sure about the whole 'treated like a baby' situation. She was certain of something, though. As long as she was stuck like this, she was going to be a very well-behaved baby from now on... lest she find herself over the royal knee again.
  278. THE END

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by splishsplash

Spanking threads v2

by splishsplash

How to search for stories

by splishsplash

External mlp spanking sites/links

by splishsplash