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Trixie Goes to Magic Kindergarten by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:42:57
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:24:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Trixie Goes to Magic Kindergarten by Bluejay
  2. (Maid, Celestia / Trixie)
  3. regression
  5. (07/11/2016 - 05/04/2017)
  8. ---
  10. A hooded figure walked the streets of lower Canterlot. She kept to the shadows, not wanting to be seen, until she reached a small shop in a secluded alley. Perhaps one of these arcane trinkets or curiosities could help her. She didn't bother introducing herself to the stallion at the counter, keeping her face obscured; in times such as this, anonymity is–
  11. >"I know it's you, Trixie. You don't need t'be so dramatic about it."
  12. The blue mare removed her hood and glared at him.
  13. >"Dammit, Tarot. I am trying to keep a low profile here."
  14. The shopkeeper rolled his eyes.
  16. >"You've got some nerve showing your face around here, Trix. Since, y'know, you're kinda wanted for that whole 'possession of contraband magical artifacts' thing? Last thing I need is some police pony snooping around."
  17. Trixie scoffed.
  18. >"Oh, please. You know they could never make the charges stick. (Besides, I said I was sorry...)"
  19. >"That doesn't solve either of our problems, y'know."
  20. >"Bah. Give it a week; they'll find some other nuisance to deal with and forget all about somepony like me. Always happens."
  22. The mare leaned in closer, glancing around to check for eavesdroppers.
  23. >"But, um, until then, you wouldn't happen to be selling anything that could help a pony... lay low for a while, would you?"
  24. >"If you're looking for another cursed amulet, you're outta lu–"
  25. >"No, no, nothing of the sort. Just something to, perhaps, alter my appearance? Temporarily, of course."
  26. >"(sigh) (If it'll make you go away faster, I'll see what I can do...)"
  27. >"I heard that."
  28. >"I know, and I don't care. Just, gimme a minute."
  30. The stallion rummaged through his wares.
  31. >"You sure you don't just want some, like, hair dye or something? Or just, I dunno, skip town like any sane pony would do?"
  32. Trixie gave an impatient glare.
  33. >"Don't question my methods, Tarot."
  35. >"I'm just sayin'. Transformation charms and potions and whatever are hard t'come by these days."
  36. >"Excuses, excuses."
  37. >"Lemme see... glamours, no... masquerades, no... I suppose this could... hmm."
  38. The blue mare raised an eyebrow.
  39. >"Hmm? What's hmm?"
  40. The stallion pulled out a flask from a high shelf and presented it at the counter.
  41. >"Well, this stuff is supposed to make a pony look, let's say... younger. I dunno, knock about... say, 5, 10 years off, and you could maaaybe pass as somepony different? I'm not sure it's exactly what you–"
  42. >"I'll take it."
  43. She swiped the pink flask from the shopkeeper, dropping a sack of bits on the counter in return.
  44. >"Wait, I didn't even– if you're just gonna– at least read the instructions on the– Oh, forget it."
  45. Trixie was already halfway out the door. Tarot returned to his seat and started counting his coins; whatever absurdity she was about to involve herself in, he wanted no part in it.
  47. >"Nothing to worry about, Trixie. You've dealt with potions plenty of times."
  48. She tracked down one of her old hiding spots, a little alcove in a quiet part of town. Here, she could assume her temporary identity in peace. She uncorked the flask, and took a whiff of the pink liquid.
  49. >"...Well, I've had worse."
  50. She took a breath, then drank most of the potion in a single gulp. Setting the flask aside, she relaxed a bit. The thing with potions is, you never know how long it'll be before it starts to–
  53. When Trixie came to, it was nearly sundown. Once she was fully upright, she mused to herself.
  54. >"Huh. Must've been out for a couple hou–"
  55. She recoiled at her own speech. She'd forgotten how high-pitched her voice used to be when she was...
  56. >"...Hold on."
  57. Trixie scanned her surroundings. Everything was... bigger than she remembered. Her hooves were the wrong size. Her hat didn't fit any more. She stumbled over to a decorative fountain, and looked at her reflection in the water. She reeled.
  58. >"Oh, what the FUCK!"
  60. Take off five, ten years, he said. Not TWENTY. Damned potion must've been defective! Trixie was livid.
  61. >"When I get my hooves on him, I'll..."
  62. >"..."
  63. ..."I'll what," she thought to herself. Thinking it over, she didn't have many options. She still had a decent grip on her magic, more or less, but physically, she was little more than a helpless filly.
  64. >"(sigh) Fine. You can make this work, Trixie."
  65. First order of business, clean herself up and make sure she wouldn't be recognized. She took a brief rinse in the fountain (after she made sure no one would notice– a girl needs her privacy, after all). Now, she had to find someplace to spend the night. Surely, some nice mare or stallion would be willing to let an innocent little–
  66. >"Who goes there?"
  68. Trixie jumped a bit. A rather imposing mare (at least, for someone of Trixie's size) had snuck up on her.
  69. >"You shouldn't play around in dark alleys, child. It's not safe."
  70. >"Um, o-okay."
  71. >"You seem nervous; are you alright?"
  72. >"I, I'm fine, ma'am."
  73. The mare scanned her.
  74. >"Have we met before? You seem familiar."
  75. >"I... don't think we have, ma'am."
  77. >"Wait a minute... I have seen you before."
  78. >"Um, I, you probably have me confused with– hey!"
  79. Trixie felt the mare pull on her ear, trying to lead her somewhere.
  80. >"You'd better have a good explanation for this, little missy."
  81. >"Lemme go! You have the wrong–"
  82. >"What in Celestia's name are you doing away from the Academy at this hour?"
  84. >"...Huh?"
  85. >"You know you're not supposed to leave the grounds unsupervised..."
  86. Trixie paused. Did she just get mistaken for a schoolfilly? She couldn't exactly contradict the mare, lest she blow her cover.
  87. >"I, um, lost my backpack? Somewhere around here, and I, um, went back to look for it..."
  88. >"(sigh) Then you should've asked an adult for help, sweetie. For now, you need to come back with me."
  89. >"Um, yes, ma'am."
  91. Trixie felt a bit nostalgic upon seeing the Academy gates once again. She attended it for a few years when she was a filly. She was never a star student or anything, but she did well enough. This could work out– zero-effort classes, free room and board? Sounds like a plan.
  93. All she needed to do was not draw attention to herself... which could prove harder than anticipated, since the mare who found her escorted her directly to the headmistress' office.
  94. >"Milady?"
  95. Celestia herself was seated at her desk, sorting a bit of paperwork. Upon seeing the Princess, the filly's nerves started to get the better of her.
  96. >"Hmm?"
  97. >"I know it's past sundown, and you're just finishing up, but–"
  98. >"My last appointment for the day is in ten minutes. Please, take your time."
  99. >"It's about one of the new students. I found a... straggler."
  100. >"Oh?"
  101. Celestia rose from her desk, and looked the filly square in the eyes.
  102. >"What's your name, little one?"
  103. Trixie stalled, trying to come up with a good pseudonym.
  104. >"Ummmmoonbeam? I mean, Moonbeam, ma'am, I, well,"
  105. Nailed it.
  107. >"She must be one of the new enrollees. Apparently, she lost her pack on the way here. No supplies, none of the forms her parents were supposed to sign, and come to think of it, she hasn't even been assigned a room yet..."
  108. >"(sigh) (There's at least one, every year...)"
  109. Celestia pondered for a moment.
  110. >"Very well. Take her to one of the spare dormitories in the far hall. Help her get settled in, then put her to bed. We'll see if we can get this sorted out tomorrow."
  111. >"Yes, milady."
  112. The elder mare turned to address young Trixie.
  113. >"You heard her, little miss Moonbeam; please, follow me..."
  115. "Moonbeam" stayed silent as she walked through the halls. The general layout of the place seemed vaguely familiar, but she could barely recognize anything. It was probably renovated a few times since her graduation.
  116. >"Alright, little one. This will be your room for the time being. Washroom is just down the hall, on the left."
  117. >"Um, okay."
  118. Her temporary residence was small and plain. It was tidy, though, so there wasn't much to complain about.
  119. >"Now, it's past your bedtime as is. I'll be back to check on you in ten minutes or so, and I expect you in bed by then, okay?"
  120. >"Yes, ma'am..."
  121. After the day she'd had, a comfortable bed was exactly what Trixie needed. She washed up a bit, then settled into the sheets. The mare came back soon after and tucked her in, and she drifted off to sleep.
  124. >"Moonbeam, dear, it's time to wake up..."
  125. The filly slowly opened her eyes. A bit of morning sun shone through the curtains.
  126. >"(yawn) Hmm?"
  127. >"You overslept, sweetie. That's what happens when you stay up past your curfew..."
  128. Trixie yawned again, stretched, and hopped out of bed.
  130. >"...Wait, who are you?"
  131. She glanced at the older mare; grey coat, well-kept white mane, wearing attire that resembled a maid's dress.
  132. >"Oh, you may call me Miss Snow. I'll be looking after you from now on."
  133. The filly grumbled with contempt.
  134. >"I don't need a nanny, if that's what you're implying."
  135. >"There's nothing to be ashamed of, really. It happens every semester. Always a few first-year students, cute little colts or fillies like you–"
  136. Snow Powder gently pinched Trixie's cheek, prompting her to pull her head away. (Wait, "first-year"?)
  137. >"–focus so much on their studies that they forget how to take care of themselves."
  138. >"(huff) I'm not a foal, you know–"
  139. >"That's nice, dear. Now, sit down and eat your breakfast before it gets cold."
  141. Trixie, after a bit of prodding, seated herself at the table. A bowl of plain oatmeal lay in front of her.
  142. >"What, this mush?"
  143. >"Well, we didn't know your preferences, and on such short notice... so, yes."
  144. >"Um, I'll pass, actually."
  145. She nudged the bowl away, only for the matron to nudge it right back.
  146. >"This is no time to be picky, dear. You must be starving."
  147. >"I'm fine, really, just– hey!"
  148. The spoon was magically wrested from Trixie's control. It scooped a large serving from the bowl and presented it to her.
  149. >"Open wide~."
  150. >"Ohhhhno. You are not–mmnmph!"
  151. Miss Snow seized an opening and forced the spoon into the filly's mouth. She spit most of the oatmeal back out, making a mess of the table.
  152. >"No! I will not be bucking force-fed like– uhn!"
  153. Trixie was hoisted from her chair, her tail raised. The matron gave her bottom a firm swat.
  154. >"Eep!"
  155. >"If that's how you want it, fine." (SPANK) (SPANK) "That's another thing I have to deal with every year," (SPANK) "children who think they can do whatever they please." (SPANK) "I must say, it's been a while since I've had somepony who's both."
  156. >"Lemme go, you–" (SPANK) "Ow!" (SPANK) "Uhn! Please..."
  157. She fussed and whined. The mare gave her three more quick swats, then set her back in her chair. Trixie grumbled a bit, then motioned to take the spoon, only to be denied. She (begrudgingly) submitted, and allowed the mare to spoon-feed her the rest of her meal, though still voicing her displeasure at every opportunity.
  159. >"There. Was that so bad?"
  160. >"(grumble) (Yes.)"
  161. >"Now, we've wasted enough time already, and I don't want you to be late for class. Go ahead and get dressed. I'll see to you in a moment."
  162. >"...?"
  163. The filly's scowl turned to a look of confusion.
  164. >"...Your uniform. You did see the... (sigh) Actually, nevermind. At this point, it'll be quicker if I just dress you myself..."
  166. The matron pulled Trixie back into her grasp. After several minutes, and some additional bottom-smacking to get her to cooperate, she finally managed to wrangle the filly into her school dress.
  167. >"...Is the bow really necessary?"
  168. >"No, but you look cute."
  169. After a quick brushing (teeth and mane, not necessarily in that order), Miss Snow tidied her up and led her across the Academy grounds. Through a bit of luck, and a shortcut or two, Moonbeam made it to class with a few minutes to spare.
  171. Her caretaker quietly addressed her.
  172. >"(Before you go, sweetie, one warning. I don't want to have to feed you, dress you, and spank you every morning, but I will if I have to, okay?)"
  173. >"(sigh) (Yes, ma'am...)"
  175. Trixie easily folded herself into the crowd of colts and fillies, ready for class. A large blue mare ushered them into the classroom. The first thing that caught Trixie's eye was the writing on the blackboard:
  176. >Welcome to Magic Kindergarten!
  179. ...Oh, no. She didn't look THAT young, did she? This was obviously a huge misunderstanding. She'd just have to talk to the teacher and–
  180. >"Alright, children, take your seats."
  181. Well, she'd talk to Ms. Harpstring later. (At least, she assumed that was her name, since it was also written on the blackboard) Trixie grabbed the closest chair she could find, but another colt pulled on it as well.
  182. >"Hey! That's mine!"
  183. >"Fine, fine, sheesh."
  184. The teacher spoke up to calm the crowd.
  185. >"Settle down, settle down. Now, I know we have some new students today... if any of you don't know where you're supposed to sit, please, come to me and ask, okay?"
  187. Trixie complied and went up to Ms. Harpstring's desk.
  188. >"Umm?"
  189. >"Hmm... oh, yes, Moonbeam, was it?"
  190. The filly nodded. The blue mare presented her a stack of paper and some writing tools.
  191. >"Mm. I know you lost your supplies on the way here, so you can borrow this for now, if you need to write anything."
  192. She pointed to a row of desks on the far side of class.
  193. >"There's a seat for you in the back. I hope that's okay; it's the best I could do on such short notice."
  194. >"Um, okay. Thank you."
  196. With that settled, Trixie seated herself and the teacher rose from her desk to address the class.
  197. >"We'll pick up where we left off yesterday... if you'll remember, we were just beginning your first lessons in magic."
  198. Ugh. Starting from scratch? Even worse.
  199. >"Yesterday, I asked if any of you had already learned a bit at home and wanted to demonstrate. It's only fair that our new students have the same chance. So..."
  200. Harpstring scanned the room, looking for a volunteer.
  201. "...Would any of you like to come up here and share with the class?
  203. Trixie's ears perked. She thought about it for a moment. A chance to show off to a crowd? And hey, maybe it'd even help her case for when she asks to be bumped up to a higher grade. It was too tempting an offer to resist. Her hoof launched up.
  204. >"Ah, yes! Excellent. Please, to the front."
  205. The filly sauntered to the front of the room.
  206. >"Now then, introduce yourself to the class."
  207. "The Great and Powerful Trixie needs no introd–" Oh, wait, that's right. She pushed that thought aside for a moment; have to keep up appearances, after all.
  208. >"My name is Moonbeam, and, um, this is just something I learned a while ago..."
  210. The filly realized that she actually didn't know whether her magic still worked, or if the potion had screwed with that as well. The idea hadn't occurred to her until now.
  211. >"I, um, I'm gonna need you all to be quiet for a moment. And, uh, could you dim the lights a bit? Gotta concentrate."
  212. Harpstring flipped a light switch.
  213. >"You heard her, children. Pipe down."
  214. Trixie focused herself. Her horn lit up, and started to emit little sparks. She felt a surge of magic, and fired off larger sparks, which lit up the room. One of her firework spells– an oldie, but it still had its charms.
  216. The class was enthralled. Most of them watched her light show with wonder in their eyes! (Well, maybe. It was dark, and she couldn't actually see their eyes, but there was definitely, probably, at least a bit of wonder.)
  218. They gave her a round of applause when it was done. It wasn't Trixie's usual audience, but it would suffice for now.
  219. >"Excellent! You've already been practicing, I see? Keep at it, and I'm sure you'll do very well this year."
  220. >"Practice has nothing to do with it. It just comes naturally."
  221. The teacher smiled and rolled her eyes, then turned the lights back on and permitted 'Moonbeam' to return to her seat.
  222. >"Children, try to pay attention to your classmates' techniques, while they're presenting. See what you can learn from each other... now, who wants to be next?"
  224. Several colts and fillies raised a hoof. The teacher scanned the class, settling on a grey filly sitting in the back row.
  225. >"Um, m-me?"
  226. >"If you're ready, then yes."
  227. The girl didn't speak as she rose from her seat and made her way to the front. Trixie, meanwhile, returned to her chair and reclined, satisfied with her performance.
  229. >"Go on, introduce yourself."
  230. >"My name is, um, Dewdrop..."
  231. The class greeted her. She was quiet for a moment, feeling a bit nervous. Harpstring tried to get her back on track.
  232. >"Now, what do you want to show us?"
  233. >"Oh, um,"
  234. Dewdrop borrowed a plastic cup from the teacher's desk and filled it with water.
  235. >"This is just, um, something my dad taught me. There's a river behind our house, and, well,"
  236. She set the cup down on a desk. Her horn sparked and sputtered; the water rose out of the cup, forming a bubble. Some of the students murmured among themselves. Dewdrop moved the bubble around, trying not to drip anywhere (with minimal success). She finished her demonstration by taking the bubble over to the windowsill and using it to water a couple of the potted plants. Harpstring clapped for her, the other students following suit.
  237. >"Very good! See? There's no reason to be shy..."
  238. >"Th-thank you, Ms. Harpstring."
  240. Trixie turned to the colt sitting beside her, and muttered.
  241. >"(Big whoop. I could pull that off in my sleep...)"
  242. Dewdrop, still at the front of class, tensed up, her nerves again overcoming her. Trixie felt her seat being nudged a bit, directing her attention back towards the teacher, who shot a glare at her.
  243. >"I heard that, Moonbeam. And that was very rude."
  244. >"Why? It's not wrong, so–"
  245. >"Enough. I will not tolerate disrespect in my classroom, especially to other students."
  247. Harpstring turned back to Dewdrop.
  248. >"I'm sorry for interrupting you, dear. You may return to your seat."
  249. >"Y-yes, ma'am."
  250. The grey filly returned to her desk. Trixie, still a bit flustered, twitched her horn. Before Dewdrop could seat herself, her chair pulled away ever so slightly, sending her stumbling to the ground. While she was being helped back up, the teacher immediately realized who was responsible.
  252. >"Moonbeam!"
  253. The filly scoffed.
  254. >"Oh, now what?"
  255. Harpstring pointed towards a small stool in the corner of the classroom.
  256. >"Corner. Ten minutes."
  257. Trixie huffed.
  258. >"...You cannot be serious."
  259. >"No talking, no magic. Now, go."
  260. >"But–"
  261. >"And no 'but's."
  262. >"That's not fair. You said I–"
  263. >"Good effort and bad behavior don't cancel each other out, sweetie. You can be the smartest girl in class, but if you can't play nice, then you get put in time-out like anyone else."
  265. Trixie decided it wasn't worth arguing– at least, not yet. She parked herself on the stool and allowed the teacher to proceed with her lesson. Every so often, she sensed one student or another glance in her direction, but she tuned them out. She tuned Ms. Harpstring out as well. She didn't need to learn this kiddie stuff.
  266. >"–nbeam? Hello? Are you even listening?"
  267. >"Wha?"
  268. >"Your ten minutes are up. You can return to your seat."
  269. Huh. Time flies when you're lost in thought.
  271. A few more students presented for the class– inferior performances, as expected. Harpstring spoke some more about magic studies and history and blah, blah, blah. Eventually, the bell rang, and the class was dismissed for recess.
  273. Most of the students hurried out of the classroom to go play outside, though some of them stayed in class to catch up on an assignment. Trixie was feeling a bit tired (Miss Snow was probably right; she did stay up too late), so she chose to lie down on a large beanbag and nod off for a while.
  274. >"Are you sure you don't want to go out and play, Moonbeam? It could be a good chance to meet some new friends."
  275. >"Th... that's alright. (yawn) Maybe later..."
  276. Trixie wasn't planning to stick around for long. It was probably for the best that she didn't involve herself too much with the other colts and fillies.
  279. The next couple hours passed mostly without incident. The teacher went over the class' math and reading lessons for the day– more kindergarten stuff for her to pretend to care about. After a while, though, Trixie started to realize a minor flaw in her plan:
  281. She was bored.
  283. Like, SO bored. She could only occupy her thoughts for so long. How in Celestia's name did she get put in this class? She was too good for this basic stuff! She grew restless, agitated. She distracted herself with her papers. A doodle here, a paper airplane there... and there... and that colt over there...
  284. >"Hey!"
  285. >"Cut that out!"
  286. Heh. Two in a row.
  288. But of course, the teacher had to go and ruin her fun again. She didn't even have to turn around this time.
  289. >"Moonbeam, that's enough."
  290. >"(groan) Seriously?"
  291. >"Do you need to go in time-out again? Please sit down and pay attention."
  292. >"I already know all of this stuff! Why do I have to sit around and–"
  293. >"(sigh) Moonbeam, I know. It's okay if you're having trouble adjusting on your first day, but I won't let you disrupt the lesson for other students."
  294. >"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
  296. Another hour, another lesson, another bell.
  297. >"Okay, it's time for lunch. Anypony who's a new student, just follow one of your classmates. They can show you where to go."
  298. Finally! Her first proper meal in days (and no, that breakfast didn't count), and a reprieve from the kindergarten drivel. Trixie leaped from her chair and followed the mass of students.
  300. Upon reaching the school cafeteria, the filly took her rightful place at the front of the–
  301. >"Hey! No cutting!"
  302. –took her rightful place a few ponies behind the front of the line. The lunch lady offered her a tray, a sandwich, some apple slices, and a juice box. Three-star gourmet, compared to what she'd been subjected to lately.
  304. It was easy to lose oneself in this crowd. First-years, second-years, and even some older students all sat together in a massive lunch hall, while their respective teachers supervised and kept order. Trixie found a quiet corner, preferring to eat in solitude. A little ways down, she could see Harpstring talking with a few of her other students, two colts and a filly. She ignored them and returned to her lunch.
  306. A minute later, she heard someone address her.
  307. >"Hey, um... wanna come sit with us?"
  308. Trixie looked up. Her classmates from across the table were inviting her over.
  310. She wasn't in the mood for small talk with small ponies.
  311. >"No. Go away."
  312. The colt backed off, but Trixie could hear him talking with his cohorts.
  313. >"(huff) (Rude.)"
  314. >"(Yeah, what's her problem?)"
  315. >"(Forget it. I don' care what Ms. Harpstring said, we don' need to make nice w'a stuck-up jerk like her.)"
  317. Was that supposed to be an insult? Oh, please.
  318. >"I heard that."
  319. >"Wasn' talking to you."
  320. >"But you were talking about me, so..."
  322. His friends chimed in.
  323. >"Well, um, sorry, but he's kinda right?"
  324. >"Yeah! You kept buggin' me in class, an' you were mean to Dewdrop, an'..."
  325. >"My Mama said I shouldn' aso, assosi, um, hang out with ponies who do that stuff."
  326. Trixie scoffed.
  327. >"Oh, please. That stuff was harmless."
  328. >"Well, cut it out. S'not funny."
  329. Usually, a simple colt like this would be beneath her talents. But! The gauntlet had been thrown, and Trixie couldn't resist a challenge.
  331. As the colt turned around and returned to his lunch, Trixie focused her attention on his juice box. Before he took a sip, she dipped her horn, and the box started to inflate ever so slightly. He didn't even notice. The juice box swelled further, and then...
  332. >Pop!
  333. In an instant, the colt's lunch tray had scattered, and his front was stained with juice. He coughed up a bit, then started wiping his face, likely trying to conceal himself.
  334. >"Heyyy! I told you to..."
  335. He whined in embarrassment. The room filled with murmurs and chatter; by now, it seemed like half the cafeteria had turned around to see what all the commotion was. Trixie could hear some of the older students giggling at the colt's misfortune.
  337. She took a bite of her sandwich, and smirked.
  338. >"See? At least SOME kids here have a sense of hu–"
  339. The moment Trixie turned her back, she was shoved off of her seat.
  340. >"Shut up! Why di, why did you–"
  341. Before she picked herself up from the floor, she instinctively shoved back; she telekinetically grabbed hold of the colt's front hoof and pulled him down. A clamor spread through the room.
  342. >"Alright, if that's how you want it–"
  344. Before Trixie and her rival could get into a proper scuffle, the two were pulled away from each other. A now-familiar authoritative voice cut her off.
  345. >"That's quite enough, you two!"
  346. The colt yelped and whined as Harpstring's magic overpowered him. Within moments, she pinned him down, raised his tail, and tapped his rear with her hoof.
  348. >"What did I tell you about getting into fights?"
  349. >"Let me go! She–" (SPANK) "Ow!"
  350. The other students watched and winced as Ms. Harpstring administered a bit of discipline. It only took a few smacks to snap him out of his tantrum.
  351. >"Wait, wait, I–" (SPANK) "Ow! Please," (SPANK) "Uhn! I'm sorry!"
  352. The teacher was undeterred, and gave the colt's rump ten more solid swats.
  353. >"Please, not in front of–" (SPANK) "Oww..."
  355. Harpstring finally relented, and released the quivering colt from her grip.
  356. >"(sigh) I'm sorry, too. But your Mama and Papa told you what would happen if you lost your temper again, right?"
  357. >"(sniff) Yes, ma'am."
  358. >"Mmhmm. We'll talk about this later; for now, you're excused. We'll get you a new lunch, then you can go and clean yourself up."
  359. >"T-thank you, ma'am."
  360. The colt slumped back towards his seat in shame. His friends offered a bit of encouragement, but Trixie did not share their sympathy. She muttered under her breath.
  361. >"(Serves you right, you little–)"
  362. She felt a gentle tug on her ear.
  363. >"Don't be rude, sweetie. Besides... you're next."
  365. >"Unph! Unhand me at once–ow!"
  366. Another pull, more forceful this time.
  367. >"Ohhhnoyoudon't."
  368. >"But, he was the one who–"
  369. >"You provoked him, and he overreacted. What, you thought I didn't notice?"
  370. Trixie tried to free herself, but was easily overpowered.
  371. >"He's already been punished, and now it's your turn."
  372. >"This is preposterous! I DEMAND to–"
  373. >"You're not in a position to demand anything, little missy. You're coming with me."
  374. Harpstring called another adult over, to watch her students while she was occupied. Once it was taken care of, she escorted the hapless filly into the hall.
  377. >"Wait, where are we–oof! Hey! Not so ha-ard..."
  378. >"If it were up to me, Moonbeam, I would turn you over my knee and paddle you in front of the whole class."
  379. Trixie squirmed a bit.
  380. >"...But I need a parent's consent to do that, and somepony lost her papers."
  381. She stifled a nervous laugh.
  382. >"Oops."
  383. >"So instead, I have to take you to miss Celestia's office, and have her sign off on it."
  385. ...Wait, is that how it works? Trixie didn't remember much about school policy vis-à-vis discipline. Her mother always dealt with that stuff, anyway.
  386. >"(whine) You can't!"
  387. The mare shushed her.
  388. >"Don't make noise in the hall."
  389. Trixie refused to be cowed in such a manner. In a fit of frustration, she stopped in her tracks and seated herself on the cold floor. Harpstring remained unimpressed. She lifted the filly by the tail.
  390. >(SPANK) "Heyy! You said–"
  391. >"That was just a warning, Moonbeam. Now get moving, unless you want me to drag you all the way there."
  392. Trixie yelped as the mare gave her another swat. She pondered which torment would be worse for her delicate filly rump: being dragged along the hard floor, or additional swats from Ms. Harpstring's hoof.
  394. She decided that she'd take her chances with walking.
  395. >"That's better. Do try to keep up– if you fall behind again, you're getting another 'warning'."
  396. She could see Harpstring nod with smug satisfaction; if anything, that irritated her more than the smack to her bottom.
  398. The filly steeled herself as the two finally approached the office door. "You've dealt with worse before", she thought. However, she also observed that then, she was at least a full-grown mare with some degree of dignity. This time, she wasn't sure if she even had that...
  401. Princess-slash-Headmistress Celestia was seated at her desk, once again attending to paperwork. Princess Luna was present as well. (Like Trixie needed another reason to worry...) She tried to listen in on their discussion, but the teacher interjected.
  402. >"I'm sorry to interrupt, milady, but–"
  403. >"Please, come in."
  405. >"...Well, you heard her– in you go."
  406. Harpstring pushed Trixie through the door to face the Princesses. Luna had a look of curiosity, but Celestia gave her a soft, welcoming smile.
  407. >"Well, well... who do we have here?"
  408. >"Hello again, Moonbeam. What brings you back to my office so soon? Are you having trouble with your new class?"
  409. "Yes, it was really dull and I wanna be moved to a higher grade", she wanted to say. But she couldn't. And even if she could, Harpstring spoke up first.
  410. >"Actually, well... she IS the trouble."
  412. Celestia raised an eyebrow.
  413. >"On her first day?"
  414. >"Yes, milady. She's been a constant disruption in class, with no regard for any of the other students. She's outright bullied another pony on more than one occasion."
  415. >"I did no such–"
  416. Harpstring cut her off again.
  417. >"Ohhyes, you did. And then you picked a fight with at least on of them, on top of that."
  418. Trixie avoided eye contact, but she could see Celestia glaring at her. There was no anger, nor menace in her expression, merely disapproval.
  419. >"Her behavior has been absolutely unacceptable, and she needs a proper punishment."
  420. >"...I see. And what do you have to say for yourself, Moonbeam?"
  421. Trixie tried to muster a defense, but came up empty. She assumed the adults wouldn't consider "I was bored" nor "the colt had it coming" to be acceptable answers.
  423. Luna broke the silence.
  424. >"What should be done with her, sister?"
  425. Celestia summoned a blank scroll and a quill pen, then addressed the filly.
  426. >"First of all, we will have to notify your caretaker of this, little one. I'll send for her now."
  427. Trixie thought back to the treatment she'd gotten that morning, and whined in annoyance. The last thing she needed was to give that mare an excuse to punish her again. Celestia signed her message, which blinked out of the room.
  429. >"Now, then, on to the matter of your discipline."
  430. Trixie sat silently, continuing to avoid eye contact.
  431. >"Not respecting a teacher is one thing, but bullying and picking fights with other students will, not, be, tolerated. Do you understand?"
  432. >"..."
  433. >"Moonbeam, look at me. Do you understand?"
  434. >"Yes, m-miss Celestia."
  435. >"(sigh) You know, I don't like having to sign off on this sort of thing, especially when young fillies are involved. However, it seems I have no choice: Moonbeam, as punishment for your misbehavior, you will be given a spanking."
  437. It wasn't a surprise, but hearing Celestia declare it so formally still sent a chill down Trixie's spine.
  438. >"(whimper) A, a spanking...?"
  439. Celestia nodded.
  440. >"Mmhmm. I'm sorry, little one, but rules are rules."
  441. Her horn blinked. Her desk emptied, papers filing themselves away. In their place, a set of tools appeared. Trixie felt a knot in her gut as she looked more closely:
  443. A ruler. A manebrush. A whip. THREE different paddles.
  444. >"(whine) M-miss Celestiaaa!"
  445. >"Don't worry, Moonbeam. We never actually use the whip. It's just there for looks, really."
  446. Trixie did not find this reassuring.
  448. >"What do you think, ladies?"
  449. >"This filly seems much too young for a paddling. Perhaps start with thy brush?"
  450. >"Frankly, at this point, it makes no difference to me. As long as the little brat gets what's coming to her."
  451. >"Perhaps we should wait until her nanny arrives. She should have a say in this as well."
  452. >"Snow Powder will be here soon enough. I think I hear her coming down the hall now..."
  453. Throughout their conversation, the mares never let Trixie out of their sight. She backed up slowly, almost on instinct. She didn't notice her own horn start to spark. She couldn't focus on anything at all. She desperately wanted to be somewhere, anywhere but h–
  454. >(BLINK)
  456. It took a moment for Trixie to regain her bearings. She felt grass beneath her hooves, and sunlight bearing down on her face. Wait, did she just...?
  457. >"Oh, fuck."
  458. She'd blinked herself straight out of Celestia's office. She didn't send herself far; from what she could see, she was still on school grounds. Either way, this was gonna be hard to explain to the adults. (And having to refer to them as "the adults" served only to remind her of her own predicament.)
  460. Then again, maybe this could be her way out? Just run, and pray they never find her? It was working before... y'know, sort of. 'Moonbeam' didn't have any paper trail to follow; maybe if she was careful and/or lucky, this whole mess could just–
  461. >(BLIP)
  462. Or not.
  464. >"–ght about... now."
  465. She was back in the office, just as abruptly as she'd left. This time, four mares stared back at her: the Princesses, Ms. Harpstring, and Miss Snow.
  467. Trixie stumbled, feeling a little dizzy.
  468. >"Ah-ah– not this time, little lady."
  469. Snow Powder lifted her from the ground, cutting off any chance of escape. Trixie could only kick helplessly at the air. Celestia tried to calm her.
  470. >"My apologies, Moonbeam, if that was a little disorienting..."
  471. >"Wh, what did you,"
  472. >"Just a summoning spell, dear. Very useful for recalling students who accidentally teleport when they're not supposed to."
  473. She leaned forward and glared straight at the filly.
  474. >"...That was an accident, right?"
  476. Trixie gave a timid nod. Accident or no, her teacher and her matron took turns scolding her for it.
  477. >"Well, you'd better hope it doesn't happen again, or you won't be able to sit down for a week."
  478. >"Mmhmm. No more tricks. You're going to take your spanking like a good little filly."
  479. >"(whimper) Y-yes, ma'am..."
  481. >"So, should we...?"
  482. Harpstring looked to the Princesses for further instruction. Luna quietly observed, while Celestia sat and contemplated.
  483. >"...Actually, that won't be necessary."
  484. Celestia took the brush from her desk, and put the other implements away.
  485. >"Bring her here. I shall discipline her myself."
  487. >"!"
  488. Trixie whined and whinnied as Miss Snow floated her towards the desk.
  489. >"Are you sure, milady?"
  490. >"As long as there are no objections, of course."
  491. Ms. Harpstring glanced at her student.
  492. >"Honestly, at this point? You can have her."
  494. >"(whine) Lemme go..."
  495. >"Don't fuss so much, Moonbeam. You're just prolonging the inevitable."
  496. Trixie was turned around, facing away from her soon-to-be disciplinarian. She couldn't tell which mare's magic was currently restraining her, but at that point, it made little difference. Despite her struggling, she soon found herself bent over Celestia's desk, forelegs pulled forward, rear end facing the Princess.
  497. >"Hmm... oh, yes, one more thing."
  498. Celestia delicately lifted the edge of Trixie's school dress, revealing her frilly undergarments. Trixie kicked and whined even more intensely.
  499. >"No-no-no-pleeease–"
  500. >"You've been a very naughty filly, Moonbeam, so you will be spanked on your bare bottom."
  502. Trixie squeaked, her face turning red.
  503. >"B– bare bo, but, you caan't!"
  504. She kicked and flailed with her little legs, to no avail. Celestia pulled her pants down, then off entirely. The other three mares sat and watched in silence as the filly's rear was totally exposed.
  505. >"(whimper) B, but..."
  506. The Princess ignored her pleas. With a twitch of her horn, she raised the brush and gently pressed it against Trixie's bottom, following with a few soft taps.
  508. She raised the brush high, and brought it down.
  509. >(SPANK) "Eyaa!"
  510. And again.
  511. >(SPANK) "(whimper) Nn..."
  512. And again.
  513. >(SPANK) "Oww..."
  515. >"Repeat after me, Moonbeam." (SPANK) "'I have been a bad filly.'"
  516. >"(groan) You can't be ser–" (SPANK) "Ee! But–" (SPANK) "Uhn! I, I have been," (SPANK) "Ivebeenabadfilly!"
  517. >"'I don't want to be a bad filly.'" (SPANK)
  518. >"I don, I don't wanna be a bad filly..."
  519. >"'I will do as I am told.'" (SPANK)
  520. >"(whine) Is this really–" (SPANK) "Oww!"
  522. Celestia started to speed up her tempo.
  523. >(SPANK) "Waitwaitstop!"
  524. She eased up, allowing the filly to settle herself for a moment.
  525. >"Now, then..."
  526. >"I, (sigh) I will do–" (SPANK) "Hey!"
  527. >"From the beginning, please."
  529. Trixie huffed; that was just unfair! However, a few more smacks with the brush quickly changed her tune.
  530. >"I, I've been a bad filly, I don't wanna be a bad filly, I'll do as I'm told..."
  531. >"Very good. Moving on..." (SPANK) "'I will not cause trouble in class.'"
  532. >"I will n, I will not cause trouble in class..."
  533. >"'I will not bully my classmates.'" (SPANK)
  534. >"Uhn... I won't bully my, my classmates..."
  535. >"'I will not get into fights.'" (SPANK)
  536. >"I won't get into ffights..."
  537. >"'And if I break the rules again,'" (SPANK) "'I will be punished.'"
  538. >"An, and if I break the rules again, I, I'll..." (SPANK) "punished, I–I'll be punished..."
  540. Trixie's blue bottom was starting to turn purple. Every smack put her on the verge of tears, but she refused to cry, more out of spite than anything– she wouldn't give her audience the satisfaction.
  542. She couldn't stop herself from yelping and whining and whinnying whenever Celestia used the brush, though. Her fragile, naked filly rump could only handle so much.
  543. >"Uhn!" (SPANK) "Ow-ow-http://www..."
  544. >(SPANK) "Now, do you promise to be a good filly from now on?" (SPANK) (SPANK)
  545. >"Y, yes, ma'am... I pr, I promise..." (SPANK) "Nn..."
  546. Celestia gave her one last, hard swat. Trixie howled.
  548. >"All done, sweetie..."
  549. >"Uhn..."
  550. Celestia set the brush down and lifted the filly from her desk. She gave her a small pillow to clutch and set her back down on the floor, her bottom still bare.
  552. Harpstring lifted her dress to take a better look underneath.
  553. >"Now, that's more like it. You're excused from the rest of today's lessons, but I expect you to be on your best behavior tomorrow, unless you want me to give you a proper paddling."
  554. >"(whine) But, Ms. Harpstriiing..."
  555. As if the prospect of being spanked in front of a bunch of other colts and fillies wasn't bad enough, the Princess had to make it worse:
  556. >"Actually, from now on, ALL of your teachers and tutors will have the authority to punish you when you misbehave– whenever, wherever, and however they see fit."
  558. >"!"
  559. Harpstring nodded in approval.
  560. >"You'd better get your act together, young lady, or there's going to be a lot~ of spankings in your future, especially in my class."
  561. >"And don't think you're safe outside school hours, either..."
  563. Trixie whined. She had to get out of this crazy school as soon as possible.
  564. >"But I, you, you don't–"
  565. >"As headmistress, miss Celestia has full authority over student discipline."
  566. >"Indeed. Normally, I am willing to defer to the judgment of a parent or guardian..."
  567. Celestia paused.
  568. >"...but that's not going to happen, is it?"
  570. She paused again, this time as if awaiting a response, but Trixie wasn't sure what she meant. Noting her silence, Celestia glanced over at the other mares.
  571. >"...Alright, this has gone on long enough. Do any of you ladies want to tell her, or should I?"
  573. >"...Huh?"
  574. >"How do I put this gently."
  575. A deep breath and a long sigh.
  576. >"Trixie, you were never actually fooling anyone. I had you figured out the moment you stepped into my office yesterday."
  578. Trixie shrieked.
  579. >"What!"
  580. >"What did you think was going to happen, dear? A new student just shows up out of the blue, with no record..."
  581. >"And more to the point, trying to pass yourself off as a filly? You look exactly the same, just smaller!"
  582. >"And you're just as much of a brat as you were as a grown mare, too."
  584. >"...Wait, if you knew, then why–"
  585. >"Why play along? Well, for starters, you made it much~ easier for us to keep an eye on you. We talked it over, and decided there was no harm in letting you keep up the act for a little while."
  586. >"And you somehow managed to prove us wrong. Well done."
  587. >"Mmhmm. I admit, I am a little disappointed, Trixie. I know it's in your nature to show off, and we figured you would find yourself here sooner or later, but on the first day? (Tsk, tsk, tsk.)"
  588. Her heart sank. Everything, a ruse! All of her plans yielded little more than a paddled posterior! These mares had simply been stringing her along for their own amusement. The indignity of it all...
  590. >"Now, would you care to explain how this all happened?"
  591. >"(grumble) Does it really matter? Just some dumb potion that didn't even work right..."
  592. Celestia's ear pricked up. She and Luna shared a glance; something had piqued their interest.
  593. >"...Wait. Potion?"
  595. Trixie was confused, and ever so slightly concerned. Did she already reveal too much?
  596. >"Um, maybe? Well, I–"
  597. >"(sigh) Don't tell me. The pink one?"
  599. >"...Really, it was more of a salmon–"
  600. Without warning, Celestia took the brush and delivered a few more hard swats to Trixie's still-exposed rear.
  601. >(SPANK) "Ow-ww!"
  602. >"I suppose we'll have to add 'use of a contraband substance' to your list, as well. You still have the bottle, at least?"
  603. >"...Why would I hang on to the empty bottle? I threw it away. Stupid potion didn't work right, anyway."
  604. Celestia raised an eyebrow.
  605. >"...You did read the warning label, did you not? The one that said to take it in small doses? Or did you... drink the entire bottle... all at once..."
  607. Trixie went silent.
  608. >"...Um. Let's say, just, hypothetically..."
  609. >"(sigh) (Of course.)"
  610. The adults murmured among themselves. She couldn't make out what they were saying, which worried her. Was there some kind of side effect she missed? She felt fine, at least as far as she could tell. Celestia spoke up again.
  611. >"Well, on the bright side, you're going to have plenty of time to get to know your new classmates..."
  613. It took a few moments for the Princess' words to sink in. Trixie screamed.
  614. >"Calm yourself, Trixie; the overdose isn't permanent. The potion will wear off... eventually. Until then, you will remain here under our full supervision."
  616. Fuck, no, not part of the plan, stop, fuck!
  617. >"You can't keep me here! I–"
  618. >"Oh, but we can. This is for your own good."
  619. >"Really, we're not asking much; all you need to do is be a good little schoolfilly for a while. Do your homework, don't be late to class, that sort of thing. Surely a clever girl like yourself can handle that without getting into too much trouble, hmm? Otherwise... well, you know what'll happen."
  620. >"But, I... you, but,"
  621. Trixie's frustration was at its peak. She could barely handle ONE day of being talked down to and spanked like a helpless child. Feeling overwhelmed, she resorted to the only thing that came to mind:
  623. Lie down and throw a huge tantrum.
  624. >"Waaaa-a-aaa!"
  625. Trixie sobbed and whined and flailed her little legs about. Her horn flickered, shooting off erratic bursts of magic. Sheets of paper were tossed about, a desk lamp was tilted sideways.
  626. >"You can'– I won'– I don' wanna– (sob)"
  627. The adults in the office were unfazed. Celestia and Luna quickly nullified any magic she cast, while Snow held her by the tail to keep her in place. They allowed her to keep crying; might as well let Trixie get it out of her system now, they figured.
  629. After several minutes, the filly had finally exhausted herself.
  630. >"...All done?"
  631. >"(sniff) Yes, ma'a'am..."
  632. Celestia gently stroked Trixie's mane with her wing.
  633. >"There, there. I know this must be difficult for you to take in all at once. We'll give you some time to calm down and think things over. Snow Powder, I trust you can take care of matters from here?"
  634. >"Of course, milady."
  635. Miss Snow stepped out of the office, and instructed Trixie to follow.
  636. >"Come along, little one."
  637. >"Hmmph! (sniff) Very well. Take me back to my room, so that I may suffer this... INDIGNITY in private."
  638. >"Oh, don't be so dramatic."
  640. Harpstring left soon after, to return to her class. She still had lessons to teach, after all, even if she'd be one student short for the rest of the day. Only the Princesses remained. Celestia returned to the stack of notes and papers on her desk.
  642. >"You really believe she will learn from this?"
  643. >"She'll learn SOMETHING, that's for sure. Respect, I hope. Whether she does so of her own volition is entirely up to her."
  644. >"One can only hope the sore hind you gave her will be an adequate first lesson."
  646. >"Well, she'll have her second lesson by the end of the day."
  647. Luna gave her sister a curious glance.
  648. >"Oh?"
  649. Celestia passed her one of the notes.
  650. >"Mmhmm, see for yourself. She's been invited to a sleepover tonight. She has to apologize to the other students for her behavior today, and their chaperone has assured me that she'll give her bottom a thorough~ brushing if she acts out again."
  651. Luna chuckled.
  652. >"She will be thrilled."
  653. >"Indeed."
  655. There was a brief pause.
  656. >"...Perhaps you should have actually mentioned this to her before you sent her off?"
  657. >"Oh, she'll find out eventually..."
  659. THE END...?

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