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Undressed by Bluejay

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:43:19
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:26:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Undressed by Bluejay
  2. (Anon / Scootaloo)
  3. X/f, hoof, otk, non-consensual
  5. (15/07/2014)
  8. ---
  10. You knew that the girl would be a handful, even before you took her under your wing. "It's just a phase," you tell yourself, "she'll grow out of it." Sadly, young Scootaloo has gotten herself in more and more trouble as of late, in and out of school. You know you have to set her straight somehow, but you doubt she's going to go along with it willingly...
  12. You're out one afternoon, gathering laundry from the clothesline, when you see your ward returning home from an outing with her friends.
  13. >"Good afternoon, children."
  14. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom greet you as they pass by. Scootaloo seems to be ignoring you, so you call to her.
  15. >"Come over here for a moment."
  16. She huffs, but still turns around and walks over to you. You set down your laundry basket, examine the girl, and sigh.
  18. >"You're not wearing the dress I picked out for you..."
  19. She groans in annoyance. You've tried on multiple occasions to convince her to switch to more suitable attire, but she's resisted at every turn.
  20. >"I still don't know why you insist on such a boyish outfit. Neither of your friends seem to mind--"
  21. >"It's none of your business! You can't tell m--" (SPANK) "Ah!"
  22. Normally, a couple of swats to her backside would be enough to remind her who's in charge. Today, she doesn't seem to budge.
  23. >"Oh, but it is my business, young lady. And you still need to learn some manners..."
  24. She whines; the standoff continues. You motion over to the frilly, sun-yellow dress still hanging on the clothesline.
  25. >"This is your last warning, Scootaloo; now be a good girl and put on the dress."
  26. >"(huff) Or what?"
  27. Defiant as ever. If that's how she wants it...
  29. While the girl is still within reach, you grab her trousers by the waist.
  30. >"Hey!"
  31. You yank forward, pulling her off balance. She fights and fusses, but you lead her by the waist over to the porch, where you seat yourself and pull her towards you again.
  32. >"I've been more than reasonable with you, Scoots."
  33. >"Unf! Lemme go!"
  34. She tries to push your hand away, but you've already managed to unbutton her; with a quick tug, Scootaloo's pants drop to reveal her underwear. She lets out a shriek and tries to lift her pants back up. You seize the opportunity (and Scootaloo) and pull her across your lap.
  36. >"This is for your own good." (SPANK)
  37. >"Ee!"
  38. She shrieks again as the first smack comes down. You raise your hand and prepare another.
  39. >"It's just a stupid dress! It's not a big de--" (SPANK) "Owww!"
  40. >"I gave you one simple instruction, Scootaloo." (SPANK) "Well, if you aren't going to dress properly, then maybe you need some," (SPANK) "convincing. I've already gone and," (SPANK) "corrected," (SPANK) "your wardrobe..."
  41. >"What! No! You ca--" (SPANK) "a-a-an't!"
  42. >"It's too late for that, kiddo." (SPANK) "No more boy clothes; it's all dresses," (SPANK) "and stockings," (SPANK) "and bloomers from here on, if that's what it takes to straighten you out!"
  43. >"Nnn..."
  45. You let up for a moment, allowing Scootaloo a moment to catch her breath, and then take hold of her trousers again.
  46. "Nn!"
  47. She struggles, but a few more smacks straighten her for long enough to pull them down to her ankles.
  48. >"S-stop... what if someone sees?" (SPANK) "Aah!"
  49. One more tug, and her pants drop to the floor.
  50. >"Well if someone does, that's too bad," (SPANK) "because the rest of it's coming off, too."
  52. >"!"
  53. She kicks at the air with her bare feet, but she's not going anywhere soon.
  54. >"Y-you wouldn't dare!" (SPANK) "Ow!"
  55. >"If I'm gonna teach you how to dress, then all of this," (SPANK) "has to go first."
  56. You reach under her shirt and take hold of her briefs, preparing to expose her bare bottom. She continues to fight you, but you can still hold her in place.
  57. >"Nnnnn! Stop-it-stop-it-stop-it-stop-it--" (SPANK) "Aah!"
  58. >"And that attitude of yours has to go as well." (SPANK) "You're not a boy, are you?"
  59. >"N-no..."
  60. >"That's right. You're a sweet," (SPANK) "little," (SPANK) "girl." (SPANK)
  62. Scootaloo's rump is already a bright pink, and you can see her eyes beginning to well up. You swat away her hand and finish removing her underwear, before grabbing the edge of her shirt.
  63. >"P-please, don't..."
  64. She can't look backwards to see if any of the neighbors are watching. Regardless, she closes her legs and holds tightly onto her shirt in a desperate attempt to conceal herself.
  65. >"Let go, Scootaloo." (SPANK)
  66. >"N-no! I--" (SPANK) "Owww!"
  67. You start to ramp up the intensity. She shrieks as each smack gets harder and harder; she's practically screaming before you muffle her by pulling her shirt past her head. Within moments, your young ward is completely bare. You take a bit of time to rest your own hand.
  69. >"Now, repeat after me: you're a little girl."
  70. >"(sigh) I'm a little girl..."
  71. >"You wear dresses."
  72. >"Nnn--" (SPANK) "Ah! I w-wear dresses..."
  73. >"You do as you're told."
  74. >"I do as I'm told..."
  75. >"Because when you don't?"
  76. >"Because--" (SPANK) "Unh! I get punished..."
  77. >"Very good."
  79. She squeals as you give her one more round of smacks. Satisfied, you allow her off of your lap; she dances in place for a minute or so.
  80. >"And if you get into any more trouble today, then I'll parade your bare bum around town for all to see. Understand?"
  81. She nods obediently, covering her bottom.
  82. >"...But for now, let's just get you dressed."
  84. Naked and humiliated, Scootaloo puts up little fuss as you take a set of matching, cotton-white undergarments from the clothesline and hand them to her. You get one last look at her suitably reddened rear as she turns to don her new outfit. The bloomers go on first, the undershirt shortly after; you put on the finishing touches yourself.
  85. >"Hey! Wh-- mmph!"
  86. >"Hold still." (SPANK)
  87. A quick swat is enough to make her cooperate, as you pull the yellow dress over her head and straighten it. All done.
  88. >"Good girl. Come along, now..."
  90. You lead her inside and bring her in front of a mirror.
  91. >"See? You look perfect."
  92. >"(whine) This is embarassing..."
  93. Scootaloo stares at her reflection. She's trying desperately not to cry out loud, but you can hear her quiet sobs. You lift her dress and give her bottom three soft pats.
  94. >"There, there. We'll make a proper little lady out of you yet..."
  95. She starts to bawl.
  97. THE END

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