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10% Time by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:45:00
Updated: 2022-03-17 12:46:44
Expiry: Never

  1. 10% Time by DCFTEF
  2. (Cookie Crumbles / Rarity, SB)
  3. F/f, otk, wooden paddle, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (18/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. >"Girls! I'm ready to go! Stop stalling, we've got a lot to do today!"
  11. Cookie Crumbles had been ready to go out and do the family grocery shopping an hour ago but getting two adolescent daughters moving on a hot summer day was proving more difficult than it should be.
  12. >"Do you REALLY need me to come along, Mother?"
  13. Rarity's tone was petulant...and Cookie was reaching the end of her patience.
  14. >"Rarity, you can come with me and help with the shopping or you can stay here and help your Father with the yard work but you're not wasting a whole Saturday sitting in your room reading fashion magazines."
  15. The teen stomped down the stairs.
  16. >"Well I wouldn't have to sit around all day if anybody was willing to drive me to the mall."
  17. >"We are going to the mall..."
  18. Cookie informed her oldest,
  19. >"...the mall on Palomino Boulevard with the grocery store in it."
  20. Obviously that was not the mall Rarity wanted, so she groaned and crossed her arms.
  21. >"Oh, cut the attitude, young lady. You complain when there isn't food in the complain when it's time to help with the grocery shopping.
  22. >"It isn't asking so much that you get off your butt and lend a hand occasionally."
  24. But in the middle of her Mother's sentence, Rarity simply walked out the front door. Cookie heard the car door slam. She was irritated by her daughter's rudeness, but at least she was in the car. Now for Sweetie Belle.
  26. Summer Vacation was only one month old...there was still July and August to go.
  27. Cookie did not think she was going to last.
  29. She found her younger daughter still in the living room, cross legged in front of the television, eyes locked on the video game she was playing.
  30. >"It's time to shut that off,'ve been playing all morning."
  31. >"Just a few more minutes, Mom, Rarity is still upstairs getting ready."
  32. >"No, Rarity is in the car already...where YOU should be."
  33. She reached down to turn the video game console off, prompting a tantrum from Sweetie.
  34. >"MOOOOOM! I haven't saved it!"
  35. She physically tossed her body into Mom's way, blocking her from touching the power button. She never dropped the controller or took her eyes off the screen.
  36. >"I told you to save it 10 minutes ago. We're ready to leave now. Shut it off and let's GO."
  38. From the driveway came the loud blast of a car horn. Rarity, who had been so resistant to going was now sitting in the car, laying on the horn.
  39. >"I of these days."
  41. Separating Sweetie Belle from the video game console almost required surgical intervention, but at last the younger girl was dislodged and marched to the car. Of course another fight ensued because Rarity had gotten there first and claimed the front seat.
  42. >"You had the front seat last time!"
  44. Cookie did not intervene this time. At least both of them were finally in the car, an hour late. She hit the remote starter button so the AC would start blowing (and hopefully calm the girls down) and popped her head into the garage.
  45. >"Hondo, honey, we're going now.
  46. >"Are you sure you don't want me to leave one of them to help you with the yard?"
  47. Her husband was getting the lawn mower ready.
  48. >"Well, it's going to be harder to get Rarity to do manual labor than to just do it myself.
  49. >"And I guarantee Sweetie Belle will drive the lawnmower into the swimming pool."
  50. That got a laugh from his wife. She needed that.
  51. >"Oh sure...stick me with both of them."
  53. 90% of the time Cookie Crumbles loved sharing time with her two sweet daughters...but so far this summer had been one of those 10% times. Rarity seemed to be practicing for the title of 'World's Most Obnoxious Teenager' and Sweetie was at a stage where she imitated whatever her older sister did. It had been a struggle since school let out four weeks ago and both girls were dangerously close to finding their Mother's limit for bullshit.
  55. Cookie had resolved to make this a good day though. The girls were just bored...give them something to do and it will burn up some of their restless energy, that was her hope. Once they were out of the house this could turn into a nice Mother-Daughter's day. At least Cookie was going to make an effort.
  56. >"I was thinking that after we're done with the shopping we might go over to the Canterlot Diner for lunch. How does that sound to you girls?"
  57. Rarity snorted;
  58. >"What, that grease pit?"
  60. Silence.
  61. Cookie took a deep breath, saying nothing. She was sure Rarity didn't realize how hurtful that remark was. The Canterlot Diner had been the cool hangout when she was in High School herself. It was where she'd met the girls' Father. It was where they had their first date. And Rarity knew all that.
  62. >She's not a bad girl...she's not a cruel girl...she's just going through a phase.
  63. Cookie wasn't so sure she was going to make it through this phase.
  65. From the back seat (she'd lost the argument) Sweetie Belle protested;
  66. >"How long is this gonna take?"
  67. She was eager to get back to her game.
  68. >"With all three of us working together it won't take long at all."
  69. Unsatisfied by the answer, Sweetie just let out a grunt. She'd been playing that game too much lately. Cookie felt ready to unplug it and lock it in the closet for a few days but didn't even want to think of the meltdown that would precipitate.
  70. It had started a few days ago; Rarity had mouthed off to her Father one too many times and ended up losing video game privileges for a week. That left Sweetie in total control of the console with no need to share. She'd borrowed a game from her pal Scootaloo and practically camped in front of the TV, playing until her eyes got bloodshot. More than once she needed to be physically separated from the game at bed time.
  72. Thankfully it not a long drive to the grocery store. The Foodway supermarket wasn't the newest or classiest place in town, but they had the best prices. Cookie's family lived comfortably and did not lack for anything, but that was because they budgeted carefully and did not waste.
  73. >"What's the point of paying 50¢ more for the same jar of pickles just because it came from a newer store?"
  74. Needless to say, the girls still complained. For Rarity it was the location that put her off. The Foodway was in an old strip mall build in the 1970's and showing its age. Most of the stores had been put out of business by the big-box retailers out by the highway...and teenagers didn't hang out here anymore like they had in Cookie's day. The ritzy Crystal Galleria across town was the new hot spot...and Rarity's preferred destination. She called this place the 'dirt mall', though never within earshot of her Mother.
  75. Sweetie Belle didn't care. She just wanted to go home and play her video game.
  77. Three people could have accomplished the family's weekly shopping in under an hour if they were all cooperative and motivated to get the job done. Cookie didn't anticipate that from her daughters today...but hopefully they'd get bored with their own crap and eventually pull their weight. There would be some arguments, some rudeness, some backtalk certainly.
  78. >Just be patient. They can't keep this up forever. You can outlast them.
  80. But Cookie could not have anticipated how badly this shopping trip was to go. Literally and without one single exception both girls made everything their Mother asked of them into a drama. Everything.
  81. >"Okay Rarity, Sweetie, here's the list. If we work together we all get to go home sooner."
  82. That was a pretty good incentive, right?
  83. It was a disaster.
  85. Any time Mom sent Rarity to go find an item she came back with the wrong thing.
  87. Sweetie Belle kept trying to sneak treats into the cart which were not on the list.
  89. Both girls got into a fight over what breakfast cereal to buy.
  91. Rarity disappeared for a whole 20 minutes...she was found hiding around the magazine rack.
  93. When Sweetie Belle was told to go get three gallons of milk she tried to carry all of them at once instead of making multiple trips. She dropped all 3, breaking two of them.
  95. In the paper goods aisle, Rarity pitched a fit because Mom would not buy the expensive toilet paper.
  97. Near the end of the trip Cookie told her youngest that the cart was too full and heavy for her to push. Sweetie insisted on doing it anyway and crashed into a 5-foot tower of chili cans, toppling them all over the floor.
  99. And those were just the highlights of the expedition...
  101. > least it's almost done.
  102. Cookie Crumbles had finally reached the checkout lane. Soon this ordeal would be over...two young ladies would certainly be getting a good talking to, and possibly be grounded when they got home.
  103. As each item was passed over the laser bar-code scanner Cookie kept a close eye on the prices. Sometimes there were mistakes in the system and she did not want to accidentally pay extra for any item. It was not easy with Sweetie Belle whining in her ear.
  104. >"Mooooooommmmm, can I have this?"
  105. >"No candy, Sweetie."
  106. >"It's NOT candy! It's an energy bar."
  107. >"What do you need energy for? All you've done all day is sit and play that video game."
  108. Of course, Rarity was no help...she just stood around looking bored and annoyed.
  110. Thankfully, there was help to be had.
  111. An older gentleman wearing a store vest came over to bag their groceries. Cookie had no idea what a man in his 70's was doing bagging groceries at the Foodway. Perhaps he couldn't make ends meet on his retirement. Perhaps he was an ex-convict who couldn't get a job anywhere else. Maybe he was lonely and just wanted to keep working so he could talk to people. Whatever the reason he greeted Cookie and her obnoxious daughters with a broad, friendly smile.
  112. >"Paper or plastic, Mizz?"
  114. And then Rarity crossed the line. She didn't just cross it; she took a running start and LEAPT across the line.
  115. >"Why don't you do both and we'll choose which one we like."
  116. Sweetie Belle erupted in a fit of laughter. Cookie's jaw dropped open. She could not believe what she'd heard...surly adolescent behavior was one thing but outright rudeness to a stranger? This was NOT how they were raised.
  117. Cookie hauled back and with the full force of her arm smacked Rarity right on the seat of her purple mini-skirt! She was completely unprepared...the spank was hard enough to make her jump.
  119. Rarity hadn't seen it coming but Sweetie Belle saw everything. She stood there, slack jawed, until Mom turned around to deal with her. Watching her older sister feverishly rub the back of her skirt she knew exactly what was coming, and backed into the candy rack to hide her bottom. It was a futile gesture; Mom grabbed her by the arm, spun her around and delivered an equally powerful spank to the back of Sweetie Belle's yellow skirt.
  121. She then turned to the elderly grocery bagger.
  122. >"I am SO, sorry, sir. I DEEPLY apologize."
  123. She doubled the tip she'd intended to give him and thrust it into his hand.
  124. >"Thank you for your help...but my daughters will bag this."
  125. Rarity stood there, smarting from the whack and still incredulous at this turn of events. Her sister thought faster though, and grabbed Rarity by the wrist, hurrying over to bag the groceries as Mom had commanded. Everyone in the front of the store had seen what happened.
  127. There was no more drama at the cash register though. Without a word, faces red with humiliation, the girls scrambled to bag all the groceries and load them in the cart. It was amazing how quickly the task was accomplished when both girls cooperated...Cookie only had to stand back and supervise, making sure her shocked daughters did not bury the eggs under a stack of heavy soup cans.
  128. >"Th-that will be $236.83, m-ma'am."
  129. The cashier was a young teen about Rarity's age with aquamarine skin and a golden lyre pendant around her neck. By the look on her face she was as frightened by the incident as Cookie's two daughters.
  130. >"Here you are, my dear."
  131. She handed over her a check for the amount.
  132. >"And have a wonderful day."
  134. When Cookie Crumbles turned around she was pleased to see the grocery cart full and ready to go.
  135. >"That's better, girls."
  137. Since most of the old mall was dead and closed up the owners had opened its main hallway for a weekend flea market. Vendors set up tables to sell all sorts of items, ranging from cheap (possibly stolen) electronics to home-made jams & jellies.
  138. As she walked past with two nervous daughters following obediently behind, pushing the grocery cart with them, something caught Cookie's eye. That one spank they'd each gotten had caught the girls' attention, but after their conduct today that's not all they would be getting.
  139. >"Pardon me...
  140. >"How much is this paddle?"
  142. One of the flea market tables was run by an old woman from Barbados who walked with a cane and was nearly as wide as she was tall. She was an extraordinary wood worker who sold bird feeders, signs and a variety of ornately carved boxes and nic-nacs. What really sold though were her hand-crafted sex toys, so that's what she laid out, front and center on her table. To her it was funny...she had no shame about making extra money from deviants.
  144. To her daughters' horror, Cookie picked up a brutal looking wooden paddle...heavy mahogany almost ¾ inch thick with holes drilled in it.
  145. >"This looks sort of like what I need..."
  147. Sweetie Belle looked up at her older sister, eyes full of fear. If Rarity wasn't worried she'd know it was all a bluff and Mom was just trying to scare them. But Rarity did not give her the look she hoped for, she was just as worried as her younger sister.
  148. >"Oh my she really gonna..."
  149. Sweetie had been whispering but it was still too much for Mom.
  150. >"Hush, girls."
  151. Under the circumstances there was no way either of them were going to defy her.
  152. The old Barbados woman looked up from her romance novel and took in the scene.
  153. >"Oh, no child! This one is for the sex perverts...not for usin' on babies."
  154. She struggled to move her impressive bulk of the chair, balancing on her beautifully carved cane and shuffling to find an unmarked cardboard box.
  155. >"Here it is. You don't use the wrong tool for the job...this the one you want."
  157. That was good. Cookie conceded that the first paddle she looked at was a bit extreme, plus the price tag read $65. After pinching pennies at the grocery store she wasn't about to blow it all on something like this.
  158. The woman opened the cardboard box and showed Cookie another option.
  159. >"This is the one for your girls."
  160. The paddle she offered was lighter, with no holes and carefully smoothed edges.
  161. >"Made'a light hemlock wood...see how it flex and bend? And it got no sharp corners to leave a bruise.
  162. >"Momma, you trust me. Your girls are gonna have a plenty bad time with this one but I promise they never gonna come to any harm."
  164. Cookie Crumbles looked at the implement from all angles. It was simple...just a flat blade, all curved, carefully sanded edges, some high grip hockey tape on the simple handle. Even the hole at the tip of its handle, for hanging it on a hook, was beveled and polished. The whole thing was finished in a thin coat of clear sealant.
  165. >"I think I like this..."
  166. Sweetie Belle nudged Rarity. She desperately wanted to talk Mom out of this but decided this was a job for her older sister. Rarity was equally eager to see Mom walk away without making a purchase.
  167. >"M-Mother, can we talk about this?"
  168. >"I told you to hush, Rarity. You've said enough already."
  169. Both girls had miserable looks on their faces as Mom inspected every paddle in the cardboard box. There were a dozen, and each one was a tiny bit different, all authentic hand-made.
  171. >"And how much are these?"
  172. Sweetie & Rarity both whimpered when she asked that, but did not dare speak out loud.
  173. >"Only $5 for that."
  174. Cookie's eyebrows raised.
  175. >"Oh, you can't be serious. Only five dollars?"
  176. >"Five dollars. Dat's the price of da paint and some power to feed me tools."
  177. >"But these are hand crafted! What about your labor?"
  179. The old Barbados woman rapped her cane on the table and pushed her bottom lip out to make a stern, defiant face. She declared in a loud voice;
  180. >"May devils carry me away if I ever make a penny profit on the cryin' of children!"
  181. She shuffled out from behind her table. It took a long time because of her size, but she eventually made it...and tossed her arms around Rarity and Sweetie Belle, pressing their faces into her enormous breasts.
  182. >"Oh must'a did somethin' bad to make your Momma this upset."
  183. She hugged them tighter, mashing their faces deeper into her chest.
  184. >"You not gonna like me paddle, not one little bit, but I promise you I NEVER sell a thing for usin' on babies that would do you harm."
  185. Sweetie & Rarity didn't know how to answer, or if they even should. It was not really practical anyway, as they would be muffled by a giant pair of Caribbean boobs. This was turning into one of the weirdest days of their lives.
  187. Since all the hand-made paddles looked equally effective in function Cookie selected one based purely on the beauty of the wood grain. She tried again to offer five more dollars, bringing the total purchase up to ten, but she was rebuffed.
  188. >"If you really gonna insist, take that $5 and put it in de pot down there for them people who trains dogs to drag blind folks around de street."
  189. Then for free the Barbatian woman tossed in a traditional Voodoo blessing, appealing to the spirits to make sure this paddle would not be used often.
  191. As they loaded the groceries in the car Rarity & Sweetie were on their best, most helpful behavior. They still didn't know if the paddle was a bluff or for real so anything they could do to ameliorate their circumstances was a worthy endeavor. Once done, Rarity continued to show her helpfulness by returning the cart to the store. Since she had other things on her mind she forgot to look both ways as she entered the cross-walk.
  192. *SKREETCH*
  193. A red Ford F-150 locked its brakes avoiding her. Rarity looked up and to her dismay recognized its passengers.
  194. >"Careful, Mac! You only had yer license fer 6 months now...wait until you had it a full year b'fore you go hittin' anyone!"
  195. >"Eeyup, Granny."
  196. Cookie saw their friends too, and waved to them.
  197. >"Hello Granny Smith!"
  198. Big MacIntosh carefully pulled the truck over to where Cookie and her girls were parked.
  199. >"Howdy Mizz Cookie...girls."
  200. Applejack and Apple Bloom waved from the back seat. Rarity & Sweetie Belle sheepishly returned their waves.
  201. Granny continued;
  202. >"You goin' down to the fireworks show in the park tonight?"
  203. >"Later on. We have some groceries to bring home first...and I'm afraid the girls and I need to have a serious talk about some things that happened today."
  204. Granny Smith understood immediately;
  205. "'a THEM kinda talks..."
  207. She saw the paper bag in Cookie's hand.
  208. >"Is that from the wood carvin' lady what comes from the islands?"
  209. Casually, wearing a neighborly smile, Cookie took her new acquisition out of its bag to show to Granny Smith. AJ, Apple Bloom and Big Mac's jaws all dropped in unison. Rarity and Sweetie Belle felt like they could die of embarrassment.
  210. >"That's right purdy, Cookie. That woman does good work. I got a mailbox from her."
  211. >"Yes, we've bought some things from her before."
  213. As the two adults spoke the five youngsters looked on in horror. Applejack and Bloom felt awful for their friends. It was bad enough to be in trouble but to have one's mother discussing it casually in a parking lot; that was beyond humiliating. They each wanted to go over and say something nice to make Sweetie and Rarity feel better, but there was nothing they could say which wouldn't make things worse. MacIntosh just scanned the parking lot for empty spaces...desperately trying not to listen to the mortifying conversation taking place at the passenger side window.
  214. >"Well, this thang looks like it could blister a behind or two."
  215. Cookie chuckled;
  216. >"Two exactly, as it happens."
  217. Rarity and Sweetie Belle wanted to shrivel up and die of embarrassment.
  218. Granny continued;
  219. >"Well, be gentle with 'em. They's both good girls, but sometimes a good girl needs a good whack on her behind to get back on the right path.
  220. >"These three have all got their share over the years."
  221. AJ and Apple Bloom blushed visibly. Mac felt lucky that he was already red.
  222. >"Grannnyyyyy! You ain't gotta tell the whole world!"
  223. >"Oh hush, half-pint. Ain't like it's a secret."
  225. Eager to escape this awkward conversation, Mac pointed out a parking spot.
  226. >"Handicapped spot just opened up right there, Granny."
  227. >"You callin' me a handicap?!"
  228. >"Ehhh, nope!"
  229. It was time to go anyway. Granny and her crew had shopping to do, Cookie and daughters had groceries to bring home.
  230. >"Okay, we'll see you at the fireworks tonight."
  231. >"Yes, see you later, Granny Smith, kids."
  233. As Big Mac drove past AJ and Bloom gave their friends a sad, sympathetic look. There was nothing they could do to help...they'd all been there before.
  234. >"Well,"
  235. Cookie said,
  236. >"let's get these groceries home."
  238. Hondo Flanks was taking a break from the yard work when his wife and daughters returned home. They found him in the kitchen with a glass of lemonade.
  239. >"How did it go?"
  240. Cookie addressed her daughters first;
  241. >"You two get these groceries put away and go straight to your rooms."
  242. Hondo's eyebrows raised.
  243. >"Oh jeeze, that well?"
  244. Cookie took a little sip of her husband's lemonade and explained everything that had happened at the supermarket. He was not happy about it.
  245. >"Well, I'm done trying to cajole and negotiate them into behaving.
  246. >"I'm going to take care of this right now."
  247. Hondo offered;
  248. >"Are you okay with that? Would you like me to handle one...or both of them?"
  249. >"No, you've been working in the sun all day. You enjoy your break. This is a Mother-Daughter thing."
  250. She showed him the paddle.
  251. Cookie was pretty sure of what she wanted to do but desired the second opinion Hondo could offer, just in case he felt she was being too severe. The girls could expect no rescue from Dad though...he'd been close to taking each of them across his knee multiple times this month.
  253. >"Mom...we're done"
  254. Sweetie's voice was soft, timid, nervous; a far cry from the petulant pre-teen from earlier. Rarity stood behind her in the kitchen doorway, hands on her little sister's shoulders.
  255. >"Then wait for me up in your rooms, girls."
  257. They did not leave immediately. In fact, Rarity spoke up;
  258. >"Mother...what's going to...?"
  260. It seemed like everyone in the world knew Rarity and Sweetie Belle were going to be paddled, except them. The old Barbados woman knew...Granny Smith knew. Applejack, Apple Bloom and Mac all knew. The girls' Mother & Father knew. But as long as there was a tiny glimmer of hope Rarity and Sweetie clung to it. They hadn't actually been told they were going to be spanked so there was a sliver of possibility that this was all a bluff to get them to behave. They still did not get their answer. Dad turned in his chair, his face emotionless. No anger, no pity, no words just a slight raise of his eyebrows as he pointed up the stairs. The girls literally RAN to their rooms when he did that.
  262. >"I'd like to give them an hour or so to think about this, but I suppose we'd better get this show moving along."
  263. Hondo smiled sadly and kissed his wife.
  264. >"Good luck. Take it easy on them."
  265. She returned his smile and replied;
  266. >"I'll consider it."
  268. Both girls were on the edge of panic. Rarity paced her room like a caged cat, practicing the speech she'd give to beg forgiveness. Sweetie Belle buried herself in a pile of stuffed animals and wept for all the missed chances she'd had to be a good girl. When they heard their Mama's footsteps on the carpeted stairs they knew time had run out.
  269. >"Both of you, out here."
  270. The girls scampered into the hallway where Mom waited, paddle in hand.
  271. >"We'll do this in my room. Come on."
  272. Tears in their eyes, a few already running down their cheeks, both daughters had no option but to obey.
  274. Cookie sat down on the hassock at the foot of she and Hondo's bed. She motioned for the girls to sit down in front on her. Both of them had shed their boots in their rooms, so they folded their legs and sat down on the floor in their socks, looking up at Mom and that terrifying paddle.
  276. In a soft but stern voice Cookie began her lecture;
  277. >"We're not going to review every single thing that happened today because this is not only about today. Ever since summer vacation began you girls...BOTH of you girls, have been disrespectful, lazy, selfish, messy...the list goes on.
  278. >"Think about those words I just used. Disrespectful and Selfish in particular. Is that really who you are? Is it who you want to be? Girls, I've seen you both at your best...the times when you are helpful, generous, kind and a pure pleasure to be around. Isn't it nicer that way? Aren't we all happier?"
  279. The girls sniffled in shame because Mom was right.
  280. >"For the past 4 weeks your Father and I have NOT been happy. We've been disappointed at the change in you. You've made everyone's life more difficult, including your own, because of disrespect and selfishness.
  281. >"As your parents we wish we knew how to fix you. We wish there was a switch we could flip to turn you back into the girls we know you can be...but that's silly. If such a switch exists it's not something your Father and I can flip, it's only you who can do that."
  283. She took a deep breath. The girls were silent except for the occasional ashamed sniffle or sob.
  284. >"What happened today was just the tip of the iceberg...but the tip of the iceberg is what sunk the Titanic, remember?"
  285. She held up the paddle.
  286. >"I am going to give you each a spanking on your bare bottom today, girls, and it will be a severe spanking."
  287. They both began to cry harder.
  288. >"Yes, that's the appropriate response because you're both in very big trouble. But you're going to experience more and more trouble if you don't find that switch inside yourselves and flip it. And you're going to miss opportunities too. Do you think we'll be going on a family vacation this summer if both of you are grounded? Girls, it hurts me to say this but the way things are right now your Father and I don't even WANT to take a trip with you."
  290. >"Rarity, Sweetie Belle, your Daddy and I love you, that will NEVER change. No matter how bad things are you can count on that, I promise. But it's okay to admit that neither of us like you very much right now. It seems like you care more about the mall, and video games, and sleeping until noon than you care about the people you're supposed to love."
  291. It was true, and they wept in shame to hear it said out loud.
  292. >"Those positive changes aren't going to happen overnight. It's going to take work...from you and me and Daddy together. But I know you can do it. I know you can be the wonderful young ladies you've been all your lives. It's still inside you."
  293. The girls had a lot to think about.
  295. >"Unfortunately the first step is going to be a painful always is. You behaved deplorably toward me in the grocery store...and especially toward that older gentleman at the checkout line.
  296. >"Rarity, you're older. You have more freedom and privileges than your younger sister but you have more responsibilities too and one of those is to set a good example for Sweetie Belle. Your Father and I don't consider that optional. You are REQUIRED to set a good example for the little sister who looks up to you...but you let me down today. That's a big reason you will be getting a more serious paddling than Sweetie."
  297. Rarity gulped and bit her lip. She knew Mom was right...but that word, 'paddling' just stirred up the butterflies in her stomach.
  299. >"Sweetie Belle, you're not off the hook. Nothing you did in the supermarket today can be pinned exclusively on Rarity. You knew better than to try to carry 3 gallons of milk at once...I told you not to push our cart into that chili display...and laughing at that old man's expense was just as cruel and thoughtless as Rarity making the joke. Stand up, you're going first."
  301. Rarity gave her sister a hug before Sweetie Belle stood up to accept her spanking.
  302. >"M-Mommy, I'm really, really sorry."
  303. The pre-teen wept piteously, keeping her eyes turned down in shame rather than raise them to meet the gaze of her Mother, whom she felt unworthy of.
  305. >"I know, Sweetie."
  306. It was all Cookie said before reaching up under Sweetie Belle's long yellow skirt. She hooked the little girl's flower patterned undies with her thumbs and drew them down to her knees, then, without hesitation she turned Sweetie over her lap and pulled that skirt out of the way, exposing her small, trembling rear-end.
  308. It was the first time Cookie had used the new paddle, so she started cautiously, spanking with only the strength of her wrist at first.
  309. >"Eek!"
  310. It was enough to sting, and soon Sweetie was squirming and sobbing. It was remarkable how quickly the broad, flat piece of hemlock wood turned a pale white bottom pink.
  311. > we go.
  312. Momma began to spank harder, lifting the paddle up to her eye level before swinging it down to smack Sweetie Belle's trembling cheeks. Her younger daughter began to cry earnestly...jumping every time the paddle struck.
  313. >"So how do you like it, Sweetie?"
  314. >"WHHhhaaahhh! I don't, Mommy, I don't! Ow! It hurts!"
  316. Cookie had no intention of stopping this early. She put her arm around Sweetie Belle's mid section to hold her in place and increased the intensity. Sweetie screamed immediately, and tried to squirm save her poor bottom from the stinging heat that only got worse. Only now did Cookie appreciate the workmanship of her new tool. This paddle flexed just enough to bend and wrap itself around the curve of her daughter's bottom, so that the force was distributed more fairly across her cheeks...not concentrated on one contact point like a rigid paddle. What resulted was an even shade of deepening pink covering the girl's entire backside.
  318. At five dollars, this paddle had been a steal.
  320. It was horrible for Rarity to watch. From her spot on the floor she could see more than Mom could. Her little sister's face streaked with tears and spittle, with stray hairs stuck in the mess. And though it did not seem like Mom was spanking very hard her bottom was heading toward a shade of red that Rarity knew would not stop hurting for days.
  321. >I'm going to get worse...
  322. The thought seemed selfish...and Rarity had been counseled that selfishness was one of the problems that had led them both to this punishment. She felt she should be pouring out her heart in sympathy for her wailing little sister, and she was, but it was impossible to forget the fact that her turn was coming next.
  325. Sweetie made no attempt to beg or end the punishment early. She desperately wanted it to end...she could not form the words though. Every muscle in her body shook in pain, it felt like the paddle was made of pure fire, searing her poor heinie every time it made contact. The burn was unbearable, but she had no choice. Mommy would decide when this agony would end...Sweetie could only bawl and promise herself she'd never do anything to merit a spanking like this ever again.
  327. Cookie was satisfied with the results she was getting. Perhaps this was the Voodoo blessing at work...though Sweetie Belle probably saw it more as a curse. The woman had implored the spirits to see that the paddle was not used much. Judging from Sweetie's wailing cries and the look of tearful terror on Rarity's face Cookie suspected she would not have to use it again for a long time.
  329. Cookie finished her younger daughter with a few swats to the backs of Sweetie's thighs.
  331. It caused the pre-teen to howl in pain, but at least that was the last of it. Sweetie Belle usually liked to rest on Mommy's lap for a few minutes, catching her breath after a spanking but after a dose of this paddle she hopped straight to her feet, hopping around and crying as she tried to rub the pain out of her completely red bottom.
  333. While Sweetie was still dancing around Mom summoned Rarity to the parental lap. She was bigger and significantly taller, so Cookie maneuvered her into a different position than her little sister. Rarity was bent over her left knee, leaving Mom's right leg to pin down Rarity's and prevent kicking.
  334. >"Moooommma, *sob* I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."
  335. After watching Sweetie's punishment full, fat tears were already dripping from Rarity's eyes, and she had not even suffered her first whack. There was no reason to delay; Cookie swept the purple miniskirt aside, revealing chartreuse panties with a white lacy trim. In moments they were inside-out around her knees and the second spanking of the day began.
  337. She'd been cautious with the new paddle as she began Sweetie's chastisement but now that she had a feel for it Cookie applied a little more force to start Rarity off.
  338. >"Ow!, Ow, OWWW! Eek! Oh, no, please, OOOWWwwwooOOWW!"
  339. Cookie worked like a painter, laying down a base-coat of medium spanks all over her older child's rear end before applying the real color. She was a firm believer that no matter how naughty the girl had been it was unfair to start spanking hard on a 'cold' bottom. Rarity was in for a severe paddling this day so it was important to give her a thorough warm-up before laying in to her.
  341. >"Bhuuuuhhhhh, *sob*, ohhhhh, noooooooo..."
  342. Rarity had known this paddle was going to hurt...she'd known it the first time she set eyes on it at the old mall. Her little sister's spanking confirmed this but now the teenager was getting her own education.
  343. Mom was steadily building up speed and force, so every whack was worse than the one before it. It was still early enough in the spanking that Rarity could still think.
  344. >Oh my gosh it hurts so bad...
  345. >But I've barely even started!
  346. Rarity squealed and wept but tried not to surrender to full crying yet. Somewhere in her mind she felt she should have something left when Mom really started burning her up. She had not even begun to worry about when the spanking was going to end, she was still praying for it to level off and stop getting worse.
  348. By now Cookie was spanking pretty hard. Rarity's backside had achieved full pink, getting hotter and more painful with every smack of the wood. Her older child was more difficult to hold on to during a spanking, not just because she was bigger but because of how she tried to stay in place. Where Sweetie Belle jumped and squirmed every time the paddle, hairbrush or palm smacked her bottom, Rarity tensed up and tried her hardest to stay still. This was impossible of course, eventually the pain overcame her and she released all that energy in a big, powerful jump. It was no fault of Rarity's; she was suffering and had no control over it. Hondo had no trouble keeping his teenage daughter in position across his lap, but she was growing too big for Cookie.
  349. >"Oh, ow! Ow, Nooooo! Please...please...OWW!"
  350. It finally happened. Rarity could control it no longer and her legs kicked violently, trying to escape the terrible burn. She made it worse for herself, jumping forward just as the paddle fell. It happened too fast for Mom to check the blow, and the paddle struck WAY too low on her legs...almost halfway down to Rarity's knees.
  352. Rarity howled in pain and even Cookie cringed. She'd been hoping to avoid that, but sometimes it happened when the teenager jumped. She allowed her oldest a short break to recover. At least she hadn't begun spanking her hardest yet.
  353. >"There, there...I'm so sorry Rarity, I didn't mean for that to happen."
  354. For her part the teen blamed herself.
  355. >"Huuu, huuuu, *hic* I'm *sob* s-sorry. I won't move again!"
  356. Cookie looked around the room for a solution. She considered having Hondo come upstairs to take over but had an idea.
  357. >"Sweetie Belle, bring me that yoga mat."
  358. The younger girl had recovered enough to watch her sister's punishment, so she hurried to comply.
  359. >"Set it under your sister's feet."
  360. Now if she bucked again the mat would simply slide away under her socks. Without any traction on the carpet she'd be unable to push forward. Cookie felt terribly guilty for not thinking of this ahead of time, but the best thing to do was continue and get this finished.
  361. She did not give Rarity a warning, but started mild again and quickly built up intensity. Her warm-up work already done, Cookie Crumbles took a deep breath and began the main event.
  363. Poor Rarity knew the worst of it had started and wailed in anguish. Mom began laying into her hard and fast, spanking her once a second...a relentless pace that set the teenager's bottom ablaze. There was nothing to compare it to...a blinding pain that was part heat, part sting and left awful soreness in its wake.
  365. The end was coming soon, but not quite yet.
  367. Rarity fought and twisted to escape the excruciating pain...she really had no control over that. Fearing another unfortunate miss Cookie locked her screaming daughter down as well as she could. She tightened her grip with the right leg, leaned forward as far as she could without interfering with her aim and put weight on Rarity's torso to hold her down. It was enough...Rarity could not move an inch as the last horrible salvo of paddle spanks scorched her poor suffering bottom. All she could do was cry at the top of her lungs. It felt like it would last forever.
  369. At last it ended.
  370. Mom set down her paddle and inspected her work. Rarity's alabaster rear end was bright red, and it would be for a while, but bore no welts or bruises. The paddle had worked brilliantly, exactly as promised. Cookie still felt bad about the stoke which landed too low...perhaps it was time Hondo took over all of Rarity's spankings, as long as she continued to earn them. She would have to speak to her husband about it.
  372. It took Rarity around ten minutes to regain composure. Normally she was so immaculately turned out that seeing her in such a haggard condition was a bit of a shock. Nose runny...mascara in complete disarray. Tears continued to run down her cheeks; her bottom still burned like fire after all.
  374. Once everyone was calmed down Cookie Crumbles addressed both her daughters;
  375. >"Now, I know you'd both probably prefer to go hide in your bedrooms until dinner time, but that's not what we're going to do.
  376. >"I want you to go put on some old clothes. You're going to go help your Dad in the yard until dinner. This is not part of your punishment...this is the first step in turning yourselves around to be the girls I know you can be. You're not doing it because you have're doing it because we love your Father and he's been working hard all day. He may not admit it, but he could really use some help.
  377. >"Understand?"
  379. Both penitent girls nodded emphatically.
  380. >"Good. I'll start making dinner, and after we eat we'll all go downtown to Canterlot City Park for the fireworks show tonight."
  381. The girls were shocked.
  382. >"Oh gosh please no! Do we have to go!?"
  383. >"It's gonna be so embarrassing! Everyone is going to know!"
  384. But Cookie was firm.
  385. >"Yes. Grandma & Grandpa are expecting us...all your friends will be there too.
  386. >"We're going to put this behind us and have a nice evening for a change.
  387. >"Whether you like it or not."
  389. Once they had changed into old shorts and work shirts (Rarity had to borrow from Mom, as anything old that she owned was cut up to be recycled for other projects as soon as it went out of style) the girls went out to find their Father. He was in the back yard, trimming the hedges.
  390. >"Daddy...umm...would you like some help?"
  391. In light of recent events Rarity had dropped the snooty 'Father' and 'Mother' monikers.
  393. >"Well yes, it would be very nice to have some help."
  394. Dad's voice was kind and soft. The girls had expected another scolding at the least, but he'd heard his wife at work through the open bedroom window and decided she'd done the job well enough.
  395. >"Are you both alright?"
  396. It was the only acknowledgment he gave to their spankings. Sniffling and red-faced, the girls both nodded.
  397. >"Well, there isn't a cloud in the sky. Great for the fireworks tonight, but you two need to put this sunscreen on each other.
  398. >"And wait here, I'll be right back."
  400. As their Father went inside the garage, Sweetie Belle looked up at her older sister in fear.
  401. Was Daddy going in the garage to get something new and terrible to give their poor tushie's a warm up? Rarity did not seem worried, which set Sweetie at ease but left her confused.
  403. Hondo returned with two wide brimmed straw hats for them. Rarity was flabbergasted when she saw hers; it was a stylish design, tastefully decorated with a lavender band and a single white silk lily. Her Father had chosen was the sort of thing Rarity would even be happy to wear in public! Sweetie's was the same style, but sillier and more playful, with abundant ribbons and silk flowers.
  404. When Hondo handed the gardening hat to his younger daughter, fresh, guilty tears ran from her eyes.
  405. >"B-but...we don't deserv..."
  406. He stopped her with an explanation;
  407. >"I got these for you weeks ago, so you'd have something to keep the sun off your heads when you came out to help in the garden...but you never did. They've been hanging in the garage waiting for you all this time."
  409. At that revelation the girls began to cry in shame. They'd been nothing but total brats all summer...yet their Father had still gotten them a thoughtful gift. This while his own straw hat was frayed and falling apart. Seeing his daughters' dismay, he gathered them into his arms and re-assured them that all was forgiven.
  410. >"This afternoon is a fresh start, my angels,"
  411. He kissed them each on the top of their head.
  412. >"Whatever happens after this is entirely up to you.
  413. >"Now finish putting that sunblock on each other and grab some gloves. You can start planting that petunia bed over there."
  415. It was a long, hot afternoon for the girls; the work was hard and dirty. Stones and mulch were rough on their bare knees and each time they had to reach for something the material of their shorts stretched tight against their horribly sore rear ends. But they each had hours and hours to think about their poor behavior...and by the time Mom called them in to dinner both Rarity and Sweetie Belle felt the sweaty satisfaction for a job well done, mingled with the pride of having helped make their back yard more beautiful.
  417. A few hours later, they were all having fun.
  418. Hundreds of Canterlot City families spread their blankets on grassy lawns and waited for darkness to fall, passing the time with picnics, Frisbee games and visiting with neighbors too seldom seen. Throughout the evening all Rarity & Sweetie's friends, here to see the fireworks with their own families, dropped by to say hello.
  420. Rarity and Sweetie Belle did not engage in any games...they were still far too sore for running around and rolling in the grass. Each had changed to a light skirt after their shower...loose, so they did not chafe too badly on their recently reprimanded rumps...and long to cover embarrassing pink marks on the back of their thighs.
  421. As the night wore on though, Rarity's vigilance about keeping her skirt modestly in place slipped a bit, and when she crawled to reach for a cookie from the family picnic basket Rainbow Dash caught a glimpse up her skirt.
  422. >"Oh, wow, Rares! What's goin' on back there?"
  423. The sporty girl laughed riotously when she spied the redness peeking from beneath those chartreuse panties and the pink mark across the back of her friend's thighs.
  424. >"None of your bee's wax, Rainbow."
  425. >"Man...I might wanna join the Navy or Air Force aerial acrobatics team when I grow up...but you're already a member of the Red-Tail squadron!"
  426. Rarity took her jabs with grudging grace though...even though she could have verbally eviscerated Rainbow over the sloppy mustard stain which ran from the tip of her breast, down her t-shirt and onto her shorts. She just scowled and munched her cookie in annoyed silence.
  427. >"Hey Rarity, make sure to hang onto that skirt if there's a strong breeze...we don't want the glow from your butt to be brighter than the fireworks!"
  429. It was Cookie who called a stop to it though. She allowed Dash two more jokes before delivering a single quick but decisive swat to the seat of the laughing teen's shorts with her potato salad spoon.
  430. >"That's enough, Dashie. You don't like to be teased after you've gotten in trouble any more than Rarity."
  431. Her voice was gentle, but firm. Dash got the message and stopped.
  432. It didn't seem to matter much that Rainbow had a small dab of potato salad on her rear end for the rest of the night...she already had a mustard stain on the other side of her shorts.
  434. There was another witness to Rainbow Dash's smack; the aquamarine colored cashier from the Foodway was walking past, carrying a tray of drinks to her own family. When she saw the dangerous woman from the grocery store deliver a spank to yet another of her schoolmates she just froze. Lyra had no idea what had led to those previous three swats, but she wasn't sticking around to risk receiving a fourth. She held onto her tray tight, and literally RAN the other direction.
  436. By then it was getting dark and soon the fireworks started. Accompanied by music from the expertly trained Crystal Prep Academy orchestra, rockets soared into the sky, illuminating the crowd below as they burst into bright flowers of light. The girls lay on their stomachs shoulder to shoulder, arms propped under their chins to watch the fantastic show overhead...both of them thrilled when delayed BOOM's shook the ground and everything on it.
  438. Cookie and Hondo watched their greatest treasures adoringly, then looked into each others eyes. They reached across the girls' backs to hold hands as a huge golden star-burst exploded above them. Their daughters could be a massive struggle to deal with during those miserable 10% times when everything seemed to be wrong, but the remaining 90% of the time made it all worthwhile.
  440. END

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