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A Mother's Duty by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:45:59
Updated: 2022-03-17 12:47:32
Expiry: Never

  1. A Mother's Duty by DCFTEF
  2. (Cloudy Quartz / Twilight)
  4. (09/12/2017)
  7. ---
  9. It was Twilight Sparkle's second visit to the strange world of furless monkeys and Pinkie Pie's hastily declared slumber party was going well. Twilight knew she could probably do more work on a counter-spell to defeat the 3 magical sirens endangering Canterlot High alone, in the school library, but she could not deny that spending time with her alternate-universe friends was fun. Whenever the stress of her slow progress on the spell began to build up the others were there to distract her with laughter, makeovers and strange games where the player could control a character on a magical lighted screen using buttons and a 'joy-stick'. Twilight was terrible at them, but trying new things was always fun.
  11. Some time after the pizza arrived and was duly consumed the girls were getting ready to settle in for the night. They could have kept the party up much longer, but it was Sunset Shimmer who reminded them they had work to do tomorrow.
  12. >"We'd better get some sleep. That musical spell Twilight is writing for us won't make a bit of difference if the band doesn't rehearse it."
  13. Grudgingly they all agreed.
  14. >"We're still using your Granny's garage for band practice, right AJ?"
  15. >"As long as you all help me clean it out."
  16. >"There's always a price, isn't there?"
  17. >"Shucks...a little hard work won't do any of us a lick a'harm."
  18. As they all laughed there was an unexpected knock at Pinkie's bedroom door.
  19. >"Darling, you didn't order more take-out food, did you? I'm still positively STUFFED from that pizza."
  20. Pinkie Pie shrugged.
  21. >"No, not me."
  22. But when she opened the door it was her mother who stood there.
  23. >"Mom? We're not making too much noise, are we?"
  24. >"We're just getting ready to go to bed, Mrs. Quartz."
  25. Cloudy Quartz's expression remained serious and dour.
  26. >"No, dear, the noise is not excessive.
  27. >"It is Miss Sparkle I have to have a word with."
  28. Twilight looked up with surprise;
  29. >"Me?"
  30. Pinkie Pie's mother did not reveal much by her body language. She stood up rigidly straight, hands folded in front of her.
  31. >"What can I do for you, ma'am?"
  32. She did not shout but it was obvious from her voice that Cloudy Quartz was angry.
  33. >"Twilight, I just received a telephone call from your mother."
  34. The girls looked around at each other with confusion. Twilight's mother lived in another universe. Furthermore, she was a horse. There was no way she could have called.
  35. >"My mother?"
  36. Cloudy went on;
  37. >"Yes. We had a very enlightening conversation. Seems you did not have her permission to be here tonight. You told your parents you were not feeling well and intended to turn in early? Does that sound familiar?"
  38. Twilight had no idea what she was talking about, but she had to go along with it. She could hardly tell Pinkie's mother the truth.
  39. >"Ummm...yes...I suppose so, ma'am."
  40. >"Well your mother went to check on you and found only pillows in your bed, carefully arranged to look like you were there. She was very worried."
  41. Twilight gulped. She didn't know where Mrs. Quartz had gotten such an idea, but she couldn't contradict it.
  42. >"She was relieved to hear that you are safe, but she's very upset with you for sneaking out.
  43. >"She says it is too late to expect you to come will spend the night here.
  44. >"But she has asked me to deal with you as I would one of my own daughters if they lied and snuck out of the house without permission."
  46. Twilight didn't know what to say, but Pinkie Pie gasped.
  47. >"Mom, no! can't!"
  48. Her mother hushed her;
  49. >"Pinkamena, do not interfere. This is between Twilight, her mother and I."
  50. She tossed herself between Twilight and Cloudy, desperately pleading her case.
  51. >"Mom, please, it's MY fault. I insisted Twilight come to the sleep-over! I gave her the idea to sneak out! If anyone should be p-punished it should be me!"
  52. Cloudy Quartz did not lose her tempter, but she'd had enough of Pinkie's nonsense.
  53. >"And you will be, Pinkamena, if you do not stop interfering this instant. Now sit down or you will find yourself unable to do so for a week!"
  54. Even in the face of her mother's very serious threat Pinkie could not bear to abandon her friend. It took Applejack and Fluttershy to take her by the shoulders and gently pull her out of the way.
  56. Twilight weighed her options and concluded that she had to go along with this or the whole situation would get out of control.
  57. >"It's alright, Pinkie. Yes, I deceived my mother and snuck out the window. I'm sorry, I'll go along with any consequence you choose, Mrs. Quartz."
  58. Pinkie Pie whined loudly, but their other friends kept her quiet.
  59. >"Very good, Miss Sparkle. My own daughter could learn from your example. Now follow me."
  60. With a loud, dry gulp, Twilight did as she was told, obediently following Pinkie's mother out of the room, giving her friends one last mournful look as she departed.
  62. As soon as it was safe to talk Rainbow stood up and snapped;
  63. >"This is bullshit! Who could have made that call?"
  64. Sunset snorted in annoyance.
  65. >"Isn't it obvious? It was the sirens. They know Twilight is a threat...they must be watching us. One of them made the call pretending to be Twilight's mother, just to cause trouble."
  66. Pinkie cried out;
  67. >"We have to save Twilight! We have to tell my mom!"
  68. But the others stopped her. Rarity sighed;
  69. >"Tell her what? That three ancient fish monsters from another universe pretended to be Twilight's mother so they could sabotage our chances in the Battle of the Bands?"
  70. Fluttershy agreed with her;
  71. >"I know it's the truth and even I think it sounds crazy."
  72. Shimmer plopped down on the bed.
  73. >"It sucks, but Twilight is on her own."
  74. Cloudy Quartz led Twilight down the hall to her own bedroom, not saying a word. The purple horse-girl's mind raced.
  75. >What kind of punishments do they use in this world?
  76. She knew how her own mother would have responded to lying and sneaking out when she was a teenager (not that she'd ever done anything like that). Twilight desperately hoped the rules weren't the same in this universe!
  78. Cloudy led Twilight into the room and closed the door behind them.
  79. >"Miss Sparkle, I am aware that the temptation to have fun with your friends is a powerful influence on young people such as yourself, but I will not tolerate lying in my house.
  80. >"Make no mistake, young lady, you have not just lied to your mother but me as well. When you arrived for your slumber party I asked each of you if your parents knew where you were and that you had their permission to be here."
  81. Twilight was not dumb. By now she had figured out the sirens must be behind this, but it didn't help. She was trapped, unable to explain the truth.
  82. >"Yes, ma'am."
  83. Cloudy Quartz went on;
  84. >"As your mother and I discussed there is only one punishment for such dishonesty in my home."
  85. She sat down on her bed and opened the night-stand drawer. Twilight's stomach turned flips when she saw a huge wooden hairbrush come out.
  86. >"Your mother agrees with me; you have done a childish thing and for that you will be spanked severely on your bare naked bottom. Do not try to all 4 of my own daughters know that will only make things worse for you."
  88. When Cloudy Quartz motioned for her to come forward Twilight's feet felt like they were made of solid lead. She could only shuffle a few inches at a time in her borrowed slippers.
  89. >OhmygoshOhmygosh, how bad is this going to be?
  90. Twilight was no stranger to spankings. Though generally a good filly she had her bad habits and they had gotten her into trouble plenty...with her mother, her father, her teachers, even Princess Celestia! But back in Equestria she was an adult now, and thought she was safe from such rump stinging punishments.
  91. >But I'm not in Equestria, and here I'm just a young teenager.
  92. Another worry flooded her mind. Every time she'd been spanked back home in Equestria her rump had been covered with fur. Short, soft and thin fur, but at least she could count on a final layer of protection. Here in this world she was naked! There would be no layer of fur to save her poor rear-end, and no clothing either, as Pinkie's mother had already promised this spanking would be on the 'bare naked bottom'.
  94. Apparently Twilight's shuffling steps were not enough for Mrs. Quartz. Though she did not lose her temper she was clearly annoyed at the girl's stalling.
  95. >"Come along, young lady, we don't have all night."
  96. With a surprisingly strong grip Cloudy took Twilight's wrist and pulled the teenager to her knees. She gripped the elastic of her pajama pants and pulled them all the way down to the floor in one motion. The panties came next; they did not come all the way down but ended up inside-out around Twilight's knees, leaving the girl bare from the waist down.
  97. >"I am sorry to say this will not be a happy experience for you, Miss Sparkle.
  98. >"As my own daughters know I believe strongly that any spanking should be a memorable one, so the lesson does not have to be repeated.
  99. >"This will be very painful, and it will not be over quickly but for your own sake I recommend that you endure it with as much self-control as you can muster.
  100. >"Any resistance or attempt to escape will earn you more discomfort, am I understood?"
  101. By now Twilight was terrified, trembling like a little filly, but she managed to squeak out a feeble;
  102. >"Y-yes, ma'am."
  103. Quicker than she could think Twilight Sparkle was over Cloudy's lap, staring at the austere wood floor. She wondered how many of Pinkie's tears had fallen here...and Limestone and Marble and Maud as well. It was hard to imagine Maud getting a spanking...what must that be like?
  104. *WHACK*
  105. Distracted by thinking about Pinkie's sisters, Twilight did not ready herself for the first spank.
  106. >"YeeOWWWW!"
  107. Cloudy snorted in disapproval;
  108. >"Goodness, if you're that sensitive I'm afraid you're going to suffer a great deal, child."
  109. And with that the spanking began in earnest. Cloudy Quartz was a dour, reserved woman but she was an absolute DEMON with that hairbrush and despite Twilight's plan to endure this with dignity befitting a Princess of Equestria she was bawling like a foal from the very beginning.
  110. >"Ow! Ow! OOOWWWW! Please stop! It's too much, OW! Please, please no more!"
  111. But Pinkie's mother had heard every form of pleading from 4 girls and she was unshaken. Again and again that big wooden hairbrush came crashing down on Twilight's skinny, hairless rear until she could not beg anymore, just shriek and cry.
  114. Twilight tried to struggle but Cloudy Quartz was incredibly strong. Despite her frenzied attempts to move her behind out of harm's way Twilight could not move an inch. Her struggles did not go unnoticed though.
  115. >"Miss Sparkle, stop that squirming right now or there will be consequences that you will not enjoy."
  116. She tried...Twilight honestly tried to stay still and accept her unearned punishment but the fire in her butt and the sharp stings were too much to endure. In seconds she was struggling again.
  117. >"You've had your warning, miss, let's see if this makes a better impression..."
  118. For an instant the hairbrush stopped raining misery on Twilight's behind. Before she could even catch her breath there was a new, more intense pain as Cloudy smacked the back of her bare legs.
  120. But Cloudy Quartz went on, delivering a count of ten spanks to the back of the girl's sensitive thighs. The pain was unbelievable, but held in Cloudy's iron grip there was nothing Twilight could do. She just had to endure it, and was doing a poor job at doing that.
  121. >"Are you going to behave for me and stop that squirming?"
  122. Twilight would have agreed to anything to stop this misery.
  123. >"YEESSSS! Yes! I'll be good, PLEASE NO MORE!"
  124. Satisfied, Cloudy resumed her work on the bawling teenager's butt, leaving bright pink rectangles wherever the terrible hairbrush struck. Unaware of the real situation, she was growing satisfied that this girl would learn her lesson well and think twice before ever telling a lie again. But she was not done yet. As all 4 of her daughters knew Cloudy Quartz was a firm believer in the 'grand finale'.
  126. The woman paused to take a deep breath. If this had been Pinkie across her lap she would have recognized the sign and gone into hysterics but Twilight did not understand what was about to happen. Perhaps she even thought this was the end. Poor girl didn't have a clue what was coming...
  129. A salvo of the hardest spanks rained down on Twilight's already tortured bottom so fast that all the suffering girl could do was scream.
  131. The first ten smacks, delivered with the full strength of Cloudy's formidable arm, fell in only 6 seconds. The next ten came a tiny bit slower, but only because she began to tire.
  132. Poor Twilight wailed...this was one of the worst paddlings of her life and she hadn't even done anything to deserve it. It was almost over, but not yet...
  133. After 20 extremely hard, extremely fast spanks Cloudy stopped and gave the miserable girl laying across her lap a chance to catch her breath. It did not take long; Twilight's shrieks turned into cries and eventually into sobs.
  134. >"Miss Sparkle, are you ever going to lie to your parents about feeling ill?"
  135. >"No, ma'am!"
  136. *WHACK*
  137. >"Are you ever going to sneak out in the dark of the night again?"
  138. >"NOOO!"
  139. *WHACK* *WHACK*
  140. >"And will you ever come as a guest into someone's house and tell a lie again?"
  141. >"NOOO! I PROMISE! P-P-Please NO MORE!"
  142. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  143. >"See that you don't. We are done."
  145. Twilight lay across Cloudy's lap, crying her eyes out, for a full minute before she was ready to get up. Pinkie's mother did not hurry her, she gave the properly punished teen all the time she needed and when Twilight finally did get to her feet she helped pull her underpants and pajamas back into place.
  146. Together they walked down the hall to the bathroom where Cloudy Quartz tenderly wiped the girl's face with a cool washcloth and expressed her sincere wish that Twilight would never have to endure something like this again.
  147. >"I know I must seem very harsh to you, girl, but it is for your own benefit. The years of childhood are short and you must learn your lessons well. I am sorry to see any child suffer but if a few minutes of agony can save you a more painful lesson in the future then it will have been well worth it."
  148. Twilight nodded. Even though she hadn't done any crime to deserve this, it felt good to be forgiven. It gave her a warm feeling in her heart...though not nearly as warm as her backside felt.
  149. Last/9
  150. Released at last, Twilight Sparkle returned to her anxious friends in Pinkie's bedroom. As soon as the door opened she was practically tackled by Pinkie Pie, who had been in full tears the whole time.
  152. Pinkie's hug was so tight Twilight could barely breathe.
  153. >"SLEEPOVERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! Nobody should get spanked at a sleepover, NOBODY!"
  154. The others looked on with concern.
  155. >"It's alright Pinkie, I'm okay."
  156. >*sniffle* "Are you sure? My mom spanks REALLY hard!"
  157. Twilight giggled in spite of herself.
  158. >"Yeah, she sure does...but I'm not mad. It wasn't her fault and it's not your fault either."
  159. Pinkie wiped away a few tears and loosened her grip.
  160. >"So, so, we're still b-besties?"
  161. >"Of course, Pinkie."
  163. Sunset Shimmer spoke up next;
  164. >"I guess you've figured it out too...this had to be Adagio and her gang."
  165. Twilight nodded. Rainbow Dash jumped to her feet and announced with a clenched fist;
  166. >"Right then! This calls for unilateral, disproportionate revenge!"
  167. >"Uni-Dis-whatnow?" muttered Applejack
  168. But Twilight waved off the counter-attack.
  169. >"The best revenge we can get is to defeat them. We stick to the plan...create the counter-spell...sing it at the Battle of the Bands and take them down.
  170. >"They got in a cheap shot, but we're gonna win the war."
  172. END

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