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BBBFF in Trouble by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:51:16
Updated: 2022-03-17 12:53:17
Expiry: Never

  1. BBBFF in Trouble by DCFTEF
  2. (Night Light / Shining)
  3. M/m, leather strap, over bed, non-consensual
  5. (04/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Twilight Sparkle lay on her belly in the center of her bedroom, doing her favorite thing in all the world; reading. She was only 8 years old but she could read books for grown-up mares & stallions...the kind with no pictures in them. She very seldom had to go ask Mommy or Daddy for help; if there was a word she didn't understand Twily could easily figure it out. She was the only foal in school who owned her own dictionary. The other fillies and colts called her weird, but she was very proud of this.
  12. Today was an ordinary afternoon. School was over but it was not yet dinnertime. Soon the best big brother in the world would come home...her own brother! Twilight wished he would come home from school at the same time she did, so she could tell him everything she'd learned each day, but Shining Armor was allowed to stay out with his friends after long as he made it home by dinnertime. It would not be long though. Twilight kept her eye on the clock, knowing it would not be long before Shiny was home. She kept her ears perked up, listening for his arrival.
  14. The creak of the front door was unmistakable. Twily hopped up, expecting her big brother would come galloping up the stairs any second now. He always popped his head in to visit his favorite (only) sister before anypony else; to ask her how her day had been.
  15. But today it was different. There was an unexpected voice at the door, gruff and unfamiliar to Twilight. She heard her mother's voice too. Twily couldn't make out all of the words but she sounded angry at what the unknown stallion told her. She called for Daddy...that part Twilight heard clearly;
  16. >"Night Light! Please come to the door! The Royal Guard patrol has brought YOUR son home!"
  17. Twily gasped. Mommy only spoke that way when she or Shining Armor had done something bad to make her angry. Had Shiny done something bad? Was he in trouble?
  19. Soon Daddy's voice joined the conversation but from her bedroom on the second floor she could not hear everything clearly. She wanted to rush downstairs and learn what was going on but Twilight was too frightened. Soon the gruff voice left...he must have been a Royal Guardpony like Mommy had said. Poking her head out into the hallway the little filly strained to hear more. She heard her brother's voice...he sounded upset, and kept saying 'I'm sorry' but it didn't help. Mommy & Daddy still sounded angry.
  20. >"Upstairs to your room, now, young colt!" ordered Daddy "We're not done talking about this."
  21. It was rare to hear their father raise his voice; Twilight feared that Shiny must really be in trouble. Hoofsteps followed next as Shining Armor obediently hurried up to his bedroom. Unsure of how she should deal with this, Twilight ducked back into the safety of her room so she would not be caught eavesdropping.
  23. There was only an instant to catch a glimpse of her big brother as he passed the open door, but what Twily saw shocked and upset her. He had a miserable expression of worry & guilt written on his face. Shiny's eyes were red, and he held his head low in shame. He would make no stop at his sister's room this day, his pace was so quick that Twily only saw him for a second before he reached his own bedroom.
  25. >"What could Shiny have done wrong?" wondered Twilight aloud.
  26. Shining Armor always seemed so upstanding & perfect in her eyes. He got into much less trouble than she did...Twily couldn't even remember the last time Shiny had been in trouble. He always told the truth, always helped around the house, always came home when Mom & Dad told him to and always made time for his little sister. He was 14, and had his cutie mark already...he was practically an adult!
  28. Steeling her nerves, Twilight resolved to go find out what was going on. She would run straight over to Shiny's room and ask. Hopefully this was all just a big misunderstanding. How could her amazing big brother be in just didn't make sense.
  29. >"Not so fast, dear."
  30. Just as she set her first hoof outside her bedroom door Twilight Sparkle was stopped. Mommy stood in the door way, blocking her path.
  31. >"Shining Armor needs a bit of privacy right now. Please stay in your room until all this is done, understand?"
  32. Mommy had said 'please', but the implication was clear; that was not a polite request but a direct order. Stay in your room.
  33. >"Mommy, what's going on?" asked Twilight, "Why are you angry at Shiny?"
  35. Twilight Velvet took a deep breath and led her daughter to the bed. They sat down together for a brief discussion of what had transpired.
  36. >"I suppose you have a right to'll know everything soon anyway."
  37. >"Your brother made a very foolish & wrong decision. The Royal Guard patrol caught he and his friends doing something young colts & fillies are not allowed to do."
  38. Twilight's eyes were wide with disbelief & horror. This was impossible, Shiny was not a bad colt...this must be some sort of misunderstanding.
  39. >"He and his friends were smoking cigarettes. Twilight, you know your father & I do not approve of this...even when you and your brother are grown up and live on your own."
  40. She remembered that conversation. The whole family had been at Canterlot's open air market when a pretty, colorful box caught her eye. When she stopped to find out what was inside Mommy had grabbed her ear and pulled her away.
  41. >"Twily those are very bad for you! They make your lungs sick and your teeth rot out. I never want to catch you or your brother with those things, ever. Am I understood?"
  43. At the time, Twilight had been so surprised by her mother's swift reaction that she never even asked what the things in the colorful box were called. Shining Armor explained later that they were called cigarettes. They were rolled sticks of tobacco plant that ponies set on fire and inhaled the smoke. That seemed so silly to Twilight that she almost didn't believe him...but Shiny never lied to her. Since then she'd noticed grown up ponies on the street smoking those things, and the teachers at school often went outside for cigarette 'breaks'.
  45. What had possessed Shining Armor to put one of those in his mouth and breathe the smoke? He was so smart...didn't he remember what Mommy had said about them? Twily was sure if she'd disobeyed their parents so brazenly she'd her her bottom spanked, but Shiny was 14 years old. Surely he was too old for a spanking. But he was still a colt who lived under his parents' roof. He was doomed to some sort of punishment, surely.
  47. Twilight looked up at her mother and asked;
  48. >"Will Shiny have to get punished?"
  49. Velvet nodded gravely.
  50. >"I'm very sad to say he will be. Your Daddy will be doing it. Shining Armor is a good colt but he did a very bad, dangerous thing and he's going to be doing some crying for it before today is over."
  51. Those words made Twilight's stomach churn almost as if she'd been told she was going to be punished herself. She hated the idea of her beloved big brother being in trouble.
  52. >"Please don't punish him" whimpered the little sister.
  53. Twilight Velvet gave a sad smile.
  54. >"Shiny is very lucky to have a sister who loves him so much. I'm sure after this is over a visit from you will make him feel much better. But Twilight, you have to remember that we love Shining Armor too, your father & I. We're his parents and we have to do what's best for him; even if none of us like what's about to happen."
  56. Her face twisted up in dismay, Twilight Sparkle asked;
  57. >"What's going to happen?"
  58. Mother only kissed her on the horn and replied;
  59. >"Just stay in your room. It will be over soon enough."
  61. Mommy left. She went downstairs and spoke with Daddy a while longer. During this time Twilight Sparkle poked her head out of her room, trying to see inside Shiny's room. All she could see was his open door. It was utterly silent in there, not a sound to give her any hint of how her brother was doing. She did not dare take one step beyond her own door...the parents might come upstairs at any moment and Twily did not want to get caught defying Mommy's order.
  63. Minutes later they did come walking up the stairs. Twilight dashed for a corner of her room, terrified of being seen peeking. Mommy & Daddy passed by, not giving so much as a look toward their daughter's door. Daddy had been carrying something, but the little filly didn't get a good enough look to know what it was.
  64. They entered Shining Armor's room, but did not close the door behind them. It might have been easier for Twily if they had; the possibility of hearing what was happening provided great temptation.
  66. Pushed by worry for her big brother, Twilight braved setting hoof outside her door. She carefully snuck through the hallway on the tips of her hooves, so there would be no sound. Luckily nopony looked out into the hall, and the filly made it to her goal; the bathroom right across from Shining's bedroom. From here she had a view into her brother's chamber. Getting caught spying was certain doom...sure to earn her a spanking, but at least from here she could plead that she'd only needed to go potty. Twily pulled the door shut, leaving it open only far enough to poke her face out.
  68. A dismal show was playing out across the hall. The parents were tag-team scolding their son...and all Shining Armor could do was sit there with a miserable look on his face and mumble the occasional 'I'm sorry."
  70. From her vantage point across the hall Twilight watched her brother squirm under his scolding. She had never seen him on the edge of tears before, but tears did indeed pool up in his eyes. Even when Shiny had fallen out of the backyard tree and broken his arm he had never cried out loud. Seeing him driven nearly to weeping by mere words worried Twilight. Shining was usually so brave & proud.
  72. The parents did not yell or raise their voices much, so still Twilight could not make out every word that was being said...but she heard enough.
  73. >"Do you think you'll be able to pass the Military Academy physical test with your lungs clogged up? You're fooling with your future, son!"
  74. >"Where did you even get those nasty things? You're not even close to old enough."
  75. >"Did you even think about your little sister? You know she looks up to you and wants to do everything you do. How would you feel if SHE started to smoke?"
  76. Twily gulped at that last one. If this was how much trouble Shining got into for smoking she was NEVER going to try it.
  78. All that poor Shiny could do was answer the questions as best he could, adding in plenty of 'I'm sorry' and 'I promise I'll never do it again', for whatever that was worth. Such promises never seemed to get Twily out of hot water and she feared they wouldn't work for her brother either. Then, as quick as it had begun, the lecture phase was over.
  79. >"I hope those are promises you will keep, Shining" rumbled Night Light.
  80. >"Dad, they ARE...I swear, I'll never mess with those things again!"
  81. Shining Armor's voice seemed desperate...more fearful than before. He knew what was coming.
  82. >"Please give me another chance, I'm sorry! There won't be any next time!"
  83. Twilight Velvet's face was like stone, and Night Light shook his head.
  84. >"You aren't being punished for 'next time', son, and it's too late to beg your way out of this time. Now lay down and bend over the bed."
  86. For the first time in her life Twily saw actual tears running from her big brother's eyes, but he bravely obeyed, laying face down on the end of his bed as commanded. He did not stop pleading for mercy though.
  87. >"Mom...Dad...I'm sorry...please, please don't."
  88. He tried bargaining too (a tactic which never worked for Twily).
  89. >"I'll make it up to you I swear! I'll do extra chores...I promise straight A's...I'll...I'll..."
  90. Shining had run into the same problem Twilight always had. There was very little that he could promise to offset the crime he'd already committed. The hour of his doom was upon him.
  91. >"If I ever do it again you can whip me twice as hard next time...but I won't, I swear! Just, please, PLEASE don't do this, Dad!"
  92. Even from her relatively safe vantage point Twily felt a chill go down her spine. Shiny had said 'whip'. That confirmed that he was really going to get his rump spanked, but with what? Twily knew that on certain days bad ponies who had committed crimes were publicly whipped in Canterlot City square...even though Twilight had never been allowed to go watch. Surely Shining Armor had not earned THAT severe a punishment.
  94. It was at this moment that Twilight Sparkle realized what her father had been carrying, draped over his withers. With his magic he levitated a strap of brown leather, folding it over once so that it was half its natural length. Again aided by his Unicorn magic he grasped both loose ends and gave it a few practice swings, which scared Twily so much she had to cover her eyes and not look. She still heard the terrible leather strap whistle through the air. Shining heard it too; he began to breathe in short, ragged gasps and his pleading intensified.
  95. >"Dad, I'll be good! Please, I know I screwed up...I promise, I'm sorry! PLEASE don't whip me with that, PLEASE!"
  96. Twily felt sick to her stomach she was so scared. She could only imagine how Shiny felt right now.
  98. Now that he was bent over the bed Twilight could no longer see her brother's face, just his rump & legs hanging over the edge of his bed. When Daddy brushed his tail out of the way Shining shuddered all over...trembling so hard his little sister could see it all the way across the hall.
  99. Night Light leaned over and said one last thing before beginning;
  100. >"Son, you made a very big mistake today, but that doesn't mean we love you any less. You're a good colt who did a bad thing, and that's what you're being punished for. It's going to hurt all of us, but we can make this a positive thing if you learn from this. Now take a deep breath and try to accept this like the brave young stallion I know you are."
  101. Shining gave one last, weak 'I'm sorry' but he begged no more. His little sister took note; this was how a brave pony faced his punishment.
  103. Night Light gave one last sad glance to his wife before commencing his fatherly duties. He swung the strap in a long arc, making bulls-eye contact with the most sensitive part of his colt's backside, right at the base where the legs met the rump. Immediately there was a wide pink stripe on Shining's rear end which made Twily gasp. She often inspected her own rump after receiving chastisement, and sometimes and entire hoof spanking from Mommy or Daddy did not make her fanny as pink as just one spank from that terrible strap.
  105. Shining Armor was tough & brave though. He did not make a sound, and held his composure even after 3 more lashes fell on his hindquarters. Even the 5th whack only drew a pained grunt from him.
  106. Alas, even a strong young stallion could not hold out forever. The 6th lash finally caused him to cry out; he'd done better than Twily, who'd been in full tears since the first one, and she wasn't even the pony being spanked.
  108. >"OOOOWWWWoooowwwOOWWW!"
  109. It was all downhill from there. The colt tried to regain his dignity but that bridge had been crossed already and there was no going back. His hind-legs were shaking, his rump tightened in anticipation of every coming blow and the only thing left was full bawling, which arrived before the tenth lash.
  111. Twilight never got to see her parents' faces when she was receiving her own spankings. Even if she could see though the inevitable flood of tears the only view she ever had was of her own soaked pillow. In such times she imagined her parents' faces to be full of anger, but now, watching a serious spanking from her hiding spot she saw that this just wasn't true. In spite of the grim determination with which he carried out the painful sentence Daddy looked sad. Mommy sat nearby, watching the whole thing, looking near tears herself and flinching as the strap left mark after burning mark on her oldest foal. What they always said before her punishments was true; this really did hurt them as much as it hurt her.
  113. >"Daaaadddd, PLEEASEEEE, OWWW! I'm SORRY!" moaned Shining while his rump turned from angry pink to a deep red of agony.
  114. His whole body jumped every time the strap contacted, then trembled in the few seconds before the next one. There was no doubt; he was suffering intensely for his crime. No matter how good cigarettes were, Twily decided they could never be worth this kind of pain.
  115. Never once did Shining reach back and try to shield his poor rump. His rear-end twisted and squirmed around as much as it could get away with, vainly trying to escape the scorching blows that continued to rain down at a frightening pace, but he stayed put despite the fact that neither parent made any attempt to hold him down. Twilight doubted she could ever suffer a punishment this severe with the same self-control...the best she could do was pray to Celestia she'd never be in the position to find out.
  117. Both Twilight & Shining were in full tears now...although the colt had a far better excuse. In spite of his valiant efforts to take the punishment with dignity it was impossible not to cry out loud. The only thing louder were the continuing smacks of the strap. They were loud enough to make Twilight shudder at every one, she was too scared to even imagine how much each one hurt. Anything painful enough to make her mighty BBBFF, who could lift her up and carry her on his back without even slowing his trot, bawl like a little foal was surely pure agony.
  118. >"Please stop, please stop, please stop" wept the purple filly.
  119. She wanted to rush over, toss herself in-between Daddy and Shining's poor rump so he wouldn't get any more spanks, but Twily did not have the courage to leave her hiding spot.
  121. With his son's rump already blazing red Night Light decided it was time to draw things to a close. That did not mean relief for the sobbing colt though, but fresh and intense agony. Dad delivered the last salvo of lashes extra hard & fast, focusing on the most tender area of Shining's butt. It drew an immediate response; Shing Armor's moans & pitiful bawling turned into fresh screams, and for the first time he needed father's hoof on his croup to help restrain him.
  123. It was just out of the range of Twilight's view, but Shining beat his front hooves on the bed, grasping at the pillows & sheets in a desperate but fruitless attempt to pull himself forward, out of the range of that terrible strap.
  125. It felt as if it had taken an eternity, but at last the thrashing ended.
  126. >"We're done" panted Night Light, visibly worn out by the ordeal.
  127. Shining Armor was allowed to catch his breath at last, but after just a few deep, cleansing inhalations the burning in his rump caught up with the colt and he lay there sobbing in well earned misery.
  129. Shining Armor got plenty of time to cry it out and regain his composure; time he utilized gratefully. His little sister could only imagine how badly her poor brother's tushie stung. It was an ordeal she hoped she'd never have to suffer herself.
  131. When at last he got to his hooves Shining went straight to his mother and hugged her, earnestly apologizing for his error & promising it would never happen again. Already he was nearly as tall as Twilight Velvet.
  132. Night Light was still a little out of breath; he'd sat down on the bed and that is where Shining sought him out. The colt ignored his burning rump as much as he could and sat down next to his father, burying his face under Dad's chin like a foal who'd been naughty and just wanted a little reassurance. Mom sat down & joined the hug, which lasted a long time.
  134. Twilight Sparkle considered herself lucky. She'd disobeyed Mommy by coming out of her room to spy but she hadn't been caught. It had been awful watching her beloved brother suffer the whipping of his young life but she resolved to make it all worthwhile by never touching cigarettes herself. She would tell him all this after Mom & Dad had their chance to console Shiny. She would give him the biggest hug ever and tell Shiny she didn't care if he was naughty once in a while; he was still the best big brother ever.
  136. For now Twily stayed hidden. She'd endured her own fair share of spankings and always loved this period of tearful cuddling. She was tempted to join but this was Shiny's time and she loved him enough not to interrupt that blissful comfort of parental forgiveness.
  137. She noticed that Shiny was too big to sit on Daddy's lap anymore. It made her a little sad; it meant he was growing up and the family was changing. Still, she was growing up too, and change wasn't always bad. But as Twilight watched from her hiding spot she hoped she would never grow too big to curl up in her Daddy's lap.
  139. THE END

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