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Dashie's Letter by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:53:19
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:04:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Dashie's Letter by DCFTEF
  2. (Dad / Rainbow)
  3. M/f, ruler, otk, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (01/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. It was the best kind of day outside. Sunny, but with enough breeze and cloud cover so that it was not oppressively hot. It was the perfect day for sports, a workout or just a nap on the grass.
  11. Rainbow Dash wished she was outside doing any of those things right now, instead of sitting in Celestia's office, listening to the Principal drone on about her terrible work.
  12. >"Miss Dash, I appreciate that your focus is on sports & athletics, but the primary reason you are here is academics, not bringing a State Championship to Canterlot High."
  13. Yeah, yeah, she'd heard it all before.
  14. >"You are not working to the best of your ability...homework is often incomplete...your teachers tell me you rarely participate in class."
  15. Dash nodded at the appropriate times and tried to show just enough interest to keep the Principal off her back. This was no big deal. Sure, her grades were borderline, but she'd get her brainy friend Twilight to help her cram the week before end of semester exams and pull her butt out of the fire at the last minute like she always did.
  17. >"Your grades are passing, but they're right on the razor edge of eligibility to participate in sports" Celestia continued.
  18. Rainbow Dash pretended to listen intently. She couldn't wait to get an athletic scholarship...she'd heard that college athletes got to take Underwater Basket Weaving classes and all got automatic A grades as long as the team was winning. That was an arrangement Dash could live with.
  19. >"For that reason I'm issuing a warning" continued the Principal, "official record that you've been counseled about your class work and how it might endanger your participation in extra-curricular activities."
  20. Good...almost done. Still plenty of time to enjoy the great weather outside.
  21. Principal Celestia handed her a sealed envelope;
  22. >"This letter explains what we've just spoken about. Have it signed by your parents and return it to me tomorrow."
  23. Wait...WHAT!?
  25. Suddenly Principal Celestia had Dash's full attention.
  26. >"Whoa, whoa, hold on! You said I was passing!"
  27. >"Barely" muttered the Principal.
  28. >"So...umm...there's no reason to get parents involved, right?"
  29. Rainbow Dash gave a big, nervous grin as she tried to reason with Ms. Celestia.
  30. >"It's merely a warning...a notification of your ongoing progress" she replied casually.
  31. Celestia knew exactly what she was doing. Threats of failure and even ineligibility for sports would not shake the headstrong sophomore. This would.
  33. Dash desperately wanted to see that letter dropped in the paper shredder. She switched her tactic to outright begging.
  34. >"Ma'am, please! You say it's just a notification...but you don't know what my Mom & Dad will do if they see that letter. Please, I'll get my grades up...there's really no need to show them!"
  36. Celestia leaned forward in her chair, aware that she finally had this student's attention.
  37. >"Miss Dash, this is not my first day as Principal of Canterlot High. I've met your parents and I know exactly how they will react to my report. Do you think I'm a fool, Miss Dash?"
  38. She shrank back into her padded seat, suddenly feeling very small & helpless.
  39. >"No, ma'am."
  40. >"Good. I know perfectly well a letter like this can get a girl your age into a lot of trouble. I'm sorry if that happens, but if that's what it takes to bring your work up to acceptable standards it's my job to send that letter."
  41. The desperate student did not give up though;
  42. >"I promise I can get my grades back up to acceptable standards myself! Just give me a chance!"
  43. Celestia shook her head.
  44. >"Your teachers have given you plenty of warnings. Since the problem has reached my level I will act as I see fit. Have the letter signed and bring it to me tomorrow."
  45. That was it; Rainbow Dash was sunk. She reluctantly reached out and accepted the envelope with a trembling hand.
  46. >"Very good. You are dismissed."
  48. Dash trudged out of the Principal's office, carrying her own death warrant. She'd hate for the other kids at school to find out, but she was the daughter of two parents who for some crazy reason believed a teenage girl, almost old enough to drive a car, could benefit from an old-fashioned spanking. It made her stomach churn with butterflies...spanking was for little kids! Worst, Principal Celestia seemed to know the doom she was sending her star athlete to face, and she clearly approved.
  50. >"Heya, Dashie, how ya doin'?"
  51. Just outside the door Rainbow was accosted by her friend Pinkie Pie. She really didn't feel like talking right now, but Pinkie's perpetual good mood always rubbed off on her. She needed a good cheering up.
  52. >"Not so hot..." admitted the sporty girl, waving her death sentence in the air.
  53. >" that from Principal Celestia?" inquired Pinkie, trying to snatch it away, "Can I read it?"
  54. >"No you can't read it!" protested Rainbow Dash, "It's supposed to be sealed when my folks open it. Awww man, I am NOT looking forward to that."
  55. Genuinely concerned, Pinkie Pie offered a solution;
  56. >"Maybe you ought to come over to my house. We can share my room until the heat blows over."
  57. >"Pinkie, seriously? You think your parents would go for that?"
  58. The bubbly girl's mood fell, and she confessed;
  59. >"Not a chance. I just wanted to cheer you up a little."
  60. >"Yeah, false hope always does the trick" Dash muttered sarcastically.
  61. >"Sorry..."
  62. Now Dash felt guilty for bringing her friend down.
  63. >"It's fine, Pinks...thanks for trying."
  64. >"You wanna come over to my house for a little while anyway?"
  65. Rainbow shook her head.
  66. >"Maybe another day. Delaying this will only make it worse."
  68. The school buses were all pulling out, but Dash seldom rode the bus. She preferred her bicycle and the thrill of zipping through the streets at breathtaking speed, dreaming of the day she could afford a powerful lightweight sport motorcycle and really burn some rubber.
  69. Today she wasn't in the mood for zipping around on two wheels, so with her book-bag slung onto her back she walked her bike home. That bag was heavier than usual today, since she was actually taking her books home with her. Anticipating the fearful conversation with her parents she did not want to get trapped into admitting "I left my books in my locker."
  71. Dash's house was in the hills outside the town, which usually made for a challenging, lung busting climb on the ride home. This time it felt more like a roller-coaster. Rainbow Dash usually loved coasters, but the slow, clinking climb to that first big drop still filled her with dread, even at her age. Going higher & higher...knowing there's no escape...that nervous churning of her stomach getting stronger every inch closer to the top. Not being able to see the drop on the other side was the worst part. How angry were here parents going to be? Would she be grounded? Was it bad enough to merit a spanking?
  72. >"Awww did I get myself into this mess?"
  73. That was an easy question to answer.
  74. Dash did not avoid hard work; she did plenty of it on the soccer field, basketball court and softball diamond. In fact she spent most of her time in gym class helping others improve. Her less athletically inclined class-mates eagerly showed their appreciation by helping Dash with her own academic work.
  76. So why was she so far behind?
  77. Sometimes "helping" the star athlete with her homework turned into "doing" her homework for her. That led to laziness, and even when there was nobody to do her assignments for her Rainbow Dash found it easy to blow them off entirely.
  79. Her home was within sight now; Dash marching closer and closer to her doom with every step. The butterflies in her stomach had turned to bricks by now, and as much as she wanted to get this dreadful suspense over with she was scared to death of what was waiting on the other side.
  80. Rainbow wished in vain that there was some way to go back in time and concentrate just a little harder on wouldn't have taken much extra effort. Instead of copying her friend Twilight's work she wished she'd let Twi actually explain how it was done.
  81. Those were just futile wishes though. She was sunk...her goose was cooked and that letter burning a hole in her back-pack told the only truth that mattered.
  83. Dad's car was in the driveway. Rainbow Dash's father was a drafter. He had an office in town but preferred to do most of his work from home. Although it embarrassed her to admit it she really liked that he had such a flexible schedule. Dad made it to every one of her games without fail, and he was almost always right there when Dash needed to talk. She had a miserable feeling they'd be doing more than talking today.
  84. >"Well, here goes nothin'."
  85. She trudged up the front porch steps, finding the door unlocked. The house was quiet, with only the sound of Dad's music and his typing to break the silence. Rainbow slipped her shoes off and quietly made her way to the kitchen. She knew it was best to present the awful note to her father immediately...waiting until the last possible minute would only get her in worse trouble...but one glass of orange juice was an acceptable delay.
  87. >"Dashie, is that you?"
  88. In spite of her quiet footsteps in socks Rainbow Dash's father had an innate sense for knowing when somebody was in the house.
  89. >"Yeah Dad...I'm home" she answered, hoping the nervous tension did not show in her voice.
  90. The proverbial roller coaster clinked closer to the top.
  92. >"Your mother called; she said she's driving a co-worker to the airport so we should just start dinner without her."
  93. That was a small relief. Dash would only have to face one potentially angry parent this afternoon, not both. She took a deep breath and fished Principal Celestia's letter out of her back-pack. Less than arm's length away was the stove Dash wished she could set the awful paper on fire and burn it to cinders. That wouldn't solve anything though...if Ms. Celestia didn't get her letter back, signed, by tomorrow, there would be a phone call, and a phone call was worse.
  94. >"Maybe" Rainbow thought, "I could sign his signature myself."
  95. That was too risky a plan though. Her friend Applejack had tried that once in Middle School and gotten busted big-time. She got herself a month of detention and a painful dose of the belt from her granny. Rainbow Dash shuddered when she thought of that and put the idea out of her mind.
  97. She swallowed the last of her orange juice and washed the glass.
  98. >"Okay, Dashie...gotta do this...let's go."
  99. Her self directed pep talk did not help much, it was mostly drowned out by the beating of her heart. Barely lifting her feet, socks sliding across the wood floor, Dash made her way to Dad's home-office. She peeked inside; he was still tapping away on his computer. Most of his drafting work was done in AutoCAD now, but Rainbow's father still had a big, inclined drawing table covered in rulers, t-squares & protractors.
  100. >"Err...Dad?"
  101. He hit the save key, paused the tunes and turned to his daughter. Dash loved that he always stopped working when she wanted to talk.
  102. >"What's up, kiddo?"
  103. She twisted the envelope nervously in her hands. It was already wrinkled and smudged with her palm sweat.
  104. >"I sorta have this note from the big deal, but you gotta sign it."
  105. Rainbow's father looked at her gravely; not angry yet, just serious. He sighed and held his hand out.
  106. >"Let me have a look at it..."
  108. The emotional roller coaster reached its peak as the paper slipped out of Rainbow Dash's trembling hand. Now it just seemed to hang there in empty space while her father read every damning line.
  109. >"It's r-really just a formality. The grading p-period isn't over yet and..."
  110. Dad put up his hand, signaling her to stop until he was finished reading. At last he folded the note and turned to his nervous daughter.
  111. >"This isn't very good, is it, Dashie?"
  113. She had expected her father to be displeased, but hearing those words crushed Dash, bringing her right to the edge of tears. He was the center of her universe, the person she loved most in all existence and having him disappointed with her felt like all the happiness in her world was being sucked away.
  114. >"What's worst, it means you've been lying to me."
  115. With that the roller-coaster crested over the top and plunged into perilous uncertainty below.
  116. >"What!? N-no! Lying about w-what!?"
  117. Getting poor grades was bad enough.
  118. Not doing homework was worse.
  119. But lying was a severe crime in Rainbow Dash's she had not expected to answer for today, even in the worst-case scenarios she'd played out in her head.
  120. >"I ask you every day, 'How are you doing in school?' and 'Is all your homework done? Do you need any help?' and every day you tell me 'It's fine Dad.' Well, I guess it's not fine, is it young lady?"
  121. It was all true...Dad did ask her those questions every day, and Dash gave that same answer. She'd never suspected those words would come back to haunt her. This was WORSE than the worst-case scenario she'd imagined.
  123. >"But Dad, it's not r-really lying, it's more like..."
  124. Rainbow Dash knew she didn't have a chance of talking her way out of trouble, this situation had spiraled out of control and she was barely clinging to the hope that it would not end with a sore butt.
  125. >"It is exactly like lying, Dash. Why do you think I ask you that every day? Do you think I'm just trying to annoy you? If you'd have been honest and told the truth about how things were going your mother and I could have helped before it got bad."
  126. He waved the folded letter in front of her.
  127. >"Before I have to find out from your Principal."
  128. Dash stood there, knees knocking, toes turned in, wringing her hands in dismay. She felt like there was nothing she could say to make this better, but she had to try;
  129. >"I'm real sorry about that, Dad."
  131. Her father leaned back in his seat, running his fingers through his rainbow colored hair, which Dash had inherited.
  132. >"Well, at least there's that, but you know you aren't getting off the hook for this, right?"
  133. At least Rainbow would not have to wait long.
  134. >"Dashie, you know I don't like punishing you, but you haven't left me a lot of choice."
  135. She sniffled, and the first tear rolled down her cheek. All she could do was nod.
  136. >"Alright...come over here."
  138. So it was going to be a spanking as Dash had feared. She was a big girl, a teenager and High School sophomore, but the thought of being turned over daddy's knee and having her backside set on fire made her beg like a little girl.
  139. >"Dad, please don't...I'll get my grades up, I won't m-miss another homework assignment, I promise!"
  140. Her father shook his head and patted his knee.
  141. >"Right now, Dash. Don't make me ask again."
  142. With a resigned whimper she forced herself to approach him, shuffling along in her socks with little half-steps. When she was close enough Dad took her by the wrist and drew his reluctant daughter the rest of the way.
  144. >"Dad, pleeeeeaaaassseeeee..." she whined as he pulled her magenta skirt up.
  145. It made no difference. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and peeled them down, leaving the spandex inside out around her thighs. All Rainbow Dash could do was clench her eyes shut and bite her lip, wishing she was anywhere but here right now.
  147. With practiced ease dad bent his whimpering girl over his right knee, easily countering the feeble resistance she offered. His left leg crossed over hers, locking them down to prevent kicking.
  148. >"I'm very sorry we have to do this, honey," he said softly, "but you know lying is something your mother and I absolutely do not tolerate. You could have avoided all this if you'd just told the truth and asked for some help...we'd be happy to provide it."
  149. Of course, in this position, rear-end in the air, protected by only one layer of thin cotton, that seemed obvious to Rainbow Dash.
  150. >"Why didn't I just do that when I had the chance?" her mind scolded her "Swallowing my pride would have been a whole lot less painful than this is going to be!"
  151. Wallowing deep in self pity, Dash was slow to realize what her father was doing next. His hands already had a firm grasp on her underpants when she cried out;
  152. >"Noo! Please not bare! Let me keep my undies on...they're thin, it'll still hurt enough!"
  153. She frantically reached back and grasped the waistband in a desperate effort to preserve her last layer of covering...but it was hopeless.
  154. >"Dashie, stop it right now!" her father snapped, "Have I ever allowed you to keep your panties on when I've had to spank you for lying before? No, and it isn't going to happen now."
  155. Rainbow Dash was a strong girl but no match for a grown man. Her dad easily moved her hands forward then put his left arm around her torso to prevent further disruptions. Try as she might, Dash could not reach her own butt in this position.
  157. Left with only one hand, Dad had to struggle a bit to get his girl's underwear down, but eventually they joined her Lycra shorts, hanging inside-out around her thighs to expose her trembling bare bottom.
  158. Already sobbing in dismay, Dash was horrified to look up and see her father reach over to his desk. In her awkward position she could only see it out of the corner of her eye, but a glimpse was enough to make her shudder with fear. Dad had selected his drafter's straight edge...a wicked looking 24 inch wooden ruler made of heavy wood and painted with clear shellac. It looked like pure, stinging agony.
  160. >"Rainbow Dash, I'm very sorry I have to do this. You had lots of chances to avoid it, but you did the wrong thing and didn't take advantage. I know you don't want this spanking but by passing up those opportunities you put yourself on a path that made this inevitable. Do you understand?"
  161. Dash understood. She knew it was her own stupid fault she was in this predicament, but she'd have done anything to escape it right now.
  162. >"I understand Dad! I promise I won't screw around in school again, I promise! Please don't spank me, give me another chance, PLEASE!"
  163. Her begging was not effective.
  164. >"You will have another chance, Dashie, but only after you've paid the price for squandering the MANY chances you had before. We're going to make some changes to make sure you don't wind up in this position again, we'll discuss that after we're done but first there's gonna be some tears. I'm sorry about this, Dash...I love you."
  166. In spite of all this Rainbow Dash loved her father too, more than anything in the world, but before she could open her mouth to say it a stripe of pure, stinging pain ripped its way across her rear-end. It had begun without warning. Dash gasped, then howled in shock as the next three spanks fell in quick succession.
  168. The long ruler was not heavy or wide, but it was fast, having almost no air resistance to slow its swing. It was also stiff as a piece of wood double its thickness, all of which contributed to an unbelievably painful sting across a very small strip of the bawling teenager's posterior.
  169. In school, or anywhere else Rainbow Dash might have grit her teeth and tried to endure her spanking without crying out loud, but here, with only her Daddy as witness there was no reason to hold back. She squealed at the top of her lungs, letting countless tears splash down on the wood floor below, hoping desperately that a convincing display of her anguish would help Dad decide she'd had enough just a few spanks sooner.
  170. >"WhhhaaAAAAHHHHH! Owww! It HURTS, Daddy please no more! OWWWW!"
  172. Pinned down like this Dash could only move a few inches in any direction, but she struggled anyway, and actually made things worse for herself. Her father was trying to keep careful aim with every smack, but against a moving target he was doing poorly. More than once Dash jerked her butt the wrong way at the wrong instant and ended up getting a wickedly painful spank on the back of her bare thighs.
  173. >"Aiiiieeeeee! Ow! Ow! Ow! Dad please, I'M SORRY! Whhhahhhh!"
  175. It hurt Rainbow's father deeply to see his little girl in so much pain, but he knew that a lesson well taught could prevent more serious misfortune in the future. Despite her aversion to all things intellectual Dash was not a dumb girl. He knew she could achieve better if she'd just put in a fraction of the effort she put into sports. It was partially his own fault; he should have known better than to take 'It's fine Dad' at face value for so long. That was why she was only getting punished with a ruler and not something more serious.
  177. In Dashie's opinion the ruler hurt plenty. Lacking weight it did not build up a deep burning pain like a paddle or hairbrush, but its speed more than made up for that, applying a vicious sting every time.
  178. >"OOWwwwwwWOOoooww! *sob* Daddy, please *hic* stop!"
  179. Dad was only using the last 10 inches of the stick, but that was enough to cross both cheeks of the athletic teen's narrow butt and leave a bright pink stripe. Enough of those stripes had landed on Rainbow's derrière that beginning to look pink all over. Dad knew it was time to wrap things up...these last smacks would be the worst.
  180. >"Dashie, you know what's expected of you..."
  181. *WHACK*
  182. >"...but you know you're not alone."
  183. *WHACK* *WHACK*
  184. >"We expect you to ask for help when school gets overwhelming..."
  185. *WHACK*
  186. >"...and absolutely NEVER..."
  187. *WHACK*
  188. >"...lie about it..."
  189. *WHACK*
  190. >"...again!"
  191. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  193. Rainbow's father brought these last spanks down with fearsome speed, flicking his wrist just before the ruler impacted her bottom for maximum effect. It worked; she screamed and drummed her feet against the wood floor. Pinning her legs down had been a wise idea; if she'd been able to kick Dash would certainly have broken a toe.
  194. That was the last of it though. As his daughter lay there sobbing across his knee the father inspected his work. That last salvo of spanks had left a few small purplish marks where the ruler's tip had struck...carefully distributed between both cheeks. Just enough to have her sleeping on her belly tonight and still be sore tomorrow morning. A good spanking shouldn't be forgotten too quickly.
  195. Lifting his left leg he released her, and Dash was soon on her feet, hopping around in random circles, frantically trying to rub the pain out of her fanny. The 'Dance of the Well Spanked Girl' had begun.
  197. >"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"
  198. Dad chuckled in spite of himself; all trace of teenaged modesty was completely cast aside as she tried to soothe the sting in her butt. Skirt bunched up around her waist, panties & shorts tangled around her knees, Dash was fully on display but she didn't care. Her father cast a glance out the window to ensure the neighbors didn't take a peek inside at the wrong time, but there was nothing to worry about. Dashie could take all the time she needed.
  200. In time the penitent teen regained her composure, wiping her eyes and nose, returning her breathing to normal. She'd suffered a laundry list of minor injuries during her sporting career but none of them could make her cry like a good spanking from Dad.
  201. >"Come here, let me get you fixed up."
  202. Dash's father reached down and pulled her panties back up, but when he reached for her spandex shorts she stopped him;
  203. >"Eek! No way...still too sore for those!"
  204. She shimmied out of them and kicked them off instead. Even the soft cotton underpants felt like sandpaper against her throbbing would be a while before she was ready for skin-tight spandex again.
  206. The next thing Rainbow Dash did was hug her father.
  207. >"I'm really sorry *sniff*, I wasn't just saying that to get out of being punished."
  208. >"I know Dashie" he cooed, rubbing her back, "and we're going to take some steps to make sure we don't have to do it again."
  209. Dash recoiled. She'd heard nightmare stories about 'maintenance spankings' but thought they were just a legend. Anything seemed possible now though.
  210. >"Your mother and I are going to check your homework every day, whether you like it or not. And you, young lady, are going to ask for help when you need it, right?"
  211. He bopped her nose with his finger to keep the mood light.
  212. >"Yes sir" Dash groaned, but she was smiling.
  214. Rainbow Dash got a good tongue lashing when her mother got home and found out, but at least she didn't suffer another butt lashing. Both parents signed the letter and re-sealed it in an envelope addressed to Ms. Celestia, tucking in a private note to the Principal that Dash wasn't allowed to read.
  216. True to his word, Rainbow's father did take a more aggressive approach to his daughter's schoolwork. Some days she complained about it, but a simple warning reminded her that this was how things were going to be from now on.
  217. >"Remember the ruler, Dashie. You don't want that again."
  218. She would blush at the unpleasant memory, but always got serious about her homework when she recalled the sting of it. Most of the time though, they were back to being a happy family.
  220. Back at school she took advantage of her friends' help longer simply copying their work but genuinely paying attention to the explanations they offered. Was this simply fear of punishment, or a sincere interest in doing better? A little of both. Dash liked having the Principal off her back...and liked keeping that ruler off her butt. For the rest of her years at Canterlot High, Rainbow Dash never came close to losing her academic sports eligibility again.
  222. THE END

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