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Dash's Decision by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:53:52
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:05:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Dash's Decision by DCFTEF
  2. (Mom / Rainbow)
  3. F/f, tawse, over couch, pajamas, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (22/10/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Her friends were so excited.
  11. Rainbow Dash wanted to share their excitement but there was a dark, heavy lump of worry sitting in her belly, dragging her down. The last few days had been incredible...meeting the new girl, Twilight Sparkle (and whupping her tail on the soccer pitch), reconciling with old friends, then that incredible song & dance routine in the cafeteria. She still couldn't understand how that happened...they'd never even rehearsed! Sunset Shimmer had tried to retaliate, and sabotage their plans to de-throne her at the Fall Formal dance, but once again the girls had pulled together to get the gymnasium cleaned up...and nearly the whole student body had come together to pitch in.
  12. Just when things couldn't get any more awesome, the new girl revealed that she was royalty from another world...a real, genuine, bona-fide Princess from a land where everyone was a talking pony! If any other girl had made such a wild claim Rainbow would have assumed she'd been smoking with the hippie kids...but Twilight had a talking dog to back her up...and you really can't argue with a talking dog. Everything was perfect; Sunset Shimmer was going down tonight, and it was gonna be the best night ever.
  14. Only one problem: Rainbow Dash was grounded and not allowed to go.
  15. >"Have ya picked out a dress yet, Dashie?" asked the ever-ebullient Pinkie Pie for what seemed like the hundredth time.
  16. Dash was already taking a big risk, heading to the dress shop after school...but neither of her parents would be home until 5pm so she had a window of opportunity.
  17. >"Eh, yeah, I'm sure I'll find something."
  18. Luckily Rarity drew all the attention to herself by arriving with a small chest of jewelery & baubles. As Rainbow watched her friends freak out and pick their favorites she made a decision. Tonight was too important to miss. In spite of the consequences she would have to sneak out.
  20. The night of the Fall Formal had been unbelievable; beyond anything Dash could have imagined. Twilight Sparkle had been voted Princess, just as she and her friends had hoped...but then Sunset Shimmer revealed herself as an actual demon! Just when things looked the worst Twilight imbued her friends with some kind of weird magical power and they won out. Rainbow was even able to fly for a while!
  22. Everything began to fade after Twilight left. The adults were the first to forget what had happened, and soon most of the student body had no memory of what had trashed a large part of the school and blown a huge crater in the lawn. By the end of the night only Dash, her friends and Sunset Shimmer remembered. She hoped she wouldn't lose the memory too, but maybe she would. What she could never forget was how she and her friends had worked together.
  24. That was all behind her now.
  25. What lay ahead wasn't going to be any fun at all. Dash had known what would happen the minute she decided to blow off being grounded and sneak seemed a worthwhile sacrifice at the time. Now, with all the fun & adventure in the past and only the painful consequences to look forward to she was having second thoughts. It had been future Dash's problem. Now she was future Dash.
  27. Without explaining anything to them Rainbow had made her friends drop her off around the corner rather than right in front of her house.
  28. >"Are you sure?" asked Rarity, "It's no trouble."
  29. >"Yeah" pointed out Applejack, "We got this fancy jalopy rented 'till eleven o'clock."
  30. But Rainbow Dash brushed them off.
  31. >"Nah, I'd feel weird showing up in front of my house in a limo. I'd rather walk."
  32. They seemed to accept that; one less thing to worry about.
  34. Once they had driven off Dash looked up the street at her house. The living room lights were still on. Her parents were waiting for her. She took a deep breath and walked those last few nervous steps toward the front door.
  36. The teen froze just as she put her hand on the door knob. She considered herself a pretty tough & brave girl, but facing her parents tonight had Dash's knees knocking. There was only one way tonight was going to end; with her bent over crying her eyes out. She'd already been grounded...the next step on her parents' ladder of punishments was a spanking. The only question was how bad it would be.
  37. >"It isn't fair!" Dash cursed her bad luck.
  38. She gave an angry whimper for her own benefit, and stamped her boot on the porch (softly). Caught between her friends' needs and parental orders Rainbow felt like there was no choice she could have made to avoid disaster. It seemed to be her destiny to be spanked tonight.
  40. Finally Dash mustered the courage to turn the door knob. As she expected both parents were waiting for her in the living room. They did not look happy.
  41. >"Hi" Rainbow muttered sadly.
  42. She did not get such a polite greeting in return.
  43. >"Just where have you been, young lady?" snapped her mother.
  44. Since she was wearing a new party dress Dash felt that was fairly obvious, but this was not the right time to act smart.
  45. >"I know I was supposed to be grounded...but I'd promised my friends I'd be at the school dance with them. I'm sorry."
  46. Her father said nothing, but Mom crossed her arms and snapped;
  47. >"Not as sorry as you're going to be."
  48. Keeping her head hung low to show proper contrition, Rainbow Dash asked;
  49. >"Can I at least get out of my party dress?"
  50. Mom was silent for a few moments, but finally replied;
  51. >"Make it quick."
  53. Grateful for a temporary stay of execution, Dash scampered up the stairs to her bedroom. Not wanting to keep two angry parents waiting she squeezed out of the dress and hung it up in her closet without delay. Normally Rainbow liked to sleep in an oversized T-shirt and panties, but tonight she felt like an extra layer of protection.
  54. >"Odds are I'm probably gonna lose it anyway" Dash lamented.
  55. Still, she picked out a set of sky blue pajamas, decorated with a clouds & a rainbow lightning-bolt pattern she was fond of. Before pulling the bottoms on she swapped for a fresh set of panties. This was going to be embarrassing enough, and if her parents were going to see her undies she didn't want them all sweaty from dancing all night.
  57. Rainbow looked at herself in the mirror. In those big, loose pajamas she looked and felt like a little kid...not the teenager she was.
  58. >"A little kid about to get her behind spanked" Dash groaned.
  59. It was a miserable feeling.
  60. As the only daughter of the house Rainbow Dash was often treated as an adult and an equal. She liked this...when her small family felt like a team that worked and had fun together. Not tonight though; Dashie had broken the rules not once but twice and was sure to get a painful reminder of her status at the bottom of the totem pole.
  62. >"Rainbow! What's taking so long?" yelled her mother. "You better not be hiding!"
  63. That was not an idle threat. Once, when she was younger, Rainbow Dash had locked herself in the closet to avoid a spanking...and earned a much more serious spanking for her efforts.
  64. >"I'm coming!"
  65. Dash took a few seconds to pull on some socks...the kind with tacky non-slip material on the soles...and hurried down the stairs.
  67. Dashie's punishment did not begin immediately, her parents intended to make her squirm under an uncomfortable lecture first.
  68. >"Rainbow, your Mother & I are very disappointed in you. Did you think we weren't serious when we told you that you were grounded? Did you think it was something you could casually blow off?"
  69. Sitting in an arm-chair, shoulders slumped, head hung low, Dash gave the safest answer she could think of;
  70. >"No Sir."
  71. It was not good enough.
  72. >"That's not much of an explanation, young lady."
  73. So Dash just tried to explain the truth...leaving out the unbelievable bits. Maybe she could earn just a little sympathy.
  74. >"It's just that my friends needed my help! They were counting on me...and I didn't know how to tell them I couldn't be there. I know it all seems silly, that it can't possibly be important, but you have to believe me. It WAS important and I had to be there. I knew I'd get in trouble but I was caught between my friends and you. I just didn't know what to do."
  75. Her parents were silent for a few moments, long enough that Dash began to hope she might have earned a reprieve. Finally her mother asked;
  76. >"Then why didn't you talk to us about it?"
  77. >"Huh?" replied the surprised teenager.
  78. >"If your school dance was that important then why didn't you tell us?" Dad asked, "We might have worked something out. A night of furlough in exchange for extra chores or something."
  80. Dash's head popped up at the suggestion. It seemed too good to be true...was there a way out of this predicament? Could she escape the spanking she'd accepted as inevitable?
  81. >"Can we still work out a deal? Please?"
  82. >"No" muttered her mother conclusively, "this is a situation where asking permission would have been better than asking forgiveness."
  83. And with that Dashie's only hope of pardon evaporated away.
  85. >"It's late" Mom continued, "we'll have plenty of time to talk about this tomorrow. Rainbow Dash, we don't expect you to be perfect. You made a mistake and we tried to discipline you in a manner appropriate for a young lady. But you defied that punishment, you skipped out on your grounding so now you've earned a punishment fit for a child. I think you know what's coming, missy."
  86. Dash sniffled, and wiped away a single tear.
  87. >"Yes ma'am."
  88. >"Fine. Come over here. I'll be giving you your spanking."
  89. She gulped hard. Dash had wondered which parent was going to be doing the spanking tonight. There was no good choice...she feared both equally, but now that her mother was confirmed as the disciplinarian it filled her with a sense of terminal dread. Her stomach turned somersaults as she watched Mom extract a leather strap from between the couch cushions. Rainbow desperately wanted to put on a brave face but she lost her nerve the instant she laid eyes on that terrible implement.
  90. >"Mom...please...I'm sorry, I really am! Not that, please!"
  91. Instead of coming over as she'd been ordered, Dash shrank deeper into the safety of her chair. She shot a desperate glance toward her more easy-going father, but he answered her with a stern & sad look. She would get no rescue from him tonight.
  92. >"" her mother growled.
  93. It took great personal effort, but Rainbow managed to stand up slowly, clutching the waistband of her pajamas out of desperate desire to keep them pulled up, covering her butt. She shuffled over to her mother with short steps...maintaining just enough forward movement that she couldn't be accused of stalling.
  95. Rainbow Dash was already almost as tall as her mother, so she was too big to go over her lap. Instead, Mom patted the arm of the sofa. With a dry gulp Dash bent over it. Dad was right there to grasp her wrists, pulling his girl forward so that her feet could not touch the floor.
  96. >"Be brave, Dashie, and think about what you can do to make sure this never happens again."
  97. Rainbow Dash didn't even want it to happen this time. Tears were already beginning to run down her cheeks as the awful hour of her doom approached.
  98. >"Dad...Mom...please! I'm sorry! Please don't do this. You can ground me for another two weeks...a month! I swear I won't sneak out again. I've learned my lesson, I really have! Please don't spank me, please!"
  99. Mom was not impressed.
  100. >"Dash, you're almost 16. You're too old for this."
  101. The trembling girl stopped her sobbing & looked up in surprise. Was this a last minute reprieve?
  102. >"Umm...yeah. That sounds good to me" she replied.
  103. Sadly, that was not what her mother meant.
  104. >"This shouldn't be necessary at your age, young lady. You're old enough to follow the rules, but you didn't. So we end up treating you like a little child. Do you enjoy that, Rainbow?"
  105. >"No" the teenager whimpered.
  106. Her mother sighed.
  107. >"Well, you're not going to enjoy this either."
  109. Rainbow Dash felt her mother's hands grasp the elastic waist-band of her pajama pants and in short order they were around her knees. She stayed silent for that but could not help a self-pitying whimper when Mom yanked down her panties, leaving them inside out around her lower thighs.
  110. >"Lucky thing I changed them" Dash thought.
  111. Exposed, Rainbow held her breath, knowing the first awful smack was coming but she was still unprepared for the burning sting of that leather strap. She wanted to take this without a sound, and prove to her parents that she was indeed too old to be spanked, but as the pain shot up her spine and hit her brain Rainbow cried out loud.
  113. She hadn't even made it past the first spank and it was only beginning. Dash twisted and cried as Mom went to work on her skinny butt. Being an athletic girl Rainbow did not provide her mother with a large target to distribute her blows across, so it did not take long before her rear was glowing pink from top to bottom.
  114. >"Whhhhaaaahhh...Moooooommmmm, please stop, it hurts!"
  115. If anything Mom laid into her harder, slashing at Dash's bare bottom with no intention of mercy. Her suffering teenager desperately kicked her legs so she moved her right leg to block them, preventing their swing. That just transferred Rainbow's frantic energy to her upper body, where she twisted and tried to pull forward, out of the strap's range. Dad was there to put a halt to that though, effectively pinning her wrists and forearms down to the couch cushions.
  116. >"Try to stay still, Dashie, this will be over soon" he re-assured her.
  117. >"Not likely" muttered his wife.
  118. But their bawling daughter heard neither of them. She was focused entirely on the scorching pain in her bottom and how it only got worse with every spank no matter how desperately Dash wished for relief.
  120. Arms and legs restrained, butt high in the air, Rainbow could not have been more vulnerable. She was utterly helpless as her mother continued to work on the red & pink masterpiece that was her rear-end. Dash coughed, hiccuped and cried like a toddler...there was nothing else she could do, no promise she could make, no struggle she could offer up, no apology that would earn her the mercy she screamed out for.
  122. Mom was not completely without pity. She hit fast but not excessively hard, careful not to bruise. The strap was a Scottish tawse; short but wide and heavy enough to knock a grown man senseless if you caught him in the face. On a young girl's sensitive bottom it required a degree of careful handling...this weapon could easily turn Rainbow Dash's fanny into a welted purple mess if not wielded with cautious discretion.
  124. That was little comfort to Dash, who felt like she was having a flame thrower applied to her posterior.
  125. >"WWHHHhhhhhhaaaaaAAAAAHHHH, please stop, PLEASE NO MORE!"
  126. Her mother answered with a hard succession of smacks right across her tender 'sit-spots'.
  127. >"You decided to break the rules and violate your grounding, Rainbow," admonished Mom, "I will decide when your little bottom has been spanked enough."
  128. Rainbow Dash wailed and went limp, her whole body jumping in pain each time the awful tawse ripped across her skinny butt. Mom didn't have to choose which side to spank each time...the strap was long enough and Rainbow's backside was narrow enough to deliver a terrible sting to both cheeks with every single spank.
  129. Every.
  130. Single.
  131. One.
  133. The poor teen was a mess. Her nose was running, her eyes puffy...streaming tears like Windsome Falls. Her bright rainbow hair was matted to her forehead with sweat.
  134. >"I'm SORRY! BwwwwwwaaahhAAAHHH! I'M SORRY!"
  135. Rainbow's father looked up at his spouse. He said nothing, but his eyes carried a silent appeal; she's had enough.
  136. Mom was reaching the end too, but not without a grand finale that Dash would remember until she was old and gray.
  138. Rainbow's feet kicked back and forth as much as she could, her socked feet missing the floor by a few inches. She was not ready for her mother's last move, but when she felt it the girl spasmed violently and screamed.
  139. Mom laid a vicious smack right across the untouched territory on the back of her thighs.
  140. >"Dash, when we tell you you're grounded where should you be?"
  141. Gasping for air, cross-eyed from pain, Dash was unable to answer her in time. She got three more across the bare thighs in quick succession for her failure.
  142. >"AAAAAAAA!!! IN MY ROOM! I'm supposed to be in my room! WHHHAAAHHH!"
  143. No relief yet; Mom continued her assault on the tender skin below Dashie's buttocks.
  144. >"Who sets the rules in this house, young lady?"
  145. She delivered three more agonizing spanks, but this time allowed her daughter to catch her breath and answer.
  146. >"*hic* You and D-dad do...*sob*...please, please, PLEASE no more!"
  147. It was almost over, but Mom wasn't quite finished;
  148. >"And what's going to happen every time you try to defy those rules?"
  149. She punctuated that sentence with a single lash to the back of Dash's thighs.
  150. >"OoooOOWWWwwwwWOOoowww, I'm g-g-gonna get p-punished!"
  151. >"You're going to get spanked, Dashie."
  152. Mom finished up with 8 hard spanks to the flaming red base of her teenager's rump.
  153. >"WHHAAAAHHH, I'm gonna get s-spanked...PLEASE no more!"
  154. But she did not have anything to worry about; it was over. Dad released her wrists and as soon as they were free Rainbow's hands shot back to rub her burning bottom. Her mother set the strap down and helped her to her feet.
  155. >"We're not going to have another problem like this, are we Dashie?"
  156. Sniffling, with tears still running down her face, the girl shook her head frantically, as if giving the wrong answer would get her bent back over for more spanking.
  157. >"No ma'am! Never *sniff* again...I p-promise."
  159. After a few minutes of lecturing Rainbow's father led her upstairs. After tonight Dash had no desire to stay up late...she wanted to get into bed as soon as she could.
  160. >"You know, Dashie, this absolutely can't keep happening. When your mother & I tell you you're grounded we mean business."
  161. As if Rainbow Dash needed any more proof of that.
  162. >"I know Dad...I'm so won't ever happen again. I don't EVER want to get whipped like that again."
  163. He nodded and wiped a few stray hairs away from her face.
  164. >"That's good, but just so you're aware, if there's a next time it will be worse."
  165. Worse!? How could it be worse that the blistering she'd just gotten?
  166. >"It won't be just a spanking next time. Your mom and I considered taking you out of sports...but we decided a spanking would be less cruel. But next time..."
  167. >"No! Dad, please, you can't!"
  168. He was pleased with the impression this made on her.
  169. >"That's entirely up to you, Dashie, entirely up to you."
  170. With a kiss on the forehead he sent her off to bed.
  171. >"Have a good night, sweetie. Your grounding starts over again tomorrow from Day 1."
  173. It was nearly impossible to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Dash tossed and turned, but could not bear to lay on her back...her rear-end still hurt too badly. She must have dozed off at some point though, because she awoke with a start to see a dark figure sitting on the edge of her bed. Was it Dad again? No...lighter and smaller.
  174. >"Mom?"
  175. >"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
  176. When she was very little and earned herself a spanking Dash eagerly anticipated when Momma would come into the room to check on her, and re-assure her everything was alright. It was the last and undeniable sign that all was forgiven. They'd fallen out of the habit as Rainbow got older and earned less spankings but Dash was happy to see her mother long as she didn't have that strap with her.
  178. >"Mom, is something wrong?"
  179. She brushed a few hairs out of Dash's eyes.
  180. >"Nothing is wrong, dear. I just wanted to check on you."
  181. Wincing, Rainbow raised up out of the covers. Her butt still hurt way too much to lay on her back, so she propped herself up on her elbows.
  182. >"I'm really sorry about disobeying, you know that, right?"
  183. >"I know, Dashie. And I'm sorry it had to come to...well, tonight."
  184. For a few seconds both were silent, but at last Mom went on;
  185. >"I wish you'd come to talk to us about the dance. If it was really that important..."
  186. >"It really was important!"
  187. But Rainbow stopped. There was no way she could tell Mom what really happened. Demons, crowns, talking horses, flying; there was no way...
  188. Luckily, her mother continued;
  189. >"Then you should have come and talked to us about it. What do we always tell you, Dashie?"
  190. She was right. Rainbow felt dumb. Her parents were always reminding her "There's nothing you can't come and talk to us about." Remembering that might have saved her a blistered butt tonight.
  191. >"Sneaking out when you were grounded was bad, but what we're really worried about are the things you're going to deal with as you get older. When we tell you not to do something your father & I mean it. Tonight the consequences may have been low, but I hope when you're faced with big getting into a car with someone who's been drinking, or being alone with a'll remember our rules, and remember that we mean business."
  192. Dash nodded & rubbed her sore butt. Yeah, they'd meant business tonight.
  193. >"I will Mom, I promise."
  194. Her mother got up, then bent down low and kissed Rainbow on the forehead.
  195. >"Have a good night."
  197. Alone again, Dash sighed. She wished she could look out her window at the stars, but her butt still hurt too much to roll over.
  198. >"I wonder where Twilight is right now" she mused out loud.
  199. >"Betcha she doesn't have to deal with stuff like this in her pony world."
  201. THE END

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